Former Governor Sarah Palin invoked slavery in remarks about American public debt.
Bashir lit into Palin straight away, referring to her as America's "resident dunce"
and characterizing her slavery remarks as "scraping the barrel of her long-deceased mind"...
Bashir quoted the diary of a Jamaican slave owner named Thistlewood
who boasted about making slaves "sh*t in the mouth" of other slaves....
"When Mrs Palin invokes slavery, she confirms --
if anyone truly qualified for a dose of discipline from Thistlewood --
she would be the outstanding candidate".
We sure live in an Orwellian world -- where good is bad and bad is good -- or, in the case of BBC -- where their newly-appointed "religion" correspondent was fired in disgrace from NBC in USA for saying someone "should shit in Sarah Palin's mouth".
watch NBC TV host Bashir says someone should sh*t in Sarah Palin's mouth November 2013, YouTube (Bashir's comments on the NBC news program "Dateline" were made in response to remarks Sarah Palin made in a CNN TV interview about the effects of America's public debt. Sarah Palin said: "Our free stuff today has been paid for by taking money from our children and borrowing from China. When that note comes due -- and this isn't racist -- it's going to be like slavery when that note is due...")
Black TV host Martin Bashir says someone should sh*t in Sarah Palin's mouth, Mediaite, Nov 15, 2013
Martin Bashir appointed BBC's Religious Affairs Correspondent, BBC Newsgathering, Sep 26, 2016
BBC appoints man who said someone should "sh*t in Sarah Palin's mouth" as new Religion Chief, by Liam Deacon, Breitbart, Sep 27, 2016
And to make it even more Orwellian, BBC's announcement of Martin Bashir's appointment came on the same day as the USA presidential debate -- a similar forum to where Sarah Palin became a super-star eight years ago when she ran as vice-presidential candidate in 2008.
Since that time, Sarah Palin has continued to be in the news on almost a daily basis -- a whole industry has been built around maligning and defaming her -- an ongoing character assassination. During the 2008 election she was caricatured as a mindless bimbo on some of the most-watched TV shows in America and by some of Hollywood's biggest stars -- including hard-core porn movies produced by Larry Flynt -- a one-time presidential candidate who is supporting Hillary Clinton this time around. Here's a Wikipedia review of Hustler's Palin porn:
Who's Nailin' Paylin? is an American satirical pornographic film released on November 4, 2008, that satirizes former U.S. vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin. The film was directed by Jerome Tanner and stars Lisa Ann. Besides being a parody of Sarah Palin, the film includes spoofs of Hillary Clinton, Condoleezza Rice, Todd Palin and Bill O'Reilly. Produced by Hustler Video, the film was shot in two days and includes five hardcore sex scenes spanning from the Paylin character's college years, home life in rural Alaska, and the 2008 U.S. Presidential election. On October 31, 2008, Hustler announced that Lisa Ann was going to star in "Obama is Nailin' Palin" a scene that continued on the adventures of Lisa as Sarah Palin except this time Barack Obama would be lampooned as well. The scene is only available through their Hustler members' website with no plans to release it on a DVD. This "bonus scene" was released on election eve November 3, 2008. Hustler produced several sequels to Who's Nailin' Paylin? with Lisa Ann reprising her role, although they all used the real spelling of Palin's name -- Letterman's Nailin' Palin, You're Nailin' Palin (an interactive point-of-view DVD with Alexis Texas as Miss California USA Carrie Prejean), Hollywood's Nailin' Palin and Who's Nailin' Palin 2.
~ end quoting review Who's Nailin' Palin ~
In 1984 Orwell said that all media was owned and operated by members of the BROTHERHOOD who are agents of BIG BROTHER -- the tyrannical government that ruled the world. Orwell called the media the MINISTRY OF TRUTH which, in DOUBLETHINK, is the MINISTRY OF LIES and PROLEFEED "which engaged in producing the lowest kind of pornography". The form BIG BROTHER takes in our world is the UNITED NATIONS -- the unelected one-world-government that all nations pay tribute to and which sets down all policy -- national and international.
In the case of Sarah Palin, the BROTHERHOOD is in control of how she is portrayed in the media and its members are behind her on-going character assassination. And they aren't adverse to carrying out physical assassination should they deem it necessary. I wonder if they had anything to do with Sarah Palin's husband Todd's unexplained snow-mobile accident recently where several bones in his body were broken -- or even more recently, Sarah Palin's unexplained accident where her face was badly smashed up.
I consider the comments made by BBC's new religion correspondent -- ie that someone should shit in Sarah Palin's mouth -- to be pornography of the soul -- not far removed from the porn in magazines, movies, books, TV and cell-phone screens literally shoved in everyone's face -- children and adults alike. Just as Orwell said in 1984: "members of the BROTHERHOOD will corrupt the minds of children and destroy the society in which we live".
I understand that BBC plans to put a statue of Orwell in front of its building where he worked for them during WWII and which formed a large-component of his description in 1984 of the MINISTRY OF TRUTH (LIES).
Orwell had so much right with what is wrong with our world.
All the best,
Jackie Jura
Big Brother & The Brotherhood & Ministry of Truth & Prolefeed & Falsification of Past & Doublethink
SHOCK: BBC's New Religious Correspondent Said Someone Should 'Sh*t in Sarah Palin's Mouth', by Liam Deacon, Breitbart, Sep 27, 2016
The BBC has appointed a "well known and respected" journalist, who once suggested someone should "sh*t" in Sarah Palin's mouth on American television, as their new religious affairs correspondent. Martin Bashir joined ABC in 2004 before moving to NBC in 2010 as an MSNBC anchor and a correspondent on the "Dateline" programme. He resigned from MSNBC three years ago, after making the shocking remark about the former USA vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin.
Bashir called Mrs Palin America's resident "dunce" and "a world-class idiot" after Palin said America's massive national debt was "enslaving" future generations and made them "beholden to the foreign masters". Mr Bashir said Palin's comments were "abdominal to anyone who knows anything about slavery's barbaric history" and implied the former Alaska governor deserves an 18th-century "dose of discipline". Specifically, he quoted the diary of a Jamaican slave owner who boasted about making slaves "sh*t in the mouth" of other slaves, before insisting Mrs Palin was the "outstanding candidate" for similar treatment today. He later apologised for the remarks, and said in a statement: "I deeply regret what was said"....
Martin Bashir appointed BBC's Religious Affairs Correspondent, BBC Newsgathering, Sep 26, 2016
The BBC today announced that award-winning journalist Martin Bashir has been appointed as the new BBC Religious Affairs Correspondent. Martin will be returning to the BBC having previously worked as a correspondent for BBC News from 1987 until 1992 when he joined the BBC's flagship investigative programme Panorama until 1999 and presented BBC Radio 4's Sunday programme until 2004. Martin was a correspondent for Tonight on ITV before moving to the United States and hosting ABC's Nightline programme in 2004. In 2010 he joined NBC News as an MSNBC anchor and a correspondent on NBC's Dateline programme. Martin is known for conducting high profile interviews and making ground-breaking, landmark documentaries such as an investigation into abuse within the Church of Scientology and exposing the 'BALCO' performance-enhancing drugs scandal that involved Olympic athletes Marion Jones and Tim Montgomery.
During his distinguished career Martin's historic interviews include those with HRH Diana Princess of Wales, the suspects in the murder of Stephen Lawrence and Michael Jackson. Martin previously presented BBC Radio Four's Sunday programme and explored the emergence of radical enclaves in Britain following publication of Salman Rushdie's Satanic Verses. He has chaired debates on the battle between historic faiths and the New Atheist movement, reported on Anti-Semitic attacks in Europe and for ABC moderated a televised debate on political correctness entitled 'Sex and God at Yale'. As Religious Affairs correspondent, Martin will report on events and provide analysis and insight on the major themes and issues affecting different faiths in the UK and around the world.
Jonathan Munro, Head of BBC Newsgathering said: "Martin's track record in enterprising journalism is well known and respected in the industry and amongst our audiences. As a student of theology, Martin will bring immense knowledge of the brief to his new role, and an enthusiasm to cover the broadest range of faith-based stories". Martin Bashir says: "I am delighted to be re-joining the BBC at this time and in this subject area. The opportunity to cover the broad spectrum of religious affairs is challenging and compelling and I cannot wait to get started".
Sarah Palin suffers a nasty gash to the face, Daily Mail, Aug 31, 2016
The former Republican vice-presidential nominee slipped and cut her head open in the fall, but seemed to be in good spirits afterwards. Palin, 52, the former Alaska governor posted pictures on her Facebook page showing her bloodied face and a sizable lump on her forehead, as well a doctor treating her wound. Another picture shows Palin was left with a huge black eye following the fall....'Rock-running recently, I tripped over my own two feet and crashed & burned face-first. I recovered with the doc's SuperGlue, and now any man who asks "what happened?" I'll refer to as just a mean ol' SEXIST bully'. Alongside her message and the pictures, Palin included three links to articles questioning Clinton's health. Right-wing conspiracists have claimed that 68-year-old Clinton's health is so poor that she is not fit to be president....
Sarah Palin's husband injured in snowmobile crash, CBC, Mar 14, 2016
Sarah Palin's husband suffered eight fractured ribs and other injuries in a snowmobile accident in Alaska, but he was expected to recover, his father said Monday. Details about Todd Palin's injuries emerged the same day the 2008 vice-presidential candidate made a surprise appearance at a Donald Trump rally in Florida, after his campaign had said that she was returning home to be with her husband. Todd Palin also received injuries to his collarbone and lungs in the Sunday night crash, father Jim Palin told The Associated Press. He said he did not know the extent of those injuries and has not yet spoken with his son. He called the crash "one of those freak accidents" and said it happened about 110 kilometres north of the Palins' hometown of Wasilla. Todd Palin was set for surgery Monday and was expected to make a full recovery, Jim Palin said. "He's a tough adult", he said. In a Facebook posting, Sarah Palin called her husband the "toughest guy" she knows, adding that she was flying home to Alaska. Palin did not discuss details of her husband's accident but thanked supporters for their prayers.... It is not the first time Todd Palin was involved in a snowmobile crash. In the 2008, he broke his arm in a high-speed crash in Alaska's annual 2,000-mile Iron Dog snowmobile race, but he and then racing partner Scott Davis still finished in fourth place after Davis towed him the final 80 kilometres. Palin is a four-time winner of the race. His last championship was in 2007. Jim Palin, who splits his time between California and Alaska, said he plans to return to Alaska at the end of the month unless his son wants him there earlier. He also asked that the family be allowed to go through this "in peace".
Black TV host Martin Bashir says someone should sh*t in Sarah Palin's mouth, Mediaite, Nov 15, 2013
Former Governor Sarah Palin (R-AK) punched her way back into the news this week by invoking slavery in remarks about American public debt, then doubling down on the remarks in an interview with CNN's Jake Tapper. On Friday afternoon's Martin Bashir program on MSNBC, host Martin Bashir delivered a scathing attack on Palin, while attempting to contextualize the horror of slavery for her by detailing some of the cruelty recorded in the diary of Thomas Thistlewood, a British overseer at a Jamaican sugar plantation. Bashir concluded his commentary by suggesting Palin is deserving of the same treatment. In his "Clear the Air" segment, Bashir lit into Palin straight away, referring to her as America's "resident dunce" and characterizing her remarks as "scraping the barrel of her long-deceased mind, and using her all-time favorite analogy in an attempt to sound intelligent about the national debt". He then played a clip of Palin's comments from last weekend, in which she told a crowd at Iowa's Faith and Freedom Coalition event, "Our free stuff today is being paid for by taking money from our children, and borrowing from China. When that note comes due -- and this isn't racist, so try it. Try it anyway. This isn't racist. But it's going to be like slavery when that note is due. It will be like slavery", Bashir repeated. "Given her well-established reputation as a world class idiot, it's hardly surprising that she should choose to mention slavery in a way that is abominable to anyone who knows anything about its barbaric history".
"So here's an example", Bashir continued. "One of the most comprehensive first-person accounts of slavery comes from the personal diary of a man called Thomas Thistlewood, who kept copious notes for 39 years. Thistlewood was the son of a tenant farmer, who arrived on the island of Jamaica in April 1750, and assumed the position of overseer at a major plantation. What is most shocking about Thistlewood's diary is not simply the fact that he assumes the right to own and possess other human beings, but is the sheer cruelty and brutality of his regime, Bashir added. In 1756, he records that a slave named Darby 'catched eating kanes had him well flogged and pickled, then made Hector, another slave, s-h-i-t in his mouth'". This became known as 'Darby's Dose', a punishment invented by Thistlewood that spoke only of inhumanity. And he mentions a similar incident in 1756, this time in relation to a man he refers to as Punch. 'Flogged punch well, and then washed and rubbed salt pickle, lime juice and bird pepper, made Negro Joe piss in his eyes and mouthi", Bashir recited. "I could go on, but you get the point", Bashir said, concluding "When Mrs. Palin invokes slavery, she doesn't just prove her rank ignorance. She confirms if anyone truly qualified for a dose of discipline from Thomas Thistlewood, she would be the outstanding candidate".
Who's Nailin' Paylin?, Wikipedia
Bashir new BBC Religious Affairs correspondent
BBC, Sep 28, 2016
& Ministry of Truth & Prolefeed & Brotherhood
Alaska drops transCanada gas pipeline to lower 48
(kills Palin plan for America energy independence)
Obama stalls again on keystone Canada/USA oil pipeline
(allows fracking/oil by train environmental disasters)
watch Black TV host says should sh*t in Palin's mouth
(Palin says USA debt to China is slavery)
CBC/Herald/Media, Jan 10, 2014
& Keep Masses Down & Rulers & Doublethink
Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~