Dealey Plaza


To Orwell Today,
re: Reader has tons of pictures of Dealey Plaza

Hey Jackie,

Here are some pictures of Dealey Plaza. Maybe you could post some for the viewers:

Houston from BD

Photo #1: This photo of Houston Street was taken on the 7th floor of the former Texas School Book Depository Building approximately 12 feet directly above where Oswald allegedly took the shots. If you compare this with the next picture, a sniper would have had a better chance at hitting his target on Houston Street, rather than on Elm. Note: On the left side of the street is the old jail, where Oswald was fatally shot by Jack Ruby* [see correction below]. Oswald was supposed to come out of one of the two closed gray garage doors on the left.

Elm from BD

Photo #2: Taken on the 7th floor directly above the sniper's nest. This is almost the same view that Oswald allegedly had of JFK on Elm Street. He actually would have had a better view from here because the trees wouldn't have hindered the field of view as much as on the 6th floor.

Sniper Nest

Photo #3: Although it is illegal to take photos from inside the Sixth Floor Museum, the temptation overwhelmed me. This is a blurry photograph of the "sniper's nest". It is the southeast corner of the sixth floor surrounded by glass. It has been reconstructed to look as it did on November 22, 1963. The rest of the Sixth Floor has been transformed into a mini museum with stations that follow JFK from his early presidential years to his untimely death. When you look through that glass, it takes you back to November 22, 1963. Man, Oswald had a tight space in which to kill the most powerful man in the world!

Picket Fence

Photo #4: Here I was standing on the concrete pedestal in which Abraham Zapruder was standing. This is the view that he would have had if he filmed for a second longer. Could have answered a lot of questions.

Grassy Knoll

Photo #5: This photo was taken almost directly across the street from where photo #4 was taken. The "X" in the middle lane signifies where JFK was fatally hit. Similar to the view that Mary Moorman had.

If you would like more pictures, I have plenty; from the picket fence, triple underpass, etc.


Greetings Michael,

Your photos of Dealey Plaza are excellent and give a living, breathing perspective of the scene, unmatched by any I've seen before. Thank you so much.

To set the scene for your photos I scanned the one on the top of the page from an existing photo on the web that shows an overview of Dealey Plaza.

Your photo #1 proves that no sniper was in the 6th-floor southeast window because if one was, this was his only chance for a successful shot. Oswald wasn't there, that's for sure. He was standing in the front door of the TSBD building immediately before, during and after all the shots.

Your photo #2 proves the tree would have obscured the view from the 6th-floor window 12-feet directly below.

Your photo #3 shows the sunlight reflecting off the boxes facing the window, which would have affected a sniper's eyes. Also, it shows windows on the left (which I had never realized before) and the building across Houston Street can be seen (there was a sniper in that building).

Your photo #4 shows the picket fence and the entrance to the triple underpass like I've never seen them before. It was here that the deaf-mute man saw the sniper's gun being dismantled after he'd tossed it to a "railroad man" in the corner.

Your photo #5 of the Grassy Knoll and Zapruder's pedestal shows where the sniper of the fatal bullet hid behind the picket fence amongst the trees but whose puff of smoke was captured on film by Mary Moorman and seen by the Lady in Red, Jean Hill, who is an unsung American hero for truthspeaking about what she saw in Dealey Plaza that day and never betraying JFK.

Thanks, Michael for your key photographic pieces to the JFK ASSASSINATION PUZZLE and please do send more later, after people have digested these.

All the best,
Jackie Jura

...continued at DEALEY "X" MARKS JFK SPOT

* correction: OSWALD SHOT AT POLICE NOT SHERIFF JAIL (reader Jeff says "You have a bad mistake on your JFK DEALEY PLAZA PHOTOS page. The error is in the paragraph under the first pic. Oswald was not shot at the county jail in Dealey Plaza as that states. He was on the way there when he was shot at the Dallas police station....)

Road Trip to Dallas (photos of Dealey Plaza --great photos of Grassy Knoll, picket fence etc)

Dealey Plaza Photo Album, Kennedy Photos Blogspot

6th Floor Museum conjures up emotions surrounding JFK assassination. Canadian Press, Nov 13, 2007
DALLAS, Texas - The visitor from Alberta was overcome with emotion. "I felt the pain and anguish that most Americans may have felt that dreadful day," wrote Daniel Balfour in the guest book of the Sixth Floor Museum. "I cannot express in words how I felt once I came on the enclosed 'sniper's ledge.'" Forty-four years after the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy, the event is recalled by a generation of people with stark clarity and sadness, and the place where it happened in downtown Dallas is on many visitors' must-see lists. They stand on Elm Street overlooking Dealey Plaza with the controversial grassy knoll to the left, and the imposing seven-storey red brick building that was once the home of the Texas School Book Depository on the right. Their eyes rise to the window on the far right side of the sixth floor where, on Nov. 22, 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald fired the shots that - according to the version of events generally accepted by historians - ended Kennedy's life. That infamous structure is now called the Dallas County Administration Building and is the home of the Sixth Floor Museum, the most visited historic site in North Texas. Since it opened in 1989, more than five million visitors have taken the elevator to the sixth floor where the Dallas County Historical Foundation, which resisted local attempts to erase the memory and tear down the building, has turned the whole floor into a historic perspective and memorial to the 35th U.S. president...

The sixth floor is divided into several sections, all of which have historic photographs, documentary films and interpretative displays. There are 22,000 items available for viewing, including the old amateur film cameras that became such a key part of the investigations. Visitors can first learn about the social movements, political events and lifestyles of the early 1960s, then move into an area outlining the reasons for the president's trip to Texas and the rousing welcome he received in Dallas. The next section is the most compelling. It's called "The Corner Window" and is an accurate re-creation (organizers used police photographs of the scene) of the south-facing window - the sniper's ledge - as it looked in 1963 when Oswald hid behind boxes of schoolbooks while getting a clear view toward Dealey Plaza and the presidential motorcade along Elm Street. Floor-to-ceiling glass walls protect the immediate corner and its cartons of books, but it's easy to see the window and imagine Oswald crouching there. A webcam allows anyone to have a live view from the ledge ( Adjacent to the window are a teletype machine and radio/TV reports with actual coverage of the first moments after the assassination. All other windows on the south side of the museum, facing Dealey Plaza, are unobstructed...

Starting this month, the Dallas County Historical Foundation is opening a new gallery on the seventh floor of the building. Eleven historic amateur films of the Kennedy motorcade and assassination will be on continuous display, including the two most important ones by Abraham Zapruder and Orville Nix. The exhibit is called "Filming Kennedy: Home Movies From Dallas" and includes profiles of the men and women behind the home movie cameras. It's scheduled to run through October 2008. If you go: The Sixth Floor Museum and seventh floor film exhibit are located at 411 Elm Street in downtown Dallas. Admission is US$13.50 for adults, $12.50 for students and seniors. An audio guide is included in the admission price.

Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~
