

"Powerful men in the industrial-defence establishment
planned and carried out the assassination
because of their opposition to such Kennedy policies as
the test-ban treaty, removal of troops from Southeast Asia and
cutting the oil depletion allowance."

Today, less than two weeks after the 42nd anniversary [2005] of the assassination of JFK, I serendipitously [godcidently] came across the 10th anniversary edition of a newspaper that contained an article announcing the 1973 debut of EXECUTIVE ACTION, the movie I recommend people watch for the who, what, when, where, why and how of the JFK assassination.

I'm sharing the article, pictured above, with Orwell Today readers because it fits a few more pieces into the JFK ASSASSINATION PUZZLE.

All the best,
Jackie Jura, 2005

Kennedy film--thoughtful or gimmick
by Bob Thomas, The Leader Post, Regina, Saskatchewan, November 22, 1973

Los Angeles (AP) - Is it a thoughtful challenge to the Warren Report on President Kennedy's assassination? Or is it simply a make-money gimmick? That is the film world's puzzlement over a new film, Executive Action, which is billed as "probably the most controversial film of our time".

Although it was made on a modest budget, Executive Action is no shoestring film. It stars Burt Lancaster, Robert Ryan and Will Geer and was created by three topflight film makers - producer Edward Lewis, Director David Miller and writer Dalton Trumbo. The cost was held down because all worked for minimum salaries except Lewis, who was paid nothing. Lewis told how he becomes involved in the project.

"Donald Sutherland (the actor) originally developed the property with Mark Lane - author of Rush to Judgement - and Donald Freed. Sutherland got turned down by every company in town, and I bought it from him. My interest in the project had nothing to do with the death of President Kennedy; I am not an assassination buff. It seemed to me that this story offered a terrific chance to put across the idea that we need to be reported to on official matters. I feel that we have not been told the whole truth about the Kennedy assassination; the officials have only handed out self-serving statements."

The premise of Executive Action is that Lee Harvey Oswald could not have pulled off the assassination alone, hence there was a conspiracy. But the film does not attempt to document the conspiracy; it offers a fictional hypothesis on how it could have happened.

"The picture is really a strange animal, a mixture of fact and fiction that has never been attempted before," said the producer. "The story we tell is entirely fictional, but many of the characters are real-life figures shown in news footage, which occupies 30 per cent of the picture. "The only real-life figures who are portrayed by actors are Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby."

Lewis took the story to Trumbo, who had written such films as Spartacus and Lonely Are the Brave. Lewis gave the writer a small library of books on the Kennedy assassination and showed him the eight-millimetre home movie taken when the shots hit the Dallas motorcade. "That convinced me utterly that the shots came from two directions," said Trumbo.

Trumbo conceived the idea of combining newsreels with a fictional story. Its thesis: that powerful men in the industrial-defence establishment planned and carried out the assassination because of their opposition to such Kennedy policies as the test-ban treaty, removal of troops from Southeast Asia and cutting the oil depletion allowance.

Lewis ran into a roadblock in his attempts to finance the film. He finally enlisted a private investor who had never before backed a movie.

Lancaster liked the script but told Lewis, "I won't do the picture unless I'm convinced that the plot could have happened." After several months of thinking about it, he said, "I'm convinced."

Ryan also expressed doubt about the conspiracy theory but after reading the script, he agreed to do the film. In one of the last interviews before his death, the actor remarked that Executive Action was "the most important film I ever made."

KissAngletonDulles CrossHairsTitle DealeyPlaza EXEC ACTION JFK KILLERS REVEALED (61st anniversary of assassination November 1963-2024)

Note: In the news today -- November 21, 2012 -- is an article mentioning Dalton Trumbo (screenwriter of the 1973 movie EXECUTIVE ACTION that blatantly laid out the conspiracy and the thinly disguised conspirators behind the assassination of JFK). It turns out that Trumbo was a known communist (with obvious connections to capitalists) -- who fled to Mexico during the Hollywood blacklist days and wrote under an assumed name. During WWII the capitalist USA was allied with the communist USSR but after the war they pretended to be enemies again -- just as Orwell described in 1984 and ANIMAL FARM. The communists 'out' the capitalists and the capitalists 'out' the communists in a never-ending propaganda game (run by Big Brother's Brotherhood) played out on movie and TV screens dis-informing and mind-boggling the masses. ~ jj

ExecActionTrumbo Hollywood Reporter magazine apologises for role in McCarthy-era blacklist, Guardian, Nov 21, 2012
...In its latest issue, the magazine features a column by Willie Wilkerson, son of founder Billy Wilkerson, admitting his father was motivated by spite to publish lists of left-leaning film industry workers that influenced US politicians during the postwar McCarthy era.... Wilkerson's 1946 campaign against alleged communists in the pages of the Hollywood Reporter influenced the infamous House Committee on Un-American Activities, which the following year cited 10 writers and directors for contempt of Congress for refusing to testify before it. A group of studio executives acting as the Motion Picture Association of America then announced the firing of the "Hollywood Ten" in what became known as the Waldorf Statement. Blacklisting continued until at least 1960 when the Oscar-winning screenwriter Dalton Trumbo, who had been forced to move to Mexico City and write under an assumed name, was publicly acknowledged by Kirk Douglas and others for his work on blockbusters such as Spartacus and Exodus....

James Dalton Trumbo was born in Montrose, Colorado in 1905. Educated at the University of Colorado. Trumbo wanted to be a writer and by the early 1930s his articles and stories appeared in Saturday Evening Post, McCall's Magazine, Vanity Fair and the film magazine, the Hollywood Spectator. In 1935 Trumbo published his first novel, Eclipse, a satire about a self-made businessman. Trumbo's most popular novel, Johnny Got His Gun, about a disfigured British officer in the First World War, won a National Book Award in 1939. In the 1930s Trumbo worked on several movies including Love Begins at Twenty (1936), Road Gang (1936), Tugboat Princess (1936), That Man's Here Again (1937), Devil's Playground (1937), Fugitives For a Night (1938), A Man to Remember (1938) and Career (1939). Trumbo, who joined the Communist Party in 1943, was also active in the Screen Writers Guild.... In 1960 Trumbo became the first blacklisted writer to use his own name when he wrote the screenplay for the film Spartacus.... In 1973 Trumbo joined forces with Donald Freed and Mark Lane to write the political thriller, Executive Action, which dealt with an alleged conspiracy to murder John F. Kennedy. The film opened to a storm of controversy with the suggestion that Kennedy had been a victim of the Military-Industrial Complex and was removed totally from the movie theaters by early December 1973. Dalton Trumbo died of a heart attack in Los Angeles, California, on 10th September, 1976....

JFK RadioInterview listen JACKIE JURA INTERVIEW MURDER OF JFK (highly recommends people watch the movie Executive Action)
Patrick Timpone, OneRadioNetwork, Nov 22, 2011





Reader is desperate to see the JFK assassination movie "Executive Action"


16.Big Brother's Ministry of Truth (Lies) & 25.Big Brother's Prolefeed

Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~

email: orwelltoday@gmail.com
website: www.orwelltoday.com