Palin Levi


Palin Levi

There's no end to the depth of diabolical depravity to which our society is being dragged. Last week it was the blockbuster movie about Jews scalping Germans and glorifying in killing the so-called "basterds":

Inglourious Basterds (Tarantino’s Jewish characters are inhuman monsters; white audiences identify with the Germans and can only feel revulsion at the sadistic way they're murdered). The Occidental Quarterly, Aug 25, 2009

Hollywood's Jewish Avenger (beat, scalp, burn, and carve swastikas into the foreheads of Nazis). The Atlantic, Sepember 2009

And this week it's the next installment of the sexploitation of Levi Johnston, the one-time future son-in-law of Sarah Palin:

Levi Johnston talks: "Me and Mrs. Palin" (drops some bombs on his baby's grandma). Pop Watch, Sep 3, 2009

The title of the article - "Me and Mrs Palin" - is subliminal, it being a take-off of the 70's song - "Me and Mrs Jones" - about an extramarital affair. It implies something illicit with his mother-in-law, ie "we've got a thing going on":

ME & MRS JONES, by Billy Paul, YouTube

The magazine Levi's lying and posing for this time (not nude yet but his tank-sized manager has plans for that) has released a promotional video showing 19-year-old Levi in classic trauma-induced mind-controlling terrifying situations - such as standing on the narrow ledge of an extremely high building. One nudge from his handlers, fussing all around him, and he'd be falling, falling, falling to his death (a threat he's no doubt been apprised of):

BEHIND-THE-SCENES PHOTO SHOOT (Levi Johnston accompanied by his advisor Tank Jones), Vanity Fair Video, Sep 3, 2009

Levi Johnston: "I'll strip for Playgirl (unaware it has large gay readership featuring full frontal nudity). Telegraph, Sep 3, 2009

Poor Levi Johnston.

Please, someone, rescue this innocent boy from these monsters.

And please, find out also what they're doing to Sarah Palin. She's been missing an entire month - no one having seen her or her husband since her farewell speech on July 26th:

Where on earth is Sarah Palin? (even her dad doesn't know). Idaho Spokesman, Aug 28, 2009

This evil abuse of Levi Johnston - turning him into a weapon against Sarah Palin - is a form of mind-control against her too - not least of all the scene of him waving a mask of her head-on-a-stick with the eyes gouged out.

God save America. ~ Jackie Jura


Stand-up Comedian Kathy Griffin takes aim at Sarah Palin, AP, Mar 6, 2010
ANCHORAGE, Alaska — Comedian Kathy Griffin brought her "Life on the D-List" show to Sarah Palin's home state Friday, skewering the former Alaska governor at a raucous show in Anchorage. Griffin was escorted on stage by Playgirl model Levi Johnston, who fathered a child with Palin's oldest daughter and is involved in a child support battle with Bristol Palin. Earlier in the day in Palin's hometown of Wasilla, Griffin said she went to her house and left a note inviting the Republican leader to the show. She asked the crowd to look around and see if anyone was doing a pageant wave. Griffin welcomed news that Palin is trying to shop a reality show or docudrama about Alaska. She called that a "gift from God," all wrapped up with a ball on top.

Levi Johnston to bare all for Playgirl, NBC, Oct 7, 2009

Levi Johnston makes light of unprotected sex with Sarah Palin's daughter (in pistachio commercial). Telegraph, Oct 6, 2009

Levi Johnston Commercial: Get Cracking with Wonderful Pistachios, You Tube

SARH PALIN: ONE YEAR LATER, by John Ziegler, Aug 29, 2009 (...Moments after I heard the news I did a radio interview and predicted that the news media would destroy her in their transparent quest to pave the way for Barack Obama’s historic election. I had no idea just how right that “blink” calculation would be and I certainly never would have guessed that I would become a small part of that story by dedicating my life and fortune to documenting just how unbelievably bad it would get....)

Levi Johnston's Sarah Palin article symplified, The Awl, Sep 2, 2009
...There was something rather troubling about the article: Almost none of the words within it were more than two syllables long. While the article is described as an "as told to" piece, it has clearly been shaped to give a more "authentic" feel, an authenticity which apparently excludes the use of big words. But why stop at two syllables? Wouldn't it be even more authentic if every word, excluding proper nouns, that came out of Levi Johnston's mouth were only one syllable? You can be the judge of that.... Me and Mrs. Palin (excerpt): ... These days a lot of folks want me to do press and films and stuff. Who knows? It could be cool. If not I can still go back home and fuse wires like the rest of the Johnstons. That's still a lot of fun to me.

Levi Johnston: "Me and Mrs. Palin". Vanity Fair, Sep 2, 2009
Three days after Sarah Palin was announced as the Republican vice-presidential candidate, the McCain campaign released a statement saying that her 17-year-old unwed daughter, Bristol, was pregnant. The baby’s father, an 18-year-old former hometown hockey star, was thus thrust into the national spotlight. In the October issue of Vanity Fair, Levi Johnston explains what happened behind the curtains of the campaign — and inside the Palin home. For "Me and Mrs. Palin," Johnston tells Vanity Fair his story about life with the Palin family — with whom he lived for two months after the election—over the course of his two-and-a-half-year relationship with Bristol. He turns a number of commonly held beliefs about the former governor — the purportedly loving mother, devoted wife, and prolific hunter — upside down....)

Levi Johnston talks: 'Me and Mrs. Palin', Pop Watch, Sep 3, 2009
In the upcoming October issue of Vanity Fair, 19-year-old Levi Johnston, the most famed-for-mere-sperminating figure in pop culture since K.Fed, poses glamorously — and drops some Wasilla bombs on his baby’s grandma, former Republican VP candidate Sarah Palin. Among his quotables? That Sarah "walked around the house pouting" after her loss; that "there wasn’t much parenting in [the Palins'] house. Sarah doesn’t cook, Todd doesn’t cook—the kids would do it all themselves: cook, clean, do the laundry, and get ready for school." And that Sarah repeatedly offered to adopt his and her daughter Bristol’s baby because "she didn’t want people to know that her 17-year-old daughter was going to have a kid." You’ll be hearing these and other tidbits from the interview all throughout the media for the next few days, no doubt. But do you want to? Is the fascination with the former Alaskan governor and her family — specifically, the tabloid aspects of her personal life, and the tangential figures in it — exhausted at this point, or do you want more? And more importantly, in the words of my colleague Margaret Lyons, "Can we include a poll: How many months until Levi has a dating show on VH1? (Loving Levi? Levi Spouse? Will the tagline be 'I’m sorry, but I’m asking you to leave…eye?')”...


Palin kin hit campaign trail in idaho, Idaho Spokesman, Aug 28, 2009
Caldwell, Idaho – While the national media wonders what Sarah Palin’s doing and what she’ll do next, she’s holed up working on her book, her dad said today. "Sarah’s been out of town for almost a month now," said Chuck Heath, who is on a campaign swing through Idaho for GOP congressional candidate Vaughn Ward. "I don’t know exactly where she is, but she’s writing her book. She e-mails me quite frequently. She asks, 'Oh, what happened on June 13, 1978?' This is material for her book." Palin, the former Alaska governor whose turn as John McCain’s running mate last year made her a much-watched political figure, signed a book deal in May with HarperCollins. Her e-mails to her dad, he said, have asked about “trivial things like maybe a basketball game, 'How many points did I score here,' 'When did we go to the Boston Marathon?' … Mainly sports." She’s made no public appearances since she resigned as governor of Alaska on July 26, saying in her farewell speech that that she’d continue to work for the state’s interests "wherever the road may lead." But in postings every few days on Facebook, Palin has been commenting about health care reform and other issues at the national level, and suggesting how she’d handle issues differently from President Barack Obama.

Heath and Jim Palin, Palin’s father-in-law, came to Idaho for Ward, an Iraq war veteran they met when he was the Nevada director for the McCain-Palin campaign. They’re making a three-day swing around the 1st Congressional District to hit seven meet-and-greet events for Ward’s campaign, including several in North Idaho. "This guy is well-organized," Jim Palin said of Ward, "he’s a leader, and certainly a huge patriot." Heath said Ward and his daughter think alike. "What she did for Alaska, I’m sure Vaughn can do for Idaho," Heath said. "The main thing is less government. … What’s happening in the nation now is just terrible, just awful." Ward faces Idaho House Majority Caucus Chairman Ken Roberts, R-Donnelly, and retired Boise physician Allan Salzberg in the GOP race for a chance to challenge 1st District Democratic Congressman Walt Minnick. "Hopefully," Jim Palin said, "our little visit here in the state of Idaho will help him pick up a few votes." Both said they have no idea whether Palin will run for president in 2012. "We absolutely, positively do not know," Heath said. He added, “We haven’t seen the last of her." Jim Palin noted that his son, Todd, and Sarah Palin keep their plans close to the vest; for example, when they got married, they eloped, and neither set of parents knew until afterward. Both men said they also didn’t know she was resigning as governor of Alaska until the news came out. "We don’t try to give them advice or pry into their affairs," Heath said. "When we get together, we talk mainly about family and sports – very little politics, very little if any." Heath, who grew up in Hope and was a Sandpoint Junior High School teacher when Sarah was born, moved his family to Alaska when she was an infant. He said he left for two reasons: Higher teacher salaries and "better hunting and fishing," although he still returns to the Sandpoint area to hunt about every other year. "I loved Idaho, but I made a lot better living in Alaska," he said.

Where in the world is sarah palin. Examiner, Aug 28, 2009
Where in the world is Sarah Barracuda Palin? Alaska's sultry superstar has once again mysteriously disappeared right before she was scheduled to speak at one of her very important fundraisers, this one so slutty teenagers who get knocked up have no choice but to have the baby unless they want to get the ol' parental approval for an abortion. Now normally Sarah's habit of shirking her duties is limited to elected terms in office, but ever since becoming an unemployed publicity hound and Facebook junkie, Palin's erratic behavior has instead metamorphosed into canceling paid speaking engagements at the very last minute while pretending she was never invited in the first place. But since this is the "fourth time in recent months that an anticipated Palin speech has fallen through after Palin and her camp disputed they had ever confirmed it," loyal Palin spokesperson Meg Stapleton is used to concocting perfectly good explanations for these embarrassing incidents known as the Sarah Palin experience....

Kathy Griffin from Paula to Palin (coming to Casino Rama). Orillia Times, Aug 27, 2009
... From showing up at the Teen Choice Awards hand in hand with Levi Johnston (father of former Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin's grandson) or telling Jesus to "suck it" during an Emmy acceptance speech, Griffin knows how to attract the spotlight -- even if she has to lug it around herself.... "I was there with my new boyfriend, Levi Johnston. I went on a date with him," she said of the man nearly 20 years her junior. "I'm going to talk about it -- every gory detail -- at the Casino Rama show."

Politicians are also ammunition for a comedian, Griffin said, describing Palin as "the gift that keeps on giving." "Just when I think she will have learned her lesson or she could shut her mouth, or she wouldn't open her mouth without doing a little bit of research, she proves me wrong," she said. "Sarah Palin: perfect, perfect target for me. Oh my God. Zero sense of humour." Griffin's show at Casino Rama comes only a couple of weeks before her memoir, entitled Official Book Club Selection, hits the shelves. She will also have a holiday CD, called Suckin' it for the Holidays -- "a touching way to celebrate Kwanzaa," she said. The show starts at 9 p. m. Tickets are available online at www.ticketmaster.caor in person at the Casino Rama box office.

Palin's grandson's dad dates older woman (just look at her, shut up, do what I'm told) & Cougar comedian devouring young prey Levi (talking on TV about problems with Palins). DailyNews/PopWatch, Aug 11, 2009

JEWISH SUPREMACY IN THEATRE & CINEMA from The International Jew, published by Henry Ford Sr, The Dearborn Independent, 1920-1922


Inglourious Basterds. The Occidental Quarterly, Aug 25, 2009
...Inglourious Basterds is about a team of American terrorists, consisting of seven Jews led by a gentile, Aldo "the Apache" Raine (played by Brad Pitt), who hails from Tennessee and claims to be part American Indian. The character is clearly based on Tarantino himself, since he too has an Italian name, hails from Tennessee, and claims to be part Cherokee. The mission of the Basterds is to terrify the Nazis by killing them in the most sadistic manner possible and mutilating their corpses. The dead are scalped. The survivors have swastikas carved in their foreheads.... This is probably the most anti-Semitic movie ever released by Hollywood. Tarantino’s Jewish characters are one-dimensional, inhuman monsters. The Jewish Basterds are all as ugly as Der Sturmer cartoons. They have virtually no lines in the entire movie. All they do is skulk around, waiting for Aldo the Apache’s commands to murder and torture Germans....

The most prominent of the Basterds is played by Eli Roth, just another degenerate Jewish director of repulsive horror films. Roth plays the "Bear Jew," who beats Germans to death with a baseball bat. He is the funniest thing in the entire movie, with his pouting, prissy mouth, drag queen makeup, and shiny brilliantined coiffure. Roth’s large, hairy body (anyone can take steroids) looks menacing until one hears his high, hysteria-edged voice. There was laughter in the audience every time this castrated gorilla opened his mouth on screen. Too shallow to realize that he was playing a monstrous buffoon, Roth really got into the role, praising Inglourious Basterds as "kosher porn" (is there any other kind?)....

Even though the Germans are supposed to be the bad guys, they are the only people in the film with whom most white people can readily identify themselves. This means that white audiences can only feel revulsion at the sadistic Jews who murder them. Hitler, of course, is portrayed as a monster.... Goebbels, although he is portrayed as somewhat arrogant, comes off overall as warm, sincere, playful, and even a bit lovable(!). Tarantino has obviously immersed himself in German films of the era, and it is clear that he has some admiration for what Goebbels accomplished. (In a scene set in England, it is stated as plain fact that Jews run Hollywood, and Goebbels is given credit for giving them a run for their money.)

The symbolism and the message could not be clearer: Jews use movies and movie theaters as tools to destroy their enemies. And since the white people in the audience can most readily identify with the Germans, the message gets through: the Jewish movie business is a tool of hatred and vengeance directed against all white people. Why would Quentin Tarantino make a movie about World War II in which Germans are portrayed as attractive human beings, Americans are portrayed as sadistic buffoons, Englishmen are portrayed as effete wankers, and Jews are portrayed as cold-blooded, inhuman mass murderers? Why would Quentin Tarantino borrow plot elements from neo-Nazi Harold Covington’s The Brigade to craft a climax for his movie? Why would he use that climax to expose the true anti-white agenda of Hollywood? Is Quentin Tarantino a Nazi-sympathizer? Of course not. Nothing could be further from the truth. Quentin Tarantino is simply a nihilist with an unfailing instinct for finding and desecrating anything sacred....

I wish Inglourious Basterds were a better movie, since I think that many white people would benefit from seeing it. Yes, the explicit message is that it is good for Jews and their hillbilly dupes to sadistically murder Germans (and any other enemies of the Jews, for that matter). But the largely white audience with which I saw the film did not seem terribly comfortable with this message. Yes, they found Brad Pitt funny. He really was funny. But the sadism directed at Germans did not amuse. In the last scene of the film, where Aldo the Apache graphically carves a swastika in the forehead of Hans Landa and pronounces it “my masterpiece” — pathetically enough, this is probably Tarantino’s view of the film — there was no laughter. For the subliminal message was coming through loud and clear: we are all Germans now, and every time we turn our eyes to a movie screen we are seeing the face of Jewish vengeance.

40.Electric Shock Brainwashing & 16.Ministry of Truth (Lies) & 25.Prolefeed & 30.Love Instinct & Family

Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~
