UPDATE: Doc describes escaping fire that destroyed his clinic...
(explains how mRNA vaccines cause blood clots/heart failure)
UPDATE: Doctor Hoffe is safe...
Dear Doctor Charles Hoffe,
I am the creator of ORWELL TODAY, a website comparing the world George Orwell described in 1984 to the world we are living in today -- and have been on-line for twenty years.
I have been an admirer of yours since learning of your existence when you first came to the attention of the world upon writing your open letter exposing the harm caused to patients of yours who had taken the COVID vaccine.
Doctor Charles Hoffe's Open Letter to Provincial Health Officer (above)
and excerpt of letter to his Congregation (below)
April 5, 2021
"...I have been rather concerned about the experimental Covid vaccines that are being rolled out at a rapid rate. The leader of the World Economic Forum, Claus Schwab, (author of the book, "The Great Reset") has declared that; "No one is safe, until everyone is vaccinated". This intention has been echoed by many world leaders. All previous coronavirus vaccine research following the SARS epidemic in 2002/3, in creating RNA or DNA vaccines against coronaviruses ended, because great harm was seen in the animal trials. But with the appearance of COVID-19, the same technology was rapidly revamped, with different delivery systems. However this time, animal trials were not done, and the experiment was taken directly to the population at large, after limited short-term trials. The vaccines have been rolled out, with absolutely no long-term safety data. This is a global experiment, on the entire world's population....
"All of the Covid vaccines are effectively genetic modification. They vary only in the mode of delivery. They all work, by introducing a gene to our bodies to manufacture an antibody against the Covid spike protein. The problem is that there are 20 human tissue types that also have a spike protein. So there is a possibility that the Covid antibody may target one of our own human tissues* too. In other words, that this new therapy will trigger an autoimmune reaction in some people...
COVID vaxxers Satanic attack on Godsend doc Charles Hoffe
watch Whistle blowing doc encouraging vaccine hesitancy
(using coercion to experiment on humans without consent)
News/Defender, June 2021
& 14.Scientific Experimentation
(masks-isolation-tests-sanitizers-vaccines cause harm)
watch Doc says patients died/disabled after vaccine
Doc removed from ER duty over Covid vaccine warnings
News, May 2021
I've been posting articles about you and links to your interviews this past few months -- and am in the process of writing an article about this week's fire in your town of Lytton where you've worked and resided for almost thirty years.
I've been following the news non-stop searching for info on you -- and saw a pic of the hospital/clinic going up in flames but there was no info about if any patients were in the hospital/clinic or if so, how they escaped. Your name has never been mentioned in the coverage. As I write this now the authorities have not yet given out the number or names of people who are missing -- which is very unusual. Nor have searches begun for survivors or victims as the town is deemed too dangerous for emergency crews to enter.
I am very worried about you -- please respond by email letting me know you made it out safely.
All the best,
Jackie Jura, July 4, 2021
PS - Hello Again Doctor Hoffe,
On my ORWELL TODAY website -- since the COVID bomb was dropped in March 2020 -- I have been concentrating heavily on the scamdemic and was interviewd last August 2020 on my article COVID MASK OF THE BEAST.
At that time -- when I wrote the article and during the interview -- I explained -- or shall we say "prophesied" about the covert hidden agenda behind the-powers-that-be naming of COVID -- ie a Certificate of Vaccination Identification was planned:
Certificate Of Vaccination IDentification
by Artificial Intelligence
(#1 = A = first letter alphabet; #9 = I = ninth letter)
And sure enough -- just over one year after the COVID war began -- the Prime Minister of Canada announced that "certificates of vaccination" will soon be required:
COVID-19 vaccine certificates being rolled out in Canada
(vaccination proof required before international travel)
GlobalNews, Apr 27, 2021
As the refrain of a rap song by another of Canada's Covid truthers says about the conspiracy: "It isn't just a theory if it keeps coming true".
(war being waged on our minds-bodies-souls)
On Canada's 154th birthday on July 1st (the day after your hospital went up in apocalyptic flames) -- celebrations of which were cancelled in most of the country -- anti-white-colonizers Black Indigenous People of Colour -- BIPOC -- made headlines toppling statues of the Queen -- Canada originally being a British Colony. The Indians and France lost the wars of conquest.
Our French Canadian prime minister -- a son of the former french-Canadian (francaphone kaybecker) prime minister Pierre Trudeau, the father of anti-English multi-culturalism -- ordered flags be flown at half mast to denote shame for Canada's alleged history of genocidal racism against BIPOC.
So anyhoo, doctor Hoffe, that's what's been happening in cowardly Canada since you've been gone. Some sort of conspiracy and cover-up is happening in Lytton and not a word has been heard about you. I hope you come back soon and put us out of misery worrying
~ an Open Letter to Doctor Charles Hoffe ~
To Orwell Today,
Hello Jackie,
Thank you for your concern. Yes, I am safe. This has been a very difficult time, so thank you for your care.
Kindest regards,
Dr Charles Hoffe, July 6, 2021
Greetings Doctor Hoffe,
Thank you so much for responding... I have been thinking about you constantly since even before the fire... when Lytton was in national and international news with record-breaking temperatures the previous week... and then when the fire happened on the Wednesday, June 30... and it was reported that it was not connected to the wildfires but had been started in the town itself... and spread like a firebomb... I worried immediately about you and your home and the clinic and your patients and saw the photo of the hospital going up in flames...
Somehow to me it seems sinister... some evil hand behind this fire... some revenge from the powers-that-be allied against you because of your strong heroic stand spreading truth about this COVID war being waged against us... but it may be my conspiratorial mind at work here...
But thank God you are safe... and the reason for it happening will become clear as time goes by... and your next assignment will be known.
All the best to you in this tragic time,
Jackie, July 6, 2021
PS - Orwellianly, the day the Lytton hospital (from which you'd been fired in May) went up in flames -- June 30th -- was the day the top COVID boss at Interior Health (who had a hand in firing you) was scheduled to appear in court on charges of sexually abusing a child.
...Dr Albert de Villiers, 52, has been arrested and charged with sexual assault and sexual interference against a child. The South Africa-trained doctor has only been working for Interior Health for the last year but has been a leading voice in the region's response to COVID-19... de Villiers has been released on bail and is next scheduled to appear in court in Grande Prairie on June 30...
PPS - I just added updates on dire warnings about COVID vaccines:
Health leaders urge pregnant women get vaccine
(officials concerned only 1-in-10 women got jab)
Obstetricians push COVID vax during pregnancy
News, Aug 1, 2021
Science shows COVID vaccines cause blood clots
Doc Hoffe under investigation by College of Physicians
(promoting vaccine hesitancy by warning of vax clots)
Justice Centre defends Doc Hoffe free speech
News, October 2021
watch We Stand On Guard For Thee Vaccine Mandate Protest, YouTube (On September 1st 2021 people in British Columbia came together to protest the approaching vaccine orders. The people want freedom of choice and to protect their freedoms and rights they were born with...)
From Shots to Clots, TrialSite News, Aug 2021 ( Americans who have taken COVID vaccine shots and those who have refused to capitulate to the coercion and propaganda are ill-informed about blood clots. This article provides summaries of key recently published research on two types of observed blood clots -- microscopic and relatively large size -- that merit serious attention and concern. One inevitable conclusion is that the FDA with support from big media is not doing its job to ensure truly informed consent by those taking vaccine shots. Canadian physician Dr Charles Hoffe has been practicing medicine for 28 years in a small, rural town in British Columbia, Canada, and recently gave a long interview. He has given about 900 doses of the Moderna experimental mRNA vaccine to his patients. So, contrary to some critics, he is no anti-vaccine doctor. The core problem he has seen are microscopic clots in his patients' tiniest capillaries. He said "Blood clots occurring at a capillary level....)
SELF-SUFFOCATING SPIT-MASKS TORTURE (...No mention is made, in the letter, that the signator, the top provincial health official, is being sued by citizens for misrepresenting the science and severity of COVID-19 and depriving citizens of their livelihood, rights and freedoms... Nor does the chief public health officer in the province, in her letter soliciting people get masked and vaxxed, mention that she fired -- and then the town burned down -- a doctor who'd written her an Open Letter warning of deaths and disabilities he'd witnessed in patients who'd been injected with the experimental genetically-modified COVID vaccine...), September 6, 2021
watch Did the Global Mafia Burn the Whole Town Down?, by Amazing Polly (curiosities surrounding a huge fire that destroyed 90% of a town called Lytton where a whistle-blowing doctor was fired for alerting the public about deaths and disabilities in patients given the COVID vaccine...)
Doc Hoffe says he's found blood clots in 625 of post-jab patients, Western Standard, Jul 19, 2021
"This is the terrifying concern. And not only is the long-term outlook very grim, but with each successive shot, the damage will add and add and add. It's going to be cumulative". An outspoken BC doctor threatened with losing his license is sounding the alarm on "inevitable" damage to blood vessels by the COVID-19 vaccines. In a recent online interview, Dr Charles Hoffe, a family physician of 28 years in Lytton, BC, offered a grim prognosis for jab recipients. "In a single dose of a Moderna vaccine, there are 40 trillion messenger RNA molecules", Hoffe said. Three-quarters of these molecules leave the arm of the injection, circulate through the bloodstream, and end up in the tiny capillary vessels. These little packages of the genes are absorbed into the cells around the blood vessels of the vascular endothelium. The packages open, the genes are released, your body then gets to work reading these genes and manufacturing trillions and trillions of COVID spike proteins.."
watch Interview of Dr Charles Hoffe on COVID Vaccine: Blood Clots Guaranteed, transcript by Hamid Subani, CabalTimes July 17, 2021
...I lost 50% of my income by not being allowed to work as an emergency doctor anymore. So this fire which wiped out my medical practice last week has now deleted the rest of my income. So I went 50% to zero and lost all. I didn't have insurance on the contents of my clinic because I prefer to trust in God. God owns everything that I own. So, I have taken some serious hits. But I am not out of the game... Fortunately my house is a little bit upwind of the fire which is ultimately what saved it... I am very grateful that my house survived. I am one of the few people that still has a house in Lytton... We are not allowed back to the town... the infrastructure is all gone...
watch Heart Failure to kill most people jbbed with mRNA drugs, Canada Doc Hoffe warns, IndyMedia, Jul 15, 2021 (link to video of Doc Hoffe explaining)
watch Dr Charles Hoffe from Lytton is with us (to talk about the devastating crisis which has struck Lytton... He will then issue a warning about the nature of the experimental vaccines...), Interview by Laura-Lynn Tyler Thompson, July 6, 2021
watch Arrest of Interior Health's top doctor on sex charges won't impact COVID-19 response (Interior Health refuses interview), Global, Jun 9, 2021
British Columbia's health minister said Interior Health's response to the COVID-19 pandemic will not be hindered by the health authority's top doctor being criminally charged with child sex crimes. Adrian Dix said he's limited in what we can say about the case against Dr Albert de Villiers of Interior Health due to court proceedings. "It is a police matter and we are limited about what we can say as it works its way through the judicial system", Dix said on Wednesday. "What I can say is that it won't distract us at all, anyone at Interior Health, of protecting people from COVID-19". Dix continued, saying, "to everyone in Interior Health and across BC, our efforts to get them protected, to get them vaccinated, and support those who have tested positive for COVID-19 in the community or in care, continues and our efforts will continue to be at the highest possible level". On Tuesday, de Villiers was taken into custody by Kelowna RCMP on an arrest warrant issued by Alberta RCMP. De Villiers appeared in Kelowna Provincial Court on Wednesday via telephone to face the charges. He was released from custody on a series of conditions, including that he must not be in the presence of anyone under the age of 16 or at places where children may frequent, such as parks, except if his wife is with him.
*The 4 Basic Tissue Types in the Human Body, www.exploringnature.org
Dr Charles Hoffe: Letters to Dr Bonnie Henry and to his Congregation, April 2021
(no news of Lytton doc since fire 5 days ago), July 4, 2021
Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation and 20.Thought Police & 21.Crimestop & 22.Doublethink & 27.Goodthink & 30.Love Instinct & Family
Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~
email: orwelltoday@gmail.com
website: www.orwelltoday.com