To Orwell Today,
Hi Jura,
Greetings. I may refer to you as a stranger but literally it would not fit because I just saw you in the words you wrote. Words can actually now derive to me the picture of you.
Am taken up by the creative work you have done on this website. Reading these articles therefore throws a bomb of challenges to me. The soft tailored pieces of writing on this website brings attention to the easy way passerby web visitors can pick some interest and enjoy internet, thus going global.
The articles on nature and environment really fascinated me. I like animals and nature and writing about environment makes me feel big in my profession. My recent piece "Rare tree species facing extinction" made activists lobby for assistance to save the species.
I have enjoyed your pieces on Rwanda and Congo. Thanks for this kind of work.
I was searching George Orwell, the music arena and nature fanantics and what popped out in a quite smily way was your website.
God bless,
Dias Nyesiga
a journalist in Uganda
Greetings Dias,
Thanks so much for letting me know you discovered "Orwell Today" and which articles you are enjoying reading.
Having the writings reach global readers is one of the biggest satisfactions of the website - and is what makes it all worthwhile.
All the best,
Jackie Jura
To Orwell Today,
Thanks. May god bless your work.
Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~
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