To Orwell Today,
Where can I buy a copy of the original 1984 movie?
-Brenda Siebert
Greetings Brenda,
Geez, you're another one of those short and to the point people - and with the same question as Betty had, to which my answer is the same, ie:
You can order the original "1984" movie - which came out in 1956 - at MOVIES UNLIMITED.
All the best,
Jackie Jura
To Orwell Today,
I did find it on Movies Unlimited.
Brenda Siebert
watch BBC'S 1954 TV VERSION OF 1984, YouTube
Brenda asks where can she buy a copy of the original 1984 movie?
1956 MOVIE OF 1984 GOOD (Betty asks where she can locate the 1984 movie to rent or buy)
Cliff is Surprised to learn that the 1984 dvd is both rare to purchase and even more difficult to rent
Fred remembers seeing the 1956 film as a youngster on television and it was more compelling than the more recent version with Richard Burton et al
Lola is still looking for that original version of the movie 1984 with Edmund O'Brien. Reader Rayomd says it's available at Movies Unlimited
Fred seeks a copy of the "1984" film made in the early/late '50s with Edmund O'Brien as Winston
Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~