To Orwell Today,
re: kudos
Thank you for your reply. I had read the reviews and cautions. Also tonight I saw the posting about the "Movies Unlimited" site whereon the film is indeed available. I remember seeing the film as a youngster on television and it was more compelling (partly the nature of b & w vs color) than the more recent version with Richard Burton et al.
I am quite taken with the orwelltoday site, info, your labors and appreciate what you're doing, Mrs. Jura for us proles.
Greetings Fred,
So glad you were able to find the original "1984" film at the website a reader told us about. I'm going to order one too.
Thanks for your kind comments about Orwell Today. It's always great to hear from the proles!
All the best,
Jackie Jura
Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~