To Orwell Today
re: CBC CEO Robert Rabinovitch
"[Note: The President and CEO of CBC/Radio-Canada is Jewish, Robert Rabinovitch, and was Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Canadian Jewish Congress (Quebec), until his appointment to CBC in 1999]" quote taken from here: HOLOCAUST DENIER DEPORTED
Did you do research on Robert Rabinovitch's ethnicity? Where and how could I verify this for myself? I can see the surname but I'm looking for some solid evidence from good sources.
Great website BTW. Just watch those a-holes at the CHRC.
- Tom Winnicki
Greetings Tom,
The proof that he is Jewish is his position prior to becoming CBC-Radio president:
"...Rabinovitch was Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Canadian JEWISH Congress...."
The fact that he was chairman of a committee in a JEWISH congress is solid evidence, in my opinion. A reasonable person can reasonably assume that to hold such a position in such an organization a person would need to be Jewish. It is highly probable that everyone in the Canadian Jewish Congress is Canadian AND Jewish.
You can research this yourself by going to CBC/Radio Canada's website under Board of Directors and then Profile of Robert Rabinovitch, President and CEO.
It's not really rocket science, just a matter of adding 2 + 2 and getting "4".
All the best,
Jackie Jura
PS - Thanks for the warning about the Canadian Human Rights Commission but I'm a Canadian, I'm human and I have rights so they should be no threat to me, as their mandate is to protect me, and the 30-million others like me.
To Orwell Today,
In case you'd like to know, I asked because of the obvious promotion of multi-culturalism and anti-European agenda constantly pouring out of CBC.
- Tom Winnicki
Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~
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