PLEASE NOTE: The links to most of the following news stories will expire after a period of time,
but their headlines will remain listed for historical purposes.
The links in blue capital letters are permanent.
COUNTING BLESSINGS NUMBERS RISING "you're blessed in ways you may never know"
JFK's MURDER MOST FOUL "Revenge my foul & most unnatural murder" & EXEC ACTION JFK KILLERS REVEALED (commie on Hollywood Blacklist wrote screenplay) & JFK ASSASSINATED 61 YEARS AGO (November 22nd 1963-2024) & JFK O CAPTAIN! MY CAPTAIN! & HAPPY THANKSGIVING PILGRIMS 1620
listen HAPPY CHRISTMAS JOHN LENNON & listen LENNON'S LIFE IN OUR LIVES & JOHN WINSTON LENNON SMITH & THE DAY THE LENNON MUSIC DIED 44 Years Ago - December 8, 1980-2024 IT'S HOWDY COVID TIME & watch It's Howdy Doody Time! (It's flu & covid time...It's flu & covid time) & COVID MASK-VAX OF THE BEAST PHARMA-GOV'T EVIL DRUG SAFE-SUPPLY (gov't giving away hydromorphone dillies like candy) & IN AFGHAN FIELDS (the heroin poppies grow) & ORWELLIAN WAR BY DRUGS Elon Musk: "I'm dark MAGA" (AI-Musk is Tesla/X/SpaceX/Crypto) MMR = MONEY-MAKING-RACKET = AUTISM & watch HEAR THE SILENCE Autism Movie, YouTube & PHARMA PITCHES THALIDOMIDE FOR COVID & JFK DOC SAVED BABIES FROM THALIDOMIDE DALLAS DETECTIVE CRAIG DEDICATED TO JFK & watch The Roger Craig Story interview ("Today is the tomorrow I worried about yesterday") & JFK ASSASSINATION PUZZLE PIECES watch President Kennedy Takes an Ocean Swim, 1962 & REMEMBERING VAUGHN MEADER AS JFK (writer of JFK FIRST FAMILY comedy album dies) & watch Vaughn Meader as JFK press conference & JFK TRUTH & UNTRUTH Birthplace ORWELL STATUE IN MOTIHARI Vandalized & POONA & MOTIHARI ORWELL MEMORIES & VISITING BISHOP OF MAURITIUS'S CHURCH & SPAINS HALL 2001 VISIT REMINISCENCE & SPAINS & HAZELLS HALLS 2004 VISITS Life of John A Macdonald is History of Canada & Macdonald stained glass window a mystery & CANADA BORN 157 YEARS AGO & Indian savages decapitate Canada head of state & Indians pervert history of North America, July 1, 1867-2024 & No graves at res schools/Colonizers didn't steal land & I WON'T ACCEPT INDIAN BLAME & CHINESE TAKING MACDONALD'S CANADA DAVE HOOK RANTS I'M CANADIAN & Molson 1994 beer ad plagiarized Hook's 1993 original & DAVE HOOK MOON HOAX LYRICS & watch THE MOON SONG listen & REMEMBER DAVE HOOK MOON SONG & WE NEVER WENT TO THE MOON & watch Apollo 11 Journey to Moon in theory & 55 years ago NASA faked 1969 moon landing & JULY 16 A SIGNIFICANT DATE & JULY 16 DARK DAY EVENTS HAPPY BIRTHDAY 121 GEORGE ORWELL , June 25, 1903-2024 & watch George Orwell's Literature listen ORWELL-COLLEY-JURA & MR JONES & ORWELL'S ANIMAL FARM ORWELL'S CRYPTO-COMMIE LIST & CORPORATE COMMUNIST CONSPIRACY IN 1984 & SOLZHENITSYN'S WARNING TO AMERICA ORWELL'S EILEEN'S JULIA IN 1984 (her effect on Orwell's work was profound) & ME-TOO JULIA SAY ORWELL MISOGYNIST & BOOK WIFEDOM ORWELLIAN PROLEFEED & ORWELL COMIC JOYS SUCH SUCH CANNABIS TRUTH-HOPE-CHANGE DEVOTEE DIES (tireless advocate for THC harm reduction from opioids). Canada Press, June 19, 2024 . Go to ORWELLIAN WAR BY DRUGS 13.BIG HORN CAVALRY DIDN'T COME, May 10, 2024 12.CUSTER BIG HORN VICTORY ABORTED (aborted mission stopped beating hearts) & Abortion law timeline 1850 to today. Go to JFK'S JUDGE WAS PRO-LIFE & WHERE HAVE ALL OUR CHILDREN GONE? MEMORABLE JFK SOLOMON SWIMS (exact site where JFK met native rescuers) ORWELL-COLLEY-JURA & MR JONES (Gareth was Mr Jones in Animal Farm). Go to ORWELL'S ANIMAL FARM & SOLZHENITSYN'S WARNING TO AMERICA Angry Farmers Stirring Revolt (it's war between Greens & farmers). Go to LENIN BEHIND ENVIRONMENTALISM & ENVIRONMENTALISM is ANIMALISM is COMMUNISM Coal for Canucks bad; good for Commie Chinks (Canada-USA C02 coal fuels enemy China power). Go to DEFENDING CO2-OIL-GAS & COAL Carbon "axe-the-tax" protests across Canada & April Fuel Carbon Tax is Mark of The Beast (carbon has 6 electrons-6 neutrons-6 protons). April Fools Day, 2024. Go to CO2 LIE BOOT ON LIFE'S FACE & watch CO2 TAX PROTEST SONG BRAIN-EATING COVID ZOMBIE VAX (CDC centers for controlling diseases) & Preparedness 101: Zombie Pandemic
ORWELL'S EILEEN JULIA IN 1984 (her effect on Orwell's work was profound). Go to 1984 ORWELL'S DANTE INFERNO
1984 PAST, PRESENT & FUTURE(Gulliver's Travels a template plotting parallel 1984 course). Go to GULLIVER'S ORWELLIAN TRAVEL TRUTHS
Orwell died 74 years ago on January 21, 1950 "The radios were striking thirteen" & ORWELL'S GRAVE & PRINCESS DI'S GRAVE (rose petals from Orwell grave surround Diana grave) & ORWELL FIRST SAINT OF OUR AGE
watch 1984 MOVIE 1956 VERSION listen (true to the book - Orwell would be pleased). Go to 30.Love Instinct/Family & 31.Love Nest & 34.Ministry of Love (Torture) & 44.Room 101. Go to SLEEPING IN ROOM 101 & WHAT IS A CONSPIRACY THEORY?
OUT WITH OLD 2023 & IN WITH NEW 2024 Cost of Living Crisis: "Good luck, kid". Go to9.Keeping Masses Down & 11.Ministry of Plenty (Starvation) & 15.Life in Oceania & 21.Crimestop
Ill, or well, wishing all the best in 2024 & MERRY CHRISTMAS 2023 ~ Jackie Jura
watch A HARD DAY'S NIGHT movie & BEATLES A HARD DAY'S NIGHT ROCK MUSICAL (my Christmas gift to self) & JOHN WINSTON LENNON SMITH & THE DAY THE LENNON MUSIC DIED (43 years ago on December 8, 1980-2023) (roll over Beethoven, tell Tchaikovsky the news)
ORWELL ARCH-ENEMY OF MARX & CORPORATE COMMUNIST CONSPIRACY IN 1984 & JFK OPPOSED COMMUNIST CONSPIRACY & 60 years ago The World Stood Still (Truth, Freedom, Peace & Prosperity died with JFK) November 22, 1963-2023
You are the carbon they want to reduce (So dumb u eat bugs to save planet from cow farts) & Wake up sheep! It's all been a lie!. Go to COVID MASK-VAX OF THE BEAST & BIBLE FRIENDS AT ARMAGEDDON, November 2023. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation & 12.Ministry of Peace (War) & 5.Big Brother Pyramidal New World Order
TIMPONE-JURA ON TRUTH-TALK RADIO (Patrick went back into arms of our creator). November 1946 - October 2023 & listen Defending Role of Carbon on Earth & CO2 SCAM PICS SAY THOUSAND WORDS
CAROLINE & JACK THANK JFK RESCUERS watch JFK daughter-grandson swim Solomon swim (incredibly emotional experience) & watch Caroline re-lives JFK survival in Solomons & watch PT-109 SONG listen, Solomon Islands, August 1943-2023
Custer died & Orwell born on June 25th (147 & 120 years ago respectively) & Custer's mangled remains consigned to mother earth (1876 & 1903 to 2023) & I WON'T ACCEPT INDIAN BLAME
To keep them in control was not difficult (football/beer/gambling filled horizon of minds). March 2023. Go to 23.The Proles & 24.The Lottery & 25.Prolefeed
watch Brave New World dark side of pleasure listen (tech/drugs/porn/propaganda/mind manipulation) & LGBTQ Pink Shirt & POC Orange Shirt Pride Day (combat homo/trans-phobia/bullying/discrimination) & (x-rated images of male prosthetic genitalia) & (Artist portrays Canada PM consensual anal fisting) & How was school? & What are kids really learning in school? (keep mouth shut & take it up the butt) & (Drag Queens admit grooming kids to sexualize), News, February 2023 & BLM-POC-LGBTQ EVIL COMINTERN ORGAN & SEX WITH CHILDREN IN BRAVE NEW WORLD & 30.Love Instinct & Family
ALL THE BEST TO ALL IN 2023 (peruse at leisure; updates will resume intermittently)~ Jackie Jura
2023 can't be crazier than last couple years (2021 + 2022 + 2023 = 666)
You've had a bit too much to think (don't speak out or question) & I THINK THEREFORE I AM & TWITTER IS ORWELLIAN NEWSPEAK
EAT FROM ORWELL'S TREE OF KNOWLEDGE (eyes will be opened to see good & evil & it's food for thought)
SUPPLICANT NIXON IN CHINA (China's Xi in NiXon; Machiavellian Kissinger delivered USA to communists), December 22, 2022. Go to KISSINGER NUMBER 666 & ZIONISM IN AMERICA & JFK ON COMMIE CONQUEST OF CHINA
Communism biggest threat America has ever faced (Forrestal/McCarthy/JFK fought commie infiltration, all three died under mysterious sinister circumstances) & MCCARTHY-JFK-BOBBY SAVED POWS
59 years ago JFK shot to death in motorcade (sniper hid behind trees above grassy knoll). November 22, 1963-2022. Go to JFK ASSASSINATION PUZZLE PIECES
Frazier drove Oswald to work day JFK assassinated (never believed his friend LHO killed the president). 11-22--22 & listen Buell Frazier Steering Truth interview & watch Talk with LHO friend Frazier TSBD Dallas
Somebody threw firebomb: THC van up in flames & COPS ARREST WEED NOT HARD-DRUG PUSHERS (gov't doling meth-heroin-cocaine with cops present). News, November 11-16, 2022
HARD-DRUG HARM-SITES DANTE INFERNO (social justice do-gooders doin more harm than good). True North, November 8, 2022
ORWELL'S DOPPELGANGER TYPEWRITER (typed 1984 on Remington portable) & ORWELL WROTE 1984 IN PEN TOO. Email, Nov 8, 2022
ORWELL'S HOME GUARD DAD'S ARMY ("a quasi-revolutionary People's Army"), Email, Sept 13, 2022
RED CHINA INVADING JFK'S SOLOMONS (China leasing strategic island of Tulagi). July 31, 2022
PM Trudeau apologises to black soldiers in white man's WW1 & Canada enact new law against racist free speech hate crime & BLM protester PM wants big penalties for freedom protesters. News, July 10, 2022. Go to WHITE LIVES DON'T MATTER & 22.Doublethink & 20.Thought Police
Canada Capitol city a militarized no-go-zone on 155th birthday (prevent anti-vax/anti-gov't protests like freedom trucker convoy) & Britain handed Hong Kong colony to Commie China 25 years ago & Hong Kong police arrest kid's book author crackdown on dissent (depicting sheep battling wolves a seditious hate-crime). News, July 1, 2022. Go to 7.Systems of Thought
ORWELLIAN TRUCKER CONVOY TRUDEAU-MANIA support across nation/world for Freedom Convoy),>News, June 23, 2022
MILLIONS CANADIANS CONSPIRACY THEORISTS (believe lives controlled by plots hatched in secret places). News, June 14, 2022
The Trudeau parody topping Amazon bestselling list watch How the Prime Minister Stole Freedom. NationalPost/YouTube, June 8, 2022 & watch CANADIAN FREEDOM CONVOY 2022 MUSIC VIDEO (PM say small fringe minority expressing unacceptable views) & watch CANADIAN CONVOY C02 TAX PROTEST SONG 2020
ORWELL FAN JURA ON JEFFRIES RADIO listen Donald Jeffries & Jackie Jura interview, Radio/Listener, May 20, 2022 & MAKE 1984 FICTION AGAIN
1989 China Tiananmen Square Massacre 33-years-ago (PM Trudeaus visit Tiananmen Square in 1990) & Trudeau Tiananmen Square-like on COVID protesters (gov't invoke emergency act by trucker f*cker Trudeau). News, Feb-June 2022 & Spy agency destroyed secret file on Pierre Trudeau & CANADA'S RED TRUDEAUS
ORWELL, WILLOW DISHES & SHROPSHIRE (two birds flying high, a little ship sailing by). Email, June 2022
REMEMBER RWANDA GENOCIDE 28 YEARS AGO April marks 28 years since gory scenes in Rwanda, Email/AfricaNews, April 7, 1994-2022
GEORGE ORWELL DIED 72 YEARS AGO Visiting Orwell's Hospital & Grave, January 21, 1950-2022
Twitter/Facebook/Linkedin/Zoom silence China's critics & RED CHINA TERRORIZES KIWI PATRIOT (NZ gov't not protecting people/democratic freedoms) & Oz cops ban Where is Peng Shuai shirts & signs (tennis star raped/disappeared by China gov't official) & WIZARDS OF OZ EXPEL DJOKOVIC NOT CHINA (kick athlete out to keep Australia safe) & MVP vax-refuser Rodgers recommends reading 1984 & watch AR12 defends inalienable right to body autonomy (vax-refusers tortured-banished-burned at stake) & TENNIS DJOKOVIC & CHESS FISCHER CHAMPS Novak inspiration to health freedom advocates around world. RFKjr Defender, Jan 12, 2022. Go to BOBBY FISCHER'S ORWELLIAN ENDGAME & 2.Big Brother & 35.Big Brother's Brotherhood
Serious issues with chemicals in at-home COVID tests & watch Carcinogenic EO in swab up nose & mask on face & watch How to use deadly NaN3 self-test COVID kit. News/YouTube, Jan 10, 2022. Go to SELF-SUFFOCATING SPIT-MASKS TORTURE
Venture Bravely Into Unknown 2022 & Enjoy Christmas 2021
listen COVID MASK & VAX OF THE BEAST interview
RIGHT OF FREE PEOPLE NOT TO BARE ARMS (shall not be infringed)
Communist WHO head pushing OMICRON vax & DELTA OMICRON = MEDIA CONTROL & OMICRON IS MORONIC & COVID booster jab OMICRON advised for morons. News, Dec 6, 2021 (telescreens bruised your ears with statistics). Go to 28.Reality Control & 11.Ministry of Plenty
COVID INJECTS GMO TRACKING DEVICE & Genetically Engineered COVID Vaccine Being Made & COVID-19 AGENDA CERTIFICATE OF VAX ID BY AI. Scientific American, Dec 3, 2021. See COVID MASK/VAX OF THE BEAST & 14.Scientific Experimentation
watch RFKjr EXPOSE GATES-FAUCI-GOV'T-WHO COLLUSION (elites feeding on corpses of obliterated middle class) & RFKjr say COVID coup d'etat against democracy. Carlson Interview, Bitchute, Nov 24, 2021 ("Did we flatten the curve?") & 9.Keeping Masses Down
JFK ASSASSINATED 58 YEARS AGO (Truth-Freedom-Peace-Prosperity Died with JFK), November 22nd, 1963 - 2021 & listen JFK OPPOSED COMMUNIST CONSPIRACY (see Marx Communist Manifesto & Mao Little Red Book) & watch JFK SAY USA WON'T TRADE WITH RED CHINA & LIFE MAG AN F IN LIE ON JFK & 16.Ministry of Truth & 25.Prolefeed
How dare you not wear a mask! (You could infect vaccinated people!!)
DUCKSPEAKING COVID-VAX DOUBLETHINK (collectivized insanity makes me feel like "lone lunatic"). Email, Oct 5, 2021. Go to 22.Doublethink
watch JUST SAY NO TO THE CLOT SHOT Hoffe & Science shows COVID vaccines cause blood clots & Doc Hoffe under investigation by College of Physicians (promoting vaccine hesitancy by warning of vax clots) & Justice Centre defends Doc Hoffe free speech. News, Oct 2021. Go to 20.Thought Police & Snitches
SELF-SUFFOCATING SPIT-MASKS TORTURE (oxyge-deficient germ-generating atmosphere). Labour Day, Sep 6, 2021. & watch Toddler tortured at daycare refusing wear mask & Kids being experimented on like lab rats & watch TRUTH ABOUT MASKS & USA swimming star chose not to wear mask
WHO'S (WORLD HEALTH ORG) ON FIRST, September 2021. Go to 22.Doublethink
GOD DAMN COVID PUSHER MAN (run for your life from the pusher man) & watch Steppenwolf -- The Pusher listen & Gates injects GMO micro-chip tracking device). August 31, 2021. Go to ORWELLIAN WAR BY DRUGS
JFK SECRET SERVICE'S SECRET SERVICE (didn't protect/enabled ambush/provided badges). Email, July 25, 2021 & listen. Go to JFK OPPOSED COMMUNIST CONSPIRACY & 4.Pyramidal New World Order
COVID VAXXERS PLAN KILL UNBORN & Health leaders urge pregnant women get vaccine (officials concerned only 1-in-10 women got jab) & Obstetricians push COVID vax during pregnancy. Aug 3, 2021. Go to WHERE HAVE ALL OUR CHILDREN GONE?
PILOTS DEAD AFTER COVID VAX (airline says deaths completely coincidental). News, August 2021. Go to 28.Reality Control
CO2 SCAM PICS SAY THOUSAND WORDS & CO2 BASIS OF ALL LIFE ON PLANET (song Without That CO2 We'd All Be Dead) & CO2-caused global warming complete lie-hoax-scam< & listen Green agenda use media to instill fear & control (Dr Patrick Moore, founder/dissident Greenpeace), July 2021. Go to DEFENDING CO2-OIL-GAS & COAL
R U SAFE COVID HERO DOC HOFFE? (no news of Lytton doc since fire June 30) & watch Doc describes escaping fire destroying his clinic (how mRNA vaccines cause blood clots/heart failure). News, July 4-17, 2021. Go to 20.Thought Police & 21.Crimestop & 27.Goodthink
Wait a minute...something feels wrong! (Shut up moron...Do as you're told...It's for your own good!). Go to 23.The Proles & 25.Prolefeed
watch Top COVID doc arrested re sex crimes on child (pervert doc brags getting vaccine protects families) & Pedophile top pandemic doc released on bail from jail). July 2021. Go to 22.Doublethink & 30.Love Instinct & Family
Mainstream media brainwashing corporation (garbage in garbage out). Go to 16.Ministry of Truth (Lies) & 3.Surveillance
watch RFKjr ON VACCINES-FAMILY-ASSASSINATION & listen RFKjr INTERVIEW CANADA COVID DOC HERO (using coercion to experiment on humans without consent) & COVID vaxxers Satanic attack on Godsend doc Hoffe & Whistle blowing doc encouraging vaccine hesitancy. News/Defender, June 2021. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation
Indian Residential Schools Not Guilty of Killing Kids (1800-1900s Canada high white childhood mortality rate) & Teachers order students wear Indian Lives Matter shirt (say res schools secretly buried nameless Indian kids) & Trudeau getting it stuck to him up his Indian tattoo (Indians say Trudeau tattoo cultural appropriation) & Indian artist paints nude Canada PM being raped (Trudeau's behind Indian land claims). News, May-June 2021. Go to I WON'T ACCEPT INDIAN BLAME
Masks are bacteria traps on kid's breathing orifices (gov't mandated masks is cruel form of child abuse). Global, June 2021
watch DOCTORS SPEAK OUT TO PROTECT KIDS Doctor fired for warning of Covid vaccine dangers & watch Doc says patients died/disabled after vaccine. News, May 2021
COVID-1984 Certificate Of Vaccination IDentification by Artificial Intelligence (#1 = A = first letter alphabet; #9 = I = ninth letter)
COVID-19 vaccine certificates being rolled out in Canada (vaccination proof required before international travel). Global News, Apr 27, 2021
watch JUST SAY NO TO VACCINES RAP listen (war being waged on our minds-bodies-souls)
Parents allow Covid vaccine trials on their kids & Covid vaccine experimental 6-month to 11-yr-old humans & watch Hideous truth of experimental COVID injections anyone getting jab after watching is beyond saving). Go to VACCINES BIO-CHEM WARFARE & WEATHER-FOOD-WATER-AIR CONTROL
JACKIE SAY KING COMMUNIST ADULTERER (Hideous MLK memorial built in Communist China; 10 feet taller than Jefferson & Lincoln memorials)
BLM-POC-LGBTQ EVIL COMINTERN ORGAN (human blood in 666 pairs of Nike shoes) & Canada military intelligence monitored BLM movement (major BLM supporters include Prime Minister Trudeau) & POC university prof fired criticising Black Lives Matter (said Canada not systemically racist country)
WHITE LIVES DON'T MATTER (civil disobedience seeking overthrow America gov't) & watch White Judge fired for saying All Lives Matter & Black Lives Matter founder describes self as trained Marxist & Commie BLM LGBTQ leader buys 4th ritzy home by whites & George Floyd Square orders whites not to harm BIPOC & Black mob beats white man unconscious & loots truck. New York Post, May 2020 - May 2021
Land of the Sheep, Home of 1984 Slaves (How baaaaad things to get before you wake the f up?). Go to 3.Surveillance & 16.Ministry of Truth & 20.Thought Police/Snitches & 25.Prolefeed & 27.Goodthink
watch Pope's Easter message: Buy vaccines & "No jab, no job" decrees Pope to Vatican workers, April 2021
Black gay rapper grinds on Satan watch Lil Nas X Call Me By Your Name & N**** you ain't livin' right...I'm only here to sin. Easter April 2021 & listen Nailing down Satanic truth of Covid & Vax & watch Pharmakeia Drugs/Black Magic & End Times. Go to COVID MASK OF THE BEAST 34.Love Instinct & Family
Dangerous Hazardous Chemicals in Face Masks & watch Nano-Worms in Face Masks Under Microscope & Canada recalls masks causining lung toxicity when breathing & watch Crazy World of Covid Scamdemic Lockdowns & watch They Can't Arrest Us All & listen Wake up people, it's all one great big bloody hoax & watch Covid swab test contains micro-machines (nanotech devices turn humans into cell-phones) & Jewish gov't gifts Fauci $1-million science prize & Fauci disease advisor to 7 presidents since 1984 & RFKjr proves Fauci profits pushing COVID vaccines & watch Important Info on Vaccine Agenda. Jerusalem/Newseek/Bitchute, Mar 3 - Apr 4, 2021 Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation
watch They Can't Arrest Us All listen (Wake up people, it's all one great big bloody hoax & watch Covid swab test contains micro-machines listen (nanotech devices turn humans into cell-phones) & Jewish gov't gifts Fauci $1-million science prize & Fauci disease advisor to 7 presidents since 1984 & RFKjr proves Fauci profits pushing COVID vaccines. Jerusalem/Newsweek/Bitchute, Mar 3-15, 2021. watch Important Info on Vaccine Agenda listen. Go to COVID MASK OF THE BEAST & 14.Scientific Experimentation
RFKjr banned from Instagram for COVID claims & RFKjr claims COVID Marxist plot to destroy USA. News, Feb 13, 2021. Go to JFK OPPOSED MONOLITHIC CONSPIRACY & 20.Thought Police & 16.Ministry of Truth
Powerful book by RFKjr on threat to America. Go to RFKjr ON VACCINES-FAMILY-ASSASSINATION & watch RFKjr reflects on his father' assassination (RFK shot-behind-ear by security guard says RFKjr) & BOBBY GRABBED KILLER'S TIE & BULLET BEHIND EAR KILLED RFK & RFK PHOTO PROVES BULLET BEHIND & RFK ASSASSINATION PUZZLE PIECES
Gates largest owner of farmland in USA (monopoly control to dominate food production). RFKjr, The Defender, Feb 2021. Go to WEATHER-FOOD-WATER-AIR CONTROL
Kill-Gates Mark of the Beast Vaccine is 666 "Let the one who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and that number is 666". The word CORONA (as in coronavirus) has 6 letters: their number in order of the 26 letters of the alphabet are: C is #3; O is #15; R is #18; O is #15; N is #14; 6 is #1 which add up to the number "666". Go to VACCINES BIO-CHEM WARFARE
NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION 2021 - Don't Let Reality Ruin Your Day. Go to 28.Reality Control (can twist reality into whatever shape they choose)
COVID VACCINE HUMAN EXPERIMENT PETITION (for sake of health & life sign the petition) & watch 2020 IS BEGINNING 2025 IS END (human beings controlled by internet) & watch COVID SCAMDEMIC BIGGEST HOAX EVER & watch EXPERT ANTI-COVID-VAX DOCS WARN & watch REAL COVID VACCINE RESET IS YOU. BitChute/News, Dec 10, 2020. Go to VACCINES BIO-CHEM WARFARE
Vatican OKs Covid vaccines that use aborted fetuses (Pope says receiving Covid vaccine morally acceptable).BBC/CNN, Dec 22, 2020. watch WHAT'S IN THE COVID-19 VACCINE?(lung tissue of 14-wk-old aborted caucasian male fetus). WHERE HAVE ALL OUR CHILDREN GONE? & ABORTION HOLOCAUST CANADA'S PRIDE
COVID MASK OF THE BEAST (4th horseman of the Apocalypse is wearing a mask) & IT'S JUST A MASK (the Emperor has no clothes/the sky is falling/the boogieman COVID will get you). Aug 16, 2020. Go to Winston's Diary & Scientific Experimentation
COVID DOC SAYS SEX WITH SELF OR MASK (CDC says try glory holes for safer sex - stick penis in a hole in the wall). The Coming Baby Bust (societal aging, economic turmoil). Global News, Sep 10, 2020. Go to 30.Love Instinct & Family & 25.Prolefeed
listen TALKING COVID & ORWELL 2020 watch (Patrick Timpone interviews Jackie Jura). OneRadioNetwork, Aug 19, 2020. Go to RFK JR ON VACCINES-FAMILY-ASSASSINATON
CANADA COVID DOC WORKS FOR CHINA (nation of sheep inevitably governed by wolves). MP Sloan demanded Dr Tam be fired (Tam puppet of WHO & Communist China). News, May 17, 2020. Go to CHINA IN CANADA WARNS SPY CHIEF & 20.Thought Police & Snitches & 36.Hateweek
1984 & MICROSOFT BORN ON APRIL 4 (Winston began diary & Microsoft founded & symbolic Twin Towers open on April 4th). Go to Winston's Diary & WHY ORWELL WROTE 1984
COVID-1984 (freedom of assembly not only liberty lost) & COVID (Certificate Of Vaccination IDentification) & RFK-Jr exposes Gates' vaccine dictatorship plan (Microsoft/Google global vaccine ID Mark of Beast). RFK/JFK Apr 12, 2020. Go to VACCINES BIO-CHEM WARFARE & JFK OPPOSED MONOLITHIC CONSPIRACY
How to create fake pandemic when there isn't any (you need to own some mainstream media). Fetzer, Apr 12, 2020. Go to 16.Ministry of Truth & 25.Prolefeed
WHO FLU SARS COVID POEM (you've got probable suspected SARS COVID). Mar 29, 2020. Go to BIG BROTHER BIO-CHEM WARFARE & 14.Scientific Experimentation
Not social distancing caught on cop helicopter (small step away from Orwell's 1984) & Gov't COVID rules trample freedoms & civil rights & watch TRUTH BEHIND CORONAVIRUS PANDEMIC LOCKDOWN (Orwellian social control/surveillance/economic crash). News/Icke, Mar 27, 2020. Go to 5.Pyramidal NWO & 35.BB's Brotherhood
watch I GOTTA WASH MY HANDS (Wondering why people are hoarding toilet paper? Ccus when they hear a cough they crap their pants) & watch GOODBYE CORONA MY SHARONA. YouTubes, Mar 29, 2020 & watch STAYING INSIDE COVID STAYING ALIVE & 4.Old World Destruction & 15.Life in Oceania
Readers, peruse the website at your leisure (updates will resume intermittently). All the best in twenty-twenty, ~ Jackie Jura
MOVIE THEY LIVE WARNS LIKE 1984 (Smartphone, Smartwatch...Smart Clothes?) Doomsday: Mass layoffs due to AI, robots. January 2020. Go to 3.Surveillance & 9.Keeping Masses Down
Christmas Shopping in Western World (everything made in China by slave labour). December 2019. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down
BLUE WILLOW DISHES & POEM TELL STORY (two birds flying high, a little ship sailing by). Email, December 11, 2019
LITTLE SOLDIER JOHN-JOHN SALUTED JFK & THE DAY THE WORLD STOOD STILL (Truth-Freedom-Peace-Prosperity died with JFK), November 22nd, 1963 - 2019 & watch The JFK Wit & watch Zapruder Film zoomed & slowed & JFK OPPOSED MONOLITHIC CONSPIRACY & watch JFK LAST PRESS CONFERENCE (USA won't deal with Communist USSR & CHINA) & listen JACKIE JURA INTERVIEW ON JFK & LINCOLN & JFK ASSASSINATION PUZZLE PIECES
WAR BY DRUGS REMEMBRANCE DAY VICTIMS (casualties of choice or hapless victims of some war). Go to ORWELLIAN WAR BY DRUGS & IN AFGHAN FIELDS
JFK TORCH-CARRYING DOC MCCLELLAND DIES (said fatal bullet came from front of motorcade). Go to watch JFK Doc McClelland Interview 2015. News, Oct 3, 2019 Go to JFK ASSASSINATION PUZZLE PIECES & Ministry of Truth & Falsification of Past
George Orwell's 1984 published 70 years ago. Go to WHY ORWELL WROTE 1984. June 8, 1949 - 2019 & GOLDSTEIN CONSPIRACY IN 1984
Canada can't afford to let Huawei into our 5G networks (allows Beijing to threaten us with massive blackouts) & HUAWEI NIGHT IN CANADA HOCKEY (Hockey Night in Canada $5-billion deal with Huawei) & (time for Canadians to stand up to China & boycott Huawei) & Gretzky helping to grow hockey in China. News, May 30, 2019. Go to Surveillance & Big Brother's Brotherhood
Readers, peruse the website at your leisure (updates will resume intermittently). Thank you and all the best, Jackie Jura
:) nu yr 2 u (Happy New Year to You). January 1st, 2019. Go to TWITTER IS ORWELLIAN NEWSPEAK (aim of Newspeak is to narrow range of thought). Go to ORWELL RESISTS NU SPELLING & 18.Newspeak
John Lennon assassination staged 38 years ago. December 8, 1980-2018. How Yoko Ono relentlessly pursued John Lennon (How John Lennon became mesmerized by Yoko Ono). Go to THE DAY THE LENNON MUSIC DIED & LENNON'S DARK FATE ONO & IMAGINE THERE'S NO YOKO & Old World Destruction
LIFE MAG AN F IN LIE ON JFK (magazine led campaign against presidency of JFK). listen Myth of German Villiany by Benton Bradberry (UK & USA joined wrong side in WWII). Nov 16-Dec 6, 2018. Go to 16.Ministry of Truth (Lies) & 25.Prolefeed
DALLAS DETECTIVE CRAIG DEDICATED TO JFK (President Kennedy assassinated 55 years ago). Truth, Freedom, Peace & Prosperity died with JFK. November 22nd, 1963 - 2018 listen JACKIE JURA INTERVIEW MURDER OF JFK & 17.Falsification of Past
IN AFGHAN FIELDS HEROIN GROWS (900-tonnes Afghan heroin hitting world streets & Corrupt UN-World Bank steal billions Afghan aid. Telegraph/Globe, Nov 11, 2018. Go to ORWELLIAN WAR BY DRUGS
>Afghan worst drought in history starving millions & UN crooks ask $-millions for Afghan drought. Telegraph/YouTube, Nov 11, 2018. Go to AFGHANISTAN REMEMBERED & Big Brother United Nations a sect doing evil
Tori's killer back behind bars; no more healing lodge (got little spark of life knowing justice being served) & TRUDEAU GUILTY INDIANS VS INNOCENT WHITES (Protesters in Tori Stafford's hometown angry) & McClintic belongs back in her cell says Tori's Dad at rally. watch Trudeau apologises for 1864 hanging of chiefs & Trudeau apologises for turning away Jews in 1939. News, Nov 6-8, 2018. Go to I WON'T ACCEPT INDIAN BLAME POEM
ORWELL AIMS RIFLE AT COLONEL BLIMP (rank & file rise up & shovel Blimps into dustbin). watch Dad's Army: Room At The Bottom. Email/YouTube, Nov 1, 2018. Go to ORWELLIAN GUN CONTROL
Pipe bombs sent in mail to politicians/actors (mail bomb scare heightens nationwide fears) & BB'S BROTHERHOOD CHAOS ORDER (rocket bombs fired by gov't to frighten people). Email/Drudge/AP, Oct 18-25, 2018. Go to JFK OPPOSED MONOLITHIC CONSPIRACY & 28.Reality Control & 35.Big Brother's Brotherhood & BIG BROTHER STAGED EVENTS
First Nations furious over child killer in community & CRY-BABY TRUDEAU WON'T CRY FOR TORI & watch PM Trudeau defends child killer move to healing lodge & watch Trudeau bails on vote to denouce child killer (PM labels opposition "ambulance chasers"). News, Oct 5, 2018. Go to Keep Masses Down & Life in Oceania & Brotherhood
Newspaper defends 'racist' Serena Williams cartoon (depicted superstar's bad behaviour at USA Open) & N-WORD OBAMA LIKES N-WORD RAP (Obamas wave hands/bob heads to N-word song) & watch Jay-Z/Kanye West sing "Ni**as in Paris" (Warning: video may trigger epileptic seizures) & read Ni**as in Paris lyrics explicit. News/YouTube Aug 13 - Sep 2018. Go to OBAMA-PALIN BLACKWHITE DOUBLETHINK & Doublethink & Prolefeed & Love Instinct & Brotherhood
More whites dying than being born in USA (has broad implications for country's life) & Canada's growing population not natural born & Immigrants surge Canada population to 37-million & Canada gov't raising immigration levels & Canada top gov't leaders visible minorities. CBC/NYT, Aug 19, 2018. Go to WHERE HAVE ALL OUR PEOPLE GONE? & CANADA KILLS PEOPLE BEFORE BIRTH & 10.Big Brother Rulers
MARX COMMUNIST EVIL 200 YEARS OLD (most malevolent spasm of evil in human history) & Marx hometown statue gift from Communist China. GlobalNews, May 8, 2018. Go to GOLDSTEIN CONSPIRACY IN 1984. GO to ORWELL ARCH ENEMY OF MARX & JFK OPPOSED COMMUNIST CONSPIRACY & 35.Big Brother's Brotherhood
BOBBY FISCHER CHAMP ICELAND ATTRACTION (world chess champ 1972; Icelandic citizen 2005) & Bobby Fischer's final years in Iceland & visit The Bobby Fischer Center, Iceland. Email, Jun 14, 2018. Go to 45.The Chestnut Tree Cafe
RESCUER KEVU IN JFK OVAL OFFICE (If it wasn't for Kevu I wouldn't be here today). Email, Jun 15, 2018 & watch PT-109 MOVIE & listen PT-109 SONG
Canada brainwashing victims find lawyer (SAAGA launching class action lawsuit to sue gov't) & watch The Sleep Room 1998 movie (CIA electroshock-LSD brainwashing in Canada) & BRAINWASHING VICTIMS NEED LAWYER (Canada gov't stabbed its citizens in the back) & CANADA BETRAYED BRAINWASHING VICTIMS & CANADA BRAINWASHING VICTIMS INVITED & 'What they did to my mother was torture' & Trudeau gag-order silences brainwashing victims & watch Canada brainwashing victims 2017 documentary. Email/CBC/5thEstate/YouTube, Apr 16-May 21, 2018. Go to 40.Electric Shock Brainwashing
I THINK THEREFORE I AM (Man has a brain and is expected to use it). April 22, 2018. Go to WHAT IS TWITTER? & TWITTER IS ORWELLIAN NEWSPEAK
LSD officialy tested by chemist creator in 1943 (demon invaded & took possession of body/mind/soul). GlobeMail, Apr 19, 1943-2018. Go to ORWELLIAN WAR BY DRUGS & 5.Big Brother Pyramidal NWO & 32.BB Brotherhood
The thing he was about to do was open a diary...In small clumsy letters he wrote: April 4, 1984 - 2018. Dear World: Did you not read my book? Go to 1.Winston's Diary & WINSTON DIARY BEGAN APRIL 4, 1984 & WINSTON'S DIARY IS ORWELL'S BOOK & DID WIFE EILEEN MAKE ORWELL? & ORWELL'S WIFE NAMED 1984
RED CHINA SHADOW LOOMS OVER WEST (Communist China influences all politcal parties). GlobeMail, Nov 30, 2017. Go to CHINA IN CANADA WARNS SPY CHIEF & In his last press conference before assassination: JFK SAY USA WON'T TRADE WITH RED CHINA & 4.Old World Destruction & 35.Brotherhood
President Kennedy assassinated 54 years ago. Truth, Freedom, Peace & Prosperity died with JFK. November 22nd, 1963 - 2017
LINCOLN JACKIE PINK SUIT AD (stained with blood of JFK's fatal wounds). Nov 13, 2017. Go to JFK OPPOSED MONOLITHIC CONSPIRACY
watch Nix movie-camera filmed JFK assassination (shows JFK hit by shot from behind picket fence) & JFK PICKET FENCE PATSY OSWALD (fake photo linking Oswald to TSBD rifle) & watch Oswald declares "I'm just a patsy". Nov 10, 2017. Go to JFK PICKET FENCE COINCIDENCE
GRODEN'S KILL JFK & SEARCH LHO (1,300 photos/maps/drawings/documents). Email, Nov 8, 2017. Go to JFK ASSASSINATION PUZZLE PIECES
JFK surgeon McClelland's diagram auctioned (fatal bullet entered JFK's head from front) & watch JFK's Last Doctor: McClelland interview. WestJournal/YouTube, Nov 3, 2017. Go to DOC MCCLELLAND JFK CONSPIRACY THEORIST & DOC MCCLELLAND JFK HEAD TESTIMONY & DOC MCCLELLAND JFK GODCIDENTS & 4.Old World Destruction
SOLOMON NATIVES HID JFK IN CANOE & JFK PT-109 MOVIE STAR MAGUIRE (radioman next to skipper when PT-109 hit) & JFK PT-109 MECHANIC ZINSER (Zinser, on watch below, started the engines). Emails, Oct 20, 2017. Go to watch PT 109 MOVIE & PT 109 SONG
HATING BIG BROTHER IS FREEDOM (to die hating them, that was freedom). Reader Email, Oct 14, 2017. Go to Winston Talks In Sleep & Chestnut Tree Cafe
China ships thru NWP challenge Canada authority (Canada approved China's scientific research). Globe/Geo/Huff, Oct 10, 2017. Go to MAYDAY MAYDAY CHINA TAKING CANADA & CHINA IN CANADA WARNS SPY CHIEF & Big Brother's Brotherhood
GREATEST RISK IS RISK NOTHING (only the person who risks is truly free). Email, Oct 24, 201. Go to 21.Crimestop & 27.Goodthink
WALKING GEORGE ORWELL'S LONDON (we follow in Orwell's footsteps). Email, Oct 31, 2017. Go to ORWELL'S LONDON DAYS
TERRY FOX ATLANTIC WATER JUG (began 3,339-mile run in Outer Cove Newfoundland) & watch Terry Fox Run Across Canada montage & INUKSHUK & TERRY FOX STATUES & Inukshuk at airport angers Inuit in Nunavut (means dangerous place to be avoided). Email/YouTube/CBC, Oct 9, 2017
Readers, peruse the website at your leisure
(updates will resume soon). All the best, Jackie Jura
Can twist reality into whatever shape they choose (rocket bombs which fell were fired by gov't itself 'just to keep people frightened'). Go to Reality Control & Ministry of Truth
HAPPY 56th BIRTHDAY PRINCESS DIANA. July 1, 1961-2017 & Sons attend birthday service at Althorp grave. Go to VISITING PRINCESS DIANA PLACES
Broadway's "1984" is Orwell for Dummies (a stone dud from very first scene) & 1984" on Broadway scenes so graphic people fainting (jagged bursts of neon strip lighting shock the senses). Huff/Gothamist, Jun 29, 2017. Go to 1984 MOVIE 1984 IS BAD
You can stay in cottage where Orwell wrote 1984 (in 1946 he went to Jura where he rented Barnhill, Telegraph, Jun 29, 2017. Go go ESCAPE TO BARNHILL
Motihari film highlights Orwell's life & works (14 yrs working for preservation of birthplace) &
watch George Orwell in the land of Satyagraha. TimesIndia/YouTube, Jun 27, 2017. Go to INDIA SHRINE TO ORWELL BIRTH
HAPPY 100th BIRTHDAY JFK (ascended to afterlife 54 years ago at age 46). May 29, 1917-2017. Go to JFK TRUTH & UNTRUTH & JFK ASSASSINATION PUZZLE PIECES
JFK JOHNNY WE HARDLY KNEW YE MOVIE (1977 TV movie from O'Donnell/Powers book). Email/YouTube, May 24, 2017 & watch Johnny I Hardly Knew Ye & listen(the enemy nearly slew ye) & watch When Johnny Comes Marching Home listen
Greetings Readers, sorry for delay answering emails (been busy on projects -- will update soon) ~ All the best, Jackie Jura, May 2017
China quietly snapping up Canada oil companies (crude by train/pipe to tankers to China refineries) & China is no friend to Canada (Canada sunk $20-billion in roads/rail/ports to China) & Canada urged to reject Communist China demands (wants food/technology/energy/natural resources...) & Communist China demands access Canada oilsands (spy agency warns national security at risk). Globe/Huff/Macleans, Mar/May 2017. Go to CHINA IN CANADA WARNS SPY CHIEF (top politicians betray country to foreign powers) & watch JFK'S LAST PRESS CONFERENCE #64 & (JFK says USA will not trade with Red China). Go to Rulers & Brotherhood
How your TV & house gadgets spy on you & Are your cellphone apps spying on you?. News, Mar 9, 2017. Go to Winston's Diary (telescreen receives & transmits simultaneously) Go to Surveillance & Thought Police & Experimentation (could plug in your wire whenever they wanted) & Big Brother Is Watching You
RIGHT NOW IS 1984 & Right Now -- Garth Brooks listen & Defending Garth Brooks' alter ego Chris Gaines. DownVids/Journal, Feb 25, 2017 & COME ON PEOPLE RIGHT NOW & 23.The Proles & watch For What It's Worth, Buffalo Springfield & watch Eve of Destruction, Barry McGuire
ORWELL & POLO INDIA ORIGINS (Indian horse hockey transformed into polo) & MOTIHARI DOC & NEWBORN ORWELL (grandfather Bovill delivered babies there). Email, Jan 23, 2017
1984 NOT AN INSTRUCTION MANUAL (Orwell wrote 1984 to warn we the people). Jan 22, 2017. Go to WHY ORWELL WROTE & The Proles
CBC ORWELL TAPES OF INTERVIEWS (people who knew Orwell from birth to death). CBC, Jan 21, 2017
ORWELL PASSING TRAVELLER OBITUARY (George Orwell died 67 years ago). Go to ORWELL'S HOSPITAL & ORWELL'S GRAVE. January 21, 1950-2017
Cockroaches are the dominant species (all it took was a few seasons of Kardashians). January 2017. Go to Big Brother Brotherhood & Rulers
JFK PT-109 RESCUER KUMANA FAMILY 2017 & JFK 100th BIRTHDAY $1 SOLOMONS COIN (legal tender/purest .999 silver/frosted finish) & watch 2017 Solomon Islands 1-oz JFK Silver Coin. SolomonTimes/AustralianMint, Jan 9, 2017. Go to SOLOMON RESCUER KUMANA HONORS JFK & JFK SOLOMON SWIMS SAVED SURVIVORS
DEDICATED TO PRESIDENT KENNEDY & JFK assassin picket fence post auctioned & watch Zapruder Film HD reaction & JFK PICKET FENCE POLICE-MAN SMITH & JFK PICKET FENCE TOWER-MAN BOWERS & JFK PICKET FENCE SIGNAL-MAN HOLLAND & JFK PICKET FENCE DEAF-MAN HOFFMAN & JFK PICKET FENCE COINCIDENCE & President Kennedy assassinated 53 years ago, November 22, 1963-2016 & 4.Old World Destruction & JFK ASSASSINATION PUZZLE PIECES
KILL AFGHAN POPPY STOP HEROIN TRADE & IN AFGHAN FIELDS & Afghanistan 224000 hectares opium/6400 tons heroin (USA/EU soldiers could easily erradicate poppy fields) & Heroin epidemic deaths/new users all across America & Chinese fentanyl poisoning America's heroin addicts (synthetic opium made from chemicals not poppies). Nov 11-20, 2016. Go to ORWELLIAN WAR BY DRUGS
MAYDAY MAYDAY CHINA TAKING CANADA & Chinese billionaires on Canada shopping tour & Canada's founding father first prime bigot (proposed measures to keep out Chinese). CBC/NationalPost, Nov 3, 2016
JFK FIRST FAMILY COMEDY STORY (50th anniversary edition & photo album). Nov 5, 2016
JFK PT-109 HARRIS LETTER TO JACKIE (your husband one of greatest men in our time). Email, Nov 5, 2016. watch PT-109 SONG listen
watch Hellery loses: Ding Dong the witch is dead! & watch China-Gate Clinton treason conspiracy (Clinton sold USA to Communist China for cash; allowed enemy power access national security) & listen Hillary Clinton exposed behind the mask (operates from position of ethical bankruptcy) & watch Mentally ill if you vote for Hillary Clinton (defends her evil husband's sexual assaults) & watch Clinton pulled down pants/said "kiss it" & watch Bill Clinton: I SAW HER DERRIERE. Various, Oct 5/Nov 9, 2016. Go to35.Big Brother's Brotherhood
watch ORWELL TODAY VIDEO GADDAFI WATER & THANKS GRAND RIVER MAN GADDAFI (Gaddafi Man-Made River 8th wonder of world) & listen Moriarty interview Libyan War Truth & listen Jura interview Gaddafi Crystal Spirit. OneRadioNetwork, Oct 24, 2011-2016. Go to SuperStates & Systems & Big Brother Tells Why
REMEMBERING VAUGHN MEADER AS JFK & Story of famed JFK impersonator Vaughn Meader (fastest-selling pre-Beatles record in history) & watch Vaughn Meader JFK impersonation. Email/MentalFloss, Oct 1, 2016
MORE THAN MUSIC DIED IN AMERICA (Don McLean - from American Pie to 2016). Email/HuffPost, Sep 30, 2016 & listen CHINA BUY BUY AMERICA BYE BYE
BBC RELIGION HOST SHAT ON SARAH PALIN (Bashir new BBC Religious Affairs correspondent). BBC/Breibart, Sep 28, 2016. Go to ORWELLIAN MEDIA MASSACRES SARAH & Ministry of Truth & Prolefeed & Brotherhood
CHINA TRAPPING & SKINNING CANADA (China wants free trade deal with Canada) & Why Canada should avoid China free trade. News, Sep 26, 2016
The North's Missing Son: Johnny Bourassa (plane found empty 65 years ago) & LEGENDS LOUIS & JOHNNY BOURASSA. Email/UpHere, Sep 15, 1951-2016
RED TRUDEAU-2 SHEDS SHIRT & JOBS & Canada seeks to attract Chinese workers & Trudeau on shirtless vacation amid job losses. GlobeMail/HuffPost, Aug 16, 2016< & ROCK-STAR JFK SWIMMING PRESIDENT
Drug-checking machines test illegal drugs for illegal users (don't work for fentanyl/cost gov't agents $250,000+) & GOV'T DRUG-PUSHING NALOXONE ON ADDICTS & Naloxone opioid antidote is no cure in heroin epidemic (produces sense of normalcy/security around heroin use) & Opioid overdoses not limited to street users & Canada cuts-off opioid funding to dying patients (to prevent illegal drug users obtaining opioids) & Canada plans free heroin/opioids at drug injection sites & watch Afghan War enables global heroin trade/epidemic (USA military surveillance can track farms/opium routes) & watch Afghan children/civilian war deaths surge. GM/AlJazeer/MintPress Jul 26, 2016. Go to ORWELLIAN WAR BY DRUGS & IN AFGHAN FIELDS
GOV'T DRUG-PUSHING NALOXONE ON ADDICTS (Naloxone opioid antidote is no cure in heroin epidemic; produces sense of normalcy/security around heroin use) & Opioid overdoses not limited to street users & Canada cuts-off opioid funding to dying patients (to prevent illegal drug users obtaining opioids) & Canada plans free heroin/opioids at drug injection sites & watch Afghan War enables global heroin trade/epidemic. (USA military surveillance can track farms/opium routes) & watch Afghan children/civilian war deaths surge. GM/AlJazeer/MintPress Jul 26, 2016. Go ORWELLIAN WAR BY DRUGS & IN AFGHAN FIELDS
HELP DRUG/ALCOHOL ABUSERS/ADDICTED (physical changes in brain alter way brain works). Email, Jul 26, 2016
ORWELL'S CRYSTAL SPIRIT MERGED (his spirit and mine momentarily bridged the gulf). Jul 23, 2016
ORWELL PAL KING-FARLOW REMEMBERS (I used to come down to see him several times). Jul 23, 2016
Orwell birthplace threatened by Indian developers (George Orwell born 113 years ago in Motihari). DailyTelegraphDelhi, Jun 25, 2016. Go to INDIA SHRINE TO ORWELL BIRTH
Readers, peruse the website at your leisure (updates will resume in New Year 2016) ~ All the best, Jackie Jura
President Kennedy assassinated 52 years ago, November 22, 1963 - 2015. listen JFK SECRET SOCIETY SPEECH & JFK OPPOSED MONOLITHIC CONSPIRACY & GOLDSTEIN CONSPIRACY IN 1984 & Big Brother & BB Brotherhood
Communist China soldiers drill on USA army base (Red China Washington state's largest export market). Military Times, Nov 22, 2015. Go to 7.Systems of Thought & 6.Super-States
listen JFK LAST PRESS CONFERENCE #64 (USA not planning to trade with Red China). Washington DC, November 14, 1963 & listen Bye Bye American Pie Capitol Steps & (Kissinger's Game: China World Domination) & CHINA BUY BUY AMERICA BYE BYE & Keeping Masses Down & Ministry of Plenty
Doc McClelland recalls effort to save JFK 52 yrs ago (call of duty: feels compelled to share story) & JFK's last doctor to speak at Dallas library. WFAA/LocalMedia, Nov 17, 2015. Go to DOC MCCLELLAND JFK CONSPIRACY THEORIST (bullet hit front head from picket fence on grassy knoll) & DOC MCCLELLAND JFK HEAD TESTIMONY (has had interesting union synchronicity JFK coincidences) & DOC MCCLELLAND JFK GODCIDENTS & 4.Old World Destruction
IN AFGHAN FIELDS Afghan heroin flooding Europe/USA/CAN/UK/OZ/NZ (despite tax-funded US$20-billion to counter-narcotics) & Heroin use on rise -- Poppy crops thrive. NBC/DailyCaller, Nov 11, 2015. Go to ORWELLIAN WAR BY DRUGS & Ministry of Peace (War) & BB Brotherhood
The great carbon boom & Fossil fuel emissions are massive benefit for humanity; higher CO2 in atmosphere increases crop growth; decreasing carbon emissions will increase hunger. Financial Post, Oct 15, 2015. 11.Big Brother Ministry of Plenty (Starvation)
DEFENDING CO2, OIL, GAS & COAL (no global warming; temp hasn't risen for 19-yrs). OneRadioNetwork, Sep 4, 2015 & listen Defending Carbon & Exposing Green Elite & watch CO2 as Pollutant is Orwellian Propaganda & Keeping Masses Down & Big Brother & Doublethink
Readers, peruse the website at your leisure (updates will resume intermittently) ~ Jackie Jura, August 31, 2015 ~
1984 published 66 years ago (dehumanization reaches ultimate development). June 8, 1949-2015
Orwell wrote prose like a windowpane & ALL ANIMALS ARE EQUAL (but some animals are more equal than others) & ANIMAL FARM 1947 RADIO DRAMA (re-production of Orwell's own radio version). Email, Apr 19, 2015 & listen Animal Farm 2013 Radio Drama & Animal Farm 2005 Radio Drama
SOCIALIST PEER ORWELL SOUTHWOLD PIER (mural of Orwell at hometown seaside). River Orwell email, Feb 25, 2015. Go to ORWELL ARCH ENEMY OF MARX & Big Brother Tells Why
ORWELL DOC O'SHAUGHNESSY HEART OMEN (contributor to source of river of knowledge). Annals Thoracic Surgery, Feb 15, 2015
HOLIDAY TO ORWELL SCOTLAND HOUSE (north coast Jura near Corryvrecken whirlpool), See Scotland Differently, Feb 8, 2015
George Orwell died 65 years ago (the quintessentially English author on whom we project our modern concerns). January 21, 1950-2015
THE DAY THE LENNON MUSIC DIED listen Lennon BBC interview 2 days before shot (John feeling "inspirational -- in the spirit") Cops picked up bloody guy/drove to hospital (didn't know it was Beatle Lennon in backseat) John Lennon death staged 34 years ago December 8, 1980-2014 watch Beatles USA radio debut Dec 26, 1963 watch Beatles USA TV debut Nov 18, 1963 & JOHN WINSTON LENNON SMITH
watch JFK Executive Action Movie 1973 & JFK EXECUTIVE ACTION FILM DEBUT YouTube, Nov 26, 2014 (during 60s dissenters & resisters were wiped out) & 4.Old World Destruction
DOC MCCLELLAND JFK CONSPIRACY THEORIST & DOC MCCLELLAND JFK HEAD TESTIMONY (the most credible conspiracy theorist alive) & DOC MCCLELLAND JFK GODCIDENTS (McClelland is one of the few still-living doctors) & Doctor remembers last moments of JFK's life. News, Nov 23, 2014
THE DAY THE WORLD STOOD STILL JFK assassinated 51 years ago November 22, 1963 - 2014 JFK ASSASSINATION PUZZLE PIECES
JFK O CAPTAIN! MY CAPTAIN! watch Oz Evans on TO TELL THE TRUTH & OZ COASTWATCHER EVANS RESCUED JFK & O'REILLY BOOK KILLS JFK & EVANS. Email, Nov 10, 2014. Go to Ministry of Truth & Prolefeed & Gulliver Prostitute Writers
CANADA GOVERNMENT BRAINWASHING PAYOUT watch Mission: Mind Control Canada Brain Washing. Email/YouTube, Nov 16, 2014. Go to ELECTRIC SHOCK BOOK-HATING BNW (How many fingers am I holding up Winston?) & 40.Electric Shock Brainwashing & 41.BB Tells How
HOW ORWELL DOC O'SHAUGHNESSY DIED (wounded in thorax by bomb splinter). Email, Nov 14, 2014 ORWELL'S TB DOC O'SHAUGHNESSY
SARS taught WHO prepare EBOLA & WHO/BigPharma fast-track Ebola injections & WHO head Chan says Ebola worst epidemic. News, Oct 16, 2014. Go to WHO FLU SARS SONG & CHINA BIRD-FLU DOC HEADS WHO & BIG BROTHER BIO-CHEM WARFARE
ENMAX mum on known cause of Smart Grid fire (Mayor says could be zombie aliens) & Thousands offices/apartments no power/water) & watch Smart Meter Fires & Explosions Reports ENMAX/News, Oct 14, 2014. Go to WARNING ALL SMART METER CONSPIRATORS & 14.Scientific Experimentation & 3.Surveillance
watch JFK say USA won't trade with Red China (JFK was killed 8 days later/China laughed) & Chinese gov't propaganda in Canada schools & Chinese workers killing Canada middle class & China-owned companies demand slave labour & Canuck gov't OKs deal with Commie Chinks (secretly signed in Russia behind closed doors; gives Red China control of Canada resources). CanNews, Sep 14, 2014. Go to CHINA IN CANADA WARNS SPY CHIEF & 35.Big Brother's Brotherhood
watch 911 Devil is in the details video (face/horns in smoke & behind Bush/Obama) & Anniversary 911 plus 13 & Obomba says the enemy is ISIS & watch Clinton says it depends on what IS IS. Sep 11, 2001-2014. Go to OBAMA FOR REAL OR ROBOT? & 911 HI-JACKS OR HIGH-JINKS? & 28.Reality Control & 12.Ministry of Peace
watch Kiwi PM John Key's real past exposed video (born in state housing/now worth $100-millions) & Pray for Winston Peters to swallow Kiwi Greens (Greens save whales/snails/slugs/geckoes/birds/fish; want abortion/euthanasia; no concern for human life) & KIWI WINSTON FOR ORWELL'S OCEANIA & watch Winston Peters wants NZ great again (save New Zealand - vote New Zealand First) & Communist China milking New Zealand dry. TVNZ/Stuff, Aug 19, 2014. Go to 15.Life in Oceania & 6.SuperStates & 7.Systems & 9.Keeping Masses Down & CHINESE GULLIVER EATING AMERICA
JFK SOLOMON RESCUER KUMANA'S FUNERAL & JFK Museum honours PT-109 rescuer Kumana (displays Solomon shell money beside coconut) & JFK SOLOMON RESCUER KUMANA DIES. Sunday, August 3, 2014 & Solomon Islanders mourn death of Eroni Kumana (helped save life of JFK in WWII) & Solomon's Kennedy hero dies age 93 & Gasa & Kumana Tell How They Saved JFK (sank Sunday Aug 1/found Friday Aug 6, 1943) & watch JFK PT-109 MOVIE & listen JFK PT-109 SONG
ORWELL DESCRIBED INTERNET IN 1984 (talk on telescreen with Melbourne/Durban/Washington) & Consumer privacy concerns with the-internet-of-things (technology monitoring every aspect of our lives) & Smart-homes controlled by smart-phones coming soon & Rise of the connected car puts web behind the wheel (wireless/digital telematics send/recieve inside vehicle). PCWorld, Jul 3, 2014
SMART PEOPLE WANT STUPID METERS & Angry householder mails smart meter back to Irish Water (gov't has no legal authority without consent or contract) & Extortion/intimidation in Canada over smart water meters ($50,000 fine for anyone not complying by deadline) & Electronic devices causing soaring waste of electricity (suck enough energy each year to power Canada). Global, Jul 3, 2014. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police
God's not making any more land/Kiwis being shut out & Winston Peters will stop land sale to Chinese & Kiwi Winston Peters a Political Phenomenon & FIGHTING FOR LIFE IN KIWI ELECTION, Email/NZNews, Jul 2014
WINSTON & JULIA WOODS LOCATION (half-hour railway journey from Paddington; footpath under the trees was thick with bluebells) & watch JULIA -- JOHN LENNON. Email/YouTube, Jun 23, 2014. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police
Readers, peruse the website at your leisure (updates will resume intermittently)~ Jackie Jura
Alaska drops transCanada gas pipeline to lower 48 (kills Palin plan for America energy independence) & Obama stalls again on keystone Canada/USA oil pipeline (allows fracking/oil by train environmental disasters) & watch Black TV host says should sh*t in Palin's mouth (Palin says USA debt to China is slavery). CBC/Herald/Media, Jan 10, 2014. Go to DRILL SARAH BABY DRILL & TAR BABY OBAMA TARS OIL SANDS & ORWELLIAN MEDIA MASSACRED SARAH & OBAMA PALIN BLACKWHITE DOUBLETHINK & PALIN RIGHT ON RUSSIA & Keep Masses Down & Rulers & Doublethink
Key JFK assassination witness James Taque dies (hit by bullet fragment ricochet from curb). Mar 1, 2014 & watch JFK assassination witness Taque website & JFK ASSASSINATION PUZZLE PIECES & 16.Ministry of Truth (Lies)
WELCOME NEW YEAR 1984 + 30 All the best all Orwell Today readers
LBJ RATTLESNAKE STRUCK JFK & LBJ'S ORWELLIAN JFK FACECRIME. Email/YouTube, Dec 16, 2013. watch JFK gifts at Fort Worth breakfast & 4.Old World Destruction
JFK 50-Years Commemorative Collection (famous speeches/private home movies...) & watch Johnny I Hardly Knew Ye & JFK WE HARDLY KNEW YE FUNERAL & LITTLE SOLDIER JOHN-JOHN SALUTED JFK & LINCOLN/KENNEDY CAPITOL OCCASIONS & JFK JOURNEY TO LINCOLN CATAFALQUE & JFK LIVES THRU HIS LIGHT & POEM FOR JFK 50 YEARS AGO. November 22nd, 1963 - 2013 & watch Life & death of JFK in Camelot
listen Jackie Jura interview JFK 50th assassination. OneRadioNetwork, Nov 21, 2013. Go to JACKIE JURA INTERVIEW ON JFK 50TH & listen JFK Doc McClelland a Conspiracy Theorist & JFK A CONSPIRACY THEORIST & JFK ASSASSINATION PUZZLE PIECES
The hat has been passed to a new generation & watch Lincoln Gettysburg Address 150 years ago & LINCOLN & JFK AT GETTYSBURG. November 19, 1863-2013 & 4.Old World Destruction
Communist atrocities galvanize Afghanistan (people arrested/tortured/killed/mass graves). NewYorkTimes, Nov 13, 2013. Go to AFGHANISTAN REMEMBERED & 34.MiniLuv & 39.Interrogation/Torture
Canada army 12 years Afghanistan/158 dead & Afghan heroin soars under UN troops. November 11, 2013. Go to IN AFGHAN FIELDS & 35.Big Brother's Brotherhood
Veterans boo/refuse shake mayor's hand & CANADA MAYOR SMOKES CRACK & The Gonzo life of Canada Mayor McCrack. November 11, 2013. Go to DRUG WAR IS PEACE & 22.Doublethink
KABILA BOMBS NKUNDA'S BUNAGANA & Kabila/UN bombs emptying Bunagana town (thousands fleeing across border into Uganda) & Kabila/UN armies bomb Congo civilians. BBC/AlJazeera, Nov 4, 2013. Go to JFK CRIED FOR CONGO & NKUNDA & ORWELL PET GOATS & 6.SuperStates Disputed Territories
WATCH BBC 1984 ORWELL BIO (archival film footage/rare interviews) & WALT WHITMAN/PAUL POTTS & ORWELL (Whitman Press almost published Animal Farm) & listen O Captain! My Captain! by Whitman. Email/YouTube, Sep 20, 2013. 8.Classes of People
To bomb or not to bomb? (Should USA/UK/EU bomb China/Russia/Israel? Capitalist Commies use weapons mass destruction). News, Sep 4, 2013. MiniPeace(War) & MiniPlenty(Starve) & SuperStates & Big Brother Tells Why
Revolutionary Gaddafi led bloodless coup 44 yrs ago & watch GADDAFI SPEECH SEPTEMBER 1, 1969 (from this day forward Libya free/self-governing republic) & KILLING GADDAFI LIKE JFK-LUMUMBA & UN overthrew Libya leader Gaddafi 2 years ago (USSR/CHINA/USA/ISRAEL dropped 10,000 bombs). BBC/News/YouTube, Aug 23-Sep 1, 2013 & Gaddafi say UN Security Council terrorist council (65 illegal UN wars by big nations on small nations) & watch Gaddafi interview explaining speech to UN watch Gaddafi the eye of the tiger & watch Gaddafi made the 8th wonder of the world & GREAT GADDAFI MAN-MADE RIVER & watch ORWELL TODAY LIBYA WATER VIDEO & BIG BROTHER WATER BARONS & BIG BROTHER WAR FOR LIBYA WATER & Big Brother & BB Falsify Past & BB Super-States
JFK courage saved PT-109 crew 70 years ago (Connecticut man taught JFK survival swimming). August 1943-2013. Go to JFK SOLOMON SWIMS SAVED SURVIVORS
Turn the boob tube off; we dare you (news no news/sitcoms no comedy/reality contrived) & watch The Kennedy Saga on TV tonight (point of view of nannies pulls no punches) & JFK ON BOOB TUBE FOR BOOBS. CBC/Email, Aug 18, 2013. Go to GULLIVER DESCRIBES PROSTITUTE WRITERS & MinistryTruth(Lies) & Prolefeed
listen Cremation of Sam McGee recited by Service & YUKON SURVIVOR FLORES FRIEND'S STORY (50th anniversary Flores-Klaben Yukon survival; 49-days in 49-below still every bit as gripping). Go to PILOT MCCALLUM RESCUED YUKON SURVIVORS (took photo on the cover of LIFE magazine) & THE FLYING BOURASSA BROTHERS & B-17 PILOT SPOTTED BOURASSA PLANE. PostMedia/Email, August 17, 2013
CRYSTAL SPIRIT ORWELL BBC FILM & COMMUNISTS ENSLAVE BRITISH FREE PRESS & RUSSIAN KGB BUYS UK NEWSPAPERS (120-million innocent deaths in 20th century) & watch The Bloody History of Communism & Belloc on Communism/Usury/TruthSuppression. Email/YouTube, Jul 29, 2013. Go to Big Brother Tells How & Big Brother Tells Why & MiniTrue & MiniPlenty & KeepMassesDown
ORWELL DOC O'SHAUGHNESSY GIANT IN FIELD (in forefront of research on heart disease & TB). Email, Jul 30, 2013
Obama fanning flames of racial hatred (says law applied differently to black Americans) & Obama praises Django Unchained movie producer (Weinstein raised big bucks directly for Obama) & Django Unchained uses N-word 100 times (no offence to uppity whitehouse nigger) & watch The N-word in Django Unchained. BBC/Guardian/YouTube, Jul 20, 2013. Go to OBAMA-PALIN BLACKWHITE DOUBLETHINK
watch The American Revolutionary War (from 1775 Lexington to 1781 Yorktown) & Declaration Independence crimethink in 1984 & watch JFK reads Declaration Independence July 4, 1776 & Four score and seven years ago our fathers... & Guide to Battle of Gettysburg 150th anniversary (300,000 Civil War buffs/tourists at Gettysburg) & Buff Jura's Civil War books/dvds/magazines (50,000 dead/wounded/captured). July 1-3, 1863-2013. Go to watch JFK visits Gettysburg 1963 video
21st CENTURY SEX ED CHILD ABUSE (teach anal/oral/vaginal/homo/bi/trans sex). Email, Jul 8, 2013. Go to 30.Love Instinct & Family & 25.Prolefeed
ORWELL ETON FRIEND KING-FARLOW (name was Nettleton on Eton Report Card). Email, Jul 7, 2013
watch Winston Peters 'Orwell' speech listen (warns that communist China invading Oceania) & Kiwi MP Winston Peters blasts Orwellian censorship (Chinese own farms/factories/forests/homes/media/drugs/prostitution/casinos/cheap labour rackets). NZHerald/YouTube, Jun 25, 2013l. Go to OZ PM SPIED FOR CHINA & CHINA IN CANADA WARNS SPY CHIEF & Big Brother Brotherhood & Ministry of Truth
BIG BROTHER INDIA ABANDONS ORWELL & Big Brother can't be bothered & A small India town's brush with greatness & Burmese battle to save Orwell home. Times of India/London/Hindu, Jun 23, 2013
ORWELL TODAY BOOK NOT WEBSITE (based on Eric Blair academic seminar in 2011). Email, Jun 19, 2013. Go to ORWELL'S ROAD TO WIGAN PIER
JFK WE HARDLY KNEW YE MEMENTO & WHERE'S JFK WE HARDLY KNEW YE? (homecoming museum asks to borrow JFK sign) & New Ross JFK50 museum collecting memorabilia (celebrating 50th anniversary of JFK homecoming) & JFK daughter Caroline to visit Ireland. Email/IrishNews, May 29-Jun 15, 2013
FLOWERS FOR JFK & HAPPY 96th BIRTHDAY JFK. May 29, 1917-2013
JFK RESCUER KUMANA SENDS GREETINGS (canoe paddled JFK coconut thru enemy waters) & watch DEVIL BOATS - PT BOATS (played role in making American president JFK) & watch BATTLE STATIONS - PT BOAT. Email/YouTube, Jun 2, 2013
WHERE'S JFK WE HARDLY KNEW YE? & New Ross JFK50 museum collecting memorabilia & HAPPY 96th BIRTHDAY JFK, May 29, 1917-2013
Transvestite Superhero Show on kids TV channel (homosexual industry targeting 2 to 11 year-olds). Breitbart, May 29, 2013. Go to CHILD SEX IN BRAVE NEW WORLD & Prolefeed & Instinct & Big Brother Brotherhood
ORIGIN OF CARICATURES OF ORWELL (political cartoonist draws & quarters). Email, May 22, 2013
Motihari resident protects Orwell's birthplace (writer of Orwell's stature deserves recognition) & No Gandhi park at Orwell's birthplace (move met with strong opposition from locals) & India gov't pits Gandhi against Orwell. Caravan/Gulf/Hindustan/Email, May 17, 2013. Go to MOTIHARI MOOKHERJEE DEFENDS ORWELL & POONA & MOTIHARI ORWELL MEMORIES
Doctor who loved Lincoln arrived first to help & Lincoln assassinated 148 years ago, age 56, April 14, 1865-2013. Go to LINCOLN DREAMS JFK FUNERAL
watch THE CIVIL WAR documentary PBS 1990 (Ken Burns 11-hour brilliant eternal masterpiece). HAPPY BIRTHDAY 204 ABRAHAM LINCOLN (from log cabin to White House). February 12, 1809-2013
BC gov't ignoring moratorium against Smart Meters (39 city gov'ts voted to stop installations) & Smart Meter fight about not being a guinea pig (same frequency Russians used to microwave Americans) & watch Demand city/police be fired over Smart Meters (we live in America not communist China). Go to SMART METER REFUSE-REMOVE HOW TO (we've come to install your smart meter). News/Email, Feb 5-Mar 11, 2013. watch Warfare expert whistleblows on Smart Meters & 14.Scientific Experimentation
Mom shocked by graphic sex in school pamphlet (shows woman put condom on man then have sex) & Breast cancer up in young women under 40 (childbearing practices [abortion] probable cause) 1,860 abortions per week in Canada. Go to PLANNED PARENTHOOD WAL-MART OF ABORTION (independent abortion clinics can't compete) & Planned Parenthood deadly for babies & women (abortion causes breast cancer) & Breast cancer donors fund Planned Parenthood (pink ribbon wearers run for the cause, not the cure). Go to UNBORN SUCKING THUMB FOR KIDS & OWED TO THE UNBORN. News/Email, Jan 24-Feb 28, 2013. Go to WHERE HAVE ALL OUR CHILDREN GONE? & JFK'S JUDGE WAS PRO-LIFE & Love Instinct & CHILD SEX BRAVE NEW WORLD
listen Troggs Wild Thing singer Reg Preston dies & listen Senator Bobby Kennedy sings Wild Thing. YouTube, Feb 7, 2013 & listen JFK The First Family: Vaughn Meader & VAUGHN MEADER MADE JFK LAUGH
watch Pulse video-security watches you inside home (camera in every room remotely records). ADT, Jan 27, 2013. Go to Big Brother Is Watching You
watch 2 USA moms arrested refusing smart meters (police/installers broke onto property/pushed aside) & Job opportunities in radio frequency leak detection & Gov't meter reader jobs contracted out at lower pay & <b>HELP WANTED: METER READERS full/part time &
SMART METER INSTALLERS HOME INVADERS & Letter to arm against police & smart meter agents (keep refusing/call 911 reporting home invasion) & watch Smart meter installation is a home invasion (homeowners can physically stand in front of meter) & watch The Smart Meter Matrix read (entire globe rapidly becoming one big prison grid) & Smart meter installers using "goon tactics" (destroying signs/locks; threatening homeowners) & No "Smart" Meters! Our Democratic Right! (install highway billboards from Pacific to Atlantic) & Smart meter "human cost" lamented (hundreds of meter-readers receive layoff notices) & Smart meter fire closes family restaurant (fire originated in electrical panel). News/Email, Jan 15-24, 2013. Go to SMART METER WATER WOES BEGIN & Surveillance & Thought Police & Experimentation
George Orwell died 63 years ago, age 46, January 21, 1950 - 2013. Go to VISITING ORWELL'S HOSPITAL & GRAVE & ORWELL THE PASSING TRAVELLER & ORWELL & LENIN DIED/HISS JAILED & 35.Big Brother's Brotherhood
Communist China nationalizes Canada's oil sands (PM allows Chinese CNOOC takeover Canadian Nexen) & Spy Chief right that politicians in treason with Red China & watch CSIS Fadden says China influence Canada. CanNews/YouTube, Jan 1, 2013. Go to CHINA TALONS IN CANADA OIL SANDS & CHINA IN CANADA WARNS SPY CHIEF & GOLDSTEIN CONSPIRACY IN 1984 & JFK OPPOSED MONOLITHIC CONSPIRACY & ORWELL ARCH-ENEMY OF MARX & listen JACKIE JURA INTERVIEW ALL ABOUT ORWELL & 7.Systems & 35.Big Brother's Brotherhood
THE ORWELL PLACE TIME FORGOT (Orwell Towers/Winston Smith Eatery/Victory Cascades). Email, Dec 17, 2012. Go to 1.Winston's Diary
JFK'S RIGHT-TO-WORK SPEECH (longest/strongest peacetime economic expansion in history) & watch JFK'S LAST PRESS CONFERENCE #64 (JFK says USA will not trade with Red China). November 14, 1963. Go to JFK LISTENS TO MACARTHUR ON CHINA & USSR (should have destroyed Communists at Korean War) & watch CHINA BUY BUY AMERICAN PIE song (apple pie from China, president from Kenya). Go to ANYTHING MADE IN AMERICA? & 9.Keeping Masses Down
watch Fort Worth unveils 8-ft bronze JFK statue in plaza & Wife of sculptor says JFK statue is lifelike (almost as if JFK taking step into crowd) & Tribute to JFK's Triumphant Visit to Fort Worth. November 21, 1963-2012. Go to JFK STATUE FORT WORTH WORTHY & JFK'S LAST FULL DAY IN TEXAS
RWANDAN GENOCIDE IN CONGO NOW & Mass slaughter of Tutsi by Rwandan Hutu in Congo (17,000 UN soldiers doing nothing to stop it). Email/AFP, Nov 17, 2012. Go to NKUNDA CONGO'S ONLY PROTECTOR & FREE NKUNDA TO FIGHT FOR CONGO & watch NKUNDA LAST CONGO INTERVIEW & watch NKUNDA PILGRIMAGE OF RECONCILIATION & 12.War is Peace
OSWALD SHOT IN POLICE NOT SHERIFF JAIL (Oswald going from City Jail to County Jail). Email, Nov 13, 2012. Go to 4.Old World Destruction
OBAMA = One Big Awful Mistake America (The Teleprompter President) & Obama Wins! Africans celebrate their native-born son (mud ground littered with empty brandy bottles). November 8, 2012. Go to OBAMA HEADING US INTO ABYSS & 10.Big Brother's Rulers
watch JFK elected President of USA 52 years ago speech (holding 3-yr-old daughter Caroline on election day & now we prepare for new administration & new baby). November 8, 1960-2012. Go to JFK BABY JOHN-JOHN BIRTH
Canada PM in Commie China on Remembrance Day (Red China is still Canada's Korean War enemy). November 11, 2012. Go to CANADA'S KOREAN WAR TRAIN WRECK & REMEMBERING POWS ON VETERANS DAY & IN AFGHAN FIELDS
Canadians say NO-NO-NO to China owning our resources (nightmarish future Chinese army marching down street) & China oil company heads are all high-level Communists (naive Canadians sheep-walking into takeover by China) & Communist China takes new step in Canada's oilsands (new partner TransCanada building pipeline for Chinese) & Rich Red Chinese immigrants buying Canada's farmland (hire farmers to grow crops then ship direct to China) & Head of Canada's Police Chiefs Chu is Chinese (Chu says democracies need police snooping powers) & Chinese police crackdown on pro-democracy activists (police silence dissent against Communist government). CBC/Globe/VanSun, Nov 2, 2012. Go to CHINADA'S SOVIETIZATION & CHINESE TAKE-OVER AMERICA & 35.Big Brother Brotherhood & 7.Systems & 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police
UNDERNEATH ORWELL'S CHESTNUT TREE (I loved you and you loved me). Listen Underneath The Spreading Chestnut Tree. Email/YouTube, Oct 27, 2012. Go to 45.Chestnut Tree Cafe
JOHNNY BOURASSA DIAMOND IN ROUGH (missing plane flew over future diamond find); Johnny used wings to land planes like gliders). Email, October 2012
ORWELL WALKED WILLINGDON DOWNS (windmill/dewpond/hill/quarry/farm/pub in Animal Farm). Email, Oct 14, 2012
All China corporations arms of Communist Government & Canada's Chinese oil sands (Chinese Communist Party buying Canadian Government) & Canada exporting uranium to Communist China for nukes & WARNING! Red China dangerous in Canada's oilsands (gov't breaking rules against Communist ownership) & Canada PM awarded by Israel friends & Kissinger & rabbi & Jewish state Israel threatens to bomb Islamic state Iran (says non-nuclear Iran an evil threat to nuclear Israel) & Oilsands CEO Reinhart approves takeover by Red China & Zionist Kissinger opened America doors to Red China. Go to ZIONISM IN AMERICA & GOLDSTEIN CONSPIRACY IN 1984 & What China wants: Take over Canada's resources & Canada increasing food exports to Communist China & Canada oilsands CEOs approve deals with Red China & Spy agency warns: China in oilsands threatens Canada & USA Secretary of Energy Chu is Chinese. Sep 22-28, 2012. Go to CHINA TALONS IN CANADA OIL SANDS & TAR-BABY OBAMA TARS OIL SANDS & CHINESE TAKE OVER AMERICA & CHINA IN CANADA WARNS SPY CHIEF & BIG BROTHER CAPITALIST COMMUNISM & Systems & SuperStates & BB Brotherhood
ORWELL'S WORLD. Go to Surveillance & Big Brother & Thought Police
JFK's Moon Speech remembered (we choose to go to the moon) & JFK gave 1962 Moon Speech 50 years ago & First man on the moon Neil Armstrong dies (one small, size 9 1/2, step for man) & watch Astronot Neil Armstrong dead age 82. RedOrbit/Houston/Reut/CNN, Sep 11, 2012 & watch Neil Armstrong rare interview: BBC 1970 (sky is deep black; Sun/Earth only visible objects) & One giant hoax for mankind. Go to DAVE HOOK MOON HOAX SONG & watch The Moon Hoax Song & JFK ON WEATHER MASTERY USA GIVES USSR SPACE STATION & USSR WEAPONIZED WEATHER ON USA & Falsification Past & BB Systems & Experimentation
Smart appliances take orders from your smartphone (wi-fi fridge/stove/washer/dryer/vacuum cleaner) & Smart meters cause fires & Cities/states stopping installing (radiation making people sick/privacy concerns) & Horrific $9,000 residential water smart meter bill (gov't blames homeowners, not smart meter company) & watch Water wars over smart meters. Enviro/Examiner/CNN, Sep 3, 2012. Go to YOU CAN REFUSE ALL SMART METERS & WARNING TO SMART METER CONSPIRATORSBIG BROTHER WATER BARONS & 9.Keeping Masses Down
Fischer won World Chess Championship 40 years ago (the greatest chess player in the history of chess) & New book: Bobby Fischer Comes Home (the final years in Iceland). September 1, 1972-2012. watch Fischer the American defeated the Soviet machine (then Bobby stopped playing, he disappeared) & watch Fischer 1972 interview after winning World Title (I wanna keep playing a lot of chess) & watch Fischer 1971 interview prior winning World Title & BOBBY FISCHER'S ORWELLIAN ENDGAME
watch Princess Diana car crash happened 15 years ago & Conspiracy theories about Diana's death survive, August 31, 1997-2012. Go to DIANA FEARED BEING WATCHED & WHAT IS A CONSPIRACY THEORY?
Two 6.4-mag earthquakes in Iran destroy thousands. World News, Aug 12, 2012. Go to WEATHER-FOOD-WATER-AIR CONTROL (experts produce artificial earthquakes & tidal waves) & 14.Scientific Experimentation
Bihar India Police HQ now GEORGE ORWELL HOUSE (to commemorate Orwell writing against Communism) & India Reserve Police Force outsmarts Maoist death trap (Communists laid landmines along road to ambush CRPF) & watch India Central Reserve Police Force largest in world. TimesIndia, Aug 10, 2012. Go to SHRINE TO ORWELL & INDIA, ORWELL, JFK & CHINA & TIBET & TIANANMEN TYRANT HU & MAOISTS KILLED NEPAL ROYAL FAMILY
Why are you Chinese statues in Canada laughing? & Canada exporting uranium-reactors-technology to China & watch Chink wolf explains nuke deal to Canuck sheep & watch Canuck gov't in treason with commie Chinks & Red China boldly stealing Canada's oilsands & Commie Chinks laughing at crazy Canucks & Vancouver a running joke to Beijing sculptor & photos Chinese statues a-maze-ing laughter & CHINA IN CANADA WARNS SPY CHIEF & CANADA PULLS RICKSHAW FOR RED CHINA (tax-funded museum for Mao-worshipping Bethune) & Canada's shrine of shame to Communist China & Canada Treasury head arrives in rickshaw & watch Canada PM backs shrine for Communist. NP/CBC/Sun/Globe, Jul 16-Aug 12, 2012. Go to Mao: In Memory of Norman Bethune & MONSTER MAO UNKNOWN STORY & 7.Systems & 35.Big Brother Brotherhood
JFK's 92-yr-old rescuer at Solomons ceremony (Kumana saved PT-109 crew 69 years ago) & JFK Solomon rescuers honored at 2002 reunion (visited by JFK nephew Max after PT-109 found). Solomon Star/NatGeographic, Aug 7, 1943-2012. Go to JFK SOLOMON SWIMS SAVED SURVIVORS &
listen JFK PT-109 SONG
London Olympics in Orwell's 1984 neighbourhood (thousands soldiers-police/list of forbidden words) & Corporate lockdown for London Olympics (drones/electrified fence/sonic weapons/attack dogs) & Free tickets to 17,000 soldiers for 200,000 empty seats & Critics slam London Olympic logo & watch Olympic logo 2012 change to ZiON & UK PM wants hymn Jerusalem national anthem (instead of God Save the Queen) & Churchill's Promised Land: Zionist Palestine & watch Churchill & The Jews & Part 2. Metro/Gulf/Yahoo/Tele, Jul 22, 2012. Go to VISITING ORWELL'S 1984 FLAT & ORWELL TELESCREEN C-U MASCOTS & ZIONISM IN AMERICA & GOLDSTEIN CONSPIRACY IN 1984 & ORWELLIAN ANTI-SEMITISM & Newspeak & Thought Police & BB Tells Why
Color commentary on Fischer/Spassky games & Chess Match of Century began 40 years ago (21 games from July 11 to August 31, 1972) & Communist System Spassky vs FreeWorld Fischer. Go to BOBBY FISCHER'S ORWELLIAN ENDGAME & CHESS MEN VAPORIZING FISCHER. ChessBase/Email, Jul 4, 2012. Robert Fischer: The world's greatest Chess player & watch Fischer 1972 trains for World Championship & watch Fischer 1971 interview Dick Cavett show. Go to Falsification of Past
Poisoning toddlers with soap that looks like candy (lips/throat/tonque swell & cuts off breathing; toxic liquid squirts in eye when plastic pod bitten). GlobeMail, Jul 14, 2012. Go to 15.Life in Oceania
4 BLUE WILLOW DISHES POEMS (2 birds flying high/little ship sailing by). Email, Jul 2, 2012. Go to 29.Risking Renting Room
HAPPY 51st BIRTHDAY PRINCESS DI & VISITING PRINCESS DIANA PLACES. July 1, 1961 - 2012 & listen Demonic Gaga sings "Princess Die" song (clean shit off fancy shoes/another dead blonde). Go to Prolefeed & Destroy Love Family Instinct
7 sinister technologies from Orwell's 1984 are here (total public/private body/mind surveillance) Drones for spying on/attacking USA civilians (police drones to fire tear gas/rubber bullets). Dvice/AP, Jun 29, 2012. Go to Surveillance & Thought Police & BB Tells Why
49 years ago JFK made famous Berlin speech (Communism is an evil system) & JFK ICH BIN EIN BERLINER SPEECH & JFK OPPOSED MONOLITHIC CONSPIRACY (Marx bequeathed Leninism/Stalinism/Cold War) & listen JFK SECRET SOCIETY SPEECH & Part 2
watch JFK PRESIDENTIAL PRESS CONFERENCES. OneRadioNetwork/YouTube, Jun 18-26, 2012. Go to ORWELL COINED "COLD WAR" & GOLDSTEIN CONSPIRACY IN 1984 & 35.Big Brother's Brotherhood
OBAMA FOR REAL OR ROBOT? & USA Supreme Court rejects Obama birther case (citizens allege Obama birth certificate a forgery) & watch Is Obama a robot? & watch Obama can't talk without a teleprompter. Digital/Fox/BS/Email, Jun 16, 2012. Go to NASA MAKING CYBORG MAN & 27.Goodthink
ORWELL'S 1984 LONDON LOCATIONS (Trafalgar Square is Victory Square). Email, Jun 14, 2012. Go to4.Old World Destruction
Twitter knows when you sleep, and more (intelligence used by gov't/corporations/police). NYT, Jun 8, 2012 & watch WHAT IS TWITTER? & TWITTER IS ORWELLIAN NEWSPEAK & Surveillance & Thought Police & Newspeak
63rd anniversary of publication of 1984. June 8, 1949 - 2012. Go to 1.Winston's Diary
44 years ago Robert Kennedy dies age 42 (1968-2012) & watch Canada woman witness night they killed Bobby (more than one gunman fired 14 shots) & . Go to RFK PHOTO PROVES BULLET BEHIND & BULLET BEHIND EAR KILLED BOBBY & BOBBY GRABBED KILLER'S TIE & Old World Destruction & Falsification of Past
HAPPY 95th BIRTHDAY JFK. May 29, 1917 - 2012 & watch President Kennedy 1961 Inaugural Address & JFK INAUGURAL ADDRESS
The art of fiction: George Orwell (wants it put on record never able to dislike Hitler) & Orwell reviews Hitler's Mein Kampf 1940. Spectator/Ebook/YouTube, May 28, 2012 & watch THE REAL GEORGE ORWELL documentary & ORWELL ARCH-ENEMY OF MARX
White births in USA no longer majority (50.4% are Hispanics/blacks/Asians/mixed race) & Demographer: Canada needs a flood of immigrants (underpopulated 34-million should be 100-million) & Canadian schools/colleges want more Chinese students (not enough Canadian children to fill/finance classrooms) & watch Red Chinese baby machines invading Canada (wealthy Chinese tourists give birth/get citizenship) & Canada doors wide open to Chinese immigration. GM/Sun/CIC/NP/Email, May 7-18, 2012. Go to CANADA KILLS PEOPLE BEFORE BIRTH & WHERE HAVE ALL OUR CHILDREN GONE? & ABORTING AMERICA & ABORTION HOLOCAUST CANADA'S PRIDE & JFK JUDGE WHITE PRO-LIFE & ORWELL AGAINST ABORTION & ABORTION PSEUDO-MEDICINE FRAUD
ONE GEORGIE ORWELL RAVE REVIEWS (songs 1984 & Grouchy Marxist had greatest impact). Email, May 4, 2012. Go to ORWELL ARCH-ENEMY OF MARX
OSWALD HANDGUN SAME JFK .38 REVOLVER & JEFFERSON DAVIS IN LINCOLN-KENNEDY KILLINGS (Jefferson Davis Tippit shot near Jefferson & Davis streets) & SUPERMAN OSWALD FASTER THAN MAGIC BULLET (sped location to location changing physical characteristics) & President Lincoln assassinated 147 years ago (Lincoln assassination books owned by Jackie Jura). April 14, 1865 - 2012 & JEFFERSON DAVIS BEHIND LINCOLN ASSASSINATION & LINCOLN ASSASSINATION THEORIES & JFK ASSASSINATION PUZZLE PIECES
SIGNED COPY OF 1984 ANYONE? & ONE GEORGIE ORWELL LONDON MUSICAL (last song, like Orwell's last book, is 1984) & ORWELL BROTHER-IN-LAW DIED AT DUNKIRK. Email, Mar 31, 2012
KING, NOT KENNEDY, AN ADULTERER (Martin Luther King had an orgy in hotel after freedom march). watch All black in my hoody Panther Party rap song (strike open those AKs & let's start a f***** riot) & Rwanda hate radio rap songs prepared people for genocide (go get your machete & kill those Tutsi cockroaches) & Race-hustlers circling like buzzards blaming whites (black-on-black killing is true crime epidemic) & Obama playing the race card again (white grandmother feared passing blacks on street) & "Blacks are under attack" says Jesse Jackson (targeting/arresting/convicting/killing blacks big business) & Martin Luther King, the Kennedys & Communism (King's political/sexual perversions exposed) & Hideous Martin Luther King memorial made in China (taller than Jefferson & Lincoln memorials) & JFK on the Loss of China (FDR armed Mao for post-war seizure of power). News, Mar 24-29, 2012. Go to Rulers & Doublethink & Cellars & BB Brotherhood
JFK ACHIEVED IMMORTALITY THRU LIFE & watch JFK'S LIFE IN CAMELOT (Jackie teaches John-John how to salute) & JFK'S HOME LIFE AT WHITE HOUSE & JFK & JACKIE CUBAN MISSILE LOVE STORY (Jackie refused to leave JFK alone in White House) & JFK & JACKIE SHINING CAMELOT (for one brief shining moment there was Camelot) & Photographer who captured John-John salute dies (the shot seen around the world). Irish/Annapolis/YouTube, Mar 3-13, 2012 & watch John-John boarding Air Force One & watch JFK YEARS OF LIGHTNING, DAY OF DRUMS & watch FOUR DAYS IN NOVEMBER 1964 FILM & LITTLE SOLDIER JOHN-JOHN SALUTED JFK & JFK, JACKIE & BABY PATRICK. Go to 4.Old World Destruction
CHEERS TO ORWELL'S PINT (beer in Imperial/Metric/US Customary measures). Email, Mar 3, 2012. Go to 23.The Proles
WINSTON'S DIARY IS ORWELL'S BOOK, Email, Feb 26, 2012. Go to 1.Winston's Diary
Canada government in bed with Red China screwing Canadians (oil/gas pipelines to China instead of to eastern Canada/USA) & Uranium/oil/gas/wood etc to China against Canada's interests & (trading energy/nukes to the enemy for Panda bears) & USA must respect China's interests warns China (Kissinger opened door to Communist China). Telegraph, Feb 17, 2012. Go to CHINA IN CANADA WARNS SPY CHIEF & CHINESE TAKE-OVER AMERICA & 7.Systems OF Thought & 35.BB Brotherhood
UN aggressive war on Libya began one year ago: "humanity betrayed/plundered/profaned/disinherited" (JFK on Middle East when Israel was granted statehood) & UN-backed Libya gov't torturing Gaddafi loyalists to death (suspended/beaten/electroshocked/fingernails pulled off). EveningStandard, Feb 17, 2012. Go to FLYING IN LIBYA NO-FLY ZONE & KILLING GADDAFI LIKE JFK-LUMUMBA (imagine a boot stamping on a human face - for ever) & 42.Big Brother Tells Why & 34.Ministry of Love (Torture) & 39.Interrogation & 40.Electric Shock Brainwashing
African Union embraces Beijing now Gaddafi gone (Africa resources fuel Red China economic growth) & Kabila to Congo: Yours is mine (richest resources/rampant corruption/poverty) & What happened to Congo's Nkunda? (arrested in Rwanda without trial 3 years ago). GlobeMail/NP, Feb 17, 2012
Canada deports inciter of Rwandan genocide (kill Tutsi cockroaches/dump in Nyabarongo river). MontrealGazette, Feb 11, 2011. Go to TALKING KAGAME/NKUNDA/GADDAFI & 6.SuperState Disputed Territories
Prince William & Kate to visit Solomon Islands (a state visit on behalf of the Queen). Solomon Times, Feb 6, 2012. Go to WILL PRINCE WILL VISIT JFK RESCUER?
62nd anniversary of Orwell's death, January 21, 1950-2012. Go to ORWELL THE PASSING TRAVELLER & ORWELL & LENIN DIED; HISS JAILED
ESCAPE TO ORWELL'S BARNHILL (found peace & quiet to write 1984). Jan 21, 2012
Are you dumber than a smart meter? & watch STOP SMART METERS: The Film (it's BIG BROTHER - we've got to stop it) & listen evil UNITED NATIONS behind Smart Meters & Refuse Smart Meters & Smart People action kit against Smart Meters & watch Smart Meter Installation & watch The Dark Side of 'Smart' Meters (this is about as BIG BROTHER as it gets) & watch Smart Meters are watching you!. YuTube, Jan 9, 2012. Go to 2.Big Brother & 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police
MERRY CHRISTMAS... HAPPY NEW YEAR... All the best in 2012 ~ Jackie Jura
From JFK's Grandson (my grandfather would have never invaded Vietnam) & watch JFK STRATEGY OF PEACE SPEECH JUNE 1963 (not peace of the grave or security of the slave) & JFK'S PEACE FOR ALL TIME (pulling out of Vietnam; won't trade with Red China) & watch JFK'S LAST PRESS CONFERENCE NOV 14/63. NYT/YouTube, Dec 2, 2011
watch JFK EXECUTIVE ACTION 1973 MOVIE & JFK EXECUTIVE ACTION 1973 FILM DEBUT (powerful men planned/carried out assassination) & watch JFK RUSH TO JUDGMENT 1967 FILM & JFK assassination witnesses on-camera interviews (Dealey Plaza overpass/grassy knoll/picket fence). YouTube, Nov 22 1963-2011. Go to 16.BB MiniTruth(Lies) & 17.BB Falsification Past
JFK EXECUTIVE ACTION FILM DEBUT (powerful men planned/carried out assassination). watch EXECUTIVE ACTION MOVIE ON YOUTUBE. AP/YouTube, Nov 22, 1973. Go to 16.BB MiniTruth(Lies) & 17.BB Falsification Past
listen JACKIE JURA INTERVIEW MURDER OF JFK (meticulously choreographed act of evil). Patrick Timpone, OneRadioNetwork, Nov 22, 2011. Go to 4.Old World Destruction
THE DAY THE WORLD STOOD STILL, November 22nd, 1963, Truth, Freedom, Peace & Prosperity died with JFK, 11/22/11
REMEMBERING POWS ON VETERANS DAY (demand POW release from China/USSR/NKorea/Vietnam) & Veteran took photos of Korean War POW exchange 1953 (ambulances carried wounded/ill/starving/tortured POWs) & MCCARTHY, JFK, BOBBY & POWS & IN AFGHAN FIELDS, 11/11/11. Go to 11.MiniPlenty & 12.MiniPeace & 35.BB Brotherhood
HEADHUNTING SOLOMON ISLANDS MUSEUM (valuable crafts from Head Hunter Days) & JFK PT-109 GI-JOE FOR SALE SOLD & JFK PT-109 GI-JOE FOR SALE. Email, Nov 9, 2011
Humble gameshow winner defends Motihari hometown (people have formed protective cordon around me) & Indian million dollar gameshow win inspires local poor (vowing to study harder to sit on hot seat) & Indian man becomes real-life Slumdog Millionaire (quiz-show winner from Motihari where Orwell born). Times/BBC/Telegraph, Oct 27-Nov 11, 2011. Go to ORWELL MOTIHARI BIRTHPLACE MILLIONAIRE
GADDAFI: AN ORWELLIAN CRYSTAL SPIRIT (The thing that I saw in your face No power can disinherit: No bomb that ever burst Shatters the crystal spirit). ~ George Orwell
watch GADDAFI SPEECH BLASTING UNITED NATIONS (UN Security Council is UN Terrorist Council) & watch RIDE WITH GADDAFI IN CAR THRU TRIPOLI (learn facts about high standard of living in Libya) & watch GADDAFI EYE OF TIGER APRIL 2011 (Western World brainwashed about Gaddafi) & watch GADDAFI INTERVIEWED IN HIS LIBRARY 2009 (says double standard on who has nuclear weapons) & GADDAFI SPOKE FROM HEART TO PROUD LIBYA (executed by psychopathic Big Brother bankers) & Libya Before & After UN Barbaric Bombardment (UN Mission: just bomb the hell out of the country until a bloody carcass vaguely resembling the leader turns up then claim humanitarian intervention a great success). YouTube, Oct 2011
listen JACKIE JURA RADIO GADDAFI CRYSTAL SPIRIT (interview with Patrick Timpone), OneRadioNetwork, Oct 24, 2011. Go to 42.Big Brother Tells Why
THANKS GRAND RIVER MAN GADDAFI (a candle burning for Gaddafi) & Tears as Uganda Muslims pay respect to Colonel Gaddafi (accuse UN of killing Gaddafi for Libyan oil) & Gaddafi mourned at magnificent mosque he funded (a benefactor/special friend/guardian to Uganda) & Malta ex-PM feels deep sorrow/repugnance at Gaddafi death (protected Libyans/resisted UN attacks/didn't surrender) & listen Gaddafi radio-speech Green Square Tripoli July 1, 2011 (thousands Libyans shout NO to UN aggression) & watch Gaddafi waving to people from open car thru Tripoli (not afraid during UN bombardment of Libya) & watch Gaddafi 60 Minutes interview in Libyan desert in 2001 (a simple man, not a terrorist). News, Oct 21-22, 2011. Go to GADDAFI: RECOLLECTIONS OF MY LIFE
"We came, we saw, he died" laughed Hellary Clinton (jokingly takes credit for death of Gaddafi) & Hellary Clinton hopes Gaddafi is killed or captured soon (wife of disgraced ex-president is now USA Sec'y State) & Bill Clinton-Lady Gaga sad sick icons of sad sick culture (serenades "I want your vertical stick" to ex-president) & watch Clintons go gaga over Lady Gaga dirty dancing (striptease spoof of Clinton oral sex in Oval Office) & Gaddafi-loyalist Libya PM hospitalized after hunger strike (said UN is deliberately killing Libyan civilians) & Libya PM Baghadi oversaw Great Man-Made River (created $100-billion wealth-fund for future Libyans). CBS/Tripoli/CBC/Wiki, Oct 18-20, 2011. Go to KILLING GADDAFI LIKE JFK-LUMUMBA & watch WHAT YOU DON'T KNOW ABOUT GADDAFI & 4.Old World Destruction & 12.MiniPeace(War)
KITE'S EYE VIEW OF ORWELL'S BARNHILL (house in Scotland where Orwell wrote 1984). Email of July 2011 visit
9/11 COINCIDENCES ON $20 BILL & 2 PLUS 2 DOESN'T MAKE 911 & America marks 10th anniversary of 9/11 (CIA says al-Qaeda planning to set off lorry bombs). Email/Telegraph, Oct 19, 2011. Go to 28.Reality Control & 40.Brainwashing
USA government DID invent the internet (then Wall Street backed IBM/Apple/Microsoft/Dell/Google...) & Steve Jobs said Apple & Microsoft are secretly married (Bill Gates says technology seen in science fiction will be reality) & Steve Jobs death recalls the 1984 Apple Super Bowl ad (Apple symbolically smashed Big Brother IBM) & watch Steve Jobs introduces Apple Mac computer in 1984 (compared Big Blue IBM dominance to Orwellian Big Brother) & watch 2011 Google tablet ad uses 1984 to mock Apple (implies Google Xoom readers smarter than Apple iPad) & Jobs announces Apple iPhone-4 has front-facing camera (microphones & GPS tracking & FaceTime video chat). IBT/Macworld/YouTube, Oct 6-7, 2011. Go to ORWELL BIT APPLE 1984 TV AD & ORWELL's 1984 DESCRIBED INTERNET & 3.Surveillance & 19.Two Minutes Hate & 2.Big Brother Is Watching You
PT 109 star Cliff Robertson dies at 88 (played JFK in 1963 movie PT 109 watched by JFK) & watch Cliff Robertson 2005 interview, age 82 (explains how JFK picked him for PT 109) & JFK SOLOMON SWIMS SAVED SURVIVORS & RESCUER AARON KUMANA HONORS JFK. Enquirer/Email/YouTube, Oct 4, 2011. Go to PT 109 MOVIE (smoke n fire upon sea/everywhere they looked was enemy) & listen PT 109 SONG
Gaddafi not a dictator; we lived in democracy; life was good (UN is killing our children; why are they doing this? for what? 8 months of UN bombing has turned Libya into living hell: no food/water/gas; stench of dead bodies in street) & Fare thee well Brother Gaddafi (attacked because his Green Book system liberated Libya). Telegraph/Uganda, Sep 25-Oct 3, 2011. Go to GADDAFI: RECOLLECTIONS OF MY LIFE & watch GADDAFI NOT DICTATOR HE MADE 8TH WONDER (Libya 6,000-km water pipeline greatest engineering feat) & GREAT GADDAFI MAN-MADE RIVER & BIG BROTHERHOOD BANKS BOMBING LIBYA & 4.Old World Destruction
watch ORWELL TODAY LIBYA WATER VIDEO (compiled from Jackie Jura radio interview)
Al-Qaeda terrorists in new UN-backed Libya gov't (Islamic extremists in NTC says Canada Libya Ambassador) & Gaddafi blames Al-Qaeda for Libya 'protests' (says Libyan people not protesting; 'rebels' are al-Qaeda) & UN-backed new Libya leader Jibril UN speech 2011 (admits infrastructure destroyed/50,000 civilians injured) & watch LIBYA-PEOPLE's LEADER GADDAFI UN SPEECH 2009 (UN Security Council is UN Terrorist Council) & UN warplanes launch all-out attack on Gaddafi hometown (huge explosions/black smoke/a lot of dead Sirte civilians) & UN-warplanes bomb Roman ruins at Gaddafi hometown (Roman statue at Sirte Museum riddled with bullet holes) & Welcome to Libya's On-Line Museum (among most valued in world/artifacts from Stone Age) & Huge plumes of black smoke rise above Tripoli (UN denies smoke caused by UN bombing) & UN-controlled Tripoli streets overflowing with sewage (garbage plugging water drains/huge health risk) & UN-NATO strikes kill hundreds of Libya civilians in Sirte (UN-bombs hit homes/hospitals/apartments/hotels) & UN warplanes to continue bombing Libya for 90 days (UN says "remarkable success protecting civilians"). Reuters/ABC, Sep 22-26, 2011. Go 12.War is Peace & 22.Doublethink
POSTCARD FROM ORWELL'S JURA (the Royal Mail should issue an Orwell stamp). Canadian Stamp News, Sep 21, 2011. Go to 1.Winston's Diary
UN cutting support to all Rwandan refugees living abroad (UN says Rwandan refugees should go home to Rwanda) & Tutsi refugees in Rwanda prefer death at home in Congo (fighting Hutus/MaiMai better than fighting hunger) & Nkunda to be secretly handed over to Congo from Rwanda (fought Hutu/MaiMai/UN/Kabila forces killing Tutsis in Congo) & Rwanda fears death penalty extraditing Nkunda to Congo (held under house arrest in Rwanda since 2009) & 54,000 Congo refugees starving in Rwanda UN camps (fled on-going massacres by Rwandan Hutus in Congo) & UN begs for money to feed Congo refugees in Rwanda (need $4-million for 2,500 tons food for 54,000 people) & It pays to be at war for UN peace-keepers in Congo (18,000 UN-troops keeping-war in Congo as livelihood) & Gorilla smuggling increasing in Congo & Rwanda (big demand for baby mountain gorillas). RwandaNews/AFP, Sep 14-18, 2011. Go to watch NKUNDA LAST CONGO INTERVIEW & HOW OR WHERE IS NKUNDA? & KAGAME HELPING NKUNDA NOT & NKUNDA FIGHTING FOR PEACE & NKUNDA CONGO'S ONLY PROTECTOR & NKUNDA SAY UN CRIMINALS IN CONGO & KABILA KILLS, RAPES & BLAMES NKUNDA & NKUNDA ARREST PUTS GORILLAS AT RISK & VISITING RWANDA'S RARE GORILLAS & SLEEPING ON LAVA IN CONGO RAIN & KNOW NKUNDA CONGO
INTERPOL (UN Police) issues Gaddafi arrest warrants (UN also wants Gaddafi son & Gaddafi's wife's brother). SkyNews/Reuters, Sep 9, 2011 & Gaddafi blasted big powers USA/China/Russia in UN speech (UN approved 65 aggressive wars against small nations) & watch GADDAFI SPEECH TO UNITED NATIONS 2009 & DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER. Go to Winston's Diary & SuperStates & BB NewWorldOrder & Enemy of BB
Home movies of Gaddafi in tent with grandchildren (UN-rebels plunder family homes destroyed by UN bombs) & watch Gaddafi in 1976: at work/at home documentary (took Libya from Middle Age poverty to modern prosperity) & watch Libya hero Gaddafi with Egpyt hero Nasser in 1969 (Gaddafi's model for Libya revolution was Nasser in Egypt). YouTube/Telegraph, Sep 7, 2011. Go to BROTHER GADDAFI AT HOME IN TENT & DAUGHTER DESCRIBES GRANDPA GADDAFI & GADDAFI: RECOLLECTIONS OF MY LIFE
UN daily bombing of pro-Gaddafi desert towns continues (200 special forces electronically hunting Gaddafi) & UN-backed rebels warn Libyan civilians to surrender (UN-rebels prepare to attack pro-Gaddafi oasis towns) & UN-backed al-Qaeda 'rebels' say Gaddafi surrounded (UN-rebels getting ready to capture or kill Gaddafi). TripPost/BBC, Sep 7, 2011. Go to KILLING GADDAFI LIKE JFK-LUMUMBA & 4.Old World Destruction
watch WHAT IS TWITTER? (Jackie Jura explains Newspeak is Twitter) & TWITTER IS ORWELLIAN NEWSPEAK & (destroying words/cutting language down to bone). Email/YouTube, Sep 6, 2011. Go to Newspeak & Thought Police & Crimestop & Goodthink
Bombing of Libya most accurate ever for UN-NATO (NATO F*** head brags 8,000 bombs hit targets so far) & Why do bombs keep falling on Libya? (UN won't stop bombing until all civilians are protected) & watch Spyder drone flying over Libya looking for targets (UAV cameras show UN warplanes where to bomb) & Canada spy-camera drone helping anti-Gaddafi 'rebels' (tiny spyder drones cost $200,000 for police & military) & watch Gaddafi radio speech to Libyans (millions braved UN bombs to show support) & GADDAFI GREEN SQUARE SPEECH TO WORLD & BIG BROTHER DOUBLETHINK BOMBING LIBYA (UN bombs killed Gaddafi son & grandchildren) & UN-UK jets bombing Gaddafi hometown loyalists (bombing Libyans to protect Libyans from Gaddafi) & Thousands killed battling for Gaddafi's hometown (UN bombers backing Al-Qaeda terrorist 'rebels'). BritishForcesNews/Tel/Taiwan, Sep 3-5, 2011. Go to BROTHER GADDAFI AT HOME IN TENT & 22.Doublethink & 42.BB Tells 'Why'
Serious water shortage in Libya from UN bombing (UN now providing imported bottled water) & Harvesting Libya's hidden water with Holland's help (UN bombs damaged Great Man-Made River water flow). Oman/Tripoli, Sep 3, 2011. Go to HOLLAND HOPES HARVEST LIBYA WATER & ORWELL TODAY VIDEO LIBYA WATER & BIG BROTHER WAR FOR LIBYA WATER & GREAT GADDAFI MAN-MADE RIVER & BIG BROTHER WATER BARONS & BB WEATHER-WATER-FOOD-AIR CONTROL
ORWELLIAN PROPAGANDA WAR ON LIBYA & CNN reports: Nanny claims torture at Gaddafi's home (boiling water poured on head for refusing to beat baby). CNN, Sep 1, 2011. Go to WAGING WAR MENTALITY AT HOME & WAR ATROCITY SPECTACLES & BRITISH PRESS CIRCUS DOGS & 16.MiniTrue(Lies) & 25.Prolefeed
Princess Diana killed in 1997 car crash at age 36 (Gorbachev hosted a party at Diana's ancestral home) & VISITING PRINCESS DIANA PLACES & 4.Old World Destruction
BIG BROTHER WATER BARONS & Libya running out of water (UN agency trucking in bottled water from Tunisia) & watch ORWELL TODAY VIDEO LIBYA WATER video (images over soundtrack of Jackie Jura interview) & READER VIDEO ORWELL TODAY INTERVIEW (people can watch & learn what's going on) & IT HURTS FEELING LIBYA'S PAIN (reader says seeing burnt bodies must be unsettling) & DAUGHTER DESCRIBES GRANDPA GADDAFI & Gaddafi's daughter Aisha gives birth in Algeria (healthy baby girl named Safiya after her grandmother) & UN war on Libya now water-shortage humanitarian disaster (no fuel/power to pump Man-Made-River wells/reservoirs) & Gaddafi spokesman offers peace bid to UN-backed rebel-gov't (UN refuses negotiate/continues bombing/executing Libyans). GulfNews/UNICEF/AP, Aug 27-31, 2011. Go to GREAT GADDAFI MAN-MADE RIVER & BIG BROTHER WAR FOR LIBYA WATER & MiniPlenty(Starvation) & BB Tells Why
watch video GADDAFI'S TRUE LIBYA read scrolling (from poorest to highest standard of living in world) & watch GADDAFI A LIBYAN HERO (soundtrack Eye of the Tiger/the will to survive) & What I learned about Gaddafi & Libya is the truth (people wake up/get informed/watch video & be shocked) & 53 African Union nations will miss Gaddafi's generosity (financial/moral support to Africa unrelenting/wholehearted). Go to GADDAFI: RECOLLECTIONS OF MY LIFE (gave people houses/hospitals/schools/money/democracy… made Libya into farmland from the desert) & Orwell 1984: "If you want a picture of the future (imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever") & UN/UK bunker-buster bombs blast Gaddafi hometown Sirte (cost: bombs $2-million each; jets $75,000/hr) & UN-backed al-Qaeda-rebels execute Libyan civilians (hands behind back/bullets to head/streams of blood) & watch Gaddafi explains UN is illegal/undemocratic (65 wars in 65 years since UNITED NATIONS was created) & Gaddafi wanted dead or alive - $1.7-million bounty (amnesty/reward to anyone capturing or killing Gaddafi). Go to KILLING GADDAFI LIKE JFK-LUMUMBA & watch Gaddafi tell UN investigate Lumumba/JFK assassination ("we want to know who killed JFK & Lumumba") & UN warplanes continue bombing pro-Gaddafi-gov't people (dropped 7,500 bombs on Libya in 20,000 flights so far) & watch Bunker-buster bombs in action (explode deep underground after penetrating surface) & watch Raw video of Gaddafi son Saif/cheering supporters (this is our country/the people are with us/we will win) & watch Gaddafi son Saif is safe in Tripoli, not captured (press conference/victory sign/father safe) & UN-backed anti-Gaddafi al-Qaeda terrorist rebels storm Tripoli & (hooligan 'rebels' deface Gaddafi portrait/capture 3 sons) & NATO bombers backing UN-backed anti-Libya al-Qaeda rebels (air assaults drop 5,000-pound bunker-buster bombs) & watch Anti-Gaddafi rebels are nothing without UN bombs (only under cover of UN do cowards have courage) & UN answers criticism over civilian deaths in Libya (Q: "Does bombing civilians overstep your UN mandate?" UN: "All bombs we drop on Libya protect civilians"). News, Aug 20-27, 2011. Go to Doublethink & MiniPeace & Destruction & BB Tells Why
Listen JACKIE JURA INTERVIEW ON ORWELL (talking "1984" - Orwell exposed totalitarian worldwide conspiracy). Patrick Timpone/One Radio Network, Aug 18, 2011. Go to 1.Winston's Diary
BIG BROTHER WAR FOR LIBYA WATER & GREAT GADDAFI MAN-MADE RIVER & ("the 8th wonder of the world") & Libya war seriously hurting Canadian water pipeline company (equipment worth $11-million can't be delivered) & watch Gaddafi speaks to cheering crowds on TV by phone ("he is a father for all Libyans") & watch ~ Gaddafi - A Libyan Hero ~ listen (Libyan people aren't brainwashed or mad - they LOVE Gaddafi) & UN-NATO is urging Libyans to kill fellow Libyans (majority of Libya remains faithful to Gaddafi) & Captured Libyan officer defiantly defends supreme leader Gaddafi (Gaddafi is very strong/safe/has support of key tribes) & Gaddafi turns tables on UK head Cameron over anti-gov't riots (Cameron should step down for violence on peaceful protesters) & UN bombs massacre 85 Libyan civilians in farmyard homes (UN denies civilian deaths/insists bombs "protect" civilians) & UN-backed terrorist-rebels destroy Libya oil/electricity pipeline (aim to starve/displace people/cause humanitarian crisis) & Watch Gaddafi son Saif interview at 5th month of UN war (a media war from day one: lies/rumours/false reports; why only bomb Libya? cash/oil/very delicious piece of cake). Aug 8-17, 2011. Go to BIG BROTHERHOOD BANKS BOMBING LIBYA & FLYING IN LIBYA NO-FLY ZONE & 16.MiniTrue & 12.MiniPeace & 22.Doublethink
Communist China's spies get an easy ride in Canada (government can't - or won't - nab a single spook) & USA's Obama losing Canada's oil to Communist China (rejects pipeline/100,000 jobs/millions of barrels a day) & Obama's new USA Ambassador to China is Chinese (he former Sec'y of Commerce/Governor of Washington) & Obama's USA Secretary of Energy is Chinese (plans USA import tropical-plant glucose to replace oil) & Obama's USA Secretary of Commerce is Chinese (father born in China/grandfather a servant) & Communist China buys Canada top oil sands producer (enemy nation owns/controls Canada gas/oil). Embassy/Newsmax/Xinhua/NP, Jul 28, 2011. Go to TAR-BABY OBAMA TARS OIL SANDS & CHINA TALONS IN CANADA OIL SANDS & CANADA COMMIE LENIN-MAO STATUE & CHINA IN CANADA SAYS SPY CHIEF & DRILL SARAH BABY DRILL & CHINA ATTACK USA THRU PANAMA? & 9.Masses Down & 7.Systems & 35.BB Brotherhood
Canada sets up commie-like police-state for fireworks (Vancouver chief of police is Chinese).CTV/VanSun/GM, Jul 29, 2011. Go to WINSTON SMITH NOW WONG & Police disappeared from streets as riot began & Buy T-shirt to appreciate Canada riot-police. Go to POLICE DOGS IN ANIMAL FARM & CANADA COPS UNLEASHED & ORWELLIAN SECURITY OLYMPIC GAMES & 21.Crimestop & 37.We Are Dead & 42.BB Tells Why
Gov't shares facial-recognition software/data with police (police request driver-licence photo-ID of faces in crowd) & Facial recognition link in all public/private cameras/screens (phone/street/casino/bank/store/office/car/tv/computer...) & Facial recognition technology learns your life story (sex/race/age/mood/attentiveness… to wear an improper expression on face is facecrime; telescreen could receive/transmit simultaneously; see/hear). GlobeMail, Jul 26, 2011Go to 1984 TELESCREENS & MICROPHONES & 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police
Massive UN bombs cause death/damage civilian Tripoli (defiant Gaddafi requests dialogue with Americans) & Watch Gaddafi banner biggest in world/see from space & Thousands rally in Gaddafi hometown Sirte (people feel safe with leader Gaddafi) & Gaddafi radio broadcasts inspire millions of supporters (we are in our own home/we will fight to the last drop) & Obomba won't stop bombing Libya unless Gaddafi leaves (UN says UN-backed anti-Gaddafi 'rebels' are new gov't) & UN drops strange new bombs on residential Tripoli all night (earthquake/mushroom-cloud/stink/burn skin/headache/panic) & UN Weapons of Mass Destruction are Instruments of Peace (UN-head says "UN warplanes do not kill, they protect lives") & Watch Millions of Libyan civilians rally supporting Gaddafi (people love Gaddafi; defiant against foreign intervention) & Gaddafi willing to develop peaceful ties with Europe/UK/USA (return to your countries/withdraw from Libya air/waters) & UN plans to steal Libya $-billions & hand to UN-backed rebels (UN-military on ground training/arming anti-Gaddafi rebels). More books about Libya's Muammar Gaddafi (Gaddafi a prophet/revolutionary/fighter/visionary leader) & STOP BOMBING LIBYA & negotiate with Gaddafi" & ("bombing isn't working/diplomacy only answer" says France) & "Escape to Hell & Other Stories" by Muammar Qaddafi (1998 introduction by JFK Press Secretary Pierre Salinger; totally opposed to communism & Islamic fundamentalism) & Watch Saif: "To tell my father to leave the country is a joke" (agrees to concessions but UN constantly refuses cease-fire) & Gaddafi made 1981 epic film: Lion of the Desert: Mukhtar (truthful history of Libyan resistance to colonialism) & Watch Gaddafi warns UN stop bombing homes/offices/families (radio speech to thousands at pro-Gaddafi rally) Watch Gaddafi son Saif: Libya like McDonalds for UN-NATO (fast war as fast food; snakes hungry for Libya gas-oil-cash) & Gaddafi daughter Aisha: UN spilling of Libyan blood must end (father strong; will never leave Libya; a symbol, a guide). Jul 4-23, 2011. See BROTHER GADDAFI AT HOME IN TENT & BIG BROTHERHOOD BANKS BOMBING LIBYA (BB's lies & barbarities keep human beings in degradation) & 6.BB Super-States & 42.BB Tells Why
USA funds Communist China's 90-year propaganda movie (soundtrack song "Striking Down the Western Powers") & Kissinger: 21st Century will belong to China, not to the West (behind USA building China's economic/military might). National Post, Canada/China Day, July 1st, 2011. See USA GAVE CHINA PANAMA CANAL & CANADA'S RED TRUDEAU & 7.Systems & 35.BB Brotherhood & 5.BB Pyramidal NWO
Watch What you don't know about Gaddafi ("one of 20th century's greatest freedom fighters" said Mandela) & Facing the bombs of UN-NATO in the Libya Jamahiriya (every night thousands gather to support Muammar Gaddafi) & Gaddafi: What all friends of Africa should know (France-Britain-USA are the "F-UK-US" Alliance) & Watch UN-NATO bombs kill family of Gaddafi close friend Hamidi (children/fathers/pregnant mothers/uncles/aunts/grandchildren) & UN-NATO LIBYA MISSION: OPERATION UNIFIED PROTECTOR ("bombing civilians protects civilians") & UN-NATO bombs hotel/apartment/bus/university/medical factory (another night of UN-NATO murder/terror/horror killing civilians) & Gaddafi radio broadcast vows to defeat UN-NATO ("we are in our country determined to stay & defend it") & Listen Gaddafi's speech by phone to Libyan people & Thousands shout WE LOVE GADDAFI in Green Square (79th day of UN bombing; 10,000+ bombs dropped) & Gaddafi's son Saif says Libya will hold elections ("the people will decide; may the best man win"). SF/Mathaba/TP/LAT, Jun 18-23, 2011 & BROTHER GADDAFI AT HOME IN TENT
Canada spy chief warns of Cold War-level espionage (foreign gov'ts stealing technology/control strategic sectors) & Canada giving ownership of oil sands to Communist China (politicians in treason dealing nation's natural resources) & Tiananmen Square legacy: Crush any hint of dissent (Communist China head Hu kills pro-democracy civilians). AFP/NP/VanSun, Jun 11, 2011 & CHINA IN CANADA SAYS SPY CHIEF & CHINA'S INVISIBLE BLACK HAND & SECRET WORLD CHINA COMMIE PARTY
for truth read Gadaffi The Desert Mystic 1993 biography (transformed Libya from tribal kingdom to modern state) & Contradictions in UN bombing mission to 'protect civilians' (thousands of Libyan civilians killed/injured/now refugees) & 157 bombs obliterate Gaddafi home compound/desert tent (proof UN targeting Gaddafi for assassination) & Audio Gaddafi vows to never surrender; never leave Libya (tells gutless UN cowards to go back to their countries) & Gaddafi "will not kneel" (UN attacks not about civilians/democracy/peace in Libya) & UN bombs hit Gaddafi home compound & Libya parliament (UN-NATO 'fuck' head Fogh Rasmussen 'protecting civilians') & Gaddafi daughter sues UN-NATO over war-crime air strikes (bombs killed civilian baby daughter/nephews/brother) & UN bombs killed 718 Libyan civilians; wounded 4,067 (UN says bombing civilians protects civilians; UN refuses Gaddafi's repeated calls for ceasefire) & Directing Libya airstrikes "like playing computer game" (drones orbit 30,000-feet above battlefield; "our job is to speed up the kill chain") & Helicopter gunships to join UN war on Libya (urban-area Hellfire missiles/nose-mounted cannon) & UN jets bombed Gaddafi compound all week (not known if Gaddafi was home) & Gaddafi's wife Safia lashes out at UN (bombs killed son; committing war crimes in Libya). NYT/CNN/BBC/Tel/Guard/GM, May 27-Jun 9, 2011. Go to LIBYA'S MAMA GADDAFI SPEAKS OUT
HAPPY 94th BIRTHDAY JFK - May 29, 1917 - 2011 "Here on Earth God's work must truly be our own". Go to JFK'S PEACE FOR ALL TIME
CIA/MI6/MOSSAD agents lead anti-Gaddafi 'rebellion' (agents on ground in Libya training/arming 'rebels') & UN war on Libya: "Operation Unified Protector" (killing civilians & destroying infrastructure) & UN warplanes blast Tripoli in heaviest bombing yet (3 dead/150 wounded near Gaddafi compound). Go to Gaddafi's GREEN BOOK Democratic Socialism (gov't by the people not by parliament/party/class...) & ORWELL'S DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISM (not capitalism or communism or corporatism) & GADDAFI: RECOLLECTIONS OF MY LIFE (Libya under attack by biggest military force in history) & Watch Gaddafi TV footage/spokesman Ibrahim press conference (it's not Obama or UN who decides who leads Libya) & Canada needs more 500-pound "smart" bombs to bomb Libya (ordering 1,300 laser-guided bombs @ $100,000 each) & GADDAFI SPEECH TO UNITED NATIONS ASSEMBLY 2009 (exposed Big Brother UN's evil face to the world) & UN barbarically bombing Libyan people/homes/schools/gov't (UN killing civilians goes unreported; conspiracy of silence) & Supporters worry about Gaddafi after bombing (not seen since UN killed son & grandchildren) & Watch Funeral held for Gaddafi's youngest son Aruba (visible emotion on face of elder brother Saif) & UN bombs kill Gaddafi son & 3 grandchildren (Libyan leader & wife in house but unharmed) & Gaddafi on TV calls for UN ceasefire/negotiations (UN bombs struck compound while Gaddafi talked). Go to DAUGHTER DESCRIBES GRANDPA GADDAFI & AISHA GADDAFI & BENAZIR BHUTTO & From Gaddafi daughter a glimpse inside the bunker (tells children bedtime stories about afterlife) & Gaddafi daughter taunts Obama & Hillary Clinton (achieved nothing/stayed with cheating husband) & Gaddafi safe after bombs hit office library complex (VIP room where African Union delegation met) & UN targeting Gaddafi for assassination (3 civilians dead/45 wounded; 15 seriously) & Pakistan demands end to UN-USA drone attacks (Hellfire missiles killing civilians, not Taliban). Apr 25-May 24, 2011. Go to KILLING GADDAFI LIKE JFK-LUMUMBA & BENAZIR BHUTTO PAKISTAN MARTYR & 42.Big Brother Tells 'Why'
USA-Obama ok's use of Predator drones in Libya (UN warns civilians to stay away) & Proper pilotless Predator drone protocol (raining all kinds of hell from console in basement) & Israel thanks USA for $205-million for missile-dome (USA gives Israel $3-trillion per year for weapons) & USA president Obama hosts sacred Jewish passover (celebrating god of Israel killing Egyptian first-born). CNN/GM/AFP/Haaretz, Apr 21-22, 2011. Go to OBAMA LOVES TO BOMB OSAMA & OBAMA UN-NOBLE PEACE PRIZE & 22.Doublethink & 11.MiniPlenty(Starvation)
Is UN adventure in Libya simply helping al-Qaeda? (like what Lenin described as useful idiots) & UN warplanes in 3,000 bombing missions on Libya so far (helping al-Qaeda terrorists attack Gaddafi gov't) & UN wants to bomb Libya's Man-Made River water system (say Gaddafi hiding weapons in irrigation tunnels) & Gaddafi son says UN lied saying Libya killed civilians (same as they lied saying Iraq had WMDs). Go to BIG BROTHERHOOD BANKS BOMBING LIBYA & GADDAFI: RECOLLECTIONS OF MY LIFE (gave people houses/hospitals/schools/desert into farmland) & Gaddafi's revolutionary democracy: power to the people (wealth of Libya spread horizontally, not vertically). Watch Gaddafi interviewed up close & personal in library (explaining truth about self, Libya & world issues) & Gaddafi a patron saint to 31 sub-Saharan Africa countries (hotels/oil/exploration/mining/tourism/agriculture/infrastructure). Watch Canada helped Gaddafi build Libya's Man-Made River (now helping United Nations bomb it) & Canada company building Libya water pipeline halted (equipment worth $11-million won't be shipped to Libya) & Gaddafi daughter speaks to crowd from destroyed balcony (where bombs killed sister/now trying to kill father) & Gaddafi accepts African Union 'peace roadmap' (calls on UN to cease fire & give peace a chance) & Foreign Islamic-extremist fighters behind 'rebellion' in Libya (Gaddafi right: rebels are al Qaeda terrorists, not Libyan)
USA criticises China/Russia for violating human rights (will UN bomb undemocratic Russia/China to protect civilians?) & Canada politicians & media silent about bombing Libya (role in UN-war not mentioned in election campaign) & Gaddafi spokesman Ibrahim a UK-loving true-believer (no need for UN airstrikes; a crime against humanity) & UN-controlled Libyan oilfield now shipping oil to China (UN recognizes non-Libyan terrorist 'rebels' as gov't) & Libya Seeks World Intervention to Prevent Disaster (UN warplanes targeting Libya's Great Man-Made River; water source for all humans/animals/crops in Libya). Go to LIBYA'S MAN-MADE RIVER 8th WONDER (equivalent to flow of 200-years of water in the Nile) & UN warplanes bomb major Libyan oilfield & pipeline (Sarir oil & water pipelines parallel) & Watch spokesman Ibrahim defend Gaddafi as leader (people scared Libya next Iraq/Somalia/Afghanistan) & Watch Gaddafi's son Saif's interview in Tripoli (so-called rebels foreign terrorist group, not Libyan) & Watch Muammar Gaddafi's interview in Tripoli (media reports are a lie 100%) & Gaddafi's daughter Aisha waves green flag for father (denies false reports of leaving Libya) & Two loud explosions at Gaddafi's Tripoli residence (UN-NATO planes were seen firing missiles) & UN-USA Hercules gunships blast Libyan ground (largest airborne gun in world; 10 tons ammunition) & Libya says UN-NATO terrorizing & killing civilians (global plot wants to put Libya on its knees) & Follow UN's illegal immoral war on Libya: in maps (day by day airstrikes; ground attacks) & USA Sec'y Defense in Russia while bombing Libya (blames civilian casualties on Libyan civilians) & Jewish billionaire's fingerprints on Libya bombing (global organization behind military doctrine R2P) & watch Gadaffi's historic 2009 speech slamming UN< (Security Council should be called "terror council") & The Muammar Gaddafi Story (Libyan leader spanning six decades) & Gadaffi the man behind the Great Man-Made River (5,000-km water-pipeline from 1,000 desert wells). Oz/Reut/Lib/BBC/Hindu/Fox, Mar 25-Apr 8, 2011. Go to OBAMA LOVES TO BOMB OSAMA & FLYING IN LIBYA NO-FLY ZONE & MiniPeace & SuperStates & Reality Control
Don't turf spy boss for telling the truth (Communist China is spying on Canada) & MPs from all parties say CSIS spy chief must quit (aroused paranoia & suspicion against Chinese) & Canada MPs to scold spy chief over spy remarks (said politicians are under Chinese influence) & Palin warns China is preparing military offensive (missiles/submarines/ultramodern aircraft) & China flexing military muscle (pushing against USA military). TOSun/CTV/Daily/Intel, Mar 23, 2011. Go to USA GAVE CHINA PANAMA CANAL & CHINA IN CANADA SAYS SPY CHIEF & OZ PM SPIED FOR CHINA & GOUZENKO OUTED TRUDEAU SPIES & ORWELL/LENIN DIED & HISS JAILED & JFK DEFENDED PATRIOT MCCARTHY & CHINA NUKES THRU PANAMA? & 35.BB Brotherhood & 13.Weapons
Quake moved Japan 8-feet; shifted Earth's axis (30-foot walls of water 6 miles inland) & How awesome power of tsunami is unleashed (nuclear tests on ocean floor). CNN/DMail, Mar 12, 2011. Go to BIG BROTHER WEATHER CONTROL (produce artificial earthquakes & tidal waves) & 14.Scientific Experimentation
Gaga gives birth/has sex with devil in music video (watch Porn This Way satanic pornography) & Proof Lady Gaga worships Satan (her target market is young kids) & Lady Gaga fans love her style (hanging by rope drenched in blood) & Gaga & Beyonce join for Telephone video orgy (lesbian prison-porn necrophilia) & Lady Gaga is poisoning children's minds (synthetic electro-beat grotesque sexual violence) & Lady Gaga's dark side is not just all about sex (her depth of depravity is Satanic). DMail/UTube/RollStone/Entertain, Mar 10, 2011. Go to BIG BROTHER SYMBOLISM & HARDCORE CELLPHONE PORN & 25.Prolefeed & 30.Love Instinct
China infanticide of "useless thing" females (drop newborn girls into slop pails). NatPost, Mar 12, 2011. Go to CHINA SURPLUS MALE PROBLEM & WHERE HAVE ALL PEOPLE GONE?
Abortion bill requires mandatory ultrasound (woman can listen to baby's heartbeat). NatPost/FoxNews, Mar 11, 2011. Go to GRANDMA POEM TO UNBORN ANGEL & UNBORN HUMAN SUCKING THUMB
1984 CHERISHED BOOK COVERS (well thumbed lowly 1966 Penquin paperback). Email, Mar 12, 2011. Go to 1.Winston's Diary
ORWELL'S PAL PAUL POTTS (said Orwell was Don Quixote on a bicycle). Email, Mar 10, 2011
RFK alleged assassin Sirhan denied parole (regrets death; does not remember shooting) & Sirhan's 14th parole hearing in 43 years (brainwashed as part of conspiracy) & RFK assassin real-life Manchurian Candidate (programmed to shoot under hypnosis). VOA/Oz/Telegraph, Mar 4, 2011. Go to RFK ASSASSINATION PUZZLE PIECES & Old World Destruction & Falsification
Canada abused state power in Caledonia (threw the town under the bus) & Non-natives seek apology for occupation (5th anniversary native land-claim dispute). GlobeMail/VanSun, Mar 2, 2011. Go to STATE & INDIANS MASSACRE JUSTICE & 10.The Rulers
THANK GOD WE DO HAVE ORWELL (figure on whom we project modern concerns). Email, Mar 1, 2011. Go to 1.Winston's Diary
Police to monitor airport passenger behaviour (on lookout for odd or suspicious conduct). NationalPost, Feb 28, 2011. Go to AIRPORT BEHAVIOUR THOUGHT POLICE & 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police
London 2012 Olympic logo spells word 'Zion' (subliminal pro-Israeli racist propaganda) & 2012 Olympic logo triggers epileptic seizures (also causes migraines & vomitting) & watch 2012 change to ZiON (New Jerusalem is New World Order). Daily/UTube/Sun, Mar 1, 2011. Go to GOLDSTEIN CONSPIRACY IN 1984 & ZIONISM IN AMERICA & ORWELL TELESCREEN C-U MASCOTS & BIG BROTHER SYMBOLISM & 5.Pyramidal New World Order
Communist Chinese buying up Canada housing (China very crowded; air pollution very bad) & Canada strengthening trade links with China (resources/railroads/pipelines/foreign workers) & Should Canadian foreign aid go to China? (Communists have trillions of American dollars) & Canada museum celebrates Chinese immigrants (say they arrived in 1400s before Europeans). VanSun/GM/TS, Feb 28, 2011. Go to CHINA IN CANADA SAYS SPY CHIEF & CHINESE TAKE-OVER AMERICA & 7.Systems & 35.BB Brotherhood
DUGGIE & ARAM IN ORWELL POEM (1938 bookmaker & 1759 hanged linquist). Email, Feb 26, 2011. Go to ORWELL THE HAPPY VICAR
Latimer still defends mercy-killing of daughter (gov't more concerned about him than Homolka) & Watch Latimer's full interview (justice system a bunch of sadistic shysters) & Robert Latimer: A Story of Justice & Mercy (explains court cases & trials from beginning) & Latimer website with letters & documents (lawyers & judges tampered & misled juries). CBC/Quill/Latimer, Feb 23, 2011. Go to 10.The Rulers
IS ANIMAL FARM IN YIDDISH? (reader searching for translation) & Yiddish writer's work inspired by Holocaust (former wife of Canada's abortion founder) & Abortionist's lawsuit against Canada lanquishes (Morgentaler demands gov't pay for abortions) & Jailed anti-abortionist case to Supreme Court (Criminal Code was used to abuse her) & Abortion protester freezing in prison (prayed/held sign outside abortion clinic). NBTimes/NatPost/Email Feb 14, 2011. Go to ORWELL ASPIDISTRA ON ABORTION & ABORTION HOLOCAUST CANADA'S PRIDE & CANADA KILLS PEOPLE BEFORE BIRTH & ABORTING AMERICA & 30.Love & Family & 22.Doublethink
Happy 202nd Birthday 16th President Lincoln (born in a rugged one room log cabin; gov't of/by/for the people") & New Salem completes new Lincoln statue (lived there in his 20s during rail-splitter days) & Samples of Lincoln's wit & wisdom ("to sin by silence makes cowards of men"). TodayHistory, Feb 12, 1809 - 2011
Iconic photograph: Man on the Moon (taken by Armstrong of fellow-astronaut Aldrin). AmateurPhotog/Email, Feb 11, 2011. Go to WATCH MAN ON MOON DARK SIDE & 16.MiniTrue(Lies) & 17.Falsification Past
ORWELL HOMAGE-PILGRIMAGE APPRECIATION (visiting Orwell's homes in 2003 & 2004). Email, Feb 9, 2011. Go to HOMAGE & PILGRIMAGE TO ORWELL
LINCOLN-KENNEDY & CZAR COINCIDENCES (Russian war ships to America 1863 & 1962). Email, Feb 7, 2011. Go to 7.Systems & 9.Masses Down & 10.Rulers & 5.Pyramidal NWO & 35.BB Brotherhood
watch Motorola's Winston loves Apple's Julia (rebelling against Big Brother like in "1984") & Motorola Super Bowl ad uses Orwell against Apple (imitates Apple "1984" Super Bowl ad against IBM) & 2011 looks a lot like 1984 (Motorola Xoom tablet looks a lot like Apple iPad) & Motorola hero alone among Apple drones (freedom is reading "1984" on Xoom not iPad). UTube/SMH/Reg/Tech, Feb 5-6, 2011 & 26.Julia & Rebellion & 32.Enemies of BB
Big Brother digital sensors are watching us (facial features matched across entire Internet). USA Today, Jan 26, 2011 & 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police
Orwell birthplace in Bihar now protected site (gov't funded renovations start immediately). IBN Live/Email, Jan 21, 2011. Go to ORWELL BIRTHPLACE NOT FORGOTTEN
Acclaimed author George Orwell dies: 1950 (Animal Farm/1984 attacked Communist system) & Communist leader Vladimir Lenin dies: 1924 (body embalmed & placed in Red Square) & Lenin dies; Trotsky nee Bronstein departs (succeeded by Joseph Stalin nee Dzhugashvili). BBC/NYT/ThisDay Jan 21, 2011. Go to VISITING ORWELL'S HOSPITAL & GRAVE & ORWELL & LENIN DIE & HISS JAILED & LENINISM TODAY & TROTSKY REVELLED IN SOVIET EVIL & GOUZENKO OUTED TRUDEAU SPIES
Watch video of LENIN'S HEAD in Canada (statue of Mao balancing on top) & CANADA COMMIE LENIN-MAO STATUE & 35.Big Brother's Brotherhood & 7.Systems
Obama serves China's Hu American apple pie (White House guest list advances agenda) & Made in USA: Americans fight back over imports (China owns the United States now) & Buy, Buy American Pie song (grandma didn't bake it/made in Shanghai). NYMag/France24/UTube, Jan 21, 2011. Go to BYE BYE AMERICAN APPLE PIE & CHINA IN CANADA SAYS SPY CHIEF & REMEMBER WHO HU IS & 9.Keeping Masses Down
watch BBC's 1954 TV production of 1984 (a masterpiece of Orwell's masterpiece) & MERRY CHRISTMAS & HAPPY NEW YEAR. December 24, 2010 - January 1, 2011. Go to 1.Winston's Diary
Hunters wrong declaring open season on Sarah (Palin accurately depicts authentic experience). WallStreetJournal, Dec 11, 2010. Go to ORWELLIAN MEDIA MASSACRES SARAH & PALIN PROTECTS FROM PREDATORS (rifle hanging on wall is symbol of democracy) & ORWELL WAS ARMED
Rain closes Panama Canal 1st time in 96-yrs (USA built 1903-14/handed over control 1999). AlJazeera, Dec 9, 2010. Go to USA GAVE CHINA PANAMA CANAL & PANAMA CANAL DEATH KNELL & CHINA ATTACK USA BY PANAMA? (possibility of nuclear Pearl Harbour) & USA LETS CHINA SCAN NUKES
Russia foothold in USA uranium production the Russians are coming) & USA approves Russia takeover Canada uranium (Russia controls USA nuclear supply chain). StockBlog/FinTimes, Dec 9, 2010. Go to SOLZHENITSYN WARNING TO AMERICA & AMERICA ON RUSSIAN ROCKS & LENIN-MAO MOCK CANADA OLYMPICS & GOLDSTEIN CONSPIRACY IN 1984 & BYE BYE AMERICAN PIE
John Lennon murdered December 8, 1980 (after USA bizarre attempt to deport him) & Doc said deadman looked nothing like Lennon (nurse had to look inside his wallet for ID) & Lennon crime scene has 5 big problems (after shots John ran 35-ft; climbed 6 stairs). NYDNews/JFKM, Dec 8, 2010. Go to RETHINKING JOHN LENNON ASSASSINATION & 4.Old World Destruction
Lennon singing STAND BY ME ("hello Julian & all the folks in England") & Lennon singing WOMAN to Cynthia (never meant to cause you sorrow or pain). BBC,YouTube, Dec 7, 2010. Go to JOHN WINSTON LENNON SMITH & IMAGINE THERE'S NO YOKO & LENNON'S DARK FATE ONO & 27.Goodthink
Social media messages diminish thinking process (facebook/myspace/twitter all thumbs no brains) & Facebook redesigns people's profile pages/photos (more personal data on friends/family/workmates). LATimes/PCMag, Dec 6, 2010. Go to 18.Newspeak & 20.Thought Police
Big Business is watching you (Orwell cameras/Huxley mindless entertainment). ComputerWorld, Dec 5, 2010. Go to 3.Surveillance & Soma Drug in BNW & UNBRAVE NEW WORLD ORDER
'Spanking new book' on Soviet spy story (Gouzenko exposed Can/USA/UK espionage). National Post, Dec 4, 2010. Go to GOUZENKO OUTED TRUDEAU SPIES & 35.Big Brother's Brotherhood & 32.Enemies of the Party
OBAMA = One Big Awful Mistake America & Obama's paltry paper trail raises questions (birth certificate down Orwell memory hole) & Colonel court-martialed over Obama birth (demands proof president natural born citizen) & Wikipedia scrubs Obama birth challenge (deletes Colonel's court-martial article) & "I was actually born on Krypton". Exam/Sonora/WND/UTube, Dec 1, 2010..Go to OBAMA NOT NATURAL BORN? & MESSY DESK NOT MINDLESS & 17.Falsify Past & 16.MiniTrue(Lies)
Obama friend dedicated book to RFK assassin (Bobby son Chris refuse renew Ayers tenure). WashPost, Dec 1, 2010. Go to OBAMA PAL TRASHES CAMELOT & 10.Rulers & 22.Doublethink
BUSBOY HOMAGE ON BOBBY BIRTHDAY & Hotel busboy haunted by Bobby's murder (pilgrimage to grave on RFK 85th birthday). National Post, Nov 29, 2010. Go to RFK PHOTO PROVES BULLET BEHIND & BOBBY GRABBED KILLER'S TIE & BULLET BEHIND EAR KILLED BOBBY & 4.Old World Destruction
LINCOLN'S CENTRAL BANK TREASURY (was Lincoln in favor of a central bank?). Email, Nov 15, 2010. Go to 9.Masses Down & 11.MiniPlenty(Starvation)
WHY BB WASTE TIME ON WINSTON? (why weren't Winston & Julia evaporated?). Email, Nov 13, 2010. Go to 41.BB Tells How & 42.BB Tells Why
UNKNOWN AUTHOR RISK POEM KNOWN (written by William Arthur Ward). Email, Nov 15, 2010. Go to ONLY A PERSON WHO RISKS IS FREE & 1.Winston's Diary
African new black-elite like pigs in Animal Farm (flaunt wealth while poor live in sqaulor) & Mugabe is emperor of African black capitalists (leaders amass unimaginable wealth) & 800 luxury hotel rooms for Obama in Mumbai (rides in Lincoln with 45-car convoy). Guard/Money/India, Nov 12, 2010. Go to DARK FATE OF AFRICA & ORWELLIAN PIGS AT TROUGH & 10.Rulers & 8.Classes People
PM Harper honours Canadian vets in Korea (26,000 served; 516 died) & Visit to Korea emotional for Canadian vets (for 60-years it was "forgotten war") & Body of Korean War POW returned to USA (died of dysentry & malnutrition). Sun/Inside/AP, Nov 11, 2010. Go to CANADA'S KOREAN-WAR TRAIN WRECK
Russian troops join NATO Afghan drug raids (memories of Soviet invasion in 80s still raw). BBC, Nov 11, 2010. GO to IN FLANDERS FIELDS & IN AFGHAN FIELDS & DRUG WAR IS PEACE & 12.Ministry of Peace (War)
Gov't plans tougher bullying-law for schools (race/color/nationality/sex/disability/age). Fox/Email/YouTube, Nov 10, 2010. Go to BIG BROTHER BIG-SIS BULLY POLICE & 20.Thought Police/Snitches & 27.Goodthink
George Orwell tribute goes missing (face completely removed from plaque). Camden Journal, Nov 9, 2010. Go to ORWELL MEMORIAL MISSING FACE & 15.Life in Oceania & 22.Doublethink & BB'S DOUBLETHINK SLOGANS
Stalin would be proud of Khadr show trial (Afghan-Canadian confessed after torture) & USA court gives Khadr 40 years in prison (pled guilty to 5 war crimes when 15-yrs-old). National Post, Nov 1, 2010. Go to STALIN PROUD OF KHADR SHOW TRIAL & AFGHANISTAN REMEMBERED & IRAQ-AFGHANI PHONY WARS & 4.Destruction & 39.Torture & 40.Brainwashing
China propaganda world's most intrusive (invisible black hand controls all) & Beast that is China's ruling party (book follows Communist Party's bloody trail). National Post, Nov 1, 2010. Go to MONSTER MAO UNKNOWN STORY & SECRET WORLD CHINA COMMIE PARTY & CHINA'S INVISIBLE BLACK HAND & 16.MiniTru(Lies) & 10.Rulers & 27.Goodthink
Russia considers offer for Canada potash (Canada banks will lend money for takeover) & CHINA FOODFIGHT FOR CANADA POTASH & Chinese deal for Potash would wreak havoc (fiscally disastrous for Canada) & Canada Indian chiefs join China in Potash bid (collaborating in hostile-takeover) & Canada shipping beef to China near future (first time since Mad Cow in 2003). Bloom/NPost/Country, Oct 30-Nov 3, 2010. Go to CHINESE GULLIVER IN AMERICA & MAD COW TERROR & WHERE'S THE BEEF GONNA GO? & CHINA HOME ON CANADA'S RANGE
LENIN-MAO MAN-MADE STARVATION (caused Russian/Chinese Great Famines) & Canada says Ukraine famine was genocide (communist Russians starved 10-million) & Canada signs free-trade deal with Ukraine (despite new regime's hard-line tactics) & Mao's Great Famine horrors unveiled (death toll reached 45-million) & Stalin's Great Famine a holocaust by hunger (concealed by "useful idiots" in west). Herald/Globe/Guard/DMail, Oct 30, 2010. Go to 15.Life in Oceania & TAKE NOT OUR DAILY BREAD
"I spy something stupid" in Canada (ethno-politicians demand CSIS-boss resign) & Mayor 'Chairman Chow' pokes fun at spy-boss (BC municipal politicians on take from China). TOSun/VanCourier, Oct 30, 2010. Go to CHINA IN CANADA SAY SPY CHIEF & 35.Big Brother Brotherhood & CANADA'S RED TRUDEAU
Canada PM celebrates 40-year China relationship (says Canada China have shared heritage) & Canada's PM offers friendship/beef/oil to China (Canada's energy will fuel China'a insatiable need) & Communist China stakes claim to USA oil & gas (also gains access to USA drilling technology) & USA Secretary of Energy is Chinese (controls production/regulation of USA oil/gas). Texas/Wiki, Oct 12, 2010. Go to DRILL SARAH BABY DRILL & CHINA TALONS IN CANADA OIL SANDS & USA GAVE CHINA PANAMA CANAL & USA LETS CHINA SCAN NUKES & 35.Big Brother's Brotherhood
TERRY FOX NEWFIE VODKA (a truly non-enhanced pure spirit) & Legend of the 13 Crystal Skulls (more to life than mere material reality) & Terry Fox statue be built in Newfoundland (at mile zero of Marathon of Hope). CrystalHead/CBC, Oct 6, 2010. Go to CANADA COMMMIE LENIN-MAO STATUE & 6.SuperStates & 7.Systems Thought
Deadly CIA robots in the sky (victims are Muslims not terrorists) & Deskbound warriors in Nevada deliver death (bombing Afghan/Pak/Iraq like video game) & USA drone strategy comes with much baggage (drop hellfire missiles/500lb bombs on villages). GlobeMail/NatPost, Oct 4, 2010. Go to OBAMA LOVES TO BOMB OSAMA & OBAMA PEACE PRIZE NOT NOBLE & 22.Doublethink & 12.MiniPeace(War)
UK TV show: Prince Harry kidnapped by Taliban (subjected to mock execution/brainwashed) & New CNN hosts & guests savage Sarah Palin (say moron/anti-Semitic/compare to Ku Klux Klan) & Mock Sarah Palin has Levi arrested in music video (20-yr-old in sexy scenes with singer). TelegraphWashPost/Breit, Oct 6, 2010. Go to ORWELLIAN MEDIA MASSACRED SARAH & HAIL TO THE CHIMP & DOUBLETHINK BLACKWHITE RACISM & ORWELL & HARRY AT ETON & 16.MiniTru(Lies) & 25.Prolefeed
UK alerts tourists to fear attack by Osama (heavily-armed solders/sniffer dogs patrol streets) & USA warns of possible terrorist attacks in Europe (subways/trains/airplanes targeted by Al Qaeda). DailyMail/Reuters, Oct 3, 2010. Go to TERROR BILL IS TERROR & WHO YOU GONNA BLAME? OSAMA! & BIG BROTHER STAGED EVENTS (bombs fired by gov't to keep people frightened) & 28.Reality Control
Where are our priorities, Canada? (Fox Run took 30 years to amass $500million; gov't spent billions for Olympic & G20 police) & listen to Stop hey what's that sound? (what a field day for the heat). CoastReporter/Utube, Oct 1, 2010. Go to OLYMPIAN SECURITY ORWELLIAN GAMES & POLICE DOGS IN ANIMAL FARM & 3.Surveillance & 22.ThoughtPolice & 37.We The Dead
Terry Fox incredible story being told again (his face hiding pain/his voice disguising sacrifice) & Basketball star making new Terry Fox movie (INTO THE WIND at Toronto Film Festival) & Terry Fox memorial to be taken down (make room for massive casino complex) & Vancouver new casino entertainment epicentre (100,000 square/ft gambling in Terry Fox Plaza). GlobeMail/CBC, Aug 18, 2010. Go to TERRY FOX MONUMENTAL PERSON & 24.The Lottery & 22.Doublethink
China's military has been secretly expanding (long-range missiles/submarines/nuclear arsenal) & Nothing new about China influencing Canada (Public-Safety-Minister is astounded it's a news story) & China Communist Party not playing by Canada rules (control/influence/propaganda is name of the game) & Communist China controls Canada politicians (free trips/gifts/business deals/sex/blackmail; in return get access to resources/rubberstamped deals) & Spy agency says Canada officials under foreign sway (serious problem; going to get worse) & Chinese have infiltrated Canada government (Prime Minister refuses to comment). BBC/Van/Tang/Epoch/CBC/Sun, Aug 7, 2010. Go to CHINA EVIL BEYOND SHANGHAI & 35.Big Brother's Brotherhood (betray one's country to foreign powers)
2010 IS 1984 PROPHECY (Orwell warned of authoritarian control). Mexico City Excelsior/Email, Aug 12, 2010. Go to 1.Winston's Diary
UK census axed after 200 years (nationality of population won't be counted). Telegraph/Email, Aug 7, 2010. Go to NO CENSUS COUNTING IMMIGRANTS & 17.Falsification of Past
90,000 abortions every year in Canada (no law or rules against killing before birth) & Canada's pro-life prisoner of conscience interview (Linda Gibbons behind bars for 8 of past 16 years; unlawfully arrested protesting genocide of unborn) & Jewish immigrant doctor opened illegal abortuary 1969 (baby emerging from birth canal not a person) & Canada population should be 100-million (gov't wants 70-million new immigrants). NatPost/Ottawa, Aug 2, 2010. Go to CANADA KILLS PEOPLE BEFORE BIRTH & ABORTION HOLOCAUST CANADA'S PRIDE & ABORTING AMERICA & WHERE HAVE ALL PEOPLE GONE?
John Kennedy Jr plane is missing (11 years ago on July 16, 1999) & Apollo 11 takes off for moon (41 years ago on July 16, 1969). YouTube/BBC, Jul 16, 2010 & see John-John & JFK board AF-One. Go to CAMELOT LITTLE LORD FAUNTLEROY & NO MEN ON THE MOON & JULY 16 DARK-DAY EVENTS & JULY 16 A SIGNIFICANT DATE & BIG BROTHER SYMBOLISM
ORWELL BIRTHDAY TYPING & CAKE (Happy 107th Birthday Orwell). June 25, 1903 - 2010. Go to SHRINE TO ORWELL & ORWELL STATUE IN MOTIHARI
1984 A LOVE STORY (Winston finds love with Julia) & DAILY ORWELL 1984 READINGS (begin each of 365 days with Orwell text). Email, Jun 17, 2010. Go to 41.BB Tells How & 42.BB Tells Why
Sony shows off Play Station KILL ZONE in 3D (56 more 3D-games due by Christmas) & Sony announces new 3D motion controller (phallic hand-held ping-pong headed joystick). BBC/PlayStation, Jun 16, 2010. Go to 3D-TV DANGER-DANGER-DANGER! & 25.Prolefeed & 30.Love Instinct
African vuvuzela an instrument of torture (destroys hair cells in inner ear) & Vuvuzela sounds like goat being slaughtered (racism & crime replace SAfrica apartheid) & Vuvuzela madness comes to iPhone (above level for permanent hearing loss) & Cover ears for vuvuzela British invasion (people fear for their sanity) & Vuvuzela horn catastrophic for hearing (part of African soccer culture) & Plastic trumpet tops noise league (dangerously loud; far out-blasts chain saw) & Vuvuzela horns spread disease (germ droplets get blown out of end) & UK DJ sorry for World Cup Africa joke (give African $2/month he buy bloody trumpet). Global News, Jun 16, 2010<. Go to 39.Torture & 40.Brainwashing
World Cup ball is a joke (behaves like a beach-ball) & Controversy over World Cup soccer ball (dreadful/horrible/a catastrophe/a disaster). Peace/NPR, Jun 16, 2010. Go to TAKING SOCCER BALLS 4 KIDS & 10.Rulers
SEARCHING 4 JFK 109 CREW (2 died; 11 survived) & USS PT-109 Final Crew List (name, rank & position). Email/MaritimeQuest, Jun 14, 2010. Go to STORY OF JFK PT-109
Rwanda court postpones Nkunda hearing (Canadian defence lawyer didn't show up) & NKUNDA DUE HIS DAY IN COURT (scheduled for Rwanda June 11, 2010). Jun 10/11, 2010. Go to NKUNDA SHOULD BE HERO & NKUNDA'S CASE FOR REBELLION & ALL FORCES AGAINST NKUNDA & NKUNDA PILGRIMAGE RECONCILIATION & 38.Cellars & 34.MiniLuv (Torture)
American lawyer arrested in Rwanda (genocide denier defends genocidaires) & Erlinder attends Rwanda court hearing (denied bail; must stay in jail). CityNews/YouTube, Jun 10, 2010. Go to GENOCIDE LAWYER TRIALS & TRIBS & 22.Doublethink
Big Brother betting begins on TV series (pick who gets evicted; who wins). BetDirect, Jun 9, 2010. Go to 24.The Lottery & 3.Surveillance & ORWELL VS BIG BROTHER CASE
HAPPY ST GEORGE ORWELL DAY (61st anniversary of publication of 1984). June 8, 1949 - 2010. Watch BBC's "1984" on YouTube (adapted as TV play aired live in 1954). Go to BBC 1954 TV VERSION OF 1984
Apple introduces iPhone 4 (has front-facing video camera) & Hands off my latest Apple gizmo (one man/one company/one device). MacWorld/FinPost, Jun 7, 2010. Go to ORWELL BIT APPLE 1984 AD & 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police
3D-TV DANGER-DANGER-DANGER & Health risks & dangers of 3D-TV (nausea/altered vision/dizziness/fatigue/headaches/convulsions/cramps/disorientation) & Stereoscopic 3D fools our brains (damages cornea's focal depth perception) & Why iPhone/iPad is kid's Toy of the Year (easy apps even for one-year-olds). Oz/PCWorld/Vision/Email, Jun 4, 2010. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police
CO2 climate change advisers earn millions (ex-UK-PM Blair new carbon-tax huckster) & CO2 is NOT a pollutant (carbon dioxide makes life possible) & Taxing C02 is taxing air we breathe (like Schwarzenegger movie "Total Recall"). ThisLondon/Blog/USWGO, May 27, 2010. Go to CO2 LIE BOOT ON LIFE'S FACE & 14.Science & 42.BB Tells Why
ORWELL LIVE AT GREENWICH (Orwell musical at Greenwich Theatre). Email, Jun 2, 2010. Go to ORWELL PERSONA
London unveils creepy Olympic mascots (face is TV-screen with camera-lens eye). Yahoo/Email, May 25, 2010. Go to ORWELL TELESCREEN C-U MASCOTS & 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police & BIG BROTHER SYMBOLISM
ORWELL VS BIG BROTHER CASE & ORWELL COPYRIGHT COURT CASES (Apple 1984 ad & CBS Big Brother). Email, May 20, 2010. Go to 16.Ministry of Truth & 25.Prolefeed
Africa World Cup Soccer just for rich (police forcibly shut down small vendors) & Street kids play own soccer tournament (offers escape from hellish lives). BBC, May 18, 2010. Go to TAKING SOCCER BALLS 4 KIDS (suitcase full of deflated balls). Email, May 13, 2010. Go to 8.Classes People & 9.Masses Down
DAVE HOOK MEMORY ALIVE (thoughts & theories living on). Email, May 12, 2010. Go to LISTEN DAVE HOOK MOON SONG & DAVE HOOK MOON SONG WORDS
Vandals put hole in severed-head statue (art group calls it a tragedy) & Vancouver Giant Heads by Mexican artist (gov't-backed art gallery paid millions) & Vancouver ok's Olympic Oval condo plan (by architect Cheng marketed by Wong). VanSun/Biennale/CBC, May 12, 2010. Go to CANADA BLOODY SEVERED-HEAD STATUES & 19.Goldstein Two Minutes Hate & 35.BB Brotherhood
VOICE OF THE UNBORN CHILD (Please listen to your child within, And give to me my life!). Email, May 7, 2010. Go to WHERE HAVE ALL BABIES GONE? & ORWELL AGAINST ABORTION
WHO CAN FIND ORWELL AT ETON? (grad photos 1917/18/19/20/21) & ORWELL ETON POEM DISCOVERED (found by grandson of Eric Blair's teacher). Email, Apr 26-May 8, 2010. Go to ORWELL'S OTHER WORKS & LOOKING FOR ORWELL AT ETON
PRESTON HALL FARM ANIMAL FARM (had limestone quarry & large haystacks) & ORWELL'S TB DOC O'SHAUGHNESSY (brother of Orwell's wife Eileen). Email, May 4, 2010. Go to ORWELL'S LIFE IN WALLINGTON & ORWELL'S ANIMAL FARM
New book: Orwell - A Life in Letters (he kept the stiffest of upper lips). DailyMail, Apr 27, 2010. Go to ORWELL'S PERSONA
VAUGHN MEADER MADE JFK LAUGH (with his spoof of Kennedy clan) & Vaughn Meader as JFK ("now let me tell you this about that"). Email/YouTube, Apr 26, 2010. Go to 4.Old World Destruction
ANYTHING MADE IN AMERICA? (wonder why can't find a good paying job) & Buy, Buy American Pie (grandma didn't bake it; made in Shanghai) & CHINA BUY BUY AMERICAN PIE. YouTube/Email, Apr 25, 2010. Go toCHINESE TAKE OVER AMERICA & 7.Systems & 35.BB Brotherhood
Taxes are Canadians fastest growing expense (take 42% of income; increased 1,625%) & Native chiefs make 30% more than premiers (aboriginals exempt from paying taxes). FinancialPost, Nov 24, 2010. Go to CANADA TOTAL TAX TYRANNY & HEAP BIG SALARY INDIAN CHIEFS & 9.Keep Masses Down & 10.Rulers
Canadian couple behind native blockade (sued police & gov't for abandonment). Caledonia Wake-Up-Call, 2006-2010. Go to ALONE AGAINST TERRORIST INDIANS & CANADA COPS TIM-BIT GRANNIES & 22.Doublethink
ORWELL ASPIDISTRA NOT GERANIUM (as in Ragged Trousered Philanthropists) & St George's Day: 10 things to know (England's flag is emblem St George wore) & St George pageant in England after 425-yrs (celebrate rich culture/heritage/traditions). Email/Mirror/BBC, Apr 23, 2010. Go to SAINT GEORGE ORWELL DAY
KENNEDY CHARACTER-KILLING CONTINUES (reader asks for proof JFK/RFK were good) & Book: Oprah obsessed with Jackie/Kennedys (tight with Schwarzenegger's wife Shriver) & Jackie Kennedy interviews to be published (6-hours of audiotape talking about JFK). Email/Boston/MiamiHer, Apr 22, 2010. Go to JFK TRUTHS & UNTRUTHS & 16.MiniTru(Lies) & 17.Falsification Past
Archie comics is happy & gay (200th edition introduces homosexual male) & Canada postpones new school sex ed (teaching masturbation/vaginal lubrication/anal/oral sex to 12-yr-olds is criminal). McLeans/CanNews, Apr 22, 2010. Go to CONDOMS FOR KIDS COMING & 30.Love Instinct & CHILD SEX HUXLEY & ORWELL NOT SEXUALLY LIBERAL
LOOKING 4 TERRY FOX MOUNTAIN (Canada's son, shining like the sun, above our highest mountains) & How are you remembering Terry Fox? (what are your Marathon of Hope memories?) & Remembering Terry Fox run 30 years later (dipped artificial leg into Atlantic Ocean). CBC/CTV, Apr 12, 2010. Go to MY TERRY FOX MEMORIES & HONOUR TERRY FOX NOT LENIN-MAO & 4.Old World Destruction & 7.Systems
JFK LAST FULL DAY IN TEXAS (reader asks for room numbers). Email, Apr 11, 2010. Go to JFK TRUTHS & UNTRUTHS & JFK ASSASSINATION PUZZLE PIECES & 4.Destruction & 16.MiniTru(Lies)
Signed 1st-edition Orwell sells for $128,000 (Down Out Paris London published 1933). BBC, Mar 25, 2010. Go to ORWELL DOWN & OUT & BIRTH OF GEORGE ORWELL NAME & GEORGE ORWELL PEN NAME & 8.Classes People & 9.Masses Down
Minority births outnumbering whites in USA (Caucasions to be minority within 40 yrs) & Canada visible minority expected to boom (in 20-years 46% will be of foreign born) & Canada apologises for Chinese head-tax (gives each Chinese immigrant $20,000; $34-million for anti-racism education) & Asian carp threatens America's Great Lakes (invasive species of food-guzzling fish introduced from China in 1970s). Chosun/NP/Guard/Can, Mar 16, 2010. Go to WHERE HAVE ALL BABIES GONE? & CHINESE TAKE-OVER
Nixon-Mao opera rehearsed during Olympics (people right outside doors decked in flag) & Canada opera brings in Mao & Nixon (PM Trudeau in China before Pres Nixon) & USA stages 'Nixon in China' opera (portrays Kissinger as sex-crazed sadist) & Nixon-Kissinger 1972 visit to China-Mao (build a bridge across 16,000 miles) & Kissinger urges USA respect China interests (speech in Beijing under personal invitation). VanSun/LA/Wiki/Xinhua, Mar 16, 2010. Go to KISSINGER ZIONISM IN AMERICA & CANADA'S RED TRUDEAU & LENIN-MAO MOCK CANADA OLYMPICS & 7.Systems & 35.BB Brotherhood & GOLDSTEIN CONSPIRACY IN 1984
Happy 67th Birthday Bobby Fischer (brash 29-year-old American single-handedly defeated the Soviet chess juggernaut). USA/YouTube, Mar 9, 1943-2010. Go to The Russians Have Fixed World Chess (1962 Sports Illustrated article by Fischer) & 1963 Bobby Fischer interview & 1972 Bobby Fischer interview & Bobby Fischer beats the Russians & Bobby Fischer talks God-Religion-Love (sings All You Need is Love by Lennon). Go to UNCLE SAM FINDS BOBBY FISCHER & FISCHER MAN AGAINST MACHINE & BOBBY FISCHER A WINSTON SMITH & JOHN WINSTON LENNON SMITH & 27.Goodthink & 4.Old World Destruction
Russian ex-KGB agent buys British newspapers (enabled by Russian PM ex-KGB agent Putin) & Evening Standard/Independent now Russia's (no protest by British gov't or media). Times/Spiegel, Mar 8, 2010. Go to RICH RUSSIANS LIKE LENIN & RUSSIA IS HELL'S INFERNO & BRITISH PRESS CIRCUS DOGS & MiniTru(Lies) & Rulers & Systems
7-yr-olds shown graphic sex cartoon at school (recommended by dep't of children & family) & Teen boys watching hours of internet porn (treat girls as perverted sex objects) & Extra-small condoms target 12-year-old boys (named 'Hot Shots' for tweens having sex) & Canada wins medals in condom distribution (gov't doled out 100,000 during Olympics) & China recycles used condoms as hair bands (for both domestic & foreign markets). DMail/NatPost/CNN/AusNews, Mar 5, 2010. Go to CONDOMS FOR KIDS COMING & CHILD SEX IN BRAVE NEW WORLD & TV PORN NOW MAINSTREAM & BB Brotherhood & Love Instinct & ORWELL NOT SEXUALLY LIBERAL
ORWELL WROTE TO THE FUTURE (for whom was he writing his diary?) & UK TOTALITARIAN SURVEILLANCE STATE (NWO destroying England as a nation). Email, Mar 4, 2010. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police & 5.Pyramidal NWO & 1.Winston's Diary
Police exhibit RFK's bloody clothes in Vegas (son Max slams "macabre publicity stunt") & History TV series portrays JFK as sex maniac (daughter Caroline outraged & asks for help). 1stPost/Inquirer, Mar 4, 2010. Go to KKK KEEPS KILLING KENNEDYS & PLAYBOY'S JFK & JFK POISON PEN KILLERS & JFK TRUTHS & UNTRUTHS & MiniTru(Lies) & Prolefeed & Falsification
Russia Olympics in extremely bad neighbourhood (plagued by poverty-corruption-organized crime; favourite holiday resort of Stalin & Putin) & Canada's golden games (won more gold than any other nation ever) & Games visitors comment on Lenin/Mao statue (seems strange to see it in Canada). Go to LENIN'S HEAD on YouTube by sculptors (wilh Lenin's voice in background) & Putin weighs into figure skating debate (says Plushenko's silver is worth gold) & Russian Pavilion in Canada's Science World (front-row seat to observe & take notes). VanSun/Tele/Exam, Feb 27-Mar 3, 2010. Go to LENIN-MAO MOCK CANADA OLYMPICS & MEDAL SLUMP PANICS RUSSIANS & RUSSIA IN CANADA'S SCIENCE WORLD & RUSSIA & CHINA SKATING CONSPIRACY & 7.Systems of Thought
Canada gov't courts China to exploit oil sands (USA & UK pushed out; Communists invited in) & Long arm of China grabs Canada crown jewels (corporate heads say embrace Asian power). Guardian/FinPost, Feb 16, 2010. Go to CHINA TALONS IN CANADA OIL SANDS & CHINA'S FOOT IN TAR SANDS DOOR & CANADA'S RED TRUDEAU & 35.Big Brother's Brotherhood
USA dollar in jeopardy of losing its value (national debt $13 trillion dollars) & The Last Real American Dollar (modern route to slavery is thru debt) & Happy 201st birthday Abe Lincoln (his portrait on American $5-dollar bill). Market/Before/Date, Feb 12, 2010. Go to LINCOLN & KENNEDY MADE MONEY & JFK'S REAL AMERICAN DOLLARS & JFK DEFENDED USA DOLLAR & 8.Classes & 9.Masses Down
CABARET COMING UP FOR ORWELL (opening in London in June) & ORWELL MOTIHARI MEMORIAL MATERIAL & ORWELL STATUE IN MOTIHARI ('Millennium Writer' Eric Arthur Blair). Email, Feb 1-8, 2010. Go to SHRINE TO ORWELL
ORWELL TODAY & TOMORROW (running 9 years straight, now into tenth). Go to COMPLETE ORWELL COMPLETE WORKS & ORWELL TODAY BIRTHDAY TYPING. Email, Feb 5, 2010. Go to 1.Winston's Diary
NASA ends plans to send men to the moon (no one following in Buzz Aldrin's footsteps) & Aldrin describes Obama's JFK moment (profile in courage for cancelling moon missions) & Fake Dutch "moon rock" revealed (donated by Aldrin/Armstrong/Collins). WashPost/HuffPost/BBC/Email, Feb 4, 2010. Go to ASTRONOTS NOT GOING TO MOON & LISTEN MOON SONG (they beamed it out to all the excited folks) & DAVE HOOK'S MOON SONG & 20.Reality Control
USA in denial over Kennedy assassination (new Stone film on alternative theories) & Two new JFK assassination documentaries (for people with attention spans) & Arlen Specter trails big time in Pennsylvania (invented "magic bullet" in JFK assassination). KTV/BSR/EconJour/Email, Jan 29, 2010. Go to OSWALD IN DOOR NOT 6TH FLOOR & JFK OSWALD DEALEY DISCOVERIES & 17.Falsification of Past & JFK ASSASSINATION PUZZLE PIECES
ORWELL THE PASSING TRAVELLER (prided himself in seeing thru the rackets) & BIRTH OF GEORGE ORWELL NAME & 60th anniversary of George Orwell's death (his novels attacked Communist system) & 86th anniversary of Vladimir Lenin's death (he was architect of Communist system) & Orwell's love of country secular sainthood (100 names he thought crypto-communists). BBC/Novosti/Irish, Jan 21, 2010. Go to VISITING ORWELL'S HOSPITAL & VISITING ORWELL'S GRAVE & ORWELL'S CRYPTO-COMMIE LIST & SNOWBALL'S REVENGE ON ORWELL & ORWELL DIED & HISS JAILED
Stalin statues going up again in Russia (the fruit of creeping re-Stalinization) & Stalin's revival in Russia (rehabilitating homicidal maniac) & Trotsky the firebrand (zeal for collectivizataion & terror) & TROTSKY REVELLED IN SOVIET EVIL (along with Lenin he created system Stalin used) & Lenin-Mao sculpture divides Canadian residents (4000-kilo/9000-lb chrome bust by Chinese artists) & MPs say give KGB agent freedom in Canada (gov't order deport; threatens national security). Tele/Mill/NatPost/VanSun, Jan 20, 2010. Go to CANADA COMMIE LENIN-MAO STATUE & 7.Systems & 35.BB Brotherhood & 2.Big Brother Is Watching You
Vancouver Olympics security blanket (largest military-police presence since WWII). GlobeMail, Jan 19, 2010. Go to OLYMPIAN SECURITY ORWELLIAN GAMES & 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police & 42.BB Tells Why
China threatens USA on arms sales to Taiwan (will retaliate militarily if deal consummated) & China aiming 1,300 ballistic missiles at Taiwan (Communists deny Taiwan a self-ruled nation) & USA forgets oath when forgetting POWs (left to rot in China-Russia slave labour camps). CNN/VOA/Examiner, Jan 18, 2010 & CHICOM HATES FREE TAIWAN & CHINA'S TORTURED DISSIDENTS & MCCARTHY ON CHINA & NORTH KOREA & MCCARTHY DEMAND CHINA FREE POWS & LONG WALK FROM STALIN'S GULAG & 38.Cellars & 39.Interrogation & 34.MiniLuv
Airport crackdown after Xmas Day bomb plot (UK 'promises' naked-body scanners/sniffer dogs/body searches/behavioural analysis/racial profiling). Times/Email, Jan 16, 2010. Go to AIRPORT NAKED-SCAN POLITICIANS & 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police & 21.Crimestop & 28.Reality Control & 5.BB Pyramidal NWO
LOWE JFK-RFK BROTHERS PHOTO (discussing choice of LBJ for VP). Email, Jan 16, 2010. Go to ANOTHER ATTACK ON JFK'S IMAGE & 17.Falsification of Past
Rwanda asks Congo lift indictment on Nkunda (he essential part of formula returning peace). EastAfrican, Jan 17, 2010. Go to GOMA LUMUMBA VOLCANO 1961-2002 (volcano erupted Jan 17 day Lumumba died) & JFK CRIED FOR CONGO (he knew the murder would be prelude to chaos) & Nkunda lawyer asks access to as yet unseen client (letters to Kagame & ministers unanswered) & Rwanda again postpones Nkunda's hearing (didn't appear in court, remains in detention) & Rwanda Court to hear Nkunda case Wednesday (show Commonwealth its human rights credentials) & Nkunda petition to ask why he was arrested (Army Chief Staff Kabarebe to be on witness stand) & Nkunda family awaits Rwanda Supreme Court (held illegally one year; not seen in public since). AFP/Invest/SaveRw/VOA, Jan 12-14, 2010. Go to KAGAME HELPING NKUNDA NOT & NKUNDA SAFE LIKE LUMUMBA? (simply disappeared & never heard of again) & NKUNDA ORWELLIAN REFS UNPERSON? & NKUNDA ON JOURNALISTS & GORILLAS & NKUNDA'S VISION FOR CONGO
New Year for POWs yesterday into tomorrow (politicians choose to ignore these men). SpokaneExaminer, Jan 7, 2010. Go to PRESUME POWS ALIVE NOT DEAD & LIVE POWS WEST ABANDONED & UNCLE SAM SAYS POW DESERTED & 6.SuperStates & 7.Systems
Ukranian Sevcenko dies: translated Animal Farm (wrote letter to Orwell asking permission). NewYorkTimes, Jan 5, 2010. Go to ORWELL'S ANIMAL FARM PREFACE (said he wrote it to expose Stalin's barbarism; concentration camps, mass deportations, arrest without trial, press censorship etc) & Orwell paid for Russian-language edition intended for readers behind Iron Curtain. Go to ANIMAL FARM DRAWINGS COLLECTION & WAS FARMER JONES GARETH JONES? & FAMINE EXPOSURE IN SOVIET UNION & ASSIGNMENT IN STALIN UTOPIA & STALIN'S LIAR IN NEW YORK & RUSSIA IS HELL'S INFERNO
Palin on Energy (Let's start drilling for energy independence) & Alaska to get Palin's dream 2700-km gas pipeline (run Alaska gas into Canada pipeline) & Canada to get 1200-km Mackenzie gas pipeline (delivering fuel energy is in public interest). HistMomInTime/AmerThink/CBC, Jan 1, 2010. Go to DRILL SARAH BABY DRILL & PALIN PROTECTS FROM PREDATORS & SARAH IS SPIRIT OF AMERICA & PALIN RIGHT ON RUSSIA (you can see Russia from Alaska) & SARAH PALIN FANS NOT FOOLS & LENIN BEHIND ENVIRONMENTALISM & SOLZHENITSYN WARNS WESTERN WORLD
China's PetroChina 'invests' in Canada oil sands (175 billion barrells 2nd biggest oil store in world) & Canada approves Red China takeover in oil sands (say communist-owned company benefit Canada). AP/BBC/CanCom, Dec 30, 2009. Go to CHINA TALONS IN CANADA OIL SANDS & CANADA GROVELS TO COMMUNISTS & 7.Systems & 35.BB Brotherhood
Displaced and desperate in Gaza (going downhill from rock bottom) & Israel's Gaza invasion powered by USA (Kissinger struck USA oil deal with Israel) & USA financial aid to Israel (5.8 million Israelis each receive $14,630 a year) & Kissinger says world must forge new order (or retreat to chaos) & Kissinger congratulates China (paved way for warm US-China relations). AlJaz/Salon/WRMEA/Indep/Xin, Dec 30, 2009. Go to ZIONISM IN AMERICA & GOLDSTEIN CONSPIRACY IN 1984 & BIG BROTHER STAGED EVENTS & 28.Reality Control & 5.BB Pyramidal NWO
Orwell birthplace to be restored (priority to protect it followed by renovation) & George Orwell & India ("I am Indian and was born there") & India gov't saving Orwell's birthplace from decay (Orwell had India in his blood) & Orwell birthplace saved from becoming animal farm (British enthusiast's photos on Orwell Today website) & Orwell's birthplace aims to attract tourists (funds being raised for Orwell museum in Bihar) & India declares Orwell birth house protected (plan to develop building & site in Motihari). NYT/AFP/Times/Telegraph, Dec 28-31, 2009. Go to ORWELL BIRTHPLACE NO ANIMAL FARM & INDIA PROTECTS ORWELL BIRTHPLACE (there's a statue & musem of Gandhi in Motihari) & VISITING ORWELL'S BIRTHPLACE & SHRINE TO ORWELL & ORWELL'S REFLECTIONS ON GANDHI
RFK MOVIE THE SECOND GUN ("a must see") & JFK Dallas doctor Malcolm Perry dies age 80 (never discussed the assassination) & Dallas surgeon operated on JFK (also operated on Oswald). DallasNews/WashPost, Dec 30, 2009. Go to JFK DALLAS DOCTOR DIES & 4.Old World Destruction
JOHN LENNON SINGING STAND BY ME (smiles & says "Hello Julian" at 2:30 & hello to all folks in England at 3:27). Go to JFK & JOHN LENNON BOTH (I know I'll often stop & think about them) & IN MY LIFE (tribute to John Lennon) & JOHN WINSTON LENNON SMITH. December 8, 1980 - 2009 & RETHINKING LENNON ASSASSINATION & BYE BYE AMERICAN PIE (Satan laughing with delight the day music died) & BYE BYE AMERICAN APPLE PIE (even at that time Winston had not imagined) & 4.Old World Destruction
Navy seeking proposals for USS JFK (aircraft carrier a museum or memorial) & The boy who saw the president die (eerie confetti, roses & firecrackers). November 22, 1963 - 2009. Go to REMEMBERING JFK IN BUTTERFLIES & DEDICATED TO PRESIDENT KENNEDY (died 46 years ago at age 46) & Evelyn Lincoln devoted her life to Camelot (preserving truth of JFK's goodness) & JFK TRUTH & JFK ASSASSINATION & 4.Old World Destruction
Princess Di comic under attack in UK (only those with half-a-brain hate it). LosAngelesTimes, Nov 21, 2009. Go to DIANA WALK & COMIC BOOK & 26.Julia & Rebellion
Canada zoo names new baby gorilla (UN declared 2009 Year of th
RWANDA SUSPECT CANADA CAUGHT (keep little fish; let big fish go) & Kenya shelters owner of Rwanda Hate Radio (imported millions of machetes from China) & UN frees ex-pres Habyarimana brother-in-law (Rwanda very unhappy but can't reverse) & Zigiranyirazo collaborated in Dian Fossey murder (also guilty masterminding Rwanda genocide) & Rwanda's notorious "Mr Z" let out of prison (UN overturns his conviction for genocide) & Friend of Mr Zed sentenced to 8-yrs prison (knew who gave order kill Rwanda opposition) & Canada charges Rwandan for genocide (trial will cost at least $4-million) & Rwanda genocide suspect seen on bus (recognized by childhood friend). VOA/BBC/AP/RN/GM/MG, Nov 16, 2009. Go to HABYARIMANA WIFE DENIES GENOCIDE & 7.Systems & 10.Rulers
GENOCIDAIRES DENY RWANDA GENOCIDE (only chaos/murder/butchery/war crime). Email, Nov 14, 2009. Go to 17.Falsification of Past
JFK BET PT-109 FASTEST (engine-man Facto nephew reports). Email, Nov 13, 2009. Go to STORY OF JFK PT-109
11th hour of 11th day of 11th month (honour those who survived & died). November 11, 2009. Go to 12.MiniPax
Palestinians breach Israel's West Bank Wall (20-foot-high wall an illegal land grab) & ISRAELI WALL against human way of living (dire consequences in Arab communities) & Israel began Palestine Apartheid Wall in 1994 (people separated from farmland & water) & Khrushchev began Berlin Wall in 1961 (12-foot high, 96 miles long) & Story of protesters painting Berlin Wall (sign of resistance, strong political act) & Russians don't know who built Berlin Wall (communists built to stop Germans' escape) & Bono band builds Berlin Wall around concert (so fans will watch on TV & increase ratings) & U2 scans fans at Berlin Wall checkpoint (like communist checkpoint Charlie) & Outcry at U2 wall at Brandenburg Gate (keep out anyone without ticket). Reut/BBC/Times/Tele, Nov 5, 2009. Go to JFK ICH BIN EIN BERLINER & U2 BONO ARCH CAPITALIST RED & HUMANITARIAN CONCERTS NOT & 22.Doublethink & 17.Falsification Past
WORKING FOR ORWELL & JFK (bosses not generous giving time off). Email, Nov 5, 2009. Go to WHY ORWELL WROTE 1984 & JFK TRUTH & UNTRUTH
Occupying troops involved in Afghan drug trade (USA/UK/Canada profiting from heroin) & Poppy poster defaced attacking Tony Blair (ex-PM should be prosecuted for war record) & Canada ponders poppies on the Prairies (earn farmers more than growing wheat). PressTV/Telegraph/CanWorld, Nov 4, 2009. Go to CANADA PLANS HEROIN GROW-OPS & IN AFGHAN FIELDS & 12.MiniPax & 35.BB Brotherhood
WHO says H1N1 pandemic flu vaccine safe (target: unborn/teenagers/young adults) & WHO is making a profit from swine flu? (vaccine maker GSK = Great Swine flu Killing) & Swine flu jab linked to killer nerve disease (gov't & neurologists hiding info from public). VOA/Times/DailyMail, Oct 31, 2009. Go to DON'T WANT SWINE FLU SHOTS SONG & WHEN PIGS FLY BIOLOGICAL WARFARE & MAN-MADE FLU WEAPON & CHINA'S DR FLU HEADS WHO & BIG BROTHER BIO-CHEM WARFARE & 5.BB Pyramidal NWO
Canada approves "see-through" scanners (3-dimensional outline of naked body) & Naked body airport scanners invade privacy (show clear outline of genitals) & UK airports stop scanning naked children (illegal indecent images is paedophilia). Globe/DigJour/BBC, Nov 1, 2009. Go to HUMANS SCANNED LIKE GROCERIES & 3.Surveillance & 28.Reality Control
LINCOLN-KENNEDY JOHNSONS ALIKE (Andrew & Lyndon coincidences). Email, Oct 31, 2009. Go to 4.Old World Destruction
Babies without men or women, conceivably (sperm & eggs 'harvested' from skin cells; distort & damage family relations). DailyMail, Oct 29, 2009. Go to 30.Love Instinct & Family (prevent men & women forming loyalties) & UNBRAVE NEW WORLD PROCREATION
Nkunda loyalists in Congo army warn war (humanitarian situation in Kivu catastrophic) & Congo president Kabila on spot over mass misery (thousands civilians killed/raped/homes burned; Congo & UN armies refuse to fight killers) & Nkunda secret book unveiled (manifesto allegedly written before arrest). Kenya Daily, Oct 26, 2009. Go to FREE NKUNDA TO FIGHT FOR CONGO & KAGAME HELPING NKUNDA NOT & NKUNDA CONGO'S ONLY PROTECTOR & CONGO CIVILIANS EASY PREY & 6.Super-State Disputed Territories
RWANDA KING NOT AT HOME (has lived entirety of his life abroad). Email, Oct 25, 2009. Go to His Majesty King Kigeli V of Rwanda
REMINISCING DISCOVERY NILE & CONGO (John Speke & Morton Stanley). Email, Oct 24, 2009. Go to 6.Super-States Disputed Territories
PATRIOT SWINDAL JFK AF-1 PILOT (dipped AF-1 wings over JFK's grave). Email, Oct 22, 2009. Go to 5.Life in Oceania (Airstrip One a dilapidated place) & 4.Old World Destruction
JFK PT-109 GUNNER HARRIS (sent condolence letter to Jackie). Email, Oct 22, 2009. Go to JFK PT-109 SONG
Visits to inmates by video link only (no human contact in new $620-million jail). CanwestNews, Oct 19, 2009. Go to 34.MiniLuvTorture & 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police
Canada ban tobacco smoking private homes (already bans smoking in public places) & Canada provide rooms smoke crack cocaine (already provide rooms to inject heroin) & Safer Crack Cocaine Smoking Kit (contains materials to smoke crack). CP/GlobeMail/HepInfo, Oct 19, 2009. Go to CRACK HIT-KITS HIT CANADA & 22.Doublethink & DRUG WAR IS PEACE & IN AFGHAN FIELDS
WHERE IS JFK'S BIBLE? (leaving church in summer of 1961). Email, Oct 18, 2009. Go to LBJ SWORE ON JFK'S BIBLE
COP ATTACKS STUDENT over untucked shirt (caught on video beating 15-yr-old boy) & "STOP RESISTING!" yell Canada cops (while punching/kneeing/beating student) & Officials defend police brutality on campus (witness say student not violent) & Canada top attorney kills cyclist with car (like scene from Grand Theft Auto) & WITNESSES SAW CAR KILL CYCLIST (driver speeding on sidewalk hitting poles). UTube/CTV/GM, Oct 15, 2009. Go to POLICE DOGS IN ANIMAL FARM & 34.Ministry of Love (Torture)
UN Climate Change scam covert no more (West to pay UN billions for breathing CO2) & Canada oil for Communist China not USA (gov't environmentalists ban "dirty fuel") & Canada gov't secure with China in oilsands (supply Communists nuclear energy too). NatPost/GM/Reut, Oct 13, 2009. Go to WINDMILL'S GREEN STALINISM & WHOLE WORLD IN THEIR HANDS & CLIMATE-CHANGE CORRUPT SCIENCE & 9.Keeping Masses Down & 2.Big Brother & 5.BB Pyramidal NWO
Busy Thanksgiving highlights homelessness (effects of recession now full blown). HAPPY THANKSGIVING & Thanksgiving in Canada - What gives?. 2nd weekend in October. Go to TAKE NOT OUR DAILY BREAD
JFK conspiracy theories revisited (History Channel debuts new 2-part series "JFK: 3 Shots that Changed America"). Go to WHO KILLED JFK?(reader hates thinking about it) & DULLES IN JFK EXECUTIVE ACTION (Sec'y of State, CIA director...) & MOVIE JFK NO EXECUTIVE ACTION (reader sends video link). Politico/Email, Oct 5-8, 2009 & JFK STATUE FORT WORTH WORTHY & JFK ASSASSINATION PUZZLE PIECES & 4.Destruction & 16.MiniTru(Lies)
MORE AMERICAN PIE PLEASE (reader understands two meanings) & BYE BYE AMERICAN APPLE PIE (bad news on the doorstep) & LISTEN Don McLean sing "American Pie" (the day the music died). Email/YouTube, Oct 2, 2009. Go to 7.Systems & 42.BB Tells 'Why
JFK PT-59 FRIEND FACTO (wrote letter to Senator JFK in hospital) & JFK's friend from Navy, Paul Fay dies at 91 (wrote best-selling book on their friendship). LA Times, Sep 30, 2009. Go to JFK FRIEND FAY FONDLY REMEMBERS & JFK TRUTHS & UNTRUTHS
Uganda demands USA bounty for Rwandan ($5M for handing over to UN-run tribunal) & Rwanda queen-killing suspect held (fled to Congo after committing genocide). BBC, Oct 6, 2009. Go to KAGAME AUNT QUEEN ROSALIE & RWANDA ROYAL PALACES & ROYAL REIGN IN RWANDA
Nkunda lawyers still not heard from Kagame (to discuss solution to this deadlock) & NKUNDA SEEKING KAGAME MEETING (illegally detained in Rwanda) & Aegis dedicated to eliminating genocide (organization designed memorials in Rwanda). Email, Sep 30-Oct 4, 2009. Go to RWANDA MEMORIAL EMMANUEL WONDERING
H1N1-Swine flu is an Illuminati hoax (intimidate people into taking untested vaccine) & Some resistant to mandatory flu shots (an encroachment on our liberties) & School yards will be HINI battlegrounds (expect parental angst over flu shot). Reality/UPI/CanCom, Sep 28, 2009. Go to ORWELLIAN VACCINES NANO-CHIPPED? & 14.Experimentation & 20.Thought Police & BIG BROTHER BIO-CHEM WARFARE
ALWAYS WORKING ON JFK PUZZLE (might go to Dallas some day) & Fort Worth, Texas erecting JFK statue (commemorate President's visit & final night) & JFK statue at Massachusetts Statehouse re-opens (been off limits to tourists since 9/11/01). Email/NBC/Boston, Sep 23-28, 2009. Go to JFK STATUE FORT WORTH WORTHY & 3.Old World Destruction
Contraception cheap way combat climate change (UN goal to reduce 'unintended' births by 72%; fewer emitters means lower emissions) & Canada schools turning to foreign students (to fill classrooms as enrolments decline). Tele/GlobeMail/Email, Sep 19, 2009. Go to ABORTION CAUSED SCHOOL DECLINE & ABORTIONIST MAKES CANADA PROUD & CANADA KILLS PEOPLE BEFORE BIRTH & ABORTING AMERICA & WHERE HAVE ALL CHILDREN GONE? & ORWELL AGAINST ABORTION & 22.Doublethink & 30.Love Instinct
Dr Noguchi: LA coroner confidential to stars (Marilyn Monroe/Robert Kennedy/Sharon Tate...). Telegraph, Sep 16, 2009. Go to RFK CORONER: BULLET BEHIND EAR & RFK ASSASSINATION PUZZLE PIECES & 4.Destruction & 17.Falsification (they shot you from behind: in back of head as you walked down a corridor) & 43.Winston Talks In Sleep
BLUE WILLOW PLATE POEM ("across the bridge the lovers fled, the king pursued irate"). Email, Sep 14, 2009. Go to BLUE WILLOW DISHES POEM
Canada Labour Day: 500,000 more jobless (automotive, forestry, machinery sectors living in poverty on gov't welfare benefits) & USA middle class turning to food handouts (people who used to donate now receive). TOStar/FinanceTimes, Sep 6, 2009. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down (population kept half alive by State charity) & JFK'S RIGHT-TO-WORK SPEECH
South Africa's poor renew tradition of protest (water/electricity/unemployment, nothing gets better) & South Africa lambasts "Chinese tsunami" (stifling industry, wiping out jobs, low wages) & District 9 film warns of a dangerous future (millions of aliens not just in South Africa) & South Africa rips asylum for white man in Canada (communist ANC gov't says it perpetrates racism). NYT/TOStar/Guard, Sep 7, 2009. Go to SOUTH AFRICA A SCI-FI SLUM & DISTRICT 9 HERO GOOD OLD SMITHY. Go to 7.Systems & 10.Rulers
Levi Johnston: "Me & Mrs Palin" (drops some bombs on his baby's grandma) & Levi says he'd strip for Playgirl (unaware of gay readership; full frontal nudity) & Inglourious Basterds film about killer Jews (white audiences feel revulsion) & Hollywood's Jewish Avenger (beat/scalp/burn/carve swastikas into foreheads) & Jewish supremacy in theatre & cinema (amoral influence now a world problem) & Sarah Palin: One Year Later (was predicted news media would destroy her) & Where on earth is Sarah Palin? (even her dad doesn't know). VF/Tele/TOQ/Atl/Ford/Zieg/IS, Sep 3, 2009. GO to EVIL EXPLOITING PALIN'S LEVI & 40.Electric Shock Brainwashing & 25.Prolefeed & 30.Love Instinct
JOE MCCARTHY'S SECRETARY SPEAKS (reader worked for Senator Joe). Email, Sep 3, 2009. Go to 16.MiniTrue & 17.Falsification Past
China deal may unleash frenzy in oil sands (open floodgates to China in Canada) & China invests in Canada oil sands (world's second-largest reserves; hold 173-billion barrels of oil) & China's oil sand bid sparks security debate (Canada gov't expected to greenlight deal). BBC/CanCom, Sep 2, 2009. Go to 35.Big Brother Brotherhood (betray one's country to foreign powers). Go to CHINA TALONS IN CANADA OIL SANDS
A PRINCESS DIANA TRIBUTE (a candle in the wind) & Princess Di killed in Paris tunnel 12-yrs ago (allegedly chased, car hit 13th pillar). BBC, Aug 31, 1997-2009. Go to VISITING PRINCESS'S PLACES & DIANA SAINT MARTIN'S BELLE & THE SPIRIT OF PRINCESS DIANA & 4.Old World Destruction
Rwanda told: Tap the killer gas (55 billion litres methane worth $14.3 billion). East Africa, Aug 30, 2009. Go to LAKE KIVU CHAMPAGNE EFFECT & HARNESS LAKE KIVU POWER & 11.Ministry of Plenty
A pint-sized ripoff in Canada (working-man's drink no longer exists). Vancouver Sun, Aug 28, 2009. Go to ORWELL LIKES A PINT & 23.The Proles & DAVE HOOK RANTS I'M CANADIAN & DAVE HOOK COMEDY AT CLUB 54 & DAVE HOOK SINGING MOON SONG (couldn't make it so they had to fake it) & WORDS TO DAVE HOOK MOON SONG
Fake Dutch 'moon rock' revealed (nothing more than petrified wood) & Original moonwalk footage erased (Houston, we have a problem) & Nasa loses Apollo 11 live TV video (Hollywood coming to the rescue). BBC/Guardian/AP, Aug 28, 2009. Go to ACTORS MIMIC ASTRONAUTS ON MOON & DIAL M FOR MOON & 16.MiniTrue & 17.Falsification of Past
ANIMAL FARM DRAWINGS COLLECTION (Italy, Argentina, Latvia, Russia samples) & A decade of Putinism (a deep chill on free expression has set in) & Unsolved murder of journalists in Russia (critical journalism is becoming extinct). Email/WSJ/AFP, Aug 27, 2009. Go to ANIMAL FARM & RUSSIA IS HELL'S INFERNO
A torch extinguished: Ted Kennedy dead at 77 (dropping final curtain on Camelot) & Chappaquiddick defined Ted Kennedy’s career (he would have been president) & Control of Kennedys, Threats & Chappaquiddick (Ted was framed in death of Mary Jo Kopechne). AP/Boston/Ratical, Aug 26, 2009 REMEMBER DAVE FOR MOON SONG & 4.Destruction & 17.Falsification of Past
"Out of Africa" emigrees struggle in China ("They treat us like animals") & China's boom hits Congo (resentful of communist country's business practices; a sense of racism between Congolese & Chinese). Reut/SeattleTimes, Aug 23, 2009. Go to CHINA RAILROADING CONGO RAILROAD & 6.SuperStates & 7.Systems
ANIMAL FARM COMIC IN MAURITIUS (78-installment cartoon strip). Email, Aug 18, 2009. Go to ANIMAL FARM
Obama's mad science advisers Emanuel & Holdren (compulsory abortion, sterilants in food/water/skin) & Ezekiel Emanuel, Obama's "Doctor Death?" (Orwellian brother of Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel). WashTimes/Salon, Aug 17, 2009. Go to OBAMA HEADING US INTO ABYSS & ORWELLIAN EMANUEL IN WHITE HOUSE & EMMANUEL GOLDSTEIN CONSPIRACY IN 1984 & BIG BROTHER BIO-CHEM WARFARE & 5.Pyramidal New World Order & 14.Scientific Experimentation & ORWELL AGAINST ABORTION
ORWELLIAN MEDIA MASSACRED SARAH (what's she got to do with Orwellianism?) & Palin's grandson's dad dates older woman (I just look at her, shut up, do what I'm told) & Cougar comedian devouring young prey Levi (talking on TV about problems with Palins). Email/Daily/PopWatch, Aug 17, 2009. Go to 16.MiniTrueLies & 25.Prolefeed
DALLAIRE NO COMMENT ON CONGO (17,000 UN troops not stopping genocide). Email, Aug 16, 2009. Go to 6.Super-States (inhabitants expended like coal or oil)
Canada urges Red China buy energy sector (top politicians & bankers entice top communists, China bring own cheap labour to offset costs). National Post, Aug 11, 2009. Go to CHINESE TAKE-OVER & CHINADA'S SOVIETIZATION & CHINA FOOT IN OIL SANDS DOOR & CANADA GATE FOR CHINA & CHINA TALKS TOUGH TO CANADA & CHINA'S SLAVE WORKERS & 6.SuperStates & 7.Systems of Thought & 9.Keeping Masses Down & 35.BB Brotherhood
JFK Jr: Remembering a fallen son (10th anniversary of disappearance at 38 yrs old). Cape Cod, Jul 16, 1999-2009. Go to JOHN-JOHN'S BIRTH & CAMELOT'S LITTLE LORD FAUNTLEROY & JULY 16 DARK-DAY EVENTS & JFK ASSASSINATION & 4.Old World Destruction
Palin warns about Obama's 'cap & tax' energy plan (make USA dependent on Russia/China/SaudiArabia) & Obama White House 'dirty tricks' torpedoed Palin (chief-of-staff Emanuel's tactics of personal destruction) & Palin says Obama policies immoral & uneconomical (destroying USA's oil/gas/coal/nuclear industries; CO2 tax; importing energy; exporting jobs to China) & Video: Sarah Palin reclaims her inner fisherwoman (reporter in boat could see Russia from Alaska) & Video: Palin says her administration was paralyzed (fending off frivolous lawsuits from opposition; the political blood sport wasn't going to end, gnawed off her own leg & got away) & See Governor Sarah Palin's mansion in Juneau (constituents stunned & saddened she's leaving) & Video: Palin resignation speech lists accomplishments (drilling oil & gas to energise Alaska & America) & Sarah Palin quits as governor of Alaska (timing means career is effectively over) & Video: Palin cleaned up Alaska's corrupt tax system (the people now receive oil & gas revenue) & Palin rips Obama on his economic policy (warns USA becoming indebted to China; she vetoed $29-million federal energy aid to Alaska) & Obama picks Chinese Chu to head Energy Dep't (ardent global warmer/climate changer). WashP/Time/CNN/Fox/Tele/USNews, Jul 3-14, 2009. Go to DRILL SARAH BABY DRILL & SARAH SHAKING THINGS UP & PALIN'S EXPERIENCE IS PRESIDENTIAL & PALIN RIGHT ON RUSSIA & THE SUPPRESSION OF SARAH PALIN & 9.Keeping Masses Down & OBAMA HEADING US INTO ABYSS & ORWELLIAN EMANUEL IN WHITE HOUSE
A glimpse of Michael Jackson's bizarre world (1984 Pepsi commercial burnt hair & scalp; began Demerol addiction & facial surgery). CanWest/YouTube, Jun 29, 2009. Go to LIVE 1984 JACKSON PEPSI COMMERCIAL & MOVIE MICHAEL HAIR ON FIRE 1984 & MICHAEL JACKSON A VICTIM
Reader from Motihari took flowers & cake (will send photo soon) & HAPPY 106th BIRTHDAY GEORGE ORWELL nee ERIC BLAIR. Go to VISITING ORWELL'S BIRTHPLACE
Africa seeking Farmer Control (don't want Bill Gates Monsanto GM seed) & Wet weather threatens Canada wheat crop (wheat production will be down worldwide) & Drought a state of disaster in Western Canada (dried out water holes killing cattle & crops) & Cold puts crops under stress worldwide (need sunlight, warmth, rainfail & CO2; farmland switched from food to bio-fuels) & Corn crop total failure in South Africa (Monsanto GM seed didn't pollinate). Afr/NatPost/Tele/Exam, Jun 18-22, 2009. Go to WEATHER CONTROL & FOOD AS FUEL STARVES HUNGRY & TOTAL WORLD FOOD CONTROL & GATES PLANTING STERILE SEEDS & TAKE NOT OUR DAILY BREAD
NO PLANE HIT 911 PENTAGON (hole much too small & no plane debris). Email, Jun 16, 2009. Go to 17.Falsification Past & 20.Reality Control & 911 HI-JACKS OR HI-JINKS?
OSWALD IN DOORWAY NOT LOVELADY (Lovelady was standing on front steps). Email, Jun 16, 2009. Go to 16.MiniTru/Lies & 4.Old World Destruction & JFK ASSASSINATION PUZZLE
Rwandan Hutus threatening Congo gorillas (hide in park after massacring civilians) & UN soldiers refuse to protect Kivu Congo people (watch Rwandan genocidal Hutu soldiers massacre, rape & loot civilians) & 160 delegates celebrate UN Year Of The Gorilla (each gorilla generates $4-million) & IMF negotiating China $9-billion Congo deal ($11-billion bad-debt from previous regime) & Atrocities against Congo civilians increasing (gov't & Hutu soldiers looting/killing/raping). OzAge/Reut/UN/Asia/VOA, Jun 12, 2009. Go to NKUNDA SAVED CONGO GORILLAS & NKUNDA ARREST PUTS GORILLAS AT RISK & NKUNDA'S CONGO CREDENTIALS & NKUNDA GEURRILLA GORILLA TOURS & WEIGHING IN ON SILVERBACK & NKUNDA CONGO'S ONLY PROTECTOR & FREE NKUNDA TO FIGHT FOR CONGO & NKUNDA FIGHTING FOR PEACE & NKUNDA SAY UN CRIMINALS IN CONGO & KABILIA KILLS & RAPES & BLAMES NKUNDA & CONGO 500-POUND GORILLA CHINA & 11.Ministry of Plenty
Flu gives WHO extra power (detention & compulsory medical examination) & Pandemic means time to get impersonal (only UN diplomats can still shake hands) & WHO declares flu full-scale pandemic ("can now reap benefits of investments") & WHO close to declaring H1N1 flu pandemic (mixture of swine-bird-human viruses) & Canada ups flu vaccine research $11-million (WHO says H1N1 swine strain needed) & Deal on 90-million UK swine flu vaccines (regardless whether or not pandemic). BBC/CTV/Reut, Jun 7-11, 2009. Go to CHINA'S DR FLU HEADS WHO & MAN-MADE FLU WEAPON & BIG BROTHER BIO-CHEM WARFARE & 14.Scienfic Experimentation & FLU GIVES WHO MORE POWER
1984 published 60 years ago (June 8, 1949-2009). Go to Winston's Diary & ORWELL'S PUBLISHING PROBLEMS (Communist reviewers violently attacked the book; called him maggot, octopus, hyena & swine; Capitalist press wanted Goldstein part removed). Go to GOLDSTEIN CONSPIRACY IN 1984 & 35.Big Brother's Brotherhood & EVIDENCE WINSTON FIGHTING BB & JFK OPPOSED MONOLITHIC CONSPIRACY
Masterpiece born of solitude & pain on Jura (perpetual warning of totalitarian state) & The genius of George Orwell (he could tell the truth). Scotsman/Telegraph, Jun 6, 2009. Go to 1.Winston's Diary
Bobby Kennedy last speech before death (express thanks to dog Freckles) & Senator Robert Kennedy has been shot (brother of JFK was giving victory speech). BBC, Jun 5 1968-2009. Go to RFK PHOTO PROVES BULLET & RFK GRABBED KILLER'S TIE & CONSPIRACY KILLED RFK (dissenters & resisters were wiped out) & 4.Old World Destruction
JFK HOAXED ON MOON (capsule carried John Glenn into orbit). Email/YouTube, Jun 4, 2009 & JFK Moon Speech to Congress (goal of landing man on the moon). Go to 17.Falsification of Past
Smuggled elephant tusks from Tanzania (ivory being transported to China) & Rwanda tourism up despite financial crisis (a top ten Lonely Planet destination). ThisDay/Reuters, Jun 4, 2009. Go to REMEMBERING MUTWARE THE ELEPHANT & AMERICA LIKE ELEPHANT & SHOOTING AN ELEPHANT
Australia feels chill as China's shadow grows (Australia a giant open-pit mine where locals toil but Beijing takes the profits) & Canada an "oil storehouse" for Communist China (top politicians will seal deal in Beijing). Calgary/NYT, Jun 3, 2009. Go to CHINESE TAKE-OVER & CANADA PM LAUDS CHINA TAKE-OVER & CANADA'S RED TRUDEAU & OZ PM SPIED FOR CHINA (betray one's country to foreign powers). Go to 35.BB's Brotherhood & 5.Pyramidal NWO
Why it's hard to conjure the spirit of Orwell (no moving pictures, TV, newsreel images; no audio record either) & Orwell's doctor corrects streptomycin dose (remembers smelling tobacco; hearing typing) & ORWELL'S VOICE & BLUE EYES & ORWELL LAST MAN IN EUROPE & EVIDENCE WINSTON FIGHTING BB (the guardian of the human spirit) & Frail, cowardly Winston saved us ("1984" set us on our guard). SundayTimes, May 30, 2009. Go to ORWELL'S LIFE ON JURA & EUREKA ORWELL'S MOTORCYCLE! & VISITING ORWELL'S BARNHILL & ORWELL'S TYPEWRITER A REMINGTON & 1.Winston's Diary
Happy 92nd Birthday, JFK (most famous initials of our lifetime) & JFK quotes to commemorate his birthday (nation has never broken off its love affair). River/Expert, May 29, 2009. Go to JFK TRUTH & UNTRUTH (46 + 46 = 92; died age 46, 46 years ago; same age as Orwell when he died)
EVIDENCE WINSTON FIGHTING BB (carrying on the human heritage). Email, May 27, 2009. Go to 1.Diary & 32.Enemies of Party
An A-Z of George Orwell (most distinctive significant voice of era). Telegraph, May 26, 2009. Go to WHY ORWELL WROTE & 1.Winston's Diary
LAMENTING RWANDA CONGO GENOCIDES (even innocent smiles of babies doesn't soften their hearts) & Congo troops accused of war crimes (joint operations with Rwandan Hutus). Email/IrishTimes, May 25, 2009. Go to KAGAME-KABILA-NKUNDA SUMMITEERING & 7.Systems of Thought
I THINK, THEREFORE EXIST (reader reasoning on Moon Hoax). Email, May 23, 2009. Go to MOON HOAX SONG & 20.Thought Police & 27.Goodthink
Cardiac-related death linked to Taser (clutched heart & howled in pain) & Cops taser to death 83-year-old man (expect in totalitarian state, not Canada… or you culd try saying "WHOA"). CanCom/SaultStar, May 22, 2009. Go to STUNNED STUN-GUN KILLER COPS & 40.Electric Shock Brainwashing & POLICE DOGS IN ANIMAL FARM
Rwanda refuses to free Congo's Nkunda (arrested for fighting genocidal Rwandan Hutus; court orders his wife to pay legal costs) & Growing atrocities against people in Congo (by Kabila's army/police & Rwandan Hutus). AFP/VOA, May 22, 2009. Go to NKUNDA & ORWELL PET GOATS (Nkunda & Betty; Orwell & Muriel) & GULLIVER DESCRIBES LEGAL SYSTEM (white is black and black is white, according as they are paid) & 22.Doublethink
USA plans to import cars from China (only one politician speaks against) & Chinese-made cars hitting America shores (trickle in 2011; flood by 2014) & China emerges as America crumbles (buying pieces of Detroit at a bargain; have bids in for Ford & GM) & Dearborn plant a manufacturing pioneer (Ford built homes & hospital for workers). USGov/USA2/ChinaP/Detroit May 20, 2009 & Henry Ford produced an affordable car (paid high wages, created middle class) & Model T transformed lives of millions (more than just a car) & BYE, BYE AMERICAN PIE & 9.Keeping Masses Down & CHINESE TAKE-OVER
UK MP's expenses: The great gravy train quiz (exploit system for lifestyles & multiple homes) & Queen deeply troubled at MP expenses (scandalous revelations damaging Parliament) & Canada ex-PM admits taking cash (after suing taxpayers millions for libel). Tele/DailyMail/CanCom, May 16, 2009. Go to PIGS AT THE TROUGH & LIPSTICK ON PIG POLITICIANS & 10.Rulers & 10.Classes & GULLIVER ON MONEY & TRADE
CONGO ARMY NEEDS NKUNDA (training soldiers for the nation) & UN complicit in Congo Kabila army atrocities (unpaid FARDC soldiers prey on population) & China gets Congo metals worth US$50-billion (in return for US$9-billion loan) & NKUNDA SAY CONGO OWNS RESOURCES & CONGO 500-POUND GORILLA CHINA (9.6 million tonnes copper/500,000 tonnes cobalt) & Rwandan Hutus back to killing in Congo (since Nkunda gone no one to fight them) & 4,500 Hutu soldiers pillaging Congo civilians (committed genocide in Rwanda in 1994) & Banyamulenge a people without a nation (named Cogorwa as not Congolese nor Rwandan). AP/PR/Reut/AFP/Email, May 12-18, 2009. Go to ASSANI ESSENCE OF NKUNDA & DID NKUNDA READ REBEL'S HOUR? (it was written before he was arrested) & NKUNDA HERO IN REBEL BOOK & NKUNDA CONGO'S ONLY PROTECTOR & KNOW NKUNDA CONGO
G20 cops went undercover to incite crowds (police seen throwing bottles at police) & Video of UK police assaulting G20 bystander (died of internal bleeding/heart attack) & Police may use water cannons on protestors (looking at more robust, harsher methods) & Feeding G20 leaders cost taxpayers £500,000 (thousands people losing jobs & homes). Times/Guard/Indep/YT/Email, May 12, 2009. Go to STOP CHILDREN WHAT'S THAT SOUND (what a field day for the heat) & CAMERAS CAUGHT COPS PROVOCATEURING & PIGS AT THE TROUGH & POLICE DOGS IN ANIMAL FARM
The masterpiece that killed George Orwell (feverish race on torturous island to finish 1984). Guardian/Email, May 10, 2009. Go to ORWELL DIDN'T GIVE UP GHOST
Canada PM serving his country: pours coffee (at Tim Hortons in Afghan army base; flew over dam rehabilitation aid project) & Afghan 480-million cubic metre dam (water for wheat fed entire country before USSR/USA/CAN/UK/EU invasions turned breadbasket into heroin fields) & USA air strike kills 100 Afghan civilians (70,000 foreign troops/21,000 more pledged). CanNewSer/AFP, May 6-9, 2009. Go to IRAQ AFGHANI PHONY WARS & WHERE'S THE ENEMY'S ARMY? & AFGHAN NARCO-STATE NOW & 12.Ministry of Peace (War) & DRUG WAR IS PEACE & IN AFGHAN FIELDS & AFGHAN KIDS DIG SOVIET BOMBS & REMEMBERING AFGHANISTAN & CANADA SELLING AFGHAN'S WATER & KYOTO'S WATER WIZARDS
WHERE WILL CHILDREN PLAY? (fear has made huge impact on their lives) & CAT STEVENS' SONG ANIMATED (switch on summer from a slot machine). Email/YouTube, May 6, 2009. Go to 30.Love Instinct & Family
USA Afghan strike kills 100 civilians (70,000 foreign troops/21,000 more pledged). AFP, May 6, 2009/ Go to IRAQ AFGHANI PHONY WARS & AFGHAN NARCO-STATE NOW & 12.Ministry of Peace (War) & DRUG WAR IS PEACE & AFGHAN KIDS DIG SOVIET BOMBS & REMEMBERING AFGHANISTAN
Baby gorilla smuggled out of Virunga Park (hidden in bag at Goma Congo airport) & Nkunda negotiated return of Virunga rangers (ranger documents recent gorilla births) & Nkunda may be transferred to neutral country (Rwanda fears for his death if sent to Congo) & Rwanda & Congo discuss Nkunda's fate (Kabila wants Kagame to extradite Nkunda) & Rwanda Hutus on rampage in Kivu Congo (raping, burning houses, looting, killing). BBC/NatGeo/Reut/AllAfrica, May 6, 2009. Go to NKUNDA SAY CONGO OWNS RESOURCES (gorillas are its wealth) & NKUNDA GEURILLA GORILLA TOURS & NKUNDA TELLS JOURNALISTS TELL TRUTH & 15.Ministry of Truth (Lies) & VISITING RWANDA'S RARE GORILLAS & WEIGHING IN ON SILVERBACK
NIT-PICKING ORWELL'S HOPELESS (reader notices discrepancies). Email, May 4, 2009
OZ & CANADA FUEL CHINA'S NUKES (nuclear waste will be taken to Tibet) & China currently building 20 nuclear reactors (will consume 15,700 tonnes uranium a year) & China's Nuclear Great Leap Forward (plans 100 new reactors by 2030) & Canada planning to fuel China's nuclear needs (imperative China secure long-term supply) & Aussie gov't happy selling uranium to China (no concerns supplying China's nuclear arsenal). Globe/AusRadio/ABC, May 4, 2009. Go to USA LETS CHINA SCAN NUKES & CHINA NUKES THRU PANAMA? & ARMING OUR ENEMIES. Go to 6.SuperStates & 35.Big Brother Brotherhood (betray one's country to foreign powers)
Lessons of 1976: swine flu fear, wasted millions (more people died from vaccination than flu) & Swine-flu 1976 scare tactic TV commercial (Get a shot of protection - the swine flu shot) & Cashing in on swine flu fears (face masks/hand sanitizers/vaccines) & Germ-killing masks up 450% since flu (a global industry; market is the planet) & "Stop calling it swine flu" say pig farmers (can't get flu from eating pork) & China's Dr Flu of WHO says pandemic imminent (tells pharmaceutical industry to ramp it up) & World moves to contain flu spread (WHO says could mutate into dangerous strain). Globe/MacLeans/Can/BBC, Apr 27-May 3, 2009. Go to MAN-MADE FLU WEAPON & CHINA'S DR FLU HEADS WHO & WHO'S SARS SONG & BIG BROTHER BIO-CHEM WARFARE & 14.Experimentation & 28.Reality Control & ORDER OUT OF CHAOS & TAKE NOT OUR DAILY BREAD & FOOD CONTROL
China puts its naval might on display (shows the world its latest warships) & North Korea has world's largest artillery force (against 28,500 USA troops in South Korea) & China defends N/Korea illegal nuclear missile test (China remains North Korea's staunchest ally) & 58th anniversary of Truman firing MacArthur (commander of UN forces in Korean War) & Virtual JFK: Vietnam if Kennedy had lived (never would have taken USA into war). BBC/Breitbart Apr 5-26, 2009. Go to JFK LISTENS TO MACARTHUR ("Eisenhower's chickens coming home to roost and I live in the chicken coop"). Go to JFK PULLING OUT OF NAM & 6.SuperStates & 7.Systems
SIRHAN RESEARCHER FOR BOBBY (educate public about RFK assassination). Email, Apr 26, 2009. Go to 17.Falsification of Past
Chinese-run gangs looting Madagascar parks (mining/logging/poaching ebony/rare animals...) & Rainforest pillage continues in Madagascar ($400-million tourist industry at standstill). GlobeMail/MongaBay, Apr 20, 2009. Go to CHINA'S AFRICAN EMPIRE & CHINA PUTS ON AFRICAN MASK & 6.Disputed Territories (inhabitants reduced to status of slaves; expended like so much coal or oil)
DON'T ABSTAIN FROM THINKING (forefathers looked up to great thinkers). Go to THINKERS ANONYMOUS ("Friend, is thinking ruining your life?"). Email, Apr 11, 2009. Go to 21.Crimestop & 27.Goodthink
Nkunda's last TV interview as a free man ("there's no life for Congolese; no economy/salary/security/administration/justice") & Rwanda looking for solution to Nkunda case (constitution forbids extradite to Congo) & Nkunda to face trial in Rwanda on Friday (first opportunity to see how he is since arrest). Go to KAGAME ABET KABILA GET NKUNDA & NKUNDA CONGO'S ONLY PROTECTOR & NKUNDA'S CONGO CREDENTIALS ("I'm a local chief in Bunagana; I'm a son of a local chief in Bunagana") & NKUNDA FIGHTING FOR PEACE (interview a year ago in April 2008) & WILL KAGAME SACRIFICE NKUNDA? (Nkunda emerged as political leader like Kagame fighting genocidal Hutus from Rwanda) & Oxfam: Congolese suffering (Kabila/UN troops not protecting people) & Congolese flee new Hutu attacks (perpetrated Rwanda genocide 15 yrs ago). VOA/Indep/News24/BBC, Apr 7-16, 2009. Go to NKUNDA CAN'T BE COURTED & NKUNDA SHOULD BE HERO & A TRIBUTE TO COMMANDANTE NKUNDA & FREE NKUNDA TO FIGHT FOR CONGO & HOW KAGAME BECAME RWANDA'S LEADER
WILL 999 BE NEXT 911? (coming up September 9, 2009). Go to PLAYING THE NUMBERS GAME (matrix in numerical coincidences). Go to Email, Apr 1, 2009 & 28.Reality Control
Queen gives copy of "1984" to Mexican President (boxed in leather by bindery at Windsor Castle) & Her Majesty calls on Big Brother for a gift (Queen harbour anti-establishment tendency?). Telegraph/Independent, Apr 1, 2009. Go to 1984 A GIFT FIT FOR A QUEEN & 10.Rulers & 22.Doublethink
Canada loosens restrictions on cop taser-use (allowed to shock person more than once now). CBC, Mar 30, 2009. Go to COPS AIRPORT TASERING SONG & 7.Systems & 37.We Are The Dead
America is becoming a Chinese puppet state (China book "Unrestricted Warfare" describes economic war to defeat superior enemy) & Are you still buying Made in China? (communist country destroyed our economy; cheap workers, no labour laws, no environmental rules, no competition) & China shopping spree of Canada resources (spending its US$2-trillion foreign reserves). PennTrib/StarNews/CanCom, Mar 7, 2009. Go to CHINESE TAKE OVER & CHINADA'S SOVIETIZATION & 9.Masses Down & 35.BB Brotherhood
Tsvangirai car crash 'a perfect organized hit' (has survived 3 previous attempts) & Tsvangirai crash an attempted assassination (Mugabe trying to undermine unity gov't) & Tsvangirai's wife Susan his source of strength (Zimbabwe TV news didn't mention crash) & Mugabe & wife visit Tsvangirai in hospital (many opponents have died hitting army trucks) & Zimbabwe's Tsvangirai in car crash; wife killed (Mugabe's crimes from 1980 to now; murder, torture, disappearance of opposition). Age/Times/BBC/AFP/Guard, Mar 6, 2009. Go to ZIMBABWE'S MURDERING MUGABE & MUGABE HAS YELLOW FEVER & 7.Systems of Thought
Obama birth conspiracy refuses to go away (interloper/usurper/fake/scam artist/crook/recipient of bribes/paid no tax/communist) & Obama, the (very) scripted president (turns head right to left reading teleprompter; never looks American people in the eye) & Obama can't speak without teleprompter (reverts to complimenting wife & kids) & What is a teleprompter? (ping-pong, separation anxiety, pigeon dance) & Top 10 teleprompter problems. IHT/BSC/Wiki/Utube, Mar 6, 2007. Go to OBAMA WITHOUT HIS TELEPROMPTER & OBAMA LEADING US INTO ABYSS & 27.Goodthink & 10.Rulers
Nkunda's wife seeks his release from Rwanda (held on no legal basis, in secret location, no access to family or lawyer) & Kagame to decide Nkunda fate within 2 weeks (Rwanda still in dialogue with Congo) & Kabila's Congo Security Forces facing probe (killed 500 people & detained 1,000 more; many tortured during past 2 years). AFP/Kenya/IWPR, Mar 6, 2009 & IS NKUNDA REFS UNPERSON? & NKUNDA SAFE LIKE LUMUMBA? & COMPATRIOTS DEMAND NKUNDA RELEASE & FREE NKUNDA TO FIGHT FOR CONGO & 34.Ministry of Love (Torture)
No one blamed for teen death in prison (bureaucrats who gave orders not named) & Teen strangled self to get human contact (7 guards watched; told not to intervene) & TEEN GIRL DEAD IN CELL (institutionalized since throwing crabapples) & Taser-cops accused of collaboration & cover-up (cooked up story & lying under oath) & 'Say please' at USA border nets pepper spray (man held in custody 3 hours; refused entry) & Cop claims post-crash vodka for breathalizer (suspended with pay after his car killed biker; also involved in airport taser death) & RCMP taser testimony contradicts video (shot man 5 times to get "pain compliance" then stood around while he turned blue) & Once upon a taser (cop says man holding stapler a threat; even with his arms up in surrender) & Police & chief groups defend taser use (want all cops given electric-shock guns; say no evidence tasers cause death). CanWest/CTV, Mar 3-4, 2009. Go to STUNNED STUN-GUN KILLER-COPS & 40.Electric Shock & 22.Doublethink & POLICE DOGS IN ANIMAL FARM
Big Brother surveillance society (down road to irreversible authoritarianism) & Social networking or social spying? (a minefield for privacy invasion). CanWestNews, Mar 1, 2009. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police & 1.Big Brother Watching Winston
Banned African book says "It's our turn to eat" (corrupt politicians devouring national cake) & Mugabe vows to seize more white farms (85th-birthday cake weighed 85-kg (187-lb) & China a refuge for Zimbabwe tyrant Mugabe (money-laundering diamonds there too) & Mugabe home away from home in Hong Kong (wife hit journalist in face with diamond ring) & Chinese workers poaching Africa ivory (elephants die painfully from poison arrows) & UN approves China for African ivory trade (slaughtering elephants in National parks). BBC/NP/Time/Tele/VOA, Feb 28, 2009. Go to MUGABE HAS YELLOW FEVER & MUTWARE & THE BABOONS & DARK FATE OF AFRICA & 10.Rulers
NKUNDA HERO IN REBEL BOOK (a Tutsi herdsman turned soldier) & IS NKUNDA REFS UNPERSON? (he did not exist; he had never existed) & Nkunda arrested in Rwanda (gone off the radar to outside world). Jan 22 - Feb 22, 2009. Go to 20.Thought Police & 27.Goodthink (people who incurred displeasure of Party disappeared & never heard of again) & 36.Hate Week
CHIMP GOES APE ON XANAX (drug also leads to aggression in people) & Chimp attack proves drug use among pets (drug Xanax worsens aggression problems) & Hollywood chimp goes wild: cautionary tale (chimp had a bout with Xanax addiction). NatGeo/Pol/Satire/Utube, Feb 22, 2009. Go to DRUG ADDICTION PRESCRIPTION & Soma in Huxley Brave New World & UNBRAVE NEW WORLD ORDER
LONDON BANKER BEHIND BIHAR (Orwell's birthplace as tourist destination). Email, Feb 20, 2009. Go to SHRINE TO ORWELL
REVERSE INSANE LIGHT BULB LAW (reader warning about CFLs). Email, Feb 20, 2009. Go to LIGHTS OUT FOR AMERICA & 15.Life in Oceania & BIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS EDISON
Man jailed for shooting chimp attacking him (chimp Suzy was mother of chimp Travis who police shot last week for attacking woman) & Coloured People group demand cartoonist fired (say cartoon "an invitation to assassination") Obama's black AG says USA a nation of cowards (insult is spit in face of all Americans) & Obama signs $787-billion stimulus bill into law ("today does mark the beginning of the end") & Paper accused racist over Obama chimp cartoon (inferring that a monkey wrote stimulus bill) & Chimp savages woman in drug-fuelled frenzy (stabbed by handler; shot dead by police) & Chimp shot overview (other politicians compared to monkeys) & President Monkey Bush & Hillary Clinton turns into monkey & King Kong ain't got nothing on pyscho chimp (naked Heston kissing the ape). CBC/Tele/Times/AC/UTube/Vill, Feb 19, 2009. Go to HAIL TO THE CHIMP & DOUBLETHINK BLACKWHITE RACISIM & 22.Doublethink & 27.Goodthink & 20.Thought Police
Congo Hutu gunmen 'on rampage' (civilians used to be protected by Nkunda CNDP) & COMPATRIOTS DEMAND NKUNDA RELEASE (unfounded arrest by Rwandan authorities) & Press release from CNDP-Europe (unfailing solidarity & loyalty to Nkunda) & Face to face with General Nkunda (talked politics, war, family life). BBC/CNDP/UgandaIndep, Feb 18, 2009. Go to FREE NKUNDA TO FIGHT FOR CONGO & NKUNDA SAFE LIKE LUMUMBA? & 34.Ministry of Love/Torture
Canada selling coke company to China for steel (world's 2nd-largest coal-producing assets) & Canada's Teck selling coal business to China (long-term 100-yr resource going cheap) & China/Oz Tinto deal New World Order (control over world's raw resources) & China buying Australia's Tinto aluminium (which bought Canada's Alcan aluminium). GM/FP/BBC/OzNews, Feb 15, 2009. Go to OZ PM SPIED FOR CHINA & CHINA DEVOURING CANADA'S METAL & CHINADA'S SOVIETIZATION & 9.Keep Masses Down & 35.BB Brotherhood (the little yellow faced servant had come in; "Martin is one of us")
Obomba sending 17,000 more troops to Afghan (add to 38,000 already there past 7 years) & Russia 20th anniversary withdrawal Afghanistan (invaded in 1979 & occupied for ten years) & Russia aids USA/NATO supply routes in Afghan (Shanghai Cooperation Organization with China). AFP/BBC/Reuters, Feb 17, 2009. Go to AFGHANISTAN REMEMBERED & AFGHAN KIDS DIG SOVIET BOMBS & AFGHAN NARCO-STATE NOW & IN AFGHAN FIELDS & 6.SuperStates & 7.Systems & 12.Ministry of Peace (War)
SING ALONG TO THE TRUTH (reader wonders what tune to sing) & IF I HAD A HAMMER (it's the hammer of justice) & Rwanda blamed for USA plane crash (Alison des Forges criticized Kagame) & Rwanda genocide expert dies in crash (ice build-up on plane's wings) & BURUNDI-RWANDA PLANE CRASH VICTIMS (reader says it triggered genocide) & Habyarimana plane crash report this month (shot down on April 6, 1994). Email/SFB/BBC/NewTimes, Feb 17, 2009. Go to 20.Reality Control & 17.Falsification Past
Actor Ben Affleck interview Nkunda in Congo (not journalism but Hollywood promo) & Affleck sees glimmer of hope in Congo (reports Nkunda & his men been accused). OpEdNews/Time-CNN, Feb 17, 2009. Go to NKUNDA TELLS JOURNALISTS TELL TRUTH & 16.Minitrue(Lies) & 25.Prolefeed
NKUNDA RIGHT ON CHINA WRONGS (mineral profits never see sunlight in Congo) & China loans Congo $9bn for mineral rights (but Congo owes $10bn to Western lenders; President Mobutu stashed in Swiss banks). Financial Times, Feb 14, 2009. Go to 6.Disputed Territories
READING WINSTON'S DIARY (and understanding Orwell) & WINSTON NEVER LOVED BIG BROTHER (and neither did Orwell). Email, Feb 12, 2009. Go to 45.Chestnut Tree Cafe
Canadians invent infra-red mind-reading ray (mind-wipe anyone who thinks a bad thought). TechRadar, Feb 12, 2009. Go to 20.Thought Police
QUEST FOR SIRHAN HYPNOTIST (reader researching W J Bryan). Email, Feb 12, 2009. Go to JFK/RFK ASSASSINATION PUZZLE & 40.Electric Shock Brainwashing
Catastrophic fall in global food production (drought causing ruined crops, dying cattle). Global Research, Feb 11, 2009. Go to WEATHER-FOOD-WATER-AIR CONTROL & TAKE NOT OUR DAILY BREAD
COMPUTERS OUR 1984 TELESCREEN (reader sees corollary in internet). Email, Feb 7, 2009. Go to ORWELL DESCRIBED INTERNET & 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police
WHY SO MANY 3s IN 1984? (reader wonders what is significance). Email, Feb 7, 2009. Go to 5.Pyramidal New World Order
JFK MURDER BEGINNER BOOKS (help reader know who killers are). Email, Feb 7, 2009. Go to JFK ASSASSINATION PUZZLE PIECES & 17.Falisfication Past & 4.Old World Destruction
African leaders do passive genocide on Zimbabwe (allow starvation-disease-death by Mugabe; breadbasket nation now dependent on food aid). GlobeMail, Feb 5, 2009. Go to ZIMBABWE'S SMART GENOCIDE & MUGABE HAS YELLOW FEVER & MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE MUGABE & 10.Rulers & 7.Systems
Kabila says he decapitate all opposition in Congo (murders/massacres/kidnapping/forced exile/deportation/torture/arbitrary arrests/threats/intimidation/exclusion/deprivation) & Doubts/disbelief in Rwanda since Nkunda arrest (no photo/audio/video/literature of proof that he's staying somewhere decent; not punished) & Has ruthless rebel turned partner for peace? (Ntaganda imaginary coup against Nkunda). CNDP/Kenya/GlobeMail/Email, Feb 3-6, 2009. Go to WHO WAS JUDAS TO NKUNDA? & NKUNDA SAFE LIKE LUMUMBA? & 16.MiniTrue(Lies) & 34.MiniLuv(Torture)
NKUNDA'S CONGO CREDENTIALS (chief & son of chief in Bunagana) & NKUNDA SAY CONGO OWNS RESOURCES (we are going now in economic slavery if we will accept this Chinese contract; it's the end for Congolese) & NKUNDA TELLS JOURNALISTS TELL TRUTH (because you are informing the world) & NKUNDA SAY UN CRIMINALS IN CONGO (want me to shut mouth & be a slave) & KABILA KILLS, RAPES & BLAMES NKUNDA (UN forces & Hutu victims know truth) & Laurent Nkunda: The Other Side of the Story (video of January 3rd, 2009 interview) & NKUNDA LAST CONGO INTERVIEW (has dedicated his life to liberation of Congo) & Nkunda rebels refuse to change uniforms (say Kabila army lacks planning). Nienaber/Email/AP, Jan 28-Feb 1, 2009. Go to FREE NKUNDA TO FIGHT FOR CONGO & 6.Super-State Disputed Territory
Dangerous treasure in Africa's Lake Kivu (methane gas transformed into electricity) & Rwanda explores boosting energy needs (increase from 45MW to 130MW by 2012). Spiegel/EastAfr/Email, Jan 27, 2009. Go to LAKE KIVU CHAMPAGNE EFFECT & HARNESS LAKE KIVU POWER
60,000 turkeys culled at Canada farm (bird flu not spreading but quarantine against 23 farms for 3 weeks anyway) & Milk given the raw deal? (real milk from cows properly fed). NatPost/CBC/UTube, Jan 27, 2009. Go to BIRD FLU KILLING FARMS & BIRD BRAIN BIRD FLU SONG & TENNESSEE BIRD WALK & TAKE NOT OUR DAILY BREAD & 15.Life In Oceania
Obama gives Israel green light to pound Gaza (afterwards donate to suffering Palestinians) & Israel used chemical warfare on Gazans (Egypt bans journalists from hospitals where wounded Palestinians taken) & Israel destroyed 41 mosques in Gaza (crime committed against holy places) & Obama confidante Emanuel reins in profanity (2nd most powerful man in country). Reuter/UKTimes/NYTimes/ Jan 27, 2009. Go to ORWELLIAN EMANUEL IN WHITE HOUSE & ZIONISM IN AMERICA & BIBLE FRIENDS AT ARMAGEDDON & MOSES MENTIONS MOAB & 42.Big Brother Tells "Why" (boot stamping on human face forever)
Obama's abortion bombshell (unrestricted abortion a priority of presidency) & Obama lifts ban on funding abortions abroad (will be paid for by USA taxpayers) & Obama the Warmonger bombs Pakistan (not a hate crime like Harry saying "Paki"). Hawaii/UK/CNN/Turkey/NYT, Jan 26, 2009. Go to OBAMA ABORTING & BOMBING & OBAMA LEADING US INTO ABYSS
Rwanda police-army put down Nkunda dissent (Congo refugee camps demand his release) & Nkunda's arrest puts gorillas in turmoil (he protected rangers who protected them) & Gorilla warfare (gorillas safer under Nkunda than Kabila) & NKUNDA GEURRILLA GORILLA TOURS. NatGeo/SMH, Jan 24, 2009. Go to KABILA-CHINA-GORILLAS-NKUNDA & WEIGHING IN ON SILVERBACK
Nkunda army dissolving without their leader (best organized/trained bush army in Africa). New York Times, Jan 24, 2009. Go to NKUNDA A TRUE BELIEVER & NKUNDA PILGRIMAGE RECONCILIATION
Nkunda didn't flee Congo; he was lured ("for consultations" by erstwhile ally Rwanda) & Congo war enters new phase without Nkunda (demanded Kabila cancel China contracts that are unfair to Congo people) & Laurent Nkunda's spectacular fall (loyal & capable military leader protecting Congo from Rwandan Hutus) & Rwanda arrests Congo rebel leader Nkunda (impediment to Rwanda's plans in region) & Rwanda joined Congo against Nkunda (after UN report & donors cut aid) & Rwanda-Congo troops to Nkunda stronghold (targeting Hutu FDLR & Tutsi CNDP) & Kabila decides to embrace Rwanda (needs head of Nkunda & headquarters). Indep/MC/NPR/BBC/AFP, Jan 22-23, 2009. Go to NKUNDA'S CASE FOR REBELLION & KAGAME HELPING NKUNDA NOT & CONGO 500-POUND GORILLA CHINA & 28.Reality Control & JFK CRIED FOR CONGO
ORWELL THE HAPPY VICAR (but born in an evil time) & WHEN CHURCH BELLS RANG (one could say Brit, Paki & Ozzie). Email, Jan 22, 2009. Go to 29.Risking Renting Room
Face scanners coming to UK schools (goes further than fingerprint scanners or embedded radio transponder chips). DailyMail, Jan 21, 2009. Go to 3.Surveillance (improper expression on face is facecrime)
Closing time for Orwell pub at Wigan Pier (won huge amount of real ale awards). Wigan Today, Jan 21, 2009. Go to ROAD TO WIGAN PIER & WORKING IN A COAL MINE
ORWELL THE PASSING TRAVELLER (the definitive obituary) & 59th anniversary of Orwell's death (Communism's greatest enemy) & 85th anniversary of Lenin's death (brought Communism to Russia) & Russian KGB spy buys UK paper for £1 (Gorbachev pal buying USA papers too). BBC/Wiki Jan 21, 2009. Go to ORWELL & LENIN DIE & SPY JAILED & VISITING ORWELL'S HOSPITAL & VISITING ORWELL'S GRAVE & RICH RUSSIANS LIKE LENIN & RUSSIA IS HELL'S INFERNO & SPYING FOR STALIN WAS BAD & 35.Big Brother's Brotherhood
Ted Kennedy resting at home after seizure (Caroline withdraws from Senate seat bid) & Ted Kennedy has seizure at Obama inaugural (brother of JFK) & Caroline Kennedy gets Clinton Senate seat (daughter of JFK) & Canada denies Obama's terrorist-friend entry (bombed Pentagon, Capitol...). UK/BBC/CBC, Jan 20-22, 2009. Go to OBAMA PAL TRASHES CAMELOT (dedicated book to Bobby Kennedy assassin)
Obama Oaf of Office (jumped gun, fumbled judge's words) & Inaugural benediction about racial caution (black not get in back, brown can stick around, yellow will be mellow, red can get ahead, when white will embrace what is right). FoodThought/CNN, Jan 20, 2009. Go to OBAMA HEADING US INTO ABYSS
CFL bulbs making people sick (headaches-pain-dizziness-skin rashes...). GlobalTV, Jan 20, 2009. Go to LIGHTS OUT FOR AMERICA
Israel's wars fueled by USA & USSR oil (with Arab oil refined in USA in deal arranged by Kissinger in 1970s). Salon, Jan 18, 2009. Go to GOLDSTEIN CONSPIRACY IN 1984 & ORWELLIAN EMANUEL IN WHITE HOUSE
Prince Harry's racist term sparks anger (has offended Pakistanis & Jews) & The End of White America? (black-brown-yellow-red power movements; but "white power" doesn't sound good) & Obama vampire nails sexy Palin (magazine cover "raised some eyebrows") & No hate crime found in Palin effigy (more outrage if it had been Obama) & Two students arrested over Obama effigy (face expulsion & bail of $7,600). BBC/Atlantic/WND/NYDN/SMH Jan 16, 2009. Go to DOUBLETHINK BLACKWHITE RACISM & STUPID WHITE MEN NOT & 22.Doublethink
CHINA DRILLING IRAQ'S OIL (Iraq under Beijing's footprint) & China allowed into Iraq oil fields (taking a stand against USA) & China starts Iraq's first foreign oil work (US-trained Iraqis protecting Chinese) & Kissinger celebrates China/USA relationship (friendly with last four Red China leaders; advisor to eight USA presidents) & Red Chinese celebrate at NY Stock Exchange (Obama praises Chinese economic system) & CHINA'S NEW EMPIRE (China spins web of strategic investments in resource-rich countries worldwide diligently cultivating its interests). Pak/AP/Xinhuanet/Aim/G&M, Jan 10-12, 2009. Go to ZIONISM IN AMERICA & CHINESE TAKE-OVER & 7.Systems of Thought
Israel is hoodwinking world over war on Gaza (manipulating USA political system & media) & Kissinger tells Obama create New World Order (says Gaza a military threat to Israel) & Russia says Kissinger is #1 magician in USA (during unreported recent visit to Moscow). Kenya/Utube/RussNews, Jan 10, 2009. Go to 4.Pyramidal New World Order & TACITUS ON ORIGIN OF HEBREWS & HENRY FORD ON INTERNATIONAL JEW & GOLDSTEIN CONSPIRACY IN 1984 & JFK OPPOSED MONOLITHIC CONSPIRACY
JFK AN INSPIRATIONAL HERO (student can't stop reading & learning). Email, Jan 7, 2009. Go to JFK TRUTHS & UNTRUTHS
Canada's baby bust (unprecedented decline in number of children) & Canada PM says abortion debate won't re-open (you can end beating heart of unborn baby the second before it's delivered). CanWest/CBC, Jan 6, 2009. Go to CANADA KILLS PEOPLE BEFORE BIRTH & ABORTING AMERICA & ABORTIONIST MAKES CANADA PROUD & ORWELL AGAINST ABORTION & JFK'S JUDGE WAS PRO-LIFE
ANIMAL FARM ORIGINAL MOVIE (reader is daughter of animators). Email, Jan 5, 2009 & ANIMAL FARM 1954 MOVIE & VISITING ORWELL'S ANIMAL FARM
Israel bombing Gaza with phospherous shells (smoke burns to bone on contact with skin) & Photos of Israel's war crime on Gaza (blockaded residents unable to escape conflict) & Israel begins ground assault on Palestinians (after 700 air strikes in 8 days on Gaza, a place of slums & refugee camps with no water-electricity-food-medicine; 1.4 million Gazans crammed in sliver of land 25 miles long & 3 to 7 miles wide) & Child casualties mount as Israel bombs Gaza (civilians are 'human shield' military targets). Time/Welt/Jaz/BBC/IHT, Jan 2-6, 2009. Go to MOSES MENTIONS MOAB & RUSSIAN DADDY OF ALL BOMBS & ISRAEL RAIDS JERICHO AGAIN & ORWELLIAN EMANUEL IN WHITE HOUSE
:) NU YR 2 U (Happy New Year To You). GlobeMail, Jan 1, 2009. Go to 18.Newspeak (aim is to narrow range of thought) & ORWELL EXPLAINS DUCKSPEAK
Facebook: Where everyone can watch you (Orwell predicted a disembodied bureaucracy; but the reality in 2008 is much worse). Sun Times, Jan 1, 2009. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police
50th anniversary of Castro regime a sad day (Cuba under "Big Brother With A Beard" is a society like Orwell described in 1984) & Hard times in Cuba not for celebration (China, Russia & EU court Havana). AusNews/Guardian, Jan 1, 2009. Go to 15.Life In Oceania & COMMUNISM CUBAN STYLE & JFK ICH BIN FREE HAVANA & USA APPLAUDS CHINA TAKE CARRIBEAN
ORWELL RIFLE QUOTE BOOK (rife on wall is symbol of democracy). Email, Jan 1, 2009. Go to ORWELLIAN GUN CONTROL
ISRAEL INVADING GAZA AGAIN (murdering thousands of Palestinians) & Israel rejects truce for Gaza (warplanes pound Arabs for 5th day) & Israeli jets kill hundreds in Gaza (missiles strike densely populated areas). BBC/IHT/Email/AFP/Times, Dec 31, 2008. Go to TACITUS ON ORIGIN OF HEBREWS & THE PROTOCOLS OF ZION & GOLDSTEIN CONSPIRACY IN 1984
Massive job losses in Canada & USA (manufacturing-auto-forestry gone to China). CanadaPress, Dec 19, 2008. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down (population prevented from working; kept half alive by state charity) & JFK'S RIGHT TO WORK SPEECH
Product of Canada, eh? (new food labels confuse & deceive) & In China they eat cats & dogs (skinned alive then boiled) & China makes parkas with Fido fur (easier to skin dog than use artificial) & Canadian cheese from milk made in China (our cows in danger of losing jobs). Can/Breit/VanSun, Dec 16-19, 2008. Go to MADE-IN-CHINA FOOD? & WHERE'S THE BEEF GONNA GO? & 15.Life In Oceania (food with its strange evil tastes)
40th anniversary of Apollo 8 celebrated (men-on-moon from Apollo 11 attend) & "Fly Me To The Moon" 3-D DVD for kids (house-flies ride on astronauts' helmets) & "The Moon Song" music-video. Aviation/M&C/UTube, Dec 15, 2008. Go to REALLY MEN ON MOON? (reader sends video documentary) & THE MOON SONG & 17.Falsification of Past
Team Obamavich (most impressive case of public corruption since the Clintonistas were in White House) & Ayers: The Day I Bombed The Pentagon (screed published Sep 10, 2001). StageRight/SweetLight, Dec 15, 2008. Go to OBAMA'S STRANGE BEDFELLOWS & OBAMA'S TERRORIST FRIEND AYERS (bombed Police HQs, Pentagon & Capitol) & OBAMA HEADING US INTO ABYSS & 35.BB Brotherhood & 10.Rulers
Rules keep ammonium nitrate from terrorists (13 years after Oklahoma fertilizer bomb). KansasNews, Dec 14, 2008. Go to MCVEIGH BOOKS & OKC PLAYERS (reader intriqued by info) & 20.Reality Control & 4.Old World Destruction
Mugabe opposition abducted as cholera soars (Tsvangirai assistant & MDC supporters) & The sharpest voice against Mugabe silenced (journalist reported tyranny in Zimbabwe; murder-abduction-rape-torture-starvation). AFP/Times, Dec 14, 2008 & JOIN MUGABE ARMY OR STARVE & ENGINEERED FAMINE IN ZIMBABWE & MUGABE HAS YELLOW FEVER & DARK FATE OF AFRICA & 39.Interrogation & 34.MiniLuv/Torture
PIONEERS DEPENDENT ON HORSES (most important animal on the farm) & More wild horses being shot ($10,000 reward for info leading to arrest) & Canada's wild horses shot for wolf bait (gov't hires Indian hunters to kill horses; to study wolves feeding on carcasses). VanSun/CTV, Dec 10, 2008. Go to WOLVES IN WOLVES' CLOTHING & WORLD WILDLIFE WOLF'S FRIEND & PROTECTING WOLF NOT HUMAN & HORSE IS MAN'S BEST FRIEND & HORSE DEATH IN ANIMAL FARM & VISITING ORWELL'S ANIMAL FARM
UN BAD IN MOVIE FOR REAL (enables evil and sows global chaos) & "U.N. ME" documentary film (about incompetence, corruption, complicity) & UN peacekeeping faces crisis in funds (says $7.1-billion budget not enough) & UN CEILING BIG AFRICAN TREE (compare roofs over some people's heads) & $23-million Human Rights ceiling collapsing (UN avoiding story getting out) & UN wants $1-billion renovation in Geneva (after $1.9-billion facelift in New York). Email/HRW/Fox, Dec 6, 2008. Go to 2.Big Brother & 22.Doublethink (a dedicated sect doing evil) & 5.Pyramidal New World Order
Russian ship enters Panama Canal (symbol of strengthening influence in region) & Russian warship to sail thru Panama Canal (USA officials have expressed no concern) & Russian military exercises in Carribean (1,600 Russian & 700 Venezuelan sailors). AP/BBC, Dec 4-6, 2008. Go to USA GAVE CHINA PANAMA CANAL & USA APPLAUDS CHINA IN CARRIBEAN & USA LETS CHINA SCAN NUKES & COMMUNISM CUBAN STYLE & CHINADA'S SOVIETIZATION & SOLZHENITSYN WARNS AMERICA & NASA pays Soviet Space Agency $141 million (for Soyuz flights to & fro Space Station) TGDaily, Dec 4, 2008. Go to USA HANDS USSR SPACE STATION & 6.SuperStates & 7.Systems & 35.Big Brother Brotherhood
Supreme Court may decide Obama citizenship (either wasn't born a USA citizen or later renounced his citizenship in Indonesia). ChicagoTrib, Dec 4, 2008. Go to OBAMA NOT NATURAL BORN CITIZEN & OBAMA SAYS HE BORN ON KRYPTON & OBAMA HEADING US INTO ABYSS & 17.Falsification of Past
JFK A NOBLE MAN (a major smear campaign against him) & JFK PT-109 SONG (smoke and fire upon the sea; everywhere they looked was the enemy). Email, Dec 1-3, 2008. Go to JFK TRUTH & UNTRUTH
ORWELL A MINORITY OF ONE (reader also watching the watchers). Email, Dec 3, 2008. Go to 3.Surveillance & 28.Reality Control
UN Human Rights ceiling cost 20-million euros (money lifted from foreign aid budget) & Taxpayers see red over UN Sistine Chapel (Spain paid for UN ceiling in Switzerland & photos of UN 15,000 sq/ft Geneva ceiling). Brussels/Irish/Galeria, Dec 1, 2008. Go to 5.Pyramidal New World Order
UN failed in $1.2-bn Congo peacekeeping role (betrayed pledge to combat Rwandan Hutus; unwilling to prevent civilians being killed). UgandaNewVision, Dec 1, 2008. Go to UN PEACEKEEPING NOT KEEPINGPEACE & UNITED NATIONS DAY OF PEACE & 12.Ministry of Peace (War)
Rwandans protest Kabuye arrest in Brussels (one who fought to liberate the country). New Times, Nov 27, 2008. Go to FRANCE CASE RE RWANDA SINKING & 22.Doublethink
Neglect of Zimbabwe health system is genocide (everyone being referred to private clinics; if you don't have money, you die) & China offers vaccines for Zimbabwe cholera (sewage-contaminated water; hospitals shut) & Mugabe trying to hide cholera epidemic (Zimbabwe entire urban population at risk). BBC/Reuters/Times, Nov 27, 2008. Go to ZIMBABWE'S SMART GENOCIDE & MUGABE HAS YELLOW FEVER & CHINA DR FLU HEADS WHO
UN Congo mediator did illegal deal with China (when Nigeria president like Kabila doing now). Guardian, Nov 27, 2008. Go to CHINA A 500-POUND GORILLA & 6.SuperState Disputed Territories
Hebridean island exerts a pull on Orwell's son (wants ashes cast in Corryvreckan Whirlpool). Times, Nov 26, 2008. Go to ORWELL'S CORRYVRECKAN WHIRLPOOL & READER PICS ORWELL'S WHIRLPOOL & ANGEL ORWELL NEIGHBOUR POWELL (led literary walks in Orwell's Islington)
Congo's Kabila brutally represses political foes (whips detainees, keeps in chains for weeks; forces them to sign trumped-up confessions; dumps bodies in Congo River & mass graves) & Kabila had 500 opposition members killed (summarily executed civilians & militias). VOA/AP, Nov 25, 2008. Go to MUGABE HELPS KABILA FIGHT NKUNDA & ZIMBABWE'S MURDERING MUGABE & 34.MiniLuv (Torture) & 7.Systems
Kabila troops looting spree in Congo camps (UN refugee officials say it isn't happening) & Mugabe trying to hide cholera epidemic (Zimbabwe entire urban population at risk). AP/Times, Nov 24, 2008. Go to GOMA CAMP MAFIA HOTEL & MUGABE HELPS KABILA FIGHT NKUNDA & ZIMBABWE'S MURDERER MUGABE & ZIMBABWE'S SMART GENOCIDE & MUGABE HAS YELLOW FEVER
UK police to get 10,000 Taser stun guns (£ 8 million to equip 30,000 officers) & Electric wires carry needle-tipped darts (penetrate skin to deliver 50,000+ volt shock or brutal "drive-stun" mode direct to skin). BBC/Telegraph, Nov 23, 2008. Go to CANADA'S TASERING KILLER-COPS & POLICE DOGS IN ANIMAL FARM & 40.Electric Shock Brainwashing & ELECTRIC SHOCK BOOK-HATING
Campus thought police to listen conversations (for racist-sexist-homophobic, non-inclusive...). National Post, Nov 23, 2008. Go to 20.Thought Police & Snitches
Big Brother's living legacy to adopted son (Blair is researching his birth-parents; "But Mr Orwell has been good to us....We see Jura now from boat with gin & tonic"). Times, Nov 23, 2008. Go to ORWELL A WRITER WRONGED & ORWELL THE FAMILY MAN & VISITING ORWELL'S BARNHILL
President of United States assassinated (JFK shot dead in Dallas 45 years ago) & Co-worker drove Oswald to work fatal day (Frazier says package Lee carried not rifle). BBC/DallasNews, Nov 22, 2008. Go to PHOTOS PROVE OSWALD INNOCENT & 17.Falsification of Past & JFK ASSASSINATION PUZZLE
JFK CRIED FOR CONGO (on learning Congo Lumumba assassinated) & GOMA LUMUMBA VOLCANO (erupted same day Lumumba assassinated) & Rangers return to protect Volcano gorillas (species transcends political differences) & Nkunda attacks Congo deal with China (state scandously sold-out resources). AP/AFP, Nov 21, 2008. Go to CHINA A 500-POUND GORILLA (changes & additions to article) & WEIGHING IN ON SILVERBACK & 6.SuperState Disputed Territories (inhabitants expended like coal or oil)
Mugabe backing Kabila in Eastern Congo (allegations of rampant looting, killing and rape) & MUGABE HELPS KABILA FIGHT NKUNDA. NewTimes/AFP Nov, 20, 2008 & Rwanda presidential aide extradited to France (charged with terrorism against Hutu president who masterminded 1994 Tutsi genocide). Go to GENOCIDAL HUTUS NEVER EXTRADITED & 22.Doublethink
Palin's 1,700-mile Alaska gas pipeline at risk (3 big producers won't join state-backed developer) & Gov Palin on energy link to economy & security (our free country is self-sufficient in gas-oil-coal) & Alaska manages wildlife like moose & caribou (which means taking care of predators like wolves). WSJ/FoxNews, Nov 16-18, 2008. Go to DRILL SARAH BABY DRILL & KYOTO = KILL YOUR TOMORROWS & PALIN PROTECTS FROM PREDATORS & ENVIRONMENTALISM IS ANIMALISM & 9.Keeping Masses Down
UN is part of an international plot says Nkunda (UN in Congo for something else, not peace) & Chinese UN soldiers arrive in Kivu Congo (been supporting UN in Congo since 2002) & Nkunda: Rebel with a cause (China supplying weapons to Kabila army; Nkunda cannot accept contract with China; clearly see what China doing in Sudan) & Nkunda has strong case for his rebellion (not just a rebel but a freedom fighter). Xinhua/Monitor/NewVis, Nov 13-16, 2008. Go to NKUNDA CASE FOR REBELLION & KABILA-CHINA-GORILLAS-NKUNDA & CONGO'S 500-POUND CHINA GORILLA & CHINA OILS SUDAN GENOCIDE & 6.Super-States & 7.Systems & 11.Ministry of Plenty (Starvation)
No refuge for Congo's gorillas ("The animals we followed every day are now roaming without protection") & Nkunda rebels seized Congo gorilla park (not harming rangers or gorillas). Guardian/NatGeo, Nov 14, 2008. To to RWANDA'S RARE GORILLAS
Kabila's Congo army rampaging & raping (helping Rwandan Hutus slaughter Congolese; 17,000 UN troops doing nothing to stop it). Scotsman, Nov 13, 2008. Go to CONGO WOLVES ON NKUNDA & UK PEACEKEEPING NOT KEEPINGPEACE & NKUNDA SHOULD BE HERO & SLEEPING ON LAVA IN RAIN & 11.Ministry of Plenty (Starvation)
Fight for Obama birth certificate continues (before his presidential inauguration) & Supreme Court tells Obama produce certificate (could decertify election if he refuses) & Barack Hussein Obama: Who is Barry Soetoro? (he knows he's not natural-born US citizen; therefore not allowed to be President). Phil/Right/Post, Nov 12, 2008. Go to OBAMA SAYS HE BORN ON KRYPTON & OBAMA SUPERMAN AD & SUPERMAN A SOVIET COMMIE & OBAMA NOT NATURAL BORN CITIZEN & 17.Falsificatiaon of Past
Obama-mania everywhere in the world (Britain-Africa-Indonesia-Italy-Korea-Afghanistan-Pakistan-Iran-Iraq-Israel-Russia-China-Japan...). ABC, Nov 12, 2008. Go to OBAMA THE CHILD-MESSIAH-OBAMESSIAH & 10.Rulers & Hate-Love Week Volunteerism
Wind chill: Losing wind power PR battle (fights underway across Canada). National Post, Nov 11, 2008. Go to SPINNING WINDLESS WINDMILLS (diesel engines in base of towers) & 9.Keeping Masses Down
Gov Palin's first post-election interview (Alaska has every resource needed for nation's energy self-sufficiency). Fox News, Nov 11, 2008. Go to DRILL SARAH BABY DRILL
Remembrance Day 11-11-11 (11th hour of 11th day of 11th month; bright red flowers the colour of blood). Go toIN AFGHAN FIELDS (the heroin poppies grow) & New heroin crisis threatens Britain (top of leaque in cocaine abuse too) & Canada busts 28-kilos heroin at port (but meth & cocaine bigger market). Can/Star/Guardian, Nov 11, 2008. Go to CANADA PM SHIPPED COCAINE & CANADA HEROIN-HIT KIT & DRUG WAR & PEACE & MiniPeace & Doublethink & MiniPlenty
The whitewashing of Stalin (history's been kind to this murderous leader with blood of millions on his hands). BBC, Nov 10, 2008. Go to STALIN: KOBA THE DREAD & ORWELL'S PUBLISHING PROBLEMS & 7.Systems of Thought
Documenting Stalin's genocide by starvation (confiscated all available grain in Ukraine) & 1930s journalist Jones exposed Stalin famine (to be honoured by Ukraine posthumously) & Was Orwell's Jones from Gareth Jones? (nephew Nigel Colley asked Jackie Jura). Rhode/BBC/Email, Nov 10, 2008. Go to GARETH JONES SOVIET FAMINE EXPOSURE & WAS FARMER JONES GARETH JONES? & GARETH JONES PROOF DISCUSSION & STALIN'S LIAR IN NEW YORK & 16.MiniTrue(Lies) & 17.Falsification Past/font>
A black president: From fantasy to fact (Hollywood prepared America for possibility) & Fiction has long pictured blacks in White House (featured in times of global calamity). Vancouver/Houston, Nov 10, 2008. Go to STRANGE FICTION THEN TRUTH & 16.MiniTrue & 10.Rulers & 25.Prolefeed (Jews-Negroes-Indian blood in highest ranks)
Obama's transition to the White House (will Obama paint the White House black?). NationalPost/NewTimes, Nov 8, 2008. Go to GULLIVER DESCRIBES GOVERNMENT
Obama's first pick is a pro-Israel Jew (chose Rahm Emanuel as chief of staff) & Battering Rahm: Democrat attack dog (equal opportunity prick to everybody) & Emanuel - Son of a Zionist terrorist (an Israeli citizen until 18 yrs old) & Emanuel director Freddie Mac during scandal (misreported profits to deceive investors). Islam/Guard/Rense/ABC, Nov 8, 2008. Go to OREWELLIAN EMANUEL IN WHITE HOUSE & 19.Two Minutes Hate
Sarah Palin calls attacks 'cruel' & 'cowardly' (gossip based on anonymous sources). CNN, Nov 8, 2008. Go to 16.MiniTrue(Lies) & 25.Prolefeed
Rwanda's methane gas dream realized! (1.8 megawatts channelled to electricity grid). New Times, Nov 8, 2008. Go to HARNESS LAKE KIVU POWER
Greenpeace digitally alters JFK speech in ad (to deliver message on global warming). Ad Week, Nov 7, 2008. Go to LENIN BEHIND ENVIRONMENTALISM & ENVIRONMENTALISM IS ANIMALISM & KYOTO = KILL YOUR TOMORROWS & WHOLE WORLD IN THEIR HANDS? & 17.Falsification Past & 16.MiniTrue(Lies)
JFK WE HARDLY KNEW YE (reader held placard in Ireland for JFK's visit in June 1963). Email, Nov 6, 2008. Go to JFK TRUTHS & UNTRUTHS
JFK photographer Cecil Stoughten dies at 88 (took only photo of LBJ swear-in on AF-1; filmed Bobby Kennedy funeral train). Florida/UPI, Nov 6, 2008. Go to LBJ'S FAMOUS PHOTO-OP & LBJ SWORE ON JFK'S BIBLE & LBJ AIRFORCE 2 TO 1 & JFK ASSASSINATION PUZZLE & 4.Old World Destruction
Magazine cover: Obama vampire nails Palin (warped mind, racist, sexist). WorldNetDaily, Nov 6, 2008. Go to 22.Doublethink & 42.Party Tells Why (boot stamping on human face forever)
Obama's terrorist pal Ayers trashes Camelot (dedicated book to RFK alleged assassin; subverted JFK USA embargo with Cuba) & Ayers' Prairie Fire book Communist Manifesto (associate of pres-elect Obama 1995-2006). CanFreePress/Zombie, Nov 6, 2008 & OBAMA'S TERRORIST FRIENDS (let the sound take you away) & OBAMA HEADING US INTO ABYSS & 10.Rulers & 35.BB Brotherhood
Obama campaign blazes to victory (crowd danced along to Stevie Wonder song) & OBAMA SIGNED-STEALED-DELIVERED (I'm yours) & How to Steal an Election (easier to rig an electronic voting machine than a Las Vegas slot machine) & Vote-flipping witnessed on e-voting machines (memory cards contain malicious codes). BBC/WashPost/IPS, Nov 3-5, 2008. Go to 24.The Lottery & 7.Systems of Thought ("Those who cast votes decide nothing. Those who count votes decide everything") ~ Vladimir Lenin
OBAMA HEADING US INTO ABYSS (ominous possibility of Obama presidency) & Followed preacher of hate for 20 years (not God bless America, God damn). Email/YouTube, Nov 3, 2008. Go to 10.Rulers & 35.BB Brotherhood
Kenyans kill bulls-chickens-goats for Obama (gripped by Obamamania for "lost son"). Times, Nov 4, 2008 & "I was actually born on Krypton" (Not real human being but some kind of dummy; not the man's brain speaking, it was his larynx. It was noise uttered in unconsciousness, like the quacking of a duck). Go to OBAMA NOT NATURAL BORN CITIZEN & GREAT OBAMA SWINDLE OF 2008
Sarah talks to press after voting in Alaska (hopes-prays-believes she'll wake up as VP elect) & Possible First Lady McCain praises VP Palin (she's truly a unique, very gifted woman) & Cindy on Sarah's national security qualifications (Alaska is closest on continent to Russia; she understands what's at stake). WeekStan/CNN/YouTube, Nov 4, 2008. Go to 30.Love Instinct & Family & SARAH SHAKING THINGS UP & PALIN'S EXPERIENCE IS PRESIDENTIAL & PALIN RIGHT ON RUSSIA
Media criticises Palin for criticising Obama (a threat to her First Amendment rights). Go to 16.MiniTrue (Lies) & OBAMA WILL BANKRUPT COAL INDUSTRY (if somebody builds coal-powered plant they're going to be charged huge sum) & Palin attacks Obama over coal (he's comfortable with industry bankruptcy). Short/YouTube/CBS, Nov 2, 2008. Go to PENNSYLVANIA COAL WIGAN PIER & KYOTO = KILL YOUR TOMORROWS & LENIN BEHIND ENVIRONMENTALISM & 9.Keeping Masses Down (economy allowed to stagnate) & MINE SARAH BABY MINE
Crowds love Palin's special-needs advocacy (no politician like her since Kennedys). IHT, Nov 3, 2008. Go to SARAH SHAKING THINGS UP & 26.Julia & Rebellion (force that would tear the Party to pieces)
ORWELL'S WIFE NAMED "1984" (wrote "End of the Century, 1984" in 1934). Email, Nov 2, 2008. Go to VISITING ORWELL'S WEDDING CHURCH & 1.Winston's Diary
On the bus with Palin family (interview Sarah/Todd/Willow/Piper/Trig). FoxNews, Nov 1, 2008. Go to PALIN EXPERIENCE PRESIDENTIAL & 30.Love Instinct & Family
London Times found Obama's illegal aunt (in his "Dreams of my Father" book) & Obama's Kenyan aunt living in USA illegally (on welfare with standing deportation order) & Washington insider made Obama rich (advanced Obama millions for book deal) & An open letter to Barack Obama (provide proof you're a natural born citizen). FT/Times/BBC/IR Nov 1, 2008. Go to The Great Obama Swindle Of 2008 (non-citizen illegal alien running for President) & OBAMA NOT NATURAL BORN CITIZEN & 10.The Rulers
Bye Bye American Pie: the day the media died (fawning favoritism shown Barack Obama; ridicule heaped upon Governor Palin). EnergyPublisher, Nov 1, 2008. Go to 16.MiniTrue (Lies) & 25.Prolefeed (easy to manipulate public opinion) & BYE BYE APPLE PIE & China dumping apple juice on USA (priced 91% below cost of production)
USA buys cargo scanners from China for LA (run by son of Communist leader Hu) & HU'S ON FIRST?. GovSecurity/YouTube, Oct 31, 2008. Go to REMEMBER WHO HU IS & TIBET & TIANANMEN TYRANT HU & USA LETS CHINA SCAN NUKES & USA GAVE CHINA PANAMA CANAL & 6.Super-States & 7.Systems & 35.BB Brotherhood ("Martin is one of us")
Congo rebel General Nkunda talks to BBC (government using Hutu genocidaires against all Congolese people) & Nkunda ceasefire allows humanitarian aid (Kabila/Hutu soldiers raping/looting/killing) & Thousands refugees fleeing Congo chaos (UN aid agencies cutting off aid) & UN Security Council president from China (heads 17,000 UN troops in Congo overseeing humanitarian disaster in Kivu). BBC/IPS, Oct 31, 2008. Go to 22.Doublethink & 2.Big Brother (a dedicated sect doing evil) & UN PEACEKEEPING NOT KEEPINGPEACE & GOMA CAMP MAFIA HOTEL & SLEEPING ON LAVA IN RAIN
Nkunda opposes Congo deal with China (to extract 9.6 million tonnes copper; more than 500,000 tonnes of cobalt). CBC, Oct 31, 2008. Go to CONGO RICHES CHINA NOW & CONGO CHINA REGIME CRONIES & 6.Disputed Territories (inhabitants expended like coal or oil) & KNOW NKUNDA CONGO & NKUNDA SHOULD BE HERO
Rusesabagina says Rwanda smearing him (accused of profiting from genocide) & Hotel Rwanda hero at Lake Superior U (talking discrimination & complacency). Soo/SaultStar, Oct 31, 2008. Go to RUSESABAGINA RAVES RE RWANDA & 17.Falsification of Past
Reader asks about "1984" working title: ORWELL LAST MAN IN EUROPE (he was a lonely ghost uttering a truth that nobody would ever hear). Email, Oct 30, 2008. Go to 1.Winston's Diary
Sarah Palin not going to let women down (she's thinking it's going to go our way Tuesday) & Palin's Plan: Energy Independence, you betcha (drill-refine-mine-enrich-reprocess-invent-build-conserve-grow, use every available means) & read Palin's energy policy speech. WSJ/Atlantic, Oct 29, 2008. Go to DRILL SARAH BABY DRILL & PALIN'S EXPERIENCE IS PRESIDENTIAL & 11.Ministry of Plenty (hunger-overwork-dirt-illiteracy-disease could be eliminated)
Obama must stand up now or step down (he means to usurp Presidency of USA) & The Great Obama Swindle of 2008 (non-citizen, illegal alien running for president) & Effigy of Obama hanging from a noose (creators say would be alot more intense than effigy of hanged white woman--Sarah Palin). Go to BARACK H OBAMA, THE MAN BEHIND THE MASK (he definitely has something to hide) & Strange case of Obama birth record (Why hasn't he released it?) & Hawaii governor seals Obama birth certificate (so far Obama has not requested it; grandmother witnessed his birth in Kenya) & Obama's birth certificate produced on website (certificate number blacked out) & Obama provided a forged birth certificate (a photo-shopped version of his half-sister's) & Legal fight over Obama's citizenship boils (no record in Hawaii hospitals of his birth). Go to OBAMA NOT NATURAL BORN CITIZEN (born in Kenya, citizen of Indonesia; can't produce USA birth certificate; goes against Constitution to be President; may have loyalty to another nation). Right/Post/Rense/UTube, Oct 27-29, 2008. Go to 17.Falsification of Past & 22.Doublethink (claiming blackwhite in contradiction of facts) & Obama says he was actually born on Krypton (sent here by father Jor-El to save planet Earth). Go to 10.Rulers & 27.Goodthink & 35.BB Brotherhood (this was not a real human being but some kind of dummy) & SUPERMAN A SOVIET COMMIE
Governor Palin buys 2nd-hand clothes in Alaska (classic suits, tailored feminine jackets) & Sarah's accessories sentimental value (earrings from Todd’s Eskimo mom; $35 wedding ring she bought herself). CBS/Fox, Oct 27, 2008. Go to 16.Ministry of Truth (Lies) & SARAH SHAKING THINGS UP
Haider widow believes death not an accident (killed just days after his new party doubled vote in national election) & Joerg Haider: Accident or Mossad hit? (car hit a concrete barrier) & Assassination sold to media as 'drunk driving' (no blood; tire bolts, car doors vanished) & Austrians praise Nazi admirer Joerg Haider (assert that Israel Mossad assassinated him) & Thousands attend Joerg Haider funeral (took on the political establishment; appealed to working class Austrians) & Austria Joerg Haider killed in car crash (opposed Soviet countries EU membership; accused of being anti-immigrant, anti-Jew) & Haider says banks are a single gigantic mafia (have poisoned whole world with its products). Tele/UTube/JPost/VOA/AP, Oct 26, 2008. Go to 23.Proles & 4.Destruction (the thought police eliminated individuals judged capable of becoming dangerous) & WHAT IS A CONSPIRACY THEORY?
Panama wins $2.3 billion for Canal expansion (including taxpayer loans from America). PanamaGuide/Email, Oct 23, 2008 & PANAMA CHINESE SHORTCUT (reader doesn't understand implications) & USA GAVE CHINA PANAMA CANAL & PANAMA CANAL DEATH KNELL & CHINA ATTACK USA BY PANAMA? & 6.SuperStates & 7.Systems
Hank Williams Jr shows heirloom shotguns (Obama voted to ban as assault weapons). PublicServAnnounce, Oct 22, 2008. Go to ORWELL & RIFLE ON WALL (reader looking for quote) & ORWELL WAS ARMED & GUN CONTROL & GHOST FROM VALLEY FORGE & Hank Williams Jr singing at Palin rally (Sarah's such a Hey Good Lookin' dish) & Hank Williams Sr singing Hey Good Lookin'
Sarah Palin interview with CNN (explains has more experience than Obama; clean up Wall Street, Tasergate etc). CNN, Oct 21, 2008. Go to PALIN EXPERIENCE IS PRESIDENTIAL
Eskimo elder says Sarah Palin is a special gal (grandson Todd married governor of Alaska) & Eskimo Alaskans say Palin neglects them (her policies treat everyone the same) & Black Alaskans say Palin is racist (even though fairly represented in her gov't). Anchorage/AP, Oct 21, 2008. Go to 22.Doublethink & DON'T WANT TO ACCEPT BLAME
Russians in Alaska while Palin away (seeking to build gas pipeline) & AMERICA ON RUSSIAN ROCKS & Reader sends new video about wolves: PALIN PROTECTS FROM PREDATORS (two-legged & four-legged kind) & Palin's big brother protective of her (when he sees negative press) & Sarah at coal country Scranton Pennsylvania rally (sings Proud to be an American with Greenwood) & Palin touts Pennsylvania coal in Biden's hometown (Biden said there's no such thing as clean coal & even if there were, in an Obama admin it would be fine if China used it but it would not be used here at home). Go to PENNSYLVANIA COAL IS WIGAN PIER & RUSSIAN COAL TO NEWCASTLE & 9.Keeping Masses Down & Pitbull with lipstick" Palin leashed & unleashed (she's run a state, led a National Guard; has more executive experience than Obama Bin Lyin' and Biden) & Hank Williams Jr sings McCain-Palin Tradition (they don't have radical friends to whom their careers are linked) & Obama's terrorist friends (fugitives from justice involved in bombings) & Obama's strange bedfellows (not God bless America but God damn). ABC/Del/Times/UTube, Oct 14-18, 2008. Go to 35.The Brotherhood & SARAH SHAKING THINGS UP & PALIN EXPERIENCE IS PRESIDENTIAL & DRILL SARAH BABY DRILL & PALIN RIGHT ON RUSSIA
End of USA era - now China calls the tune (USA's debt to China's Communist government is 10% of USA's GDP, 40% of China's GDP) & Iceland teeters on brink of bankruptcy (USA defeated USSR in chess there in 1972) & Bobby Fischer's money in Iceland bank crash (banks now being bought by Russia) & Loan to Iceland boosts Russia power (expands influence & geopolitical aims) & Fischer vs Spassky Documentary (chess not just a game). Oz/Chess/Bloom/UTube, Oct 10-14, 2008. Go to USA FORFEITS ICELAND TO RUSSIA & 6.SuperStates & 9.Masses Down & UNCLE SAM LOST BOBBY FISCHER & GREENSPAN FROM JEKYLL ISLAND & JFK VS FEDERAL RESERVE & US DOLLAR IN LOONIE BIN & JFK DEFENDED DOLLAR & LINCOLN, KENNEDY & MONEY & RUSSIA IS HELL'S INFERNO & PALIN RIGHT ON RUSSIA & CHINADA'S SOVIETIZATION & CHINESE TAKE OVER
Sarah Palin explains goals when VP (energy independence-gov't reform-special needs) & Thousands kept out of Palin 2nd-Florida rally (should have been held in bigger place;
cited Obama's connection to terrorist bomber) & Palin interviewed after Florida rally (ready to be president, has executive experience). FoxFloridaNews, Oct 8-10, 2008. Go to DRILL SARAH BABY DRILL & PALIN'S EXPERIENCE IS PRESIDENTIAL
Obama's terrorist friends Ayers & Dohrn (fugitives from justice involved in bombings) & Obama's an intimate friend of domestic terrorist (& many other America-hating activists) & Obama's strange bedfellows (not God bless America but God damn). YouTube/NextRight, Oct 8, 2008. Go to 22.Doublethink (claiming blackwhite in contradiction of facts)
Who's the leader of China? (Hu's on first, yes sir Arafat, coffee Annan). YouTube, Oct 7, 2008
Can anyone save Tribune magazine from dying? (it stood up to Churchill in his warlord prime) & Orwell wrote as he pleased at Tribune (criticised way justice was dealt to war criminals, their hangings gruesome spectacles) & Jews scalp Nazis in Holocaust movie "The Bastards" (hang, torture, disembowel Germans in WWII). Guardian/Indepen/Haaretz, Oct 7, 2008. Go to ORWELL'S TRIBUTE TO TRIBUNE & NUREMBERG HANGINGS UNCIVILIZED & POSTWAR ATROCITIES TO GERMANY & WAR ATROCITY SPECTACLES (people being taught to gloat over torture)
Israel weapon stink-bombs Palestine Wall protestors (overpowering stench sprayed from water cannon to be sold to police worldwide) & Israeli wall around Palestine illegal (huge cement slabs 26-ft high snake 450 miles with wire-mesh fencing & ditches) & Israel 'annexes' West Bank areas (Palestinians own but have no access to their land). BBC, Oct 2, 2008 & Book: Churchill's Promised Land ("My heart is full of sympathy for Zionism") & GOLDSTEIN WORLD DOMINATION CONSPIRACY
PALIN'S EXPERIENCE IS PRESIDENTIAL (her enemies are desperate to bring her down) & Palin not allowed to campaign in Michigan (wants to speak to people who are hurting there) & Palin Biden VP debate most watched in history (read transcript & watch video) & Palin in intense debate camp in Arizona (they're "squeezing the charm out of her"). DetroitFree/CNN, Sep 29-Oct 3, 2008. Go to THE SUPPRESSION OF SARAH PALIN & 34.MiniLuv(Torture) & 40.Brainwashing (How many fingers am I holding up, Winston?)
PALIN RIGHT ON RUSSIA (it can be seen from Alaska) & TransCanada won Alaska pipeline bid (endorsed by Gov Palin to free her state from dominance of the major producers BP, ConocoPhillips & Exxon Mobil). JournalCommerce, Oct 1, 2008. Go to DRILL SARAH BABY DRILL
Sarah Palin not such a small-town girl afterall (a major player in state politics for a decade) & Palin's strengths rooted in Alaska (she tackles old-boy networks relentlessly) & Palin a formidable foe in Alaska debates (participated in 21 gubernatorial forums) & Palin's path to power: 1992-2006 (2 terms on council; 2 terms as mayor; runs for lieutenant governor, loses; chairwoman Alaska Oil/Gas Commission, resigns; wins primary then election for governor upsetting Republican & Democrat old boys). TeleCBS/WSJ/CNN, Sep 29, 2008. Go to SARAH SHAKING THINGS UP ("our lipstick beats their dipstick")
BC Indian chief & councillors each take $800,000 (from gov't cash payout to 230-member band) & American Indian tribes won't vote for Palin (she allows drilling/fishing/hunting on Native land) & Palin is colour-blind when governing (treats Native constituency same as all Alaskans). AOL/NavajoTribe/AP, Sep 28, 2008. Go to TAKING CANDY FROM INDIAN BABY & INDIAN LAND CLAIMS DISBELIEVED & GREEN INDIANS GRAB LAND
China creating new slave empire in Africa (Chinese are not investors, they are invaders; Zambia's "King Cobra" Sata fighting back). DailyMail, Sep 28, 2008. Go to ZAMBIA NOT FOR CHINA & CONGO RICHES CHINA NOW & CHINA'S AFRICAN EMPIRE & 6.Disputed Territories (inhabitants expended like coal or oil)
Palin's father says media not treating fairly (they're fabricating a lot of things). CBS, Sep 28, 2008. Go to 16.MiniTrue(Lies) & 17.Falsification (ownership of media made it easy to manipulate public opinion) & Palin's parents are professional rat killers (protected human remains after 9/11). MPR/Chicago/CBS, Sep 27-28, 2008. Go to PIED PIPER OF HAMELIN & 44.Room 101 & 31.Love Nest (of all horrors in the world - a rat!)
THE SUPPRESSION OF SARAH PALIN (incurred the displeasure of the Party) & Palin's father said she showed grit at early age ("They are getting mean --- very mean") & Governor Sarah Palin (passed ethics reform legislation & her natural gas pipeline bill) & Excerpt from Sarah Palin biography (fished & hunted caribou with her father) & Sarah Palin's face sculpted on Ohio cornfield (took artist 8 hours to mow 16-acres for likeness of "Sarah America"). Whitehouse, Ohio, Sep 25, 2008 & Why liberals are fixated on tearing Palin down (because Sarah's a hockey Mom who turned the political establishment upside down). NJcom book review, Sep 24, 2008. Go to 26.Julia & Rebellion (the force that would tear the Party to pieces) & Palin draws record crowd in Florida (60,000 shout "Sarah, Sarah, USA, USA"). Go to SARAH SHAKING THINGS UP (our lipstick beats their dipstick)
USA Home Security plans to read your mind (to predict if you'll harm fellow passengers). Fox News, Sep 23, 2008. Go to 20.Thought Police & 21.Crimestop & 22.Doublethink & 5.Pyramidal now (the Party is concerned with how to discover what another human being is thinking). Go to TERROR BILL IS TERROR
Reporters are kept away from Sarah Palin (no witness to her meetings with Kissinger et al) & Palin meeting with world leaders at UN (ex sec-state Kissinger & rock star U2 Bono) & Sarah Palin arrives in New York (instead of cheering fans & supporters is met by equivalent of 'Bronx cheer'). ABC/Metro/NYT/YouTube, Sep 23, 2008. Go to ZIONISM IN AMERICA & U2 BONO ARCH-ARCH CAPITALIST & Bono imitates Mandela at 46664 concert & KISSINGER'S NUMBER IS 666 & NEW YORK'S NUMBER IS 666 & 10.Rulers & 35.BB Brotherhood
Canada ranchers & hunters oppose new National Park (gov't wants 40,000 hectares for endangered bats, snakes, screech owls, yellow-breasted chats) & Palin challenges global warming climate change (supports fisheries, oil-gas exploration & development where environmentalists say polar bear endangered). & Enviro group launches attack ad against Palin (bear & wolf hunting protects moose & caribou that locals hunt for food). GlobeMail/WashPost/WSJ, Sep 23, 2008. Go to ENVIRONMENTALISM IS ANIMALISM & LENIN BEHIND ENVIRONMENTALISM & CLIMATE-CHANGE CORRUPT SCIENCE
Response to reader about Bobby Kennedy: PALIN DIDN'T QUOTE PEGLER (in speech accepting VP nomination). Email, Sep 23, 2008. Go to 17.Falsification of Past
Cultural Left's Obama drumbeat intensifies (derailed by Sarah Palin as cultural icon) & Feminist army aims cannons at Palin (Steinem & Co squealing like stuck pigs 24/7) & Hollywood stars attack Palin (Matt Damon says she's really bad Disney movie, Pamela Anderson says she can suck it, Whoopi Goldberg says very dangerous woman, Oprah Winfrey bans from her couch). AmThink/Boston/OzHerald, Sep 20, 2008. Go to 16.MiniTruth (Lies) & 25.Prolefeed & 27.Goodthink (women most bigoted adherents of the Party)
Barack Obama: The Child - Messiah - Obamessiah (smote conniving wife of deposed King Bill & barbarian hordes of Working Class Whites) & Anointed One Obama ventures forth to bring light (Pilgrimage to Holy Land a blessing to his followers). YouTube/London Times, Sep 19, 2008. Go to 27.Goodthink (It was not the man's brain that was speaking, it was his larynx)
Red China may buy USA's largest security firm (credit crunch drying up funding sources) & Fed Reserve injects $180-billion into markets (to restart lending between banks). Bloomberg/Telegraph, Sep 19, 2008. Go to CHINA'S COMMUNIST CAPITALISTS & CREATURE FROM JEKYLL ISLAND & 35.Big Brother's Brotherhood ("Martin is one of us") & USA GAVE CHINA PANAMA CANAL & PANAMA CANAL DEATH KNELL
Sarah Palin no-topic-off-limits interview (read transcript & watch video) & Palin hits Obama (she's building $40 billion natural gas pipeline) & She's Not Just A Pretty Face (Sarah Palin's got everything it takes, "She's mother of the human race"). Fox/ShaniaTwain, Sep 19, 2008. Go to 6.Julia & Rebellion (a blow struck against the Party)
George Orwell, your Nissan is ready (accelerator pedal senses when driver is using too much pedal pressure) & Microsoft Bill Gates America's richest man (Facebook founder Zuckerberg billionaire too; & media mogul Oprah). CanCom/ABC, Sep 18, 2008. Go to NANNY STATE IN DRIVER'S SEAT & BILL GATES IS WATCHING YOU! & BILL GATES BEHIND TELESCREEN & GATES PLANTING STERILE SEEDS & 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police & 5.Pyramidal NWO & 10.The Rulers
USA approves Genetically Modified animals (as food & organs for humans) & Atlantic Canada cattlemen short on feed (grain & hay destroyed by weather; may liquidate their beef herds). CountryGuide, Sep 17, 2008. Go to WEATHER-FOOD-WATER-AIR CONTROL & TAKE NOT OUR DAILY BREAD & GM FOOD = GONE MAD & 15.Life In Oceania (the food with its strange evil tastes)
Palin addresses Wall Street Financial Crisis (presses how important that America remain the strongest financial market in the world) & Sarah Palin will 'Drill, baby, drill' ("to make this nation energy self-sufficient", she's an all-American woman, she's like all of us) & Alaska's "First Dude" first interview (Todd glad they tapped into Sarah). Nevada/Colorado/FoxNews, Sep 14-16, 2008. Go to 23.The Proles (If there was hope, it must lie in the proles) & JFK DEFENDED DOLLAR & JFK RIGHT-TO-WORK SPEECH & LINCOLN, JFK & MONEY
BOOKS IN ORWELL'S LIBRARY (reader asks for titles). Email, Sep 9, 2008
Sarah Palin: 10 things we've learnt (reform-minded, hockey-mommin', basketball-shooting, moose-hunting, salmon-fishing, pistol-packing mother-of-five for Vice-President) & Palin fusing politics & motherhood in new way (a guardian of nation's disabled children) & The Evolution of Sarah Palin ("has ability to accomplish great things") & An ordinary, extraordinary woman ("America loves people like her"; "I confess, I love Ms. Palin, too") & Leftist feminist sisterhood snarl at Sarah (they hate 'the pitbull with lipstick'). BBC/IHT/Fox/Globe/AmerThink, Sep 7-10, 2008. Go to 26.Julia & Rebellion & 30.Love Instinct & Family & UNBORN FACTS OF LIFE & OWED TO THE UNBORN
Princess Diana's life taken in car crash (hit 13th pillar in tunnel) & Diana tapes will never be shown in UK (16 videos In Her Own Words). BBC/DailyMail, Aug 31, 1997-2008. Go to VISITING PRINCESS'S PLACES & Old World Destruction & Falsification Past
Flood devastation in Bihar, India (relief materials siphoned by gov't officials) & Gov't urges Bihar's poor to eat rats (rodents eat over 50% of food grains) & India rat farms will commercialize rat meat (raise socio-economic status of rat-eaters) & Is it healthy to promote rat-eating in Bihar? (some rats weigh 3 kilos or 6.6 pounds). BBC/Money/BiharTimes, Aug 22-25, 2008. Go to SHRINE TO ORWELL (born in Bihar, India in 1903) & 31.Love Nest & 44.Room 101
Russian oligarchs tighten grip on London (home to 300,000 former communists; $100-billion buying real estate etc; where did they get the money?). Telegraph, Aug 5, 2008<. Go to RUSSIA IS HELL'S INFERNO & RICH RUSSIANS LIKE LENIN & CORPORATE COMMUNISM & 10.Rulers & 8.Classes
Professor of psychiatry says: BEWARE BATMAN DARK KNIGHT (too gruesome for child's mind) & Dark Knight Batman violence a Joker (sadistic depravity aimed at kids) & Batman film breaks box office record ($400-million in 18 days). Telegraph/BBC, Aug 3-6, 2008. Go to 25.Prolefeed & 39.Torture
World Bank comes to Nepal Communists' aid (money for 19,000-strong guerrilla Maoist army who won war against Nepal monarchy). SmashHitNews, Aug 5, 2008. Go to WHO KILLED NEPAL ROYAL FAMILY? (Did anybody accuse China yet?) & RUSSIAN REVOLUTION READING (Lenin ordered Tsar & all his family shot) & NEPAL REMEMBERED (the book I was reading at the time was Cancer Ward by Solzhenitsyn)
Alexander Solzhenitsyn dies at 89 (exposed Stalin's Gulag prison system) & Solzhenitsyn is one of the writers who ("see the truth & write the truth") & SOLZHENITSYN WARNS AMERICA ("World Evil & tremendous force of hatred is in the Soviet Union & is flowing from there throughout the world") & American Alger Hiss a Communist spy (important men in life lurked in Kremlin). BBC/Telegraph/NatPost, Aug 4, 2008. Go to ORWELL DIED & HISS JAILED & 7.Systems & 42.Party Tells Why
Make no mistake - Big Brother is watching (laptops-cellphones-flash drives-beepers-iPods-cassettes-CDs-DVDs-'pocket litter'-papers-books-business cards you're carrying) & Travelers' laptops to be detained at USA border (taken for months & contents examined). LATimes/WashPost, Aug 2, 2008. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police & 21.Crimestop
Congo groups re-arming against Nkunda (6 planeloads weapons to Goma for Kabila helping Rwandan Hutus kill Tutsis). BBC/NatGeographic, Aug 1, 2008. Go to CONGO RICHES CHINA NOW & KNOW NKUNDA CONGO & JFK CRIED FOR CONGO & GOMA LUMUMBA VOLCANO & UN PEACEKEEPING NOT KEEPINGPEACE & 11.MiniStarve & 12.MiniWar
UN in cyclone-aid scam with Burma tyrants (US$190-million cash from donor gov'ts going into military leaders' pockets) & Don't let junta off the hook (biggest obstacle to aid reaching victims is abusive military regime) & Burma cyclone survivors thrown off land (gov't lets China businessmen seize land) & China farms Burma-Laos-Phillipines-Indonesia (starving farmers forced to feed China). AbuDhabi/Oz/Tele/Asia, Aug 2, 2008. Go to FINDING ORWELL IN BURMA & 7.Systems of Thought
ORWELL'S PUNISHING SCHOOL DAYS (fuelled natural distrust of authority?). Email, Aug 1, 2008. Go to LOOKING FOR ORWELL AT ETON & ORWELL & HARRY AT ETON
Congo groups re-arming against Nkunda (6 planeloads weapons to Goma for Kabila helping Rwandan Hutus kill Tutsis). BBC/NatGeographic, Aug 1, 2008. Go to CONGO RICHES CHINA NOW & KNOW NKUNDA CONGO & JFK CRIED FOR CONGO & GOMA LUMUMBA VOLCANO & UN PEACEKEEPING NOT KEEPINGPEACE
Orwell's Moon Under Water goes under (10 conditions of perfect pub in tatters). DailyMail, Jul 31, 2008. Go to ORWELL'S IDEAL PUB & ORWELL'S PUBS & RESTAURANTS & ORWELL'S LOCAL PUB
JFK DEFINES CAMELOT (his Peace Corps knights did good deeds). Email, Jul 30, 2008. Go to JFK & CAMELOT
Canada leases USSR helicopters for Afghan (to lift soldiers off bomb-laced roads) & Chemicals smuggled into Afghan make heroin (9,000 tons opium + 13,000 tons chemicals = 900 tons heroin). CanPress/AP, Jul 30, 2008. Go to 7.Systems & 22.Doublethink & AFGHAN KIDS DIG SOVIET BOMBS & AFGHANISTAN REMEMBERED & AFGHAN NARCO-STATE NOW & IN AFGHAN FIELDS & DRUG WAR IS PEACE
The Orwell Diaries (each entry 70-years after day written) & Orwell's 1938-42 diaries now daily blog (unemployment-gossip-fascism-communism...) & excerpts read by son Richard. Telegraph/BBC, Jul 30, 2008. Go to 1.Winston's Diary
The Great Bio-Fuels Con (production of food crops into fuel gives off more CO2 than it saves). Telegraph, Jul 27, 2008. Go to BIO-FUEL CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY & INCONVENIENT TRUTH A LIE & CLIMATE-CHANGE CARBON RACKET & 22.Doubelthink & GULLIVER ON GM AGRICULTURE & WEATHER-FOOD-WATER-AIR CONTROL
Hi-frequency sound waves repel teens (only young can hear the irritating sound; impacts on central nervous system). NationalPost, Jul 28, 2008. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation & 40.Electric Shock Brainwashing & ELECTRIC SHOCK TEACHING IN BNW
Giant public TV screens planned for UK (broadcast around the clock in 60 towns) & Project sponsored by Orwell's Big Brother (will make watching TV compulsory). Times, Jul 24, 2008. Go to 1.Winston's Diary & 3.Surveillance
'Coming Up For Air' first time on UK stage (new adaptation of 1939 Orwell classic). The Edinburgh Film Festival 2008. Go to COMING UP ON UK STAGE & COMING UP FOR AIR
RUPTURE IN THE RAPTURE (reader says hope is in the Holy Bible). Email, Jul 24, 2008. Go to THE SPIRIT OF MAN
What's eating up the world's rice supply? (Green Revolution chemicals & monocultures ravaging food crops with pests & disease). GlobeMail, Jul 20, 2008. Go to WEATHER-FOOD-WATER-AIR CONTROL
BIT BY ORWELL BUG (reader no longer blissfully unaware). Email, Jul 20, 2008. Go to WHY ORWELL WROTE 1984
1984 A HOPELESS ENDING? (reader is angry at George Orwell). Email, Jul 16, 2008. Go to 45.Chestnut Tree Cafe
China is fuelling war in Darfur (Chinese jets & Russian helicopter gunships; truck-mounted anti-aircraft guns fire straight into civilian houses) & China denies fuelling war in Darfur (TV shows military equipment & training) & UN charges Sudan president with genocide (9,000 UN/AU peacekeepers in Darfur). BBC/AP, Jul 15, 2008. Go to CHINA OILS SUDAN GENOCIDE & 12.MiniPax & 11.MiniPlenty & 7.Systems
Canada kills apple trees for wine grapes (then imports apples from China) & Canada fruit & vegetable growers extinct (import food from China, Mexico, USA) & Food crisis drought hits Australian wheat (some farmers not even planting; can't feed cattle or sheep). AP, Jul 14, 2008. Go to MADE-IN-CHINA FOOD? & TAKE NOT OUR DAILY BREAD & WEATHER-FOOD-WATER-AIR CONTROL
Genocidal Hutus help China help Mugabe (need foreign help to kill Zimbabweans) & Rwandan Hutus terrorizing Zimbabweans (fled there after committing Tutsi genocide). ThisZim/Independent, Jul 14, 2008. Go to QUEEN KNIGHTED TERRORIST MUGABE & GOMA CAMP MAFIA HOTEL & 10.Rulers
"Laser Dazzler" weapon blinds people (& causes 2nd & 3rd degree burns) & Canada/USA laser weapon Afghans/Iraqis (China uses for crowd control) & UK/USA vacuum bomb Afghans/Iraqis (one of world's most brutal weapons; Russia used Hellfire on Afghans/Chechnyans) & High-tech weapon gear heavy to carry (each soldier needs 30 extra batteries). Tech/CanCom/Islam, Jul 13, 2008. Go to NATO KILLS FOR DRUG TRADE & 7.Systems & 13.Weapons
ACTING OUT FOR ORWELL (a musical play on stage). Email, Jul 9, 2008. Go to WHY ORWELL WROTE 1984
G8 leaders feast on 13 courses (after discussing world food shortages). Times, Jul 7, 2008. GO to PIGS AT THE TROUGH & 22.Doublethink & 8.Classes of People & BIO-FUEL CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY & WORLD FOOD CONTROL
Alone in North Korea (Big Brother is always watching) & North Korea no longer axis of evil (USA removing sanctions from enemy desperate for food & fuel). Times, Jul 5, 2008. Go to USA MAKES N-KOREA NUKES & USA POWs FORGOTTEN IN KOREA & USA SAYS POW DESERTED & 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police & 7.Systems & 35.The Brotherhood & 2.Big Brother & KOREA-VIETNAM-IRAQ WARS
Athletes in China fearing for health (falling ill & cuts get infected after sailing in world's worst pollution) & China coast covered in stinky green slime (raw sewage-industrial-agricultural pollution) & China's blooming algae swamping Olympics (creeping back into areas weeded) & China's Olympian green-slime clean-up (for athletes in sailing events). AFP/BBC/Mail, Jul 3-7, 2008. Go to CHINA POLLUTION HITS AMERICA
Zimbabwe then and now (Mugabe inherited a remarkable country) & Battered white farmers vow to battle Mugabe (his seizure of their land illegal) & Mugabe rival Tsvangirai rejects unity talks (ruling party militias on rampage) & Mugabe 'welcomes' unity dialogue (pact drawn up by elite of 53 African leaders) & Tsvangirai must play tough with foxy Mugabe (brutalises opponents then plays magnanimous winner inviting to talks) & Queen strips 'Sir' Mugabe of his knighthood (bestowed highest honour in 1994). Tele/BBC/NewZim/Mail, Jul 2, 2008. Go to QUEEN KNIGHTED TERRORIST MUGABE & 10.Rulers & 7.Systems
JFK'S JUDGE WAS PRO-LIFE ('mothers & doctors no constitutional right to exterminate human life') & ORWELL AGAINST ABORTION ("one of those filthy doctors") & On Canada's Birthday gov't announces: Abortionist to receive Order of Canada (Polish Jew immigrated after WWII; performed thousands of illegal abortions) & Abortionist Morgentaler a militant atheist (professional killer of defenseless babies). CBC/CNA, Jul 1, 2008. Go to 22.Doublethink & 27.Goodthink & 30.Love Instinct & 35.Brotherhood & WHERE HAVE ALL BABIES GONE?
'West can go hang' says Mugabe spokesman (Zimbabwe farmers beaten up) & Chinese jets scream victory over Zimbabwe (posters say 'final battle for total control') & Zimbabwe's Ian Smith was right (post-colonial corrupt venal villains turned beautiful continent & lovely people into a wasteland inhabited by wretched of earth) & Ian Smith declared Rhodesia independent (severed links with Britain in 1965). BlogNews/Telegraph/BBC, Jun 30, 2008. Go to ZIMBABWE'S MURDERER MUGABE & 10.Rulers & 17.Falsification of Past & ZIMBABWE SPADE RED CHINA
NATO troops killing Afghan civilians (excessive force & dropping bombs; UN failing to deliver food & aid). GlobeMail, Jun 29, 2008. Go to NATO KILLING FOR DRUG TRADE & 28.Reality Control & 12.MiniPeace & 11.MiniPlenty & AFGHAN KIDS DIG SOVIET BOMBS & AFGHANISTAN REMEMBERED
Mugabe sworn in after one-man election (a joke for Guinness Book of Records) & Zimbabwe reporter Freedom Moyo silenced (not heard since defied Mugabe on radio) & Vote Mugabe or your house destroyed (finger dipped in red to prove; thugs check ID number with ballot) & Zimbabwe election crisis unravels (world seeing Mugabe for what he is - undemocratic, senile and evil) & Aussie rhetoric on Mugabe needs action (Zimbabwe's worst enemy is China). Tele/Times/Age/Truth, Jun 26-29, 2008. Go to ZIMBABWE SPADE RED CHINA & 7.Systems & 10.Rulers & 34.MiniLuv & ZIMBABWE'S MURDERER MUGABE
Fertility decline causing security crisis (The Graying of the Great Powers). LifeNews/email, Jun 27, 2008. Go to BABY IN THE WOMB & WHERE HAVE ALL BABIES GONE? & 30.Love Instinct & Family & ORWELL LOVED UNBORN
Torture Porn movies Torture Horror (directors getting off 'mentally' from what they create & film) & Movie tortures 'The Girl Next Door' (director wants to make you a voyeur). BlogCritics/Email. Go to TORTURE A GAME TO PLAY & 25.Prolefeed & 42.Party Tells Why
Important info on CFL light bulbs (contain mercury, made in China). USHouseRep/YouTube, Jun 24, 2008. Go to LIGHTS OUT FOR AMERICA & 9.Keeping Masses Down
93% of refugees in Rwanda Congolese (52,000 fled genocidaires in Congo). NewTimes/email, Jun 24, 2008. Go to FRANCE NO RSVP RWANDA 6.Disputed Territories
Opposition leader seeks embassy refuge/a> (Mugabe ZANU police raided MDC office) & Zimbabwe friends pander to China (China got farmland stolen from whites; support Mugabe in sadism to blacks) & Mugabe thugs surround white farmers (black farmworkers must join punge, torturous indoctrination sessions) & Africa's Mandela silent on Zimbabwe (won't criticize tyrant Mugabe or treatment of refugees in SA) & Mandela in UK for 90th birthday concert (proceeds to AIDS charity 46664). VOA/Tel/Times/Guard, Jun 23, 2008. Go to 10.The Rulers & ZIMBABWE SMART GENOCIDE & MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE MUGABE
Alzheimer PT109 survivor remembered JFK ('Well, hell, yeah. That's the skipper', said Gerald Zisner when shown photo). Illinois, Jun 21, 2008. Go to JFK PT-109 WHO'S WHO & THE STORY OF PT-109
Afghan overtaking Iraq in terror war (takes more money & resources). AFP, Jun 19, 2008. Go to IRAQ AFGHANI PHONY WARS & 28.Reality Control & 36.Hate Week & 22.MiniPeace & 11.MiniPlenty
Bono/Geldof criticise wealthy countries (demand $22-billion for Africa). CBC, Jun 18, 2008. Go to BONO ARCH ARCH-CAPITALIST & HUMANITARIAN CONCERTS NOT & 36.Hate Week Volunteerism
Fischer heiress to get estate share soon (daugher Jinky Young in Phillipines) & Winning streak set Fischer apart (won 20 grandmaster games in run-up to winning world championship). PhilInq/Dispatch/Email, Jun 18, 2008 . Go to FISCHER CLOCK STILL TICKING & 32.Enemies of Party
TRILBY BOOK, PLAY & HAT (Svengali by Du Maurier). Email, Jun 18, 2008. Go to ORWELL REVIEWS TRILBY
666 AN ODD NUMBER (reader sends new additions). Email, Jun 18, 2008. Go to BIG BROTHER SYMBOLISM
WAS JFK REALLY GOOD? (or is it hyperbole). Email, Jun 12, 2008. Go to JFK TRUTH & UNTRUTH
Canada delves into Foreign Affairs affair (Minister left Top-Secret documents in Mafia-linked girlfriend's bedroom) & Top-Secret documents found on UK train (has familiar ring to Canada) & New Foreign Affairs Minister at conference (UN/NATO/WB/IMF support Afghan war). CanWestNews, Jun 13, 2008. Go to FOREIGN AFFAIRS MUSICAL CHAIRS & 5.Pyramidal NWO
ORWELL STATUE & SONG (what the world needs now). Email, Jun 11, 2008. Go to ORWELL'S PERSONA
World farmers worried about harvest (food shortage from droughts & floods) & Drought closes Oz biggest cattle ranch (destroying scrub & savannah too) & USA suffering floods & droughts (states of emergency everywhere). IHT/BBC/Tel, Jun 10, 2008. Go to WEATHER & FOOD CONTROL
JFK's speech opposing secret societies ("a monolithic & ruthless conspiracy"). YouTube, Jun 10, 2008. Go to GOLDSTEIN CONSPIRACY IN 1984 & 34.The Brotherhood
A methane pipe dream in Rwanda (100-megawatt plant on Lake Kivu) & Rwanda looks to lake for energy fix (gas equal to 40-million tonnes of oil) & Rwanda puts hopes in methane plant (first of its kind in the world). NatPost/BBC/LATimes, Jun 10, 2008. Go to QUIET BLUE LAKE KIVU & HARNESS LAKE KIVU POWER
PT boater who left impression on JFK dies (helped JFK rescue marines in Solomons). PhillyInquirer, Jun 9, 2008. Go to JFK SAVED THE MARINES & JFK'S PT-59 CREW
SAINT GEORGE ORWELL DAY (59th anniversary of publication of "1984"). June 8, 1949 - 2008. Go to THE MANUSCRIPT OF "1984" & ORWELL'S TYPEWRITER MY GRANDFATHER'S & ORWELL'S PUBLISHING PROBLEMS
ORWELL THE FAMILY MAN (tender passage about Winston & Julia). Email, Jun 8, 2008. Go to 30.Instinct & Family & 31.Love Nest
ABRAHAM, MARTIN, JOHN & BOBBY (didn't you love the things they stood for? & seems the good they die young; I just looked around and they're gone) & Senator Robert Kennedy shot after victory (Democratic candidate for president). On-This-Day, BBC, Jun 5, 1968 & Reporter taped RFK assassination audio (fuels case of conspiracy theorists) & RFK shot 4 times from behind & 5 bystanders were shot) & 2 guns used in RFK assassination ("Sirhan couldn't & didn't shoot RFK"). Go to Kitchen busboy went to RFK's aid (cradled his head in his hands). CanCom/CNN/ABC YouTube, Jun 5, 2008. Go to RFK GRABBED KILLER'S TIE & 4.Old World Destruction
COPS GOING OVERBOARD (warning to freedom-loving citizens). Email, May 15, 2008. Go toWHY ORWELL WROTE 1984
CHINESE FORTUNE-COOKIE (reader questions China earthquake) & Burma exports rice as survivors starve (revenue for gov't & its ally China) & Burma biofuel deepens food shortage (gov't ordered farmers to destroy rice; replant with poisonous plant jatropha) & Burma moved capital from coastal Rangoon (to mountain desert with rat-hole tunnels; followed advice of fortune tellers). Guard/Times/BBC, May 13, 2008. Go to WEATHER-FOOD CONTROL & FINDING ORWELL IN BURMA
China buying farmland in Africa & America (Chinese labourers to grow food crops) & Congo opposition blasts China deal (giving China mineral & oil concessions). Telegraph, May 13, 2008. Go to CHINESE GULLIVER IN AMERICA & CONGO RICHES CHINA NOW
Canada's pulp/paper/sawmills falling silent (hundreds closing, thousands lose jobs; raw logs being shipped to China) & Transforming land of Canada's failed mills (into houses, golf courses, hotels, casinos). National Post, May 12, 2008. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down
Canada cops taser 82-yr-old patient ("corporal said to guys 'Ok, get him', then bang, bang, bang 3 times"). Cops taser patient on oxygen tank (spark could have blown sky-high) & Cops threw teen into padded cell (hands & feet tied; leashed to door) & Stun-gun probe upsets victim's mom ('cops trying to discredit his reputation'). CanCom/AOL, May 10, 2008. Go to CANADA'S COPS UNLEASHED & CANADA'S KILLER COPS & CANADA'S HERO ROBERT DZIEKANSKI & ANIMAL FARM DOGS & 34.MiniLuvTorture & 7.Systems
Taser parties a growing USA trend (cops selling stun-guns to women). BBC, May 10, 2008 & SHOCKING STUN GUN CIVILIANS & 40.Electric Shock Brainwashing
"Kill Tutsis wherever they are" (Hutu mission of extermination) & Roots of war in Eastern Congo (genocidal Hutus from Rwanda) & Oh, Congo (mineral & oil concessions to China; cancelled contracts with Europeans). TravelVideo, May 8, 2008. Go to OH, CONGO REGIME CRONIES & NKUNDA FIGHTING FOR PEACE 6.Disputed Territories & 9.Masses Down & NOT JUST RWANDANS FOR RWANDA
"Conquer English to Make China Stronger!" (350-million learning Crazy English) & Athlete uniform more Asian than Canadian (designed by Tu Ly) & Canada athletes look like a circus troupe (uniforms combine red maple leaves & Chinese symbols for the number 8). NewYorker/OttawaCiz, May 5, 2008. Go to CHINADA'S SOVIETIZATION & CHINESE TAKE-OVER & Canada's Olympian clothes made in China (own textile garment industry decimated by manufacturing jobs going to China) & CHINA'S SLAVE WORKERS & 7.Systems of Thought
Disaster tests China-backed Burma junta (military did nothing for 12 hours) & Burma cyclone deaths top 10,000 (need shelter, food, water, pictures, Burmese cyclone). BBC/NYT, May 4-5, 2008. Go to BURMESE DAYS & FINDING ORWELL IN BURMA
HOLLYWOOD RWANDA TUTSI GENOCIDE (new book explores movie's myths) & Hotel Rwanda movie sparks public feud (heroism of Rusesabagina vs Kagame) & Genocide fugitive sighted in USA (spearheaded Sainte Famille killings). NatPost/NewTimes, May 3-4, 2008. Go to 16.MiniTrue & 17.Falsification of Past & GENOCIDAL SAINT FAMILLE
Sniffer dogs government's best friend ("keep kids safe from drugs"). ToryParty, May 3, 2008. Go to 27.Goodthink & POLICE DOGS IN ANIMAL FARM & DRUG WAR IS PEACE
Chinese Canada mine takeover first of many (nobody is raising the red flag). TorStar/NatPost, May 1-2, 2008. Go to CHINA DEVOURING CANADA'S METAL & A NICKEL FOR YOUR KINGDOM & CHINESE TAKE-OVER & 7.Systems & 9.Masses Down
Did LSD change Britain? (homosexuality-abortion-feminism-greens). BBC, May 1, 2008. Go to BABY BOOMERS KNOCKING SOCIETY & 39.Love Instinct & Family & LSD A CIA PROJECT (replaced by ecstasy in 1980s) & DRUG WAR IS PEACE
Police raid suspected meth house (only find a fish tank) & Warrantless search upsets homeowner (accused of grow-op over hydro bill) & Inventor of drug LSD dies at age 102 (1 gram enough for 20,000 people). TVNews/VanSun/AP, Apr 30, 2008. Go to DRUG COPS HOME INVASIONS & 20.Police Snitches & 37.We're Dead & CANADA COPS UNLEASHED
Hotel Rwanda movie sparks public feud (heroism of Rusesabagina vs Kagame). National Post, Apr 29, 2008. Go to HOTEL RWANDA HERO'S BOOK & 16.MiniTrue (Lies) & 25.Prolefeed & 17.Falsification of Past
Ethanol, food shortage, China & more (topics that need to be discussed) & The food crisis begins to bite (felt by people around the globe) & Bio-fuels adding to food shortages (machines eating 1/3 of USA corn) & Canada can't afford food to feed pigs (paying $50-million for farmers to kill) & Corporate food diseases - fake solutions (vile treatment of animals; processing plants-steroids-hormones-antibiotics). Indepen/NewsNZ/AxLogic Apr 28, 2008. Go to TAKE NOT OUR DAILY BREAD & WEATHER-WATER-FOOD-AIR CONTROL & 15.Life in Oceania & 22.Doublethink
Face scan machines at UK & EU airports (to match biometric passport). Guardian Apr 26, 2008. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police (incorrect expression on face is facecrime)
Zimbabwe police raid opposition offices (hundreds fleeing gov't violence) & Zim protesters held at Chinese embassy (need ballots not Chinese bullets) & Angola allows Chinese arms ship to dock (close ally of Zimbabwe's Mugabe). VOA/Zam/BBC, Apr 26, 2008. Go to ZIMBABWE'S MURDERING MUGABE & MUGABE HAS YELLOW FEVER & 7.Systems & 6.SuperStates & USA GAVE CHINA PANAMA CANAL & CHINA NUKES THRU PANAMA?
UK couple want to fix Orwell's Bihar house (& develop it as a tourist attraction). Bombay News, Apr 25, 2008. Go to VISITING ORWELL'S BIRTHPLACE & SHRINE TO ORWELL
GRANDFATHERLY ECONOMY ADVICE (warns of threats to future) & Many USA states are in recession (income gobbled up by food & fuel). AP, Apr 25, 2008. Go to MAJOR SPEECH IS ORWELL SPEAK & 11.MiniPlenty & 9.Masses Down & 8.Classes
Canada students honour Nelson Mandela (gov't, school boards, teachers endorse) & Lionizing Mandela, a lifelong subversive (President Mbeko his political clone) & South Africa's Mandela silent on Mugabe (neighbour Zimbabwe in hands of madman). CNW/News247/Mirror Apr 22, 2008. Go to 10.Rulers
Churches fear Zimbabwe 'genocide' (people tortured for voting 'wrong way') & China defends weapons to Zimbabwe (1,500 rocket grenades, 3,000 mortars, 3-million rounds of AK-47 ammo) & Durban dockworkers refuse Chinese cargo (77 tonnes of genocidal weaponry) & Tragedy if Mbeki 'do nothing' re Mugabe (ok's weapons from China to Zimbabwe; like China sent machetes to Rwanda). BBC/VOA/Guard/SA, Apr 18-22, 2008. Go to ZIMBABWE'S SMART GENOCIDE & RWANDA ARMED FOR GENOCIDE & 7.Systems & 42.Party Tells Why
Nkunda fighting for peace in Congo (Hutu killers from Rwanda genocide killing Tutsis in Congo now). Guardian, Apr 21, 2008. Go to GOMA CAMP MAFIA HOTEL & KNOW NKUNDA CONGO & 6.Disputed Territories
Fischer-Spassky great chess moments: 1.Getting Bobby to Iceland; 2.Keeping Russians there; 3.Bobby refuses to play. ChessBase, Apr 17, 2008. Go to FISCHER MAN AGAINST MACHINE & 32.Enemies of the Party
Mowat bails out seal-hunt protesters (a bunch of money-sucking manipulators) & China's inhumane dog & cat fur trade (killed for food; fur sold as byproduct). CBC/Salon, Apr 17, 2008. Go to WOLF'S UNDUE BURDEN-BEARERS (film about cruelty by wolves) & ENVIRONMENTALISM is ANIMALISM & JOHNNY BOURASSA FLIES FARLEY MOWAT & IN MEMORY OF LOUIS BOURASSA
$700-million USA embassy in Iraq ready (Baghdad streets flooded in sewage) & UN wants more aid for Iraqi refugees ($261-million a drop in the bucket) & Iraqi's told to wear seat belts (or pay fine or bribe to police). Press/IWPR/Times Apr 17, 2008. Go to IRAQ-AFGHAN PHONY WARS & PEACENIK & WARMONGER TALK & 11.MiniStarve & 12.MiniWar
China sending weapons to Zimbabwe (COSCO ship clears South Africa port) & Mugabe preparing war on Zimbabweans (to reverse the people's will) & Spreading fear in Zimbabwe (beatings & torture since elections). AllAfr/Guard/BBC, Apr 17, 2008. Go to MUGABE HAS YELLOW FEVER & ZIMBABWE'S MURDERING MUGABE & 7.Systems & 6.SuperStates
UN in rescue effort after Congo crash (plane developed mechanical problem) & Plane crashes in Goma, Eastern Congo (into busy market area, many dead). AFP, Apr 15, 2008. Go to GOMA LUMUMBA VOLCANO & CONGO IS LUMUMBA LAND & SLEEPING ON LAVA IN RAIN & JFK CRIED FOR CONGO
CONCERNED CITIZEN DRUG WAR (no more dealers or users) & Drug scene kills another business (constant threat of violence) & Gov't wants more needle injection sites (free crack cocaine, heroin...) & Gov't bans tobacco selling & smoking (in or near all public buildings). BusExam/VicTimes Apr 14, 2008. Go to 22.Doublethink & 35.Brotherhood & DRUG WAR IS PEACE
Widespread hunger for millions looms (price increases & food shortages) & Egypt starving for aish (bread) of life (price of wheat-rice-oil-sugar tripled; eating dogs & donkeys) & Monsanto's harvest of fear (top producer of toxic chemicals controls what we put on our tables) & Fill 'er up - with bio-diesel (grocery chains converting trucks). Globe/Guard/VanFair, Apr 13, 2008. Go toFOOD FUELS FOOD TRUCKS (full tank ethanol uses same amount grain that can feed a person for a year) & BIO-FUEL WAR ON FOOD & BIO-FUELS STARVE HUNGRY & TAKE NOT OUR DAILY BREAD & MiniStarve & Oceania & Doublethink
Stalin was always a monster (books 'Young Stalin' & 'The Whisperers') & 'My Dear Mr Stalin' letters (from friend USA President Roosevelt). GlobeMail/Encyclo, Apr 14, 2008. Go to 20.Thought Police & 40.Brainwashing & 42.Party Tells Why & 6.SuperStates & 7.Systems
Nepal's 'fierce one' gets ballot box victory (committed to "Marxism-Leninism-Maoism"). AFP, Apr 13, 2008. Go to NEPAL REMEMBERED & MAOISTS KILLED NEPAL ROYALS? & 42.The Party Tells Why
China REAL master of the universe (Chinese police on streets of London ordering UK police about). Daily Mail, Apr 12, 2008. Go to 7.Systems of Thought
All UK metro-police to be micro-chipped ("Robocops" obeying from above). Daily Mail, Apr 11, 2008. Go to IN HUMAN MICRO-CHIPPING & HUMANS SCANNED LIKE GROCERIES & 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police
Gambling is a big deal in Canada ($15.3-billion revenue for government) & Gov't complicit in gambling addiction (video lottery machines causing havoc; 'crack cocaine of gambling world'). CanPress/Time, Apr 9, 2008. Go to INDIAN CASINOS CASHING-IN & 24.The Lottery
New Zealand in free trade deal with China (meat-dairy-fruit-fish-education-jobs-tourism for China 1-billion people from NZ 4-million) & Canada film says Korea POWs "Chose China" (refused to return home after brainwash). Telegraph/CBC, Apr 8, 2008. Go to CHINESE GULLIVER IN AMERICA & OZ PM SPIED FOR CHINA & MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE MOVIES & 35.The Brotherhood
Major lessons in Zimbabwe & Rwanda (genocide "Never Again" in all Africa) & Africa deathly silent on Zimbabwe crisis (AU failed to intervene in Rwanda) & ZIMBABWE'S SMART GENOCIDE (greater than Darfur & Rwanda) & NOT FORGETTING RWANDA (as Rwandan reader accuses) & Rwanda: 14 years after the genocide (victims thrown into River Nyabarongo, tributary of Kagera to Nile; then drifted into Lake Victoria) & Genocide commemoration in Bugesera (800,0000 Tutsis & moderate Hutus). Kenya/AFP/HNA, Apr 7, 2008. Go to NYAMATA SCHOOL PHOTO & NYAMATA GENOCIDE CHURCH & RPF INKOTANYI SAVED SURVIVORS
Reader sends report & photos: VISITING ORWELL'S BIRTHPLACE (in Motihari, Bihar, India). Email, Apr 6, 2008. Go to SHRINE TO ORWELL
Mugabe preparing war on Zimbabweans (violence will be the new weapon to reverse the people's will) & China vows support to Zimbabwe army (for vast tracts of fertile lands). Harare/Guardian, Apr 6, 2008. Go to ZIMBABWE'S MURDERING MUGABE
RFK ON MLK ON APRIL 4 (reached across black divide) & MORE APRIL 4 DIARIES (MLK died & Peace Sign symbol) & Fischer stripped of Chess Champ title (on April 4th, 1975) & New film 'Fischer vs Spassky' soon (& one chronicling Bobby's life) & CHESS MEN STRIP FISCHER. Times/Univ/Email, Apr 4, 2008. Go to ORWELL DIARY APRIL 4TH (Winston started writing 1984) & 1.Winston's Diary & 4.Destruction
Taxing carbon on American coal plants quixotic (China unregulated on carbon emissions where 570 polluting coal plants being built) & Climate Act puts emission caps on industry (must trade or buy carbon credits from other companies not needing as many) & Pioneering carbon rules worry industry (cap-and-trade regime & carbon tax amount to a double whammy) & Cap-and-trade for climate change (green marketplace of 63 million people that's worth almost $3 trillion). TorontoStar/GlobeMail, Apr 4, 2008. Go to CLIMATE-CHANGE CARBON RACKET & KYOTO = KILL YOUR TOMORROWS & CHINA POLLUTION HITS AMERICA & 22.Doublethink & 9.Masses Down
Author on Orwell in Burma speaking (a world like 1984 & Animal Farm) & China building oil pipelines in Burma ("only the army will get money; will buy weapons to kill people"). LewisClarkUni/Tele, Apr 3, 2008. Go to FINDING ORWELL IN BURMA & BURMESE DAYS & ROOM 101 BURMA ORIGIN & DETACHMENT 101 IN BURMA & 44.Room 101
Guru Gore unveils $300-million climate ads (recruiting 10-million strong green army) & Lights out for global warming 'Earth Hour' ('citizens care about climate change') & Branson & climate-change friends conclave (a lot of money riding on global warming) & Global-warming Gore the planet PR agent (says skeptics are flat-earthers who think moon landing never really happened). BBC/IHT/CBS, Mar 28, 2008 Go to F*CK OFF LIGHT BULBS & CLIMATE-CHANGE EVIL-DOERS & WHOLE WORLD IN THEIR HANDS? & INCONVENIENT TRUTH A LIE & SCHOOLS CONVENIENTLY LIED TO & CLIMATE-CHANGE DENIER CREED & ROYALLY MAD CLIMATE-CHANGE & CLIMATE-CHANGE CARBON RACKET & CLIMATE-CHANGE CORRUPT & 16.MiniTrue & 28.Reality Control & CLIMATE CONTROL
Billions in Afghan aid money wasted (on foreign salaries-housing-security) & Canada firing GPS bombs on Afghans (each bullet costs $150,000). CBC/AlJazeera, Mar 26, 2008. Go to 13.Weapons & 11.MiniPlenty & AFGHANS DIG SOVIET BOMBS & GULLIVER ON BOMBS & WAR
Experts: Sirhan did not kill RFK (shot from security guard behind). NBC, Mar 26, 2008. Go to RFK PHOTO PROVES BULLET & 4.Old World Destruction
Smile, Big Brother's watching (new technology tracks every move) & Cell phones are a listening device (can eavesdrop even when off). GlobeMail/Fox, Mar 24, 2008. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police
JFK/RFK VIETNAM CASUALTIES ("truth first casualty of war") & TIME MAN-IN-SAIGON SPY (an undercover communist agent) & JFK aircraft carrier being deactivated ('Big John' heading up the river). DelawareNews, Mar 24, 2008. Go to 12.MiniWar & 11.MiniPlenty
SHEPHERD JESUS WOLF WARNING ("beware of false prophets"). Good Friday, Mar 21, 2008
DALLAS HATE-JFK AD (in newspaper the day he died). Email, Mar 21, 2008. Go to 16.MiniTruth
PROTECTING WOLF NOT HUMAN (save the human species) & Wolf completely different predator (killing sheep for fun) & Iraqis arm against gray wolves (weigh 120 pounds & powerful jaws) & New Jeep wolf commercial ('rock me gently, rock me slowly'). Star/Post/YouTube, Mar 20, 2008. Go to WOLVES HARDWIRED TO KILL & IRAQ ATTACK BY WOLVES & WOLF IN JEEP CLOTHING
Canada Afghan war double over budget (cost taxpayers $8-billion since 2001). CTV, Mar 18, 2008. Go to AFGHAN NARCO STATE NOW & Top Iraq contractor skirts USA taxes (was top Vietnam contractor too; & Yugoslavia-Afghan-Africa wars) & Box 13 ballots put Johnson in Senate (with nickname "Landslide Lyndon"). Boston/DallasNews, Mar 17, 2008. Go to 11.Ministry of Plenty & LBJ OF ELMS ON ELM & LBJ AIR FORCE 2 TO 1
Why should Nkunda be a war criminal? (others like him are African heroes). Uganda Monitor, Mar 12, 2008. Go to NKUNDA SHOULD BE HERO & 16.MiniTruth
Teacher fired over 'Animal Farm' book (play-acted violence with student). Fox, Mar 11, 2008. Go to 20.Thought Police & 3.Surveillance & 27.Goodthink
Trafficking in food (stranglehold on what we eat) & Privatisation of seeds moving apace (Rockefeller-Gates-Monsanto monopolize) & Scientists launch stress-tolerant rice (Gates targets Africa resource-poor). AllAfr/Nigeria/Can, Mar 10, 2008. Go to TRAFFICKERS IN FOOD & GATES PLANTING STERILE SEEDS & 9.Keeping Masses Down
CHINA NUKES THRU PANAMA? (reader has concerns) & USA concern at China's military muscle (beyond Asia-Pacific region). AFP, Mar 6, 2008. Go to USA DOWNPLAYS CHINA THREAT & USA LETS CHINA SCAN NUKES & 6.Super-States
China dust storm hits S.Korea & Japan (carrying toxins from industrial zones) & China controlling weather for Olympics (stop rain for opening ceremonies; start rain to clear pollution). BBC/CP, Mar 4, 2008. Go to CHINA POLLUTION HITS AMERICA & CHINA RAIN-CONTROLLED OLYMPICS & 14.Scientific Experimentation
West will pay for complicity with China (we must boycott Olympics, stop outsourcing manufacturing & refuse to purchase Chinese goods). UK Herald, Mar 4, 2008. Go to CHINESE TAKE OVER & 7.Systems of Thought
JFK PT-109 WHO'S WHO (reader has photo, no names) & Fisherman swims 10 hours to shore (for help for shipwrecked mates) & Fisherman says "never again" to sea (after clinging 30 hours to debris). BBC/SMH, Feb 28, 2008
Peter Powell of Orwell's Islington dies (conducted literary historical strolls). Angel Walks, Feb 28, 2008. Go to ORWELL ANGEL WALKS ANGEL
You think you are free? (Western World a combination of 1984 and Brave New World). Gulf News, Feb 26, 2008. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police & HUXLEY'S UNBRAVE WORLD
15-yr old Bobby Fisher on TV show (1958 "I've got a Secret" interview) & Bobby and You (Dick Cavett says Thank You for response to 1971 Bobby interview). ChessBase/NYT, Feb 26, 2008. Go to FISCHER MAN AGAINST MACHINE & 32.Enemies of the Party
Water next Big Business commodity (privatization of Canada's water). Go to THE WATER BARONS & KYOTO'S WATER WIZARDS & DEAD IN THE WATER. Financial Post, Feb 25, 2008 & Afghan $100-million bottled water market ("unexpected opportunities of war") & AFGHAN WAR WATER-PROFITEERS
Africa NGOs call moratorium on biofuels (car tank ethanol uses same amount grain that can feed a child for a year). NewNationBangladesh, Feb 25, 2008. Go to AFRICA AGRO-FUELED FAMINE
Nkunda boycotts UN non-neutral meetings (800,000 displaced by Hutu genocidaires) & UN says Tutsi rebels massacred Hutu villagers (dozens of clashes since peace deal) & Nkunda denies breaking peace ceasefire (accuses Kabila troops of killings) & Genocide Hutu rebels well financed in Congo (to keep their war machine intact). IRIN/AFP/RNA, Feb 24-26, 2008. Go to UN CONFLICTING CONGO & DISCOVERING NILE DISCOVERY
Protest at Mugabe $300,000 birthday party (while everybody starving & dying; no electricity-roads-jobs-medical-nothing). BBC, Feb 23, 2008. Go to ZIMBABWE'S MURDERING MUGABE & 9.Masses Down & 10.Rulers
High wheat price threatens UK pig farms (supermarkets importing cheap pork) & Canada wheat shortage hits bakeries (flour doubled; may stop making bread) & USA recalls 143-million pounds of beef (no illnesses or health threat) & "Peak Oil" into "Peak Food" is famine (fuel & food demand from China & India) & Corn is becoming the new crude (being diverted from human consumption) & Bread: The Staff of Life (Can you imagine a life without bread?) & Huge cereal price rise hits poor countries (demand from China, floods, droughts...) & Grain prices gobble food supply globally (disasters-biofuels gobble grain) & BIO-FUEL CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY & TAKE NOT OUR DAILY BREAD & WORLD FOOD BANK. USAToday/Wired, Feb 13, 2008 & Disrupt economy with man-made weather (China-Russia-USA military manipulate floods-droughts on enemy states). Go to JFK ON WEATHER MASTERY & USSR USING WEAPONIZED WEATHER & WEATHER-FOOD-AIR-WATER CONTROL & 14.Scientific Experimentation
Extreme snow & cold cover Afghanistan (millions of people & livestock suffering) & Weather & war overwhelm Afghans (NGOs won't help until they assess). BBC/WashPost, Feb 13, 2008. Go to AFGHANISTAN REMEMBERED & IN AFGHAN FIELDS & NATO KILLING FOR DRUG TRADE & AFGHAN NARCO-STATE NOW & 11.Miniplenty (Starvation)
Kabila delaying peace in Congo (invading Rwanda an alternative) & 1961: Congo's Lumumba declared dead (overthrown by Colonel Mobutu backed by Belgian/USA CIA). NewTimes/BBC, Feb 13, 2008. Go to JFK CRIED FOR CONGO & LUMUMBA-LIKE LAURENT NKUNDA & KNOW NKUNDA CONGO & 6.Disputed Territories
China 'toxic for Africa freedom' (jailing journalists is routine now) & Mao told Kissinger about women (wanted to send 10 million to USA). BBC, Feb 13, 2008. Go to CANADA GATE FOR CHINA & THE UNPARALLELED INVASION (Jack London 1914 short story) & WHERE ALL PEOPLE GONE? & 7.Systems of Thought
Dick Cavett remembers Bobby Fischer ('his death is year's worst news') & Was it only a game? (video of Bobby on Cavett show 1971) & Fischer GM friend holds key to estate (to divide among claimants) & 'Bobby Fischer fathered my child' (Marilyn Young's daughter Jinky is 7). Chess/NYT/PhilInq/Tele, Feb 10, 2008. Go to UNCLE SAM FINDS BOBBY FISCHER ("If you can stay human, you've beaten them") & FISCHER MAN AGAINST MACHINE & 32.Enemies of the Party
Enough to make you sick (LED flashlight incapacitator weapon in hands of police soon). Homeland Security, Feb 9, 2008. Go to SUSPECT-SUBDUING SICKO-LED & 42.The Party Tells 'Why'
USA ravaged by 87 tornadoes (twisters unprecedented in winter). CBS, Feb 7, 2008. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation & WEAPONIZED WEATHER
Churches quizzed over Rwanda earthquake (deadliest disaster since 1994) & Rwanda quake crashes on congregations (Cyangugu helped sooner than Bukavu) & Congo & Rwanda hit by 2 deadly quakes (6.0 and 5.0 respectively) & France comments offend Rwanda survivors ('never used the word genocide') & French Foreign Minister visits Rwanda ('political' responsibility in genocide) & France blocks extradition of genocidaire (coordinated massacres in Kibuye). AFP/BBC/AllAfrica, Feb 5, 2008. Go to BISESERO SURVIVOR SAW FRENCH
Forget oil: new global crisis is food (more crippling than world's ever seen) & Ethanol driving up food prices (lowest grain stocks on record) & Bio-fuelling the world's hunger (switch from food to fuel crops) & Haitians eat cookies made of dirt (food prices up 40%) & USA okays animal clones as food (companies force on consumers).AFP/Yahoo/HT/BBC, Jan 31, 2008. Go to BIO-FUEL CRIME AGAINST HUMANITY & BIO-FUEL WAR ON FOOD & GM FOOD = GONE MAD & 15.Life In Oceania & TAKE NOT OUR DAILY BREAD
Shotgun taser on the way (intermediate police arsenal device like pepper spray & baton). TorontoStar, Jan 31, 2008. Go to ANIMAL FARM DOGS
Author George Orwell dies (5 months after "1984" published; 5 years after "Animal Farm"). BBC, Jan 21, 1950 - 2008. Go to VISITING ORWELL'S HOSPITAL & VISITING ORWELL'S GRAVE & ORWELL'S OBITUARY & ORWELL DIED & HISS JAILED & THE MANUSCRIPT OF 1984
Remembering Bobby Fischer ("'song Green, green grass of home had similarity to his own sad life") & Chess legend Bobby Fischer dies at 64 (beat Russia in 1972 at 29) & Genius who put chess on the map ("the free world against the lying, cheating, hypocritical Russians") & Fischer dethroned Soviet Kings ("probably feel sorry ever started playing chess") & "Mozart of Chess" dies (individual against totalitarianism). BBC/Guardian/Reuters, Jan 18, 2008. Go to FISCHER MAN AGAINST MACHINE & 32.Enemies of the Party & UNCLE SAM LOST BOBBY FISCHER
DEALEY "X" MARKS SPOT (where JFK received fatal shot). Email, Jan 17, 2008. Go to 4.Old World Destruction
USA to extract Rwanda methane gas (to produce 100 megawatts electricity). NewTimes, Jan 18, 2008. go to HARNESS LAKE KIVU POWER
BENAZIR BHUTTO ON AFGHANISTAN ('beautiful nation & lovely people'). GlobeMail/BBC Dec 31, 2007. Go to AFGHANISTAN REMEMBERED
WINSTON HID HIS HATE (did not love Big Brother). Email, Dec 27, 2007. Go to 2.Big Brother & 43.Winston Talks In Sleep & 45.Chestnut Tree Cafe
Pakistan's Benazir Bhutto assassinated (vowed to fight for workers' rights) & Bhutto had several enemies in Pakistan (but bulletin blames al Qaeda) & Bhutto accused Pakistani intelligence (in previous attempt on her life). SMH/CTV/BBC, Dec 27, 2007. Go to Reality Control & Old World Destruction & WHO YA GONNA BLAME? OSAMA! & INDIA-PAKISTAN PARTITION POISON
Canada paper mills closing down (investing in Russia instead). GlobeMail, Dec 27, 2007. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & RICH RUSSIANS LIKE LENIN
UN approves itself $4.1-billion budget (USA contributes 22% of budget) & Probe proves pervasive UN corruption (peacekeeping fraud of $US-610 million) & UN peacekeepers in criminal charges (soliciting bribes & rigging bids). AusNews/WashPost, Dec 21, 2007. Go to 2.Big Brother & 10.Rulers
JFK-RFK BOOK BROTHERS (researches what Bobby knew about his brother's murder). Dec 18, 2007. Go to 4.Old World Destruction
Reader wonders about: ORWELL & THE ANARCHISTS (contributed time, money, name). Dec 15, 2007
PRINCE OF PEACETIME PHOTOS (reader sends of Congo) & Solving Congo Hutu militia complex (13 years trying to rid them). NewYorkTimes, Dec 19, 2007. Go to PEACE TALK NO ACTION (disarm Hutu rebels first) & DREAM OF END TO WAR ('the world had all agreed') & Kabila invites Nkunda to talks ('to bring an end to war & create a durable peace'). BBC, Dec 18, 2007. Go to BISESERO HILL HAUNTS CONGO (Hutus crossed Lake Kivu) & RWANDA FRENCH TURQUOISE FILM (depicts UN-French-Hutu connection) & NEWS COVERING CONGO (good, bad & ugly) & Nkunda rebels ready for peace (Kabila must disarm Hutu rebels) & Nkunda rebels fighting for family (celebrate victory in retaken towns) & SAfrica/India troops on way to Congo (to help UN fight Nkunda) & KNOW NKUNDA CONGO (what's really going on) & WAR UN PEACE IN CONGO. BBC/AllAfrica, Dec 14, 2007. Go to Big Bro & Minipax & Miniplenty & 6.Disputed Territories
JFK TO NAVAL CADETS ("left-port; right-starboard") & JFK'S PT-59 CREW (gunboat rescued Marines) & JFK SAVED THE MARINES. Dec 13, 2007. Go to Caroline Kennedy's Christmas book (remembering soldiers at war) & BALLAD OF GREEN BERET & JFK & VIETNAM
Dorset unveils giant pyramid plan (giant waste of money). BBC, Dec 12, 2007. Go to POOLE PYRAMID POEM & Big Brother & Pyramidal NW0 & COUNTING BIG BROTHER WAYS
You are tagged (ID imbedded in human bodies) & CCTV state: watching you (citizens conform without thinking). NatPost/CafeBabel, Dec 4, 2007. Go to IN HUMAN MICROCHIPPING & Surveillance & Police & Big Brother & IGNORANCE = FREEDOM LOST & FRANKLIN SYMBOL OF AMERICA
One-fifth of Canadians immigrants (60% from Asia & Middle East). BBC, Dec 5, 2007. Go to WHERE ALL PEOPLE GONE? (from abortion to immigration) & WINSTON SMITH NOW LEE (Anglo-European face is changing) & CHINESE TAKE OVER (economically & thru immigration) & CHINA'S TORTURED DISSIDENTS (reader much harassed by CCP) & Doing business with Communist China (tortures millions of dissidents). BBC/CanFreePress, Dec 3-5, 2007. Go to LAOGAI IS CHINESE GULAG & 20.Thought Police & 7.Systems
UN HATE WEEK ON NKUNDA (reader says genocide just slaughter) & UN joining attack against Tutsis (siding with genocidal Hutu forces) & Nkunda still desires peace talks ('trouble is gov't & UN impose war') & Congo/UN/Hutu armies attacking Nkunda (heavy artillery & backup helicopters) & Nkunda must leave Congo says USA (surrender & go into exile or face bloody violence from UN) & Force against Nkunda catastrophic (dwarf every crisis on continent). VOA/BBC/AFP/AllAf, Dec 3-4, 2007. Go to Superstates & Systems & Weapons & KABILA-CHINA-GORILLAS-NKUNDA & CONGO WOLVES ON NKUNDA & LUMUMBA-LIKE LAURENT NKUNDA & ENIGMATIC LAURENT NKUNDA
Canada ex-PM admits arms dealer deal ($300,000 cash in 3 envelopes) & How poor really was Mulroney? (bought $1.7 million mansion). AFP/TOStar, Dec 1, 2007. Go to MULRONEY BALONEY FISHY & MULRONEY CASH FLOW WOE & 10.Rulers & 8.Classes People & PIGS AT THE TROUGH
Taser shows off new stun gun (targeting civilians especially women) & Taser relations to coroner probed (denies he's an agent) & SHOCKING STUN GUN CIVILIANS. GlobeMail, Dec 1, 2007 & ELECTRIC SHOCK TEACHING BNW & 40.Electric Shock & 13.Weapons
RCMP commission clears cop (who shot boy in back of head) & Cop threatens 'watch your back' (to cop who testified against cop) & RCMP attack like pack of wolves (mob & murder like gangsters). CTV/Prov/Cit Nov 30, 2007. Go to COPS A PACK OF WOLVES & 37.We're Dead & 42.BB Tells Why & ANIMAL FARM DOGS
1984 VICTORY GIN FILMS (reader says new one coming). Go to 16.Minitrue & 25.Prolefeed
ALL-AMERICAN MEMORIES (sitting on Lincoln's lap) & LINCOLN'S MIRROR-IMAGE OMEN (reader says it’s a doppelganger) & LINCOLN DREAMS JFK FUNERAL ('Who is dead in the White House?') & John F Kennedy is laid to rest. November 25, 1963 & Lee Harvey Oswald shot dead. November 24, 1963 & OSWALD A POOR SHOT & PHOTOS PROVE OSWALD INNOCENT & Kennedy shot dead in Dallas. November 22, 1963 & DEDICATED TO PRESIDENT KENNEDY & 4.Old World Destruction & JFK ASSASSINATION PUZZLE
Tribute to Ian Smith (one of Africa's all time greatest) & "It was better under Smith" (black Zimbabweans admired him for unbending blunt criticism of Mugabe; opinions they dared not utter) & PM of Rhodesia for 15 turbulant years (economy strengthened in isolation) & Rhodesia's hero Ian Smith dies (his Western constitutional principles opposed Marxist-Leninist Mugabe) & Ian Smith obituary: 1919-2007 (best health, education & housing for black people in all Africa) & Ian Smith: first leader of Rhodesia (Prime Minister 1964 - 1979; independence from Britain 1965) & Rhodesia's good old Smithy dies ("civil war was caused by people who were brainwashed in Russia & China"). November 20, 2007. Go to ZIMBABWE'S MURDERING MUGABE & MUGABE MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE & 10.Rulers & 7.Systems & 40.Electric Shock Brainwashing & MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE MOVIE
Teen death causes prison furor (guards/supervisor criminal charges) & TEEN GIRL DEAD IN CELL. GlobeMail, Nov 22, 2007 & Cop tasers man questioning ticket (whole thing caught on video) & Cops pepperspray, baton & taser man (in extremely critical condition) & Cops may face criminal charges (in death of polish immigrant). CTV/CP, Nov 21, 2007. Go to CANADA'S KILLER COPS & ANIMAL FARM DOGS & 37.We're Dead & 42.BB Tells Why
Reader needs newspeak words: BIG BROTHER BIGGEST BUREAUCRACY. Nov 18, 2007. Go to 2.Big Brother & 18.Newspeak
Same old RCMP (commissioner silent for 34 days until taser video went public) & Vancouver cops buy 70 more tasers (so each can have own stun gun) & Use of tasers up 57% in Canada (first resort instead of last) & Safety Minister refuses to comment (says drunk driving bad as tasers) & BC Premier hasn't seen taser video (just watched part of it). CTV/CP/CBC, Nov 18, 2007. Go to DUI IS DUI, DUH & PREMIER SOURTOE COCKTAIL & 22.Doublethink
Hundreds mourned Robert Dziekanski (two National Geographics on body of Poland & paradise British Columbia) & Taser death was murder: widow (RCMP should have been friend) & Mourners eulogise man, express outrage (funeral of Polish immigrant tasered to death by police)., Nov 18, 2007. Go to CANADA'S HERO ROBERT DZIEKANSKI & 1.Winston's Diary & TASER-TALK NO-NO
Canadian stun gun death on video (police kill immigrant at airport) & Cops tasering raises questions (police not looking good) & Police tasering 'really brutal' ("Hit him again") & CANADA'S KILLER COPS. BBC/CBS/VanSun, Nov 15, 2007. Go to 37.We're The Dead & 7.Systems & 42.BB (boot stamping on face for ever) & ANIMAL FARM DOGS
Reader wonders about: ORWELL'S IDEAL PUB ("draught radio"). Nov 13, 2007. Go to 23.The Proles
6th Floor Museum conjures emotions (Zapruder/Nix films of assassination now on continuous display). CanPress, Nov 13, 2007. Go to JFK DEALEY PLAZA PHOTOS & JFK ASSASSINATION PUZZLE
JFK 911 photo loss settled< (stored in #5 WTC basement vault) & JFK WTC photo intrique rolls on (negatives burnt in fire or stolen to sell on black market later) & ANOTHER ATTACK ON JFK'S IMAGE & JFK PHOTOS BY JACQUES LOWE. Photo/USA Today, Nov 12, 2007. Go to Caroline Kennedy's new Xmas book (never-before-seen photos) & 17.Falsification & 16.Minitrue
JFK'S WORK GOD'S OWN (here on earth). Nov 11, 2007. Go to 8.Classes & 11.Miniplenty
IN AFGHAN FIELDS (the poppies grow) IN FLANDERS FIELDS. 11/11/11 2007. Go to EVE OF DESTRUCTION & 35.Brotherhood & 12.Miniwar
How China is eating the world (overcompensating malnourished past) & Canada benefits from China's appetite? (exports to China have doubled) & Date-rape drug in Chinese toys (on top of poisonous lead) & Canada Toys moving work to China (to cut production costs). Ind/Prov/VOA/CBC, Nov 10, 2007 & CHINA SHANGHAIING CANADA & CHINESE GULLIVER IN AMERICA & CHINA'S SANTA'S SWEATSHOP & 9.Masses Down & 15.Life In Oceania
Reader asks for symbolism: SLEEPING IN ROOM 101 (undisturbed by rats). Nov 9, 2007. Go to 44.Room 101 & OBJECT 110 WAS ROOM 101
Loonie rise ends American era (a new world currency?) & China collapsing US dollar (overvalued Chinese yuan). TOStar/CanCom, Nov 8, 2007. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & US DOLLAR IN LOONY BIN & JFK DEFENDED DOLLAR & reader inspires discussion: JFK KIND OF SOCIALIST
Rwandan portrait wins photo prize (beat 6,900 other entrants). BBC, Nov 7, 2007. Go to RWANDA PHOTO WINNERS
Lee beats Smith as most common name (Canada on brink of name wipe-out) & 100 most common names in Vancouver (Lee-Wong-Chan-Smith-Kim-Chen...). Vancouver Sun, Nov 4, 2007. Go to 1.Winston's Diary & 7.Systems & WINSTON SMITH NOW LEE & BEYOND ORWELL
Hitchens-caused death in a family (pro war articles inspired enlistee). Vanity Fair, Nov 4, 2007. Go to WHY HITCHENS DOESN'T MATTER & 12.Ministry of Peace (War) & IRAQ AFGHANI PHONY WARS & UNCLE SAMUEL WANTS YOU!
ENIGMATIC LAURENT NKUNDA (will go down in history) & Congo citizens flee to Uganda (fighting in Kivu by government troops against Tutsi General Nkunda) & Nkunda fighting army & Mai Mai militia (Hutu extremists of Rwanda genocide who melted into Congo jungles) & Hutus in Congo reared for new genocide (7,000 armed men led by 300 hard-core killers of million Rwanda Tutsis) & Rwanda says Congo backing Hutus (attacking Congo Tutsis). Times/VOA, Oct 28, 2007. Go to CONGO WOLVES ON NKUNDA & Reader played in Operation Turquoise
Rebels tell China 'leave Sudan' (China a partner in Darfur genocide) & Canada sells helicopter engines to China (Z-10 attackers each carry 14 missiles; to be used in Sudan, Burma, Taiwan...). BBC/CBC, Oct 25, 2007. Go to 6.Superstates & 12.Minipax & 13.Weapons & CHINA OILS SUDAN GENOCIDE & CANADA-USA IN CHINA BOAT
United Nations Organization is born ('to save world from scourge of war & maintain peace & security'). BBC, Oct 24, 1945 - 2007. Go to 2.Big Brother ('a dedicated sect doing evil') & MCCARTHY'S UN THOUGHTS & ORWELL DIES, HISS JAILED
Airports want behaviour recognition program (looking for suspicious passengers 'who might do us harm'). CanadaPress, Oct 24, 2007. Go to 3.Surveillance & 21.Crimestop ("facecrime it was called")
Traitors in family: Stalin's informers (new book about life in Russia) & Putin's youth groups defend Kremlin (just like Stalin's did). DailyMail/GlobeMail, Oct 17, 2007. Go to 20.Thought Police & 4.Destruction & ORWELL 2 + 2 = 1984 & ORWELL OUTSIDE THE BOX
"In the Shadow of the Moon" (documentary on Apollo moon landings) & USSR launched Sputnik 50-yrs ago (23-inch silver ball with antennas) & One giant step for collectors (moon memorabilia auction). TOStar/Fox/DallasNews, Oct 19, 2007. Go to 16.Minitruth & 17.Falsification & NO MEN ON MOON?
Nigeria polio cases caused by vaccine (WHO/CDC/UNICEF worry about fallout to US$5.3-billion program so far; may cause parents to refuse again). Canada Press, Sep 28, 2007. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation & BIO-CHEM WARFARE
Afghans protest gov't & foreign regimes ("they're killing our young men"). National Post, Sep 28, 2007. Go to 7.Systems & 12.Minipeace & NATO KILLING FOR DRUG TRADE & DRUG WAR IS PEACE & AFGHAN NARCO-STATE NOW & AFGHAN KIDS DIG USSR BOMBS
Surviving journey to interview Nkunda (arrested-interrogated by Kabila army) & New fighting threatens Congo ceasefire (President Kabila with King of Belgium) & Hutu genocide leader admits Kabila ally (now Congo Tutsis being killed) & China lending Congo $5-billion (in return for mining concessions) & China & Congo take giant leap (West abandoned this part of world) & NewT/Can/Bus/IHT, Sep 27, 2007. Go to 6.Disputed Territories & SLEEPING ON LAVA IN RAIN
China's hand behind junta's fist (control resources & commerce) & No freedom for Burma (China controls military gov't) & 20,000 march in Burma against junta (USA to meet in NY with foreign minister of China) & Aung San Suu Kyi rare appearance (monks marched by her house & Chinese Embassy in Rangoon) & Burma under Beijing shield (since army seized power 19-yrs ago) & Aung San Suu Kyi comes to gate (protests begun month ago by civilians against economic hardship & house arrest of Aung San Suu) & Who is Aung San Suu? (leader National League for Democracy denied election win in 1990). Guard/NZ/Jazeer/NPost Sep 23, 2007. Go to ORWELL DAYS IN BURMA & FINDING ORWELL IN BURMA
Zimbabwe whites outnumbered by Chinese (using AK47s to quell dissent, goal is country of compliant peasants totally dependent on food aid). Daily Mail, Sep 23, 2007. Go to 9.Masses & 8.Classes & 7.Systems & ZIMBABWE'S MURDERING MUGABE & MUGABE HAS YELLOW FEVER
Cameras don't stop or solve crime (don't make people safer) & CCTV cameras a crime in themselves (illegally used by private businesses, gov't, housing, individuals, police). ThisIsLondon, Sep 22, 2007. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police & 22.Doublethink
Biofuel emissions worse than oil (less C20 but more N20; more corn used as fuel than food) & Counting cost of wheat price hike (drought, flood, disease, food-as-fuel means bread shortage & hunger). Times/BBC, Sep 21, 2007. go to 9.Masses Down & 14.Experimentation & TAKE NOT OUR DAILY BREAD & FOOD AS FUEL STARVES HUNGRY & LENIN BEHIND ENVIRONMENTALISM
Israel declares Gaza an 'enemy entity' (cutting electricity, water, fuel to starve Palestinians into submission) & USA endorses Israel Palestine position (says Gaza is enemy of USA too) & Book: Churchill's Promised Land (helped Israel get Palestine; 'heart full of sympathy for Zionism') & Book: Churchill And The Jews ('was too fond of Jews'). VOA/Tele/JewJourn, Sep 20, 2007. Go to 7.Systems of Thought & ZIONISM IN AMERICA & ORWELLIAN ANTI-SEMITISM
MEN WHO'D BE KING (reader says some should). Sep 19, 2007. Go to 10.Rulers & 8.Classes
Doctor describes Rwanda genocide (institutions including his hospital turned into bloody slaughterhouses) & Counted 1 body every 12 seconds (burnt villages & barricades, rivers with amputated bodies) & Rwandans accused of genocide released (priest of Kigali church). CandaPress/France24, Sep 19, 2007. Go to RWANDA GENOCIDE HORROR & GENOCIDAL SAINT FAMILLE & RWANDA'S GOOD MAN KAGAME
ORWELL ON FREE PRESS (reader looking for essay). Sep 18, 2007. Go to 16.Minilies & 25.Prolefeed
Big Brother is watching us all (computer can identify you instantly; scan & tell what you're thinking). BBC, Sep 17, 2007. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police & 14.Experimentation & 2.Big Brother
Rwanda may send troops to Congo (Nkunda only force there against FDLR, the Hutus who did 1994 genocide) & "Rwanda not aiding us" says Nkunda (want peace process in Kinshasa) & KAGAME STRATEGY OF PEACE & 12.Minipeace & 11.Miniplenty. NewTimes/Monitor, Sep 16, 2007
Monarchism has outlived taste of time (not democratically elected) & Rwanda ex-king has no special status (Kagame doesn't believe in monarchies) & RWANDA KING NO TASTE & 8.Classes of People & 10.Rulers & RWANDA KING NOT KINGLY WARREN & 911 TRUTH OMISSIONS (reader hoping for people's investigation). Sep 16, 2007. Go to 17.Falsification & 28.Reality Control Rain & flood chaos in 14 African countries (Sudan-Ethiopia-Uganda-Rwanda...bringing death, disease, destruction) & Fresh earthquakes rock Indonesia (Tsunami warnings repeatedly issued). BBC, Sep 15, 2007. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation & WEAPONIZED WEATHER CONTROL America vaccination of Grade 8 girls (for HPV sexually transmitted disease causes paralysis & death) & Educate on HPV before medicating ("daughter's life depends on it") & Kiddie-porn at Toronto Film Festival (13-yr-old girl sexually abused by neighbour-boyfriend-father). CTV/Times/Fox, Sep 14, 2007 & VACCINATIONS BIO-WARFARE & 14.Experimentation & 30.Love Instinct & 25.Prolefeed & CHILD SEX IN BRAVE NEW WORLD NKUNDA & INTORE HEROES (reader sends DVD) & Averting nightmare scenario in Congo (on brink of a major war & 17,000 UN peacekeeping troops are doing nothing to stop it) & Nkunda waiting for Kabila response (wants to negotiate & join army for cooperation against negative forces). VOA/AmerProgress, Sep 14, 2007. Go to CONGO WOLVES ON NKUNDA & 2.Big Brother & 12.Minipeace Google streetmaps raise privacy concerns (users can view, zoom-in, pinpoint). NationalPost, Sep 12, 2007. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police Canada housing affordibility takes hit (payment costs 50% of income) & Canada's changing family (same-sex-marriage, childless couples, common-law, single parent, poverty). CBC, Sep 12, 2007. Go to 30.Family & 8.Classes of People & 9.Keeping Masses Down World Trade Center in NY attacked (hit by planes & blows up). BBC, September 11, 2001-2007. Go to MUSLIMS DEFY LAWS OF PHYSICS (2 + 2 = 5) & 9/11 HI-JACKS OR HI-JINKS? & 28.Reality Control & 17.Falsification & LINDBERGH'S ANTI-WAR SPEECH ("foreign interests forcing USA"). delivered on Sep 11, 1941 & 12.Ministry of Peace (War) SURVEILLANCE STORIES WANTED (for documentary film). Sep 11, 2007. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police FACTS OF UNBORN LIFE (for students of all ages). Sep 10, 2007. Go to ORWELL AGAINST ABORTION Kagame says Nkunda's grievances legit ("should be viewed differently to FDLR who are guilty of genocide") & UN PEACEKEEPING NOT KEEPINGPEACE ("won't discuss FDLR but when it's about Nkunda they move tanks") & Dallaire at new Shake Hands movie (UN soldiers played bluff with howling mobs of knife-wielding Hutu hooligans bent on butchering every last Tutsi in Rwanda) & Congo's Nkunda asks UN for peace (was told UN "just observing & didn't have any position to take") & Rwanda fears Congo conflict spillover ("If the UN can't keep peace there, then what are they there for?"). NewT/CanCom/VOA, Sep 10, 2007. Go to RWANDA'S SILENT FRIENDS & 12.Miniwar & 11.Ministarve GRAND THEFT & JFK RELOADED (reader says designed by same people). Sep 8, 2007. Go to 25.Prolefeed & 16.Minitruth & The Brotherhood & JFK ASSASSINATION HITCHENS NOT LIKE ORWELL (and hates Mother Teresa). Go to Mother Teresa prayers 10 years on ("the day to remember her") & Mother Teresa dies at 87 yrs-old (devoted life to sick & poor). Herald/BBC/Guardian, Sep 6, 2007 & Zimbabwe's food crisis deepens (leading bakery forced to shut) & PRO-LIFE PREGNANCY PERSPECTIVE
Orwell was a paranoid rebel (Soviet & British secret police *were* watching him) & MI5 confused by Orwell's politics (did not believe he was a mainstream communist) & Orwell right - Big Brother was watching (amid concerns he was a member of the communist movement). Guardian/BBC/Age, Sep 5, 2007. Go to ORWELL NOT COMMIE, DUH & TEMPTED TO VISIT ORWELL & 3.Surveillance & 22.Thought Police
Congo fighting lights tinderbox flame (UN flying soldiers & supplies to help Kabila pound Nkunda using Russian-built helicopters) & Nkunda calls for Congo peace (Kabila DRC & UN attacking him) & Air raid 'kills 50 Congo rebels' (Mi-24 gunships against Nkunda) & Congo fighting in gorilla habitat (rangers have fled their posts). Reut/BBC/Guardian, Sep 5, 2007. Go to KABILA-CHINA-GORILLAS-NKUNDA & 12.Miniwar & 12.Ministarve
Canada's drug scene is human misery (heroin, cocaine, crack, crystal meth injected & smoked in open downtown). National Post, Sep 2, 2007. Go to CANADA DRUG SCENE DISGUSTING & WAR BY DRUGS & CANADA HEROIN-HIT KIT & CRACK KITS HIT CANADA & CANADA TOUGH ON TOBACCO & DRUG WAR IS PEACE & NATO DYING FOR DRUG TRADE & AFGHAN NARCO-STATE NOW & SMOKING SOLDIER'S LAMENT (sung to ''Eve of Destruction'). Go to 22.Doublethink & 27.Goodthink & 42.Party Tells 'Why'
China is trying to colonize Africa (economic tentacles extend deep) & China focuses on Sudan's oil (human rights & environment abuse). NatPost/SudanTrib, Sep 2, 2007 & CHINA'S AFRICAN EMPIRE & CHINA OILS SUDAN GENOCIDE & 3.Superstates & 7.Systems
Kabila troops move toward Nkunda (may ally with Rwandan Hutus) & 'State of war' in eastern Congo (Kabila & UN forces support Hutus who kill Nkunda-supported Tutsis). VOA/BBC, Sep 1, 2007. Go to CONGO WRONG ON NKUNDA & LUMUMBA-LIKE LAURENT NKUNDA & GOMA CAMP MAFIA HOTEL & 22.Doublethink & 11.Miniplenty & JFK CRIED FOR CONGO & Rwandan Hutus kill gorilla ranger (& gorillas killed recently in Congo) & WEIGHING IN ON SILVERBACK
Princess Diana dies in Paris crash (10 years ago today) & Prince Harry leads Diana tribute (Harry was 12, William 15, Diana 36) & Empty seats at service show scars (butler, secretary, protection officer & Duchess of York blacklisted). BBC/Times, Aug 31, 1997-2007. Go to GOODNIGHT SWEET PRINCESS & VISITING PRINCESS'S PLACES & PEOPLE'S PRINCESS & PRINCESS' PEOPLE & THE SPIRIT OF PRINCESS DIANA
Man honoured for saving JFK (Kennedy, 26, scratched a message in the husk of a fresh coconut) & Native hero who saved JFK rewarded (found crew of PT-109 64-yrs ago) & Hero saved JFK from sharks/Japanese (paddled 35 miles to summon help). Tele/Canberra/Times, Aug 30, 2007 & JFK'S LETTER TO SOLOMONS & JFK NEPHEW THANKS NAURU (rescued 'Chief of Great Country') & JFK'S PT 109 CREW & THE STORY OF PT-109 & JFK'S BOAT & COCONUT & PT-109 HIT BY TSUNAMI
In China Big Brother is always watching (blanket surveillance system designed to suppress people's private actions). Chosen Ilbo S-Korea, Aug 28, 2007. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police
Suicide bomber kills NATO troops (targeted soldiers shopping). BBC, Aug 28, 2007. Go to 28.Reality Control & 11.Miniplenty & FALSE FLAG ROCKET BOMBS
Rwanda's political opposition to merge (vowing to return & 'liberate' Rwanda). RNS, Aug 28, 2007. Go toCONGO WRONG ON NKUNDA (reader says Hutus hate) & 22.Doublethink & 11.Miniplenty & Congo FDLR aim to destabilise Rwanda (unleashing terror & murder) & Rwanda dismisses lies against officer (made by forces of genocide). NewTimes/Afriquenligne, Aug 27, 2007. Go to KILLED AT KIBEHO & HUTUS HATE RWANDA IN DARFUR & 17.Falsification of Past
Smart cars 'a juicy market' (automatically cut speed & warn of child alone near road). Australian, Aug 25, 2007. Go to 3.Surveillance & 21.Crimestop & WHO'S BEHIND ROAD CONTROL
Congo struggling to stay in one piece (Kabila blames problems on Nkunda, a Congolise Tutsi protector). New Vision, Aug 24, 2007. Go to LUMUMBA-LIKE LAURENT NKUNDA & 6.Disputed Territories
Monkey misery for Kenyan villagers (300 monkeys invading farms but protected by Wildlife Service). BBC, Aug 24, 2007. Go to PLANET OF THE APES (humans are considered feral vermin) & ENVIRONMENTALISM IS ANIMALISM
Doctors want smoke-free cars ('to protect young lungs from dangers of tobacco smoke'). CanWest, Aug 23, 2007. Go to HYPOCRITICAL OAF DOCTORS & 22.Doublethink & 27.Goodthink
Nepal nationalizes royal palaces (peace pact with Maoists). BBC, Aug 23, 2007. Go to WHO KILLED NEPAL ROYAL FAMILY? & NEPAL REMEMBERED & 6.Superstates & 7.Systems
Home rider wins Tour de Rwanda (10 days & 1,200 kms). New Times, Aug 23, 2007. Go to RWANDA BIKE-TAXI TUNES
Reader sends sequel to "1984": IN THE YEAR TWENTY-FOURTEEN (a prolit writer in the Ficdep). Aug 22, 2007
Reader asks: WHY NO ORWELL BOOK SET? Aug 21, 2007. Go to ORWELL'S OTHER BOOKS
JFK PROOF IN PUDDING ('good conscience only sure reward') & JFK's Women: The Scandals Revealed (new documentary on History channel). Aug 20, 2007. Go to MORE JFK SEX ON TV (reader says it's fabrication) & 17.Falsification & 25.Prolefeed
RWANDA MWAMI GO HOME (and live in Nyanza palace) & Rwanda's former king eyes return (King Kigeli V Ndahindurwa says he was forced from his throne illegally). BBC, Aug 17, 2007. Go to RWANDA KING WANTS RWANDA
Orangutans destroyed for bio-fuels (palm oil plantations replace jungles). Telegraph, Aug 16, 2007. Go to 42.Party Tells 'Why' & FOOD AS FUEL STARVES HUNGRY & TAKE NOT OUR DAILY BREAD
Lake Kivu - time bomb or energy source? (contains 65-billion cube metres methane equal to 50-million tonnes petrol). UN Networks, Aug 15, 2007. Go to 9.Masses Down & 11.Miniplenty & 6.Disputed Territories & HARNESS LAKE KIVU POWER
Hutu genocidaires pillage Congo village (no intervention from thousands of UN forces based there) & 500 civilians killed in Iraq blasts (a new level of horror) & 250 villagers dead after Iraq blasts (ripped apart mud & clay houses; US military blames al-Qaeda). AllAf/ABC/BBC, Aug 15, 2007. Go to 12.MiniPeace & 7.Systems & BIG BROTHER BOMBS REFUGEES & ANGLO U$RAELI BIG BROTHER & EVE OF IRAQ DESTRUCTION
Rwandan UN Darfur-head war criminal? (opposition accuses for Kibeho assault) & Malicious attack on general baseless (Commission on Kibeho proves it). AllAfrica, Aug 15, 2007. Go to 17.Falsification of Past & WITNESS KAGAME KIBEHO TRUTH
Medical science aims to microchip you (inserted under skin with needle; approved for USA & Canada). Toronto Star, Aug 14, 2007. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police & HUMANS SCANNED LIKE GROCERIES
Author on Jura didn't visit Barnhill (Gourevitch couldn't be bothered walking to Orwell's house). Scotsman, Aug 13, 2007. Go to ORWELL WINNER A LOSER & 33.Contact
Pyongyang's man in Harare (Mugabe idolizes North Korea leader). National Post, Aug 13, 2007. Go to 39.Torture & 40.Brainwashing & MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE MUGABE
Berliners wake to divided city (concrete wall 12-ft high) & No mercy at Berlin Wall (Stasi ordered to 'shoot to kill') & Ex-Soviet leader in luxury ad (in limousine along Berlin Wall). BBC/Times/IHT, Aug 13, 1961-2007. Go to 8.Classes of People & 10.Rulers & JFK ICH BIN BERLINER SPEECH
Somalia independent journalists slain (advocated for the voiceless) & Congo independent journalists slain (reporting in aid of peace process). EdPub/Reuters Aug 11, 2007. Go to 21.Crimestop & SOMALIA HELL IN HORN & JFK CRIED FOR CONGO
Murders in the Mist (100 rangers have been killed trying to protect the animals) & Silverback gorillas killed in Congo (7 murders in 7 months). Times/Telegraph, Aug 11, 2007 & WEIGHING IN ON SILVERBACK
Russia wants slice of UK power plants (fueling fears about security of future energy supplies). Times, Aug 10, 2007. Go to 6.SuperStates & 7.Systems & AMERICA ON RUSSIAN ROCKS
Russia & China play war games (USA denied permission to observe) & China-Russia combine 6,500 troops (80 warplanes & combat helicopters dubbed 'Peace Mission 2007'). Herald/RadioFreeEu Aug 10, 2007. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace (War)
Rwanda upset at priest's release (wanted for genocide at church) & Rwandan gets 20-yrs in genocide trial (murder of 10 Belgian soldiers). BBC/NewEur Aug 9, 2007 & STUDENT SEARCHING ST FAMILLE & BELGIANS & HABYARIMANA DEATHS
'Made in Canada' - via China ('We eat food from China every day, we just don't know about it') & Food from China: Can you trust it? (supplies human & animal-feed to USA). GlobeMail/Trib, Aug 7, 2007. Go to 15.Oceania & 9.Masses Down & MADE-IN-CHINA FOOD?
Foot-and-mouth in vaccine not animals (111,000 UK farms affected; 10m cows, 23m sheep, 5m pigs) & Health institute may be F&M cause (made 100 million vials of vaccine of same strain found in cows) & Pre-pandemic flu vaccine push (to get before post-pandemic shot). BBC/PharmaTimes, Aug 6, 2007 & JAMES BOND FOOT & MOUTH & MAD COW TERROR & MAN-MADE FLU WEAPON & BIO-CHEM WARFARE
Rwanda president gets private screening (new movie about the genocide). Globe & Mail, Aug 5, 2007. Go to RWANDA SHAKE HANDS SOON
NATO mulls smaller Afghan bombs (to drop on civilians when looking for Taliban) & UN sceptical about smaller bombs (might drop more to compensate). BBC/IRIN Jul 31, 2007. Go to JFK SAID MILITARY ARE MAD & NATO KILLS FOR DRUG TRADE & AFGHANS DIG USSR BOMBS & 12.Minipeace & 22.Doublethink
Thames bursts & floods Parliament (new movie based on book 'Flood'). This Is London, Jul 29, 2007. Go to 16.Ministry of Truth & MOVIES & Don't expect sudden UK heatwave (rain isn't global warming; it's a jetstream over UK instead of Iceland) & HEAD SCRATCHING RAIN REASON ('It may be just one of those things') & More rain & higher bills coming ('pay upstream to prevent or downstream to mop up but you've got to pay'). TIL/BBC/Guardian/CNN Jul 28, 2007. Go to WORLDWIDE WATER WOE (paying for every drop) & Bottled water is tap water ($-billions corporate swindle) & WATER BARONS
China's polluting coal plants surging (building dozens every year) & China pollution hitting America (causing weather chaos). HeraldTrib/WSJ, Jul 26, 2007. Go to PENNSYLVANIA IS WIGAN PIER & KYOTO = KILL YOUR TOMORROWS & 9.Keeping Masses Down & RUSSIAN COAL TO NEWCASTLE
UK floods damage feed & food crops (vegetable crops 60% destroyed) & UK flood won't hit wider economy (good for home repair business). ReedBus/FXNews Jul 26, 2007. Go to FARMS FEELING FOOD FIGHT & DUCKSPEAKING FOOD FIGURERS & 9.Masses & 15.Miniplenty & 27.Goodthink & 15.Oceania
THE RAIN IN PLAIN UK (reader says UK building on bogs) & UK flooding worst in history (rivers 20-ft higher than normal) & EU heatwave sizzling forests & farms (Austria-Greece-Italy-Hungary-
Romania-Croatia-Slovakia-Bulgaria) & China pollution hitting America (causing weather chaos). WSJ/Express/WashP, Jul 23, 2007. Go to USSR USES WEAPONIZED WEATHER & WEATHER & FOOD CONTROL
Witness saw police beat players (used tasers & pepper on Chile) & Canada cops assault soccer team (police-state brutality on players like Chile under Pinochet). NPost/TOStar, Jul 22, 2007. Go to POLICE DOGS IN ANIMAL FARM & 7.Systems of Thought
Zimbabweans swimming Limpopo river (crocodiles, 3 layers of fence in hope of job in South Africa) & Zimbabwe & China best friends (UN says nothing wrong with economy & human rights). BBC/AllAfrica, Jul 21, 2007. Go to ZIMBABWE'S MURDERING MUGABE & ZIMBABWE'S SMART GENOCIDE & MUGABE HAS YELLOW FEVER & 9.Masses Down &
Canada aging, young in short supply (immigration to replace void). CTV, Jul 19, 2007 & WHERE HAVE ALL PEOPLE GONE? & CHINA SURPLUS MALE PROBLEM & 30.Love Instinct & Family
'Reaper' robot planes to Afghan & Iraq (each with 14 Hellfire bombs). Telegraph, Jul 18, 2007 & IRAQ AFGHANI PHONY WARS & 13.Weapons & 12.Minipeace & AFGHANISTAN REMEMBERED & AFGHAN NARCO-STATE NOW
England growing heroin poppies (says it's opium for morphine) & A world awash in heroin (92% - 6,100 tons - from Afghanistan facilitated by 14 foreign armies). EveStand/Economist Jul 18, 2007. Go to NATO DYING FOR DRUG TRADE & 35.The Brotherhood & IN AFGHAN FIELDS
UN warns it can't feed people (using food for fuel instead) & Corn price rise affects ice cream (cost of animal & human feed soars; a gallon of milk in USA up 55%; costs same as a gallon of petrol). Times, Jul 16, 2007. Go to 9.Masses Down & 15.Life in Oceania & FOOD AS FUEL STARVES HUNGRY & WORLD FOOD BANK & TAKE NOT OUR DAILY BREAD
Pakistanis bury Red Mosque massacred (Muslims kill own in Islamabad) & Blame Churchill for India split (arbitrary India Pakistan line forced non-relgious Hindu & Muslim into rabid religious categories). NZStuff/GlobeMail, Jul 16, 2007. Go to 10.Rulers & 6.Super-States & INDIA-PAKISTAN PARTITION POISON
WEIGHING IN ON SILVERBACK (reader asks about gorilla)
YOUR AGE BY EATING OUT (reader sends math magic; adds up every time)
A WANDER IN RWANDA (serialization of recent visit)
BYE, BYE MISS CHEVY PIE (reader sends new interprettion on Don McLean's 70s song). Jun 28, 2007
HAPPY 104th BIRTHDAY George Orwell. June 25, 1903 - 2007. Go to SHRINE TO ORWELL
Top cop says Britain "Orwellian" society (doesn't want to live in a country with surveillance on every corner) & Health fear over airport scanners (show passengers' naked bodies) & Flying saucer police spy helicopter (CCTV cameras record from 500m). SydneyMH/ThisLondon May 20, 2007. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police ('a helicopter hovered like a bluebottle, snooping into people's windows')
JFK single-gun theory disputed (ballistic evidence flawed). Telegraph, May 18, 2007. Go to 17.Falsification of Past & JFK DEALEY PLAZA PHOTOS
ORWELL'S BARNHILL VISITORS (reader asks who heard him typing). Go to GOOD PHOTOS OF ORWELL (reader asks for biographies). May 11, 2007. Go to HOMAGE TO ORWELL & PILGRIMAGE TO ORWELL & A DAY IN ORWELL TODAY
RWANDA CIVILIAN HEROES (to be included in future book) & KAGAME RPF MANEUVERS ANYONE? (military narratives needed) & PAUL KAGAME BLUES BAND (songs all about Rwanda) & Close encounters of Rwanda gorilla kind (the hour passes quickly, magically; "I would pay $2,000 for this"). GeorgiaStraight, May 10, 2007. Go to RWANDA'S RARE GORILLAS
Coconut oil powers island's cars (instead of island's people) & Biofuels could starve the poor (corn-based ethanol all the rage; cassava-based a grave threat). BBC/ForeignAffairs, May 8, 2007. Go to 15.Life in Oceania & 9.Masses Down & WORLD FOOD BANK & FOOD AS FUEL STARVES HUNGRY
RWANDA RAVE REVIEWS (reader attended New York Film Fest) & PRAY DON'T BE NEUTRAL (only 'neutralized' if staging comeback) & Kagame seeks cooperation on Congo rebels (ex-Rwandan army & Hutu militias blamed for 1994 genocide). Reuters, May 7, 2007. Go to RPF INKOTANYI SAVED SURVIVORS
ORWELL'S HIERARCHY OF NEEDS (reader questions Maslow's pyramid). May 6, 2007. Go to 11.Miniplenty & 9.Masses Down
NEUTRAL NOT RWANDA REPEAT ("hottest places in hell are reserved for those who remain neutral"). May 5, 2007. Go to 32.Enemies of The Party
ORWELL ON FREUD'S COUCH (reader wants to psychoanalyze; says "1984" full of sexual symbolism). May 4, 2007. Go to 26.Rebellion & 30.Love Instinct
Power station harnesses Sun's rays ("Dr Evil unleashing tractor beam"; plan to spread similar systems across Mediterranean & Sahara) & Mad cow case confirmed in Canada (import bans on Canadian cattle in place since 2003 outbreak). BBC/CBC May 3, 2007. Go to WEATHER & FOOD CONTROL & MAD COW TERROR & JAMES BOND FOOT & MOUTH & WHERE'S BEEF GONNA GO? & WHO'S SARS SONG
China tops Canada's spy list (steal $1 billion worth of technological secrets every month). TorontoStar, May 1, 2007. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace & 7.Systems & CHINA SPIES ON AMERICA
DOWN & OUT ON RADIO (a shocking, previously hidden world). BBC, Apr 29, 2007. Go to 9.Masses & 8.Classes & 35.Brotherhood & DOWN & OUT PARIS LONDON
World rallies for Darfur action (UN won't impose sanctions). BBC, Apr 29, 2007. Go to 5.Disputed Territories & 7.Systems & DRAGON ENTERS AFRICA
Canada bans old-style light bulbs (government imposes binding regulations rather than voluntary efforts) & Billionaire tells Canada to "Flick Off" (logo suggests naughty message) & Canada tells youth to "Flick Off" (it's a campaign directed at youth) & Junk science: light bulb lunacy (fluorescents (CFLs) contain mercury; pose nightmare if they break). Herald/Reuters/Fox Apr 27, 2007. Go to 20.Doublethink & 9.Masses Down & DIM WIT LIGHT BULBS & F*CK OFF LIGHT BULB & GOOD IDEA, BAD IDEA
Sunnis object to Berlin Wall in Baghdad (screen people entering & leaving to 'protect' from surrounding Shiite) & IRAQ HELL BAGHDAD BRACELET & Zionism equals colonization (building huge concrete wall cuts West Bank into fragments; gates open/close at Israeli whim). AHN/GulfNews, Apr 22, 2007. Go to 7.Systems & 42.Party Tells Why & JFK ICH BIN EIN BERLINER ("Freedom is indivisible, and when one man is enslaved, all are not free") & LISTEN TO JFK'S VOICE
Moscow's suburb for billionaires (15 yrs ago everything owned by state; now economy owned by 36 men). BBC, Apr 22, 2007. Go to 10.Rulers & 8.Classes & 9.Masses & RUSSIA IS HELL'S INFERNO
Bombs pound Somalia capital Mogadishu (320,000 refugees flee overthrow of calm under Islamic Courts Union). BBC, Apr 22, 2007. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace & 6.Superstates & SOMALIA HELL IN HORN & SOMALIA HORN OF ANARCHY
USA university shooting kills 33 (alleged shooter kills self) & How can schools keep students safe? (build elaborate 'security' systems). BBC, Apr 17, 2007. Go to 28.Reality & 3.Surveillance & 20.Police & SCHOOLS LIKE PRISONS
Zimbabweans must "make a stand" (says 60-yr-old Catholic Archbishop whose name appears on a death list of opponents of President Mugabe) & Mugabe critic in prophetic role ("Mugabe is mad for power & will cling even if it means destroying Zimbabwe") & Killing them softly in Zimbabwe (the other African genocide; people eating mice or starve). Telegraph/BBC/TNR, Apr 17, 2007. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & ZIMBABWE'S SMART GENOCIDE
Reader asks value of: JFK PHOTOS BY JACQUES LOWE (the Kennedy family photographer). Apr 16, 2007. Go to ANOTHER ATTACK ON JFK'S IMAGE & 17.Falsification of Past
Algoma Steel joins ranks of foreign-owned ("Putting patriotism aside, I look at the business fundamentals", says Canadian banker). Globe & Mail, Apr 16, 2007. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & CHINADA'S SOVIETIZATION & A NICKEL FOR YOUR KINGDOM & CHINA DEAL NOT BENEFICIAL & PM LAUDS CHINA TAKING OVER
Rwanda genocidaire on trial in Brussels (for murder of then Prime Minister and 10 Belgian soldiers),. NewTimes, Apr 16, 2007. Go to THE INFORMER & TEN BELGIANS & RWANDA'S UN SOLDIERS DIE
Reader sends link to: 1949 RADIO PLAY OF 1984. Apr 14, 2007. Go to DAVID NIVEN AS WINSTON & 1.Winston's Diary
Rock stars set to rock our world (capturing more than 2-billion eyeballs) & Humanitarian Concert = Oxymoron (not always what they seem to be). TorontoStar/CroatiaJavno, Apr 14, 2007. Go to 16.Ministry of Truth & 25.Prolefeed & HUMANITARIAN CONCERTS OTHER SIDE & UNSWEET SIXTEEN AMERICAN PIE
Rwanda: Land of beauty, discipline & tragedy (Kigali with its clean streets, orderly traffic and general tranquillity). Uganda Monitor, Apr 14, 2007. Go to RWANDA'S GOOD MAN KAGAME & HOW KAGAME BECAME LEADER & QUIET BLUE LAKE KIVU & GOMA'S LUMUMBA VOLCANO
China Macau unblocks N Korea funds (communists won't de-nuclearize Korea until US$25-million transferred) & North Korea kids go hungry (USA & S Korea give food & funds direct to communist gov't) & Food crisis in North Korea (members of military & communist Party are the only recipients of food). BBC/Epoch/Seattle Times, Apr 10, 2007. Go to JAPAN NUKED BUT NOT KOREA & NORTH KOREA'S NUCLEAR PROGRAM & 6.Super-States & 7.Systems & 13.Weapons & THE MANIRAQIAN CANDIDATE & WARMONGER EXPLAINS TO PEACENIK & ORWELL COINED "COLD WAR"
READING ON RWANDA (recommended books so far). Apr 9, 2007
Kagame blasts France over genocide ("playing volleyball on top of mass graves"). Reuters, Apr 7, 2007. Go to MURAMBI MASSACRE MEMORIAL & LAMENT OF VICTIMS OF GENOCIDE
On this day 13 years ago: Rwanda president's plane shot down (genocide of the Tutsi begins next day). BBC, Apr 6, 1994 - 2007. Go to HOW RWANDA GENOCIDE PREPARED & KILLING HABYARIMANA NOT GENOCIDE & EX-FIRST LADY DENIES GENOCIDE
Talking CCTV cameras scold offenders (staff bark orders thru loudspeaker connected to control centre). BBC, Apr 5, 2007. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police & 21.Crimestop
Tsunami hits South Pacific Solomons (caused by magnitude 8.1 earthquake) & 14.Scientific Experimentation & Gizo at center of tsunami fears (tens of thousands affected). ABC/BBC, Apr 2, 2007. Go to PT 109 HIT BY TSUNAMI
Reader says thanks for memories: OUTRIGHT GIFTS OF JFK (like Frost's "Gift Outright" poem). Apr 2, 2007
ORWELL COINED "COLD WAR" (reader wonders when & where). Apr 1, 2007. Go to 5.Pyramidal NW0 & 6.Super-States
Big Brother watching Orwell's house (UK has 4.2 million CCTV cameras; each person caught 300x a day). ThisIsLondon, Mar 31, 2007. Go to 1.Winston's Diary & 3.Surveillance & ORWELL'S CANONBURY HOME & ORWELL'S LOCAL PUB
Only 1 in 40 cops respond to calls (don't target crime hotspots). DailyExpress, Mar 31, 2007. Go to POLICE NEW NO-SHOW NOW & 21.Crimestop & 38.Cellars & 34.Miniluv & UK peers slam school fingerprinting (kids victimized who don't comply). BBC, Mar 30, 2007. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police & FINGERPRINTING FUTURE FIRST
JFK'S PT 109 CREW (reader asks the names of) & JFK ASSASSINATION PREMONITION (reader heard a story about). Mar 29, 2007
U2 Bono gets honourary knighthood (joins Geldof, Gates, Spielberg) & Bono preaches charity (profits from buyouts, tax breaks). BBC/Bloomberg, Mar 29, 2007. Go to 10.Rulers & 8.Classes of People & U2 BONO ARCH-ARCH CAPITALIST
The rice with human genes (major step in Frankenstein Foods) & USA mulls planting 'medicine rice' (public has until March to object; planting begins in April). ThisIsLondon/BBC, Mar 6, 2007. go to 15.Life in Oceania & TAKE NOT OUR DAILY BREAD
Reader describes: WHAT ORWELL IS FOR ME (a friend to call on) & ORWELL ON & IN LATIN (reader translating "Animal Farm"). Mar 6, 2007
Reader wonders about: ORWELL PROPHECY FULFILLED (we'll witness its effect). Feb 22, 2007. Go to 1.Winston's Diary & 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police & 15.Life in Oceania & MEETING ORWELL THROUGH BOOKS
Harsh winter: Afghans struggle for survival (choice between wood/bread; freeze/starve) & International aid neglects Afghan hospitals (CIDA admits none of its $100-million has been spent on medical care). WashPost/CanadaCom, Feb 18, 2007. Go to 11.Miniplenty & 12.Minipax & AFGHANISTAN REMEMBERED & AFGHAN KIDS DIG SOVIET BOMBS & NATO DYING FOR DRUG TRADE & IN AFGHAN FIELDS
'Green agenda is profitable' says Premier (a tree absorbs 1 tonne of carbon dioxide so people should plant trees to sell credit certificates to industry which count as CO2emission reduction) & Environmentalist Suzuki pushing 'green' bylaw (against industry & small business) & Tycoon Branson offers $32-M 'green' award ("the planet has a 'fever' and the world has to listen to experts") & WHOLE WORLD IN THEIR HANDS? & KYOTO = KILL YOUR OWN TOMORROWS. CTV/OzHeraldSun, Feb 14, 2007 & Canada gives climate change $1.5-billion (25% to French province minority). CBC, Feb 12, 2007 & 14.Experimentation & 9.Masses Down & WEATHER CONTROL & GULLIVER DESCRIBES INTELLECTUALS
TV SHOW '24' DENIGRATES AMERICA (Jewish creator is racist to Arabs who hero sadistically tortures every week) & Torturing Iraqis on prime-time TV (evil sadists are 'good guys'). NewYorker/VanSun Feb 11, 2007. Go to 39.Interrogation/Torture & 7.Systems & 16.Ministry of Truth & 25.Prolefeed & TERROR BILL IS TERROR
Threat Detection System monitors every move (tiny cameras the size of a fingernail; microphones hear every whisper) & Who watches the watchers? (workers ogle women on their screens; cameras don't lower crime rate). Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police & 2.Big Brother is Watching You!. CNN/Guardian, Feb 9, 2007 & Brain scan reads people's intentions (to spot who plans to commit crimes before they break the law) & 14.Experimentation & 21.Crimestop & 5.Pyramidal New World Order
A movie review of: RWANDA SOMETIMES IN APRIL (a must-see story of genocide) & Rwanda Silicon Valley of Africa ("the proof is in the fiber"). EAfricaBusWeek, Feb 6, 2007
HAY-ON-WYE NOT HEREFORD (reader says England not Wales). Feb 5, 2007. Go to 1.Winston's Diary & HAY-ON-WYE BOOK TOWN
China most polluted on planet (wheat kernels dark-sooty-hollow-twisted) & "Humans are to blame" says UN ("nail in coffin of climate change deniers"; "Americans worst polluters on planet") & UN weather report is a "Corruption of Science" ("a political document...a hoax") & UN mandates that the science be altered ("not approved by scientists but by political delegates of the UN") & China exempt from cutting greenhouse gases (in spite of world-leading coal use) & Dark cloud of pollution over Hong Kong (from smokestacks of China mainland) & Stinky, oily, orange snow in Russia (nuclear-industrial-radioactive pollution). Time/Telegraph/Guardian Feb 3, 2007 & ENVIRONMENTALISM IS ANIMALISM & LENIN BEHIND ENVIRONMENTALISM & CHARLES' CHINA TAKE-AWAY TALK & LBJ ON WEATHER CONTROL & USSR USING WEAPONIZED WEATHER & KYOTO'S WATER WIZARDS & WEATHER CONTROL
Rwanda leader defiant on killing claim (responds to French judge allegations of assassination of Habyarimana) & Genocidaires' defenders accuse Kagame (ICTR lawyers from Canada & USA). BBC/AngolaPress, Feb 1, 2007 & ADAD IS GENOCIDE MOUTHPIECE & RWANDA-FRANCE BONE CONTENTION & LE CONTENTIEUX FRANCO-RWANDAIS
Reader loves unborn sucking thumb: UNBORN SPEAKS FOR SELF. Jan 30, 2007. Go to WHERE HAVE ALL BABIES GONE?
China toys from Santa's Sweatshop (work 12-hour days, 7 days a week in unsafe, toxic environments living in wretched dormitories). ColumbiaTrib, Jan 30, 2007. Go to CHINA IS SANTA'S SWEATSHOP & 9.Keeping Masses Down
Hu avoids anti-Chinese protests ("our leaders are so corrupt they're selling our birthrights to China") & China's Hu Jintao on Africa tour (selling weapons to countries & flooding them with cheap goods threatening local industries) & Mbeki warns on China-Africa ties (replication of Africa's relationship with former colonial powers). Times/BBC, Jan 30, 2007. Go to 6.Disputed Territories & 7.Systems & CHINA PUTS ON AFRICA MASK & REMEMBER WHO HU IS
Telus cellphones to offer pornography (mobile users spent US$400-million downloading porn last year) & Redneck Calgary wants gay tourists (worth US$65-billion in USA) & TV PORN NOW MAINSTREAM., Jan 28, 2007. Go to 30.Love Instinct & 25.Prolefeed & Reader questions sex in "1984": ORWELL NOT SEXUALLY LIBERAL
Severe hunger looms for Zimbabwe (world's lowest life expectancy & highest inflation rate). BBC, Jan 26, 2007. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & ENGINEERED FAMINE IN ZIMBABWE & ZIMBABWE GOING RED CHINESE& CHINESE GULLIVER IN AMERICA
Taser use popular despite risk (shock delivers 50,000 volts; new model for consumers in pearl, silver, blue & pink). MinnesotaDaily, Jan 25, 2007. Go to 37.We Are The Dead & COPS GOT BAD ATTITUDE
ORWELL DIED & HISS JAILED (anti-communist vs communist). Jan 21, 1950-2007. Go to 2.Big Brother & 35.Brotherhood & MCCARTHY'S UN THOUGHTS & ORWELL's CRYPTO-COMMIE LIST
George Orwell dies ("1984" was written in between periods spent in hospital). BBC, Jan 21, 1950-2007. Go to 1.Winston's Diary ("To the future or to the past, to a time when thought is free") & VISITING ORWELL'S HOSPITAL & GEORGE ORWELL'S OBITUARY & THE MANUSCRIPT OF 1984
"Hotel Rwanda" hero fears new killings (says Tutsis will genocide Hutus) & Rwanda, Rusesabagina & Genocide (saying Tutsis run Rwanda's like saying Jews run Germany again). Reuters/Chronicle, Jan 19, 2007. Go to HOTEL HERO NOT ORDINARY & 16.Minitrue & 25.Prolefeed & 17.Falsification of Past
Parliament sacks Somalia speaker (opposed Ethiopia's intervention & called for peace with Islamists) & Mengistu is handed life sentence (for genocide in Ethiopia). BBC, Jan 17, 2007. Go to ETHIOPIA'S SELASSIE & MENGISTU & JFK & ETHIOPIA'S EMPEROR
Reader sends essay: YOU ARE BEING BRAINWASHED (by the psycho-seductive efforts of the ABCNBCCBSFOX networks). Jan 16, 2007. Go to 16.Minitrue & 25.Prolefeed
Princess Diana a "loose cannon" (for wanting landmines banned; opposed by US/USSR/China). BBC/MSNBC Jan 15, 2007. Go to 6.Superstates & 7.Systems & DIANA BETRAYED BY SO MANY & CIA bugged Princess Di's phone ("her voice may have been picked up while others were targeted"). Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police & PRINCESS FEARED BEING WATCHED
Fischer greatest player of all time (people were devastated when he disappeared in the 70s). StaborekGuyana, Jan 14, 2007. Go to UNCLE SAM FINDS BOBBY FISHER & 20.Thought Police & 27.Goodthink
Fear stalks Somalia once again (streets are no-man's land) & Horn of anarchy (Somalia leader set up by the UN bears uncanny resemblance to Lenin). BBC/SMH, Jan 13, 2007. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace (War) & CIA IN SOMALIA TOO & SOMALIA HORN OF ANARCHY & SOMALIA HELL IN HORN
China & Russia block USA on Burma (UN supports military dictatorship persecuting minorities & opposition) & Double UN veto on Burma resolution (no end to human rights abuses). ABC/BBC, Jan 12, 2007. Go to FINDING ORWELL IN BURMA (generals are propped up by China, drugs & money-laundering) & 2.Big Brother & 7.Systems & BURMESE DAYS
Lawsuit over CIA mind-control study (Canadian government helped finance) & Ex-patient tells of CIA torture (pills, shocks, brainwashing). Mercury/GlobeMail, Jan 11, 2007. Go to 40.Electric Shock Brainwashing & CANADA'S CIA MIND-CONTROL HERO
USA bombs Somalia (looking for al Qaeda) & How to create Africa's Afghanistan (White House taken over by some secret malign power). Reuters/Spiked, Jan 10, 2007. Go to WHERE IS OSADDAM BIN? & 12.Minipax & 7.Systems & 28.Reality & ANGLO U$RAELI BIG BROTHER WORLD & BIG BROTHER BOMBS REFUGEES
Toyota lending Nanny State a hand (sensors in steering wheel, cameras check your pupils) & Gates wants connected cars (transition from work to home) & Gates wants connected homes (watch TV, surf net with Xbox) & 'Xbox is a PC' says Bill Gates (a strategy to get into living room). NPost/Detroit/CVG, Jan 9, 2007. Go to NANNY STATE IN DRIVER'S SEAT & BILL GATES IS WATCHING YOU! & BILL GATES BEHIND TELESCREEN & 1.Winston's Diary & 2.Big Brother & 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police
Dark cloud over Gates good works (profits off disease his companies cause, vaccinating/pills impoverished victims). LATimes, Jan 7, 2007. Go to 22.Doubelthink & 9.Masses Down
China WHO head will focus on flu (hard line on countries hindering or not complying on vaccines). BBC, Jan 5, 2007 & CHINA'S DR FLU HEAD'S WHO & MAN-MADE FLU WEAPON & Killer germ set to emerge in force ("old foe with new fangs") & PANDEMIC FLU SONG & BIOLOGICAL WARFARE
Rwanda joins OLPC XOs fray (getting palms on green machines) & One laptop per child for Rwanda (bright-coloured, hand-cranked, wireless-enabled portable) & $100 laptop revolutionizes computing (kids learn system by exploring and teaching each other) & Rwanda's Vision 2020 now real (laptops delivered in 2007 give time to realize dream). Eco/Fox/NewTimes, Jan 4, 2007. Go to RWANDA HAS BEEN REBORN & RWANDA'S GOOD MAN KAGAME
Afghan heroin flooding USA (the purest in the world causing seizures & overdoses). PakistanTrib, Jan 1, 2007. Go to NATO DYING FOR DRUG TRADE & IN AFGHAN FIELDS & 12.Minipeace & 11.Miniplenty & 22.Doublethink
HAPPY NEW YEAR 2007! all 'Orwell Today' readers
NEWSPEAK ENGLISH IN CAPTIVITY (reader says Finnish is Newspeak & English is isolationist) & "Globish" is language of the world (Anglophones no longer own English) & English EU lingua franca (much to France's chagrin). Australian/NYTimes, Dec 31, 2006. Go to 18.Newspeak & EU PARLEZ ENGLISH NOT FRENCH
Reader sends his account: RWANDA VIEW FROM TANZANIA (Kagame is a hero who waged war to give his country dignity). Dec 31, 2006
Web access for all Rwandans (becoming an "Internet Island", a knowledge-based society) & Quixotic goal to wire Rwanda (130-ft tower brought to life atop 14,787-ft volcanic peak where gorillas roam). Spiegel/Post, Dec 30, 2006
NEUTRAL NOT ON RWANDA (reader says one should be). Dec 29, 2006. Go to 17.Falsification of Past
Reader wants to study: RUSSIAN REVOLUTION READING (about the Communists' bloody climb). Dec 28, 2006. Go to 6.Superstates & 7.Systems
Reader doesn't understand why: (JFK tampering ludicrous absurdity) & JFK COFFIN, MARRS & CURRY. Dec 28, 2006 & LBJ OATH-SWEARING WITNESSES (reader knows some names). Dec 27, 2006
George Orwell in As I Please: "I wish everyone an old fashioned Christmas, half a turkey, three tangerines, & a bottle of whisky at not more than double the legal price"). December 25, 1946 - 2006
FINDING ORWELL IN BURMA (reader is looking for literary criticism of "Burmese Days". Dec 23, 2005
MICROCHIP MAKES VOICES HEARD (governments push pharmaceuticals). Dec 20, 2006. Go to 5.Pyramidal NWO & 14.Experimentation & 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police
USA to build China's nuke reactors (& transfer nuke technology too). BBC, Dec 19, 2006. Go to 6.Superstates & 7.Systems & CHINA SPIES ON AMERICA
Soft-drink chemicals from can (Bisphenol A seeps into liquid causing cancer & other diseases) & POP CAN CHEMICALS CAUSE CANCER & Canada dumping earth's cleanest water (enough for 250,000 people a day to be contaminated by garbage landfill) & India withdraws Coca-Cola/Pepsi ban (USA threatened investment fallout). GlobeMail/BusStand, Dec 17, 2006. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & GARBAGING WORLD'S PURIST WATER & SAVE WATER, BOYCOTT COKE
Afghans scavenge for explosives (left by retreating Soviet army) & Canada's new Afghan offensive ("Operation Bazooka" for Taliban). NationalPost, Dec 16, 2006. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace & AFGHAN KIDS DIG SOVIET BOMBS
JFK WIT & ORWELL SONG (reader likes "hopeless fancy" & is a big fan of quotations). Dec 14, 2006
Canada judge bans Christmas tree ("we celebrate Hanukka & have a menorah on the square"). TorontoStar, Dec 14, 2006. Go to 22.Doublethink & 2.Big Brother (mental condition controlled insanity)
JFK & BOBBY TAKEN FROM US (before their wonderful plans could be brought into effect) & DREAMING THE JFK DREAM & 5.Pyramidal New World Order
Lennon had Scottish laird dreams (wrote in letter to cousin) & ORWELL'S LIFE ON JURA ('thinking always of my island in the Hebrides') & JOHN WINSTON LENNON SMITH & John Lennon shot six times (staggered up six steps afterwards). ZeeNews/BBC, Dec 8, 1980-2006. Go to RETHINKING LENNON's MURDER (big problems with official version)
'Apocalypto' is new Gibson snuff film ('key to prosperity is build temples & offer human sacrifices') & Canada allows crucified Santa (says it's on private property)., Dec 8, 2006. Go to 16.Minitrue & 25.Prolefeed & PASSION IS BIBLICAL PORN & HUMAN SACRIFICE IN BIBLE
Zambia opposition leader arrested (campaigned "Zambia for Zambians" & criticised influence of China). BBC, Dec 5, 2006 & ZAMBIA NOT FOR CHINA & ZAMBIA FARMERS FOR FOOD & 9.Masses Down & 6.Disputed Territories & 15.Life in Oceania
Uncle Sam still wants Bobby Fischer (trapped in Iceland or face 10 years imprisonment & $250,000 fine for playing chess in Yugoslavia in 1992 defending USA against USSR) & 'Fischer Random' good for ancient chess ('shows talent of the players, you forget all theory books'). KIROTV/TorontStar, Dec 1, 2006 & UNCLE SAM FINDS BOBBY FISCHER & 27.Goodthink & 7.Systems & 41.How & BOBBY FISCHER WINSTON SMITH
'Bobby' movie more fiction than fact (completely distorts history; depicts lives of fictional characters interspersed with Bobby speaking) & Did the CIA kill Bobby Kennedy? (Sirhan's gun in front of RFK; fatal bullet fired from behind). CBS/Guardian, Nov 27, 2006. Go to 17.Falsification of Past & DID CIA KILL RFK?
LINCOLN DREAMS JFK FUNERAL ('Who is dead in the White House?' I demanded of one of the soldiers, 'The President,' was his answer; 'he was killed by an assassin.'). Nov 25, 1963. Go to LINCOLN- KENNEDY COINCIDENCES
Kennedy shot dead in Dallas (police and Secret Service agents stormed the TSBD building). BBC, Nov 22, 1963 & PHOTOS PROVE OSWALD INNOCENT (standing in TSBD doorway while JFK is being shot)
JFK LIKED HIS IMPERSONATOR (album sold 7.5 million copies) & JFK'S BEDTIME STORY (had a happy ending). Nov 21, 2006
DEAF-MUTE MAN SAW SHOOTER (behind Grassy Knoll picket fence) & LADY IN RED SAW SHOTS (coming from Grassy Knoll) & COP ACCOSTED FATAL SHOOTER (walking behind Grassy Knoll flashing Secret Service badge) & SHERIFF AT KNOLL & NEST (heard shots from all directions) & JFK ASSASSINATION PIECES
DEDICATED TO PRESIDENT KENNEDY (his dream goes marching on) & IT WASN'T MEANT TO HAPPEN (JFK was more than just a president). Nov 20, 2006
IN FLANDERS FIELDS (the poppies blow between the crosses) & IN AFGHAN FIELDS (the poppies grow beside the landmines). Go to 12.Ministry of Peace (War). Remembrance Day, Nov 11, 2006 & REMEMBERING AFGHANISTAN & WAR BY DRUGS & WHY DID WE INVADE IRAQ? (peacenik asks warmonger) & IRAQ AFGHANI PHONY WARS & Saddam Hussein sentenced to death (will hang for killing 148 in 1982). BBC, Nov 13, 2006 & WHERE IS OSADDAM BIN?
MI5 tracking 30 UK terror plots ('we just don't have enough spooks & secret agents'). BBC, Nov 11, 2006. Go to 28.Reality & 3.Surveillance & 21.Crimestop & TERROR BILL IS TERROR
DALLAIRE SAVED SELF & SOME (to disobey UN would be suicidal) & Ex-stripper produced Shake Hands... (and Not A Love Story exposing venomous hard-core porn industry). NationalPost, Nov 10, 2006. Go to 6.Super-States & 25.Prolefeed
Red China now heads WHO (pivotal role in global health) & CHINA'S DR FLU HEADS WHO (for upcoming disease pandemic). BBC/Scotsman, Nov 9, 2006. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation
Bobby Fischer on Icelandic radio (hasn't left since escaping Japan; afraid of kidnap & imprisonment) & Fischer's dispute with Swiss Bank (UBS illegally terminated his account & sold his gold without permission). ChessBase News, Nov 8, 2006 & BOBBY FISCHER A WINSTON SMITH & 20.Thought Police & 7.Systems
INTEGRAL POINT OF "WE" (reader answers reader). Nov 7, 2006. Go to ORWELL ON ZAMYATIN'S "WE"
African savannah comes to Beijing (as China hosts its new empire) & Beijing facelift for Africa summit (thousands of metres of red carpet for 48 out of 53 heads of state). Guardian/BBC, Nov 5, 2006. Go to CHINA PUTS ON AFRICAN MASK & DARK FATE OF AFRICA
JFK, JACKIE & DEGAULLE (reader asks about de Gaulle warning JFK about Vietnam). Nov 4, 2006
ESSENCE OF WE & 1984 (comparing Zamyatin & Orwell on freedom & individuality). Oct 25, 2006
Cluster bomb kills Lebanese child (Israel fired 4-million into Lebanon; one-million failed to explode) & Israel admits phospherous bombing (and laser bombs on civilians). Aljazeera/BBC, Oct 23, 2006 & MOAB IS A WMD & MOSES MENTIONS MOAB & WAR AS WEAPON PRACTICE & 7.Systems & 13.Weapons
100 Influential Chinese Canadians (wield immense influence on every aspect of our society) & CANADA'S TOP 100 CHINESE & Canada pays back Chinese Head Tax (gives $20,000 for $50 paid by immigrants in 1885). VanSun/CTC, Oct 23, 2006. Go to 6.Superstates & 7.Systems
ANIMAL FARM 1954 MOVIE (excellently portrays Orwell's message). Oct 21, 2006. Go to 6.Superstates & 7.Systems
CANADA GATE FOR CHINA (launching pad of Pacific century) & BC wants more money going for China (has already given $6-billion to improve transportation) & Canada gives $591-M to China gateway (railways built for Chinamen). Cancom/VanSun, Oct 17, 2006 & China hunts the big game in Africa (its new Silk Road to plunder) & Africans lash out at Chinese employers (mines the worst in world). Aljazeera/LATimes, Oct 17, 2006 & AFRICA SILK ROAD TO CHINA & AFRICANS LASH OUT AT CHINA & 9.Keeping Masses Down
PEACENIK TO WARMONGER ("Why did we invade Iraq? Iraq has no nuclear weapons. North Korea has nuclear weapons and threatened to turn America into a sea of fire.") & Korean missiles "armed with nukes" (US may stop helping NK develop weapons of mass destruction) & USA supplies Korea's nukes (2 light water reactors & oil). NZHerald/PBS, Oct 11, 2006. Go to ARMING OUR ENEMIES & JAPAN NUKED, NOT KOREA & POWs FORGOTTEN IN KOREA & UNCLE SAM SAYS POW DESERTED & 6.Superstates & 7.Systems
Ban Ki-moon replaces Kofi Annan (Korean now has top UN job). AustraliaNews, Oct 11, 2006. Go to 2.Big Brother & 5.Pyramidal now & UN's GOOFY-I-AM & MCCARTHY'S UN THOUGHTS
North Korea tests nuclear bomb (China & Russia its closest allies). JapanTimes, Oct 9, 2006. Go to 13.Weapons
DIANA SAINT MARTIN'S BELLE ('you owe me three farthings', say the bells of St Martin's). Oct 3, 2006. Go to 29.Renting Room & 31.Love Nest
THE SPIRIT OF PRINCESS DIANA (reader a Diana fan & Anglophile) & Excerpt from latest Diana book ('The Way We Were' by Paul Burrell). ABC News, Oct 2, 2006
Kagame, Museveni call for stronger ties ("this country protected us, when we were still refugees here") & Kagame at Uganda school reunion (Museveni also Old Boy from Ntare). New Times, Oct 1, 2006 & RWANDA LURED KAGAME HOME & RPF REFUGEES INVADE RWANDA & RWANDA ARMS AGAINST RPF & KAGAME AUNT QUEEN ROSALIE
JFK scolds his meddling mother ("let me know in the future any contacts you have with heads of state"). The Times, Sep 30, 2006. Go to GOOD BOOKS ON JFK
ORWELL MOTORCYCLE MEMORIES (reader creating an illustration). Sep 28, 2006
Cop gets prison for 1999 manslaughter ("police not above the law") & Cop will appeal getting jail for murder ("If he gets away with it, the jails should be empty. Everyone should go home."). CBC/TorontoStar, Sep 28, 2006 & Police-custody death probes too slow (public has no confidence in police reviewing their own conduct). Vancouver Sun, Sep 25, 2006. Go to 38.Cellars & 34.Ministry of Love & MORE MURDER BY COP & JUSTICE BLINDLY BELIEVES COP
MERE DALLAIRE MYTH MAKING (reader says Dallaire deserves respect) & Dallaire named university Senior Fellow (will speak to students & public about knowledge combating genocide). Concordia Journal, Sep 25, 2006
Big Brother is shouting at you (loudspeakers on cameras in city; in residential areas next). DailyMail, Sep 18, 2006. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police
Gunman attacks a Canada college (wearing black trench coat, military boots, Mohawk haircut, emotionless as he fired weapons) & 1st day for police in schools ("they'll be doing a lot more than just patrolling the halls"). BBC/WLNX News, 9/13, 2006. Go to 28.Reality Control & 21.Crimestop & SCHOOLS LIKE PRISONS
30. OUT OF AFRICA (final chapter of Rwanda visit) & 29. TALKING WITH TITO (twenty-ninth chapter of Rwanda visit) & 28. SOCCER BALL GIVE-AWAY #7 & (twenty-eighth chapter of Rwanda visit). Sep 14, 2006
Reader doesn't like: DALLAIRE MYTH BASHING (says his hands were tied) & Dallaire asks youth to enlist ("get off your butts"). CTV, Sep 14, 2006. Go to 12.MiniPeace & 11.MiniPlenty & UNCLE SAMUEL WANTS YOU!
2001: USA rocked by day of terror (5th anniversary of 9/11). BBC, September 11, 2006. Go to 28.Reality Control & 17.Past Falsification & MUSLIMS SUSPEND LAWS OF PHYSICS & 9/11 HI-JACKS OR HI-JINKS? & TERROR BILL IS TERROR
ORWELL'S FIRST WIFE'S GRAVE (reader sends video clips) & Insights into a life of genius (letters from Orwell's wife Eileen). Times, Aug 10, 2006
Congo's revival at risk: envoy (diamonds-copper-cobalt & Congo River; 10% of world's hydroelectric capacity). Go to 6.Superstates Disputed Territories. TorontoStar/BostonHerald, Sep 8, 2006 & Theories on who killed Lumumba (death at 35 as an anti-colonial martyr; gave his life for Africa's freedom). Go to CONGO IS LUMUMBA LAND
27.GOMA'S LUMUMBA VOLCANO (twenty-seventh chapter of Rwanda visit) & 26. QUIET BLUE LAKE KIVU (twenty-sixth chapter of Rwanda visit). Sep 7, 2006
Diana touches hearts, 9 years on ("there needs to be a statue or something for 'England's Rose, Queen of Hearts'") & Princess Diana dies in Paris car crash. CNN/BBC, Aug 31, 1997 - 2006. Go to VISITING PRINCESS'S PLACES
China's colonialists sweep Africa's riches (far more ruthless than Brits ever were) & China's grand safari in Africa (selling weapons for mineral rights). Times, Aug 30, 2006. Go to 6.Superstates & 7.Sytems of Thought
25. SOCCER BALL GIVE-AWAY #6 (twenty-fifth chapter of Rwanda visit) & 24. RWANDA'S RARE GORILLAS (twenty-fourth chapter of Rwanda visit). Aug 29, 2006
U$raeli New World Order (thought criminals like George Orwell declared heretics & lunatics). PakTribune, Aug 28, 2006. Go to 5.Pyramidal NWO & 12.MiniPeace & 32.Enemies of the Party
PHOTOS PROVE OSWALD INNOCENT (LIFE magazine October 1964) & Oswald Magic Bullet in doubt (defies laws of physics & common sense). PittsburghTribune, Aug 27, 2006. Go to 17.Falsification of Past & JFK ASSASSINATION PUZZLE
RFK SHOT CAUGHT IN PHOTO (reader says proof is in the RFK bullet) & New film on RFK assassination (written by son of an actor whose made career playing presidents). Aug 27, 2006. Go to 17.Falsification of Past & RFK ASSASSINATION PUZZLE
23.GORILLA MOTEL SOCCER FINAL (twenty-third chapter of Rwanda visit) & 22. SOCCER BALL GIVE-AWAY #5 (twenty-second chapter of Rwanda visit). Aug 26, 2006
21.MURAMBI MASSACRE MEMORIAL (twenty-first chapter of Rwanda visit). Aug 25, 2006
Looting and anger in Congo capital ("all we want is for the president not to be chosen through weapons"). BBC, Aug 23, 2006. Go to 6. Superstates Disputed Territory ("inhabitants reduced to status of slaves, are expended like coal or oil") & JFK CRIED FOR CONGO
20.CHURCH, TEMPLE & MEMORIAL (twentieth chapter of Rwanda visit) & 19. SOCCER BALL GIVE-AWAY #4 (nineteenth chapter of Rwanda visit). Aug 23, 2006
18.AKAGERA LODGE & IGISORO (eighteenth chapter of Rwanda visit) & 17. MUTWARE & THE BABOONS (seventeenth chapter of Rwanda visit). Aug 22, 2006
16.AKAGERA GIRAFFES & NOMADS (sixteenth chapter of Rwanda visit). Aug 21, 2006
Dangers await Lebanese returnees (1,000-pound bomb in living room) & Lebanon oil slick disaster plan (a year and $65-million says UN). BBC/WashPost, Aug 21, 2006. Go to 12.MiniPeace & 11.MiniPlenty & MOAB IS A WMD
Ford announces deep production cuts (21% reduction, closing 14 plants, shedding 25,000-30,000 jobs, losing out to Asian competition). ABC News, Aug 20, 2006. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & FORD-LINDBERGH-ORWELL-HITLER
15.VISITING VILLAGE WOMAN (fifteenth chapter of Rwanda visit). Aug 19, 2006
Afghan poppy harvest at record level (cheap heroin for UK streets) & Police want heroin injection sites (5,000 users in downtown Vancouver). Times/CBC, Aug 19, 2006. Go to 35.Brotherhood & 22.Doublethink & AFGHAN FIELDS & DRUG WAR & WAR BY DRUGS & EVIL PURVEYORS FEEDING ON MISERY
14.SOCCER BALL GIVE-AWAY #3 (fourteenth chapter of Rwanda visit) & 13. ON THE ROAD TO AKAGERA (thirteenth chapter of Rwanda visit). Aug 18, 2006
Calgary Zoo mourns newborn gorilla (another female took from mother and wouldn't give her back; baby was unable to feed). CBC/CTV, Aug 18, 2006. Go to GORILLAS CALLING TO RWANDA
Genocide suspects won't face execution (Rwanda wants ringleaders extradited) & Kagame clarifies Rwanda's Gacaca ("only way found to quicken trials"). CNN/NewTimes, Aug 18, 2006. Go to JUSTICE HEALS GENOCIDE WOUND
12.THE REAL HOTEL RWANDA (twelfth chapter of Rwanda visit). Aug 17, 2006
EVERYONE WANTS TO BE INDIAN (the owners of all of Canada). Aug 15, 2006. Go to 10.The Rulers
11.THE INFORMER & TEN BELGIANS (eleventh chapter of Rwanda visit). Aug 14, 2006
10.SOCCER BALL GIVE-AWAY #2 (tenth chapter of Rwanda visit) & 9. GENOCIDAL SAINT FAMILLE (ninth chapter of Rwanda visit). Aug 12, 2006
Israel asks USA for more cluster bombs (against civilians in populated areas). SydneyHerald, Aug 11, 2006. Go to 11.Miniplenty & 42.Party Tells 'Why' ("imagine boot stomping on face forever') & MOSES MENTIONS MOAB
Plot to blow-up 12 planes over USA cities (bombs in carry-on pop bottles to be detonated with iPods). Guardian, Aug 11, 2006. Go to 20.Reality Control & TERROR BILL ("bombs which fell daily on London were probably fired by the government itself 'just to keep people frightened'") & ORDER OUT OF CHAOS
Lost sequel to Orwell's "1984" discovered (Big Brother's been replaced with Big Moron; doublespeak has become nonsense speak). SpeciousReport, Aug 10, 2006. Go to 18.Newspeak & 25.Prolefeed
Photographer caught Bobby being shot (the only images of assassination). DailyRecord, Aug 10, 2006. Go to SIRHAN SIRHAN DEMANDS RETRIAL & 17.Falsification of Past & RFK ASSASSINATION PUZZLE
Listen to JFK's speech: JFK ON SECRET SOCIETIES (asks Press to help in informing and alerting American people)., Aug 9, 2006. Go to 35.The Brotherhood & THE PRESIDENT AND THE PRESS ("Man will be what he was born to be: free and independent"- April 27, 1961). Go to JFK TRUTHS & LIES
7.RWANDA LIBERATION DAY 2006 (seventh chapter of Rwanda visit) & 8. RECEPTION FOR H.E. KAGAME (eighth chapter of Rwanda visit). Aug 9, 2006
Baby gorilla born in Calgary Zoo! (to first time mother Zuri; 7th offspring for silverback Kagonga). CBC, Aug 9, 2006. Go to GORILLAS CALLING TO RWANDA
Reader sends news from birthplace: ORWELL'S MOTIHARI NEIGHBOUR (lives 400 meters from Orwell's house) & SHRINE TO ORWELL
Beruit's lifeline destroyed by airstrikes (Kurd farmers near Syria bombed too) & 'Israel doing God's work' say Christians (USA evangels seek battle with Islam). Telegraph, Aug 5, 2006. Go to 12.Minipax & 28.Reality Control & BIBLE FRIENDS AT ARMAGEDDON & FOUNDING FATHERS NOT CHRISTIANS
6.AMAHORO CELEBRATIONS PRELUDE (sixth chapter of Rwanda visit). Aug 4, 2006
3.KIGALI KING FAISAL HOSPITAL (third chapter of Rwanda visit) & 4. SOCCER BALL GIVE-AWAY PLAN (fourth chapter of Rwanda visit) & 5. SOCCER BALL GIVE-AWAY #1 (fifth chapter of Rwanda visit). Aug 3, 2006
Humanitarian aid can't reach Lebanon (roads demolished, bridges destroyed, 900 dead-3,000 wounded-million displaced). BBC, Aug 3, 2006. Go to 7.Systems & 12.Minipax (War) & ETHNIC CLEANSING ARAB GENOCIDE
2.KIGALI GENOCIDE MEMORIAL (second chapter of Rwanda visit). Aug 2, 2006
Israel bombs cause environment disaster (35,000 tonnes of oil on Lebanon coast, as much as Alaska's 1980 Exxon Valdez) & USA aids Israel $10.5-billion for weapons. BBC/Times, Aug 1, 2006. Go to 13.Weapons & 11.Miniplenty & 12.Minipax & 6.Superstates & 7.Systems & GOLDSTEIN PLANS WORLD DOMINATION
DESTINY DESTINATION RWANDA (introduction to visit) & 1. RWANDA ARRIVAL (first chapter of visit). Jul 29, 2006
RED RWANDA DUST SETTLING (email discussion about Rwanda visit). Jul 27, 2006
A concise history of Lebanon (victorious Allies redrew political map of Arab world in a mannner which suited themselves best) & Israel using cluster bombs on Lebanon (kill long after being fired) & Civilians under fire in Lebanon ("normal war is between soldiers"). BBC, Jul 25, 2006. Go to 12.Minipax (War) & 11.Miniplenty & 42.The Party Tells 'Why' ("We are the priests of power") & ETHNIC CLEANSING ARAB GENOCIDE
Computers set to read our minds (by analysing facial expressions). BBC, Jun 26, 2006. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police (an improper expression on your face was a punishable offense: facecrime)
President Kagame names baby gorillas (in annual conservation ceremony). New Times, Jun 24, 2006. Go to GORILLAS CALLING TO RWANDA
WAR BY DRUGS (reader wants safe illegal drugs) & Heroin fields' grim reapers (opium growing has increased tenfold) & Brain pills for all urges UK gov't scientist. Sun/Times, Jun 7, 2006. Go to 22.Doublethink & 22.The Brotherhood
Davison's new biography "The Lost Orwell" (bulging with new discoveries that will enrich readers' lives for generations) & Random House turns "Lost Orwell" down (publishes book on Big Brother's winner instead of Big Brother's creator). Times/Independent, June, 2006
666 sucks, sucks, sucks (a goat's horn-in-the-eye for Christians). SydneyHerald, June 6, 2006 & REVELATION: CHAPTER 13, VERSE 18 ("the number of the beast is six hundred threescore and six") & FOUNDING FATHERS NOT CHRISTIAN (Thomas Jefferson said Book of Revelation "the ravings of a maniac") & BIBLE FRIENDS AT ARMAGEDDON & NEW YORK'S NUMBER IS 666
RFID meets Orwell's telescreen (real-time location system - RTLS tracks human beings to within 12 inches & beams 3-D map to computer screens). FreeMarketNews, Jun 2, 2006. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police & RFID CHIP MARK OF BEAST & HUMANS SCANNED LIKE GROCERIES
Home foreclosures up in USA (if you're flush there's opportunities). MSNBC, Jun 3, 2006. Go to 11.Ministry of Plenty & 9.Masses Down & BANKS FORECLOSE UNIVERSALLY
Watchdog eyes scientific fraud (researchers need to blow whistle & stamp out complacency over cheating). Times Higher Education, Jun 3, 2006. Go to 22.Doublethink & 27.Goodthink & WHISTLE DOCTOR BLOWING HARD
ICTR "is not properly handling" job (spent 1.5-billion US dollars on less than 40 genocide cases). Voice Of America, Jun 1, 2006. Go to 10.Rulers & 22.Doublethink & CANADA ANTI-KAGAME PETITION & ADAD IS GENOCIDE MOUTHPIECE
President Bush welcomes President Kagame (for discussions in Oval Office) & President Kagame holds Press Conference (at Voice of America studio). WhiteHouse/VOA, May 31, 2006. Go to LINCOLN-LIKE KAGAME
Rwanda president scoffs at Hotel Rwanda ("someone is trying to rewrite history") & Shake Hands With Devil begins shooting (about UN's hero Romeo Dallaire) & Dupuis plays Dallaire in Shake (for people who like to cry instead of think) & Hotel hero's friends are genocidaires (Rusesabagina is trading with genocide). CBC/Cinema/NewTimes, May 31, 2006. Go to 17.Falsification of Past & 25.Prolefeed & MYTH OF SAINT ROMEO & RPA-KAGAME A PT-109 MOVIE
FBI HOOVER REJECTED 1984 (Orwell's publisher wanted it brought to the attention of American people). Go to 16.Minitrue & 35.The Brotherhood & RFK HATED BY HOOVER & MAFIA
How Kagame became Rwanda's leader (read stories about liberation). NewTimesUrugwiro, May 30, 2006. Go to HOW KAGAME BECAME LEADER
WHO puts bird flu drug maker on alert (infected 48 people in Indonesia; second highest after Vietnam's 42) & Indonesia 6.2 earthquake kills thousands (thousands seriously injured; thousands trapped under buildings; hundreds of thousands fleeing). Forbes/BBC, May 27, 2006. Go to14.Scientific Experimentation & BIO-CHEM WARFARE & WEATHER CONTROL
Rwanda's living legend in London (torch bearer deservedly supported). NewTimesUrugwiro, May 27, 2006. Go to RWANDA'S GOOD MAN KAGAME
ELEPHANT RIDERS REBEL (reader asks what can be done) & Roque elephant escapes in Rwanda (Mutware usually has good character; normally found wallowing in Lake Ihema). BBC, May 26, 2006 & Rwanda's famous Mutware
"Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy" (Bentsen, of famous put-down, dies) & JFK DEFENDS PATRIOT MCCARTHY. CBS/AirforceNews, May 25, 2006 & JFK's Air Force One pilot, Swindal, dies (flew JFK to Dallas & back in coffin; tipped wings over grave at funeral) & LBJ SWORE ON JFK'S BIBLE
Sex theme park to open in London (life-sized silicone-made models) & CBC radio hostess in sex-filled role (tax-funded broadcaster approves). BBC/TorontoStar, May 24, 2006. Go to 30.Love Instinct & 25.Prolefeed & WAR BY SEXUAL DEPRAVITY & MEDIA SICKENLY DEMORALIZES CHILDREN
Orwell's friend bequeathes $1.87-million (Woodcock named his Orwell biography "The Crystal Spirit" because Orwell was "a crystal spirit"). CBC, May 22, 2006. Go to ORWELL'S CRYSTAL SPIRIT POEM & RECOMMENDED BOOKS ON ORWELL
Rwanda disowns Hotel Rwanda hero (the movie is a falsehood) & Rwanda is uneasy with Genocide movies (their psyche is not ready for Hutu heroes who did genocide to the Tutsi) & Genocide ghost haunting Hotel Rwanda ('hero's' scam is hijacking heroism). Monitor/NewTimes, May 22, 2006. Go to 16.Ministry of Truth & 25.Prolefeed & RPA-KAGAME A PT-109 MOVIE
AMERICANS ARE A PEOPLE TOO (even tho' descendents of immigrants). Go to 15.Life in Oceania & 23.The Proles & 6.Superstates & 7.Systems
IRAQ AFGHANI PHONY WARS & US airstrike bombs Afghan village (perhaps hundreds of civilians killed) & UK backs heroin-injection rooms (chaired by Dame Ruth Runciman) & Afghan gripped by worst fighting since 2001 (in main opium-growing region & Herat) & Maoists in Nepal extorting donations (intimidation & recruitment to militia). Independent/BBC, May 21, 2006. Go to 35.Brotherhood & 5.Pyramidal NWO & AFGHAN FIELDS & HERAT REMEMBERED & NEPAL REMEMBERED & MASSIVE MAO MOUNTS TIBET
Iraq disintegrating into ethnic cleansing (sectarian assassins & death squads). Independent, May 21, 2006. Go to 18.Newspeak & 22.Doublethink & ARAB GENOCIDE ETHNIC CLEANSING
Iraqis cry - "When will this stop?" ("Where is the government?"). KhaleeTimes, May 20, 2006. Go to 12.Mini of Peace & 20.Reality Control & IRAQ AFGHANI PHONY WARS
ORWELL FOR NONE & ALL (reader understands 'how' not 'why' of Fabians claiming Orwell)
Oklahoma gives Kagame standing ovation (spoke to joint State legislature) & "We have so much in common" (need vital tourism & inflow of people). CHNI/NewTimes, May 3, 2006
RWANDA'S LIVING LEGEND IN LONDON (Kagame's first stop in Canada covered by Jackie Jura)
Kagame seeks peace ("Rwandan genocide victims have paid a huge price for peace") & Kagame: Sinner or Saviour? ("doesn't fit African leader mold, he isn't anyone's puppet"). Toronto Star, May 2, 2006
Kagame castigates ICRT on West's role (France and Belgium were involved) & ICTR 'shoots down' genocidaire's lawyer ("his views don't express tribunal"). NewTimes/AllAfrica May 2, 2006
LOVE'S BLIND SAYS KAGAME HATER (reader says Orwell Today coverage of Rwanda is one-sided)
GENOCIDAIRE'S LAWYER WRITES CANADA & RWANDA REP DEFENDS KAGAME & Rwanda wounds reopened in Canada (genocide inciter still here). EpochTimes, Apr 22, 2006
JFK Library gets famous Frost poem ("A golden age of poetry and power, Of which this noonday's beginning hour"). WashPost, Apr 22, 2006. Go to FROST DEDICATES JFK OUTRIGHT
KAGAME IS WELCOME IN CANADA ("the Napoleon of Africa is the personifcation of hope after horror"). MontrealGazette, Apr 22, 2006. Go to GENOCIDAIRE'S LAWYER WRITES CANADA & RWANDA REP DEFENDS KAGAME & Rwanda wounds reopened in Canada (genocide inciter still here). EpochTimes, Apr 22, 2006
Big Brother on the Animal Farm (tag & track all USA livestock; "even fish in backyard pond"). Vermont Courier, Apr 19, 2006. Go to 3.Surveillance & 9.Masses Down & MAD COW TERROR
Not your average Joe (JFK lamented loss of China to Reds: "What our young men had saved our President has frittered away"). Cornell, Apr 19, 2006. Go to 32.Enemies of the Party & JFK DEFENDS PATRIOT MCCARTHY
Reader inspires discussion: FED HOODS ROB ROBIN (steal from poor for rich). Go to 8.Classes of People & 10.Rulers
Oklahoma Bombing 11th anniversay ("thought there was an earthquake") & Waco Inferno 13th Anniversary (gov't uses heavy-handed tactics). BBC, Apr 19, 1993 & 1995. Go to 28.Reality Control & OKLAHOMA CITY BOMBING
Rwanda's President visiting Canada (star attraction at conference for Education & Economic Development) & Canadian univeristy assissting Rwanda (in public health & hospitals). EmbassyNews/UWO News, Apr 19, 2006. Go to RWANDA'S GOOD MAN KAGAME
Aussies injured in Solomon Islands (by opponents of corrupt PM). BBC, Apr 18, 2006. Go to 5.Pyramidal New World Order & JFK'S LETTER TO SOLOMONS & JFK NEPHEW THANKS NATIVES & JFK'S BOAT & COCONUT
Reader amazed that it's allowed: MEDIA SICKENLY DEMORALIZES CHILDREN & 35.Brotherhood & 25.Prolefeed
Giant Mao statue erected in Tibet (Mao ordered Tibet invasion in 1951) & Mao turns Buddhist for Tibet (destroyed artefacts-monasteries-temples). BBC/The Times Apr 18, 2006 & MASSIVE MAO MOUNTS TIBET
Red China's Hu in USA (visiting Boeing production plant, micro-soft Gates, Bush & Yale). CNN, Apr 16, 2006. Go to 6.Super-States & 7.Systems & REMEMBER WHO HU IS
"Foetuses can't feel pain" (so say the fetus killers). BBC, "Good" Friday, Apr 14, 2006. Go to ODE TO THE UNBORN & 22.Doublethink & 14.Experimentation & ORWELL AGAINST ABORTION
Medical journal advocates LSD in labs (ecstasy & magic mushrooms too for stress disorder & headache). Guardian, Apr 14, 2006 & LSD A CIA PROJECT & BE LEERY OF LEARY ON JFK & DRUG WAR & PEACE & SOMA IN BRAVE NEW WORLD & Reader warns unsuspecting public: THINKING INSIDE YOUR SKULL (mind manipulation & control technologies are being used today) & 20.Thought Police & 14.Experimentation
SA Envoy defends Kagame's comment (lauds Rwanda's Gacaca system of resolving Genocide judicial cases). NewTimes, Apr 13, 2006. Go to A GACACA TRIAL & RWANDA'S WARRIORS & RWANDA'S ROSE
Reader cried when reading: ORWELL'S POETRY ("It was only an 'opeless fancy")
"We'll consult Chinese" (PM apologises for head tax) & Canada's favourite Russian (Red Army hockey player honoured). Prov/NP, Apr 11, 2006. Go to 6.Superstates & 7.Systems & CANADA GROVELS TO COMMUNISTS
Rwanda: desertion & conspiracy (gov't bought pangas-machetes-AK47s; churches knew about the Genocide) & Rwanda's history should be a lesson ("so that what happened here cannot be repeated anywhere in the world"). AllAfrica/NewTimes, Apr 10, 2006. Go to RWANDA'S GOOD MAN KAGAME & RWANDA DEVELOPMENT GATEWAY (all you need to know about Rwanda)
Reader sends "Orwell Rolls in Grave". Go to ORWELL ROLLS AT ORWELL ROLLS (blames USA for wrongs of CEOs instead of CEOs wherever they be)
Alarm over shopping radio tags (company computer networks can track). BBC, Apr 8, 2006. Go to 3.Surveillance & 2.Big Brother & HUMANS SCANNED LIKE GROCERIES & RFID CHIP MARK OF BEAST
Katmandu a city of chaos (rickshaw driver "just wants peace") & Soldiers ordered to shoot protesters. AP/CBC, Apr 8, 2006. Go to 7.Systems & 6.Super-States & WHO KILLED ROYAL FAMILY NEPAL? (like Romanovs by Lenin in 1918) & NEPAL REMEMBERED & ORWELL SHRINE
"GET ON THE BALL" (reader warns nerds & potatoes on circulation health risks)
9-11 RE-OPENED (reader explains pulverizing concrete) & 9-11 families protest WTC memorial (don't like 'underground' design). Newsday, Apr 8, 2006. Go to 28.Reality Control & 17.Falsification & 9-11 HI-JACKS OR HI-JINKS?
Rwanda leader Kagame slams critics ("your unfounded criticism is not welcome") & HOW KAGAME BECAME LEADER & Documents shed new light on Genocide ("military-administrative-political authorities used the machinery of the state"). ReutersAlert, Apr 7, 2006 & HOW RWANDAN GENOCIDE WAS PREPARED
Rwanda has been reborn (Vision 2020 seeks to turn country from low-income to middle-income). SummitCommunications, Apr 6, 2006. Go to DRINKING TOAST TO RWANDA
Gene Pitney found dead in UK hotel room (only 24 hours from Bristol) & "Town Without Pity" last song performed (audience gave a standing ovation). BBC & Times, Apr 5, 2006. Go to HALF HEAVEN & HEARTACHE PITNEY
ON JFK'S DEATH, CHINA & UN (reader studying all things JFK) & JFK TRUTHS & UNTRUTHS
KAGAME'S ARMY RWANDA'S HEROES (Rwandan soldier defends Kagame) & 2,700 refugees to return to Rwanda (a country enjoying unprecedented peace and tranquility). New Times, Apr 3, 2006
Farms of fear in South Africa (2,000 white farmers & Afrikaans murdered by racism & envy since 1994 apartheid) & Zimbabwe mothers throwing away babies (Mugabe using starvation as weapon to sustain himself in power). Sunday Times, Apr 2, 2006. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & ENGINEERED FAMINE IN ZIMBABWE & POTATOES PLOUGHED UNDER & ZIMBABWE GOING RED CHINESE
Rwanda is the source of the Nile ("This is the most incredible country of all. We'll help put Rwanda on the map.") & Team reaches Nile's true source (many rivers feed Lake Victoria). Telegraph/BBC, Apr 1, 2006. Go to LIVINGSTONE FINDS VICTORIA FALLS & STANLEY FINDS LIVINGSTONE ("Doctor Livingstone, I presume?") & RWANDA'S GOOD MAN KAGAME
Reader agrees that: HUEY LONG & JOE MCCARTHY HEROES (slandered for exposing communists) & PRESIDENT LINDBERGH GOES MISSING (defeated Roosevelt in 1940). Go to 21.Crimestop & 16.Minitrue & WORLD MISLED BY PROSTITUTE WRITERS
Reader asks about: POEMS FOR JFK & JOHN-JOHN (from Irish homeland) & JFK's grandfather's house sold (Honey Fitz a mayor of Boston). WashPost, Mar 29, 2006
Bihar pays cash to stop kidnappings (30,000 abductions since 1992). BBC, Mar 27, 2006. Go to SHRINE TO ORWELL (Orwell was born in Bihar) & INDIA, ORWELL, JFK & CHINA
Red China is now USA's nuke detector (communists get contract to scan cargo to protect America from nukes). WorldNetDaily, Mar 27, 2006. Go to 6.Superstates & 7.Systems & 5.Pyramidal NWO & USA APPLAUDS CHINA TAKE CARRIBEAN & CHINA ATTACK USA BY PANAMA? & PANAMA CANAL DEATH KNELL
Court bans publishing Prince's diary ("We had to watch Chinese soldiers goosestep onto stage & haul down the Union Jack & raise the Chinese flag"). CBC, Mar 23, 2006. Go to 21.Crimestop & 27.Goodthink & CHARLES' CHINA TAKEAWAY TALK & CHINA AND US
University honours General Dallaire ("foe of genocide and complacency"). GeorgetownNews, Mar 23, 2006. Go to MYTH OF SAINT ROMEO & 7.Systems of Thought & 10.Rulers & CANADA'S TRAUMATIZED SOLDIERS
BBC Rwanda film criticized (making money from "Shooting Dogs"). DigitalSpy, Mar 23, 2006. Go to 16.Minitrue & 25.Prolefeed & ABANDONING RWANDA MAKING MOVIES
Which one will YOU be in 1984? (prole, police or party member?)
HOW ORWELL NAMED "1984" (what prophecies fit 1980s?)
DRINKING TOAST TO RWANDA (with coffee from rolling hills in tribute to people and place)
An email discussion: REPUBLIC & PARLIAMENT DEMOCRACY (is Socialist in nature)
Canada lets Generals decide on war (no parliament vote or people consent) & USSR's foreign minister advises Canada (to continue war in Afghanistan). CBC/, Mar 7, 2006. Go to WHERE'S THE ENEMY'S ARMY? & 12.Minipax & 28.Reality Control & Canada boy tortured 4-yrs by USA (inprisoned for helping Afghanistan) & 34.Miniluv & 39.Interrogation & Torture & AFGHANISTAN REMEMBERED & IRAQ A MAGICIAN'S TRICK & THE MILITARY ARE MAD & ARMING OUR ENEMIES & CHINADA'S SOVIETIZATION & FEEDING FREEDOM'S FOES & WHY DID WE INVADE IRAQ? & USA GAVE CHINA PANAMA CANAL
Britain's PM Blair inspired by Trotsky ("I might as well confess") & "The Prophet Armed, Unarmed & Outcast" (book paints a sympathetic portrait of Lenin's helper in Russian Revolution). Telegraph, Mar 2, 2006 & 10 Downing Street press release. Go to 6.Superstates & 7.Systems & TROTSKY AKA BRONSTEIN & ORWELL ON STALIN ON TROTSKY & COMMUNISM'S TRUE BELIEVERS & RUSSIA IS HELL'S INFERNO
HOLLYWOOD HUTU HOTEL HERO (email on ururo n' icyatsi) & Genocidees criticise "Hotel Rwanda" ("nothing but fiction") & Brussels cancels Rwanda flights (compensates whites not blacks) & Starbucks offering Rwandan coffee ($1.28 to $32.00 per pound). Angola/AllAfrica/ABC News, Mar 2, 2006. Go to 17.Falsification & 9.Masses Down
JFK's last words to AFL-CIO (reader has album of speech). Go to JFK RIGHT-TO-WORK SPEECH & 9.Masses Down & 11.Miniplenty & JFK IMF SPEECH
WINSTON & JULIA SONG (reader inspired by 1984). Go to 30.Love Instinct & Family & 29.Renting Room & 31.Love Nest & 37.We Are The Dead
ORWELL NOT A FABIAN (although some say he was)
Abraham Lincoln's 197th Birthday. February 12, 1809 - 2006
"I've done nothing wrong" (no evidence Gretzky placed bets) & Gretzky heading to Olympics (investigation won't stop him). TSN/Mercury News, Feb 10, 2006. Go to 16.Ministry of Truth (Lies) & GULLIVER ON PROSTITUTE WRITERS & GRETZKY UNDER ENEMY ATTACK
LINCOLN, KENNEDY & MONEY (reader says international bankers played a role in the presidents' deaths). Go to 10.Rulers & 35.The Brotherhood & 9.Keeping Masses Down
Reader says H.G. Wells' book favours (a power elite controlling the world). Go to WELLS' OPEN CONSPIRACY & 35.The Brotherhood & 2.Big Brother
COMPUTER CONTROLLED PEOPLE? (reader has a conspiracy theory). Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation & ASTRO RADIATION NOT & NASA MAKING CYBORG MAN
COCK ROCK ADS ON NFL (reader saw oral sex innuendo on Burger King commercial). Go to 25.Prolefeed & 30.Love Instinct & Gay cowboys no big deal in USA (Brokeback is really about shepherds) & Karla movie about snuff-movie maker (videoing husband sadistically raping teenage girls including her sister)
CHESTNUT TREE & DIARY SYMBOLISM (reader needs help understanding). Go to 1.Diary & 45.Chestnut Tree café & ORWELL'S PUBS & RESTAURANTS & ORWELL'S LOCAL PUB
Russia's giant boxer beats American (Beast from the East, 7ft-323 pounds). LA Times, Jan 27, 2006. Go to 14.Experimentation & CANADA'S SOVIET SCHOOL
George Orwell dies at age 46 (his name itself is now an adjective meaning an oppressive system). January 21, 1950 - 2006. Go to GEORGE ORWELL'S OBITUARY & HOSPITAL & GRAVE
DESTROY LANGUAGE, DESTROY REBELLION (reader asks what Syme means about language completing the revolution). Go to 5.Pyramidal NWO & 18.Newspeak
What poem did Robert Frost intend? ("Dedication" or "Kitty Hawk") & THE GIFT OUTRIGHT & JFK'S INAUGURAL ADDRESS. January 20, 1961 - 2006
Reader looking for JFK game (about lone-gunman theory). Go to 16.Minitrue & 17.Falsification of Past & JFK REALITY NOT A GAME & Abraham was the name of the man who filmed Kennedy's murder in the Lincoln & LINCOLN-JFK COINCIDENCES & JFK ASSASSINATION PUZZLE
School with 250 CCTV cameras (in classrooms-corridors-staircases-labs-activity rooms-staff rooms-everywhere). CalcuttaTelegraph, Jan 14, 2006. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police
PM candidate promises Martial Law (opposition withdraws ad exposing "soldiers with guns in Canadian cities") & PM hopeful pledges army in cities (100 regular troops & 500 reservists each). VancouverSun-TorontoStar, Jan 12, 2006. Go to 4.Old World Destruction & 7.Systems & ANIMAL FARM DOGS
Watching neighbours on CCTV cameras (reporting anti-social behaviour) & Police may kick people out of homes (for anti-social behaviour). BBC & Times, Jan 10, 2006. Go to 20.Thought Police & Snitches & 3.Surveillance & 27.Goodthink
TV sex has doubled in past 7 years ("girls performing oral sex on middle-aged managers") & Women brutalized on prime time TV (head in box - snake coiled in mouth). WashPost/GlobeMail, Jan 12, 2006. Go to 25.Prolefeed & 35.Brotherhood ("corrupting the minds of children")
HOSTEL shows torture as sport (in pay-for-killing Soviet club using American boys as victims; sadistic sex, drugs, gore) & Horror movie HOSTEL tops USA charts (rated ok for 18-year-olds). Gateway & Scotsman, Jan 10, 2006. Go to 39.Interrogation & Torture & 25.Prolefeed & 35.The Brotherhood ("corrupting the minds of children") & USA pilots taken by the Soviet Union (during the Vietnam War) & KOREA-VIETNAM-IRAQ WARS
Computers harm children's reading (more entertainment than education). Telegraph, Jan 9, 2006. Go to 18.Newspeak & 25.Prolefeed
"Eyes on the screen -- not the road" Watching TV while driving is okay ("all the better to watch you with"). Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police ("they can plug in your wire whenever they want to") & 2.Big Brother & 35.The Brotherhood & BEYOND ORWELL & Watching TV while driving is not safe (gov't pushing broadcasting technology). Korea Times, Jan 8, 2006. Go go 22.Doublethink
Implants turn humans into cyborgs (RFID chips already commonly used in livestock & merchandise tracking). VancouverSun, Jan 7, 2006. Go to 3.Surveillance & BEYOND ORWELL & HUMANS SCANNED LIKE GROCERIES & RFID CHIP MARK OF BEAST
Canada Beats Russia 5-0! (World Junior Hockey Champions) & Nyet, nyet for Russia now (gold medal showdown with Canada after Russia wins over USA) & Canadians take cheap shots at USA (shout 'USA sucks - Go Russia go'). Vancouver Sun, Jan 5, 2006. Go to 6.Superstates & 28.Reality Control & BOO FRIEND, CHEER ENEMY
Goodbye 2005 - Hello 1984. January 1, 2006 & HELLO GOODBYE ("three minutes of contradictions and meaningless juxtapositions")
Britian to monitor EVERY car journey (with facial recognition cameras) & all motorways, main roads, towns, (ports, petrol-stations, supermarkets). Gizmag & Telegraph, Dec 31, 2005. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police ("facecrime is a punishable offense") & 2.Big Brother is Watching You!
Stalin's half-man, half-ape (inability to reason is inability for treason). Pittsburg Tribune, Dec 28, 2005. Go to 14.Experimentation & CANADA'S SOVIET SCHOOL
ORWELL'S PERSONA & Orwell's first wife Eileen puzzle piece ("didn't know what she was in for" said George's sister Avril). Guardian, Dec 18, 2005. Go to ORWELL'S PARLIAMENT HILL & VISITING ORWELL'S WEDDING CHURCH & ORWELL'S LIFE IN WALLINGTON
John Lennon interviewed at home (has Orwell on his bookshelf). Evening Standard, March 4, 1966 & John's "Bigger than Jesus" comment (crucified by press for it). BBC Radio-2, Dec 8, 2005 & JOHN WINSTON LENNON SMITH
Lennon had no desire to be a leader (because, in his words, "leaders get killed"). Roanoke Times, Dec 8, 2005. "I read the news today, oh boy"
Yoko Ono joins Dakota vigil for John (for first time in 25 years). CNN, Dec 8, 2005. Go to 4.Old World Destruction & JOHN'S HOME OF ROSEMARY'S BABY & LENNON'S DARK FATE ONO
Yoko's iron grip on Lennon legacy ('doesn't belong to world any more') & Yoko denies musical hi-jack (only original Beatles song is Ballad of John and Yoko) BBC/Times, Dec 8, 2005. Go to IMAGINE THERE'S NO YOKO
John Lennon shot dead December 8, 1980 - 2005 & Doctor remembers Lennon's death (bloody linens & uniforms destroyed; medical record placed in vault). KAITK8, Dec 8, 2005 & McCartney kept grief in closet (said matter-of-factly "It's a drag"). OttawaSun, Dec 8, 2005
Japanese planes bomb Pearl Harbour (USA enters World War too). December 7, 1941 - 2005 & Pacific Fleet Admiral blamed for attack (didn't know about Operation Magic's secret decoding of plans & timing)., Dec 7, 2005. Go to 28.Reality Control & STAGED EVENTS & TORA! TORA! HORROR!
Reader's question prompts discovery (of 10th anniversary newspaper article). Go to EXECUTIVE ACTION FILM DEBUT (about JFK assassination) & LBJ'S FAMOUS PHOTO-OP
ORWELL'S TRIBUNE WAR WRITINGS (from his As I Please columns December 1943 - March 1947)
Austria arrests British Holocaust denier (said Auschwitz gas chambers a hoax; Jews died from typhus not gas) & David Irving an acclaimed historian (accused of anti-semitism for saying Jews are enemies of free speech). CBC/BBC, Nov 23, 2005. Go to 20.Thought Police & 21.Crimestop & 27.Goodthink & 10.Rulers & 17.Falsification & 16.Minitrue & ORWELL ON ANTI-SEMITISM & ANTI-SEMITISM IN BRITAIN & ANTI-SEMITISM IN SVENGALI & HOLOCAUST DENIER DEPORTED
White males need not apply (minorities-women-aboriginals-disabled only ones hired for Public Works) & Excluding white males rescinded (gov't racist & discriminatory). NationalPost/OttawaSun, Nov 23, 2005. Go to BASHING WHAMS & TARGETING WHAMS & 9.Masses Down & 30.Instinct & Family
President Kennedy shot dead in Dallas (the day the world stood still). November 22, 1963 - 2005. Go to JFK & RFK ASSASSINATION PUZZLES & JFK TRUTHS & UNTRUTHS
Canada forestry jobs going to China ('motivated workforce at very low wages'). CBC, Nov 20, 2005. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & CHINA'S SLAVE WORKERS & CHINA'S SOVIETIZATION & CHINESE TAKEOVER
IN FLANDERS FIELDS. November 11, 1918 - 2005 & IN AFGHAN FIELDS (the poppies grow). Go to 12.Ministry of Peace (War) & 11.Ministry of Plenty (Starvation)
Prisons offer needles to inmates (to inject illegal heroin). National Post, Nov 11, 2005. Go to 34.Ministry of Love (Torture) & DRUG WAR & PEACE & 22.Doublethink (mental condition: controlled insanity) & GOVERNMENT TOUGH ON TOBACCO & DRUG DEFECATORS NEED TOILETS
Bush backs enlarging Panama Canal ("It's in our nation's interest") & Canal too narrow for Chinese ships (carrying goods to USA). Guardian/WashTimes, Nov 8, 2005 & USA faces surprise nuclear attack (Red China has de facto control over most strategic waterway). Global Security, Nov 17, 1999. Go to USA GAVE CHINA PANAMA CANAL
Adoration 101 in North Korea (indocrinated by education & TV that Jong-Il is father & god). National Post, Nov 7, 2005. Go to 2.Big Brother & 28.Reality Control
North Korea rushes to finish reactor (enough weapons-grade plutonium for 10 atomic bombs annually). Washington Post, Nov 9, 2005 & North Korea nuclear talks to be brief (demanding a light water power reactor as part of outside aid). Voice of America, Nov 4, 2005. Go to SOUTH KOREA'S HELL AT HAN & JAPAN NUKED BUT NOT KOREA & YOU AND THE ATOMIC BOMB & ARMING OUR ENEMIES & 13.Weapons & 14.Experimentation
BC Mountie charged with assault (tasered teen in back) & UK policeman profits from Tasers (fired 50,000 volts on wife in stunt). CBC/Times, Nov 3, 2005. Go to COP CHARGED FOR TASERING TEEN & ANIMAL FARM DOGS & COURT GUARDS KILL TEEN & COPS WHO KILL BLAME VICTIMS & CANADA COPS UNLEASHED & CANADA'S SECRET SOVIET SCHOOL
Rate of false confessions 'astonishing' (suspects feel pressured by police; confess to crimes they didnt commit). Ottawa Citizen, Nov 3, 2005. Go to 39.Torture & 7.Systems & 4.Old World Destruction
Reader asks about Goldstein's book included in Orwell's "1984". Nov 1, 2005. Go to ORWELL ON TROTSKY ON STALIN
Wibbly-wobbly carrots worry Prince (video camera films each carrot). SundayTimes, Oct 29, 2005. Go to 15.Life in Oceania & TAKE NOT OUR DAILY BREAD
House OKs switch to digital TV (mandatory by 2009). MediaWatch, Oct 28, 2005 (Americans over 50 watch more TV than any other group). Go to 3.Surveillance & 2.Big Brother & 16.Minitrue & 25.Prolefeed & IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH
Communst Party tycoons' new wealth (like Versaille & St Peter's Square). Telegraph, Oct 27, 2005. Go to 10.Rulers & 7.Systems of Thought & CHINA'S COMMUNIST CAPITALISTS & CHINA'S SLAVE WORKERS & RICH RUSSIANS LIKE LENIN & RUSSIA IS HELL'S INFERNO
Readers have questions about: white heterosexual able-bodied males & groups opposed to China taking over our natural resources. Go to WHERE'S WHAM? & TARGETING WHAMS & CANADA & USA IN CHINA BOAT
Diana's driver's blood test faked (wouldn't be able to stand) & Diana evidence sealed 100 years (available to close relatives only). DNA/ContactMusic, Oct 21, 2005. Go to GOODNIGHT SWEET PRINCESS & 4.Destruction & CONSPIRACY THEORIES
EASTENDERS "1984" EPISODE (two characters discuss Orwell's book which one refuses to read). email, Oct 19, 2005. Go to 16.Minitrue & 25.Prolefeed
PoWs from Korean War still held (North Korea admits abducting). Telegraph, Oct 25, 2005 & Real history of Korean War (heroic MacArthur deserves credit for saving S Korea from communist domination). Seoul Times, Oct 18, 2005. Go to MACARTHUR, JFK, KOREA & VIETNAM & A VILLAGE IN THE NORTH & MAO'S MAN SPIED ON KAI-SHEK
Canada giving natural resources to China (ownership & joint ventures) & Canada increasing oil to China (building tanker-loading facility & pipeline to deepwater port) & Canada increasing wood to China (& technical support & training). Forbes/Bloomberg/CP, Oct 16, 2005. Go to 6.Superstates & 7.Systems & CHINESE TAKE-OVER & YELLOW PERIL & USA GAVE CHINA PANAMA CANAL
WAR, FLU & BIN LADEN HOAXES (reader sees "1984" parallels) & WHERE IS OSADDAM BIN? & RED DAWN SADDAM SAMES & Saddam goes on trial next week (for killing 143 Shiites in 1982). ABC News, Oct 15, 2005 & WAR DEVASTATING IRAQ CHILDREN
WHO says stockpile bird flu drug (panedemic means windfall profits) & MAN-MADE FLU WEAPON. BBC & CP, Oct 15, 2005. Go to 28.Reality Control & VACCINATIONS & BIRD BRAIN BIRD FLU SONG
Earthquake leaves millions homeless (Pakistan-Kashmir-India-Afghanistan) & Hurricane slams Central America (entire villages wiped out) & Killer flu remade (lethal on animals & humans). BBC, Oct 11, 2005. Go to ORWELL OUTS THE SCHEMERS
Technology drives road safety revolution (cops equipped with handheld computer inspect biometric smart card licence). Telegraph, Oct 10, 2005. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police & ANIMAL FARM DOGS & WHO'S BEHIND ROAD CONTROL
Thanksgiving Day food for thought: YOUR MOVIE
Bush said God said to him: ("George go & fight these terrorists in Iraq & Afghanistan"). Guardian, Oct 6, 2005. Go to 22.Doublethink & ORWELL ON RELIGION & FOUNDING FATHERS NOT CHRISTIANS
CHICKEN RUN & ANTZ BEAT 1984 (as far as movies go)
Orwell in clutches of taxman (Inland Revenue licking its lips) & Orwell's widow sued tax accountant (swindled copyrights & royalties based on unsigned agreement). Telegraph, Oct 3, 2005. Go to TAXMEN ROBBED ORWELL & BEATLES HAD ORWELL'S TAXMEN
Lifestyles of rich and Russian (own England's Chelsea soccer team). Globe & Mail, Oct 3, 2005. Go to 9.Masses Down & 10.Rulers & RICH RUSSIANS LIKE LENIN
New microwave weapons for crowd control (fires 95-gigahertz microwave causing intolerable pain in five seconds). All Headline News, Sep 26, 2005. Go to MASER CROP CIRCLES & WEAPONS & 14.Experimentation & 13.Weapons & ANIMAL FARM DOGS
RFID chips to track hurricane dead (also used in prisons & jails). News.Com, Sep 26, 2005. Go to RFID VERICHIP MARK OF BEAST & 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police
NASA hands space station to Moscow (Mission Control in hurricane's path) & USA HANDS USSR SPACE STATION. AP, Sep 24, 2005 & USSR USING WEAPONIZED WEATHER. Sunday Times, Aug 8, 2004 & JFK ON WEATHER MASTERY & 14.Scientific Experimentation & 6.Superstates & 28.Reality
Reader says hope lies with the proles. THE PROLES ARE HOPELESS. Sep 20, 2005. Go to 23.The Proles & 25.Prolefeed
Witchcraft: weird world of Cherie Blair (in thrall of series of bizarre practices; performs 'casting a circle' before meetings. Independent/Daily Mail, Sep 20, 2005. Go to 10.Rulers & 22.Doublethink & WITCHES, WIZARDS & DEMONS & Blair relished sending troops to Iraq (his "first blooding"). Telegraph, Sep 20, 2005. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace (War) & MAMAS DON'T LET YOUR BABIES
Reader asks if JFK took LSD. BE LEERY OF LEARY ON JFK. Sep 19, 2005. Go to TRUTH ABOUT JFK'S HEALTH
Reader asks about the origins of: GEORGE ORWELL'S PEN NAME. Sep 17, 2005
Harry wins the first of many battles ("it was nice to see the boy so easy in his skin"). Telegraph, Sep 17, 2005. Go to ORWELL & HARRY AT ETON
Trafalgar's naked sculpture revealed (deformed woman 8 months pregnant the new model of female heroism). BBC, ThisIsLondon, Sep 15, 2005. Go to 25.Prolefeed & 30.Instinct & ORWELL ON SALVADOR DALI ("Such pictures are not morally neutral. They are diseased & disgusting.") & PICADILLY PEACE STATUE
Landmark UN Summit begins ("We have not yet achieved the sweeping & fundamental reform that I & many others believe is required"). BBC, Sep 14, 2005. Go to 2.Big Brother & 10.Rulers & 5.Pyramidal New World Order & BIG BROTHER'S GOOFY I AM
China's Hu talks tough to Canada's PM (denies spying & warns Canada not to cooperate with Taiwan & to renounce independence for Tibet). Globe & Mail, Sep 11, 2005 & CHINA TALKS TOUGH TO CANADA & TIBET & TIANANMEN TYRANT HU & REMEMBER WHO HU IS
Enter the dragon in Africa's darkest nations (China going after their resources). Sunday Herald, Sep 11, 2005
Stalin's ghost haunts China (Mao: The Untold Story - USA future secretary of state allowed Red Army to escape). Times, Sep 11, 2005. Go to 6.Superstates & 7.Systems of Thought & USA GAVE CHINA PANAMA CANAL
Reader sends in results of: WHO'S THE GREATEST OLD ETONIAN? (survey done by Eton College Chronicle) & ORWELL TRULY A GLOBAL FIGURE & ORWELL GREATEST ETONIAN OF ALL
Reader who collects authors' typewriters asks what I know about Orwell's. Sep 8, 2005. Go to ORWELL'S TYPEWRITER & ORWELL'S TYPEWRITER A REMINGTON & BLUE WILLOW DISHES POEM
"Nationalize oil & gas" say Canadians (& cut taxes & fix pump price). CBC, Sep 6, 2005 & China's Hu to visit resource-rich Canada (looking for minerals & energy) & REMEMBER WHO HU IS (chief cop of China's police state chosen by cabal of Communist Leaders). Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & CANADA'S HUSKY BARKING CHINESE & CHINA'S FOOT IN TARSANDS' DOOR & CHINADA'S SOVIETIZATION
Russia, China expand military cooperation (concerned over USA domination). RadioFreeEurope, Sep 6, 2005. Go to 6.Super-States & 28.Reality Control & USA GAVE CHINA PANAMA CANAL
Chief Justice Rehnquist dies at 80 (last dissenter of Roe vs Wade that created abortion-on-demand). USA Newswire, Sep 6, 2005. Go to JFK'S JUDGE WAS PRO-LIFE & Abortion inspires email discussion: ABORTION & SEX-AS-RECREATION & ABORTION KILLS MORE THAN UNBORN
Heroin trade thrives in Iraq (non-existent under Saddam's rule). Telegraph, Sep 4, 2005. Go to 12.Minipax & 35.The Brotherhood & AFGHAN FIELDS & DRUG WAR & PEACE
Expert says breach was surprising (occurred at section just upgraded with concrete wall several feet thick). CTV News, Sep 4, 2005 & Police kill 5 contractors (who were fixing broken levee)., Sep 6, 2005 & WITNESSES HEARD LEVEE BOOM
NEW ORLEANS' 9-11 & Fake documentary named "Oil Storm" (hurricane knocks out Gulf oil rigs aired on FX-Network, June 5, 2005). Go to 16.Ministry of Truth (Lies) & STRANGE FICTION THEN TRUTH
"When the Levee Breaks" (1929 song sung by Led Zeppelin) & "New Orleans is Sinking" (1989 song by Tragically Hip) & Radio pulls "New Orleans is Sinking" (aired 3 times a week lately). ChartAttack, Sep 3, 2005. Go to BIG BROTHER SYMBOLISM
New Orleans tales of horror ("a scene from hell") & Questions grow over rescue chaos ("dead bodies next to us for days"). BBC, Sep 2, 2005. Go to WEATHER CONTROL & ORDER FROM CHAOS & LBJ ON WEATHER CONTROL ("From outer space comes the divert the Gulf Stream")
Charles doesn't regret admitting adultery (but says the world is run by some very nasty, powerful people). Telegraph, Sep 4, 2005 & Diana's death marked 8 years on. BBC, Aug 31, 2005 & Princess Diana dies in Paris crash, August 31, 1997. Go to GOODNIGHT SWEET PRINCESS & VISITING PRINCESS'S PLACES
USSR's bureaucrats rake in billions (bribes to avoid conscription, secure place in school, buy judge or medical treatment). Guardian, Jul 22, 2005. Go to RUSSIA IS HELL'S INFERNO & China's deal makers (raised communist/educated capitalist). Herald Tribune, Jul 22, 2005 & 7.Systems & CORPORATE COMMUNISM & RED CHINESE CAPITALIST BANKERS
America lands man on the Moon (Armstrong & Aldrin in lunar Eagle; Collins orbiting in mother ship Columbia). BBC, Jul 21, 1969 - 2005. Go to 17.Falsification of Past & MOON HOAX SONG
Sniffer dogs to detect Tube bombs (used by police in London). BBC, Jul 20, 2005 & Jackals make perfect sniffer dogs (used all over USSR). Go to ANIMAL FARM DOGS & 4.Destruction & 28.Reality Control
Stores force farmers to dump crops (picky fruit & veggie specifications). Times, Jul 17, 2005. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & 11.Miniplenty & TAKE NOT OUR DAILY BREAD
John Kennedy Jr Plane Missing. CNN, Jul 16, 1999 & Pottermania grips children everywhere (Harry Potter Rules The World). Telegraph, Jul 16, 2005. Go to JULY 16 DARK-DAY EVENTS
Fogging trucks hit the streets ("terrorism at its worst" spraying chemicals on people). CBC, Jul 15, 2005. Go to SPRAYING RAID ON HUMANS & WHO'S SARS SONG & GERMICIDE MAKERS, ARISE! & BIOLOGICAL/CHEMICAL WARFARE
Harry Potter turns to the Dark Side. Fox News, Jul 15, 2005 & 'Why I hate Harry Potter' (for people whose interests are soaps, reality TV & celebrity gossip). BBC, Jul 15, 2005. Go to 16.Minitrue & 25.Prolefeed & WITCHES, WIZARDS & DEMONS & DEVIL NICKNAMED "OLD HARRY"
DUCKSPEAKER BUSH (reader asks for duckspeak example) & Bush urges patience on Iraq war (no exit for 140,000 US troops). Boston Globe, June 29, 2005. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace (War) & ORWELL EXPLAINS DUCKSPEAK
India plans Orwell Park & Museum ("world-class heritage site"). Independent, Jun 29, 2005. Go to ORWELL MUSEUM A HAPPENING
George Orwell born 102 years ago ("a lonely ghost uttering a truth"). June 25, 1903 - June 25, 2005
Maytag selling to Communist China ("not an invasion of the USA but an escape from China"). DesMoinesRegister, Jun 23, 2005. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & MAYTAG LONELY CHINAMAN NOW
Gov't runs 87,000 gambling machines (in $13-billion industry & wants a slice of Internet-gambling pie & cellphones & interactive TV). National Post, Jun 22, 2005. Go to 24.Lottery & 23.Proles & 35.The Brotherhood
LSD project at CIA uncovered (administered LSD & electric shock to unwitting human subjects). Washington Post, Jun 22, 2005 & LSD A CIA PROJECT. National Post, Jun 22, 2005. Go to 40.Brotherhood & 40.Electric Brainwashing & CONSPIRACY THEORY & MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE & DRUG WAR & PEACE
Reader sends info on: BILL TO END TEEN ABUSE (& petition to HR-1738). Jun 21, 2005. Go to 34.Ministry of Love (Torture)
Reader arouses curiosity with: MORE MOON HOAX QUESTIONS. Jun 21, 2005. Go to 28.Reality Control & 17.Falsification
"Mugabe hates his own people" ("crawling mass of maggots" say police; priests told "don't aid filth"). Times, Jun 19, 2005. Go to 9.Masses Down & 7.Systems & ZIMBABWE GOING RED CHINESE & RWANDA'S GOOD MAN KIGAME
Reader asks the question: O'BRIEN A MEMBER OF BROTHERHOOD? to which Jackie Jura responds: O'BRIEN'S A BIG BROTHER HOOD. Jun 19, 2005
Reader inspires explanation about: ORWELL ANTI-LEFT & RIGHT. Jun 17, 2005. Go to 1.Winston's Diary
Reader has questions about: LEFT, RIGHT AND SOCIALISM. Jun 16, 2005. Go to 6.Super-States & 7.Systems & 5.Pyramidal NWO & 2.Big Brother
Teen's parents appeal bomb threat (no presumption of innocence, gov't publicly trying youth before trial & stirring nationalist sentiment). CBC News, Jun 15, 2005 & Canada teen convicted in bomb plot (unwitting victim of zero-tolerance). Globe & Mail, Jun 15, 2005. Go to 20.Police & Snitches & TERROR BILL & SCHOOLS LIKE PRISONS & CANADIAN TEEN DINGO BAIT
Patients get 999 chip implants (computer in body allows medics to take control from miles away). Times, Jun 12, 2005. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Police & 4.NWO & 2.Big Brother is Watching You!
Toddlers targeted as criminals (after-hours school for ages 4-14 run by private & voluntary groups trained to spot children at risk). Times, Jun 12, 2005. Go to 20.Thought Police & Snitches & 30.Love Instinct & Family
Timothy McVeigh executed 2001 (Declaration of Independence drafted 1776 calling for freedom from Britain). On-This-Day, Jun 11, 2005. Go to 4.Destruction & 34.Miniluv & TIMOTHY MCVEIGH'S LAST WORDS & BIG BROTHER SYMBOLISM
Oz farmers dancing in the rain ("winter cereal crops now saved"). WashPost, Jun 12, 2005 & Rain pits town against farmers (damming water over farmers fields). Canada Press, Jun 11, 2005 & Australia drought a food crisis (no rain for planting crops). Financial Times, Jun 11, 2005 & Spain drought killing crops (asking EU for wheat handouts). Times, Jun 11, 2005. Go to 9.Masses Down & FOOD COMES FROM FARMERS
Israel using vehicle-mounted sound weapon (even after covering ears sound rings in head). Newsday, Jun 10, 2005 & Israel introduces "The Scream" weapon (sound hits inner ear at special frequency causing dizziness, nausea, hearing loss; USA, China & Russia will use weapon against civilian populations)., Jun 10, 2005. Go to 13.Weapons & 7.Systems & 42.The Party Tells 'Why'
Cops go beserk with taser gun (50,000 volts on 22-year-old woman). PalmBeachPost, Jun 10, 2005. Go to 13.Weapons & ANIMAL FARM DOGS
Pilgrimage to Orwell continues: 10. LOOKING FOR ORWELL AT ETON. Jun 9, 2005. Go to PILGRIMAGE TO ORWELL
"1984" was published 56 years ago - June 8, 1949-June 8, 2005. Go to SAINT GEORGE ORWELL DAY
Readers' emails inspire discussion: BYE, BYE APPLE PIE (a symbol of America). May 31, 2005. Go to 7.Systems of Thought
Pilgrimage to Orwell continues: 9. ORWELL'S WHITE HORSE. May 29, 2005. Go to PILGRIMAGE TO ORWELL
40,000 police & army circle Baghdad (675 checkpoints at 23 entry-points 24 hours a day). AP Fort Wayne, May 27, 2005. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police & 12.Ministry of Peace (War) & IRAQ HELL BAGHDAD BRACELET
Aussie gets 20 years in Bali prison (marijuana planted in bodyboard bag). MSNBC, May 27, 2005 & Aussie's sentence to be appealed (baghandlers planted grass in Sydney). NewZealStuff, May 27, 2005. Go to 35.Brotherhood & 34.Ministry of Love & CANADA'S PM SHIPS COCAINE and DRUG WAR & PEACE
Zimbabwe police arrest 9,000 traders (violently removing Zimbabweans to make way for the Chinese). Guardian, May 26, 2005 & Zimbabwe's new colonialists (Mugage has "yellow fever"). Weekly Standard, May 26, 2005. Go to 10.Rulers & 7.Systems & 9.Masses & ZIMBABWE GOING RED CHINESE
THE WAR AGAINST POPULATION (true agenda of eugenics & elitism behind population control movement). May 24, 2005. Go to 5.Pyramidal New World Order & CHILDREN AREN'T THE PROBLEM & WHERE HAVE PEOPLE GONE?
Half of humanity set to go urban ("important step for mankind" ays UN Population Division). BBC, May 23, 2005. Go to 9.Masses Down & 2.Big Brother & RADICAL ENVIRONMENTALISM & THE WILDLANDS PROJECT & ENVIRONMENTALISM is ANIMALISM
Beatles from lads to legends to victims (new book by long-time associate). Globe & Mail, May 22, 2005. Go to LENNON'S DARK FATE ONO
BIGGEST ASPIDISTRA IN THE WORLD (inspirational song by Gracie Fields & also name of WWII radio transmitter). Go to 16.Ministry of Truth & Senate House & ORWELL & TRESSELL ASPIDISTRAS (the socialist writers had similarities). May 20, 2005
ORWELL'S LANGFORD COURT FLAT (virtual Open House) & ORWELL 1984 FLAT FOR SALE. May 19, 2005
WINSTON EXISTED, STILL EXISTS (reader inspires metaphysical interpretation). May 18, 2005
World leaders gather in Red Square (modelled on Stalin's Victory Parade, "We're obliged to build a world order based on security & justice", Putin & Bush in front of Lenin's tomb). Telegraph, May 9, 2005. Go to 5.Pyramidal NWO & 2.Big Brother & 7.Systems & 35.The Brotherhood
Leaders mourn Soviet war-time dead (Russia's President Vladimir Putin says, "For us victory is the victory of all of us"). BBC, May 9, 2005. Go to 6.Super-States & 12.Minipax & VICTORY DAY UN-VICTORY & STASI GERMANY ROOM 101
Possible referendum on Panama Canal (USA gave canal to Panama in 1999). May 5, 2005. Go to 6.Super-States & 7.Systems & USA GAVE AWAY PANAMA CANAL
China's Canadian Adventure (Chinese espionage & spy activities in energy & raw materials sectors). FrontPageMagazine, May 5, 2005. Go to 7.Systems of Thought & CHINA SPYING ON CANADA & USA
1984 RADIO OMISSIONS - 3 (reader continues with analysis of). Apr 30, 2005
Physicist helped build first Atomic-bomb (admitted involved in Communist Party). Telegraph, Apr 29, 2005. Go to 13.Weapons & 6.Superstates & 35.Brotherhood & ATOMIC-BOMB SCIENTIST COMMUNIST
1984 RADIO OMISSIONS - 2 and 1984 RADIO OMISSIONS - 2 cont'd (reader continues with analysis). Apr 25, 2005. Go to 16.Ministry of Truth (Lies)
English demand St George's Day holiday ("Our heritage is being eroded. We need a day for the English."). Scotsman, Apr 23, 2005. Go to 17.Falsification of Past & SAINT GEORGE ORWELL DAY
Canada invites gay tourists to come (gov't spending $300,000 to attract homosexuals, bisexuals & transgendered). National Post, Apr 23, 2005. Go to 30.Love Instinct & Family & HOMOSEXUAL HOLIDAYS IN CANADA
Warning on spread of state surveillance ("globally interoperable biometric passport"; governments share information on race, political opinions, religious beliefs, health & sex life of individuals). Guardian, Apr 21, 2005. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police
2 children attacked by coyotes (in daylight in inner city). CBC, Apr 20, 2005. Go to COYOTES CHOMPING CHILDREN & ENVIRONMENTALISM is ANIMALISM & DINGO ATTACKS ON HUMANS
Stalin being rehabilitated in Russia (& Red Army atrocities in Germany & UK/USA carpet-bombing exposed). BBC, Apr 20, 2005. Go to 12.Minipax & 6.Superstates & COLD WAR, WARM WAR
Abortion pill now non-prescription (levonorgestrel (Plan B) supported by Society of Obstetricians & Gynaecologists, Canadian Medical Association, Canadian Pharmacists Association, College of Physicians & Surgeons & Canadian Nurses Association). CBC, Apr 20, 2005 & Baby hormone stops breast cancer ("a way to alter breast cells without having a baby would be really nice"). BBC, Apr 19, 2005. Go to 22.Doublethink & BABIES GONE & ABORTION/BREAST CANCER LINK
A continuing discussion about: GOOD FOOD DAYS IN ENGLAND (after WWII rationing was over). Apr 19, 2005. Go to 15.Life in Oceania
Oklahoma bombing 10th anniversary (Waco bombing 12th anniversary) & Timothy McVeigh's father torn (son died on Jun 11, 2001, 3 months before Sep 11, 2001) & Terry Nichols not planning 2nd bombing (says 'Devil is twisting the truth' after FBI find explosives). BBC-Buffalo-Detroit News, Apr 19, 2005. Go to 4.Old World Destruction & OKLAHOMA CITY BOMBING
ORWELL INTERVIEWS JONATHAN SWIFT (reader discovers imaginary interview broadcast over BBC in November 1942). Apr 18, 2005
Is Safeway sucking your soul? (American consumer culture is teeming with neon-colored, overprocessed, demon-spawn products). SanFranGate, Apr 17, 2005. Go to 15.Life In Oceania & TAKE NOT OUR DAILY BREAD & FOOD TO CRY OVER
Reader analyses BBC's reading of 1984: 1984 ON RADIO & BOOK-TAPE & 1984 RADIO OMISSIONS - 1 & 1984 RADIO OMISSIONS - 1 cont'd. Apr 17, 2005. Go to 16.Ministry of Truth & 25.Prolefeed
China buys into Canada's oilsands ("It's a first step for China, it probably won't be the last"). National Post, Apr 14, 2005. Go to 6.Super-States & 7.Systems & CHINA'S FOOT IN TAR SANDS DOOR
INDIVIDUAL A THREAT TO THE PARTY (reader wonders why). Apr 13, 2005. Go to 5.Pyramidal NWO & 8.Classes of People & 27.Goodthink
Eric Rudolph pleads guilty to abortion bombing (in 1998 & Olympic bombing in 1996 & other abortion clinic bombings). ABC & BBC News, Apr 13, 2005. Go to 4.Old World Destruction & UNBORN FACTS OF LIFE & ORWELL AGAINST ABORTION
R & R ain't what it used to be (babes & booze banned for GIs). "It's like a correctional facility. We sleep in bunk beds 30 to a room. We can't get off base when we want.". Telegraph, Apr 8, 2005. Go to 11.Ministry of Plenty (Starvation) & MAMAS DON'T LET YOUR BABIES
Rwandan president to be at U of Pacific (speaking to students & public & receiving honourary Law degree). Tri-Valley Herald, Apr 6, 2005. Go to USA UNIVERSITY HONORS KAGAME
Abortion clinics cut to 20-week limit (but make it easier before 12-weeks). Sunday Times, Apr 3, 2005 & Honourary degree for Canada's abortionist (Morgentaler a Holocaust survivor who devoted his life to abortion). Montreal Gazette, Apr 3, 2005. Go to 30.Love Instinct & Family & UNBORN FACTS OF LIFE
RFK HATED BY HOOVER & MAFIA. Apr 2, 2005. Go to 35.The Brotherhood
RFK'S HISTORY WITH HOFFA. Apr 1, 2005. Go to 35.The Brotherhood
Earthquake creates chaos in Nias (no electricity, shelter or water; people trapped in rubble but right equipment can't reach island). BBC, Mar 30, 2005. Go to ORDER OUT OF CHAOS
Tsunami victims losing land to developers (disaster a chance to clear people from land earmarked for 'big project'). Telegraph, Mar 30, 2005. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down
1,000 more dead in Nias quake (fearful of another tsunami caused by earthquake like Boxing Day which left 300,000 people dead or missing). Guardian, Mar 29, 2005. Go to 14.Experimentation & 5.Pyramidal now & WEATHER CONTROL
ORWELL'S CUFA ON STAGE (review of 'Coming Up for Air'). Go to COMING UP FOR AIR. Mar 29, 2005
KITCHENER'S FACE BIG BROTHER (reader turns on light bulb). Mar 28, 2005. Go to 2.Big Brother & 12.Ministry of Peace
Jackson says he's a victim of conspiracy ('It's one of their many schemes to drag me through the mud'). USA Today, Mar 28, 2005. Go to MICHAEL JACKSON'S A VICTIM & GULLIVER DISCOVERS HISTORY FALSIFIED & 20.Reality Control
CYCLISTS JUST WANNA HAVE FUN (thoughts on Easter weekend). Mar 25 - 28, 2005. Go to DIRT ROADS
POUNDING PILLARS INTO FLOOD PLAIN (Big Box stores & Motels by the river). Mar 26, 2005. Go to 15.Life in Oceania and IT'S HEDGE GRABBING, THOMAS & BIG YELLOW TAXI
IGNORANCE = FREEDOM LOST (reader asks meaning of phrases: 'slavery is freedom' and 'strength is ignorance'). Mar 25, 2005. Go to 22.Doublethink & 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police & Snitches
ORWELL REVIEWS ZAMYATIN'S "WE" ('Russia refused publication on grounds that it was ideologically undesirable'). Mar 24, 2005. Go to 20.Thought Police & 7.Systems
Fischer set to enjoy freedom in Iceland ("It's like in the 'Shazaaam! Bush just says 'Enemy Combatant! Now you have no legal rights'"). Guardian, Mar 24, 2005. Go to 10.Rulers & 7.Systems & Reader glad Fischer's free again & UNCLE SAM LOST BOBBY FISCHER
My PILGRIMAGE TO ORWELL continued: by Jackie Jura. Mar 23, 2005
Fischer allowed to leave Japan (Iceland voted to grant citizenship). CBC, Mar 23, 2005 & Fischer 'put Iceland on the map' ('His only crime was to play chess but playing chess is not a crime'). BBC, Mar 23, 2005
Fischer to be deported to USA (for winning $3-million chess game against Borris Spassky in 1992 when Yugoslavia was under UN economic sanctions). Japan Today, Mar 15, 2005. Go to 10.Rulers & 22.Doublethink & BOBBY FISCHER A WINSTON SMITH
Battling for Bobby Fischer - Fischer's Icelandic friend sang "Happy Birthday to You" to Grand Master (who turned 62 in prison) & Japan-U.S. alliance confronts Iceland (Bobby Fischer is in the middle). Mainichi News, Mar 10, 2005. Go to 34.Miniluv (Torture) & 7.Systems of Thought & UNCLE SAM FINDS BOBBY FISCHER
USA okays IBM sale to China (in spite of industrial espionage & secrets passing to Chinese military). IBM = I-BE-MANDARIN. Guardian, Mar 10, 2005 & China textiles flood USA market (American manufacturing plants closing; thousands of jobs being lost). CHINA'S CLOTHES STRIP AMERICANS. NewYorkTimes, Mar 10, 2005. Go to 9.Masses Down & 6.Superstates
JFK's missing "missal" is in LBJ library ('been there all along' says reader). Mar 9, 2005. Go to JFK HOLDING BIBLE & JFK TRUTHS & UNTRUTHS
UK set for Diana - the ballet (portrays royals as "open-mouthed fools"). News 24, Mar 8, 2005 & Di ballet dances to princess's tune (created by choreographer & friend who supervised Di's dancing lessons). Go to WORDS TO UPTOWN GIRL (Diana danced for Charles' birthday) & PRINCESS FEARED BEING WATCHED
Canadians leery of on-line gambling (government-run virtual casinos coming to add to VLTs (Video Lottery Terminals) - also known as "electric morphine"). Winnipeg Sun, Mar 7, 2005. Go to 24.The Lottery
No legal ground to hold Bobby Fischer (will sue Japan if not released). Mainichi News, Mar 8, 2005 & Fischer 4 days in solitary confinement (provoked into fighting 15 guards). Phillipines News, Mar 8, 2005 & Japan won't release Fischer to Iceland (no visitors, no phone calls, no window). Scotsman, Mar 4, 2005 & Fischer a human tragedy in the making ("history will not judge mightily the USA & Japan over what is happening here"). Mainichi, Mar 4, 2005 & Iceland only nation on planet with guts (to stand up against super-power & defend rights of completely defenceless & completely innocent man). ABC Australia, Mar 4, 2005. Go to 34.Miniluv (Torture) & 20.Thought Cops & BOBBY FISCHER A WINSTON SMITH
Coal shortage chills Pennsylvania homes (gov't closing down anthracite mines). Seattle Post-Intelligencer, Feb 28, 2005. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & PENNSYLVANIA IS WIGAN PIER & COAL SCRAMBLING IN WIGAN
HOLOCAUST DENIER DEPORTED ('Canada is a country where dissidents can be imprisoned for years without ever knowing why, just like in Stalin's days'). Canada East, Feb 28, 2005. Go to 20.Thought Police & 7.Systems of Thought & TERROR BILL IS TERROR & GOLDSTEIN'S CONSPIRACY IN 1984
Britain on top of heroin league (all of it comes from Afghanistan) & Drink, drugs and rape (young men & women using Viagara same as speed, cocaine & ecstasy). Sunday Times, Feb 27, 2005 & UN tobacco control comes into force (WHO cracks down on cigarette smuggling). CBC, Feb 28, 2005. Go to 2.Big Brother & 35.Brotherhood & AFGHAN FIELDS & DRUG WAR & PEACE
Britain hopes Red China buys Rover (when President Hu Jintao visited Paris the Eiffel Tower was bathed in red light & dragons paraded along Champs Elysées). The Times, Feb 23, 2005. Go to 9.Masses & 7.Systems & CHINA'S SLAVE WORKERS & USA watches China woo Carribean (Beijing's growing economic clout is tipping scales in Western Hempishere). ABC News, Feb 23, 2005. Go to USA APPLAUDS CHINA TAKE CARRIBEAN
Simpsons homosexual marriage show (thrust in faces of millions of children). Scotsman, Feb 22, 2005. Go to 25.Prolefeed & 30.Love & Family & WAR BY SEXUAL DEPRAVITY & HOMER'S HOMO MATRI-MONEY & BABY BOOMERS KNOCKING SOCIETY
Reader invigorates discussion on: EURO ENGLISH MAYHEM which reminds Jackie Jura of: ORWELL RESISTS NU SPELING & ORWELL ON METRIC CONVERSION. Feb 21, 2005. Go to 18.Newspeak & 11.Ministry of Plenty & 9.Keeping Masses Down
Desperate parents feeding children opium (to alleviate hunger & suffering). Macleans, Feb 20, 2005 & Fears for children in Afghan cold (28,000 people at risk). BBC, Feb 18, 2005. Go to 6.Disputed Territories & 12.Minipax & AFGHANISTAN REMEMBERED & IN AFGHAN FIELDS
Readers & Jackie Jura discuss COMMUNIST CAPITALIST ORWELL MOVIES (various versions were made) & WINDMILLS BEAT DAMS ON CAPE (for distribution of production). Feb 17, 2005
Canadian steel union likes Russian bid (4,000 Stelco workers back USSR Severstal buying record-breaking profit maker). National Post, Feb 15, 2005. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & SELLING ROPE TO HANG US
China tourism deal is worth the wait (Canada gets Approved Destination Status). Toronto Star, Feb 15, 2005. Go to BEYOND ORWELL & THE CHINESE ARE COMING!
New UK party named "Truth" (founded by European Parliament member). The Times, Feb 2, 2005. Go to 22.Doublethink & 16.Minitrue (Lies) & READER WINS ORWELL TODAY AWARD
Hard-core porn cumming to cable TV (to lure viewers from Internet & make TV primary porn destination). LA Times, Feb 2, 2005. Go to 25.Prolefeed & 30.Love Instinct & A DIFFERENT BOMB
Rwanda/Uganda slam UN report ("panel has very tenuous relationship with the truth"). ReliefWeb, Feb 2, 2005. Go to 28.Reality Control & RWANDA BEFORE & AFTER
Norway's wolf hunt decried globally (wolf preservation now Sweden's responsibility) & Wolf hunter gets death threat ("watch your back when out among people"). Washington Times, Feb 1, 2005. Go to ANIMAL FARM IS ANIMALISM & WORLD WILDLIFE WOLF'S FRIEND
Potatoes plowed under by billion (to lift price due to surplus caused by people eating less). CanWest News, Jan 31, 2005. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & POTATOES PLOUGHED UNDER
LNG plant more likely in Canada (communities more receptive than USA; people taught to 'see & learn' before 'misconceptions' are formed). National Post, Jan 30, 2005. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & CANADA/USSR DEAL IN LNG
Bobby Fischer sings "Eve of Destruction (on radio interview from prison). Mainichi News, Jan 29, 2005. Go to EVE OF DESTRUCTION & EVE OF IRAQ DESTRUCTION & Chess legend Fischer may become Icelander (most of 9-member Parliament Committee in favour of granting citizenship). Scotsman, Jan 28, 2005 & Bobby Fischer seeks Icelandic citizenship (Jap gov't illegally imprisoning him on "false & ludicrous grounds" & health worsening since arrest). NewYorkTimes, Jan 28, 2005. Go to 20.Thought Police & 34.Miniluv & BOBBY FISCHER IN R00M 202
UK shakes up anti-terror law (UK citizens detained without trial just like foreigners are). BBC, Jan 26, 2005. Go to 7.Systems & TERROR BILL IS TERROR & UK TERROR BILL FOR NATIONALS
Prague riots for student martyr (burned himself to death in protest at Soviet occupation of Czechoslovakia). On-This-Day, BBC, Jan 26, 1969. Go to 7.Sytems of Thought & Go to KING WENCESLAS PLEASE LOOK OUT
UK police stalk apple-eating driver (use spotter aircraft, helicopter & patrol car to take photos & video her journey). Times, Jan 25, 2005. Go to 3.Surveillance
Is "genocide credit" used up? (aid to Rwanda slipping away). Globe & Mail, Jan 24, 2005. Go to 6.Disputed Territories & 16.Minitrue & ABANDONING RWANDA & MAKING MOVIES
UK's radical take on homelessness (anti-social-behaviour tickets for offence of "rough sleeping"). Globe & Mail, Jan 23, 2005. Go to ORWELL'S TRAFALGAR SCENE
Bobby Fischer: 'Get Me Out!' (locked in cell most of day; feels dizzy & suffers headaches). Mail & Guardian, Jan 23, 2005 & Petitioning for Bobby Fischer (let him go to Iceland instead of deporting to USA). CBS News, Jan 23, 2005. Go to 20.Thought Police & 34.Miniluv & BOBBY FISCHER A WINSTON SMITH
Acclaimed author George Orwell dies. On This Day, BBC, Jan 21, 1950. Go to SONIA'S FLAT & ORWELL'S HOSPITAL (Jackie Jura standing in front of London hospital where Orwell died 55 years ago. He was 46 years old)
China building strategic sea lanes (all around world including Panama). WashingtonTimes, Jan 21, 2005. Go to 6.Super-States & 12.Minipax & ARMING ENEMIES & USA GAVE CHINA PANAMA CANAL
TORTURING TO FIND GOD (people to be tortured & brain scanned to see if faith is there). MSNBC, Jan 12, 2005 & Pain used to uncover brain secret (to understand how robust faith is & how it can be dislodged). BBC, Jan 15, 2005. Go to 42.The Party Tells Why & ORWELL SAW GOD IN MAN
Canada to cull 1.76 million cows (human food supply isn't at risk, officials say slaughter an overreaction). CBC, Jan 13, 2005 & USA farmers don't want Canada beef (even though it's proven safe). CTV, Jan 13, 2005. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & WHERE'S THE BEEF GONNA GO?
Mad Cow may lengthen beef ban to USA (19-month ban cost Canadian beef industry more than $5 billion). TorontoStar, Jan 12, 2005. Go to TAKE NOT OUR DAILY BREAD & Latest Candadian Mad Cow no threat (no chance of contaminating food chain)., Jan 12, 2005 & Thousands of Britons may carry Mad Cow (90% of cases would remain "sub-clinical" & never develop into illness). Scotsman, Jan 12, 2005. Go to 28.Reality Control & MAD COW TERROR & JAMES BOND FOOT & MOUTH
Freak weather batters Europe & America (hurricane winds-heavy rains-snow storms strand trains-shut highways-close airports-cause flooding & deadly avalanches)., Jan 11, 2005 & Ice bergs in New Zealand (record strength winds were created blowing cold & icebergs northerly)., Jan 10, 2005 & Extreme 2004 weather in South Asia (quakes-floods-worst typhoons in decades) & UN denies a nuke triggered Tsunami (says USA/India/Israel didn't cause tidal wave with nuke test). New Kerala, Jan 6, 2005. Go to 14.Experimentation & 5.Pyramidal NWO & WEAPONIZED WEATHER & LBJ ON WEATHER & Tsunamis leave 2-million without food (UN food agency urgently appeals for 26 million dollars). Khaleej Times, Jan 11, 2005. Go to 2.Big Brother & 36.Volunteerism
Inquiry into teen's death by guards (pushed shackled-chained-handcuffed boy against elevator door which opened). Macleans, Jan 11, 2004. Go to ANIMAL FARM DOGS & 7.Systems & COPS WHO KILL BLAME VICTIMS
Movie on Canada's Jewish abortionist (became wealthy in adopted homeland killing millions of unborn people). Go to ORWELL AGAINST ABORTION & WHERE HAVE ALL BABIES GONE? & China's population reaches 1.3-billion (forced abortion for 1-child policy means 40-million extra men). CTV News, Jan 11, 2004. Go to CHINESE TAKE-OVER
JURA MEANS JUSTICE (reader drove by Orwell's Jura house). Jan 10, 2005. Go to VISITING ORWELL'S BARNHILL
THE HOUNDING OF A CHESS LEGEND (reader sends Bobby Fischer article). Jan 8, 2005. Go to 1.Winston's Diary & 2.Big Brother & BOBBY FISCHER A WINSTON SMITH
Copy of 1984 waved in House of Commons (after MPs pass ID cards for UK, saying "don't fear Big Brother"). BBC, Dec 21, 2004. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Police & 7.Systems ('May I see your papers, comrade?') & TERROR BILL IS TERROR
King Edward VIII abdicates the throne (his brother Albert, Charles' grandfather, becomes King George VI). Dec 11, 1936. Go to THE PEOPLE'S GOOD KING EDWARD
INDIAN CLAIMS IN NUTSHELL (reader says Indians didn't "settle" & wonders if they're forgetting their roots). Dec 10, 2004. Go to 10.Rulers & 9.Keeping Masses Down
UN giving self more power (wants "right & duty to intervene if gov'ts fail their responsibility to protect their citizens"). BBC, Dec 2, 2004. Go to 2.Big Brother & 42.Party Tells Why & 4.Old World Destruction & 9/11 IS COLCHESTER BOMB & BIG BROTHER BUGGERS
CANADA'S HUSKY BARKING CHINESE (Husky Oil Inc being sold to China & stock value rises at news). Globe & Mail, Dec 2, 2004 & CHINADA'S SOVIETIZATION & US importers back China textiles (causing producers market disruption). BBC, Dec 2, 2004. Go to
7.Systems of Thought & CHINESE TAKE-OVER
3,000 UK soldiers medically evacuated (war cripples healthy young men). Guardian, Nov 28, 2004. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace (War) & TAMING THE TIGER
HOPE LIES IN THE PROLES ("If there was hope, it lies in the proles" in answer to reader's question). Go to 23.The Proles & WHY ORWELL WROTE 1984
Indians rally to support Supreme Court ruling (want gov't to abide by decision to consult them over resources). Vancouver Sun, Nov 26, 2004. Go to 10.Rulers & 9.Masses Down & CANADA GOING TO THE INDIANS & I DON'T WANT TO ACCEPT BLAME
JFK funeral on this day in 1963 (as coffin left church after ceremony 3-year-old John Kennedy Junior stepped forward & put his hand to his forehead in a childish salute). BBC, Nov 25, 2004
How your face could open doors ("an improper expression on your face was itself a punishable offense; the word for it in Newspeak: facecrime"). BBC, Nov 25, 2004. Go to 3.Surveillance & 2.Big Brother
VISITORS FROM CHANGPING (delegation from Communist China tours hospital-pulp mill-water plant etc). Daily News, Nov 25, 2004. Go to 16.Minitrue & 7.Systems & CHINADA'S SOVIETIZATION
SEX ED GOING TOO FAR (treating the body as an instrument disengaged from core of one's being). National Post, Nov 25, 2004. Go to 30.Love Instinct & Family
PORN PAIN FOR TEENS (sex against their will). Nov 25, 2004. Go to 25.Prolefeed & 35.Brotherhood
China, Cuba seek closer ties (behind the scenes it is also expected that military ties will be strengthened). BBC, Nov 23, 2004. Go to 7.Systems of Thought & COMMUNISM CUBAN STYLE & JFK ICH BIN FREE HAVANA & CHINA FLEXING MILITARY MUSCLE
JFK REMEMBRANCE CEREMONY (annual Springfield observance on Nov 22 is only one in nation other than one at Arlington National Cemetery). Republican, Nov 23, 2004. Go to 17.Falsification of Past
THE DAY THE WORLD STOOD STILL. November 22nd, 1963. Truth, Freedom, Peace & Prosperity died with JFK
KILLING JFK FOR FUN (video game of Kennedy assassination - an educational "docu-game" to help disprove conspiracy theories). Globe & Mail, Nov 22, 2004. Go to 16.Minitrue & 28.Reality Control & 17.Falsification of Past
"He was my commanding officer, my president and my friend. I'll never forget him." (John E. "Mac" Maguire, JFK's radioman aboard PT-109). JFK'S BOAT & COCONUT. Nov 21, 2004 & JFK & BAY OF PIGS & JFK'S ICH BIN FREE HAVANA
ORWELL'S INEZ SPOKE NEWSPEAK (reader asks about Orwell's friend Inez Holden). Nov 19, 2004. Go to 18.Newspeak
WHY O'BRIEN WATCHED WINSTON (reader wants to know). Nov 18, 2004. Go to 20.Thought Police & Snitches
Abortion pill causes another death (676 adverse events with hospitalization but gov't says RU-486 is safe with a black-label on the box). Boston Globe, Nov 17, 2004. Go to 30.Love Instinct & Family & WHERE HAVE ALL BABIES GONE? & ORWELL AGAINST ABORTION
Argentina gets China investment (as did Brazil and as will Cuba). BBC, Nov 17, 2004 & PANAMA CANAL RUN BY CHINA (hands around America's neck). Go to CHINESE TAKE-OVER
Chinese Dragon stings Russian Bear (Third World poverty stricken China now "Yellow Peril" massively migrating, devouring Russian resources & people). Globe & Mail, Nov 14, 2004. Go to 7.Sytems of Thought & 10.Rulers & RUSSIA IS HELL'S INFERNO & CHINADA'S SOVIETIZATION
Battle for Falluja in pictures (house-to-house searches for men; no water-electricity-food; thousands in make-shift camps). BBC, Nov 14, 2004. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace (War) & ISRAELI WAR TACTICS IN IRAQ
JFK assassination witness dies (saw suspicious characters in Dealey Plaza; heard Jackie yell "Oh, God! No-no-no!"). Reuters, Nov 13, 2004. Go to JFK ASSASSINATION DETAILS & NEW LOOK AT ZAPRUDER FILM & EXECUTIVE ACTION SHOWS IT ALL
Reader asks for doublethink examples: DUCKSPEAKING DOUBLETHINKERS
Epidemic among London drug users (gov't to provide needles for heroin "to reduce harm" from HIV/HepC). Guardian, Nov 12, 2004. Go to 22.Doublethink & DRUG WAR & PEACE & EVIL PURVEYORS FEEDING OFF MISERY
IN AFGHAN FIELDS. November 11, 2004
Foster kids on mind-altering drugs (doctors-pharmaceutical companies-caregivers blunting even toddlers' emotions; taking away their future, their ability to relate to people, their trust-love-caring-empathy). SanAntonia WOAI, Nov 11, 2004. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation & DRUG WAR & PEACE & SOMA IN BRAVE NEW WORLD
Reader asks about Orwell's film rights. Nov 10, 2004. Go to ORWELL A WRITER WRONGED & ANIMAL FARM A BAD MOVIE
JFK'S CASTLE WAS CAMELOT (student from Australia asks: "Was JFK allusion to Camelot justified?"). Nov 9, 2004
USA soldiers ready to attack Falluja (no one knows if rebels are there "But the enemy has got a face. He's called Satan. He lives in Falluja. And we're going to destroy him"). BBC, Nov 7, 2004. Go to 28.Reality Control & 12.Minipax & FRIENDS AT ARMAGEDDON & ZIONISM IN AMERICA & UNCLE SAMuel WANTS YOU!
CRACK KITS HIT STREET (hundreds handed out in Vancouver - ok'd by mayor, police & health authorities; contain glass crack pipe & mouthpiece-push stick-draw screens-matches-alcohol swabs-Vaseline-bandages-a condom & smoking instructions). The Province, Nov 1, 2004. Go to 23.Proles & 35.Brotherhood & DRUG WAR & PEACE & EVIL PURVEYORS FEEDING OFF MISERY
KUBRICK AND APOLLO (a reader sends in research). Oct 31, 2004. Go to 28.Reality Control & 17.Falsification & JULY 16 A SIGNIFICANT DATE
Infra-red searches don't violate privacy (police can snoop inside houses decrees Canada's Supreme Court). Globe & Mail, Oct 30, 2004. Go to 3.Surveillance & ANIMAL FARM DOGS
Is every memory worth keeping? (pills to make you forget). Washington Post, Oct 30, 2004. Go to A PILL TO FORGET JFK
Brain operation performed live on TV (patient given an amnesiac agent so he wouldn't remember surgery). Telegraph, Oct 30, 2004. Go to 40.Electric Shock Brainwashing & 43.Winston Talks in Sleep & 45.Chestnut Tree Cafe
"Orwell Was Here" says Indian town of birth (house will be restored into a museum). Telegraph, Oct 30, 2004. Go to ORWELL MUSEUM IN INDIA
UK unveils anti-social behaviour law (Asbos) (people forced to undergo drug treatment without conviction of criminal offence). BBC, Oct 29, 2004. Go to 20.Thought Police & 21.Crimestop
Pornography goes wireless for profit ("You could be anywhere and you could do it anytime"). National Post, Oct 29, 2004. Go to 25.Prolefeed & 35.Brotherhood & 30.Love Instinct & Family & HARD-CORE CELLPHONE PORN
Cameras to keep watch in Hollywood (at flick of joystick police can pan-tilt-zoom, seeing every inch of a block). LosAngelesTimes, Oct 28, 2004. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police & 2.Big Brother is Watching You
Doctors back prison needle programs (marijuana smokers become heroin injectors where it's pushed on them in prison). Globe & Mail, Oct 28, 2004. Go to 35.Brotherhood & 22.Doublethink & 34.Ministry of Love (Torture) & DRUG WAR & PEACE
China shopping globe for resources (an all-out take-over of Canada's). National Post, Oct 27, 2004 & CHINA DEAL NOT BENEFICIAL (Noranda sale just tip of iceberg) & PM lauds Noranda take-over. Globe & Mail, Oct 23, 2004. Go to 10.Rulers & 22.Doublethink & PM LAUDS CHINA TAKING OVER
CHINA RISING: Get ready for China's century (new boss may soon be Beijing government) & CHINA'S SLAVE WORKERS. Globe & Mail, Oct 23, 2004 & CHINA FLEXING MILITARY MUSCLE (by 2015 China could have 100 nuclear missiles aimed at USA). Go to CHINESE TAKE-OVER & 7.Systems of Thought & 6.Super-States
CHESTNUT TREE CAFE ROYAL ("Under the spreading chestnut tree, I sold you and you sold me"). Oct 20, 2004
Antidepressants cause suicide in kids (FDA wants black-box warning on: Anafranil, Aventyl, Celexa, Cymbalta, Desyrel, Effexor, Elavil, Lexapro, Ludiomil, Luvox, Marplan, Nardil, Norpramin, Pamelor, Parnate, Paxil, Pexeva, Prozac, Remeron, Sarafem, Serzone, Sinequan, Surmontil, Symbyax, Tofranil, Tofranil-PM, Triavil, Vivactil, Wellbutrin, Zoloft & Zyban). AP NewsFlash, Oct 18, 2004. Go to SOMA IN BRAVE NEW WORLD & UN-BRAVE NEW WORLD & BIO-CHEM WARFARE & DRUG WAR & PEACE
Pierre Salinger, JFK Press Sec'y, dies (worked for RFK fighting Hoffa too). Reuters, Oct 17, 2004. Go to SALINGER TRUE KENNEDY FRIEND & KENNEDYS & SALINGER VS HOFFA
ORWELL TODAY ON WAR (answering 64-Billion dollar question: Why did Bush go to war against Iraq?). Oct 16, 2004
EILEEN BLAIR'S GRAVE (reader sends in directions on how to find it in Newcastle). Oct 16, 2004
Security under the skin (barcode built into your arm like a DVD tagged in supermarket). BBC, Oct 15, 2004. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police & HUMANS SCANNED LIKE GROCERIES & KISSINGER'S NUMBER IS 666 & NEW YORK'S NUMBER IS 666
USSR STEALING CANADA'S STEEL (Soviet oligarchs made great fortunes in Russia's 1990s industrial-privatization). Globe & Mail, Oct 14, 2004. Go to 6.Super-States & 7.Systems & CHINADA'S SOVIETIZATION & OLIGARCHICAL COLLECTIVISM & RUSSIA IS HELL'S INFERNO
Noranda/Minmetal deal sweet taste in mouth (victory celebration dinner held; Canadian wines banned). Globe & Mail, Oct 12, 2004. Go to 6.Super-States & 7.Systems & A NICKEL FOR YOUR KINGDOM
Canada/Russia sign gas plan (1st step in long-term relationship for Petro-Can & Gazprom)., Oct 12, 2004. Go to 6.Super-States & 7.Systems & CANADA BUYING USSR'S GAS
China's disquieting bid for Noranda (Beijing making political demands of us while holding Canadian jobs hostage). Toronto Star, Oct 6, 2004 & Noranda's buyer a human rights abuser (China's Minmetal uses forced prison labour known to AFL/CIO & USA Congress). National Post, Oct 6, 2004. Go to 7.Systems of Thought & LAOGAI IS CHINESE GULAG
Keep Beijing out of Sudbury (security of USA & Canada at stake). National Post, Oct 1, 2004. Go to A NICKEL FOR YOUR KINGDOM
Petrocan CEO meets USSR oil exec (investing in USSR Liquified Natural Gas) & China feeds on Canada's resources (very hungry dragon demands copper-nickel-oil-gas-wood etc). Globe & Mail, Sep 26, 2004. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & 6.Super-States & CHINADA'S SOVIETIZATION
Prayers mark Diana's anniversary (William & Harry remembering their mother). BBC, Aug 31, 2004. Go to VISITING PRINCESS'S PLACES
Readers, for the next few weeks peruse the website at your leisure (updates will resume by end of August). Jul 30, 2004
Bobby Fischer's appeal rejected ("Free Fischer Press Conference" in Tokyo, Thurs Jul 29, 2004) & SIGN "FREE BOBBY" PETITION (by Icelandic Chess Federation) & Fischer says detention a kidnapping (claims to be assaulted twice & has bruises/cuts to prove it)., Jul 28, 2004. Go to 39.Interrogation & Torture & UNCLE SAM FINDS BOBBY FISCHER
Opium trade booms in Afghanistan (flood of heroin hitting UK streets luring youngsters into addiction). Independent, Jul 28, 2004. Go to 35.Brotherhood & 12.Minipax & DRUG WAR & PEACE & IN AFGHAN FIELDS POPPIES GROW
Army selling Afghanistan's water (run by Cancap, a subsidiary of Montreal-based SNC Lavalin to produce 9,000 litres/day). CBC, Jul 27, 2004. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & CANADA SELLING AFGHANS' WATER & THE WATER BARONS
Gay art exhibit prompts complaint (but police won't charge). National Post, Jul 27, 2004. Go to 30.Love Instinct & 35.Brotherhood & PUKE AN IMPROVEMENT ON GAY ART
WINDMILLS ARE GREEN STALINISM (hundreds of miles of ancient countryside & shoreline will be disfigured). Telegraph, Jul 24, 2004. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & LENIN BEHIND ENVIRONMENTALISM
Apollo Anniversary July 20, 1969: Moon Landing "Inspired World" (the Party line status quo). National Geographic, Jul 20, 2004. Go to 17.Falsification of Past & MOCKUMENTARY MOON DOC & MOON MOCKUMENTARY ANALYSIS
Bobby Fischer's strangest end game (genius descended from chess heaven says US controlled by Communist Jews). Salon, Jul 24, 2004 & GOLDSTEIN'S WORLD DOMINATION CONSPIRACY & Fischer getting rough treatment (faces 60 days detention in Japan). Reuters, Jul 23, 2004 & ORIGINS OF ROOM 101 & Finding Bobby Fischer(took on Soviet empire pawn by pawn). Bennington Banner, Jul 21, 2004. Go to 38.Cellars & 22.Doublethink & 34.Ministry of Love (Torture) & UNCLE SAM FINDS BOBBY FISCHER
US army food ...just add urine (reduces water soldiers need to carry). BBC, Jul 22, 2004. Go to 12.Minipax & 42.Party Tells Why & TAKE NOT OUR DAILY BREAD & MAMAS DON'T LET YOUR BABIES
Anti-fogging protesters arrested (gov't spraying malathion over city). Globe & Mail, Jul 21, 2004. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation & SPRAYING RAID ON HUMANS
POW flies out of North Korea (faces court martial in USA). CNS News, Jul 21, 2004. Go to 40.Electric Shock Brainwashing & 7.Systems & 22.Doublethink UNLCE SAM SAYS POW DESERTED
Remake of Manchurian Candidate coming (Sinatra's daughter Nancy produces). National Post, Jul 21, 2004. Go to 16.Minitrue & 25.Prolefeed & THE MANIRAQIAN CANDIDATE
Thai's Bangwang Prison executes justice (man-eater, maximum security, death row, thousands of school children addicted). BBC, Jul 22, 2004 & Cocaine use trebles in UK (epidemic of people hooked on crack). Independent, Jul 21, 2004. Go to 35.Brotherhood & 34.Ministry of Love & WAR BY DRUGS & CANADA'S PM SHIPS COCAINE
UN blames Rwanda for Congo war (Rwanda says report "total rubbish"). BBC, Jul 21, 2004. Go to 6.Super-States & RWANDA'S GOOD MAN KAGAME
Big Brother disarms Afghan heroes (militia fought Soviets & Taliban). Baltimore Sun, Jul 12, 2004. Go to 6.Super-States & 7.Systems & AFGHANISTAN REMEMBERED
Police test high-tech car zapper (delivers blast of radio waves that knock out vital engine electronics so targeted vehicle stalls & stops). Guardian, Jul 12, 2004. Go to 3.Surveillance & 13.Weapons & ANIMAL FARM DOGS
Hundreds flee flooding in northeast USA & Baseball-size hail & floods in Edmonton & Winter weather in Argentina, Chile, Peru & Europe plagued by snow & heatwaves & Millions battle South Asia floods (Nepal, India, Bangladesh). BBC, Jul 12, 2004 & UK gales, storms - is it really July? (plunged swaths of UK into chaos). Guardian, Jul 8, 2004. Go to WEAPONIZED WEATHER
'Cocaine ship' seized in Togo (from Venezuela destined for Europe). BBC, Jul 8, 2004. Go to CANADA'S PM SHIPS COCAINE
TRUTH INSIDE NOT "OUT THERE" (thoughts on pyramid & all-seeing eye & 27B Canonbury Square & truth). Jul 6, 2004. Go to 5.Pyramidal New World Order & ORWELL DESCRIBES CONSPIRACY
Diana Memorial Fountain floods (blocked up day after opening). Scotsman, Jul 7, 2004 & Queen unveils Diana Fountain ('she had shrewd ability to size up all those she met' & 'memories mellow with passing of years' & 'challenge was to capture her spirit'). BBC, Jul 6, 2004. Go to VISITING DIANA'S PLACES
Drugs found on Prime Minister's ship (millions of dollars of cocaine attached to grate on bottom of boat named after wife). Canada Press, Jul 2, 2004. Go to 35.The Brotherhood & 10.Rulers & CANADA'S PM SHIPS COCAINE
Israel shoots football-playing boy (15 armoured vehicles backed by Apache helicopters entered the town). Independent, Jul 2, 2004. Go to 6.Super-States Disputed Territories & ISRAEL RAIDS JERICHO AGAIN
Zimbabwe media loses its voice (it's propaganda fiction writing, a weapon in hands of ruling party). BBC, Jul 2, 2004. Go to 16.Ministry of Truth (Lies)
Modernized Mozart outrages Germans (in England same producer featured homosexual rape, satanic sex rituals & masturbation). BBC, Jun 29, 2004. Go to 35.Brotherhood & 30.Love Instinct & BYE, BYE AMERICAN PIE
Rats ravage Australian cars (city council won't lay bait in case innocent possums die)., Jun 28, 2004. Go to 31.Love Nest & 44.Room 101 & THE PIED PIPER OF HAMELIN
Prince Charles & sons wearing strange bracelets (string on wrist like Jewish Kabbalah cult). Glasgow Mail, Jun 27, 2004. Go to 10.Rulers & 35.Brotherhood & JEWISH KABBALAH HAS BECKHAM
Beckie Scott finally gets gold (alone atop world in X-country skiing, not flanked by two cheating Russians). Globe & Mail, Jun 26, 2004. Go to CANADA'S WINTER HEROES & TRIBUTE TO LOUIS BOURASSA
JFK FASCINATES BERLINERS (cherished as charismatic leader who stood up to Soviet Union). Reuters, Jun 25, 2004. Go to 4.Old World Destruction & LBJ SWORE ON JFK'S BIBLE
HAPPY 101st birthday, George Orwell! June 25, 1903 - 2004
BEYOND ARMCHAIR ANALYSIS (has Orwell inspired political activism?). June 25, 2004
Russia uses torture & death squads (which target innocent civilians). Independent, Jun 24, 2004. Go to 38.Cellars & 39.Interrogation/Torture
Baseball size hail pounds Texas (smashes hospital windows-homes-cars). CNN, Jun 24, 2004. Go to 17.Scientific Experimentation & WEAPONIZED WEATHER & LBJ ON WEATHER CONTROL
Baseball size potato cuts carbs (no mention of what's in 'em). Canoe News, Jun 24, 2004. Go to 15.Life in Oceania & TAKE NOT OUR DAILY BREAD
WHO warns on alternate medicine (Xiaorui Zhang & Vladimir Lephakin). BBC, Jun 24, 2004. Go to 2.Big Brother & WHO SPREADS SLOPS
Sir Paul plays St Petersburg (did encore carrying Russian flag & Putin phoned on birthday). BBC, Jun 20, 2004. Go to 10.Rulers & MOSCOW MUSIC
CF-18 drops bomb on golf course (while on way to watch Russian military exercises in Arctic). CalgaryHerald, Jun 19, 2004. Go to 6.Super-States & 7.Systems of Thought & RUSSIAN WAR GAMES ANYONE?
'Whitefella Jump Up' writes Greer (Australia belongs to Blackfellas). Guardian, Jun 19, 2004. Go to 8.Classes of People & 10.Rulers & STUPID WHITE MEN NOT & DON'T WANT TO ACCEPT BLAME
Australians see house-size meteor ('gigantic streak' heading south). LasVegasSun, Jun 17, 2004. Go to 14.Experimentation & 13.Weapons & NUKES SPINNED AS METEORS
Hog farmers should pay neighbours (odor from Progressive Swine Technologies is overwhelming-unbearable-suffocating stench). LincolnJournal, Jun 17, 2004. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & FACTORY FARMS
Sweeping stun guns to target crowds (fire a stream of electricity like water out of hose in single sweep with 10 million megawatts of power). NewScientist, Jun 17, 2004. Go to 13.Weapons & 7.Systems & ANIMAL FARM DOGS
From finish line to slaughterhouse (Americans don't eat horses, but plants slaughter horses for export). CBS News, Jun 17, 2004. Go to 7.Systems of Thought & HORSE DEATH IN ANIMAL FARM
Schwarzenegger & Indians in gambling deal (exclusive right to run casinos & unlimited number of slot machines). SanFranGate, Jun 16, 2004. Go to 24.The Lottery & DON'T WANT TO ACCEPT BLAME
Brain implants ok'd for depression (19-million Americans suffer sadness-guilt-physical pain-thoughts of suicide-change in appetite or sleeping). SmartMoney, Jun 16, 2004. Go to 14.Experimentation & 20.Thoughtcrime & BRAIN IMPLANTS IN USA & VONEGUT'S HARRISON BERGERON
Et tu, KC, can enjoy Bard's best (Heart of America Shakespeare Festival, whup-whup-whup of copter blades & spotlight shone on leading lady). KansasCityStar, Jun 16, 2004, Go to 18.Newspeak & 25.Prolefeed & SHAKESPEARE IN BRAVE NEW WORLD
Hypnotized by sober second thoughts (visualize horror of car accident & imagine you are dead etc). Globe & Mail, Jun 14, 2004. Go to 40.Brainwashing & 14.Experimentation & HYPNOTIZING STUDENTS TO DEATH
50,000 UK troops with Gulf illness & 102,000 US troops (related to war or inoculations). Guardian, Jun 11, 2004. Go to 14.Experimentation & 12.Ministry of Peace & VACCINATIONS & BIO/CHEM WARFARE & MAMAS DON'T LET YOUR BABIES
Giant blast believed to be meteor. Dominion Post, Jun 11, 2004 & Meteor caused West Coast light show. CBC, Jun 4, 2004. Go to 3.Weapons & 14.Scientific Experimentation & NUKES SPINNED AS METEORS
RFID chipped licence plates for UK (can be read at speeds of 200mph to enforce road tax, insurance, etc). RFID News, Jun 11, 2004. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police
State of Emergency for G-8 summit (martial law in constitutional democracy) & Military vehicles driving thru town. Yahoo! Jun 9, 2004. Go to 21.Crimestop & 7.Systems & GENESIS OF COMING UP FOR AIR
Lindh's killer is mentally ill (he did not mean to kill her, he heard voices in his head). BBC, Jun 9, 2004. Go to MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE MOVIES & RFK assassinated 36 years ago (women in campaign straw hats would scream blood-curdling screams). Press Democrat, Jun 5, 2004. Go to 4.Old World Destruction & RFK DEATH COINCIDENCES
Don McLean to Songwriter's Hall of Fame (received notice of induction on Nov 22, 2003). UPI, Jun 5, 2004. Go to 25.Prolefeed & SYMBOLISM & BYE, BYE AMERICAN PIE
Wal-Mart tests alternative to bar code (RFID tags are tiny chips that when hit with specific radio signal broadcast information stored on them). Globe & Mail, Jun 6, 2004. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police & SCAN-U-RIGHT & RFID
JFK'S RIGHT-TO-WORK SPEECH (about need for $11-billion tax cut) and
JFK & IMF & EURO SCREWING DOLLAR (dollar in 8-week low against euro). Reuters, May 29, 2004. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down
Nichols convicted of state murder charges (no witnesses identified Nichols as man who bought fertilizer or stole explosives or committed robbery). Yahoo! AP, May 26, 2004. Go to 28.Reality Control & 4.Old World Destruction & OKLAHOMA CITY BOMBING & TERROR BILL IS TERROR
MOON DOC HOAX ON HOAX (CBC documentary a spoof to discredit conspiracy theorists?). May 26, 2004. Go to 16.Ministry of Truth (Lies) & 17.Falsification of Past
ORWELL DESCRIBED INTERNET (in early draft of "1984"). May, 6, 2004. Go to WHY ORWELL WROTE "1984"
GULLIVER DESCRIBES YAHOOS (a degenerate & brutal nature). May 6, 2004
Asian population surging across America (politically aware but haven't done extra hurdle of running for office). My Way, May 2, 2004. Go to BYE, BYE AMERICAN PIE
ORWELL'S PROLES (if only they could become conscious of their own strength). Apr 28, 2004. Go to 5.Pyramidal NWO & 23.Proles
GULLIVER DISCOVERS HISTORY FALSIFIED (world misled by prostitute writers). Apr 24, 2004. Go to 17.Falsification of Past & 16.Minitrue
GULLIVER DESCRIBES GM AGRICULTURE (extracting sun-beams out of cucumbers; condensing air into tangible substance). Apr 24, 2004. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & 15.Life in Oceania
GULLIVER DESCRIBES ARTIFICIAL LEARNING (most ignorant person may write books). Apr 24, 2004. Go to 18.Newspeak & 16.Minitrue
GULLIVER DESCRIBES INTELLECTUALS (head reclined to right or left, one eye inward, the other up). Apr 24, 2004. Go to 27.Goodthink & 22.Doublethink
GULLIVER DESCRIBES MEDICINE (imaginary diseases, imaginary cures). Apr 24, 2004. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation
GULLIVER EXPLAINS MONEY & TRADE (rich man enjoys fruit of poor man's labour). Apr 23, 2004. Go to 10.Rulers & 6.Disputed Territories
GULLIVER DESCRIBES LEGAL SYSTEM (art of proving by words that white is black and black is white). Apr 22, 2004. Go to 22.Doublethink & 21.Crimestop
GULLIVER EXPLAINS CONSPIRACIES (workmanship of persons who desire to raise their own characters). Apr 23, 2004. Go to 28.Reality Control & 20.Thought Police
GULLIVER DESCRIBES BOMBS & WAR (some evil genius, enemy to mankind, must have been the first contriver). Apr 20, 2004. Go to 13.Weapons & 12.Ministry of Peace
GULLIVER DESCRIBES GOVERNMENT (a heap of conspiracies, rebellions, murders, massacres, revolutions, banishments). Apr 23, 2004. Go to 10.Rulers & 8.Classes of People & 5.Pyramidal New World Order
GULLIVER'S TRAVEL TRUTHS (timeless wisdom, pertinent today). Apr 20, 2004
Low-calorie diet may lengthen life (new drugs will suppress appetite & help more people eat less). Washington Post, Apr 19, 2004. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation & 15.Life In Oceania & TAKE NOT OUR DAILY BREAD
ENGINEERED FAMINE IN ZIMBABWE (never food shortages in 120-years & plight not reaching media). Telegraph, Apr 18, 2004. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & TAKE NOT OUR DAILY BREAD & FOOD CONTROL & 16.Minitrue & SOVIET UNION FAMINE EXPOSURE
'Happy Meals' for adults (apple slices instead of fries; no cheese or bun on burger; & 'take a hike' pamphlets). AP, Apr 16, 2004. Go to 15.Life in Oceania & TAKE NOT OUR DAILY BREAD
Human brain implant devices approved (control by putting things into brain has an inherent fascination). MyWay, Apr 14, 2004. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation & 41.Party Tells 'How'
PIG TOYS TALE ANTI-EUROPE (they're called "environmentally enriching manipulable materials"). CNN, Apr 13, 2004. Go to 18.Newspeak & 22.Doublethink
Britain's Big Brother (people have no sense of privacy; like contestants in reality-TV show). HoustonChron, Apr 13, 2004. Go to 3.Surveillance
McCartney's wife in WHO's ads (& that's not "who's on first"). BBC, Apr 8, 2004. Go to 2.Big Brother & 27.Goodthink & WHO'S BEHIND ROAD CONTROL
Terror past & future planned (setting fires in forests, pollution of food systems, attacks on airports & railways). WorldNetDaily, Apr 8, 2004. Go to 28.Reality Control & 36.Hateweek & ORDER OUT OF CHAOS & WHO YOU GONNA BLAME? OSAMA!
Kagame speaks at sombre ceremony (says France trained & armed soldiers & militias for genocide). News Asia, Apr 7, 2004 & Rwanda remembers its dead (but western heads of state were conspicuous by their absence). Guardian, Apr 7, 2004 & Drunks & machetes began nightmare (Hutu militia named "Interahamwe" went house to house with names). Reuters, Apr 7, 2004. Go to RWANDA'S GOOD MAN KAGAME
Rwanda, Ten Years Later (ruling Rwandan Patriotic Front that toppled genocidal regime has abolished ethnic divisions). National Geographic, Apr 6, 2004. Go to HOW KAGAME BECAME LEADER
"Where's the chicken?" chefs wonder (have to order from outside country). CBC, Apr 7, 2004 & 19-million birds to be slaughtered (healthy chickens, turkeys & ducks to destroy Canada's poultry industry). Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & HEALTH CRUSADERS: ACT IV & TAKE NOT OUR DAILY BREAD & WHO SPREADS SLOPS
MONDEX MARK OF BEAST (plans to replace money with biochips embedded in people). Snopes, Apr 5, 2004. Go to CASHLESS SOCIETY & ID cards compulsory by 2008 (hi-tech cards store people's unique "biometric" details). Independent, Apr 5, 2005. Go to 3.Surveillance
DEAD IN THE WATER (describes corporate strategy to control world's water). CBC-TV, Apr 4, 2004. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down
Giant X-ray for drug searches (400 police scan bar patrons & see them bare naked). BBC, Mar 27, 2004. Go to 3.Surveillance & ANIMAL FARM DOGS
ORWELL'S VOICE & BLUE EYES (wish there was a recording of Orwell's BBC broadcasts). Go to 17.Falsificatin of Past & 20.Thought Police. Mar 28, 2004
50,000 volts: Suspect usually complies (if not they get another shot of 'electro muscular disruption'). Independent, Mar 27, 2004. Go to 14.Experimentation & 13.Weapons & ANIMAL FARM DOGS
Shams, scams & Kofi Annan ($17-billion Iraq oil money went to UN's inner circle). NewZealand Herald, Mar 27, 2004 & Kofi regrets Rwanda genocide (guilty of sin of omission in deaths of 800,000 Tutsis). BBC, Mar 27, 2004. Go to 2.Big Brother & 10.Rulers & BIG BROTHER'S GOOFY I AM
Ex top Christian attacks Muslims (for believing Mohammed received God's word direct from angels which scribes recorded later). Guardian, Mar 27, 2004. Go to 10.Rulers & 22.Doublethink & MOSES & SUGARCANDY MOUNTAIN
SUICIDE BOMBERS (Israel fabricated child-bomber story; had TV camera crew waiting)., Mar 27, 2004. Go to 16.Minitrue & 28.Reality Control & 36.Hate Week & STAGED EVENTS
Deaf sign language politically incorrect (hook nose, limp wrist, slant eyes for Jew, gay, Chinese not allowed). Sydney Herald, Mar 25, 2004. Go to 16.Ministry of Truth & 18.Newspeak & 27.Goodthink
Son of Afghan hero killed (Herat loves governor Ismail Khan for resisting Soviets & Taliban) & Heroin poppy threatens Afghanistan (thriving under UN control). BBC, Mar 22, 2004. Go to 6.Super-States & 35.Brotherhood & AFGHANISTAN REMEMBERED & AFGHAN FIELDS
1984 A BAD MOVIE & THE SPIRIT OF MAN (two topics raised by reader). Mar 21, 2004
Anti-abortion med student failed (for not providing abortion option). LifeSite, Mar 19, 2004. Go to 22.Doublethink & 27.Goodthink & 30.Love Instinct & Family & WHERE HAVE ALL BABIES GONE? & MY ORWELL CONVERSION
School board cancels blood drive (until homosexual men can donate). CBC, Mar 19, 2004. Go to 14.Experimentation & 30.Instinct & BI0/CHEM WARFARE & CANADA'S TAINTED BLOOD
NOT JUST GERMANY GUILTY (but reader wants German apology). Mar 17, 2004. Go to 12.Minipax & 35.Brotherhood & 17.Falsification of Past
JULIA'S FATE (reader asks about Party doctrine on Julia's kind of thinking). Mar 17, 2004. Go to 27.Goodthink & 26.Rebellion & 37.We Are The Dead
METRIC MARTYRS (Britain's grocer who sold fruit & veggies by pound dies). BBC, Mar 16, 2004. Go to 18.Newspeak & ORWELL'S LOCAL PUB
Locusts swarm across Australia (after heavy rainfalls ended drought). BBC, Mar 16, 2004. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation & WEATHER & FOOD CONTROL & THE TEN PLAGUES
HUMAN BLOOD & HORSE PISS (20,000 horses going to slaughter as drug made from their urine linked to cancer & heart disease). CalgaryHerald, Mar 16, 2004. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation & UNBRAVE NEW WORLD
Reminder, We are spiritual beings having a human experience, by author unknown
VIDEO MIND GAMES (simulated violence burns images into long-term memory & shuts down empathy). Globe & Mail, Mar 14, 2004. Go to 14.Experimentation & 25.Prolefeed
9-11 TO 3-11 IS 911 DAYS (points out observant reader). Mar 13, 2004. Go to 28.Reality Control & 42.Party Tells Why & BIG BROTHER SYMBOLISM & Terror: 911 days after 9/11. News, Mar 13, 2004
Madrid blasts: Who to blame? (collusion of Eta splinter-group sympathetic to Islamic al-Qaeda? & Europe rethinks war on terror (Europe's 9-11 is 3-11). BBC, Mar 12, 2004. Go to 28.Reality Control & STAGED EVENTS & WHO YOU GONNA BLAME? OSAMA!
My hell in Camp X-ray (psychological torture & mind games to confess acts never committed). Daily Mirror, Mar 12, 2004. Go to 39.Interrogation & Torture & 34.Ministry of Love (Hate) & GUANTANAMERA now GUANTANAMO BAY
CBC website bans 'Jew-Israel-Palestine' (allows 'Nazi-frog-masturbation-dyke-redneck-anti-Americanism-Arab-Christian-Hindu). National Post, Mar 12, 2004. Go to 16.Ministry of Truth (Lies) & 27.Goodthink & 18.Newspeak & ZIONISM IN AMERICA
Kofi Annan says Canada is UN 'pillar' (wants a 'new global consensus'). Toronto Star, Mar 9, 2004. Go to 2.Big Brother & 10.The Rulers & 5.Pyramidal New World Order & BIG BROTHER'S GOOFY I AM & MCCARTHY'S UN THOUGHTS
PASSION'S CRUCIFIXION OVERKILL (Gibson's Passion of the Christ is Mad Max Meets the Messiah). National Post, Mar 9, 2004. Go to Go to 25.Prolefeed & 17.Falsification of Past
MANHUNT SLAUGHTER BUFFET (most violent video game of all time & user friendly for 12-yr olds). Globe & Mail, Mar 8, 2004. Go to 25.Prolefeed & 35.Brotherhood
Zimbabwe youth camps exposed (teaching rape-maim-torture-kill). BBC, Mar 8, 2004. Go to 34.Ministry of Love (Hate) & 7.Systems of Thought
DIANA: THE SECRET TAPES (recorded for 'My True Story' & played on American TV). Daily Mirror, Mar 6, 2004. Go to VISITING PRINCESS'S PLACES & GOODNIGHT SWEET PRINCESS
The Lion, Witch & Wardrobe (Disney making movie of metaphor for crucifixion of Jesus Christ). BBC, Mar 6, 2004. Go to WITCHES, WIZARDS & DEMONS
Public autopsy art going worldwide (body-donation program entitles person to be flayed & dissected). Boston Globe, Mar 6, 2004. Go to 7.Systems of Thought & 14.Scientific Experimentation & BEYOND ORWELL
STAN the (almost) man (dummy's name means 'Standard Man' for military medics to practice on). Calgary Herald, Mar 6, 2004. Go to UNCLE SAMUEL WANTS YOU! & MALE BASHING WHAMs
Anti-boy T-shirt craze (female subversion of male power; hidden agenda to downgrade boys). Reuters, Mar 3, 2004. Go to 26.Rebellion & 27.Goodthink & 30.Love Instinct & Family & MALE BASHING WHAMs
SHRINE TO ORWELL (a reader from India says Orwell's birthplace still exists and should be restored). Mar 1, 2004 & INDIA, ORWELL, JFK & CHINA
MOON HOAX DARK SIDE (nothing is as it seems). Vancouver Sun, Mar 1, 2004 & The last man on the moon ('didn't just leave Earth physically'). Straits Times, Feb 29, 2004. Go to 17.Falsification of Past & 28.Reality Control & THE MOON SONG
Anti-MMR parents are "child abusers" (vaccine makers & their doctors blame mothers for autism)., Feb 27, 2004 & Refusing vaccine "unforgivable" says WHO (Nigerians say polio shot a Western plot to make millions of girls infertile). BBC, Feb 27, 2004. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation & BIO/CHEM WARFARE & EVIL POTION
POWs & MIAs BETRAYED BY KERRY (denied evidence of their existence & so did Nixon-Ford-Reagan-Bush-Clinton...). Village Voice, Feb 26, 2004. Go to 12.Mini of Peace & 35.The Brotherhood & ABANDONED IN VIETNAM
Greenspan urges Social Security cuts (reduce benefits to retirees & keep raising retirement age). MyWay, Feb 26, 2004. Go to 8.Classes of People & 10.Rulers & GREENSPAN FROM JEKYLL ISLAND
Mel Gibson's bloody mess (2-hour-6-minute snuff movie is protracted exercise in sadomasochism). Slate, Feb 26, 2004 & See the movie, buy the nail (swap witnessing cards with your masochistic Jesus fanatic friends). SanFranGate, Feb 26, 2004
PASSION IS FUNDAMENTALIST PORN (if torture is your idea of redemption you get it on both sides of screen; most unremittingly cruel movie since Texas Chainsaw Massacre). Toronto Star, Feb 25, 2004. Go to 25.Prolefeed & BIBLE FRIENDS AT ARMAGEDDON
GULAG BONES UNCOVERED (no memorial because those who caused it still in power). NewYorkTimes, Feb 24, 2004. Go to 7.Systems of Thought & 42.The Party Tells 'Why' & GULAG'S HAUNTING LEGACY
AN AMERICAN IN MONTREAL (says Orwell Today is disgruntled). Feb 23, 2004. Go to GET A LIFE, EH?
Wolves answer call of the wild (Yellowstone Park has 300 wolves; killed 9,000 elk & surrounding cattle). Scotsman, Feb 20, 2004. Go to ENVIRONMENTALISM IS ANIMALISM & LENIN BEHIND ENVIRONMENTALISM & WILDLANDS PROJECT REAL DANGER & 9.Keeping Masses Down & CUSTODIAN OF THE PLANET
Cambodians resorting to eating rats (afraid of Bird Flu from chicken). My Way, Feb 18, 2004. Go to 44.Room 101 and TAKE NOT OUR DAILY BREAD
USA soldiers to go 5 days without food (using cocktail of 'nutraceuticals' to squeeze last ounce of strength). Wired, Feb 17, 2004. Go to 14.Experimentation & 15.Life in Oceania & MAMAS DON'T LET YOUR BABIES & TAKE NOT OUR DAILY BREAD
CANADA FORCED LABOUR CAMPS? (mayor giving free steering wheel clubs to anyone who backs him). Canada Press, Feb 17, 2004. Go to 4.Old World Destruction & JOURNEY THROUGH RUSSIA, 1933
Human sacrifice as entertainment (churches taking kids to crucifixion; see beating that lasts 45 minutes; cat-o'-nine-tails ripping flesh; hands nailed & arm pulled from socket; body lanced & blood showers down). USA Today, Feb 17, 2004. Go to MOSES & SUGARCANDY MOUNTAIN & HUMAN SACRIFICE IN BIBLE
Police chief wants Star Trek weapons (that switch peoples' brains off so that officers can move in). Birmingham News, Feb 16, 2004. Go to 14.Experimentation & 40.Electric Shock & ANIMAL FARM DOGS
Comedian's puppet insults Quebec: ('So you're French & Canadian, yes? So you're obnoxious & dull. You're in North America -learn the language.' Gov't says 'vile-vicious-hatemongering'). Can News, Feb 14, 2004. Go to 27.Goodthink & 18.Newspeak & FRENCHSPEAK IS NEWSPEAK & GET A LIFE, EH? & STUPID WHITE MEN NOT
CROSSWALK SAFETY POEM (newspaper refuses to print). Feb 14, 2004. Go to 16.Ministry of Truth & 22.Doublethink & PREVENTION OF LITERATURE
MONEY SLAVES (a reader says that's what we are). Feb 13, 2004. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & 10.The Rulers & 11.Ministry of Plenty (Starvation) & CASHLESS SOCIETY
ORIGINS OF ROOM 101 (the funny and double-plus-unfunny). Feb 12, 2004. Go to 44.Room 101 and THE BRIDGE ON THE RIVER KWAI
GARETH JONES PROOF DISCUSSION (about Mr Jones in Animal Farm). Feb 12, 2004
BIG BROTHER BUGGERS (we didn't ought to 'ave trusted 'em). Feb 9, 2004. Go to 4.Old World Destruction and 5.Pyramidal New World Order
SLOT MACHINE PICKPOCKETS (gov't to get $10-million tax/year engaging in mass pickpocketing of people gambling $100-million). Vancouver Province, Jan 25, 2004. Go to 24.The Lottery and 35.The Brotherhood & CANADA HAVANADA SIMSANADA
COURT GUARDS KILL TEEN (120-lb boy, handcuffed & shackled, kept calling out he was hungry, guards enter cell, grab by neck, bang back & forth on elevator door hard enough to shake witness's cell, then man shouts 'Oh my God'). Edmonton Journal, Jan 24, 2004. Go to 34.Miniluv & ANIMAL FARM DOGS & 'Weekend jails' ready to open (51 weekends for a single offence not bad enough for jail). BBC, Jan 24, 2004. Go to 21.Crimestop
Watch your tiny surveillance camera! view kids playroom (from work!) view store/office (from home!) view dogs in yard (from work!) see if boss's car in lot (from home!) view kitchen-is dinner ready? (from work!). Pop Up Ad, Jan 24, 2004. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police & 23.The Proles & BEYOND ORWELL
BIG BROTHER'S GOOFY I AM (Kofi Annan to address Canada Parliament to help UN with global challenges). Canoe News, Jan 23, 2004. Go to 10.The Rulers & 2.Big Brother & 5.Pyramidal NWO & 35.The Brotherhood
5,000 pastors cheer Mel Gibson's movie. Washington Times, Jan 22, 2004 & 'Passion' and Intrique. WallStreetJournal, Jan 22, 2004 (high priests of Jews & Christians agree "It is as it was" and hope everyone buys ticket for THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST where Mel Gibson lifts the festering scab and shows a human sacrifice of someone they say is God). Go to FRIENDS AT ARMAGEDDON & MOSES MENTIONS MOAB & MOSES & SUGARCANDY MOUNTAIN
WHAT'S IN A NAME? (reader asks about symbolism of Smith like in other names Orwell used). Jan 21, 2004
Snooping industry set to grow (who people call, websites they visit, who they swap email with). BBC, Jan 21, 2004. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police
5 million on Bush terrorism list (COULD be POTENTIAL terrorists or criminals). Toronto Sun/Rense, Jan 21, 2004. Go to 21.Crimestop & TERROR BILL IS TERROR
Reader sends Ireland's JFK memories: JFK - THE HOMECOMING (CD celebrating 40th anniversary of President's visit to Ireland)
Mobile phone is spying on you (same as every person in UK wearing electronic tag like convicted criminal). Daily Mirror, Jan 19, 2004. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police & 26.Julia & Rebellion
In reply to reader's comment: JFK 40 YEARS ON, Jackie Jura finishes: JFK POISON PEN KILLERS, Jan 19, 2004
Spain remembered Orwell's centennial (writes reader from Spanish website who wonders about St Cyprian days)
Successful women buy anonymous sperm (& make babies to raise alone). National Post, Jan 18, 2004. Go to 30.Love Instinct & Family & 27.Goodthink & BRAVE NEW WORLD PROCREATION
Jail that kills foreigners' babies (Communist China is nowhere to run for escapees from North Korea). Telegraph, Jan 17, 2004 & Tales of prison horror emerge (containing millions of starving people). SydneyHerald, Jan 17 2004. Go to 7.Systems of Thought & CHINESE TAKE-OVER & USA troops leaving South Korea (hope people don't feel uneasy). Reuters/Rense, Jan 17,2004
Blood on Sims virtual carpet (kicked out of on-line town for publicising tawdry activities of real-life teenagers creating despotic gov't using Mafia to run prostitutes-porno-drugs-booze-gambling & hellhole of crime). Independent, Jan 16, 2004. Go to 23.The Proles & 25.Prolefeed & 35.The Brotherhood
Reader asks the question: WAS FARMER JONES GARETH JONES? (representing Tsar in Animal Farm). Jan 16, 2004
Women having sex hope men tune in (tv-magazines-talk show trend). NewYorkTimes, Jan 15, 2004. Go to 25.Prolefeed & 30.Love Instinct & Family
Killer of future PM heard voices (couldn't resist the voices, doesn't remember actual attack, was in care of psyciatrists who gave him psychiatric drugs). Reuters, Jan 15, 2004. Go to 4.Old World Destruction & 34.Miniluv & MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE MOVIES
WHO says Bird Flu could go global (USA will activate flu-pandemic plan). SydneyHerald, Jan 16, 2004 & Vaccine contains bird & AIDS viruses (created by USA gov't & drug companies & injected into 16,000 Thailandese). BBC, Jan 15, 2004 & NZ gov't issues Bird Flu warning (Vietnam-Cambodia-Taiwan-Indonesia). NZoom, Jan 15, 2004. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation & VACCINATION BIO/CHEM WARFARE
Cuban librarians sent to prison (for lending out Animal Farm). WorldNetDaily, Jan 14, 2004. Go to 20.Thought Police & 16.Minitrue & COMMUNISM CUBAN STYLE
The whiff of a shopping spree (Enhanced Air pumped into stores). Financial Post, Jan 14, 2004. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation
Forces still fear feces (men defecate by sides of roads). National Post, Jan 14, 2004. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace (War) & 8.Classes of People & CANADA'S TRAUMATIZED SOLDIERS
CHINESE LOVE-HATE FOREIGNERS (turn hostile at perceived slight; comments full of racist curses). Globe & Mail/Rense, Jan 14, 2004. Go to 7.Systems of Thought & PIT BULL TERRIERISTS (not New Yorkies). National Post, Jan 14, 2004 & WOLVES IN WOLVES' CLOTHING
Big McBrother invading workplace privacy (begin/end shift with hand on scanner). Globe & Mail, Jan 14, 2004. Go to 3.Surveillance
Prominent priest hit by car (in critical condition in Orlando). IBS Network, Jan 13, 2004. Go to MESSAGE FROM REV GROESCHEL ('poor in society first to suffer')
Better off should have babies (to boost Scottish population). Scotsman, Jan 13, 2004. Go to WHERE HAVE BABIES GONE?
Interpol widens I-24/7 alert network (world police body opens up its encrypted Internet databases to Red Cross & U.N. organizations). Yahoo! Jan 13, 2004. Go to 2.Big Brother & 20.Thought Police & 5.Pyramidal New World Order
Court OKs roadblocks to hunt criminals (motorists open to cop interference, unreasonable invasion of privacy, motorists will be trapped, a victory for law enforcement). Yahoo! Jan 13, 2004. Go to 21.Crimestop & 15.Life in Oceania & ANIMAL FARM DOGS
Sars could bring curb on travel (contacts of victims refusing vaccination quarantined in hotels or residences). Guardian, Jan 13, 2004. Go to 14.Experimentation & 28.Reality Control & WHO SAYS SARS POEM & HEALTH CRUSADERS
Trekkers thrilled by Maoist rebels (because they kill locals not tourists). BBC, Jan 13, 2004. Go to 7.Systems of Thought & NEPAL REMEMBERED
Big Brother Britain, 2004 (without any debate at all UK has highest level of cameras & gov't wants more cops). Independent, Jan 12, 2004. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police & ANIMAL FARM DOGS & 18.Newspeak (freedom no longer exists in UK- not even as a concept)
Vaccines linked to Gulf War syndrome (anthrax, botulism & other bio agents). Guardian, Jan 12, 2004. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation & VACCINATIONS BIO/CHEM WARFARE
ORWELL'S LESSONS (it's important to heed 1984's warnings about totalitarianism). Vancouver Sun, Jan 11, 2004. Go to 41.The Party Tells 'How' & 42.The Party Tells 'Why' & WHY ORWELL WROTE 1984
Real victims of sleep deprivation (Reality TV show 'Shattered' uses torture as light entertainment). BBC, Jan 11, 2003. Go to 34.Ministry of Love (Hate) & 39.Interrogation & Torture & 16.Minitrue & BEYOND ORWELL
WAR INC (Uncle Sam needs soldiers to protect his corporate pipelines in Iraq). Guardian, Jan 11, 2004. Go to 11.Ministry of Plenty (Starvation) & 12.Ministry of Peace (War) & UNCLE SAMUEL WANTS YOU!
Trial judge once Monsanto's lawyer (& also previously ruled in their favour for $3-million against Tennesee farmer). Guardian, Jan 10, 2004. Go to 10.The Rulers & MONSANTO PRICE FIXING WITH AGRI-GIANTS (seeds of world being given to handful of corporations who are going to own all food production). Guardian, Jan 7, 2004. Go to 15.Life in Oceania & WORLD FOOD BANK & ANTI-NATURE IS ANTI-GOD
Bill gives UK ministers new powers (without approval from parliament). Telegraph, Jan 7, 2004. Go to 21.Crimestop & 28.Reality Control & TERROR BILL IS TERROR
PUBLIC PRIVATE LAND GRABS (US/UK pay Big Business to seize land-water-utilities-mines-schools-health-services). Guardian, Jan 6, 2004. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & BURMESE DAYS & RUSSIAN SEIZURE OF LAND & Zimbabwe's cattle on verge of extinction (whole gene pool being wiped out). Scotsman, Jan 6, 2004
USA students win gay taunt payout (saying 'fag' is bullying). Swiss Info, Jan 6, 2004. Go to 27.Goodthink & 30.Love Instinct
Army keeping 7,000 troops from leaving (forced to stay in Iraq & Afghanistan). MyWayNews, Jan 6, 2004. Go to 6.Ministry of Peace (War) & UNCLE SAMUEL WANTS YOU!
USA to screen Canadians (massive invasion of privacy). Toronto Star, Jan 6, 2004 & JFK's Foreigner Finger Scans ($368-million program named US-VISIT). New York Post, Jan 6, 2004. Go to 21.Crimestop & 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police & PINKERTON'S ALL-SEEING EYE
This car can talk (what it says may cause conern). NewYorkTimes, Jan 6, 2004 & Germany toys with Big Brother Technology (traffic cameras to track criminals). Deutsche Welle, Jan 6, 2004. Go to 21.Crimestop & 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police & TECHNOLOGIES OF SURVEILLANCE
TROOPS BREATHING FECAL MATTER (military to test Kabul's air quality). Ottawa Citizen, Jan 4, 2004. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace (War) & 7.Systems of Thought & BIO/CHEM WARFARE & AFGHANISTAN REMEMBERED
NO ESCAPE FOR GULAG PRISONERS (treated like slaves w/o wages in mines, factories & laying track). Telegraph, Jan 4, 2004
COMMUNISM'S TRUE BELIEVERS (broke all records for mass slaughter). National Post, Jan 4, 2004. Go to 42.Party Tells 'Why' & SOVIET UNION FAMINE EXPOSURE & COMMUNISTS COINED 'MCCARTHYISM'
Pope wants a New World Order (based on the United Nations to solve conflicts & ensure peace). Reuters, Jan 1, 2004. Go to 5.Pyramidal New World Order & 2.Big Brother & 10.Rulers & SLAVERY IN NAME OF FREEDOM
New Year's Eve in America (flight restrictions, military patrols, thousands of police officers, bomb squads, sniper teams, radiation detectors, manholes welded shut, rubbish bins & P.O. boxes removed, surveillance cameras & photo ID...). BBC, Dec 31, 2003. Go to 2.Big Brother is Watching You & 7.Systems of Thought & TERROR BILL IS TERROR
USA cattlemen say Mad Cow is no risk (hope common sense kicks in soon). Daily World, Dec 31, 2003 & Canada doesn't use contaminated feed (& you need BSE to spread BSE). AP My Way, Dec 31, 2003. Go to 4.Old World Destruction & MAD COW TERROR & WHO SPREADS SLOPS
Reservation, casino for Denver Airport (to compensate 1864 Indian massacre). Rocky Mountain News, Dec 31, 2003. Go to 24.The Lottery & INDIAN LAND CLAIMS
Wishing all readers the special gifts of Christmas ~ peace, hope and love ~ Jackie Jura. Dec 25, 2003
"It's always one bloody war after another, & one knows the news is all lies anyway." says Julia to Winston. Go to 28.Reality Control. Dec 24, 2003
Major Vietnam airport at ex-US base (USA built it for Russia & China). Reuters, Dec 22, 2003. Go to 6.Super-States & 7.Systems of Thought & POWs STILL IN VIETNAM & JFK & VIETNAM
Nauru hunger strike a tragedy (Afghan men sew lips together; 280 asylum seekers including 93 children). Sydney Herald, Dec 22, 2003. Go to 7.Systems Thought & 42.Party Tells Why & CANADA REJECTS NAURU REFUGEES & AFGHANISTAN AFTERMATH
Cops demand remote control of vehicles (stop anyone's car by pushing button to keep people safe & prevent crime). Guardian, Dec 22, 2003. Go to 2.Big Brother & 3.Surveillance & ANIMAL FARM DOGS & The Party Tells 'Why'
Your cellphone is keeping tabs (everyone tethered to GPS satellite bouncing off local cell towers). NewYorkTimes, Dec 22, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police
Rumsfield says USA needs bigger army (war is sport in Rummyland). Time, Dec 22, 2003. Go to 12.Miniwar & 11.Ministarvation & 7.Systems of Thought & UNCLE SAMUEL WANTS YOU! & 42.The Party Tells 'Why'
11,000 troops sick/wounded in Iraq; 457 dead (non-hostile bone injuries, surgeries, heart illness, brain & mental problems). UPI, Dec 21, 2003. Go to 12.Peace (War) & 6.Super-States & IRAQ A MAGICIAN'S TRICK & VIETNAM-KOREA-GULF WARS & UNCLE SAMUEL WANTS YOU! & MAMAS DON'T LET YOUR BABIES SONG
Soldiers playing Santa in Afghanistan (handing out shoe boxes of trinkets to destitute of war-ravaged nation)., Dec 20, 2003. Go to 11.Ministry of Plenty (Starvation) & 12.Ministry of Peace (War) & FEEDING FREEDOM'S FOES & AFGHANISTAN REMEMBERED & AFGHANISTAN AFTERMATH & WHY ARMY IN AFGHANISTAN?
Hunger & homelessness increase in USA (unemployment, low paying jobs & high costs for housing, energy & utilities). AP, Dec 18, 2003. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & 15.Life in Oceania & 11.Ministry of Plenty
Sexing up cellphone ads (camera phones being promoted for taking sneaky dirty pictures). Globe & Mail, Dec 18, 2003. Go to 23.The Proles & 25.Prolefeed & 3.Surveillance & 30.Love Instinct & CAMERA PHONE PIG ADS & BEYOND ORWELL
Canada's Beckie Scott finally gets gold (wrongfully given to Russian cheats). National Post, Dec 18, 2003. Go to 10.The Rulers & CANADA'S WINTER HEROES & TRIBUTE TO LOUIS BOURASSA
Gloom in Saddam, Sri Lanka (Saddam double part of US/UK ploy evading issue of missing WMDs & USA's murder of Iraqi civilians). BBC, Dec 16, 2003. Go to 16.Ministry of Truth (Lies) & 36.Hateweek & 28.Reality Control & 17.Falsification of Past & WHERE IS OSADDAM BIN?
IBM moving software jobs to India, China (workers must train overseas replacements). Seattle Post, Dec 15, 2003. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & 6.Super-States & 7.Systems of Thought & CHINESE TAKE-OVER & Napalese Maoists get help from India (fighting for communist republic since 1996). Go to NEPAL REMEMBERED
Africa's ivory trade thrives (buyers are businessmen-visitors-diplomats from France-Italy-China-Korea-USA). BBC, Dec 14, 2003. Go to 7.Systems of Thought & AMERICA LIKE ELEPHANT & SHOOTING AN ELEPHANT
Cheap Chinese goods pricey in long run (costing USA economy & Taiwan freedom). NewYorkDaily, Dec 14, 2003. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & CHINESE TAKE-OVER & CHICOM HATES FREE TAIWAN
ADHD disease a 100% fraud (public brainwashed by tyranny of experts drugging 8 million children for profit). Insight, Dec 14, 2003. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation & CHEM WARFARE: RITALIN & EXPOSING FRAUD OF ADHD
VLTs are crack cocaine of gambling (for addicted gov't greedy for cash & 19 million Canadians who use). Edmonton Sun, Dec 13, 2003. Go to 24.The Lottery
Prepare to be scanned (multibiometric systems use finger/face/iris to wipe out privacy for social control). Economist, Dec 13, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police & EMERGING FROM ASHES OF 9/11
RFID chipped credit cards end swipe (faster than cash & no fumble factor & interceptable w/o consumer's knowledge). CNN, Dec 13, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police & Subdermal RFID chip coming soon & CASHLESS SOCIETY & VERI-CHIP IS THE MARK & CASH IS ONLY SKIN DEEP
Be happy, Mugabe tells starving (gov't tv/radio propaganda campaign full of music, football & sex). Guardian, Dec 13, 2003. Go to 16.Ministry of Truth & 25.Prolefeed & 11.Ministry of Plenty (Starvation)
Cluster bombs killed 1,000 Iraqi civilians (dropped by USA & UK in populated areas). Independent, Dec 12, 2003. Go to 13.Weapons & 12.Ministry of Peace & EVE OF IRAQ DESTRUCTION & LEARN ABOUT CLUSTER BOMBS
Abortions & profits up at Planned Parenthood (made $36.6 million on 227,385 abortions & received $254.4 million from taxpayers & $228.1 million from donations). Cybercast News, Dec 12, 2003. Go to 14.Experimentation & 30.Love Instinct & WHERE HAVE BABIES GONE? & ORWELL WAS PRO-LIFE
Greenspan defends China's trade surplus (resulting in 2.8 million USA job losses due to slave labour & floating currency). Wash Times, Dec 11, 2003. Go to 10.Rulers & 8.Classes & 7.Systems & GREENSPAN FROM JEKYLL ISLAND & RED CHINA & CAPITALISTS & CHINESE TAKE-OVER
Scientists create Ebola vaccine (will use on higher primates soon). BBC, Dec 11, 2003. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation & HISTORY OF HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION & BIO-CHEM WARFARE: VACCINES
'Drugs don't work on many people' (says chief exec of drug making giant). BBC, Dec 9, 2003. Go to 14.Experimentation & 2.Big Brother & PILLS DON'T WORK & MONSTER VACCINE NEEDED
SNOWBALL'S REVENGE ON ORWELL (reader asked about Animal Farm sequel). Dec 9, 2003. Go to ANIMAL FARM
Camera phones fastest selling tech device (take pictures on run & email from phone)., Dec 8, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police & PREDICTIONS FOR CELL PHONES & BEYOND ORWELL
City installs surveillance system downtown (costs $500,000, includes 87 cameras). Carolina News, Dec 8, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police & SURVEILLANCE OF AMERICAN CITIES and FRUITLOOPS POEM
VERI-CHIP IS THE MARK (man from Veri-chip company on radio talking about its benefits). Calgary AM779, Dec 8, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police & & CASHLESS SOCIETY
Subdermal RFID chip coming soon (walking around with chip in your arm carrying personal/financial information being scanned without your knowledge). Register, Dec 8, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance and 20.Thought Police
Your phone can track you down (GPS lets bosses locate employees). Guardian, Dec 7, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police & PREDICTIONS FOR CELL PHONES
USA approves new birth control pill (& injections-patches-gels-inhalers soon that stop normal menstruation and cause thrombosis & breast cancer). Independent, Dec 7, 2003. Go to 14.Experimentation & 30.Instinct & WHERE HAVE PEOPLE GONE?
WALTER, THE FARTING DOG bestseller (spawning movies, toys & sequels for ET author Kotzwinkle). Globe & Mail, Dec 7, 2003. Go to 25.Prolefeed & 30.Love Instinct & Family
China makes 80% of America's toys (workers get 24 cents an hour; unlike 9 dollars an hour in USA). NewYorkTimes, Dec 7, 2003. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & 11.Ministry of Plenty
USA wraps Iraqi towns in barbed-wire (& issues id cards to men 18 to 65 just like Israel does in Palestine). NewYorkTimes, Dec 7, 2003. Go to 12.Minipax & 7.Systems of Thought & USA USING ZIONIST TACTICS
Egypt removes Protocols of Zion (about Jewish plot to take over world). Guardian, Dec 7, 2003. Go to GOLDSTEIN'S BOOK IN 1984 & HENRY FORD'S INTERNATIONAL JEW & (book available thru Amazon)
Brainwashing expert Singer dies at 82 (exposed how mind control works). NewYorkTimes, Dec 7, 2003. Go to 40.Electric Shock Brainwashing & MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE MOVIES
UK ships took nukes to Falklands. Herald Sun, Dec 7, 2003 & USA wants trade with Panama. Reuters, Dec 7, 2003 & China threatens war on Taiwan. Globe & Mail, Dec 6, 2003. Go to 13.Weapons & 6.Super-States & FALKLAND PANAMA REVELATIONS & CHICOM HATES FREE TAIWAN
Queen tours fake Nigerian market (built by BBC studio producers). Telegraph, Dec 5, 2003. Go to 16.Minitrue & 17.Falsification & 28.Reality Control
THE SURVEILLANCE CAMERA PLAYERS (coming to video monitor near you). Not Bored, Dec 4, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police
UK BLAIR'S SOCIETY (this is Orwell's vision). Dec 4, 2003. Go to 4.Old World Destruction & 8.Classes of People
SNOOPING HELICOPTERS & CAMERAS (what they're all about in response to brilliant question). Dec 4, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police & ODE TO FRUITLOOPS
PLAN TO IMPROVE ENGLISH SPELLING, by Mark Twain. Go to 18.Newspeak & TWAIN QUOTE NOT (reader sets the record straight)
Maoists using landmines in Nepal (made in China, India & Russia). BBC, Dec 3, 2003. Go to 6.Super-States & 12.Minipax & NEPAL REMEMBERED
Army forcing out sick Gulf War vets (chucked on scrap heap & denied medical pensions to save money). Telegraph, Dec 3, 2003. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace (War) & 14.Scientific Experimentation & GULF WAR SYNDROME
Freak storm hits Australian city (that previously suffered drought). BBC, Dec 3, 2003 & France braced for floods of century. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation & LBJ ON WEATHER CONTROL & WEATHER CAUSING CHAOS
China buying German plutonium plant (all the better to make bombs with). Terra Daily, Dec 2, 2003. Go to 6.Super-States & 13.Weapons & ARMING OUR ENEMIES
London theatre putting on play: GEORGE ORWELL'S 1984 SCHOOL DISCO (deals with how Orwell relates today). GET YOUR TICKETS NOW!
Environmentalists, Indians & industry conspiring (to control 53% of Canadian land mass containing 90% of its intact forests)., Dec 1, 2003. Go to THE WILDLANDS PROJECT & ENVIRONMENTALISM IS ANIMALISM & LENIN BEHIND ENVIROMENTALISTS
UK's depleted rivers at water level crisis (new Water Act allows people & companies to sell their unused share). Independent, Nov 30, 2003. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & WEATHER CONTROL & WATER BARONS & KYOTO'S WATER WIZARDS
INDIAN LAND CLAIMS DISBELIEVED (granted by Trudeau's 1982 constitution ie Sask=73%; Atlantic=74%; BC=71%). National Post, Nov 27, 2003. Go to 10.The Rulers & LAND CLAIMS & I DON'T ACCEPT ALL BLAME & AGENDA 21 & UN LAND GRAB & 5.Pyramidal New World Order
Orwellian eyes likes Wheels of Zeus (orgy of privacy-invasive technology used by government & private industry). Wash Times, Nov 27, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police & TERROR BILL IS TERROR
Alcohol-monitoring skin patch (4 holes the size of a human hair; lasered into outer layer of skin; then patch applied over holes; containing miniature vacuum pump; that sucks out cellular fluid; to electrochemical sensor that; transmits to small receiver that relays to monitoring station). Wired News, Nov 26, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance & GET THE MOVIE GATTACA
COZY DAYS IN STALIN'S KREMLIN (moral depravity of elite men & women who enthusiastically inflicted horrors). Go to 10.The Rulers & 22.Doublethink & New York Times spun Stalin's lies (Moscow correspondent lived good life while over 20 million in USSR starved & died as slaves in Gulag). National Post, Nov 26, 2003. Go to 16.Minitrue & 17.Falsification of Past & ORWELL'S PUBLISHING PROBLEMS & WARTIME MINISTRY OF INFORMATION World getting hungrier every year (droughts, disasters & export/import making banana republics of all). Independent, Nov 26, 2003. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & 5.Pyramidal New World Order & FOOD & WEATHER CONTROL WTC a controlled demolition implosion (thermite melted inner cores - not aircraft impact & fuel fire). Physics 911, Nov 26, 2003. Go to 28.Reality Control & 9/11 HI-JACKS OR HI-JINKS? Oz politician released from prison (handcuffed-stripped-degraded-demeaned; conviction thrown out on appeal). National Post, Nov 25, 2003. Go to 10.The Rulers & 7.Systems of Thought & AUSTRALIA'S PERSECUTED PAULINE 100 Oz whales die in mass beaching (same in New Zealand last week). Yahoo!News, Nov 25, 2003. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation JFK SWAM TO NARU NOT NAURU (one is in the Solomons & the other is in the Gilberts). "JFK didn't swim 1,000 miles" (points out an astute reader) Mulroney was the real story (ex-PM received $300,000 in cash as "grease money" from arms dealer). Globe & Mail, Nov 25, 2003. Go to 10.The Rulers & 5.Pyramidal New World Order & CANADA'S MULRONEY BALONEY & RISE OF GODFATHERS Human pilots no longer needed (CIA & Pentagon use remote control). Reuters, Nov 24, 2003. Go to 13.Weapons & 9/11 HI-JACKS OR HI-JINKS? & JFK BROTHER FLEW DRONE COMMEMORATIVE JFK T-SHIRT NOW AVAILABLE (remembering him in life on the anniversary of his death) JFK ... THIS NATION'S SON (poem written for 40th anniversary of assassination of President Kennedy). November 22, 2003 THE DAY THE WORLD STOOD STILL. November 22nd, 1963. Truth, Freedom, Peace & Prosperity died with JFK JFK RENDEZVOUSED WITH DEATH (it took his hand...closed his eyes; quenched his breath...). Friday, 12:30pm, 40 years ago For JFK, our Green Beret: BALLAD OF THE GREEN BERET & JFK'S LEGACY USA warship flies Vietnamese flag (in Ho Chi Minh's Vietnam where 58,000 American soldiers died & thousands still missing). Telegraph, Nov 20, 2003. Go to 6.Super-States & JFK PULLING OUT OF NAM & BAY OF TONKIN LIE 9/11 ATTACKS WERE STAGED (to bring in one world government says book by ex-Cabinet minister). London Telegraph, Nov 20, 2003. Go to 28.Reality Control & 9/11 HI-JACKS OR HI-JINKS? Magic Bullet fired from 6th floor: hit the President in the back; exited from his throat; entered Connally's back & shattered 5 inches of rib bone; then exited chest near right nipple; then struck his right wrist shattering radius bone with fragments of bullet winding up in his left leg above the knee & dropped out on his gurney in Parkland hospital in pristine condtion. Warren Report, Sep 27, 1964. Go to 28.Reality Control & JFK ASSASSINATION & JFK ASSASSINATION: TRUTH DENIED & DEALEY PLAZA ACOUSTIC EVIDENCE FOCUS ON THE STAR OF JFK (as we approach November 22nd). Nov 19, 2003 Dark Side of the Moon documentary: MOON PHOTOS WERE A HOAX ('but we DID go to the moon' say Kissinger-Rumsfield-Haig-Helms). CBC Passionate Eye, Nov 17, 2003. Go to 16.Ministry of Truth & 28.Reality Control & 17.Falsifying Past & WHAT'S A CONSPIRACY THEORY? Disney's Bad Santa drinks, robs, swears (says f**k then picks up young girl & has sex with her in dressing room). Drudge, Nov 17, 2003. Go to 25.Prolefeed & CHILD SEX IN BNW & DISNEY WAS AMERICAN HERO Canada has a new prime minister (and didn't even have an election). Atlanta Journal, Nov 16, 2003. Go to AMERICA'S MORONS (dumb and dumber). Nov 16, 2003. Go to 18.Newspeak & 10.The Rulers & FRENCHSPEAK IS NEWSPEAK TRUTH ABOUT JFK'S HEALTH (and where to get the rocker). Nov 15, 2003 Strip search scanners will be everywhere (see thru clothes as easily as we can see thru glass) & 16,000 offenders will be tagged (electronically on wrist & ankle for crimes under 6 months jail). Scotsman, Nov 15, 2003. Go to 21.Crimestop & 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police & Snitches & TERROR BILL IS TERROR JFK QUESTION NEEDS ANSWER (asking help from all readers). Nov 15, 2003 FOCUS ON THE STAR OF JFK (as we approach November 22nd). Nov 14, 2003 Behaviour-Monitoring Machines ('see you when you're sleeping, know when you're awake'). Tech Review, 11-13, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police & SANTA CLAUS IS BIG BROTHER (another reason not to shop) Disease outbreak threatens UK potato crop (ring-rot would be catastrophe). Telegraph, 11-13, 2003. Go to 14. Scientific Experimentation & 15.Life In Oceania & FOOD CONTROL Ferocious storm hits California ("It was unbelievable" says meteorologist & "freaky" says top fireman). Fox News, 11-13, 2003 & Winds in Midwest knock out power. Yahoo! 11-13, 2003. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation & WEATHER CONTROL & WITCHY WEATHER USA begins Operation Iron Hammer (to stabilize Iraq). Fox News, 11-13. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace (Lies) Soldier facing court martial (for saying Bush lied about reasons for going into Iraq war). Radio Ink, 11-13, 2003. Go to 28.Reality Control & 10. Rulers & THE ROAD TO WAR & WARMONGER EXPLAINS TO PEACENIK Playboy undresses women of Wal-Mart (& Enron & Starbucks for photo spreads). CNN, 11-13, 2003. Go to 22.Doublethink & 25.Prolefeed & 30.Love Instinct & Family Post Office getting ready to pry (all mail chipped and tracked). Wired, Nov 12, 2003 & The future of airport security (takes your temp, strips you bare). BBC, Nov 12, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police & TERROR BILL IS TERROR Harry's wand stirs backlash (encourages children to practice witchcraft; explore dark arts; aspire to evil). Deutsche Welle, Nov 12, 2003. Go to 2.Big Brother & HARRY'S WAND STIRS BACKLASH TV to be completely digitalized (We need to get everybody with the program). Globe & Mail, Nov 11, 2003 & 'Black Box' Big Brother in cars (motorists monitored by own vehicles). Netscape, Nov 11, 2003 & RFID chips track everything we buy (size of grain of sand emits a radio signal) & ID cards for all Britons (or no benefits, NHS or job). BBC, Nov 11, 2003 & Home Office defends 'stop & search' (7,500 drivers & pedestrians pulled over). ThisIsLondon, Nov 11, 2003. Go to 1.The Diary & 2.Big Brother & 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police Rise of Nigeria's & USA's godfathers (get political godsons elected & receive contracts in return). BBC, Nov 10, 2003. Go to 35.The Brotherhood & 5.New World Order & RFK'S ENEMY WITHIN Police using Rottweiler 'devil dogs' (ferocious reputation 'a bonus' for football crowds & chasing suspects). Scotsman, Nov 9, 2003 & USSR uses jackals crossed with huskies. Go to 7.Systems of Thought & POLICE DOGS IN ANIMAL FARM ABC News reconstructs Kennedy assassination (computer backs up Warren Commission saying Lee Harvey Oswald lone gunman). SanFranChron, Nov 9, 2003. Go to 17.Falsification of Past & 16.Ministry of Truth (Lies) & JFK/RFK ASSASSINATION DETAILS & GARRISON JFK MURDER TRIAL Czech teenagers are human torches (protesting money & power depravity & war, unemployment, poverty). Scotsman, Nov 9, 2003. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & GOOD KING WENCESLAS PLEASE LOOK OUT Cops raid school with guns drawn (order kids to ground, handcuff & use dogs to sniff for grass). MSNBC & KSAT, Nov 7, 2003. Go to POLICE DOGS IN ANIMAL FARM & SCHOOLS LIKE PRISON US troops attack Iraq neighbourhoods (machine guns-tanks-500 lb bombs). Fox News, Nov 7, 2003. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace & USA USING ISRAEL TACTICS 2.6-million-pound lottery unclaimed (3rd-largest unclaimed jackpot ever). Guardian, Nov 7, 2003. Go to 24.The Lottery Torture widespread in Europe (Russia-Turkey-Uzbekistan-Azerbaijan...including immersion in boiling water). BBC, Nov 7, 2003. Go to 34.Ministry of Love & 39.Interrogation & Torture & 7.Systems of Thought Veterans fight for poppy sales (old soldiers shooed away from Pier I Imports-Home Depot-IKEA-public libraries-CIBC). National Post, Nov 6, 2003. Go to 22.Doublethink & OLD WARS FORGOTTEN & IN FLANDERS FIELDS USA inquiry into WWASP schools (child abuse-human rights violations-deceptive advertising-fraud). NewYorkTimes, Nov 5, 2003. Go to TEEN TORTURE SCHOOLS YOU ARE BLESSED (in ways you may never even know) Guide to West Bank/Gaza checkpoints (Palestinians pass thru for work-social/family visits-medical treatment). BBC, Nov 5, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police Israel destroys US-built wells (& homes-roads-electricity-sewers in Palestine's land of Gaza). Independent, Nov 5, 2003. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace & ZIONISM IN AMERICA & JFK'S PEACE FOR ALL TIME
US prisons in Iraq inhumane (forbidden talk earns a prisoner hours bound & stretched in sun). CBC News, Nov 4, 2003. Go to 34.Ministry of Love & 7.Systems of Thought
Where is the Iraqi army? (no photographs or witnesses - must have disappeared into thin air). Sydney MH, Nov 3, 2003. Go to 28.Reality Control & WHERE'S THE ENEMY'S ARMY?
USA visitors face new rules (fingerprinted & photographed & biometric chips in passports). USA Today, Nov 3, 2003. Go to 20.Thought Police & TERROR BILL IS TERROR & PINKERTON'S ALL-SEEING EYE
Monkeys terrorize India (given to laboratories for experimentation & relocated 125 miles east of New Delhi). Guardian, Nov 3, 2003. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation
Sales of cloned cattle multiply (world's largest hog producer cloning for faster-growing pigs). Houston Chronicle, Nov 3, 2003. Go to 4.Old World Destruction & ANTI-NATURE IS ANTI-GOD & FOOD CONTROL & FACTORY FARMING
Blimps to replace police helicopters? (another "tool in the box"). Globe & Mail, Nov 3, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance & ANIMAL FARM DOGS
Random roadside drug testing (sucking saliva tube detects cannabis but not heroin, opiats or legal drugs pushed by doctors & cartels)., Nov 3, 2003. Go to 20.Thought Police & DRUG WAR & PEACE
TRANQUILITY BAY MESSAGE BOARD (to perpetuate written exchange, worldwide). Nov 2, 2003. Go to TEEN TORTURE SCHOOLS
INNUIT HELL IN HANDBASKET (tribe & gov't in booze cahoots while youth sniff gas undisturbed). National Post, Nov 1, 2003. Go to 10.The Rulers & DRUG WAR & PEACE
Russian tycoons buying up Britain (with billions made from plundering their nation's natural resources) & KGB men run Kremlin. Telegraph, Oct 31, 2003. Go to 10.Rulers & 8.Classes of People & RUSSIA IS HELL'S INFERNO
Harry casting headache spells (pediatrician warns epidemic coming for future Potter readers). BBC Oct 30, 2003. Go to THE DEVIL & KING JAMES & WITCHES, WIZARDS & DEMONS
WATCHING YOU (the world of high-tech surveillance). National Geographic, Oct 28, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance & PINKERTON'S ALL-SEEING EYE
Like old times in new Russia (ultra-rich businessmen oligarchs bought country's assets for song). Independent, Oct 25, 2003. Go to 10.Rulers & 35.The Brotherhood & RUSSIA IS HELL'S INFERNO & CORPORATE COMMUNISM
Cuba's prisons hold 100,000 (people thrown into prison for anything, including expressing their views). Miami Herald, Oct 25, 2003. Go to 34.Ministry of Love (Torture) & COMMUNISM CUBAN STYLE
Nigerians refusing polio vaccine (a UN plot to spread AIDS & render Muslims infertile like meningitis shot from Pfizer). Seattle Times, Oct 25, 2003. Go to 35.The Brotherhood & 2.Big Brother & VACCINES/BIO-CHEM WARFARE
African locust plague planned (could damage 1/10th world population). BBC, Oct 22, 2003 & UK farmers fear harvest catastrophe (farmland a dustbowl for man & animal). Telegraph, Oct 20, 2003. Go to FOOD CONTROL & WEATHER CONTROL & 9.Keeping Masses Down
'THEY WILL TRY TO KILL ME' (wrote Diana in letter to butler). Go to PEOPLES' PRINCESS & PRINCESS' PEOPLE. Daily Mirror, Oct 20, 2003 & 'YOU ARE BEING SPIED ON' (warned royal friend to Diana). Go to PRINCESS FEARED
Visitor to Tranquility Bay says: DO NOT SEND YOUR KIDS TO THIS PLACE! Oct 20, 2003. Go to THE LAST RESORT & TEEN TORTURE SCHOOLS
Read excerpts from Orwell's books:
DOWN & OUT IN PARIS & LONDON, 1933 (the world that awaits the penniless)
BURMESE DAYS, 1934 (gov't helps big business steal)
A CLERGYMAN'S DAUGHTER, 1935 (describes bad teaching & textbooks)
KEEP THE ASPIDISTRA FLYING, 1936 (Orwell on abortion & unborn)
ROAD TO WIGAN PIER, 1937 (Communists give Socialists a bad name)
HOMAGE TO CATALONIA, 1938 (Orwell survives bullet thru neck)
COMING UP FOR AIR, 1939 (new kind of men from eastern Europe)
ANIMAL FARM, 1945 (parody of totalitarian behaviour)
a student asks for help with: a "Camelot Allusion" assignment. Sep 24, 2003
Complete Works of George Orwell. Sep 21, 2003
When was George Orwell born? For the answer go to ALL ABOUT ORWELL
ORWELL'S WALLINGTON HOME (photos from Orwell Today reader) ~ with an addendum by Jackie Jura ~ Sep 14, 2003
HOMAGE TO ORWELL ~ by Jackie Jura ~ August 31, 2003
Greetings Orwell Today readers! I'm back from R & R and will be answering emails and t-shirt orders ASAP (updates will resume by end of month) ~ Jackie Jura
Jackie Jura is on R & R ~ that means Research & Rejuvination ~ (updates will resume later this month)
SPYING FOR STALIN WAS BAD, RIGHT? (but Whittaker Chambers was villified for exposing communist Hiss). National Post, Jul 4, 2003. Go to 35.The Brotherhood & COMMUNISTS COINED MCCARTHYISM & ORWELL'S CRYPTO-COMMIE LIST
RCMP WATCHDOG WARNS CANADIANS (police misusing anti-terrorism powers). National Post, Jul 4, 2003. Go to TERROR BILL IS TERROR & 20.Police & 21.Crimestop & POLICE STATE OF UNION
UK may ban smoking in public (chief medical advisor warns of 'passive smoking for children'). ThisIsLondon, Jul 3, 2003. Go to 22.Doublethink & 2.Big Brother & DRUG WAR & PEACE & OPIUM WARS WITHIN
Teens abused at detention centers (physical & psychological torture makes them docile robots). Guardian, Jul 3, 2003. Go to 27.Goodthink & 20.Thought Police & PAVLOVIAN TEACHING IN BNW & TEEN TORTURE SCHOOLS & SCHOOLS LIKE PRISONS
Police message to people of Canada: ('Do as you're told & you won't get hurt'). Province, Jul 1, 2003. Go to 37.We Are The Dead & 20.Thought Police & ANIMAL FARM DOGS & CANADA COPS UNLEASHED
1/2 million protest in Hong Kong (against law giving cops more power & torch flag of Communist Party). WashPost, Jul 1, 2003. Go to 7.Systems of Thought & 20.Police & TERROR BILL IS TERROR
Nobel poet praises Eminem (who sang 'bend over & take it like a slut' to his mother). Independent, Jul 1, 2003. Go to 25.Prolefeed & 22.Doublethink & WITCHES, WIZARDS & DEMONS
Pentagon tested bio/chems on 5,842 GIs (w/o their knowledge from 1962-1973). Newsday, Jun 30, 2003. Go to 5.Pyramidal New World Order & BIO-CHEM WARFARE & HISTORY OF HUMAN EXPERIMENTATION
Millions of crickets wreak havoc (wiping out crops in 5 USA states). Scotsman, Jun 30, 2003. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & TEN BIBLICAL PLAGUES & Agroterrorism a devastating threat & BI0-CHEM WARFARE
Israel running secret jails (blindfolded in black, windowless cells; psychological torture immense). Newsday, Jun 30, 2003. Go to 20.Police & 34.Miniluv (Torture) & 39.Interrogation & Torture
Cops no-show at live sex act (obscenity laws blatantly broken for 3 consecutive nights). Globe & Mail, Jun 29, 2003. Go to 23.Proles & 25.Prolefeed & 30.Love Instinct & Family & Baywatch babe voice of "Striperella" (cartoon Super-Agent 69). Reuters, Jun 29, 2003 & Toronto America's Gay Pride capital. Go to CANADA'S DEBAUCHERY
3,000 troops to Afghanistan & Bosnia (to fight non-existent enemy). National Post, Jun 28, 2003. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace (War) & ARMY TO AFGHANISTAN & BOSNIA? & OPIUM WARS WITHIN
China preparing war against USA (accelerating modernization of weaponry)., Jun 28, 2003 & Red China taking Pentagon tour (as part of military exchange). WashTimes, Jun 28, 2003. Go to 6.Super-States & 28.Reality Control & ARMING OUR ENEMIES
Iraqi children suffering under USA (gastroenteritis-black fever-leukemia-malnutrition; no electricity or clean water). Globe & Mail, Jun 28, 2003. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace (War) & EVE OF IRAQ DESTRUCTION & Oz troops show uranium sickness & Iraqis coming down with radiation sickness. Go to BIO-CHEM WARFARE
UN seeks $1-billion for renovations (USA taxpayers pay tribute the most). FoxNews, Jun 27, 2003. Go to 5.Pyramidal New World Order & 2.Big Brother & MCCARTHY'S UN THOUGHTS
Unlimited powers of arrest in Australia (to citizens who've committed no crime). SydneyMH, Jun 27, 2003. Go to 21.Crimestop & 4.Old World Destruction & TERROR BILL IS TERROR
Wolfowitz to oversee military tribunals (with power to sentence to death). Yahoo!AP, Jun 27, 2003. Go to 7.Systems of Thought & WOLF IN WOLF'S CLOTHING
Gates says Orwell's nightmare isn't happening (at meeting with VP & Homeland Security head to set up Big Brother technology). Globe & Mail, Jun 26, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance & 22.Doublethink & 2.Big Brother is Watching You!
Airport scanners get X-ray vision (sees thru clothing to naked body; been used for years at prisons). Globe & Mail, Jun 26, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance & TERROR BILL IS TERROR
On George Orwell's 100th (revered as seer/truth-teller; honored for moral courage, razor-sharp intellect & diamond-hard prose). WashPost, Jun 25, 2003
Shame Orwell no longer around (cities ringed with CCTV cameras allow private contractors to spy on us). Telegraph, Jun 25, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police
Queen urges UK-Russia partnership ("admires, respects & supports" Putin under banner of United Nations). BBC, Jun 24, 2003. Go to 10.Rulers & 7.Systems of Thought & CORPORATE COMMUNISM & Putin a Harry Potter Elf (looks just like him). ThisIsLondon & RUSSIA IS HELL'S INFERNO
WNV has potential to kill hundreds (CDC creates Mosquito Awareness Week; "Fight the Bite" is their slogan). Scotsman, Jun 24, 2003. Go to 36.Hate Week & 28.Reality Control & WEST NILE STORY & HEALTH CRUSADERS: ACT III & BIO-CHEM WARFARE
UN pressures EU to ban spanking ("Hitting children is wrong & the law should say so"). Australian, Jun 23, 2003. Go to 2.Big Brother
ORWELL'S BIRTHDAY COMING UP! (100 years old on June 25th). CELEBRATE WITH A T-SHIRT! (and spread the word too)
More pigs than people (feces/urine contaminates air/water/ground with germs-bacteria-viruses-worm parasites). CBS, Jun 23, 2003. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & FEEDLOTS INSTEAD OF FARMS
Afghanistan world's biggest heroin dealer (poppies springing up everywhere in midst of Western armies). Independent, Jun 22, 2003. Go to 35.The Brotherhood & 23.The Proles & OPIUM WARS WITHIN
Man arrested at Windsor Castle (gatecrashes Prince William's party & grabs microphone from hand). CanoeNews, Jun 22, 2003. Go to 16.Ministry of Truth (Lies) & THE PRINCE'S PARTY & Nut could have killed us
Public potty for Potter (dancing with wand-waving witches world-wide record breaker). Globe & Mail, Jun 22, 2003. Go to 25.Prolefeed & WITCHES, WIZARDS & DEMONS
ALL ABOUT ORWELL (interesting things about him)
Four legs good, two legs bad (democracy has no better public relations officer than Orwell). StraitsTimes, Jun 22, 2003. Go to WHY ORWELL WROTE 1984 & ORWELL SPEAKS THROUGH HEROES
Photo phones spark privacy fears (can be uploaded onto internet for all the world to see). SwissInfo, Jun 21, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance & BEYOND ORWELL
My own private Orwell (high priest of dystopia still matters). HartfordNews, Jun 21, 2003. Go to WHY ORWELL WROTE 1984 & HUXLEY'S BRAVE NEW WORLD
Abortion ship denied entry to Poland (whereas in Ireland the police & port officials cleared way). Reuters, Jun 21, 2003. Go to ORWELL DESCRIBES UNBORN & KILLING PRODUCTS OF CONCEPTION
ORWELL'S BIRTHDAY COMING UP! (100 years old on June 25th). CELEBRATE WITH A T-SHIRT! (and spread the word too)
Doing Well by slave labour (survivors of the Killing Fields do data entry for Holocaust survivors). MIT Tech, Jun 21, 2003. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & CHINESE TAKE-OVER
Teens' nudist camp in Virginia ("an invitation to pedophiles" with 1.5 counsellors per camper). CharlotteObserver, Jun 21, 2003. Go to 30.Love Instinct & Family & CHILD NUDITY IN BNW/NWO
Prof's porn gets techies fired (babies & young girls raped by dogs/adults; bound/whipped). NewYorkMetro, Jun 21, 2003. Go to 25.Prolefeed & KINSEY SEX WITH BABIES & TOMMY WAS SEXUALLY ABUSED & CHILD SEX IN BNW/NWO
Bullying goes beyond schoolyard (boys & girls all villians or victims to be monitored). National Post, Jun 20, 2003. Go to 27.Goodthink & 20.Thought Police & Snitches
Neighbourhood cameras never sleep (residents tape & monitor street to help police get leads). IndyStar, Jun 20, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Police/Snitches & BEYOND ORWELL
IS BIG BROTHER STILL WATCHING?. CBC Radio program "Ideas" airs award-winning documentary for Orwell's 100th birthday. ~ Listen online at 9PM PST ~
ORWELL'S BIRTHDAY COMING UP! (100 years old on June 25th). CELEBRATE WITH A T-SHIRT! (and spread the word too)
Orwell: the Observer years (his ideas became bedrock of David Astor's paper). Guardian, Jun 17, 2003. Go to WHY ORWELL WROTE 1984
Colin Powell's son (heads FCC regulatory agency creating Ministry of Truth). Intervention, Jun 17, 2003. Go to 10.The Rulers & 16.Ministry of Truth (Lies)
AMA approves cloning (goal is one-cell procreation instead of two-cell). Yahoo!AP, Jun 17, 2003. Go to 30.Love Instinct & Family & ANTI-NATURE IS ANTI-GOD & PROCREATION IN BNW & Canada's gays can wed ('voluntary union for life of two persons" say judges). Go to KINSEY HOMO REVOLUTION
Castro's anti-Europe protest (China using Cuba as base for espionage against USA). National Post, Jun 15, 2003. Go to 7.Systems of Thought & COMMUNISM CUBAN STYLE & RED CHINA & CAPITALISTS
GULAG'S HAUNTING LEGACY (18 million tortured & starved; hell for women & children). National Post, Jun 15, 2003. Go to 7.Systems of Thought & ORWELL'S PUBLISHING PROBLEMS
ORWELL'S BIRTHDAY COMING UP! (100 years old on June 25th). CELEBRATE WITH A T-SHIRT! (and spread the word too)
Canada harbours intn'l criminal (arms dealer-Israeli agent-heroin trader-corrupt food broker-commits atrocities with children-framed Mugabe's opponent...). Globe & Mail, Jun 14, 2003. Go to 35.The Brotherhood
POWs in Vietnam being discussed (1,400 USA soldiers missing). OaklandTrib, Jun 14, 2003. Go to 34.Ministry of Love (Torture) & WHERE ARE THE BOYS?
Will big media choke the net? (own the cable & the content; the means & the message). PC World, Jun 14, 2003. Go to 16.Ministry of Truth (Lies) & 25.Prolefeed
Russia/USA joint war games (naval exercises in Pacific). SpaceWar, Jun 13, 2003. Go to 7.Systems of Thought & 28.Reality Control & PACIFIC MISSILE UN-CRISIS
Video phones go on sale (owned by Communist China aiming to monopolize UK). Independent, Jun 12, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance & China Espionage Network & ARMING OUR ENEMIES
Kennedy's killer demands retrial (victim of hypnotic programming). National Post, Jun 11, 2003. Go to RFK DEATH COINCIDENCES & JFK TRUTHS & LIES
USA man has SARS says WHO (no proof-no link-no symptoms but Toronto back on no-go). TorontoStar, Jun 10, 2003. Go to WHO SPREADS SLOPS & PROBABLE-SUSPECTED POEM
RFID: microchip with antenna (on every item for sale; can track people who buy). WashTimes, Jun 10, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance
Oz father caged in protest (for son in Camp-X-Ray held 18-mos without charge). News24, Jun 8, 2003. Go to 34.Ministry of Love (Torture) & CAMP GUANTANAMERA
MONKEY POX OUTBREAK! warns CDC (suggest taking smallpox vaccine). WashPost, Jun 8, 2003. Go to HEALTH CRUSADERS: ACT VII & BRINGING SMALLPOX BACK
Iraq destroyed, people destitute (no electricity, fuel, food). BBC, Jun 8, 2003. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace (War) & EVE OF IRAQ
CONSPIRACY KILLED RFK (Sirhan is "a clay pigeon"). SanDiegoSun, Jun 5, 2003. Go to MIND-CONTROL MOVIES & RETHINKING LENNON'S MURDER
500 new porn sites a day (workshop teaches webmasters how). MontrealGazette, Jun 6, 2003. Go to 25.Prolefeed & A DIFFERENT BOMB
Computer jobs move to China (India-Vietnam-Commie Europe etc to profit from slave labour). Register, Jun 6, 2003. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & CHINESE TAKE-OVER
TEEN TORTURE SCHOOLS (parents & students brainwashed into believing they deserve it). National Post, Jun 6, 2003. Go to 34.Ministry of Love (Torture) & SCHOOLS LIKE PRISON
Toxins (LSD) in baby food (gov't says ok to eat). National Post, Jun 6, 2003. Go to BIO-CHEM WARFARE & ANTI-NATURE IS ANTI-GOD
Rudolph a hate-criminal (for calling gays "sodomites" & speaking against abortion). ABC News, Jun 6, 2003. Go to 21.Crimestop & 27.Goodthink & 4.Old World Destruction
USA gov't wants more powers (life inprisonment/death penalty for suspected terrorist acts). Yahoo! AP, Jun 5, 2003. Go to 20.Police & 21.Crimestop & TERROR BILL IS TERROR
NASA's logo a Martian (out to destroy planet Earth). National Post, Jun 5, 2003. Go to 11.Ministry of Plenty (Starvation) & NASA MOONS EARTHLINGS
Air defence tested tonight (also practice shooting down civilian, passenger aircraft). WashPost, Jun 4, 2003. Go to PLANE DISASTERS REVISITED & 28.Reality Control & 36.Hate Week & 9/11 WAS COLCHESTER BOMB
Mugabe crushes protest marches (police & army arrest & shoot). Telegraph, Jun 3, 2003. Go to 8.Classes of People & 'boot stamping on human face'
Brazil citizens target Monsanto (demand gov't 'take back land'). BBC, Jun 3, 2003. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & ANTI-NATURE IS ANTI-GOD
Mad Cow vaccine almost ready (avoids large-scale slaughter presently used to detect). Toronto Star, Jun 2, 2003. Go to BIO-CHEM WARFARE: VACCINES & PROBABLE-SUSPECTED POEM
UK opens new prison in Iraq (court & judges to follow). AP, Jun 2, 2003. Go to 34.Ministry of Love (Torture) & 7.Systems of Thought
'Bed chains' for SARS violators (Canada gov't has "new tools" & threatens to use them). BBC, June 1, 2003. Go to HEALTH CRUSADERS: ACT II & TERROR BILL IS TERROR
By George, they've got it! (two new Orwell biographies admire the shy man of action). Observer, May 31, 2003. Go to ORWELL'S UTOPIA
SOVIET DEFECTOR IGOR GOUZENKO (told of communist agents in high levels of gov't). Globe & Mail, May 31, 2003. Go to 35.The Brotherhood & MCCARTHY GLIMPSED VISCIOUS TRUTH
Cluster bombs litter Iraq (millions of Iraqis at risk from unexploded sub-munitions). Observer, May 31, 2003. Go to 12.Minipax & 13.Weapons & WAR AS WEAPON PRACTICE
China's 3-Valley-Gorge dam (water will be poisonous). Independent, May 31, 2003 & Iraq's water system destroyed (& Iraqis not allowed to fix). Guardian, May 31, 2003. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & 11.Ministry of Plenty (Starvation) & KYOTO'S WATER WIZARDS
2,000 CAN troops to Afghanistan (without public or gov't approval). National Post, May 30, 2003. Go to 4.Old World Destruction & 11.Ministry of Peace & AFGHANISTAN REMEMBERED
Fear & loathing in hospital (25 gloves-10 gowns-10 masks & 5 sets of green scrubs). Toronto Star, May 30, 2003. Go to QUARANTINE-ISOLATION-SEDATION
Possible-probable-suspect SARS (in 96-yr-old surgical patient who got it WHO-knows-how). National Post, May 30, 2003. Go to 16.Ministry of Truth (Lies) & HEALTH CRUSADERS: ACT II
"Men's groups are hate-criminals" (say gov't funded feminists monitoring male-equity activity). National Post, May 30, 2003. Go to 27.Goodthink & 26.Julia
"We need a New World Order" (say China and Russia, "to oppose United States hegemony"). CNS, May 28, 2003. Go to 2.Big Brother & 6.Super-States & 28.Reality Control
GM crops mean world hunger (4 multi-nationals control seeds; Monsanto-Syngenta-Bayer-Dupont). Independent, May 28, 2003. Go to FOOD CONTROL & 15.Life in Oceania & 42."Why" & ANTI-NATURE IS ANTI-GOD
Police toss sting grenades (crowd doing nothing wrong; young people targeted). SanFranChron, May 28, 2003. Go to 7.Systems of Thought & ANIMAL FARM DOGS
EU gets sweeping new powers (ruling over 25 countries & over-riding Britain's gov't). Telegraph, May 27, 2003. Go to 6.Super-States
Supreme Court okays secret hearings (no media, friends or relatives of detainees allowed). Wired, May 27, 2003. Go to 4.Old World Destruction & TERROR BILL IS TERROR
Ohio trucker in al Qaeda bust (sneaking evil-doers into USA for spring/summer offensive). NY Post, May 27, 2003. Go to 28.Reality Control & SNOWBALL AS O'SADDAM
War vaccines poisoned troops (Gulf War Syndrome II). ThisIsLondon, May 27, 2003. Go to BIO-CHEM WARFARE:VACCINES
THE WATER BARONS (elites own worlds' water). CanadaFreePress, May 26, 2003. Go to 10.The Rulers & WATER CONTROL & WHO IS MAURICE STRONG? & LENIN BEHIND GREENPEACE
Berlin resurrecting Lenin (nostalgia for communism). Independent, May 26, 2003. Go to 2.Big Brother & 7.Systems of Thought & JFK AT BERLIN WALL
RUSSIA IS HELL'S INFERNO (society totally criminalized). National Post, May 26, 2003. Go to 2.Big Brother & 7.Systems of Thought
Kill chips in cars (miss a payment, won't start). Fox News, May 26, 2003. Go to 20.Thought Police
Bisexual feminist leads YWCA (witchcraft & goddess worship). National Post, May 25, 2003. Go to 27.Goodthink & 26.Julia
Porno's unholy alliance (corporate sexual communism). Sydney MH, May 25, 2003. Go to 30.Love Instinct & 25.Prolefeed & A DIFFERENT BOMB
Declining births in Europe (tax base can't support aged). NH Telegraph, May 25, 2003. Go to 30.Love Instinct & Family & WHERE ALL BABIES GONE?
Mugabe ratches up the terror (he'll be confronted head-on). TorontoStar, May 25, 2003. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & 23.The Proles
DNA sweep alarms Toronto (state imposed coercion & enormous privacy intrusion). Buffalo News, May 25, 2003. Go to 20.Police & 21.Crimestop & TERROR BILL IS TERROR
McCartney serenades Putin (says he's really nice guy). CNN, May 25, 2003. Go to 16.Minitrue & 35.Brotherhood & MOSCOW MUSIC
Communists active in Hollywood (propaganda central to Stalin). WashPost, May 25, 2003. Go to 16.Ministry of Truth (Lies) & COMMUNISTS COINED MCCARTHYISM & DEFENDING WALT DISNEY
AGRO-TERRORISM a devastating threat (insects-viruses-bacteria-fungi aimed at wiping out crops). Pittsburgh, May 23, 2003. Go to BIG BROTHER FOOD CONTROL & ORDER OUT OF CHAOS
MONSTER VACCINE NEEDED (for Monsters Under the Bed). Red Deer, May 23, 2003. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down
Woman's Right-to-Know Act (abortion leads to breast cancer). Guardian, May 22, 2003. Go to BREAST CANCER PREVENTION & ABORTION ISN'T HEALTHY
Shocking jacket hits street (touch a woman wearing it & get 80,000-volt jolt). Wired, May 22, 2003. Go to 14.Experimentation & 30.Love Instinct & ELECTRIC SHOCK IN BNW & 40.Electric Shock Brainwashing
Saddam protected Palestinians (now they are persecuted). SanFranChron, May 22, 2003. Go to 10.The Rulers & IRAQ LIKE PALESTINE
Military on highest alert (for attacks on American soil without a specific threat). WashPost, May 21, 2003. Go to 36.Hate Week & 28.Reality Control
"I'm a Communist", said Trudeau (& praised the Soviet Union). National Post, May 21, 2003. Go to 35.Brotherhood & 5.Pyramidal NWO & CANADA'S RED TRUDEAU & Reader on CANADIAN GOV'T
Wireless electric shock weapons (fire repeatedly to induce pain & paralysis on massive scale). New Scientist, May 21, 2003. Go to 13.Weapons & 14.Scientific Experimentation
WHO makes anti-smoking pact (to keep world safe & healthy). Lycos, May 21, 2003. Go to 2.Big Brother & 22.Doublethink & DRUG WAR & PEACE
DARPA's LifeLog program (collects everything on everyone). Wired, May 30, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Police & DARPA ALL-SEEING EYE
Mad Cow case in Canada (USA immediately bans imports which total $2.5-billion/yr)., May 20, 2003. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & BIG BROTHER FOOD CONTROL & JAMES BOND FOOT & MOUTH
STALIN'S LIAR IN NEW YORK (got Pultzer Prize for denying Soviet starvation & gulags). CalgarySun, May 20, 2003. Go to 17.Falsification of Past & ORWELL'S PUBLISHING PROBLEMS
Holocaust denial's other side (vs Jewish media owners' side)., May 20, 2003. Go to 27.Goodthink & 21.Crimestop & 17.Falsification of Past & ZIONISM IN AMERICA
Ghetto lit the new genre (drugs-thugs-greed-sex… "B-more careful bad girlz"). Yahoo!AP, May 20, 2003. Go to 18.Newspeak & 25.Prolefeed
Sesame Street breaks Iraqi POWs (& non-stop heavy metal). BBC, May 20, 2003. Go to 34.Ministry of Love (Torture)
Pentagon to identify walks (DARPA scans with radar). Guardian, May 19, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Police & DARPA "All-Seeing Eye"
Pentagon missing $1 trillion (& planes, tanks, missiles etc). SanFranChron, May 19, 2003. Go to 11.Ministry of Plenty (Starvation) & PENTAGON WARS
Wireless cameras for everyone (can be hidden everywhere & images seen everywhere). New Scientist, May 19, 2003. Go to 1.Diary & 3.Surveillance & BEYOND ORWELL
MCCARTHY GLIMPSED VISCIOUS TRUTH (hundreds of Americans working for Russian intel in gov't). PittsburgTrib, May 18, 2003 & LaFollette feared McCarthy exposure (so ex-Senator killed himself). MilwaukeeSentinel, May 18, 2003. Go to 35.The Brotherhood & COMMUNISTS COINED MCCARTHYISM & ORWELL'S CRYPTO-COMMIE LIST
Sinatra rejected Paul's song ("Sir" is reminiscing). Ananova, May 17, 2003. Go to 10.The Rulers & MCCARTNEY & BLUE EYES
Extent of UK snooping revealed (of public net & phone use). BBC, May 17, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Police
50's Reign of Terror was AGAINST not BY McCarthy. OpEds, May 17, 2003. Go to 17.Falsification of Past & COMMUNISTS COINED MCCARTHYISM
Cops kick down wrong door (throw in stun grenade - woman dies soon after). ABC News, May 17, 2003. Go to 20.Thought Police & Snitches
Bilderbergers' secret meeting (sinister & conspiratorial elites include Rockefeller & Kissinger). BBC, May 16, 2003. Go to 35.The Brotherhood
Russia nuke-attacks USA & UK (in practice for real thing)., May 16, 2003. Go to 13.Weapons & 6.Super-States & NUKES GO MAINSTREAM & ARMING OUR ENEMIES
60 years ago today: RAF breach giant German dams. London Guardian, May 16, 2003. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace (War) & NIGHT THE DAMS BURST (book by David Irving)
US Internet giant pulls website (on orders from Canadian gov't accusing Zundel of hate-crimes). AR Online, May 16, 2003. Go to 21.Crimestop & 27.Goodthink & 17.Falsification of Past
GIs will shoot Iraqi looters (authorizes American Administrator). NY Times, May 15, 2003. Go to ISRAELI TACTICS IN IRAQ & Kissinger crony controls Iraq (takes over from Pentagon). Guardian, May 15, 2003. Go to ZIONISM IN AMERICA
Drones to patrol USA border (with cameras & missiles). CNN, May 14, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance & 13.Weapons & JFK BROTHER FLEW DRONE
Prof's novel insults colleagues (the dean wants him fired). National Post, May 14, 2003. Go to 27.Goodthink
China execute quarantine violators (or life imprisonment). WashPost, May 14, 2003. Go to 7.Systems of Thought & HEALTH CRUSADERS: ACT II
Autism rate doubles in Calif (& some states even worse & no end in sight). SanFranChron, May 14, 2003. Go to BIO/CHEM WARFARE: VACCINATIONS
Congress backs tactical nukes (and underground testing). BBC, May 13, 2003 & Police may shoot public (who try to leave scene after a nuke attack). Telegraph, May 13, 2003. Go to NUKES GO MAINSTREAM & ANIMAL FARM DOGS
Playboy making millions (internet's dirty little secret). National Post, May 12, 2003. Go to 25.Prolefeed & 35.Brotherhood & PLAYBOY'S JFK
JFK had an intern too (& Mafia boss girlfriend who aborted JFK's baby). NY Daily, May 12, 2003. Go to 17.Falsification of Past & THEY KEEP KILLLING KENNEDY
NEW SUPERMAN A SOVIET (Clark Kent a Commie created by Russian Jews). National Post, May 12, 2003. Go to WORLD DOMINATION IN 1984 & CANADA'S SOVIET SCHOOL
Casinos a mixed blessing (no business outside Boardwalk). WashPost, May 12, 2003. Go to 24.The Lottery
Congo on brink of genocide (UN doing nothing as in Rwanda). Telegraph, May 12, 2003. Go to 6.Disputed Territories & JFK CRIED FOR CONGO
Tawain is a SARS laboratory (video cameras in 2000 homes & quarantine in military camps). NY Times, May 12, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance & 4.Old World Destruction & HEALTH CRUSADERS: ACT II
Worst tornadoes in USA history (300 twisters in 7 days & golf-ball sized hail). CNN, May 11, 2003. Go to WEATHER CONTROL
8 years for kicking police dog (that was going for his face). AP, FloridaNews, May 11, 2003. Go to ANIMAL FARM DOGS
Big-buck Indian casinos (playing with marked cards provided by politicians). SanFranChron, May 11, 2003. Go to 24.The Lottery & I DON'T WANT TO ACCEPT ALL THE BLAME
Orwell Ivy League gab-fest (at Wellesley College in Boston & Jackie Jura not invited!). Boston Globe, May 11, 2003. Go to 27.Goodthink & 8.Classes of People
Reader & Jackie Jura discuss: HUXLEY'S POINT OF VIEW
BC motorists burned in 55-yr deal (classic case of highway robbery). Vancouver Prov, May 8, 2003 & Huge increase for UK drivers (private operator exploiting 50-yr no-limits contract). Telegraph, May 8, 2003. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down
Net kiddie porn available (says Pete Townshend in essay). National Post, May 8, 2003. Go to "A Different Bomb" & CHILD SEX IN BNW
Secret McCarthy papers released (investigated communist subversion). BBC, May 6, 2003. Go to 17.Falsification of Past & 35.The Brotherhood & COMMUNISTS COINED "MCCARTHYISM" & McCarthy charges Reds in gov't
Autism linked to vaccines (forced by gov't & pharmaceuticals). UPI, May 6, 2003. Go to BIO/CHEM WARFARE
Gulf vet seeks help (cleared uranium in bare hands). Province, May 5, 2003. Go to BIO-CHEM WARFARE & CANADA'S TRAUMATIZED SOLDIERS
Injection sites cost millions (planners want $56-million/year for 1,000 drop-ins/day). Vancouver Sun, May 5, 2003. Go to 23.The Proles & 35.The Brotherhood & FEEDING OFF MISERY
Huge Homeland Security Drill (TOPOFF 2 is dirty nuke bomb causing flu like symptoms). Wash Post, May 5, 2003. Go to 13.Weapons & NUKES GO MAINSTREAM & HEALTH CRUSADERS: ACT V
Diplomats loot UN eatery (stole food-silverware-booze). NY Post, May 4, 2003. Go to 2.Big Brother & 10.Rulers & PIGS AT THE TROUGH
Iraq a colonial war (for ego-adventure-power-money in tradition of Opium Wars). Toronto Star, May 4, 2003. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace (War) & DRUG WAR AND PEACE
AN ORWELLIAN PURGE (control of all citizens' reading material, actions & thoughts). Baltimore Sun, May 2, 2003. Go to 16.Minitrue (Lies) & 17.Falsification of Past
Oz whore-house sells shares (lured "mom & dad" investors with promoter Madam Fleiss). Reuters, May 2, 2003. Go to 23.The Proles & 35.Brotherhood
Ignition breathalizers in all cars (connected to police station). New Scientist, May 2, 2003. Go to 20.Thought Police & DUI IS DUI
English most surveilled in world (nation becoming police state). CBN News, May 2, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance
Black helicopters over New York (patrolling for Homeland Security). Yahoo!Reuters, May 2, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance
RAELIAN BIBLE STORY (first humans cloned). Telegraph, May 2, 2003. Go to 30.Love Instinct & Family & 42.Party Tells Why & PROCREATION IN BNW & ORWELL ON RELIGION
Scientists can make human eggs (from male embryos). Telegraph, May 2, 2003. Go to 30.Love Instinct & Family & 42.The Party Tells Why & PROCREATION IN BNW
Textbook case of political correctness ("Founding Fathers" now "Framers"; "snowman" now "snowperson"; "devil" removed - no replacement). Fox News, Apr 30, 2003. Go to 18.Newspeak & 17.Falsification
Cop union leader investigated (sent death-threat to journalist for disclosing cop chief facts). Tacoma News, Apr 30, 2003. Go to 20.Thought Police & ANIMAL FARM DOGS
Europe forming military alliance (incl France-Germany-Russia; to rival USA & Britain). Times, Apr 30, 2003. Go to 6.Super-States
19 million birds slaughtered (due to one suspicious death & Dutch may slaughter 100-million). Scotsman, Apr 30, 2003. Go to 28.Reality Control & HEALTH CRUSADERS: ACT IV
Troops fire on Iraqi protesters (13 killed-75 injured by American occupiers, not liberators). Times, Apr 29, 2003. Go to 7.Systems of Thought & ISRAELI URBAN TACTICS
What are we to think of Boxer? (ask students from Denmark). Go to BOXER AND THE PROLES
Reader thinks Goldstein is Trotsky, but Jackie Jura says: GOLDSTEIN IS NOT TROTSKY
Landmines killing Iraqi civilians (USA dropped 1,500 cluster bombs). Guardian, Apr 29, 2003. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace (War) & WAR AS WEAPON PRACTICE
Jackie Jura answers question: What's behind Winston's dreams? Go to ORWELL SPEAKS THROUGH HEROES
Temperature taken at airport (fevered passsengers banned). Vancouver Sun, Apr 28, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance & 21.Crimestop & HEALTH CRUSADERS
Bush suspected Saddam in 9-11 (colluding with Osama all along). Telegraph, Apr 27, 2003 & Smoking gun stinks of spooks (documents found in Baghdad). Daily Mirror, Apr 28, 2003. Go to 28.Reality Control & 17.Falsification of Past & SNOWBALL IS OSADDAM
Wolf problem looms (slaughtering humans-livestock-pets under endangered species protection). Montana Gazette, Apr 27, 2003. Go to WOLVES IN WOLVES' CLOTHING & ANIMAL FARM ANIMALISM
Reader says to Jackie Jura: "JFK conspiracy theories turn people off, even if they're true". Go to DEFENDING JFK - FOREVER
Gov't funding iris scans (on teachers & parents). SchoolNews, Apr 25, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance & 14.Experimentation & SCHOOLS LIKE PRISONS
Jackie Jura answers question: WHO CONTROLS WINSTON'S MIND? Go to 2.Big Brother & 28.Reality Control
Teen shoots school principal (then turns gun on self). Pennsylvania UPI, Apr 24, 2003 & Security eyed after school shooting (teen on rampage had AK-47). Louisiana AP, Apr 16, 2003. Go to STAGED EVENT/ORDO AB CHAO & SCHOOL SHOOTINGS
ODDS AGAINST SARS (chances of being murdered or struck by lightning are better). National Post, Apr 24, 2003. Go to 28.Reality Control & 17.Falsification of Present & HEALTH CRUSADERS
Cops kill man with taser (electric jolt stops heart). Vancouver Prov, Apr 22, 2003 & Taser dem turns shocking (cop knocked-out in fall)., Apr 22, 2003. Go to 13.Weapons & 20.Police & ANIMAL FARM DOGS
1.31-million US abortions/year (inside & part-outside womb). NYork Times, Apr 22, 2003. Go to ORWELL AGAINST ABORTION & ABORTION POP CONTROL
Castro's friends in Canada (taxpayers give mucho-millions). National Post, Apr 22, 2003. Go to 7.Systems of Thought & COMMUNISM CUBAN STYLE
JFK & JOHN BIRCH SOCIETY (left & right hate equally). Go to 7.Systems of Thought
$100,000,000 for SARS vaccine (rushed past normal channels). Globe & Mail, Apr 21, 2003. Go to STAGED EVENT & HEALTH CRUSADERS
Israel pipeline to Iraqi oil (a longtime dream of USA masterminded by Kissinger). Guardian, Apr 21, 2003 & Hawaii governor is Jewish (World Jewry funded campaign). ABC News, Apr 21, 2003. Go to ZIONISM IN AMERICA
Crime, drugs & gambling linked (people suicidal and desperate but gov't makes billions). Edmonton Journal, Apr 17, 2003. Go to 24.The Lottery
GREEN INDIAN LAND GRAB (Indians, environmentalists & UN score huge deal). Edmonton Journal, Apr 17, 2003. Go to INDIAN LAND CLAIMS & ENVIRONMENTAL ANIMALISM
Zimbabwe torturers on the run (Youth Service camps train teens to beat, rape & kill for gov't). BBC, Apr 17, 2003. Go to 20.Thought Police & Snitches & 9.Keeping Masses Down
BC creates Dream Home China (9-million cubic metres by 2010 driven by USA 27.2% duty)., Apr 17, 2003. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & CHINESE TAKE-OVER
Cops shout Taser! Taser! Taser! (shoot 50,000-volts at victim who collapses into foetal ball). Telegraph, Apr 17, 2003. Go to 13.Weapons & 42.Party Tells 'Why' & ANIMAL FARM DOGS
Newspaper doctored Iraq photo (faked on Photoshop programme). Indy Media, Apr 17, 2003. Go to 16.Minipax (Lies) & 17.Falsification & 28.Reality Control
USA expanding DNA database (adding adult arrestees and juvenile offenders). USA Today, Apr 16, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police & PINKERTONS' ALL-SEEING-EYE
WNV now acute flaccid paralysis (attacks healthy middle-aged). National Post, Apr 15, 2003. Go to 16.Minitrue & 17.Falsification & WEST NILE STORY
500 more in forced quarantine ("Failure to comply will result in legal action against you"). Toronto Star, Apr 15, 2003. Go to 2.Big Brother & HEALTH CRUSADERS
Bouncer killed over smoking ban (introduced by ex-smoker mayor). BBC, Apr 14, 2003. Go to 22.Doublethink & 23.The Proles & DRUG WAR & PEACE
Rumsfield wants to rumble ("Iraqis went to Syria", he says - including Dr Germ & Mrs Anthrax). WashTimes, Apr 14, 2003. Go to 12.Minipax(War) & WHERE IS O'SADDAM BIN?
USA & Israel warn Syria (from whom they seized Golan Heights in 1967). SpaceWar, Apr 14, 2003. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace (War) & ZIONISM IN AMERICA
I STAND WITH ORWELL (Jackie Jura answers a critic)
MOAB IS A WOMD (USA dropped on Baghdad). Arab News, Apr 14, 2003. Go to 13.Weapons & 22.Doublethink & SEE IMAGES OF MOAB
So where are the Weapons OMD? (first war in history that was justified by an illusion). Independent, Apr 13, 2003. Go to 28.Reality Control & IRAQ A MAGICIAN'S TRICK
Welcome aboard gravy train (greatest rebuilding on earth!)., Apr 13, 2003. Go to 11.Ministry of Plenty & ZIONISM IN AMERICA
Famed Iraq museum plundered (10,000 yrs of civilization gone). Wash Post, Apr 13, 2003. Go to 7.Systems of Thought & 17.Destroying the Past & BAGHDAD PLUNDERED
The madness of saving Jessica (an April Fools' Day joke enough to make you puke). ThisIsLondon, Apr 13, 2003. Go to 16.Ministry of Truth (Lies) & POWs in KOREA/NAM/GULF
WINSTON & JULIA COINCIDENCES (Reader and Jackie Jura discuss). Go to 26.Julia & Rebellion & 45.Chestnut Tree café
WNV is accute flaccid paralysis (attacks healthy middle-aged). National Post, Apr 15, 2003. Go to 16.Minitrue & 17.Falsification & WEST NILE STORY
Cops guard SARS patient 24/7 (isolated for 'societal good'). CBC, Apr 12, 2003. Go to 2.Big Brother & TERROR BILL IS TERROR & HEALTH CRUSADERS
Playing cards for troops (with photos of bad guys). Telegraph, Apr 12, 2003. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace (War) & WHERE IS O'SADDAM BIN?
Mafia drug lord early parole (3 years in minimum security). Globe & Mail, Apr 12, 2003. Go to DRUG WAR & PEACE & MAFIA MOGULS
Cher's Farewell Tour (gives credit to her genes). National Post, Apr 11, 2003. Go to 25.Prolefeed & SYNTHETIC CHER
Surveillance cameras installed in homes of quarantined. Drudge Report, Apr 10, 2003. Go to 1.Winston's Diary & 3.Surveillance & HEALTH CRUSADERS
Potent antibiotic fights anthrax (will lead to drug resistance). Wired, Apr 10, 2003. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation & GERMICIDE MAKERS, ARISE!
USA moves MOAB bombs (ready for next mission?). Space War, Apr 10, 2003 & Baghdad: the day after (arson-anarchy-looting-savagery). Independent, Apr 10, 2003. Go to MOSES MENTIONS MOAB
Israel eyes Iraqi oil (Jews lording it over Arabs). BBC, Apr 10, 2003 & "Syria's next", says Israel (and Iran and N Korea too). Arutz Sheva, Apr 10, 2003. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace (War) & ZIONISM IN AMERICA
3.3 million die in Congo (from treatable disease & hunger). Yahoo!AP, Apr 8, 2003. Go to 6.Super-States & JFK CRIED FOR CONGO
Cuba cracks down on dissidents (while world watches Baghdad). Radio Netherland, Apr 8, 2003. Go to 7.Systems of Thought & COMMUNISM CUBAN STYLE
Disinfectents in high demand (big bucks for Bayer etc). Financial Post, Apr 8, 2003. Go to BIO-CHEM WARFARE & GERMICIDE MAKERS, ARISE!
Afghan top heroin source (piques our interest says DEA). Wash Times, Aug 8, 2003. Go to 35.The Brotherhood & IN AFGHAN FIELDS
$600,000 UN kitchen remodel (for USA envoy Negroponte). Yahoo!AP, Apr 7, 2003. Go to 5.Pyramidal NWO & 10.The Rulers & PIGS AT THE TROUGH
Jews take Palestinian Jerusalem (Chosen People in Promised Land) & Christians plan aid for Iraq. Guardian, Apr 7, 2003 & Why Christians support Israel (Bible written in Hebrew)., Apr 7, 2003. Go to ZIONISM IN AMERICA & FRIENDS AT ARMAGEDDON
World ecstasy drug trade (Israel & Russia at center)., Apr 7, 2003. Go to 35.The Brotherhood & DRUG WAR & PEACE
Sampson abandoned by Canada (cowardly & unworthy gov't remains friendly with torturers). Toronto Sun, Apr 6, 2003. Go to 39.Interrogation & Torture
Tobacco shortage for troops (forced nicotine withdrawal at worst possible time). Yahoo!AP, Apr 1, 2003. Go to 11.Ministry of Plenty (Starvation) & TOBACCO TORTURE & SMOKING SOLDIER'S LAMENT
Teens prey to smoke-police (age-defined criminal activity). Edmonton Journal, Apr 1, 2003 & Teens caught in cop sting (enticing and entrapping youth). Florida Ledger, Apr 1, 2003. Go to 21.Crimestop & 20.Thought Police & Snitches & DRUG WAR & PEACE & SCHOOLS LIKE PRISONS
Code Red to trigger Lockdown (total suspension of liberties)., Mar 31, 2003. Go to 28.Reality Control & 36.Hateweek & ORDER OUT OF CHAOS
Wal-Mart king of mountain ($60-billion ahead of GM). SanFranGate, Mar 31, 2003. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & CHINESE TAKE-OVER & RED CHINESE CAPITALISTS
Zundel hate-hearing today (accused of revising history)., Mar 31, 2003. Go to 27.Goodthink & 17.Falsification of Past & ZIONISM IN AMERICA
Blood of innocent in Baghdad (precision missiles hit slums, kill 3 brothers age 12-21). Independent, Mar 30, 2003 & Basra refugees hurl abuse (1.4 million without water). London Times, Mar 30, 2003. Go to 13.Weapons
USA using Israeli tactics (treat Iraq like Palestine). National Post, Mar 30, 2003 & ZIONISTS RUN USA WAR (advise Democrats & Republicans). & USA is Pro-Israel (& Israel is pro-war). Arab News. Go to 10.The Rulers & ZIONISM IN AMERICA
Bush approves nuclear response. Wash Times & Atom bomb-proof bunkers (keep leaders safe underground). Scotsman & From no nukes to go nukes (Hollywood making nukes nice). National Post, Mar 29, 2003. Go to NUKES GO MAINSTREAM
The Road To War (review of how we got there). USA Today, Mar 29, 2003. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace & PEACENIK ASKS WARMONGER
WHO gives Toronto an order (quarantine for SARS outbreak). Toronto Star, Mar 27, 2003. Go to 28.Reality Control & HEALTH CRUSADERS
Orwell Today reader asks: "Does Winston get released? Go to 45.Chestnut Tree Cafe & WINSTON DIES INSIDE
DUI coordinator gets DUI (he resigns) & Canadian Premier gets DUI (he doesn't resign). Go to DUI IS DUI & ANIMAL FARM BOOZERS
Smallpox shot kills nurse (Pentagon gave same to troops). Wash Post, Mar 26, 2003. Go to BIO-CHEM VACCINATIONS & SMALLPOX HOAX
Gretzky "U$ Lackey" says sign (on statue of Great One). ESPN, Mar 26, 2003. Go to 10.The Rulers
Zimbabwe MP describes torture (while world watches Iraq, Mugabe accelerates terror). Independent, Mar 25, 2003. Go to 7.Systems of Thought & 39.Interrogation & Torture
China sabre rattling USA (says Iraq a testing ground for USA weapons & strategy). CNN, Mar 25, 2003. Go to 6.Super-States & 28.Reality Control & IRAQ A MAGICIAN'S TRICK
USA gives Israel $10-billion (then orders Iraq attack). Guardian, Mar 25, 2003. Go to ZIONISM IN AMERICA
RANDOM THOUGHTS ~ "Apocolypse" on USA gun barrel ~ Mar 24, 2003
London's Big Bad Brother ("Imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever"). BBC, Mar 25, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance & 42.Party Tells Why
Viagra drinks for teens (Roxxoff from Horny Goat Weed). Observer, Mar 25, 2003. Go to 35.The Brotherhood & 30.Love Instinct
Politicians get fat on war (Bush-Baker-Carlucci-Major-Rumsfield; cashing in on 9-11 too). Observer, Mar 25, 2003. Go to 11.Ministry of Plenty & PIGS AT TROUGH
What's the dif Mr Bush? (USA tortured innocent Afghanis - now USA troops facing backlash). Mirror, Mar 25, 2003. Go to 39.Interrogation & Torture GUANTANAMERA now GUANTANAMO BAY
THIS ISN'T WAR, IT'S MURDER (by political & industrial villains). Daily News, Mar 24, 2003. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace
Oscar night in Hollywood (proud of being for peace). Guardian, Mar 24, 2003. Go to 16.Ministry of Truth (Lies) & WHITE MEN BURDENED
Eyewitness: Zimbabwe torture victim (MDC sec'y of Tsvangirai). BBC, Mar 24, 2003. Go to 4.Old World Destruction
NKorea preparing war on USA (says UN envoy Maurice Strong). Yahoo!AP, Mar 22, 2003. Go to Who is Maurice Strong? & IRAQ A MAGICIAN'S TRICK
Berliners cry for Baghdad (remember own bombardment). Yahoo!Reuters, Mar 22, 2003. Go to 13.Weapons & History of Berlin & JFK IN BERLIN & COMMUNIST CRIMES EXPOSED
Canada's manufactured pop star (being used to torture Iraqis, like Nancy Sinatra at Waco). National Post, Mar 22, 2003. Go to 16.Ministry of Truth & 36.Hateweek Volunteerism
"Frenchspeak" is "Newspeak" ~ Jackie Jura explains why ~
Elephants sentenced to death. Sydney Herald, Mar 17, 2003. Go to SHOOTING AN ELEPHANT & AMERICA LIKE ELEPHANT
Diana Tape: Charles/Fawcett too close (Duke put her down unbelievably). Daily Mirror, Mar 17, 2003. Go to 10.The Rulers & PEOPLES' PRINCESS
"As his father, it's hell" (son in Saudi jail 800 days). Globe & Mail, Mar 17, 2003. Go to 39.Interrogation & Torture
3000 bombs in 48 hours ("but damage will be small"). Sunday Times, Mar 17, 2003. Go to 13.Weapons & OPENING DAY IN IRAQ & EVE OF DESTRUCTION
A WAR MONGER EXPLAINS WAR TO A PEACENIK ~ so true & yet so funny ~
FBI planes watch & listen (track people in cars-homes). Fox News, Mar 15, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police & Snitches
USA & USSR working together (making dirty nuke bombs). Guardian, Mar 14, 2003. Go to 13.Weapons & ARMING OUR ENEMIES
Orwell Today reader asks WHO IS EMMANUEL GOLDSTEIN? ~ read Jackie Jura's answer ~
Yukon gold town grinds to halt (against Feds new mining rules). National Post, Mar 13, 2003. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & ENVIRONMENTALISM IS ANIMALISM
Hollywood to stage war briefings (myth-making will look real). Globe & Mail, Mar 12, 2003. Go to 16.Ministry of Truth (Lies)
Frenchspeak forced on English (Canada ruled by Kaybec minority). National Post, Mar 12, 2003. Go to 18.Newspeak
UK 'Snooper Charter' has wide powers (expands access to personal details to over 450 UK agencies). Telegraph, Mar 12, 2003. Go to 20.Thought Police & Snitches & TERROR BILL IS TERROR
Canada criticises captive's father (for bad-mouthing son's torturers & exposing Saudi injustice). National Post, Mar 12, 2003. Go to 7.Systems of Thought & 39.Interrogation & Torture
School girls need more Ritalin (to equal boys pill intake say drug makers & pushers). CanWest, Mar 11, 2003. Go to DRUG WAR & PEACE & PARENT TOLD TO DOPE KID
Schools opposing army recruiters (by explaining rights to parents). Fox News, Mar 11, 2003. Go to MAMAS DON'T LET YOUR BABIES
Will GPS lead to 'geoslavery'? (technology destroying privacy & giving gov't dangerous powers). CNN, Mar 11, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance
Iraq reconstruction worth billions (mega-corporations will be there). Guardian, Mar 11, 2003. Go to 11.Ministry of Plenty (Starvation) & 10.The Rulers
War will cost 70,000 airline jobs (on top of 100,000 since 9-11). Reuters, Mar 11, 2003. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down
Test of massive bomb in Florida (world's most powerful non-nuke). Herald Trib, Mar 10, 2003. Go to 13.Weapons. See images of new MOAB weapon & BRIMSTONE & FIRE OF MOAB
Orwell Today reader asks: WAS JULIA A MEMBER OF THE THOUGHT POLICE? ~ read Jackie Jura's answer ~
UK preparing massive morturaries (when war in Iraq commences terrorists will strike Britain). Independent, Mar 8, 2003. Go to 28.Reality Control
UK vice-squad ok's live sex-show (actors in every act imaginable including woman with pony). Telegraph, Mar 8, 2003. Go to 25.Prolefeed & 35.The Brotherhood
Helen Thomas snubbed (asked questions to 6 presidents). Wash Post, Mar 7, 2003. Go to PRESIDENTIAL PRESS CONFERENCES (differences between JFK & Bush)
Some GIs refusing Iraq duty (560,000 resisted Vietnam draft). SunSentinel, Mar 7, 2003. Go to MAMAS DON'T LET YOUR BABIES & POWs LEFT IN VIETNAM & KOREA
Mobile Execution Vehicles in China (injected immediately after verdict, saves on bullets & manpower)., Mar 7, 2003. Go to 7.Systems of Thought
Cancer-worker fired for speaking out (about long waits for surgery). Toronto Star, Mar 7, 2003. Go to 22.Doublethink
UK gov't outlaws begging (& anti-social/disfunctional behaviour). Independent, Mar 7, 2003. Go to 21.Crimestop
Shock therapy for 100,000 Canadians? (fixes depression by wiping memory). National Post, Mar 7, 2003. Go to 40.Electric Shock Brainwashing
50 yrs' jail for video theft (USA Top Court upholds sentence and prison guards happy). Guardian, Mar 7, 2003. Go to 34.Ministry of Love (Torture) & 7.Systems of Thought
UK troops not ready for war (rice 3x/day & no loo paper). ThisIsLondon, Mar 7, 2003. Go to 11.Ministry of Plenty (Starvation)
Prisoners tortured to death (at USA base in Afghanistan). Independent, Mar 7, 2003. Go to 39.Interrogation & Torture
Sirhan Sirhan denied parole (was hypnotized to be there but another gunman shot RFK). Tampa Bay, Mar 6, 2003. Go to MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE & RFK & ENEMY WITHIN
Jackie Jura and Jackie Patru discussed Orwellian news events Mar 6, 2003. Listen to archive on Sweet Liberty.
Canada failing its women, UN says (discriminates against poor-elderly-single-aboriginal-coloured-disabled). Toronto Star, Mar 6, 2003. Go to 27.Goodthink & 30.Family & FEMINISTS KILL UNBORN
Big Brother screens passengers (helped by war industry giant). Business Today, Mar 6, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance
USA plans heavy Iraq bombing (230,000 troops & more on way). Wash Post, Mar 5, 2003. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace (War) & 13.Weapons
Boeing relocating in Russia/China (Americans training their workers)., Mar 5, 2003. Go to 11.Ministrty of Plenty (Starvation) & CORPORATE COMMUNISM
Castro luxuriates in Vancouver (during stopover from Asian tour). CanWest, Mar 5, 2003. Go to 10.Rulers & COMMUNISM CUBAN STYLE
Police move into your browser (after domain name forfeiture they pretend they're you). ZDNet, Mar 4, 2003. Go to 20.Thought Police & Snitches
Afghanistan retakes heroin crown (1,685 acres now 30,750 acres; 185 tonnes now 4,000+ tonnes). BBC, Mar 4, 2003. Go to 23.The Proles & 35.The Brotherhood & DRUG WAR AND PEACE & IN AFGHAN FIELDS
Essay in phone-text shorthand (usd 2go2 NY 2C my bro). Telegraph, Mar 3, 2003 & Rewrite classic lit in text (2b or not 2b thats ?). BBC, Mar 3, 2003. Go to 18.Newspeak
USA capital prepares for war (military-police state set up). Wash Times, Mar 2, 2003. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace (War) & 28.Reality Control & 36.Hate Week & TERROR BILL IS TERROR
USA to use toxins in Iraq (contravening Chem Weapon treaty). Independent, Mar 2, 2003. Go to BIO/CHEM WARFARE
Historians pervert USA history (teach hate of their own nation). Omaha Herald, Mar 1, 2003. Go to 17.Falsification of Past
On this day in 1954 (USA tests hydrogen bomb in Bikini). BBC, Mar 1, 2003. Go to 13.Weapons & HISTORY OF BIKINI ATOLL
USA making 21,000-lb burst-bomb (worse than daisy-cutter). Australian, Feb 27, 2003. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace (War) & 13.Weapons
China's changes astonish Castro (Cuba increasing ties with Communists). Guardian, Feb 27, 2003. Go to COMMUNISM CUBAN STYLE & CORPORATE COMMUNISM
Australia sends help to Nauru (to repair phone system). AsiaPacific, Feb 27, 2003. Go to JFK'S WISHES FOR SOLOMONS
Nauru loses touch with world (message said 'critical condition'). National Post, Feb 26, 2003. Go to JFK PT-109 STORY
Home heating costs up 50% (blamed on war & weather). USA Today, Feb 25, 2003. Go to 11.Ministry of Plenty (Starvation)
USA resumes food to communists (NKorea missiles 'not disturbing'). Bloomberg, Feb 25, 2003. Go to 28.Reality Control & ARMING OUR ENEMIES
USA considers mini-nukes (breaching range of treaties). This Is London, Feb 25, 2003. Go to 13.Weapons
Canadians sue vaccine makers (Hep-B & DPT cause autism). Vancouver Prov, Feb 25, 2003 & Vaccines caused AIDS in Africa (children get 44 injections). Times, Feb 25, 2003. Go to VACCINATIONS/BIO-CHEM
Stupid White Men tops awards (anti-white is not hate). Fox News, Feb 25, 2003. (excerpt of author's diatribe). Australian has hate-groups (anti jew-indian-asian-black). Sydney MH, Feb 25, 2003. Go to 22.Doublethink & CANADA NOT HATEFUL NATION
Classroom cameras watch pupils (discreet webcams improve behaviour). Guardian, Feb 25, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance & SCHOOLS LIKE PRISON
History all Hitler & Henrys (damaging students' cultural knowledge). Independent, Feb 18, 2003. Go to 17.Falsification of Past
Wife of Homeland Security Boss promoting sex survey in schools (asks 'Do you perform oral sex?'). Wash Times, Feb 18, 2003. Go to 30.Love Instinct & Family & CHILD SEX IN BNW
Schools using dogs on students (say they're exempt from 4th Amendment). AP, Feb 18, 2003. Go to SCHOOLS LIKE PRISONS & VICIOUS DOGS IN ANIMAL FARM
Offensive opinions a 'thought-crime' (if UK courts get their way). Telegrah, Feb 18, 2003 Go to 18.Newspeak & 21.Crimestop & 20.Thought Police
Secret in-car black-boxes (snitch on driver's activity). Louisville News, Feb 18, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police & Snitches
Indians join corporate America (buying the nation piece-by-piece with revenue from mega-casinos). San Diego Tribune, Feb 18, 2003. Go to 24.The Lottery & INDIAN LAND CLAIMS
GIs line up for shots (risking effects as trade-off). Stars & Stripes, Feb 18, 2003. Go to VACCINATIONS/BIO-CHEM
Patriot Act II destroys liberty (addicted to secrecy-drunk on power). Newsday, Feb 17, 2003. Go to 7.Systems of Thought & TERROR BILL IS TERROR
USA pilots taken by Soviets (during Vietnam to be studied). ASIAPacific, Feb 17, 2003. Go to VIETNAM WAR
Meal-in-a-bottle hits shelves (drinks by Snapple-Coke-Pepsi to replace solid food). National Post, Feb 17, 2003. Go to 15.Life in Oceania & 2001: A SPACE ODYSSEY
Cops peer down school halls (cameras relay to cruisers). Milwaukee, Feb 17, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police
Patient defies forced electroshocks ('doesn't want head plugged into the mains' says lawyer). Independent, Feb 17, 2003. Go to 40.Electric Shock Brainwashing
Status symbol in DC: Bodyguards (gov't setting up Police State). WorldNetDaily, Feb 16, 2003. Go to PIGS & DOGS IN ANIMAL FARM & TERROR BILL IS TERROR
One million. And still they came (Britain's greatest peace march). London Observer, Feb 16, 2003. Go to ORWELL WOULD BE PROUD!
Dolly the sheep has died (surrounded by comforts of home). National Post, Feb 15, 2003. Go to TWO LEGS GOOD
Terror alert was false alarm (story made up to scare people). ABC News, Feb 14, 2003 & Bad tip boosted terror alert (CIA offers preparation handbook). Wash Post, Feb 14, 2003. Go to 28.Reality Control & 36.Hate Week
USA's new lightening bolt weapon (from Livermore & Los Alamos labs). SanFranGate, Feb 14, 2003. Go to 13.Weapons & UFOs IDENTIFIED
Jackie Jura was guest on radio with Jackie Patru of Sweet Liberty, broadcast live over the internet, on Thursday, Feb 13, 10-PM EST, discussing aspects of 1984
Korea can nuke America ('so let's build missile-defence' says Bush spokesman Fleischer). NY Post, Feb 13, 2003 & USA may nuke Iraq (Rumsfield wants to rumble). Yahoo!Reuters, Feb 14, 2003.. Go to 4.Old World Destruction & 13.Weapons
UFO sightings up sharply (objects not alien or natural)., Feb 13, 2003. Go to 13.Scientific Experimentation & UFOs ARE UNIDENTIFIED
USA on Terror Alert (army & police deployed in Homeland). MSNBC News, Feb 13, 2003. Go to 28.Reality Control
GIs urged to refuse call-up (by vets from previous wars). WorldNetDaily, Feb 13, 2003 & MIA remains met by Vietnam vets (more arriving from Laos soon). NY Times, Feb 12, 2003. Go to VIETNAM/KOREAN WARS & MAMAS DON'T LET YOUR BABIES
Biometrics urged for border (2 fingers & eye on smartcard). FedComWk, Feb 12, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance
Yard may shut Heathrow (cops/army form ring of steel). London Standard, Feb 12, 2003. Go to 28.Reality Control & 36.Hateweek
Harry Potter church programs (pastors dress as wizards). Colorado Gazette, Feb 12, 2003. Go to WITCHES, WIZARDS & DEMONS
Oz sailors refuse anthrax shot (sent home with no answers). ABC News, Feb 11, 2003 & UK troops reject anthrax jab. BBC, Feb 11, 2003. Go to VACCINATIONS/BIO-CHEM
Schools ban word 'gun' (after parent complained). Ottawa Citizen, Feb 11, 2003. Go to 18.Newspeak & ORWELL WAS ARMED
JFK killed Marilyn Monroe (according to Joe DiMaggio book with forward by Henry Kissinger). Scotsman, Feb 11, 2003. Go to 17.Falsification of Past & 25.Prolefeed & JFK TRUTHS AND LIES & CRIMES OF HENRY KISSINGER
Music royalties hit everyone (even recorded background music). Ottawa Citizen, Feb 11, 2003. Go to 16.Ministry of Truth (Lies)
Anti-Semitism endures in Canada (ex-PM blames ex-PM for deaths of 'countless Jews'). National Post, Feb 10, 2003. Go to 22.Doublethink & 27.Goodthink & CANADA NOT HATEFUL NATION
The guilty mind (can't keep thoughts to self). National Post, Feb 9, 2003. Go to 14.Experimentation & 21.Crimestop & THOUGHTCRIME TO CRIMESTOP & READER'S EMAIL
Big Bad Love in Canada (Hard-core porn on TV). Globe & Mail, Feb 9, 2003. Go to 25.Prolefeed
Bar-coding babies at birth (to be scanned like groceries). National Post, Feb 9, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance
USA wants more spying powers (to snoop on innocent citizens). Financial Times, Feb 9, 2003. Go to 20.Thought Police & Snitches & TERROR BILL IS TERROR
Young, Jobless, Hopeless (for 5.5-million 16-24 yr-olds). NY Times, Feb 9, 2003. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down
USA to burn dead soldiers (where they die on battlefield). CNN, Feb 9, 2003. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace & MAMAS DON'T LET YOUR BABIES
NKorea has long-range missiles (capable of hitting America). Space Daily, Feb 9, 2003. Go to 13.Weapons & ARMING OUR ENEMIES & POWs FORGOTTEN IN KOREA
Canada's military-industrial complex (public knows nothing about). Toronto Star, Feb 9, 2003. Go to 11.Miniplenty & 12.Minipax
"Godfather" link to gov't contracts (boss of Canada's Sicilian Mafia). National Post, Feb 5, 2003. Go to 35.The Brotherhood & UNDER-WORLD SURFACING & THE ENEMY WITHIN by RFK
Nixon's contingency speech (for astronauts dying on moon). Global National, Feb 4, 2003. Go to CONSPIRACY THEORY: MOON HOAX?
Canada opens door to Big Brother ("we are not truly free and we are not truly living"). Vancouver Sun, Feb 2, 2003. Go to 2.Big Brother & TERROR BILL IS TERROR & SLAVE-STATE CANADA
Who really killed Martin Luther King? (special interests of wealth & power?). Globe & Mail, Feb 2, 2003. Go to 35.The Brotherhood & CONSPIRACY THEORIES
"Armageddon" tops best-seller list (millions of Americans hyped for war by bible-thumping evangelists). WashPost, Feb 2, 2003. Go to 10.The Rulers & 25.Prolefeed & FRIENDS AT ARMAGEDDON
Students protest military recruiting ('No Child Left Behind Act' calls youth to arms). NorthJersey, Feb 1, 2003. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace (War) & MAMAS DON'T LET YOUR BABIES
Brutal economics behind casinos ($100-million into Celine Dion). National Post, Feb 1, 2003. Go to 24.Lottery
Castro's dupes (his accomplishments are a hoax). Financial Post, Feb 1, 2003. Go to 11.Ministry of Plenty (Starvation) & COMMUNISM CUBAN STYLE
Back to the USSR (hammer & sickle T-shirts worn in the Communist Party Cafe). National Post, Feb 1, 2003. Go to 27.Goodthink & 45.Chestnut Tree Cafe
The question: WHERE IS SADDAM HUSSEIN? has been answered. Herald Sun, Feb 1, 2003
War would be 'catastrophic' for Iraqi children (says fact-finding team report). IPS News, Jan 31, 2003. Go to 6.Super-States & 12.Ministry of Peace (War) & JFK'S PEACE FOR ALL TIME
WHERE IS SADDAM HUSSEIN? (and where's Osama bin too?). Jan 31, 2003. I really want to know
Big Brother's shadow (Canada's Jewish Revenue Minister wants monstrous 6-year data base). Globe & Mail, Jan 31, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police & TERROR BILL IS TERROR
Pedophiles crawl out of closet (Polanski doing movie about Kinsey). WorldNetDaily, Jan 31, 2003. Go to 25.Prolefeed & 30.Love Instinct & CHILD SEX IN BNW
UK cops get stun guns (to prevent "suicide by cop"). Telegraph, Jan 30, 2003. Go to 20.Thought Police & Snitches & ANIMAL FARM DOGS
Consumers flocking to DVD players (biting 'home theater' bait). National Post, Jan 30, 2003. Go to 1.The Diary
Cop car camera scans plates (provides owner profile instantenously). Toronto Star, Jan 30, 2003. Go to 20.Thought Police & Snitches
Massive identity theft feared (insurance company's hard-drive stolen while being upgraded). National Post, Jan 30, 2003. Go to STAGED EVENT: CASHLESS SOCIETY
Jobless find little hope (employment outlook bleak in much of USA). Yahoo!AP, Jan 30, 2003. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & 11.Ministry of Plenty (Starvation)
France needs more babies (to help support a serious mass of old-age pensioners). Yahoo!Reuters, Jan 30, 2003. Go to 30.Love Instinct & Family & WHERE HAVE ALL BABIES GONE?
Wal-Mart 25% of USA productivity (future will include fewer companies & stifled product innovations). USA Today, Jan 30, 2003. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down
9-11 laws strip Canada of privacy (why-should-I-worry mentality is intellect level of bumper-sticker). Ottawa Citizen, Jan 29, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police & Snitches & TERRORBILL IS TERROR
Census asks sexual orientation (invades Canadians private lives). Southam News, Jan 29, 2003. Go to 30.Love Instinct & Family
Tom Hanks threatens builder (with 'astronomical' lawsuit). Idaho Express, Jan 29, 2003. Go to 10.The Rulers
Is Shania Twain human? (she lip-synched every word). SanFranGate, Jan 29, 2003. Go to 25.Prolefeed
EU orders toys for pigs (British farmers must comply). London Times, Jan 29, 2003. Go to 2.Big Brother & BIG BROTHER'S BARNYARD FANS
Turkmenian show trials like Stalin's (trumped up charges-tortured-drugged-public confession-executed) & Writer jailed after secret trial (Kazakhstan allows no honest reporting). Globe & Mail, Jan 29, 2003. Go to 34.Ministry of Love & 7.Systems of Thought & SNAPSHOT OF STALIN
School hires drug dogs (recommended by police & paid for by parents). Telegraph, Jan 28, 2003. Go to 21.Crimestop & DOGS IN ANIMAL FARM
Corporate America profits from porn ("Congress should subpoena the people who run these shows"). ABCNews, Jan 28, 2003. Go to 25.Prolefeed & 35.The Brotherhood
Harry Potter elf like Putin ("misuse" of image of president). ThisIsLondon, Jan 28, 2003. Go to BIG BROTHER SYMBOLISM &
Infrared eye-in-sky shot down (judge rules it invades privacy). Ottawa Citizen, Jan 28, 2003 & CCTV suicide man wins claim (right of privacy breached). BBC, Jan 28, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Police
RFK Jr fighting windmills (130 illuminated turbines, 40 stories tall, kill birds). SanFranGate, Jan 27, 2003. Go to ANIMAL FARM WINDMILL
Road cameras all over England (to enforce unpaid motoring fines). Guardian, Jan 27, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance
Churches to include atheists & Satanists (EU directive must be implemented). Telegraph, Jan 27, 2003. Go to 2.Big Brother & 10.Rulers & ANTI-GOD CONSPIRACY
Troops freeze sperm before deploying (in case of death or disease caused by war or vaccines). USA Today, Jan 27, 2003. Go to 30.Love Instinct & Family & BIO-CHEM WARFARE & MAMAS DON'T LET YOUR BABIES
USA will track Canadian travellers (their medical/financial records-political beliefs-communications-personal/family associations etc). Ottawa Citizen, Jan 27, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance & TERRORBILL IS TERROR
Gaza in shock, bloody aftermath (Israeli helicopters & tanks destroy unarmed Palestine territory). NewsComAu, Jan 27, 2003 & Palestinians fear Israeli reoccupation (6,000 Jews amidst 1,000,000 Islamics). Reuters, Jan 27, 2003. Go to 7.Systems of Thought
Liars must keep straight face (truth machine spots muscle twitches). Independent, Jan 26, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance
Police chief shot dead in Nepal (by Maoist rebels waging violence to turn nation into Communist state). BBC, Jan 25, 2003. Go to 7.Systems of Thought & NEPAL REMEMBERED
Solzhenitsyn writes about Jews (making up 2/3rds of secret police & perpetrating purges & genocide). London Guardian, Jan 25, 2003. Go to 19.Goldstein Two-Minutes Hate & SOLZHENITSYN WARNS AMERICA
Risk of internet collapse rising (key net cables are concentrated in hands of fewer organizations). BBC, Jan 25, 2003. Go to 16.Ministry of Truth (Lies)
A witch in prison? (Canada pays for Wiccan priests & Satanist faith allowed too). National Post, Jan 25, 2003. Go to 10.The Rulers & 34.Miniluv & WITCHES, WIZARDS & DEMONS
Indiana Univ celebrates Kinsey Book (the Antichrist for moral decline of America this past 50yrs). Yahoo!AP, Jan 25, 2003. Go to 30.Love Instinct & Family & KINSEY A PEDOPHILIC PERVERT
Troops urged to sign anthrax waiver (promising not to sue gov't for vaccination-caused illness). Telegraph, Jan 24, 2003. Go to BIO-CHEM WARFARE & ANTHRAX IN BRAVE NEW WORLD
World jobless hits record high (180-million & rising in Americas-Europe-Africa-Middle East). BBC, Jan 24, 2003. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & 11.Ministry of Plenty
Cops targeting teen smokers (seize cigs & fine $100). Globe & Mail, Jan 24, 2003. Go to 21.Crimestop & DRUG WAR & PEACE
Big Brother controls the car (computer over-rides driver). SydneyMH, Jan 24, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance
Australia faces new blaze threat (caused by extreme drought). BBC, Jan 24, 2003. Go to WEATHER CONTROL
GPs drop refusers to MMR jab (want money for reaching quotas). London Telegraph, Jan 24, 2003. Go to 22.Doublethink & BIO-CHEM WARFARE
Canada approves nuking food (to kill cow manure e-coli that seeps from factory farms). National Post, Jan 24, 2003. Go to 15.Life In Oceania & FACTORY FARMING COVER-UP
Atomic scientist was known Communist (worked with allies on bomb & reported to Soviet handler). National Post, Jan 24, 2003. Go to 35.The Brotherhood & 13.Weapons & SOVIET SPY SCHOOL
ORWELL'S VISION IS STILL ALIVE IN 2003. The American Reporter. Jan 22, 2003. Go to 28.Reality Control
"Made In USA" a phony prop (hiding "Made In China" boxes). ABC News, Jan 23, 2003. Go to 28.Reality Control & 17.Falsification & 16.Minitrue (Lies)
Astronaut Glenn calls for draft (& mandatory national service to fight 20yr terror war). CNSNews, Jan 23, 2003. Go to 12.Minipax & 36.Volunteerism & MAMAS DON'T LET YOUR BABIES
Sex survey in schools (assuming parents' responsibilities & parents are letting them). WashTimes, Jan 23, 2003. Go to 23.Proles & 25.Prolefeed & 30.Love Instinct & Family
Libraries give names to FBI (of patrons internet & book use). StLouisToday, Jan 23, 2003. Go to 20.Thought Police & Snitches & TERROR BILL IS TERROR
Bio med stocks up 70% (profit in new vaccines depends on bio-terror for market). Financial Post, Jan 22, 2003. Go to 28.Reality Control & BIO-CHEM WARFARE
Wind chills at minus 60 (and the worst is not over). WorldNetDaily, Jan 22, 2003. Go to WEATHER CONTROL
Miss Canada stripped of crown (made headlines at Miss World by leaving to avoid violence). Ottawa Citizen, Jan 22, 2003. Go to 18.Newspeak & 27.Goodthink
Canada becoming Asian nation (since 1961 when it was European). National Post, Jan 22, 2003. But miraculously Indians increase 22% (without giving birth & dying). Go to CHINESE TAKE-OVER & INDIAN LAND CLAIMS
The guilt-free soldier ("devil pill" short-circuits brain wiring of primal fear). Village Voice, Jan 22, 2003. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation & 41.Party Tells 'How'& 42.'Why'
Soldiers have snake-eye goggles (look like eye on pyramid of USA one dollar bill). London Times, Jan 22, 2003. Go to BIG BROTHER SYMBOLISM
Michelin embeds RFID tags in tires (the antenna gets chipped too)., Jan 22, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance
Tollbooths on digital highway (media able to control culture). PBS, Jan 21, 2003. Go to Ministry of Truth
Children pushed off swings by EU (in safe English playground). London Times, Jan 21, 2003. Go to 2.Big Brother
Beatles cigarette airbrushed off cover (smoking politically incorrect now). BBC, Jan 21, 2003. Go to 17.Falsification of Past & DRUG WAR & PEACE
'Roe vs Wade' poster girl pleads 'Roe No More' (444 children a day aborted). CanoeNews, Jan 21, 2003. Go to WHERE HAVE ALL BABIES GONE? & Smoking in home is child abuse (doctors should report to gov't). Globe & Mail, Jan 21, 2003. Go to 22.Doublethink
Reader Steve and Jackie Jura discuss jurisdication of UNITED NATIONS/BIG BROTHER
Front-line troops disproportionately white, not black (poor rural whites face death). USA Today, Jan 21, 2003. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace & MAMAS DON'T LET YOUR BABIES
Gay picture book for children (and adults for Valentine's Day). The Guardian, Jan 21, 2003. Go to 25.Prolefeed & 30.Love & Family & KINSEY & HOMOSEXUAL REVOLUTION
Heroin a HEALTH problem, not criminal (gov't should CONTROL say pushers). Vancouver Sun, Jan 21, 2003. Go to 23.The Proles & DRUG WAR & PEACE
America's ultra secret weapon (HPMs release 2-billion-watt flash destroying enemy's microchips). Time Mag, Jan 19, 2003. Go to 13.Weapons
Finland surveillance all-intrusive (by gov't & private companies "to keep people safe"). Globe & Mail, Jan 19, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police
Argentina has starving babies (corrupt gov't & foreign bankers destroyed world's foodbasket). National Post, Jan 18, 2003. Go to 4.Old World Destruction & GREENSPAN FROM JEKYLL ISLAND
Scientist pioneered bio warfare (developed crop destroying blights & anthrax-encephalitis-yellow fever & 50 other viruses & agents). National Post, Jan 18, 2003. Go to BIO-CHEM WARFARE
Israel unleashing death squads (to kill those threatening Jewish state in Australia, USA & Britain). NewsComAus, Jan 19, 2003. Go to 35.The Brotherhood & ZIONISM IN AMERICA
Pioneering Jewish abortionist redeems himself for living by killing unborn Canadians (s/b be given Order of Canada say fans). Globe & Mail, Jan 18, 2003. Go to 35.The Brotherhood & POPULATION CONTROL
No escaping the spy eyes (police operate cameras & watch from station 24/7). Newcastle Sun, Jan 17, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police & Snitches
Y'Osama, where you bin? (Stallone doing Rambo IV & Rocky VI). The Sun, Jan 17, 2003. Go to 36.Hate Week & 25.Prolefeed
Death, terror in NKorea gulag (200,000 men/women/children accused of political crimes). MSNBC News, Jan 16, 2003. Go to 7.Systems of Thought
Big Brother a fact, not fiction (total 'surveillance society' possible). WorldNetDaily, Jan 16, 2003 & ACLU spooked by domestic spying. Wired News, Jan 16, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance & TERROR BILL IS TERROR
Death in Dallas - this time liberty (surveillance system a Commie would love). Dallas Observer, Jan 16, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance
'Smart card' for crossing border (urged by Canadian business leaders, one of whom is future PM). National Post, Jan 15, 2003. Go to 10.The Rulers & 5.Pyramidal NWO & 8.Classes of People & 35.The Brotherhood & CORPORATE COMMUNISM
Death to the superstore (high price to pay for cheap food). London Times, Jan 14, 2003. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & 15.Life In Oceania
500 quid bounty on drink-drivers (friends-neighbours-workmates-relatives phoning cops to get reward). London Times, Jan 14, 2003. Go to 20.Thought Police & Snitches
Sharp rise in psychiatric drugs (used on adults & children - 'knocks the fight out of them'). SanFranChron, Jan 14, 2003. Go to BIO-CHEM WARFARE & DRUG WAR & PEACE
700,000 abortions in 2001 (children must 'earn right to be welcomed into the world'). CNSNews, Jan 14, 2003. Go to 30.Love Instinct & WHERE HAVE ALL THE BABIES GONE?
Show reveals spy-camera secrets (in lighters, watches, drink cans etc). Japan Daily, Jan 14, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance
Violent & bloody images of children (exhibited in Canadian art gallery prove 'society going down toilet'). National Post, Jan 13, 2003. Go to 7.Systems of Thought & 25.Prolefeed
'I am not a pedophile', says Townshend (in truth he's a pedophile's victim). National Post, Jan 13, 2003. Go to 25.Prolefeed & TOMMY WAS SEXUALLY ABUSED & CHILD SEX IN BNW/NWO
Microchips in everything we buy (on "smart shelves" in WalMart & Tesco). C/Net, Jan 13, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance
CAN/USA/MEX borders s/b dismantled (& made into "internal checkpoints" say CEOs of largest corporations). National Post, Jan 13, 2003. Go to 6.Super-States & 9.Keeping Masses Down
Police fire at pigs in riot control experiment ("pigs didn't even squeal"). Ottawa Citizen, Jan 12, 2003. Go to 4.Old World Destruction & PARALLEL OF "1984"
Super jail, super cheap (prisons run privately for profit treat prisoners inhumanely). National Post, Jan 11, 2003. Go to 34.Ministry of Love
EVERY MAN SHOULD HAVE A RIFLE (poem by Henry Lawson sent in by an Australian reader). Go to GUN CONTROL
USA loses 101,000 jobs in December (for total of 2 million in 2002). CBS, Jan 10, 2003. Go to 11.Ministry of Plenty
Is someone watching you? (Employers spying on employees inside and outside workplace). Globe & Mail, Jan 10, 2003. Go to 20.Thought Police & Snitches
Big Brother wrist-watching you (TVs will be in everything). Sydney Herald, Jan 10, 2003 & Gov't can turn on TV (take control of phone/computer etc). Wash Times, Jan 10, 2003. Go to 1.The Diary & 3.Surveillance
Water being privatized world-wide (gov'ts selling the river). National Post, Jan 9, 2003. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & WATER CONTROL
Saudis torture Westerners again (gov'ts do nothing, as usual). Globe & Mail, Jan 8, 2003. Go to 39.Interrogation & Torture & 34.Ministry of Love
Sex trade thrives in China (communist gov't runs 5-star hotels catering to foreigners & military). Wash Post, Jan 4, 2003. Go to 10.The Rulers & 23.The Proles
USA gov't wants travel details (for everyone's comings & goings). Chicago Sun, Jan 4, 2003.Go to 3.Surveillance
UK man arrested for protest over baby-eating show from China. Reuters, Jan 4, 2003. Go to 22.Doublethink & 23.The Proles & 7.Systems of Thought
Traffic cops traumatize family (blow head off dog for protesting). WorldNetDaily, Jan 4, 2003. Go to 20.Thought Police & Snitches
FDA approves Prozac for children (Eli Lily needed new market after patent protection expired). Yahoo!Reuters, Jan 3, 2003. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation & DRUG WAR & PEACE
Weather wreaking havoc in Europe (hurricanes, torrential rain, extreme cold). MSNBC, Jan 3, 2003. Go to WEATHER CONTROL
Chinese baby-eater shown on TV ("utter depravity" of broadcasting disgusts & horrifies British). Globe & Mail, Jan 3, 2003. Go to 7.Systems of Thought & 25.Prolefeed
Will your TV become a spy?(Yes, once everyone goes digital). Business Week, Jan 3, 2003. Go to 1.The Diary & 3.Surveillance
Sniper tips used to find firearms (rumours by neighbours bring police). Wash Times, Jan 3, 2002. Go to 20.Thought Police & Snitches & GUN CONTROL & THE GHOST FROM VALLEY FORGE
Smoking ban is "martial law" (imposed by health bureaucrat on bingo halls, bars, restaurants etc...). Globe & Mail, Jan 3, 2003. Go to 21.Crimestop & DRUG WAR & PEACE
Canada losing industries to China (lumber, wheat, cars, steel etc prefer low-wage communist system). Waterloo Record, Jan 2, 2003. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & CHINESE TAKE-OVER
USA companies sold technology to China (to help launch nuclear weapons capable of hitting America). Wash Post, Jan 1, 2003 & USA continues food to NKorea (which goes to enemy army). Reuters, Jan 1, 2003. Go to 6.Super-States & 12.Minipax & ARMING OUR ENEMIES
"...lift up your glass, For surely I'll lift mine, And we'll drink a cup of kindness yet, For old lang syne."
The gun in the labourer's house (Canadians who resist gun laws are heroes deserving gratitude & praise). National Post, Dec 31, 2002 & Politician will defy gun law (penalty is 10 yrs in prison). Globe & Mail, Dec 31, 2002. Go to GUN CONTROL
CAN/USA gov'ts want land for parks (logging & recreation disturb grizzlies - "a unique community of carnivore species"). National Post, Dec 31, 2002. Go to ANIMALISM & BIG BROTHER LAND GRAB
Soldiers were nuclear guinea pigs (tested for physical/psychological effects, then abandoned to disease & death). National Post, Dec 27, 2002. Go to 13.Weapons & JFK Nuclear Test Ban Speech
A year without seasons (weather "strange, crazy, mysterious, wacky"). National Post, Dec 27, 2002. Go to WEATHER CONTROL
Pinnocchio is gay in 2002 remake (wears chains, manacles & dog collar). National Post, Dec 27, 2002. Go to 25.Prolefeed & 30.Love & Family & WALT DISNEY AMERICAN HERO
Death sentence for USA wolves (slaughtering wildlife, sheep & cattle). Telegraph, Dec 22, 2002. Go to ANIMAL FARM WAS ANIMALISM
Abortion clinic can stay open (300 unlicensed killings a month). Tennessean, Dec 21, 2002. Go to ORWELL WAS PRO-LIFE & ABORTION POPULATION CONTROL
All cops to get Tazers (highly concentrated electricity jolt). ArizonaRep, Dec 21, 2002. Go to 13.Weapons & GUN CONTROL
Sex sells for pop tarts (egged on by braying men, Britney spreads her legs). Australia Age, Dec 20, 2002. Go to 25.Prolefeed & 30.Love Instinct & 35.The Brotherhood
Ground Zero plans unveiled (full of occult symbolism - the number '11', domes & pyramids etc). Newsday, Dec 19, 2002. Go to 5.Pyramidal New World Order & BIG BROTHER SYMBOLISM
Heroin deaths rise dramatically (pure & cheaper than six-pack - snorted & smoked by middle-class). Boston Globe, Dec 19, 2002. Go to 23.The Proles & IN AFGHAN FIELDS POPPIES GROW
Police want cameras in homes (hidden in objects around house). Telegraph, Dec 17, 2002. Go to 1.The Diary & 3.Surveillance
Hi-tech arms against Iraq (will be used on USA citizens). London Independent, Dec 15, 2002. Go to 13.Weapons & WAR AS WEAPON PRACTICE
Kissinger resigns from 9-11 panel ("even cursory search on internet shows controversy surrounds him"). Boston Globe, Dec 15, 2002 & Probing the client controversy (profits from oil & weaponry). MSNBC Newsweek, Dec 14, 2002. Go to 35.The Brotherhood & ZIONISM IN AMERICA
Luck saves Greek politician (from 'deranged' assassin bullet). Guardian, Dec 15, 2002. Go to BRAINWASHED ASSASSIN MOVIES
Assassination allowed for CIA (have secret hit-list of terrorists). NY Times, Dec 15, 2002. Go to 7.Systems of Thought
Another land grab for owls (stopping development & recreation). Washington Times, Dec 15, 2002. Go to ANIMALISM & BIG BROTHER GRABS LAND
USA jobs fading away fast (going to China & Mexico). USA Today, Dec 14, 2002. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & CHINESE TAKE-OVER
Students taught to snort cocaine (2 parents out of 540 complain). National Post, Dec 14, 2002. Go to 23.The Proles & DRUG WAR & PEACE
EU welcomes 10 new members (up from 15 to 25 countries). Financial Times, Dec 13, 2002. Go to 6.Superstates
N Korea issues nuclear threat (sends missiles & warheads to Yemen). BBC, Dec 12, 2002. Go to 6.Super-States & 13.Weapons & ARMING OUR ENEMIES
Smallpox shots for 500,000 GIs (first step in mandatory for all). Washington Times, Dec 12, 2002. Go to BIO WARFARE & SMALLPOX VACCINATION SCAM
Wicca casts spell at colleges (opens door to Black Magic). Fox News, Dec 12, 2002. Go to WITCHES, WIZARDS & DEMONS
Tribes are front organizations (non-Indians enriched by gambling). NY Times, Dec 12, 2002. Go to 24.The Lottery & INDIAN LAND CLAIMS
Europe shutting-down websites (for hate-speech & copyright). Yahoo!Reuters, Dec 11, 2002. Go to 16.Ministry of Truth & 21.Crimestop
NY bans Christian symbols in schools (but allows Jewish & Islamic). Newsday, Dec 11, 2002. Go to ANTI-GOD CONSPIRACY
Face-scans for passports (Canada 1st to use technology). National Post, Dec 11, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance
Talks on ID cards for everyone (to access gov't services such as health, schools, libraries). Telegraph, Dec 11, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance
Model who outed sex-abusers (while on tv, now in coma). Telegraph, Dec 11, 2002. Go to 10.Rulers & 40.Electric Shock Brainwashing
'Burning Bush' joke earns prison (bartender overheard & told police)., Dec 10, 2002. Go to 20.Thought Police & 38.Cellars
"Gangs of NY" unrelenting brutality (racism-criminality-butchery-mayhem-degradation-prostitution-thievery-cruelty). NY Post, Dec 19, 2002. Go to 25.Prolefeed & 17.Falsification of Past
Cashing in on Indian casinos (making claim to land that was never theirs). Time, Dec 8, 2002. Go to 24.The Lottery & INDIAN LAND CLAIMS
The Kyoto-speak brainwashers (underlying science non-existent). Globe & Mail, Dec 8, 2002. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation & ENVIRONMENTALISM IS ANIMALISM & WEATHER CONTROL
Iraq: 22 years of war (civilian areas bombed continuously). National Post, Dec 7, 2002. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace
Students hide under desks (in 'hypothetical gunmen' drill). National Post, Dec 7, 2002. Go to 28.Reality Control & 21.Crimestop & SCHOOL SHOOTINGS
Internet speech ban 'chilling' (targets differing opinions on abortion, homosexuality, holocaust etc). PC World, Dec 7, 2002. Go to 18.Newspeak
Schools give army student data (recruit w/o parents knowledge). Seattle Post, Dec 7, 2002. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace & MAMAS DON'T LET YOUR BABIES
Natives given free bullets (disarmed taxpayers foot the bill). National Post, Dec 7, 2002. Go to GUN CONTROL &
More foreign students sought (already up 71% since 1998). National Post, Dec 7, 2002. Go to CHINESE TAKE-OVER & CORPORATE COMMUNISM
Churchill wanted to nuke Germany (but the bomb wasn't ready). Aussie Age, Dec 2, 2002. Go to 13.Weapons
Butler's shop hit by arson (100 threatening phone calls). Daily Mirror, Dec 2, 2002. Go to PRINCESS' PEOPLE
Britain on smallpox terror alert (vaccine contract to gov't donor). Telegraph, Dec 2, 2002. Go to BIO WARFARE: VACCINATIONS & SMALLPOX VACCINATION SCAM
Taking liberties with freedom (Homeland Security & Patriot Act rammed into law). Wired News, Dec 2, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police & TERRORBILL IS TERROR
USA B-52s bomb Afghan targets (drop seven 2,000-pound bombs). BBC, Dec 2, 2002. Go to 6.Disputed Territories & 12.Minipax & AFGHANISTAN REMEMBERED
Boeing film shows attack on Muslims (War On Terror is War On Islam). Telegraph, Dec 2, 2002. Go to 16.Minitrue & 12.Minipax
Elk farmers sue over Mad Cow (disease has wiped them out). CBC, Nov 30, 2002. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & FOOT & MOUTH IN 007
USA labels soldier a deserter (says he willingly stayed in NKorea & will court-martial if he leaves). Stars & Stripes, Nov 30, 2002. Go to USA SAID GARWOOD DESERTED & KISS THE BOYS GOODBYE
Chechnya is Russia's Vietnam (18+ yr olds plucked off streets & forcibly put in army). Globe & Mail, Nov 30, 2002. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace & MAMAS DON'T LET YOUR BABIES
Ruthless founder of Secret Police (resurrected as new Russian hero). Baltimore Sun, Nov 30, 2002. Go to 2.Big Brother
Drug detector tests driver's sweat ("Sweat Scan" being perfected now). SwissInfo, Nov 29, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance
USA weighing assassination options (Specter from Warren Commission supports using Predator Hell-Fire). World Tribune, Nov 29, 2002. Go to 7.Systems of Thought
Word "homosexual" to disappear (to "protect" gays & lesbians). Independent, Nov 29, 2002. Go to 27.Goodthink & 18.Newspeak
UN inspector a sadomasochist (USA State Dep't chose him). London Independent, Nov 29, 2002. Go to 10.The Rulers
EU tax for EU citizens (to finance EU federation). EU Observer, Nov 29, 2002. Go to 6.Super-States
ORWELL'S "CRYPTO-COMMIE" LIST (from the pro-Orwell camp). Nov 28, 2002
Bush wants Kissinger to probe 9-11 Yahoo!AFP, Nov 27, 2002 & Kissinger: back door operator (suspected in political assassinations). BBC, Nov 27, 2002. Go to 10.The Rulers & 35.The Brotherhood
France may fence violent schools (video surveillance & electronic gates). SwissInfo, Nov 27, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance & SCHOOLS LIKE PRISONS
Needle and damage done (anthrax vaccine given soldiers has killed & maimed thousands). London Times, Nov 27, 2002. Go to BIO WARFARE: VACCINATIONS & ANTHRAX IN BRAVE NEW WORLD
Paedophile ring for Portugal's elite (police-media-diplomats-politicians). Guardian, Nov 27, 2002. Go to CHILD SEX IN BNW & BABY SEX IN KINSEY REPORT
Backlash over anti-terror laws (hysteria creating totalitarian regime). Sydney Morning Herald, Nov 27, 2002. Go to 20.Thought Police & Snitches & ORDER OUT OF CHAOS & TERROR-BILL IS TERROR
USA begins vaccinating millions (many will refuse due to risk). Guardian, Nov 27, 2002. Go to BIO WARFARE: VACCINATIONS & SMALLPOX VACCINATION SCAM
Fingerprint checkouts for groceries (will expand to stores nationally). NBC News, Nov 27, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance & CASHLESS SOCIETY & HISTORY OF FINGERPRINTING
Animal Farm parody exploits Orwell (turns it into Capitalist, anti-Islam 9-11 propaganda). Telegraph, Nov 27, 2002. Go to 25.Prolefeed & HOSTILE PARODY & ORWELL'S COMMIE LIST
Russia's secret police on trial (Estonia first in speaking for Stalin's 60-million victims). Telegraph, Nov 26, 2002. Go to 17.Falsification of Past & 16.Minitrue & COMMUNIST CRIMES EXPOSED & ORWELL'S PUBLISHING PROBLEMS
Teacher sent letters-to-editor (criticised homosexual behaviour, now accused of "hate-mongering"). National Post, Nov 25, 2002. Go to 5.Pyramidal New World Order & 27.Goodthink & 18.Newspeak
Hard core porn for prisoners (European Union overturns British law). BackPage, Nov 25, 2002. Go to 22.Doublethink & 25.Prolefeed
Hard core porn for prisoners (European Union overturns British law). BackPage, Nov 25, 2002. Go to 22.Doublethink & 25.Prolefeed
Santas get & give oral sex in Norway ("Santa Klauz is coming soon!"). Aftenposten, Nov 24, 2002. Go to 25.Prolefeed
Harvard to ban offensive speech (in violation of USA Constitution). Philly Inquirer, Nov 24, 2002. Go to 18.Newspeak & 27.Goodthink
Starvation to those defying Mugabe (agricultural production has collapsed). London Times, Nov 24, 2002 & Child hunger deaths shock Argentina (still exports meat-wheat-corn-soya). Guardian, Nov 24, 2002. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down
Old men considering compulsory draft (sacrificing other peoples' children). UPI, Nov 24, 2002. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace & MAMAS DON'T LET YOUR BABIES
World's biggest telescope to prove (Americans really walked on moon?). Telegraph, Nov 24, 2002. Go to 17.Falsification of Past & Moon Landing - A Hoax & CONSPIRACY THEORIES
Geography lessons brainwash students (teachers action wing of Greenpeace - communist ideology controls history too). Telegraph, Nov 24, 2002. Go to 12.Ministry of Truth & 17.Falsification of Past & LENIN BEHIND ENVIRONMENTALISTS
Fish & Wildlife Service land grab (750,000 acres "critical habitat"). ModestaBee, Nov 24, 2002. Go to ENVIRONMENTALISM is ANIMALISM
HOLOCAUST IN OUR HIGH SCHOOLS (safe-sex, pro-abortion teachings have caused epidemic of disease & death). National Post, Nov 23, 2002. Go to 25.Prolefeed & 30.Love Instinct & BABY KILLERS IN CHARGE
JFK NEPHEW THANKS NATIVES (rescued "Chief of Great Country"). ~ died 39 years ago today, Friday, November 22, 1963 ~. Go to JFK TRUTH & UNTRUTH
Camelot on painkillers ("He didn't feel YOUR pain; he felt HIS"). WallStreetJournal, Nov 22, 2002. Go to 17.Falsification of Past & THEY KKK & JFK WAS GOOD
Blood scandal connected to politicians (USA's former president & Canada's would-be prime minister). WorldNetDaily, Nov 22, 2002. Go to STAGED EVENTS: BIO WARFARE
Bobby Fischer exiled from USA (says Russians 'fixed' world chess & Jews setting up world government). Atlantic Monthly, Dec 2002. Go to 19.Goldstein & 35.The Brotherhood & CONSPIRACY THEORIES
Civic Insanity in 'Age of Pharaoh' (All-Seeing Eye on top of Pyramid is shining on Western World)., Nov 21, 2002. Go to 2.Big Brother & 5.Pyramidal now & CONSPIRACY THEORIES
Canada's "Tainted Blood" scandal (Hep-C & HIV knowingly transfused for money & to not offend gays). National Post, Nov 21, 2002 & Smallpox: Dead disease resurrected (scam by pharmaceuticals & gov'ts). Doctor Within, Nov 2002 & Flu shot paralyzes executive & Experimental cervical cancer vaccine. Globe & Mail, Nov 21, 2002. Go to STAGED EVENT: VACCINATIONS
Information Awareness Office (IAO) ("All-Seeing Eye" is logo & "Knowledge is Power" is motto). Go to FREEDOM IS SLAVERY & PINKERTON'S ALL-SEEING EYE & 2.Big Brother
The Eye Is Watching (IAO uses New World Order symbolism). USA Daily, Nov 21, 2002. Go to WITCHES, WIZARDS & DEMONS & 2.Big Brother & 3.Surveillance & FREEDOM IS SLAVERY
Pentagon to track your purchases (database created by DARPA run by Information Awareness Office). Fox News, Nov 20, 2002. Go to 20.Thought Police & Snitches. "All-Seeing Eye" on Pyramid (is logo of new organization). Illuminati Conspiracy, Jul 22, 2002. Go to 35.The Brotherhood
Digital passport photo database (to "protect" Canadians from fraud). Toronto Star, Nov 20, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance
Writer jailed for "racist" comment (said hunters have same rights as blacks, Muslims & gays). Telegraph, Nov 20, 2002. Go to 18.Newspeak & 27.Goodthink
Greenspan: Global economy in slump. Newsday, Nov 20, 2002. Go to 5.Pyramidal New World Order & GREENSPAN FROM JEKYLL ISLAND & JFK & FED RESERVE
Protest over hyperactivity drug (children getting "chemical lobotomy"). BBC, Nov 20, 2002. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation & DRUG WAR & PEACE
Red China eyes USA ports (their army runs Panama Canal). Insight, Nov 20, 2002. Go to 6.Super-States & CHINESE TAKE-OVER
University shoots porn movie (students having sex with actresses). LasVegas Sun, Nov 20, 2002. Go to 25.Prolefeed
Pro-abortion & library partners (deny access to pro-life people). CNS, Nov 20, 2002. Go to 30.Love Instinct & Family & BABY KILLERS IN CHARGE
Huey Long's Utopia ("Share Our Wealth") and ORWELL'S UTOPIA ("Deomocratic Socialism")
"The murder of John Kennedy was probably the most terrible moment in the history of this country."~ Prosecutor Jim Garrison. Go to GARRISON REMEMBERS JFK
"Soon we will be able to harness the rotational energy from Orwell's grave to solve all world energy problems" ~ sent by reader
Germans say Churchill war criminal (began killing of civilians). Telegraph, Nov 18, 2002. Go to 7.Systems of Thought
"War without death" says Pentagon (mask reality so voters won't recoil). SanFranGate, Nov 18, 2002. Go to 28.Reality Control & 16.Minitrue
Zoo elephant kills handler. Aussie News, Nov 18, 2002. Read Orwell's essay SHOOTING AN ELEPHANT.
Terror powers unleashed (using Bali bombings as excuse). Aussie news, Nov 18, 2002. Go to ORDER OUT OF CHAOS & TERROR BILL IS TERROR
Public to patrol smoking-ban (phone in to snitch-line). Delaware, Nov 18, 2002. Go to 20.Thought Police & Snitches & DRUG WAR & PEACE
Remote control brain sensor (for those delusional about electrodes). BBC, Nov 18, 2002. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation & 42.The Party Tells 'Why'
Orwell praised for his honesty (told truth about Communism). Wash Times, Nov 18, 2002. Go to WHY ORWELL WROTE 1984
N Korea admits nuclear arsenal ("to cope with threats from USA"). BBC, Nov 18, 2002. Go to 6.Superstates and ARMING OUR ENEMIES
FBI spied on chess king (says holocaust a Jewish lie). Philly, Nov 17, 2002. Go to 20.Thought Police & Snitches
Iraq war = worldwide recession (USA owes $300-B from last one). Arab News, Nov 18, 2002. Go to 11.Ministry of Plenty
Morning-after pill in schools (for 11-yr olds w/o consent). Telegraph, Nov 18, 2002. Go to 22.Doublethink & 25.Prolefeed
Conspiracy theories go mainstream (even "normal" people believe in). Globe & Mail, Nov 16, 2002. Go to CONSPIRACY THEORIES & CONSPIRACY GOES MAINSTREAM
Newly disclosed JFK medical file (according to an "historian" who "took notes" but no copies). NY Times, Nov 16, 2002. Go to 17.Falsification of Past & 16.Minitrue & THEY KEEP KILLING KENNEDY
Another friend defends butler (and says Di was spied on). Daily Mirror, Nov 16, 2002. Go to 20.Thought Police & DIANA FEARED BEING WATCHED
Big Brother goes to Washington (gov't using "security" law to spy on Americans). Newsweek, Nov 16, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance & TERRORBILL is TERROR
Americans could be chipped (gov't sees no problem). XtraMSN, Nov 16, 2002. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation & 3.Surveillance
Huge Mandela Statue of Freedom (made of disarmed guns). New Zealand News, Nov 15, 2002. Go to 2.Big Brother
Britons now under EU courts (can be arrested & extradited for offences that aren't crimes). Scotsman, Nov 15, 2002. Go to 6.Super-States & 21.Crimestop
China's new leader is ruthless (sharpened his teeth on Tibet). London Telegraph, Nov 15, 2002. Go to 7.Systems of Thought
3,000 communists storm Nepal town (use villagers as shields). London Telegraph, Nov 15, 2002. Go to 7.Systems of Thought & NEPAL REMEMBERED
Vets win fight to show film (accurate Pearl Harbor re-enactment). Pasadena Star, Nov 15, 2002. Go to ORDER OUT OF CHAOS & TORA! TORA! TORA!
Butler sons thank princes (best friends growing up). London Mirror, Nov 15, 2002. Go to PRINCESS' PEOPLE
Biometric national ID card (for every Canadian citizen). CBC, Nov 14, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance
Britain proposes longer hours for pubs (will curb binge-drinking & end noise & brawls). AP, Nov 14, 2002
You are a suspect (felon running USA surveillance) & Severe restrictions in Russia (contrary opinion illegal). Go to 20.Thought Police & Snitches & TERROR BILL IS TERROR
Ideal soldier stands trial (not allowed to help victims). National Post, Nov 14, 2002. Go to STRAITJACKETING CANADIANS
Diana's princes support butler. Daily Mirror, Nov 14, 2002 & Palace stops Fergie talking. London Telegraph, Nov 14, 2002. Go to PRINCESS' PEOPLE
Senators vote selves pay-raise (increase $18,000 in 2 years). Yahoo!AP, Nov 14, 2002. Go to ANIMAL FARM PIGS & JFK DONATED SALARY
Big Brother watching London (movements tracked by 200 cameras). London Times, Nov 14, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance
'Black box' monitors teen driving (where-when-how & audio warnings). Globe & Mail, Nov 14, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance & BEYOND ORWELL
School children fingerprinted (who is monitoring database?). London Herald, Nov 14, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance & SCHOOLS LIKE PRISON
Israelis storm Gaza City (forces, tanks, helicopters). Globe & Mail, Nov 13, 2002. Go to 4.Old World Destruction
Privacy watchdogs slam database (expands state & police powers). Globe & Mail, Nov 13, 2000. Go to 20.Thought Police
Hate crime cops raid 150 homes ('suspected' of homophobia & racism). BBC, Nov 13, 2002. Go to 20.Thought Police & Snitches & 27.Goodthink & 18.Newspeak
Harvard speech cancelled (poet has criticized Jews & Israel). Boston Globe, Nov 13, 2002. Go to 10.The Rulers & 18.Newspeak
Boss gets new spying tools ("Echelon-level" features). Wired News, Nov 13, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance
Brain surgery created terrorist (of leader of Meinhof gang). Toronto Star, Nov 13, 2002. Go to 40.Electric Shock Brainwashing & MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE
Star Wars airships from above (monitor & laser 'terrorists' below). London Times, Nov 13, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance & 13.Weapons
Justice system changing focus (from criminals to pre-criminals committing 'anti-social' behaviour). London Telegraph, Nov 13, 2002. Go to 21.Crimestop
Police seek volunteer patrols (to help fight "terrorism"). NBC News, Nov 12, 2002. Go to 36.Hate Week Volunteerism
USArmy wants new recruits (using violent computer games as bait). BBC, Nov 12, 2002. Go to 11.Ministry of Peace & MAMAS DON'T LET YOUR BABIES
72 tornadoes in 12 states Reuters, Nov 11, 2002 & 100 wildfires in eastern Australia London Independent, Nov 11, 2002. Go to LBJ ON WEATHER CONTROL
News dogs viciously attack butler (assassinating character to stop truth). Daily Mirror, Nov 11, 2002. Go to 16.Ministry of Truth (Lies) & PRINCESS' PEOPLE
Gov't forcing drugs on addicts (cuts funding to abstinence programs). Vancouver Prov, Nov 10, 2002. Go to 23.The Proles & DRUG WAR & PEACE
EU gives convicts hardcore porn (right of expression & information). Aussie Age, Nov 11, 2002. EU Council outlaws net speech (some ideas & theories are 'hate'). Wired News, Nov 11, 2002. Go to 23.The Proles & 22.Doublethink
Giant hog farms in Canada (animal waste polluting waterways). CBC News, Nov 10, 2002. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & FACTORY FARMING COVER-UP
Voices in your head? Check your chip (silicon not silicone latest implant). NY Times, Nov 10, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance
Forgotten NKorea war has real graves (Canadians 3rd largest group buried in UN Memorial Cemetary). National Post, Nov 9, 2002. Go to VIETNAM/KOREAN WARS & MAMAS DON'T LET YOUR BABIES
Safeway has computerized shopping carts (swipe card, get flashing ads). Baltimore Sun, Nov 8, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance
Diana's friend defends butler (Diana regarded Paul as her family). Drudge Report, Nov 8, 2002. Go to PRINCESS' PEOPLE
Five Fort Bragg killings similar (all took psychotic-reaction drug). Baltimore Sun, Nov 8, 2002. Go to MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE MOVIE
NASA pulls Moon hoax book (no stars; flag flaps in no-breeze). BBC, Nov 8, 2002. Go to 17.Falsification of Past
Inhumane treatment of prisoners (in transit to Guantanamo prison). Houston Chron, Nov 8, 2002. Photo worth thousand words. Art Bell, Nov 8, 2002. Go to 34.Ministry of Love & 7.Systems of Thought
Forced vaccines haunt Gulf vets & Babies to get more vaccinations & New drug a brain stimulant. Wired News/London Times/Guardian. Nov 7, 2002. Go to VACCINATIONS & DRUGS
Electric shock to rat brains stops fear (anxious-stressed-depressed humans next). Globe & Mail, Nov 7, 2002. Go to 40.Electric Shock Brainwashing & ELECTRIC SHOCK IN BNW
'Elders of Zion' airs on Egyptian TV (Jewish plot to control world?). WorldNetDaily, Nov 7, 2002. Go to 19.Goldstein & 35.The Brotherhood & CONSPIRACY THEORIES
Educators to support war on terrorism (military recruiters in high schools). NY Post, Nov 6, 2002. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace & UNCLE SAMuel WANTS YOU!
USA terrorizing Germany (building "Islam-is-bad" base there). Scotsman, Nov 6, 2002. Go to 28.Reality Control
Weapons on crowds & individuals (loud noises-bright lights-horrific odors-electric shocks-dense smoke-slippery greases-microwave radiation-mind-altering agents etc). NY Times, Nov 6, 2002. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace & BIO-CHEM EXPERIMENTS
Terror war has no boundaries (Russia wants extradition of Dane). VOA, Nov 6, 2002. Go to 7.Systems of Thought & ONE-SIZE TERROR-BILLS
"There are powers at work in this country about which we have no knowledge" ~ the Queen of England. London Mirror, Nov 6, 2002. Go to PRINCESS' PEOPLE & CONSPIRACY THEORIES
Guantanamo for "worst of the worst" (101-yr old Afghani man). London Independent, Nov 5, 2002 and (16-yr old Canadian boy). Aussie News, Nov 5, 2002. Go to 39.Interrogation & Torture & 34.Ministry of Love
CIA's "Predator" spy plane (armed with Hellfire missiles). London Times, Nov 5, 2002. Go to 13.Weapons & 3.Surveillance
CHINA'S COMMUNIST CAPITALISTS (Globe-trotting business-men pay dues to the Party). NY Times, Nov 4, 2002. Go to ORWELL'S UTOPIA
Canada's border gets new weapons (ultrasound & infrared snoop devices). National Post, Nov 4, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance
Keyboard wrote on neighbor's computer (developed life of its own). Aftenposten, Nov 3, 2002. Go to 1.The Diary & 3.Surveillance
QUADRIGA PEACE STATUE (towers above Picadilly Circus). London Independent, Nov 4, 2002
Queen's timing spurs skeptics (withheld evidence - obstructed justice). National Post, Nov 4, 2002 & Princess' "rock" to tell story (about being falsley accused). London Mirror, Nov 4, 2002. Go to PEOPLES' PRINCESS
JFK & KHRUSHCHEV (maintaining the good life). Nov 3, 2002. Go to JFK TRUTH & UNTRUTH
London's privacy falling down (Big Bobby is watching). Wired News, Nov 2, 2002. Go to 2.Big Brother & 3.Surveillance
Army's secret people zapper (heats skin to 130 degrees). London Guardian, Nov 2, 2002. Go to 13.Weapons
DEFENDING WALT DISNEY (response to reader's letter). Nov 2, 2002. Go to 25.Prolefeed
Most violent video ever (practise virtual killing). Standard Times, Nov 1, 2002. Go to 25.Prolefeed
Toddlers being experimented on (to be given smallpox vaccination containing a live virus). Baltimore Sun, Nov 1, 2002. Go to VACCINATIONS & WITCHES' BREW
Privacy a thing of the past (Big Brother has Small Siblings). SwissInfo, Nov 1, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance
1980 Soviet Grain Embargo (after Russia attacked Afghanistan). AgWeb, Nov 1, 2002. Go to GRAIN EMBARGO
Defiant farmers go to jail (to defend basic freedoms). Globe & Mail, Nov 1, 2002. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & FOOD CONTROL
"The proof is the proof and when you have a good proof it's proven." ~ Canada's Prime Minister describing evidence for war on Iraq.
War crimes in Chechnya & Palestine (to people resisting subjugation). Daily Star, Oct 31, 2002. Go to 7.Systems of Thought
More surveillance on way (passed 385-3 in House - politicians didn't read it). Nation, Oct 30, 2002. Go to 4.Pyramidal New World Order & TERRORBILL is TERROR
Urine-test invades privacy (ain't gonna pee-pee in no cup). ReasonOn-line, Oct 31, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance
Ivory trade threatens elephant (elephants grieve over dead)., Oct 31, 2002. Go to AMERICA LIKE ELEPHANT
Bookstores pull gun magazines (Chapters -Coles -SmithBooks -Indigo). Canada Press, Oct 31, 2002. Go to 16.Ministry of Truth & GUN CONTROL
Home foreclosures soar (high prices defy logic). AP Radio News, Oct 31, 2002. Go to 11.Ministry of Plenty (Starvation)
Sex-talk in school newspapers (sexuality is dehumanized with no moral-spiritual-social dimension). Boundless Webzine, Oct 31, 2002. Go to 25.Prolefeed & 30.Love Instinct & Family & SIR PAUL'S WIFE A LADY?
Cow manure to power homes (I'm not bullshitting!). New Hampshire, Oct 31, 2002. Go to FACTORY FARMS
USA wants domestic spy agency (will recruit informers & use bugs & surveillance cameras). London Telegraph, Oct 31, 2002 & Aussies want Homeland Spies too (police kick-down doors). Sydney MH, Oct 31, 2002. Go to 20.Thought Police & Snitches & TERROR-BILL is TERROR
Big Brother becoming reality (cops snoop without warrant). Montreal Gazette, Oct 30. Go to 20.Thought Police & Snitches
"Firearms rare in early America" (award winning book attests) & Anti-gun history falsified (disgraced author resigns). Wash/National Post, Oct 30, 2002. Go to 17.Falsification of Past & GUN CONTROL
THANK-YOU Rick Barber & Callers for a great Orwell discussion on 850 KOA last night ~ JJ
Penalized for paper bills (pay on-line or pay fees). NY Times, Oct 29, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance & PAPERLESS SOCIETY
Scientists reading your mind (gov't to use brain scans). Philly Inquirer, Oct 29, 2002. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation & 41.Party Tells 'How' & 42.Party Tells 'Why'
"Home Depot" killing "home" (they buy communist lumber). Vancouver Sun, Oct 29, 2002. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & COMMUNIST CAPITALISTS
United States of Europe? (Orwell called it "Eurasia"). London Independent, Oct 29, 2002. Go to 6.Super-States
Google censoring web content (gov't shutting politically incorrect but leaving hard-core porn). BBC News, Oct 28, 2002. Go to 22.Doublethink & 25.Prolefeed & 16.Ministry of Truth
Anti-terror database expanding (illegal & violates privacy). National Post, Oct 28, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance & ANTI-TERROR IS TERROR
Tariffs help mass-producers (other mills go under). Financial Post, Oct 28, 2002. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & COMMUNIST CAPITALISTS
Gas is crowd-control weapon (used by gov't on civilians). New Scientiest, Oct 28, 2002 & Non-lethal weapons hurt (sick, repugnant and illegal). Wired News, Oct 28, 2002. Go to 13.Weapons & SPRAYING RAID ON HUMANS and "PEACE-GAS" IN WELLS' UTOPIA
Chip inplant on sale now (rice-size, costs $200). Wired News, Oct 27, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance & 14.Scientific Experimentation
Finger-scanning of teachers (to "protect" students). Education Week, Oct 27, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance & SCHOOLS LIKE PRISONS
Canada teen to Guantanamo (denies links to terrorism). WorldNetDaily, Oct 27, 2002. Go to 34.Ministry of Love
Irradiated food in schools (causes internal bleeding etc). Boston Globe, Oct 27, 2002. Go to 15.Life in Oceania
Ecstasy pills are deadly (have nine dangerous chemicals). National Post, Oct 27, 2002. Go to 23.The Proles & DRUG WAR & PEACE
Kinsey: Porn Star (launched sexual revolution). WorldNetDaily, Oct 27, 2000. Go to 25.Prolefeed
Russians gassed the hostages (experimented with new chemical). London Independent, Oct 27, 2002 & Russia used Knockout Gas (USA declines to criticize). Fox News, Oct 27, 2002.Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation & SPRAYING RAID ON HUMANS
Each cop gets M26 taser gun (50,000 volts shock brain). National Post, Oct 24, 2002. Go to 13.Weapons and GUN CONTROL
Homosexual foster parents wanted (gov't aggressively seeking). Ottawa Citizen, Oct 24, 2002. Go to 30.Love Instinct & Family
Book exposes USA-Military plot (to commit terrorism in USA). ABC News, Oct 24, 2002. Go to 28.Reality Control and ORDER OUT OF CHAOS and "THE MILITARY ARE MAD"
Princess Diana's betrayals (coming out in court)., Oct 24, 2002. Go to PEOPLES' PRINCESS
FBI opens office in China (to fight "war on terrorism")., Oct 24, 2002. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace & LYING WITH WOLVES
China leader stops by NASA (given "VIP" tour). Houston Chron, Oct 24, 2002. Go to 7.Systems of Thought and WHERE WILL WEAPONS GO?
Vietnam pilot returned to USA (1,900 still unaccounted for). AP, Oct 24, 2002. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace and BAY OF TONKIN LIE
China & USA working together (to "promote peace & stability). Reuters, Oct 24, 2002 and Bush offers Putin support (solidarity for USA & Russia. Go to 7.Systems of Thought & WOLF IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING
Canada inprisons farmers (for selling own grain). National Post, Oct 24, 2002. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down and FOOD CONTROL
UN HQ "nauseating piety" (except for elephant's penis). Australian, Oct 24, 2002. Go to 2.Big Brother
Brit students to test condoms (actively recruited & well paid)., Oct 24, 2002. Go to 25.Prolefeed and SEX IN BRAVE NEW WORLD
Vaccine scares off troops (85% react to anthrax shot). CBS News, Oct 24, 2002. Go to VACCINATIONS
Aussies to tighten gun laws (public "worried" says gov't). Sydney MH, Oct 23, 2002. Go to GUN CONTROL
Americans buy Communist apples (for less than cost to produce). CSMonitor, Oct 23, 2002. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down and CHINESE TAKE-OVER
USA ok's human chip implants (for security/financial transactions). Space Daily, Oct 22, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance
Polio shots caused cancer (vaccine made in monkey kidney)., Oct 22, 2002. Go to COMIC RELIEF and VACCINATIONS
Truth is 1st casualty of war (going in under false pretenses). TheTimesOnline, Oct 22, 2002. Go to 28.Reality Control and STAGED EVENTS
French film shows 9-minute rape (Britain will air uncut). London Telegraph, Oct 22, 2002. Go to 25.Prolefeed and 35.The Brotherhood
Adoption law encourages abortion (public humiliation for woman). London Times, Oct 22, 2002. Go to 30.Love Instinct & Family & PREGNANCY NOT WANTED
A helpful street drug (causes & treats schizophrenia). National Post, Oct 21, 2002 and Paxil users suicidal & violent (withdrawal gives electric shock). NY Post, Oct 21, 2002. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation & DRUG WAR & PEACE
CIA break Muslim cleric (tells all after 3-months torture). Aussie Age, Oct 21, 2002. Go to 4.Old World Destruction & 39.Interrogation & Torture & PARALLEL OF "1984"
Man & woman beheaded in Arabia (done publicly with a sword). CP, Oct 21, 2002. Go to 7.Systems of Thought
Canada reads peoples' mail (& uses listening devices). Calgary Herald, Oct 21, 2002. Go to 20.Thought Police & Snitches
Tracking devices for dementia (treating humans like property). UPI Science, Oct 21, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance
UN celebrates 57 years (of democracy & peacekeeping). CTV, Oct 21, 2002. Go to 2.Big Brother
Communist China invading Mexico (wages $2/day instead of $20). Vancouver Sun, Oct 20, 2002. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down and CHINESE TAKE-OVER
Goodyear moving to Mexico (pay less per day than hour). Omaha Herald, Oct 20, 2002. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down
N/Korea has nuclear bomb (Russia & China sent parts). London Times, Oct 19, 2002. Go to 6.Super States and WHERE WILL WEAPONS GO?
USA built N/Korea's reactors (and supplied heavy oil). New York Times, Oct 19, 2002. Go to 6.Super States and WHERE WILL WEAPONS GO?
USA unveils Star-Trek plane ("Bird of Prey" from Area-51). Popular Science, Oct 19, 2002. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace and AREA 51 BASE & OPS
USA wants gun registration (using sniper as excuse).. Ottawa Citizen, Oct 18, 2002. Go to GUN CONTROL and Shootings occur near sniper school (courses for military & police). Go to 28.Reality Control
Cars run on drivers' breath (refusal to stop & blow sets off horn & lights). National Post, Oct 18, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance
Cameras, cameras everywhere (but not a sniper found). Wash Post, Oct 17, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance
Enemy is everywhere & nowhere (chaos brings post-modern world). London Telegraph, Oct 17, 2002. Go to 28.Reality Control and ORDER OUT OF CHAOS
Staying safe from snipers (walk briskly in zig-zag pattern). Wash Post, Oct 17, 2002. Go to ORWELL WAS ARMED
An Orwell for our age (no writer more successful). National Post, Oct 16, 2002. Go to WHY ORWELL WROTE "1984"
Church bells silenced by EU (chimed on 1/4 hour since 1887). London Telegraph, Oct 17, 2002. Go to 29.Renting The Room
Diana's bulter denies theft charges (found her 'alone & lost' at Balmoral). Globe & Mail, Oct 15, 2002. Go to 16.Ministry of Truth and PEOPLES' PRINCESS
"Music business a cesspool" (3-yr old grabbing crotch). Yahoo!Reuters, Oct 15, 2002. Go to 25.Prolefeed
Porno cell phone messages (monthly fee to receive calls). Yahoo!Reuters, Oct 15, 2002 and MUSEUM OF SEX OPENS IN NY. Go to 25.Prolefeed and KINSEY WAS A PERVERT
USA/Britain are bombing Iraq (to protect Kurds & Shi-ites). ABC News, Oct 15, 2002. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace
Police ticket school bullies (pushing-shoving-namecalling = $250). National Post, Oct 11, 2002. Go to SCHOOLS LIKE PRISON and 21.Crimestop
Go to jail, directly to jail (Canadian fundamental freedoms gone). National Post, Oct 11, 2002. Go to 4.Old World Destruction
Gov't tested nerve gas on humans (sprayed from crop-duster planes). National Post, Oct 10, 2002 and Soldiers used as guinea pigs (with LSD & other chemicals etc). Baltimore Sun, Oct 10, 2002. Go to SPRAYING RAID ON HUMANS and BIO/CHEM WARFARE
WHERE ORWELL WROTE "1984" (a place where you can truly "get away from it all" - 7,000 acres of wilderness
WHY ORWELL MATTERS (he writes so citizens can see what their rulers are up to) - from Hoover Digest. Go to WHY ORWELL WROTE "1984"
Woman's choice: destroy uterus (bye-bye bleeding & babies). Calgary Herald, Oct 8, 2002. Go to 30.Love Instinct & Family
Schools vulnerable to terror and Urine tests for students and Sniper does school shooting. Washington Post & AP, Oct 7, 2002. Go to MAKING SCHOOLS LIKE PRISON
Camera sees thru skin & walls (to be used everywhere soon). London Telegraph, Oct 7, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance
Inhuman killing of philanthropist's son (died Friday - found Monday). London Telegraph, Oct 7, 2002. Go to 35.The Brotherhood and WITHCES, WIZARDS, DEMONS
South African revolution betrayed (Black Rule worse than White Rule). Baltimore Sun, Oct 7, 2002. Go to 8.Classes of People and 10.The Rulers
'Beast' bulldozers terrify Palestinians (made in USA for Israeli military). Baltimore Sun, Oct 6, 2002. Go to 7.Systems of Thought
The brave never live long, and the cautious never live. ~ thought of the day
New Brandenburg Gate unzipped (now a symbol of unity). SanFran Gate, Oct 3, 2002. Go to PHOTO OF ZIPPER GATE and A LONG WAY FROM JFK
Police shackle farm couple (76) (no compassion or compensation). Zim News, Oct 3, 2002. Go to 7.Systems of Thought
More Guantanamo suicide attempts (slit wrists with plastic forks). Orlando Sentinel, Oct 3, 2002. Go to 7.Systems of Thought and AFGHANISTAN AFTERMATH
Iris scans at Canadian airports (to "protect" us from "terrorists"). CBC News, Sep 27,2002. Go to 3.Surveillance & FREEDOM = SLAVERY
Boys will be girls in future (female hormone in water & milk). National Post, Sep 27, 2002. Go to 27.Goodthink & 30.Love Instinct & Family
Ecstasy causes brain damage (users get Parkinson's later). National Post, Sep 27, 2002. Go to BIO/CHEM WARFARE & DRUG WAR & PEACE
Saudis torture Canadian to confess (Canadian gov't "in touch"). National Post, Sep 26, 2002. Go to 34.Ministry of Love and 39.Interrogation & Torture
Banker Greenspan gets knighted (2nd most powerful man in USA)., Sep 26, 2002. Go to 3.Pyramidal New World Order and 10.The Rulers
Feedlot owner terrorizes mayor (caught redhanded -still goes free). National Post, Sep 26, 2002. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down and FEEDLOTS INSTEAD OF FARMS
Abortion Pill rising in USA (100,000+ used deadly drug). Washington Post, Sep 25, 2002. Go to POPULATION CONTROL and ORWELL ON ABORTION
Police drop 'God' from oath (firefighters could be next)., Sep 25, 2002. Go to 38.Cellars
Mall surveillance all pervasive (store-parking lot-car-exit ramp). Miami Observer, Sep 24, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance
Police use excessive force (threaten media with criminal charges). CBC News, Sep 24, 2002. Go to 34.Ministry of Love
Hong Kong anti-subversion law (expressing an opinion "criminalized"). BBC, Sep 24, 2002. Go to 20.Thought Police & 21.Crimestop
Britain rocked by strong quake (shook up 220-mile swath). UK Mirror, Sep 24, 2002. Go to WEATHER CONTROL
Soviet history covered up (Putin puts Stalin on coin). FrontPageMag, Sep 24, 2002. Go to 2.Big Brother and 17.Falsification of Past
Case against Jane Fonda (she aided & abetted enemy). FrontPageMag, Sep 24, 2002. Go to 35.The Brotherhood & VIETNAM
Public sex in state parks (gay teachers-execs-posties in act). Washington Times, Sep 24, 2002. Go to 23.The Proles & 25.Prolefeed
Hard-core porn in motels (family group X-ing out XXX). USA Today, Sep 24, 2002. Go to 30.Love Instinct & Family & 25.Prolefeed
Argentinians scavenge dumpsters (1/2 of 36-million impoverished). New York Times, Sep 22, 2002. Go to 4.Old World Destruction
Indians claim California desert (major blow to state's economy). Fox News, Sep 21, 2002. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & 10.The Rulers & INDIAN LAND CLAIMS
Canada's 15yr old Johnny Lindh (fights off USA Special Forces). National Post, Sep 21, 2002. Go to 16.Ministry of Truth (Lies) & GUANTANAMO BAY SONG
Clouds taller than Mt Everest (streets under 3-feet of rain). Calcutta Telegraph, Sep 20, 2002. Go to LBJ ON WEATHER CONTROL
Mining future in BC on-the-line (policy keeping environment pristine - 1% to economic activity & jobs). National Post, Sep 20, 2002. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down and ENVIRONMENTALISM/COMMUNISM
Senators work 69 days a year (taxfunded salary = $106,400+). Ottawa Citizen, Sep 20, 2002. Go to 5.Pyramidal New World Order & PIGS AT THE TROUGH
Army aggressively recruiting rookies (sends out teams to find them). London Sun, Sep 20, 2002. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace and MAMAS DON'T LET YOUR BABIES
Penis-twisting on stage worldwide (genital origami = penis puppetry). Edmonton Journal, Sep 20, 2002. Go to 25.Prolefeed & 30.Love Instinct
Starving time in Zimbabwe (bloody dictator-hard-core racist). Boston Globe, Sep 19, 2002. Go to 10.The Rulers and LENIN-LIKE LAND GRAB
Addicts shoot up crack & heroin (openly sold in front of cops). National Post, Sep 19, 2002. Go to 23.The Proles and DRUG WAR & PEACE
Prince William & Bush related (ancestor killed by Indians). The Guardian, Sep 19, 2002. Go to 17.Falsification of Past & I'M A MONKEY'S UNCLE
Not naked if wearing shoes (gov't drops obscenity charges). National Post, Sep 19, 2002. Go to 23.The Proles & 30.Love Instinct & GAY SEX IN KINSEY REPORT
Filming up women's skirts legal (disgusting & reprehensible but NOT illegal). KCRAC-News, Sep 19, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance
Consumers blamed for climate change (must cut energy use by 30%). National Post, Sep 18, 2002. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down and WEATHER CONTROL
Tumbling 911 woman on display (Rockefeller Center allows sculpture). New York Post, Sep 18, 2002. Go to 25.Prolefeed
USA creating GULAG for citizens (no charges, hearing, lawyer, trial)., Sep 18, 2002. Go to 7.Systems of Thought and 21.Crimestop
Soviet executioner back on pedestal (founded secret police - Cheka, KGB, FSB). London Telegraph, Sep 17, 2002. Go to 2.Big Brother
Rats in Calif, Hawaii, Arizona, New York (8ft long & can jump 10ft). New York Times, Sep 17, 2002. Go to 31.Love Nest
Accused hometown reels at arrests (say "innocent until proven guilty"). Rochester Chronicle, Sep 17, 2002. Go to 4.Old World Destruction
Canadian teen denied human rights (may be sent to Guantanamo Bay). Toronto Star, Sep 17, 2002. Go to 4.Old World Destruction
Afghan opium at record levels., Sep 17, 2002. Go to IN AFGHAN FIELDS POPPIES GROW
Landmark racist web site case (Holocaust denial illegal in Australia). Yahoo! Reuters, Sep 17, 2002. Go to 17.Falsification of Past
USA building penal colony in Cuba (for "enemy combatants"). Bloomberg, Sep 16, 2002. Go to 4.Old World Destruction
Iraq attack to cost $200 billion (gov't debt already $3.6 trillion). MSNBC, Sep 16, 2002. Go to 11.Ministry of Plenty
Parents sue over vaccine damage. BBC News, Sep 16, 2002. Go to WITCHES BREW at FREE YURKO and VACCINATIONS
China shows off "happy" prisoners (to dispel brutality rumours). Globe & Mail, Sep 16, 2002. Go to 42.The Party Tells 'Why' and 43.Winston Talks In Sleep
Australian police love wiretaps (personal privacy vs cop curiosity). Globe & Mail, Sep 16, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance
Sept 17 - Deadliest Day in USA - remembering 1862 Civil War. Las Vegas Sun, Sep 16, 2002) - and men on the "Butcher's Bill". Newsday-AP, Sep 16, 2002
Fertility clinic for lesbians (3,000 couples demand babies). London Telegraph, Sep 16, 2002. Go to 30.Love Instinct & Family
Innocent "terrorists" lose jobs (based on emails & publicity). Florida Sentinel, Sep 16, 2002. Go to 20.Thought Police & Snitches
Private email can be seen (by cops -parents -husbands -gov't). MSNBC, Sep 16, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance
Inside the new Camp X-Ray (metal cells -lights 24/7 -isolation). UK Mirror, Sep 15, 2002. Go to 7.Systems of Thought and 34.Ministry of Love
Computer games horrify parents (teens pimping, dealing heroin, killing...) News Australia, Sep 15, 2002. Go to 25.Prolefeed & 35.The Brotherhood
Floods risk UK homes, businesses, farms (cars blamed - will be banned). UK Independent, Sep 1, 2002. Go to WEATHER CONTROL
MONSTER vending machine sets up (secretly owned by McDonald's). National Post, Sep 14, 2002. Go to 15.Life In Oceania
Argentina's children starve (exporting food instead of eating). BBC, Sep 14, 2002. Go to 4.Old World Destruction
Pizza delivery leads to jungle hideout (hostages die, Osama man escapes). London Telegraph, Sep 14, 2002. Go to 28.Reality Control
Guantanamo prison "legal black hole" (captives' families wait for word). Las Vegas Sun, Sep 13, 2002. Go to 7.Systems of Thought and 34.Ministry of Love
Mel Gibson plays human sacrifice (with real blood & real screams?). London Times, Sep 13, 2002. Go to 7.Systems of Thought & 10.Rulers
SHAPE-SHIFTING MASTER OF DARKNESS (lays out diabolical plan in cartoon). National Post, Sep 12, 2002. Go to 25.Prolefeed & WITCHES, WIZARDS, DEMONS
Communist China & Canada "friends" (PM & Massacre general secretly meet). National Post, Sep 12, 2002. Go to 7.Systems of Thought & LYING WITH WOLVES
USA-VP hiding in secret cave (Al Queda here? there? EVERYWHERE!) National Post, Sep 11, 2002. Go to 28.Reality Control and 36.Hate Week
911 Attack Anniversary includes: requiems -flyovers -moments of silence -bagpipe processions -peace vigils -prayer services -tree plantings -tolling bells -burning candles -doves winging skyward -cannon volleys -21-gun salutes -choirs singing Mozart… New York Times, Sep 11, 2002. Go to 36.Hate Week
Al Qaeda produces 9-11 video (a superimposed Osama plots "Holy Tuesday"). New York Daily, Sep 10, 2002. Go to 16.Ministry of Truth & 28.Reality Control & 36.Hate Week
FBI issues 911 Anniversary alert (USA a "beacon of liberty & freedom"). Yahoo!AP, Sep 9, 2002. Go to 36.Hate Week
"Canadian farmers are peasants" (Wheat Board is a secret monopoly). National Post, Sep 9, 2002. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down and FOOD CONTROL
Severe changes to legal rights (911 brought in USA Patriot Act)., Sep 9, 2002. Go to 21.Crimestop & 28.Reality Control and DISSENT is TERROR
USA 'A-Bomb' chief a Communist (wrote literature for secret cell). New York Times, Sep 8, 2002. Go to 35.The Brotherhood
Jail for insulting teachers, police (parents will lose benefits). London Telegraph, Sep 8, 2002. Go to 21.Crimestop
DUBYA SPEAK (a chronicle of the comical). No War With Iraq, Sep 5, 2002. Go to DOUBLESPEAK
World Bank's WOLFensohn speaks (protects 50-M hectares Brazilian jungle from humans). Globe & Mail, Sep 7, 2002. Go to ANIMALISM and WOLF IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING
15 new parks for Canada (more for fish, owls & Indians). National Post, Sep 3, 2002. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down and ANIMALISM
Father begins hunger strike (innocent son in Guantanamo cage). Yahoo!Reuters, Sep 4, 2002. Go to 34.Ministry of Love
"Death to Israel" comment costs job (teacher baited in TV interview). Florida Herald, Sep 4, 2002 but "Abolish White Race" essay by Jew (published in Harvard Magazine). Washington Times, Sep 4, 2002. Go to 22.Doublethink
Bush's letter to Congress (wants Russia & China to help liberate Iraq from bondage). UPI, Sep 4, 2002. Go to 7.Systems of Thought
100,000 USA troops in Gulf (200,000 tons of weapons). World Tribune, Sep 4, 2002. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace and 13.Weapons
Slippery definition of "terrorist" (being used by USA, Russia & China)., Sep 4, 2002. Go to 7.Systems of Thought and TERRORIST means DISSIDENT
A FISH STORY (parable on abuse of law). Go to 21.Crimestop
"SMART PILLS" on the way (medicine cabinet in the body). NP BUSINESS magazine, Sep 2002. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation
'Sickening' paedophilia books rock France (sex with 2-yr old described). London Observer, Sep 1, 2002. Go to SEX WITH KIDS IN BNW and 25.Prolefeed and KID SEX IN KINSEY REPORT
Picture Canada after Kyoto Treaty (no planes, trains or automobiles). Calgary Sun, Sep 1, 2002. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down and ENVIRONMENTALISIM = COMMUNISM
DIANA BETRAYED BY SO MANY (mother regrets not seeing her body). Electronic Telegraph, Aug 31, 2002. MORE IN HEAVEN AND EARTH
Israel/USA & Russia arming China (providing spy technology too)., Aug 31, 2002. Go to COMMUNISM BY ANY OTHER NAME & SOLZHENITSYN WARNS AMERICA & 6.Superstates
Deadly darts kill Palestinian family (3,000 inch-long nails with fins). Electronic Telegraph, Aug 30, 2002. Go to 13.Weapons and DART HIT JFK TOO
Canada to track internet use (Police want national database). Financial Post, Aug 30, 2002. Go to 20.Thought Police & Snitches
Eminem lyrics behind sex attack. London Telegraph, Aug 29, 2002. LYRICS to Eminem songs. Go to 25.Prolefeed
More states embrace gambling "protect & serve" now "addict & rob"., Aug 29, 2002. Go to 24.Lottery
"Vice-Fund" invests in unethical only (gambling, booze, weapons, tobacco). Financial Times, Aug 29, 2002. Go to 11.Ministry of Plenty and 24.Lottery
Teen gets 10-yrs prison for theft (stole beer from woman's garage). St Petersburg Florida, Aug 28, 2002. Go to 34.Ministry of Love
New West Nile deaths in USA. Reuters, Aug 28, 2002 and CDC practices bioterror response. Orlando Sentinel, Aug 28, 2002 and Bubonic plague closes USA park, Mercury News, Aug 28, 2002. Go to SPRAYING RAID ON HUMANS
Dissenters "poltical maniacs" in China (given electric shock & drugs). London Telegraph, Aug 28, 2002. Go to 40.Electric Shock Brainwashing and 7.Systems of Thought
Gluttons at UN starvation summit (60,000 eat more than 14 million). The UK Sun, Aug 27, 2000. Go to 10.The Rulers
ANTI-WAR TRADING CARDS (opposing war toys for tots). The Infinite Jest, Aug 27, 2002. PLAYING GOOD AGAINST EVIL
MMR vaccine linked to Autism (20,000 victims in UK). London Herald, Aug 27, 2002. Go to BIOLOGICAL WARFARE
Millions behind bars in USA (but not murderers & rapists). Yahoo! AP, Aug 26, 2002. Go to 38.Cellars
National library collecting pornography (gay websites, books, magazines...). Sydney Herald, Aug 26, 2002. Go to 25.Prolefeed and 30.Love Instinct & Family and PERVERT BEHIND SEXUAL REVOLUTION
Magnetic pulses relieve depression (but metal coils burn scalp). UPI, Aug 26, 2002. Go to 40.Electric Shock Brainwashing and SHOCK IN BRAVE NEW WORLD
USA to use 'E-bomb' in Iraq (disables electronic/electrical systems). London Telegraph, Aug 26, 2002. Go to 13.Weapons
"Oswald killed JFK" says government ($5.6M to "Texas Theater" museum). Yahoo! Reuters, Aug 24, 2002. Go to 28.Reality Control and 17.Falsification of Past and MEDIA IN JFK ASSASSINATION
"Accept GM food or starve" (says United Nations to Africa). Toronto Star, Aug 24, 2002. Go to WORLD FOOD BANK
Abortion industry in Australia wins big (no information, warnings or alternatives). Cybercast News, Aug 24, 2002. Go to WHERE HAVE ALL THE BABIES GONE?
GPS tracks teens in vehicle (built into car's navigation system). Washington Times, Aug 23, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance
Endangered Species Act attacking Florida (destroying property to save bird). Washington Times, Aug 23, 2002. Go to ENVIRONMENTALISM is ANIMALISM
Mad Cow Disease now in Japan (it devastated cattle farmers in Europe). Toronto Star, Aug 23, 2002. Go to MOVIE: SOYLENT GREEN
Cloned animals being fed to humans (drugs built into meat, milk, eggs..). Sydney Morning Herald, Aug 22, 2002. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation and 15.Life In Oceania
"Sending hay makes no economic sense" (tell that to a starving cow). Edmonton Journal, Aug 21, 2002. Go to FEEDLOTS INSTEAD OF FARMS
Warning of massive EU surveillance (web use, e-mails, phone calls). CNET News, Aug 20, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance
Kill giant grasshoppers with 2-by-4 (defies predators & insecticides). Orlando Sentinel, Aug 20, 2002. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation and TEN PLAGUES OF ISRAELI GOD
Gadaffi heads UN Human Rights (Britain backing brutal tyrant). Sky News, Aug 20, 2002. Go to 10.The Rulers
Natives to get power to issue own debt (private investors would manage cash, seek credit rating & sell bonds). National Post, Aug 16, 2002. Go to INDIAN LAND CLAIMS
Hellish plan: Camps for citizens (will Americans remain silent?). Los Angeles Times, Aug 15, 2002. Go to 4.Old World Destruction and TERRORIST means DISSIDENT
Apocalyptic beliefs shared (by Christians & Jews for Israel). National Post, Aug 15, 2002. Go to FRIENDS AT ARMAGEDDON
Israelis use human shields (for boobytraps & landmines too). BBC, Aug 15, 2002. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace (War)
Spain has coastal spy system (will expand thru European Union). BBC, Aug 15, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance
Prisoners attempting suicide (USA calls it "showing remorse"). BBC, Aug 15, 2002. Go to 34.Ministry of Love (Torture)
Electromagnetic pulse to zap Iraq (& psychological warfare too). New York Post, Aug 14, 2002. Go to 13.Weapons
Humans to be grown in rodents (from male reproductive cells). Washington Post, Aug 15, 2002. Go to 30.Love Instinct & Family
50% of USA suffering drought (destroying corn, soybean, cotton, wheat). MSNBC, Aug 14, 2002. Go to WEATHER CONTROL
Floods swamp Europe (hundreds of thousands evacuated). Yahoo! News, Aug 13, 2002. Go to LBJ ON WEATHER CONTROL
UN setting up global lottery (step toward international tax). National Post, Aug 13, 2002. Go to 24.Lottery
China sends dissidents to asylums (with "political abnormality illness"). London Times, Aug 13, 2002. Go to 40.Electric Shock Brainwashing
Blacks starve on looted land (need white farmers to grow food). Zim Today News, Aug 13, 2002. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down
Gov't funds food giants (working against family farms). National Post, Aug 12, 2002. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down and YOU CAN'T EAT MONEY
Order to the Government: LOAD THOSE TRAINS WITH HAY and GET THEM MOVING 24-7. Sing to the tune "RAWHIDE"
Horses will starve to death (while gov't stands by doing nothing). Edmonton Journal, Aug 7, 2002. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down and HORSE DEATH IN ANIMAL FARM
UN accuses Canada of racism (wants power to decide guilt). National Post, Aug 7, 2002. Go to .Big Brother and 10.The Rulers
Gov't won't help deliver hay (fumigation and welfare is all they'll do). Edmonton Journal, Aug 7, 2002. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down and YOU CAN'T EAT MONEY
Archbishop-designate made honorary Druid (a term for pagan priests who offered human sacrifices and whose members include politicians, actors and Queen Elizabeth and Queen Mother). National Post, Aug 6, 2002. Go to 10.The Rulers & 2.Big Brother & WITCHES, WIZARDS AND DEMONS
Despair in once-proud Argentina (globalization, banks & corrupt politicians). Washington Post, Aug 6, 2002. Go to 4.Old World Destruction and 11.Ministry of Plenty (Starvation)
Hay for only 50 of 3,600 farms (have to win lottery to receive). Edmonton Journal, Aug 6, 2002. Go to YOU CAN'T EAT MONEY
Grain yields down 50% (communities dying with farmers & cattle). Financial Post, Aug 6, 2002 Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down
FACTORY FARMS STRIVE FOR STEALTH AND SECRECY (paying politicians to cover-up)., Aug 6, 2002. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down and YOU CAN'T EAT MONEY
Vaccine in potatoes and bananas (to prevent cervical cancer). BBC, Aug 5, 2002. Go to VACCINATIONS etc
Rally against more cops ($70-M s/b for "Books Not Bars"). SanFran Chronicle, Aug 4, 2002. Go to 34.Ministry of Love and IN THE GHETTO by Elvis
Tonkin incident might not have happened (staged to get USA into Vietnam). San Antonio, Aug 4, 2002. Go to 28.Reality Control and STAGED EVENTS
Ranchers need help feeding cattle (Canadian gov't needs to step in). Globe & Mail, Aug 4, 2002. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down and YOU CAN'T EAT MONEY
China will soon be second only to the USA (a Communist Corporation - the top Communists are wealthy capitalists). Korea Herald, Aug 4, 2002
Drought-ravaged Western farmers hit by freak frost (13 record lows in province). National Post, Aug 3, 2002. Go to WEATHER CONTROL
Forces short on salesmen (only 9,387 recruits each year since 1993). National Post, Aug 3, 2002. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace & MAMA'S DON'T LET YOUR BABIES
Mutation tilts men to violence (Youth to be given psychotropic drugs). National Post, Aug 2, 2002 and Bad behaviour linked to gene - BBC. Go to 21.Crimestop and 40.Electric Shock Brainwashing
Kids to be implanted with chips (American TV programme promoting it)., Aug 2, 2002. Go to 20.Thought Police
London to spy on motorists (cities worldwide expected to copy). Times of India, Aug 2, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance
Retailers test paying by fingerprint (WalMart, McD's etc using biometrics). Yahoo!News, Aug 1, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance and CASHLESS SOCIETY
Human sewage spread on fields (5.6 million tons causing disease)., Jul 31, 2002. Go to 15.Life in Oceania
Saudis block 2,000 websites (internet being constrained worldwide). BBC, Jul 31, 2002. Go to 20.Thought Police
Starving Zimbabwe rejects USA corn (GM contamination will destroy them). Washington Post, Jul 31, 2002. Go to 15.Life in Oceania and FOOD CONTROL
Gov't handing wilderness to private sector (making it "off limits" to humans). Vancouver Sun, Jul 31, 2002. Go to LENIN BEHIND ENVIRONMENTALISTS and ANIMALISM
New Yorkers under surveillance (5,000 cameras watch Manhattan). ABC on-line, Jul 30, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance
Evil Incarnate widely ignored (20 million souls murdered). New York Sun, Jul 30,2002. Go to 42.The Party Tells 'Why' and ANOTHER SNAPSHOT OF STALIN
Healthy water buffalo taken to slaughter (to examine their dead brains). National Post, Jul 29, 2002. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down and PREVENTIVE KILLING
GEORGE BUSH CHANNELS GEORGE ORWELL (using 1984 as how-to manual). San Francisco Chronicle, Jul 28, 2002. Go to 2.Big Brother
African dictators destroying breadbasket (Marxism in action). WorldNetDaily, Jul 28, 2002. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down
Big helping of hay to go west (with no help from government). Ottawa Citizen, July 25, 2002. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down and YOU CAN'T EAT MONEY
Massive war games in USA (mimic UN take-over after earthquake). National Post, Jul 25, 2002. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace
Navy plans floating base (roaming globe as "beat cops"). USA Today, Jul 23, 2002. Go to 13.Weapons
Massive drought chokes USA (crops, cattle & farmers disappearing)., Jul 23, 2002. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & WEATHER CONTROL
USA creates "Operation TIPS" (aka Turn In People System). FEMA, July 2002. Go to 20.Snitches & 36.Volunteerism
SNAPSHOT OF STALIN (regime of cruelty, madness and evil). National Post, Jul 21, 2002. Go to 7.Systems of Thought
The spy business (300 different kinds of surveillance). National Post, Jul 21, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance & BEYOND ORWELL
Salmon ban lifted for Native nets (critics say 'We don't like it but what can we do?'). National Post, Jul 19, 2002. Go to INDIAN POEM
Supreme Court OKs mandatory middle/high school drug tests,, Jun 27, 2002
Sask Indians get $95M land claim deal (gov't dishonest in 1907 says Indian Claims Commission). National Post, Jun 22, 2002. Go to INDIAN LAND CLAIMS
USA Congress rewrites history (says Bell DIDN'T invent telephone). National Post, Jun 21, 2002. Go to 17.Falsification of Past
G8-Summit a domestic military operation (shoot to kill people NOT bears). National Post, Jun 18, 2002. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace and ENVIRONMENTALISM is ANIMALISM
Taking liberties with Canadian privacy (police & spy agencies will monitor EVERYONE). Globe & Mail, Jun 17, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance & TERRORIST means DISSIDENT
Supreme Court upholds police power (bus passengers scanned & searched). Yahoo!News, Reuters, June 17, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance
Israel building 120km West Bank wall (treating people like penned animals). Toronto Star, Jun 17, 2002. Go to 6.Superstates
Indian Act revision ignores economic needs: Aboriginal banker (Indians have trouble getting bank loans). National Post, Jun 17, 2002. Go to INDIAN LAND CLAIMS Facing jail for internet news articles (globalization of censorship). London Guardian, Jun 15, 2002. Go to 21.Crimestop Accused terrorists recant confessions (extracted under torture and drugs). National Post, Jun 14, 2002. Go to 7.Systems of Thought United Way launches 211 phone service (BIG BROTHER just a call away). Globe & Mail, Jun 14, 2002. Go to 2.Big Brother UN's World Food Summit delegates shop & sightsee (72 nations attend multi-million dollar gathering in Rome as representatives of 816 million starving people.) National Post, Jun 14, 2002. Go to ANIMAL FARM: PIGS AT TROUGH Spielberg movie has Dept of "Precrime" (timed to recent FBI actions). Drudge Report, Jun 13, 2002 6-yr-olds benefit from gay-parent books (say teachers and Supreme Court). National Post, Jun 13, 2002. Go to 30.Love Instinct & Family Canada woos a million Chinese tourists (despite concern they could exploit system and stay). Globe & Mail, Jun 12, 2002 Go to CHINESE TAKE-OVER Endangered Species bill passes (happy day for Club Sierra species). Globe & Mail, Jun 12, 2002. Go to ENVIRONMENTALISM is ANIMALISM Floods drown main streets (polluting rivers in Ontario & Prairies). Globe & Mail, Jun 12, 2002. Go to WEATHER CONTROL Students digitally tracking friends (on a zoomable map accessible to all). Salon Magazine, Jun 11, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance and BEYOND ORWELL Marketing sex products to pre-teen girls (bombarding them with pornography). ABC News, Jun 12, 2002. Go to 25.Prolefeed and BRAVE NEW WORLD Commander hopes troops get Afghan combat before going home (he's safe in command station in Tampa). Canadian Press, Jun 10, 2002. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace (War) & MAMAS DON'T LET YOUR BABIES Mandatory GPS in vehicles (to track & immobilize "terrorists"). National Post, Jun 10, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance and TERRORIST means DISSIDENT RFK-JR slams big agribusiness (for polluting environment, destroying economy). The Press Democrat, June 9, 2002. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down Europol to spy on all emails (secret plan for computers & phones). London Observer, Jun 9, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance and 20.Thought Police Trekkers' paradise mired in war (Maoists & USA committing atrocities). National Post, Jun 8, 2002. Go to NEPAL REMEMBERED Greatest threat is "unknown unknowns" (so says USA Secretry of Defense). ABC Online, Jun 7, 2002. Go to 22.Doublethink FBI warns of nerve gas attack (by "al-Qaida" on Independence Day). KYW-TV News, Jun 7, 2002. Go to 28.Reality Control Canadian premier downs Sourtoe Cocktail (uses frostbitten toe as ice-cube). Canoe News, Jun 7, 2002. Go to POLITICIAN REVEALS TRUE NATURE Canada among worst rates of breast cancer (20,500 in Canada; 203,500 in USA will be diagnosed this year). National Post, Jun 7, 2003. Go to BREAST FED BABIES SAVE BOTH Breast cancer most frequent disease in women worldwide. Canadian Press, Jun 7, 2002. Go to BREAST CANCER IS ABORTION SIDE-EFFECT
USA in "titanic struggle against terror" (will remake gov't for homeland "security"). Yahoo!News, AP, Jun 6, 2002. Go to DUBYA'S D-DAY New "Peter Pan" has sexy Wendy (author would have been horrified). National Post, Jun 6, 2002. Go to 25.Prolefeed and DISNEY WOULD BE HORRIFIED TOO War posters plastered everywhere (warning Americans "not to talk"). National Post, Jun 6, 2002. Go to 16.Ministry of Truth and 27.Goodthink 'Afghanistan was just a start' ('War on Terrorism' moving to other places). Stars & Stripes, Jun 4, 2002. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace USA A PRISON NATION (Spank your kids? Go to jail.) ConspiracyPenPal, Jun 2, 2002. Go to 34.Ministry of Love Volunteer army to spot danger (and spread values "we hold dear"). Yahoo!News, Reuters, June 1, 2002. Go to 36.Hate Week Volunteerism FBI gets broad new powers (in name of "preventing terrorism"). Salt Lake Tribune, May 31, 2002. Go to 21.Crimestop and TERRORIST means DISSIDENT China hails Russia-Nato deal (says it's "beneficial to world peace"). China Daily, May 31, 2002. Go to 6.Superstates BBC forces viewers to record sitcom (digital TiVos switched on remotely). Telegraph, May 30, 2002 Canada leads world in flu shots (thanks to aggressive information campaigns, Health Canada buying them "in bulk" and giving them free to widest possible audience). National Post, May 30, 2002. Go to VACCINATIONS Nato embraces Russia as partner (working together against terrorism). Herald Sun, May 28, 2002. Go to 28.Reality Control "State of Disaster": Zimbabwe (African version of Stalin's policies). National Review, May 27, 2002. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down SEARCHING FOR JFK'S ...boat (instead of his killers). Globe & Mail, May 25, 2002 New technology relies on facial patterns (hidden cameras analyze faces). Fox News, May 26, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance Retired General gets $1,000/day (soldier's widow gets $1,000/month). National Post, May 23, 2002. Go to ANIMAL FARM: PIGS AT THE TROUGH Uncle "SIM" Wants You (Army using video games to woo recruits). Los Angeles Times, May 22, 2002. Go to UNCLE SAMuel WANTS YOU!! Web sites dispense hate, lies (Jewish group accuses 3,300 sites). National Post, May 22, 2002. Go to 21.Crimestop Japan faces extinction from low birthrate (UN suggests immigration of 600,000/yr). Japan Today, May 22, 2002. Go to WHERE HAVE ALL THE CHILDREN GONE? UN rebukes Britain over smacking. London Guardian, May 21, 2002. Go to 2.Big Brother and 30.Love Instinct & Family Low-freguency hum haunts USA town (and elsewhere around the world)., May 21, 2002. Go to WEATHER CONTROL - HAARP Quarter of mammals faced with extinction (human activities are the main cause). London Independent, May 21, 2002. Go to 2.Big Brother and ANIMALISM Hypnosis may help kids study (mind becomes receptive to messages)., May 20, 2002. Go to SLEEP-TEACHING IN BNW USA believes new attack 'inevitable' (could be year..). The Scotsman, May 20, 2002. Go to 28.Reality Control Weather extremes push spring aside (record low temps across 23 states). Yahoo!News, USA Today, May 20, 2002. Go to LBJ ON WEATHER CONTROL Canada putting weed killer in wheat (conducting GM research with Monsanto)., May 19, 2002. Go to 15.Life in Oceania SURPLUS OF MALE CHILDREN IN CHINA (regime will use them up as soldiers). World Affairs Brief, May 17, 2002. Go to WHERE HAVE ALL THE CHILDREN GONE? and MAMA'S DON'T LET YOUR BABIES... Parks Canada gives contract to Green lobby (government is in bed with environmentalists). National Post, May 18, 2002. Go to ENVIRONMENTALISM is ANIMALISM and SIERRA CLUB is CLUB SIERRA Drought destroying crops/livelilhoods in USA (farmers & ranchers harvesting dirt). ABC News, May 18, 2002. Go to LBJ ON WEATHER CONTROL Alberta lake dries up and disappears (after "Ducks Unlimited" installed a dam). National Post, May 18, 2002. Go to ENVIRONMENTALISM is ANIMALISM India swelters in 124-degree heat (birds and people dropping dead). Los Angeles Times, May 17, 2002. Go to LBJ ON WEATHER CONTROL Police dogs sniff people in streets, pubs, trains (no warrant or reasonable suspicion required). Sydney Morning Herald, May 19, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance Small farmers losing fight for survival ("Society better come to grips"). Toronto Star, May 16, 2002. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down Technology can put words in our mouths (powerful new tool for propaganda). Boston Globe, May 16, 2002. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation Critics of gov't get harassed by FBI (surveillance since 9-11 raises privacy fears). CBS News, May 16, 2002. Go to 20.Thought Police & Snitches and TERRORIST means DISSIDENT Anti-terror law gives police unfettered power (unprecedented assault on law-abiding citizens). National Post, May 16, 2002. Go to 20.Thought Police & Snitches and TERRORIST means DISSIDENT Farmers switch from wheat to Asian crops (growing coriander for fireplace logs). National Post, May 15, 2002. Go to 11.Ministry of Starvation Uncle Sam's one-armed bandits. (7,000 machines on 94 overseas bases). U.S.News, May edition. Go to 24.Lottery Canada wants legalized Net gambling (even if it "preys on the poor"). National Post, May 15, 2002. Go to 24.Lottery Anti-Drug ads entice drug use (kids who use will be "terrorists"). Fox News, May 15, 2002. Go to 23.The Proles and TERRORIST means DISSIDENT Shoppers pay with fingerprint (women appreciate "Secure Touch"). Houston Chronicle, May 15, 2002. Go to 20.Thought Police New law gives USA "smart" borders (biometric ID required from all visitors). Yahoo!News, AFP, May 15, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance Boys punished for playing finger guns and New weapon shoots 1million rounds/min. May 15, 2002. Go to 22.Doublethink Gov't creating false grizzly crisis (goal is "Y2Y" corridor excluding humans). National Post, May 14, 2002. Go to YELLOWSTONE TO YUKON PARK and ANIMALISM Law to designate 2.5-million acres wilderness (logging, mining, recreation affected). San Jose Mercury, May 10, 2002. Go to ANIMALISM and WILDLANDS PROJECT Child sex book promoted by U.N. (teaches 'how to' with homosexuals, animals etc). Washington Times, May 10,2002. Go to 30.Love and Family and SEX IN BRAVE NEW WORLD Ecstasy promoters hope FDA approves (same family as heroin, cocaine, LSD). Seattle Post-Intelligencer, May 9, 2002. Go to 14.Experimentation and BRAVE NEW WORLD First humans receive ID chips (young, middle, and old implanted). Los Angeles Times, May 9, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance and 14.Experimentation Jackal blood makes 'sniffer' dogs (used at airports in Russia). BBC, May 9, 2002. Go to COMMUNISM BY ANY OTHER NAME... Hidden cameras to monitor air passengers (also work in the dark). New Scientist, May 9, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance and FREEDOM=SLAVERY No more rescue from grizzly bears (people & predators should "get along"). National Post, May 8, 2002. Go to ANIMALISM and WILDLANDS PROJECT Mass smallpox innoculation contemplated (it will kill & sicken millions). Washington Post, May 8, 2002. Go to ORDER OUT OF CHAOS: VACCINATIONS Cybersex porn games go all the way (drug turns players into sex slave). Wired News, May 8, 2002 Inventor of 'Scruples' under fire (for believing women S/B proud of motherhood). National Post, May 7, 2002. Go to 27.Goodthink and 30.Love & Family "Safe Schools" means "Promoting Homosexuality" (boyfriend/girlfriend & husband/wife bad)., May 7, 2002. Go to 30.Love Instinct & Family Pro-Israel rally in Trafalgar Square (British Jewry chant "Yes to Peace, No to Terror"). Haaretz Daily, May 7, 2002. Go to 19.Emmanuel Goldstein Gambling addiction fuelling crime (Government profits from "new cocaine"). National Post, May 6, 2002. Go to 24.Lottery Suu Kyi: Burma's storybook heroine (representing hope against tyranny). Globe & Mail, May 4, 2002. Go to WHY ORWELL WROTE "1984" Of monkeys and men (polio vaccine causing cancer epidemic). National Post, May 3, 2002. Go to BIOLOGICAL CHAOS: VACCINATIONS Catholic Church joins in condemning Le Pen (the only anti-abortion candidate). The Australian, May 3, 2002. Go to 10.The Rulers Canada's privacy watchdog sounds alarm (new law turns country into police state). Globe & Mail, May 2, 2002. Go to 21.Crimestop and TERRORIST = DISSIDENT Australian children face strip-search (people can be detained without charge). Sydney Morning Herald, May 1, 2002. Go to 20.Thought Police and TERRORIST = DISSIDENT Scientists create remote-controlled rats (was first tried on humans in 1960). Yahoo!News, AP. May 2, 2002. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation Surveillance cameras to predict behaviour (watching how you behave). BBC, May 1, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance and 20.Thought Police Bio-attack 'could kill a million' (and cause billions in economic damage). BBC, Apr 29, 2002. Go to14.Scientific Experimentation Deadly tornadoes hit eastern USA (ranked F5 - almost inconceivable). MSNBC, Apr 29, 2002. Go to WEATHER CONTROL Media access denied in Guantanamo (new prison will have 2,000+ cells). Newsday, Apr 28, 2002. Go to 34.Ministry of Love Walk This Way (technology ID's each person's gait). Technology Review, Apr 28, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance and 20.Thought Police LA beaches get camera surveillance (government watching people tan). Washington Post, Apr 28, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance and 20.Thought Police Chinese VP begins USA visit (USA-China friendship to 'last forever'). Yahoo!News, AP, Apr 27, 2002. Go to 6.Superstates and 7.Systems of Thought Russia to hold drills with China (high level contacts 'very frequent'). Straits Times Asia, Apr 28, 2002. Go to 6.Superstates and 7.Systems of Thought Electric prods used on detainees (also tear gassed & water-hosed)., Apr 27, 2002. Go to 7.Systems of Thought Deadly drought grips Central America (Hurricane Mitch killed 9,000 in 1998). Austin Statesman, Apr 26, 2002. Go to WEATHER CONTROL Canadian sentenced to death in Saudi Arabia (confessed after torture to crime he didn't commit). National Post, Apr 26, 2002. Go to 39.Interrogation & Torture Police want to keep watch on sexual predators in BC (plan 10 surveillance teams costing $10-Million). Vancouver Sun, Apr 26, 2002. Go to 20.Thought Police and 21.Crimestop Police arrest 12-yr old boy for 'bullying' (pushed a girl, called her names). Vancouver Sun, Apr 26, 2002. Go to 21.Crimestop 18 killed in German school shooting ("The guy was dressed all in black."). Yahoo News! AP, Apr 26, 2002. Go to SCHOOL KILLINGS INTERACTIVE TV SPIES ON VIEWERS (from inside your digital set-top box). White Dot Org, Apr 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance and 20.Thought Police "Don't be afraid to dream, you the ordinary folk, the miners, steel workers and impoverished farmers, workers of all those industries ruined by Globalization." France's 'thunderbolt' candidate, Le Pen. Yahoo! Reuters. Apr 22, 2002. Go to 23.The Proles Putting pond scum ahead of people (radical enviros want our land). The Roanoke Times, Apr 21, 2002. Go to ANIMALISM and WILDLANDS PROJECT Israelis repeat Waco at birthplace of Christ (torture by loud music & sleeplessness). Globe & Mail, Apr 20, 2002. Go to 34.Ministry of Love RFK-JR blasts huge hog operations (leading to economic/environmental catastrophe). Lincoln Journal, Apr 19, 2002. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down and 11.MiniPlenty USA Military policing Canada & Mexico (taking in Russia & Antarctica too). Washington Post, Apr 18, 2002. Go to 6.Superstates and 12.Minipax Satanic TV has cult following in USA (Black Sabbath star to meet President). UK Independent, Apr 18, 2002. Go to 25.Prolefeed and WITCHES & WIZARDS?? Security cams not OK in Canada? (same as police tailing person 24hrs/day). Wired News, Apr 16, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance and 20.Thought Police Court strikes down child porn ban (virtual child sex ok for pedophiles & moviemakers). Yahoo News! AP, Apr 16, 2002. Go to 25.Prolefeed and 35.The Brotherhood Byron White balanced brains, sports, character. USA Today, Apr 17, 2002 and JFK's JUDGE WAS PRO-LIFE Kissinger pushes US-China relations (has deals worth billions with communists)., Apr 15, 2002. Go to 7.Systems of Thought and 28.Reality Control Surveillance from space (UN Global People Control Program). National Post, Apr 15, 2002. Go to 20.Thought Police and 3.Surveillance and 2.Big Brother is Watching You U.N. ready to send force to Mideast (BIG BROTHER wants to be in charge). Philadelphia Inquirer, Apr 12, 2002. Go to 2.Big Brother and 10.Rulers Amid Israeli attack, tales of abuse (young men executed in plain sight). Christian Science Monitor, Apr 12, 2002. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace A RANGER IN WOLF'S CLOTHING (protecting sheep-like Canadians). National Post, Apr 11, 2002. Go to ANIMALISM In crisis, they'll turn on your TV (Orwellian telescreen promoted as smart receiver). Austin Statesman, Apr 10, 2002. Go to 1.The Diary & 3.Surveillance We bought & paid for carnage of Palestinians (attack on West Bank NOT war on terrorism). Houston Chronicle, Apr 8, 2002. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace USA east coast 'most severe drought ever' (could become national disaster this summer). National Post, Apr 9, 2002. Go to WEATHER CONTROL Third harvest of despair looms in Canada's Prairies (1,800 empty rail cars stretch for miles). National Post, Apr 6, 2002. Go to WEATHER CONTROL Abortion increasing in Germany (human pesticide 'RU-486' catching on). Yahoo!Reuters, Apr 8, 2002. Go to WHERE HAVE ALL THE CHILDREN GONE? National group aims to energize feminist movement (NOW is targeting young women). Florida Herald, Apr 8, 2002. Go to 27.Goodthink "BRAINWASHED ASSASSIN" MOVIES (Manchurian Candidate, Conspiracy Theory, Zoolander). April 5, 2002 1 strike, you're on the street (innocent people can be evicted from their houses). Los Angeles Times, Apr 2, 2002. Go to PINKERTONS' ALL-SEEING EYE (and the history of fingerprinting) Reality is manufactured in lab (General Motors collaborating in Illusion Machine). National Post, Mar 16, 2002. Go to 42.The Party Tells 'Why' Passengers virtually strip-searched... Take a look! (...then put in a booth and sniffed). Yahoo! AP, Mar 15, 2002 Ultimate spy gadget sees through walls (will be used to snoop on private citizens). Globe & Mail, Mar 15, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance Mandatory boot camp for high school grads (bill put forward in USA Congress). Stars and Stripes, Mar 14, 2002. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace and UNCLE SAMuel WANTS YOU! Electronic war in Afghan skies (PsyOps destroy enemy's willingness to fight). MSNBC, Mar 12, 2002. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace USA sends suspects to face torture (CIA agents conduct interrogations). The Guardian, Mar 12, 2002. Go to 34.Ministry of Love and 39.Interrogation & Torture Bush sings "Itsy Bitsy Spider" - hand gestures too (every American to volunteer two years). Yahoo! AP, Mar 12, 2002. Go to 36.Volunteerism Americans indifferent to increased surveillance (shrug their shoulders about being spied on). Wired, Mar 11, 2002. Go to 23.The Proles Snipers are army's invisible killers (their target is usually the commanding officer). Globe & Mail, Mar 8, 2002. Go to DEALEY PLAZA SNIPERS Neighbourhood Watch enlisted in terror war (brings together citizens and law enforcement). Washington Post, Mar 7, 2002. Go to 36.Volunteerism and 20.Snitches Indians lay claim to Canadian land & resources (9.8 billion barrels oil, 25.9 trillion cu.ft. gas). Toronto Star, Mar 7, 2002. Go to 10.Rulers and INDIAN POEM Egg donation firms exploit college women (human body a commodity for rent, lease, sale). Minnesota Daily, Mar 7, 2002. Go to 30.Love Instinct & Family Contestant submerses head in box of rats (wins $50,000 on NBC's 'Fear Factor')., Mar 6, 2002. Go to 44. Room 101 Chinese beat Columbus: researcher (Chinese eunich discovered America in 1420). National Post, Mar 5, 2002. Go to 17.Falsification of Past Afghan valley yields bitter crop (farmers yearn for land laid waste by war). Toronto Star, Mar 4, 2002. Go to AFGHANISTAN REMEMBERED Kabul damaged in powerful quake (7.2 magnitude - shook 5 countries). Washington Post, Mar 4, 2002. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation Analysis: How thermobaric bombs work BBC, Mar 4, 2002. Go to 13.Weapons USA uses new 'thermobaric' bomb in Afghanistan (causes extensive damage far beyond strike area). Yahoo! AFP, Mar 3, 2002. Go to 6.Superstates & 13.Weapons The lonely planet (years of propaganda have resulted in depopulation). Globe & Mail, Mar 2, 2002. Go to WHERE HAVE ALL THE CHILDREN GONE? USA to develop robot soldiers for safer wars (100-kilowatt laser guns & microwave canons too). UK Telegraph, Mar 3, 2002. Go to 13.Weapons Bush dusts off Cold War doomsday plan (secret underground sites for "shadow" government). The Associated Press, Mar 2, 2002. Go to 4.Old World Destruction and DR STRANGELOVE IN CHARGE Huge media companies (OLIGOPOLIES) taking over (controlling eyes & ears in Canada & USA). Globe and Mail, Feb 28, 2002. Go to 5.Pyramidal New World Order THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE...RIGHT? (was Grassy Knoll culprit behind 9-11 too?) Vancouver Sun, Feb 23, 2002. Go to 28.Reality Control and WTC BEFORE AND AFTER 'Canada Dry' drought just won't let go (all sectors of economy will be hit). National Post, Feb 25, 2002. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation and STAGED EVENT: WEATHER CONTROL Men redundant? We don't need women either (artificial wombs grow embryos outside body). The Observer, Feb 10, 2002. Go to 30.Love Instinct & Family THEATRE OF THE ABSURD (observations on the 2002 Winter Games). Feb 9, 2002 2.6M teacher org will punish discrimination (to protect homo/bi-sexuals & transvestites)., Feb 9, 2002. Go to 21.Crimestop and 22.Doublethink and 27.Goodthink Basic cable: wired for raunch (pornography & violence aimed at youngsters). Cybercast News Service, Feb 8, 2002. Go to 25.Prolefeed Watching your every move (homes will be fitted with cameras as standard). BBC News, Feb 8, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance COWS - an updated version (compares political systems). Feb 7, 2002. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down US captors tortured American (tied, naked & blind in cold metal box). National Post, Feb 7, 2002. Go to 34.Ministry of Love FEMA: 400,000 volunteers needed ("This is just the first step..."). UPI, Feb 7, 2002. Go to 36.Hate Week Volunteerism Not so Candid Camera (acts as cop, judge, jury & executioner). Tech Central Station, Feb 6, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance Britain plans biometric ID card (required to gain access to public services). London Telegraph, Feb 6, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance They want their ID chips now (people will be scanned like groceries). Wired News, Feb 6, 2002. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation Russia preparing to boost oil exports (may become main supplier of oil to USA). United Press International, Feb 4, 2002. Go to 28.Reality Control & COMMUNISM BY ANY OTHER NAME Police to use continuous video surveillance at G8 summit (monitoring of legal activity sends a chill). National Post, Feb 3, 2002. Go to 3.Surveillance Police recruit civilians to be "eyes & ears" (nickname "Rat Patrol" a badge of honour). National Post, Feb 1, 2002. Go to 20.Thought Police & Snitches Bush pitches service and volunteerism (each American to volunteer 4,000 hours). Washington Post, Jan 31, 2002. Go to 36.Hate Week Volunteerism Britain asks to use Communist bases (wants to deploy troops from inside China). The Times, Jan 31, 2002. Go to 28.Reality Control & 6.Superstates & COMMUNISM BY ANY OTHER NAME... Canadian taxpayers fund $779-million for research (genetically altering mice; communications tech etc). Globe & Mail, Jan 30, 2002. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation Young men hardest hit in 2001 job slump. National Post, Jan 29, 2002. Go to 11.Miniplenty and UNCLE SAMuel WANTS YOU! THE MILITARIZATION OF EARTH (signing away freedom in name of Protecting Homeland)., Jan 29, 2002. Go to 12.Minipax and 13.Weapons HAPPY NEW YEAR: IT'S 1984. Common Dreams, Jan 28, 2002. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace and DOUBLESPEAK Russian Secret Service operates school in Canada (teaches Stalinist method to police & military elite). National Post, Jan 26, 2002. Go to 7.Systems of Thought and COMMUNISM BY ANY OTHER NAME... Animated Graphic of 9-11 flights. USA Today, Jan 23, 2002. Go to 9-11 CONSEQUENCES USA Congress considers new kind of draft (would require military training of all young men). WorldNetDaily, Jan 25, 2002. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace and UNCLE SAMuel WANTS YOU! Bush will ask for $2-trillion ($38-billion for internal & $380-billion for external terrorism). National Post, Jan 25, 2002. Go to 11.Ministry of Plenty Gastric bug sweeps over the country (highly contagious virus occurring throughout Britain). London Telegraph, Jan 24, 2002. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation Kremlin closes Russia's only independent TV station (same as Soviet era gov't control of airwaves). National Post, Jan 23, 2002. Go to 16.Ministry of Truth Afghanistan civilian toll notably high (500-lb 'dumb bombs' & 15,000-lb 'daisy cutters' blamed). Globe and Mail, Jan 19, 2002. Go to 13.Weapons and AFGHANISTAN AFTERMATH USA defends handling of Afghan captives (6'x8' cages fall below minimum for humane treatment). BBC News, Jan 19, 2002. Go to 7.Systems of Thought Applied Digital Solutions introduces 'Verichip' (miniaturized,implantable ID chip the size of ".") Yahoo Business Wire, Dec 30, 2001. Go to 3.Surveillance Australia's secret police get unprecedented powers (under the pretext of combatting terrorism). WorldSocialistWebSite, Dec 30, 2001. Go to 20.Thought Police & TERRORIST = DISSIDENT Bashing the male-bashers (Feminists teach misandry, the hatred of men). Globe & Mail, Dec 29, 2001. Go to 27.Goodthink and 30.Love Instinct What crazy weather! (countries trying to cope with climatic catastrophe). Straits Times Asia, Dec 29, 2001. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation and ORDER OUT OF CHAOS A story about eavesdropping neighbours (who listened to next-door's phone calls). National Post, Dec 22, 2001. Go to 20.Thought Police & Snitches Police armed for crackdown (new offences,new powers,severe punishment - police can break the law). National Post, Dec 22, 2001. Go to 20.Thought Police & Snitches Powerful new bomb made for Osama (it's like a nuke without radiation). New York Post, Dec 22, 2001. Go to 13.Weapons Blair silent over Leo's MMR jab (vaccine linked to autism/bowel disease). London Telegraph, Dec 20, 2001. Go to 8.Classes of People & VACCINATIONS USA Medal of Freedom went to Communist (wrote 'Towards Understanding Karl Marx'). National Post, Dec 20, 2001. Go to 7.Systems of Thought "Girls, gambling & games" (broadband speeds up downloads of porno). Tech Central, Dec 20, 2001. Go to 25.Prolefeed Canada's media owned by Israel Asper (editorials assigned at corporate headquarters). Toronto Star, Dec 20, 2001. Go to 16.Ministry of Truth Argentina declares state of siege (half of population below poverty line). Globe & Mail, Dec 20, 2001. Go to 4.Old World Destruction Cops deny taser caused fetus' death (woman zapped with 50,000-volt shock). United Press, Dec 19, 2001. Go to 20.Thought Police & Snitches News Corp. to broadcast in China. Washington Post, Dec 19, 2001. Go to 7.Systems of Thought ODE TO FRUITLOOPS, Dec 19, 2001. Go to 3.Surveillance and POEMS Anthrax vaccine for thousands in USA (preparation unlicensed,controversial). Washington Post, Dec 19, 2001. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation and VACCINATIONS FBI plan to put more agents in Canada. CBC News, Dec 17, 2001. Go to 20.Thought Police & Snitches National ID card gaining support (2 photos,2 bar codes,magnetic strip,chip). Washington Post, Dec 17, 2001. Go to 3.Surveillance and STAGED EVENTS 'Wrongful life' ruling outrages ethicists (people affected by Down Syndrome targeted). National Post, Dec 15, 2001. Go to 30.Love Instinct and BRAVE NEW WORLD Love's labours lost (JFK's personal photographer captured the essence, the soul of JFK). Globe & Mail, Dec 15, 2001. Go to JFK TRUTHS & LIES ANOTHER ATTACK ON JFK's IMAGE (40,000 Camelot negatives lost in World Trade Center inferno). Go to JFK TRUTHS & LIES Proof or fake? World divided over Bin Laden tape. Reuters, Dec 14, 2001. Go to 16.Ministry of Truth Bush tears up nuclear missile control pact. Sydney Herald, Dec 14, 2001. Go to 13. Weapons What's with all the WITCHES & WIZARDS? Go to CONSPIRACY THEORIES N.American war on terror a threat to privacy (free societies becoming totalitarian). Globe & Mail, Dec 13, 2001. Go to 3.Surveillance & TERRORIST = DISSIDENT "WHY IS A BOOK WHICH DOES NOT MAKE ANY SENSE AND IS UTTERLY BORING SO IMPORTANT?" Go to "READERS' EMAIL" for answer And the band played on (music industry producing patriotic hits). Weekly Standard, Dec 11, 2001. Go to 25.Prolefeed Hundreds massacred, hospitals, mosques destroyed. PakNews, Dec 10, 2001. Go to 12.Mini Pax and AFGHANISTAN REMEMBERED UN accepts Nobel Peace Prize as war rages. Globe & Mail, Dec 10, 2001. Go to 2.Big Brother and DOUBLESPEAK Hollywood to fan the flame of war (cranking out propaganda in films & TV). Toronto Star, Dec 9, 2001. Go to 16.Ministry of Truth Saudis airing anti-Semitic TV series for Ramadan (based on Protocols of the Elders of Zion). National Post, Dec 7, 2001. Go to 35.The Brotherhood and CONSPIRACY THEORIES Move to lock up mentally-ill criticised (Government assuming 'an Orwellian air'). London Telegraph, Dec 7, 2001. Go to 42.The Party Tells 'Why' Head of U.N. visits Sesame Street. Yahoo!News, AP, Dec 6, 2001. Go to 10. Rulers Canada restricts Nauru refugees (impoverished by international money-launderers). National Post, Dec 6, 2001. Go to NAURU SAVED JFK USA, Canada agree to tighten border 'to stop terrorists' (will share police, army, helicopters and surveillance). Los Angeles Times, Dec 4, 2001. Go to TERRORIST means DISSIDENT USA bombs fall on anti-Taliban region (hundreds of starving civilians killed). New Zealand Herald, Dec 04, 2001. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace New terror bill targets protesters, MP says (military can be used against citizens). Toronto Star, Nov 29, 2001. Go to 4.Old World Destruction and TERRORIST means DISSIDENT Vietnam OK's historic agreement with USA. Financial Post, Nov 29, 2001. Go to 6.Systems of Thought and CORPORATE COMMUNISM USA food sale hailed by Cuban Minister. Washington Post, Nov 29, 2001. Go to 7.Systems of Thought and CORPORATE COMMUNISM Pearson's gay ambassador to Moscow compromised Canadian security?. National Post, Nov 28, 2001. Go to 35.The Brotherhood and Essay: COMMUNISM BY ANY OTHER NAME Americans eye return of draft. National Post, Nov 28, 2001. Go to 12.Minipax and Essay: UNCLE SAMuel WANTS YOU! Legendary spy carries secrets to his grave ('super-mole' headed Canada's spy agency?). National Post, Nov 27, 2001. Go to 35.The Brotherhood and COMMUNISM BY ANY OTHER NAME... Naughty children registered as potential criminals. London Telegraph, Nov 25, 2001. Go to 27.Goodthink Toxic injections for the elite (makes the face expressionless). National Post, Nov 26, 2001. Go to 35.The Brotherhood C-36 may invite Big Brother inside your PC ($37 million to upgrade eavesdropping technology). Toronto Star, Nov 21, 2001. Go to 20.Thought Police Canada's Anti-Terrorism Act 'a change of mind-set' (catches criminals BEFORE they commit crime). Maclean's Magazine, Nov 19, 2001. Go to ORDER OUT OF CHAOS: TERRORIST means DISSIDENT Police and FBI like watching ordinary citizens (they promote and profit from video camera surveillance). Maclean's Magazine, Nov 19, 2001. Go to 3.Surveillance and 20.Thought Police 'One plus one can equal three, not zero' (says Bush to Putin at Texas high school). Washington Post, Nov 15, 2001. Go to 28.Reality Control 4,000 Zimbabwe farmers to be evicted (22 million acres will fall out of production). London Times, Nov 13, 2001. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down and 11.Mini of Plenty New laws will turn EU into a superpower. London Telegraph, Nov 13, 2001. Go to 6.Superstates The canny queen of Camelot (new biography trashes JFK, as usual). Saturday Post, Nov 10, 2001. Go to JFK TRUTHS & LIES and KKK for 38 years Police State ('Congress rolled over and played dead'). Insight Mag, Nov 9, 2001. Go to 21.Crimestop and 20.Thought Police and TERRORIST means DISSIDENT Bush urges his nation to volunteer (his version of JFK's "Ask NOT" speech). London Times, Nov 9, 2001. Go to 36.Hate Week Volunteerism and JFK INAUGURAL ADDRESS Vaccinations hurt by scare tactics:study (vaccine promoters worried about growing opposition). National Post, Nov 9, 2001. Go to 22.Doublethink and VACCINES Sheep are good models for human behavior (and we should accord them more respect). National Post, Nov 8, 2001. Go to 5.Pyramidal New World Order and 14.Experimentation Bush the Elder hails China's anti-terrorism stance (USA and China are shoulder-to-shoulder in unity). Toronto Star, Nov 8, 2001. Go to 28.Reality Control and 7.Systems of Thought Three storms unite to thrash East Coast ('weather bomb' packing winds reaching 120km/hr). National Post, Nov 8, 2001. Go to ORDER OF CHAOS WEATHER CONTROL USA buying smallpox vaccination for all Americans. Washington Post, Nov 7, 2001. Go to VACCINATIONS USA drops 7-tonne bombs on Afghanistan (destroys internal organs within 600-metre range and sends psychological message). National Post, Nov 7, 2001. Go to 42.Party Tells 'Why' and AFGHANISTAN REMEMBERED BBC creates reality-tv show 'The Experiment' (dubbed 'BIG BROTHER with no taste'). Globe & Mail, Nov 3, 2001. Go to BEYOND ORWELL and 25.Prolefeed Beijing produces videos glorifying attacks on USA (graphics show America suffering future attacks). London Telegraph, Nov 5, 2001. Go to 16.Mini of Truth and 7.Systems of Thought Brain wave (visitors to USA should take brain-fingerprinting test). Globe & Mail, Nov 3, 2001. Go to 14.Experimentation and 41.Party Tells 'How' Teachers told not to preach against the war. London Telegraph, Nov 4, 2001. Go to 27.Goodthink and 20.Thought Police Doctors tell men to be the new women (should take the flu shot and model themselves after homosexuals). National Post, Nov 3, 2001. Go to 26.Rebellion and 30.Love Instinct & Family USA unemployment rockets (and it's going to get worse). BBC, Nov 2, 2001. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down Mexican families use 7% of income to pay bribes. TheNewsMexico, Nov 2, 2001. Go to 8.Classes of People Hawaii vacations for rescue workers (Aloha for 1,200 firemen, police etc at WTC). MSNBC, Nov 2, 2001. Go to 36.Hate Week Volunteerism Lumber duties could idle 30,000 in BC (200 BC communities totally forestry-dependent). Vancouver Province, Nov 1, 2001. Go to 11.Mini of Plenty and 9.Keeping Masses Down USA jets damage Kandahar hospital (shattered remains slip into a bomb crater). Yahoo!News AP, Oct 31, 2001. Go to 6.Superstates (Disputed Territories) ANTHRAX BRINGS IN BRAVE NEW WORLD (according to Aldous Huxley it does) Lockheed wins contract for 3,000 fighter jets ($200 billion cost largest in Defense Dep't history). Los Angeles Times, Oct 26, 2001. Go to 11.Ministry of Plenty (Starvation) 'Brutality smeared in peanut butter': Why America must stop the war now. London Guardian, Oct 23, 2001. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace Out of classroom, into trenches (12 yr old boy carries shells to gunners). National Post, Oct 23, 2001. Go to Essay: AFGHANISTAN REMEMBERED Making babies without men (Orwell called it artsem). Australian Herald Sun, Oct 23, 2001. Go to 30.Love Instinct & Family Scientist learns what makes sperm wiggle (contraceptive drug stops sperm wiggling). National Post, Oct 11, 2001. Go to 30.Love Instinct & Family FBI considers torture as suspects stay silent. The Times, Oct 22, 2001. Go to 34.Ministry of Love and 4.Old World Destruction APEC leaders find China on hight alert (Bush, Putin & Zemin together in Shanghai). National Post, Oct 19, 2001. Go to 7.Systems of Thought and 6.Superstates UCLA suspends librarian for 'electronic harassment' (he expressed a 'different' opinion via email). National Post, Oct 19, 2001. Go to 27.Goodthink and TERRORIST means DISSIDENT Anthrax may change USA mail delivery. Yahoo!News, Oct 17, 2001. Go to STAGED EVENT: PAPERLESS SOCIETY Stockpile smallpox vaccine, experts say (researchers vaccinating healthy young adults). National Post, Oct 18, 2001. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation The Demon in the Freezer (How smallpox became biggest bioterroist threat we face. Richard Preston, New Yorker, July 12, 1999. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation and ANTHRAX MOVIE National ID card for USA attracts high-level support (CIA,FBI,Silicon Valley, Military etc like the idea). Mercury News, Oct 16, 2001. Go to 3.Surveillance Police get sweeping powers under Canada's terrorism bill. Globe & Mail, Oct 16, 2001. Go to TERRORIST means DISSIDENT and ORDER OUT OF CHAOS Death of a true radical (Doug Collins vs Schinler's List). MacLean's, Oct 15, 2001. Go to 27.Goodthink & FREEDOM FIGHTER DIES
USA Congress endorses snoop bill, Wired News, Oct 13, 2001. Go to TERRORIST means DISSIDENT
Afghans claim village flattened by US air raid (200 innocents killed in firestorm on mud huts). National Post, Oct 15, 2001. Go to AFGHANISTAN REMEMBERED
Fighter pilots may be out of a job (testing to begin on unmanned jets). National Post, Oct 11, 2001. Go to WTC BEFORE AND AFTER
Terror attacks 'will bring EU closer together'. London Telegraph. Oct 12, 2001. Go to 6.Superstates
The UN's proudest hour. BBC, Oct 12, 2001. Go to 5.Pyramidal New World Order
Essay: Anthrax in movie and BRAVE NEW WORLD
Anthrax, smallpox vaccines called for. Washington Times, Oct 10, 2001. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation
Why anthrax vaccine is scarce. Wired News, Oct 10, 2001. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation
Building up Reserve strength (soldiers for combat). National Post, Oct 11, 2001. Go to UNCLE SAMuel WANTS YOU! and DOUBLESPEAK IN 2001
Eerie timing for Anthrax the movie. Calgary Herald, Oct 10, 2001. Go to 16.Ministry of Truth
NATO sends planes to protect USA., Oct 9, 2001. Go to 2.Big Brother
Do you believe in Digital Angel? (wait ten seconds for special effects). Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation
Arafat sets Palestinian police against his own people (seen as a bid to show he is on Bush's side). New York Times, Oct 9, 2001. Go to 12.Mini of Peace (War)
Greek mythology inspires code name (Canada's anti-terrorism mission:"Operation Apollo"). National Post, Oct 9, 2001. Go to DOUBLESPEAK IN 2001
The war on dissent (Americans are sacrificing the very freedom they are defending). Globe & Mail, Oct 6, 2001. Go to 20.Thought Police and 27.Goodthink
Federal privacy watchdog says of police video surveillance:'Big Brother is watching'. Vancouver Sun, October 8, 2001. Go to 3.Surveillance and 20.Thought Police
Do kids gamble? Do you wanna bet? (Today's kids are being groomed as tomorrow's gamblers). Toronto Star, Oct 6, 2001. Go to 24.Lottery
Bush pledges $3B for 200,000 new layoffs ('worker-relief' would require enrollment in gov't programs). Yahoo!News, Oct 4, 2001. Go to 11.Ministry of Plenty
Ebola-style killer virus sweeps Afghan border. Daily Telegraph, Oct 4, 2001. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation and 12.Ministry of Peace
New currency for a new world (Blair outlines his vision of a new world order rising from the ashes of the terrorist attacks. Telegraph, Oct 3, 2001. Go to 5. Pyramidal New World Order
Anti-terrorism bill to grant police unprecedented eavesdropping powers. Wired News, Oct 1, 2001. Go to 20.Thought Police & Snitches
Bush administration is doing "everything possible to make America as safe as can be." Go to DOUBLESPEAK IN 2001
New codename for terror war: "Enduring Freedom". Toronto Star, Sep 25, 2001. Go to "DOUBLESPEAK"
Crop-dusters stay grounded on anthrax fear. National Post, Sep 25, 2001. Go to 4.Old World Destruction
Flood of cheap Afghan heroin on way. London Times, Sep 25, 2001. Go to 25.Prolefeed
War machine set for action (Operation "Infinite Justice" in USA and Operation "Noble Eagle" in Britain). Toronto Star, Sep 20, 2001. Go to 22.Doublethink and 12.Ministry of Peace
Patriotism fails to inspire surge in recruits. National Post, Sep 18, 2001. Go to UNCLE SAMuel WANTS YOU!
September 11th, 2001: 20th Anniversary of UNITED NATIONS INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACE. Go to Symbolism: WAR IS PEACE
Citizens and non-citizens to carry ID cards (biometric database also under discussion). MSNBC, Sep 18, 2001. Go to 3.Surveillance
America's weapons of war. News of the World, Sep 16, 2001. Go to 13.Weapons
More films altered, pulled, held back in wake of Sep 11 (Spielberg, Columbia Pictures, Jackie Chan, John Travolta, Warner Bros, Arnold Schwarzenegger etc). National Post, Sep 17, 2001. Go to 16.Ministry of Lies
'That's a major, major toxic soup' (people in Manhattan are breathing in some nasty stuff). Globe and Mail, Sep 15, 2001. Go to OKC/WTC ATTACKS
THE BIGGEST FOUNDATION, The New Yorker, Nov 1972 (chronicles the construction of the WTC's twin towers.)
Advertisers demanding to know intimate details about TV viewers. Financial Post, Sep 14, 2001. Go to 3.Surveillance
Bush declares all-out-war on terrorism. Electronic Telegraph, Sep 14, 2001. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace
Towers built to withstand impact of plane (but yesterday the twin towers imploded). National Post, Sep 12, 2001. Go to WTC BEFORE AND AFTER
Morning that left the U.S. speechless. Daily Telegraph, Sep 12, 2001. Go to 4.Old World Destruction and ORDER OUT OF CHAOS
Schools teaching kids to be nice. National Post, Sep 8, 2001. Go to 27.Goodthink and 21.Crimestop
Bush and orthodox Jewish group join to stop gossip in the name of democracy. National Post, Sep 7, 2001. Go to 2.Big Brother and 5.Pyramidal NWO
Police prefer group hugs to pepper spray. National Post, Sep 6, 2001. Go to 20.Thought Police & Snitches
Municipalities may lose right to block factory farms. Toronto Star, Sep 6, 2001. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down
Communist China will broadcast on USA TV. The Financial Times, Sep 4, 2001. Go to 7.Systems of Thought
Arrest of teacher 'a police-state action'. National Post, Aug 29, 2001. Go to STAGED EVENTS: Terrorist Acts
When your eyes tell you lies. Insight Magazine. Go to 17.Falsification of Past
Big Parent is watching, virtually. National Post, Aug 27, 2001. Go to 3.Surveillance
Is God all in our heads? Electric helmet fires brain neurons. Globe & Mail, Aug 25, 2001. Go to 41.Party Tells 'How' and 14.Scientific Experimentation
High-frequency research blamed for buzzing-sound plaguing Germany. National Post, Aug 23, 2001. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation and WEATHER CONTROL
WCB smoking ban violates rights. Financial Post, Aug 22, 2001. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down and 15.Life in Oceania
Police to be armed with wallet-sized computers. National Post, Aug 21, 2001. Go to 20.Thought Police & Snitches
Computer games can stunt kids' brains. National Post, Aug 20, 2001. Go to 14. Scientific Experimentation
How to rent a womb. Globe and Mail, Aug 19, 2001. Go to 30.Love Instinct and Family
Police targeting ordinary Canadians. Ottawa Citizen, Aug 18, 2001. Go to 20.Thought Police and 12.Min of Peace
Israel sanctions assassination. National Post, Aug 18, 2001. Go to 35.The Brotherhood
Employers who allow employees to volunteer have happier workers: agency. Vancouver Sun, Aug 18, 2001. Go to 36.Hate Week Volunteerism
Germany proposes international riot police. Washington Times, Aug 17, 2001. Go to 20.Thought Police and 6.Superstates
Public hangings, floggings in Iran. National Post, Aug 17, 2001. Go to 7.Systems of Thought
BC bullfrogs are voracious predators. National Post, Aug 14, 2001. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation
Drought, from coast to coast. Globe and Mail. Aug 14, 2001. Go to 14. Scientific Experimentation
We are getting genetically modified by stealth. National Post, Aug 14, 2001. Go to 14. Scientific Experimentation
Calif Court: Students can be searched. Associated Presss, Aug 14, 2001. Go to STAGED EVENT: SCHOOL KILLINGS
School Killings spike as semesters start. Yahoo! News, Aug 10, 2001. Go to 21. Crimestop
'Big Brother' watching? In Britain, quite likely. Reuters. Aug 13, 2001. Go to 3. Surveillance
To oust Mugabe, target his cronies. National Post, Aug 13, 2001. Go to 10. The Rulers
Protest over SA 'snooping bill'. BBC, Aug 13, 2001. Go to 3. Surveillance
Privacy watchdog takes swipe over Smart Card plan. Sydney Morning Herald, Aug 13, 2001.Go to 3.Surveillance and CASHLESS SOCIETY
Police camera captures city stabbings. Vancouver Sun, Aug 11, 2001. Go to 3.Surveillance
Kissinger: "The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer". National Post, Aug 11, 2001. Go to 35. The Brotherhood
Counterfeit surge puts business on edge (problem threatens public trust in cash). National Post, Aug 9, 2001. Go to 28. Reality Control and "STAGED EVENTS"
'Synthetic meat' mogul and Texas Justice Dept share prison meal deal. Financial Post, Aug 8, 2001. Go to 15.Life in Oceania and MOVIE: SOYLENT GREEN
The next Jewish pope (received like royalty by elites). Sydney Morning Herald, Aug 6, 2001. Go to 10.The Rulers and 7.Systems of Thought
Canada: the worlds' "barnyard" (allows industrial farms to spread their manure). Ottawa Citizen, Aug 4, 2001. Go to 15.Life in Oceania
Aphids devastate Ontario soybean crops. Toronto Star, Aug 3, 2001. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation
Swearing up 78% during TV family hour, study finds. National Post, August 2, 2001.Go to 25.Prolefeed and 35.The Brotherhood
Video game players will feel screen pain. National Post, July 30, 2001. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation
Britain's 'nightmare' rages on. Globe and Mail, July 28, 2001. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down
Chusssh! Chusssh! You're listening to the 'holy grail' of sound. National Post, July 28, 2001. Go to 3.Surveillance
I come to bury Kay, not to praise her. National Post, July 26, 2001. Go to 17.Falsification of Past and JFK TRUTHS/LIES
New Singapore software can 'beef up' surveillance. Reuters July 27, 2001. Go to 3.Surveillance
I want a piece of this First People's action. National Post, July 27, 2001. Go to 10.Rulers and INDIAN POEM
Nursery places to free parents for work. The Guardian, July 25, 2001. Go to 30. Love Instinct and Family
Protests are increasingly well supported. National Post, July 24, 2001. Go to 19.Two Minutes Hate
Big Brother foiled in Yellowknife. Financial Post, July 24, 2001. Go to 3.Surveillance
G-8 leaders push for globalization, reject violence. Japan Times On-Line, July 23, 2001. Go to 2.Big BrotherPolice cameras denounced as threat to privacy. National Post, July 12, 2001. Go to 3.Surveillance
Rural cleansing. eco-logic on-line, June 17, 2001. Go to ANIMALISM
Eco-hypocrites? Environmentalists court US tycoons for cash. National Post, June 16, 2001. Go to ANIMALISM
Best-selling Harvard prof conducts fraudulent anti-male research. Massachusetts News, Go to 30. 30.Love Instinct and Family
China, Russia sign treaty focusing on Central Asia. Electronic Telegraph, June 16, 2001. Go to 6.Superstates
Bush urges 'whole and free' Europe. National Post, June 16, 2001. Go to 6.Superstates
One step closer to a police state. National Post, June 15, 2001. Go to 12.Ministry of War and 3.Surveillance
Bald-eagles pushing out BC's heron. National Post, June 12, 2001. Go to BALD EAGLE AS USA SYMBOL
Timothy McVeigh's last words - "INVICTUS", June 11, 2001. Go to POEMS
FERTILIZER BOMB 'NONSENSE' SAYS EXPERT, The Spotlight, Go to 28. Reality Control
People who believe a fertilizer truck bomb did THIS damage are, to quote Orwell, "denying the evidence of their own senses"
Detailed execution ritual awaits McVeigh. Indianapolis Star, June 7, 2001. Go to 34.Ministry of Love
Execution stay denied. The Oklahoman, June 6, 2001. Go to 4.Old World Destruction and 28.Reality Control
2,000 Oregon and California families sacrificed for sucker fish. The New Australian, May 9, 2001. Go to Animalism as described in ANIMAL FARM
Men in embroidered aprons hire PR firm. National Post, June 2, 2001. Go to 35.The Brotherhood
Nepal Royal Family Massacred (worst mass killing of royalty since Romanovs put to death by order of Lenin in 1918). BBC, June 2, 2001. Go to NEPAL REMEMBERED & WHO KILLED THE ROYAL FAMILY OF NEPAL?
High-tech police radar will peep through clothing. United Press International, May 29, 2001. Go to 3.Surveillance
Chretien supports own 42% raise. National Post, May 30, 2001. Go to ANIMAL FARM
Canadian being tortured in Saudi jail. National Post, May 28, 2001. Go to 39.Interrogation and Torture
German TV full of Hitler and Holocuast. Electronic Telegraph, May 26, 2001. Go to 17.Falsification of Past
Defection may give world body a reprieve from Senate hearings (to find out what the really doing over a broad strata of things, for or against the United States and other countries). National Post, May 25, 2001. Go to 5.Pyramidal New World Order
In latest reality TV show, the rats get to eat the contestants. National Post, May 24, 2001. Go to 44.Room 101
China steps up execution rate. Toronto Star, May 18, 2001. Go to 7.Systems of Thought
"It's better for us they died" says abortionist Morgentaler. National Post, May 18, 2001. Go to 22.Doublethink
Healthfood and hate. National Post, May 17, 2001. Go to 35.The Brotherhood
EU condemned over planned 'snoop laws'. BBC, May 16, 2001. Go to 3.Surveillance
'Haute cuisine' takes on new meaning. Sydney Morning Herald, May 16, 2001. Go to 36.Hate Week
Italy's Prime Minister-elect is the country's wealthiest man. National Post, May 15, 2001. Go to 10.The Rulers
McVeigh gets music to die by. Yahoo News, May 9, 2001. Go to 36.Hate Week
Gerbils trained to rat on spies, pushers. National Post, May 9, 2001. Go to 44.Room 101
Britain on the ropes. National Post, May 7, 2001. Go to 15.Life in Oceania
Professor set to 'control' wife by cyborg implant. Sunday Times, May 6, 2001. Go to 42.Party Tells Why
Big Brother in the Big Apple. Wired News, May 3, 2001. Go to 3.Surveillance
McVeigh's death raises shadows of executions past. Oklahoman, May 2, 2001. Go to 7.Systems of Thought
Execution tapes reveal U.S. guards' gallows humour. Electronic Telegraph, May 3, 2001. Go to 36.Hate Week Volunteerism
Corpses may supply neurons to the living. National Post, May 3, 2001. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation
Missile plan's merits doubted. Washington Post, May 2, 2001. Go to 12.Ministry of War and Movie Review: PENTAGON WARS
Loser claims Montreal Casino's games are rigged. National Post, May 2, 2001. Go to 24.Lottery
Farmers to be 'keepers of countryside'. Electronic Telegraph, April 28, 2001. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down
22 years of unremitting conflict for Afghanistan. New York Times, April 29, 2001. Go to Essay: AFGHANISTAN REMEMBERED
Bronze penis stolen from Ontario gallery. National Post, April 25, 2001. Go to 25.Prolefeed
Canadian rescue mission almost complete. Globe and Mail, April 25, 2001. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation
Britain may napalm animal carcasses. National Post, April 25, 2001. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace
Hitchens vs Kissinger. National Post, April 24, 2001. Go to 35.The Brotherhood
U.S. police get more power. Globe and Mail, April 24, 2001. Go to 10.The Rulers
Sierra Club 'is like a giant corporation'. Sacramento Bee, April 22, 2001. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down
People's Summit just another union march. National Post, April 20, 2001. Go to 19.Two Minutes Hate
U.N. calls for $90-million self-promotion centre. National Post, April 20, 2001. Go to 2.Big Brother
Terrorist McVeigh faces execution in 649 hours. Washington Times, April 19, 2001. Go to 36.Hate Week Volunteerism & 16.Ministry of Truth & 28.Reality Control
A prison country - North Korea. Wall Street Journal, April 17, 2001. Go to 7.Systems of Thought
Why is the U.S. trading with the enemy? National Post, April 16, 2001. Go to 7.Systems of Thought
Feminists follow ideas of Karl Marx. Human Life International. Go to 30.Love Instinct & Family
'We don't have anyone but God'. Globe and Mail, April 14, 2001. Go to 7.Systems of Thought
Zimbabwe farm widow attacks 'gutless' Church. Electronic Telegraph, April 15, 2001. Go to 10.The Rulers
The surveillance trap. Sunday Times Magazine, April 1, 2001. Go to 3.Surveillance
Public execution a ritual to 'ease pain'. Buffalo News, April 13, 2001. Go to 7.Systems of Thought
Toddlers will be frisked at White House egg roll. London Times, April 13, 2001. Go to 20.Thought Police & Snitches
Ottawa rejects call for mail privacy. Globe and Mail, April 13, 2001. Go to 3.Surveillance
Bush to meet Putin. BBC, April 12, 2001. Go to 7.Systems of Thought
Piglets part of organ solution. National Post, April 12, 2001. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation
'Naked News' hires a man. National Post, April 10, 2001. Go to 25.Prolefeed
Grocer guilty of refusing to sell in metric. National Post, April 10, 2001. Go to 23.The Proles
Tiny Solomon Islands reject World Bank and EU aid. Sydney Morning Herald, April 10, 2001. Go to 6.Superstates
Vaccine may reduce risk of crib deaths. National Post, April 19, 2001. Go to 22.Doublethink
Canada to set up $20M organ donor program. Ottawa Citizen, April 9, 2001. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation
Kiddie coke. Globe and Mail, April 7, 2001. Go to 23.The Proles
Clone artist. Globe and Mail, April 7, 2001. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation
The eyes in the skies. Globe and Mail, April 7, 2001. Go to 3.Surveillance
'Shooting gallery' for heroin users gets go-ahead. London Independent, April 6, 2001. Go to 23.The Proles
Mugabe's mob storms 'white' factories. Electronic Telegraph, April 7, 2001. Go to 8.Classes of People
Some camera to watch over you. Wired News, April 5, 2001. Go to 3.Surveillance
Water will be shut off to farmers to keep fish alive. Tampa Bay Online, April 7, 2001. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down
Bill would let lawmen be lawless. Ottawa Citizen, April 6, 2001. Go to 20.Thought Police & Snitches
B.C. rainforest deal called a 'scary new model'. National Post, April 5, 2001. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down
Wild-eyed in the Wilderness. Insight Magazine, March 30, 2001. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down
Monuments of destruction. Insight Magazine, March 30, 2001. Go to Essay: AFGHANISTAN REMEMBERED
Wood dispute threatens 140,000 jobs in Canada. Toronto Star, April 3, 2001. Go to 11.Ministry of Plenty
Gov't introduces bill to seize outgoing mail. National Post, April 3, 2001. Go to 3.Surveillance
Soviet gulag theme park (Stalinworld) opens in Lithuania. National Post, April 3, 2001. Go to 34.Ministry of Love
Moulding children Oprah-Style. The Globe and Mail, March 31, 2001. Go to 21.Crimestop
China downs U.S. secret spy plane with 24-crew. Washington Times, April 2, 2001. Go to 6.Superstates
Jackpot TV: Betting viewers love to gamble. Financial Post, March 29, 2001. Go to 24.Lottery
Timothy McVeigh book and documentary. The Buffalo News, March 30, 2001. Go to 16.Ministry of Truth and 25.Prolefeed
Feminists suck on government's tit., National Post, March 30, 2001. Go to 27.Goodthink
Princeton ethics professor defends bestiality. Wall Street Journal, March 30, 2001. Go to 10.The Rulers
Mugabe bulldozes shanty town opponents. Electronic Telegraph, March 30, 2001. Go to 20.Thought Police & Snitches
U.S. war on drugs in Columbia ravaging farmers and land. Philadelphia Inquirer, March 29, 2001. Go to 14. Scientific Experimentation
Utah testing facility conducts secret experiments., March 25, 2001. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation
Internet conspiracy game challenges reality. The Herald, March 27, 2001. Go to 28.Reality Control
Cougars like young men for dinner. National Post, March 28, 2001. Go to 30.Love Instinct and Family
1,000 additional police added to Quebec Summit of the Americas. Globe and Mail, March 28, 2001. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace
Toronto's magic bullet: satellite tolling. Financial Post, March 26, 2001. Go to 3.Surveillance
Human cloning before U.S. Congress. National Post, March 27, 2001. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation
Today the pigs: tomorrow the people. Independent, February 26, 2001. Go to 27.Goodthink
Video recorders watch the watcher. Fox News, March 25, 2001. Go to 3.Surveillance
CIA boasts of manipulating news. Associated Press, March 24, 2001. Go to 17.Falsification of Past
Superman: Stalinism, repression and the Soviet way. Sydney Morning Herald, March 24, 2001. Go to 25.Prolefeed
Orphanage is target of Zimbabwe mob terror. Electronic Telegraph, March 24,2001. Go to 20.Thought Police & Snitches
Natives plan to help activists get to summit. National Post, March 23, 2001. Go to 19.Two Minutes Hate
Kofi Annan seeks 2nd term as UN Secretary-General. Ottawa Citizen, March 23, 2001. Go to 10.The Rulers
Russia expels 50 U.S. diplomats in retaliation. Washington Post, March 23, 2001. Go to 6.Superstates
Suspicious packages prompt bio-terrorism scare. Globe and Mail, March 22, 2001. Go to 28.Reality Control
Summit police to get plastic bullets. The Star, March 22, 2001. Go to 12.Ministry of War
How subsidies ploughed the family farm under. Financial Post, March 22, 2001. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down
Gambling is on the rise among youth, study says. Southam News, March 21, 2001. Go to 24.Lottery
Feed live cows with dead cows? Yuck. National Post, March 20, 2001. Go to 15.Life In Oceania
Hard time in 'supermax' jails. National Post, March 19, 2001. Go to 34.Ministry of Torture
Farmers will face guns to stop slaughter. Sydney Morning Herald, March 19, 2001. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down
Newest stun gun has 21-foot range. Dallas Morning News, March 19, 2001. Go to 12.Ministry of War
Clergy kowtowed to Kremlin. Calgary Sun, March 18, 2001. Go to 10.The Rulers
Mugabe's foes forced into TV humiliation. The Sunday Times, March 18, 2001. Go to 4.Old World Destruction
Schools to close for McVeigh execution. Fox News, March 16, 2001. Go to 4.Old World Destruction
English an obstacle for dyslexics. Globe and Mail, March 16, 2001. Go to 18.Newspeak
Mortuary shock for violent pupils. Daily Telegraph, March 16, 2001. Go to 28.Reality Control
I spy with my little mind. National Post, March 16, 2001. Go to 20.Thought Police & Snitches
Energy crisis or people control?, March 15, 2001. Go to 11. Ministry of Starvation
Farmers 'falling into the abyss'. National Post, March 14, 2001. Go to 4.Old World Destruction
Naomi and the brand new left. MacLean's, March 12, 2001. Go to 19.Two Minutes Hate
CIA creates 500-man unit WorldNetDaily, March 14, 2001. Go to 13.Weapons
Freedom of the press questioned. The Globe and Mail, March 13, 2001. Go to 16.Ministry of Lies
Rape spurs call to test all men. The Star, March 13, 2001. Go to 3.Surveillance
New camera extends watch on crime. The Sunday Times, March 11, 2001. Go to 3.Surveillance
Cable barons apply to screen adult channels. National Post, March 3, 2001. Go to 25.Prolefeed
U.S. energy beam lightly scorches protesters. National Post, March 2, 2001. Go to 12.Ministry of War
Federal Officials Opening Private Mail. National Post March 2, 2001. Go to 3.Surveillance
Reality Television? Front Page, January 31, 2001. Go to 16.Ministry of Lies
NGOs growing influence goes unmonitored., National Post, January 31, 2001. Go to 19.Two Minutes Hate
Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~