Born in 1950 and raised on Walt Disney cartoons, animated Fairy Tales and the Mickey Mouse Club, I remember the powerful emotions his productions inspired - including joyful laughter and heart-wrenching tears. Underlying everything was a feeling of goodness and love which penetrated to the core of a person's being.
What a difference after he died in 1966. The worst of his nightmares came to pass and his studio fell into the hands of the predators who'd been circling it from the moment of its conception - the communists, pornographers and money-changers who controlled everything coming out of Hollywood even way back then.
If Walt Disney came back to life today there is no doubt he would smash the studio that bears his name into a thousand pieces and scatter its remains to the far ends of the earth. He'd rather see it destroyed than turned into the rat-infested sewer it's since become.
Future articles and essays in this section of Orwell Today will discuss the evolution and devolution of Walt Disney's World. ~ Jackie Jura
PRAYER IN MY LIFE, by Walt Disney
Deeds rather than words express my concept of the part religion should play in everyday life. I have watched constantly that in our movie work the highest moral and spiritual standards are upheld, whether it deals with fable or with stories of living action. This religious concern for the form and content of our films goes back 40 years to the rugged financial period in Kansas City when I was struggling to establish a film company and produce animated fairy tales. Many times during those difficult years, even as we turned out Alice in Cartoonland and later in Hollywood the first Mickey Mouse, we were under pressure to sell out or debase the subject matter or go "commercial" in one way or another. But we stuck it out...
WORDS OF WALT DISNEY as told in 1963 to Roland Gammon, author of book Faith is a Star
Disney's Bad Santa drinks, robs, swears (says f**k then picks up young girl & has sex with her in dressing room). Drudge, Nov 17, 2003. Go to 25.Prolefeed & CHILD SEX IN BNW
Pinnocchio is gay in 2002 remake (wears chains, manacles & dog collar). National Post, Dec 27, 2002. Go to 25.Prolefeed & 30.Love & Family
DEFENDING WALT DISNEY (response to reader's letter). Nov 2, 2002. Go to 25.Prolefeed
New "Peter Pan" has sexy Wendy (author would have been horrified). National Post, Jun 6, 2002. Go to 25.Prolefeed
Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~
email: orwelltoday@gmail.com
website: www.orwelltoday.com