A couple weeks before Christmas 2011 -- eight months ago now -- I got a letter from the electricity company saying they'd be in my neighhourhood soon to replace my dumb old meter with a smart new one (or words to that effect). In other words, they'd be replacing my wired analog meter with a wireless digital meter -- one that emits electromagnetic, radio or microwave radiation that causes irreparable cell damage in all living things.
I'd read enough articles, been to enough public information meetings, watched enough YouTubes and listened to enough radio interviews to know why and how I'd be refusing to allow the installation of a smart electricity meter on my property.
I printed out a NO TRESPASSING sign and taped it to the meter outside my house and, just in case the installer couldn't read, put a lock around it too. Then I sent a registered letter to the electricity company informing them of my non-consent.
I printed out copies of the refusal letter, the NO TRESPASSING sign and a REFUSE SMART METERS brochure and dropped them into the mailboxes of the 50 houses on my street. In subsequent drive-bys I saw that one (1) house had a NO TRESPASSING SIGN on their meter. I did the math, ie 2 houses out of 50 (my house included) equals 4 out of 100 which means only 4% of the people on my street took action. If that's indicative of resistance as a whole, we as a society are in BIG BIG trouble.
I posted info about it on ORWELL TODAY:
(it's BIG BROTHER - we've got to stop it)
listen evil UNITED NATIONS behind Smart Meters
Refuse Smart Meters
Smart People ACTION KIT AGAINST Smart Meters
watch Smart Meter Installation
watch The Dark Side of 'Smart' Meters
(this is about as BIG BROTHER as it gets)
watch Smart Meters are watching you!
YouTube, Jan 9, 2012
2.Big Brother & 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police
A few weeks later the electricity company's truck pulled up on my street and I saw them installing smart meters on the houses around me but they didn't come onto my property.
I was quite relieved and felt a sense of self-satisfaction in having stood up for my household in protecting us all from this clear and present danger.
But then, in early spring, the smart meter assault began anew -- this time over water meters.
I started getting mail from the municipal government and a water meter company telling me that water meters were mandatory and I'd have to phone and make an appointment to have one installed inside my home.
Their info didn't specify that it would be a "smart" meter they'd be installing. All it said was "water meter...water meter...water meter...". I guess they know the word "smart" in front of the word "meter" rings alarm bells in "smart" people's heads (literally, too, because ringing in the ears is a major side-effect after smart meters are installed).
In their 10-page brochure there's only one hint that it's a "smart" meter, the passage of which I've excerpted below:
"...The transmitter is mounted on the water meter. This unit will transmit your meter reading via a radio signal to a mobile unit, therefore a meter reader will never have to physically enter your home to obtain a reading...."
In any event, I didn't respond and last week I received another letter, this one threatening me with fines totalling $3,665 unless I phone and make an appointment:
Dear ______________________________:
Re: Water Meter Installation at ______________________________________
...The City's agent, Neptune Technology Group (Neptune), has made three contact you to set up an appointment to have your water meter installed.
As per By-law No ****, Section ***, you have seven (7) calendar days from the date of this letter to schedule your appointment. You can do so by calling Neptune at 1-800-667-4387. Appointments may be arranged 8:00am-8:00pm, Monday through Sunday. If you reach Neptune's answering machine, please leave your name, address, and a telephone number where you can be contacted during the day.
If an appointment has not been made within seven (7) calendar days from the date of this letter, one final attempt at contact will be made. If an appointment is still not made after this final attempt, the property will then be billed at the increased rate indicated in By-law No ****, Schedule "B", which is referred to as the fee "for residential properties that are required to have a water meter but have not allowed for the installation of a water meter", and such billing will be retroactive to the beginning of the current quarter and every quarter thereafter until a water meter is installed. This rate is currently set at $900 per quarter. In addition, should the owner of the property not arrange an appointment before the contractor has completed the installations in the owner's neighbourhood, the owner will also be responsible to pay a $65 late installation fee.
Please note that By-law No ****, Section **, states that all unpaid water rate charges, water service connections, water meter installations, water use, and other fees or charges imposed under this by-law will be deemed as taxes in arrears in the following year and will be due and payable in forthcoming tax payments.
We respectively request your cooperation with the water meter installation to avoid the above billing and fee schedule.
Yours truly,
Signed __________________________________
Capital Projects Manager
~ end quoting ~
This letter is almost comical in its scare tactics, ie 'We're warning you, and we're only going to warn you one more time' that if you don't make the call 'we're coming to get you!'.
As farcical as the letter is, the reality is that water meters ARE mandatory (even though they were voted down in Canada by we the people in a referendum ten years ago) and so it IS in their power to extort taxes for refusing to install a water meter.
But I know -- from what I learned fighting smart meters for electricity -- that it is NOT mandatory what kind of a meter a person must install. They have no legal authority to force smart meters on anyone -- just as they have no legal authority to force vaccinations on anyone. And without INFORMED consent there is NO consent.
So I phoned the government employee whose signature was on the bottom of the letter and asked her what kind of a water meter the water meter company would be putting in my house, ie would it be a smart meter by chance? When she told me that yes, it would be a smart meter I told her I wouldn't allow one in my house. She said I could have it installed OUTSIDE the house but it would cost me $1,000 for the hole they'd have to dig.
I told her I didn't want a smart meter anywhere on my property and asked if it were possible for me to have an analog water meter instead, like what I'd heard the city had offered a lady who got ringing in the ears after they installed a smart water meter in her house a year ago.
She told me that yes, I could have a wired analog water meter, instead of a wireless one, but I'd have to pay $100 a year, ie $25 a quarter, to have it manually read. The meter would still be INSIDE the house, but it would be wired through the wall to a panel outside the house that a meter-reader could read without having to come inside.
I told her that was no problem, I would consent to having a water meter installed in my home under those conditions. So she then told me to phone the water meter company and make an appointment to have a water meter installed.
So I called the toll-free number of the water meter company -- Neptune is its name, like the Water God -- and asked to be put through to someone who could explain to me what kind of a water meter it was they'd be installing, ie was it wired or wireless. The call-center employee who answered the call didn't personally have a clue, but her supervisor told her to get my number and they'd have someone call me back. A few minutes later a Neptune employee from my area called and I told him I wanted a wired analog meter, not a wireless smart meter, and he said that would be no problem at all, so I made an appointment to have a water meter installed.
I'm sharing this domestic anecdote with ORWELL TODAY readers in hopes of helping people come to an informed decision on why and how to refuse a smart water meter. It's not much different than refusing a smart electricity meter. It will help, too, when the time comes, to refuse a smart gas meter and, in the not-too-distant future, to refuse a smart CO2 (carbon dioxide) meter.
Afterall, the hidden BIG BROTHER agenda behind all smart meters is to remotely monitor and control every aspect of our lives -- including the air we breathe. ~ Jackie Jura
WARNING TO SMART METER CONSPIRATORS (Any person who acts or conspires to install or apply any device or system upon this property for the purpose, or having the effect of monitoring of any activity, collecting data and/or emitting electromagnetic, radio or microwave radiation will be charged and prosecuted to the full extent of the law for trespass, assault, wiretapping, stalking, unlawful surveillance, public endangerment, pollution, damage to property values and willful violation of prior and rightful notice and contract...)
ENMAX mum on known cause of Smart Grid fire
(Mayor says could be zombie aliens)
Fire destroys Canada Smart Meter electricity grid
(smart meter corporation says cause unknown)
(thousands offices/apartments no power/water)
watch Smart Meter Fires & Explosions Reports
ENMAX/News, Oct 14, 2014
& 14.Scientific Experimentation & 3.Surveillance
(talk on telescreen with Melbourne/Durban/Washington)
Consumer privacy concerns with The-Internet-Of-Things
(technology monitoring every aspect of our lives)
Electronic devices causing soaring waste of electricity
(suck enough energy each year to power Canada)
Rise of the connected car puts web behind the wheel
(wireless/digital telematics send/recieve inside vehicle)
Smart-homes controlled by smart-phones coming soon
Extortion/intimidation in Canada over smart water meters
($50,000 fine for anyone not complying by deadline)
Angry householder mails smart meter back to Irish Water
(gov't has no legal authority without consent or contract)
Global/PCWorld/Email, Jul 3, 2014
& 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police
Smart Meter fight about not being a guinea pig
(same frequency Russians used to microwave Americans)
watch Demand city/police be fired over SmartMeters
(we live in America not communist China)
("we've come to install your smart meter")
CanNews/Email, Feb 5-27, 2013
& 14.Scientific Experimentation
watch 2 USA moms arrested refusing smart meters
(police/installers broke onto property/pushed aside)
Job opportunities in radio frequency leak detection
Gov't meter reader jobs contracted out at lower pay
Letter to arm against police & smart meter agents
(keep refusing/call 911 reporting home invasion)
watch Smart meter installation is a home invasion
(homeowners can physically stand in front of meter)
watch The Smart Meter Matrix read
(entire globe rapidly becoming one big prison grid)
Smart meter installers using "goon tactics"
(destroying signs/locks; threatening homeowners)
No "Smart" Meters! Our Democratic Right!
(install highway billboards from Pacific to Atlantic)
Smart meter "human cost" lamented
(hundreds of meter-readers receive layoff notices)
Smart meter fire closes family restaurant
(fire originated in electrical panel)
News/Email, Jan 15-24, 2013
& Surveillance & Thought Police & Experimentation
ZigBee, Wikipedia (ZigBee is a specification for a suite of high level communication protocols using small, low-power digital radios based on an IEEE 802 standard for personal area networks. ZigBee devices are often used in mesh network form to transmit data over longer distances, passing data through intermediate devices to reach more distant ones. This allows ZigBee networks to be formed ad-hoc, with no centralized control or high-power transmitter/receiver able to reach all of the devices. Any ZigBee device can be tasked with running the network. ZigBee is targeted at applications that require a low data rate, long battery life, and secure networking. ZigBee has a defined rate of 250 kbit/s, best suited for periodic or intermittent data or a single signal transmission from a sensor or input device. Applications include wireless light switches, electrical meters with in-home-displays, traffic management systems, and other consumer and industrial equipment that requires short-range wireless transfer of data at relatively low rates. The technology defined by the ZigBee specification is intended to be simpler and less expensive than other WPANs, such as Bluetooth. The name refers to the waggle dance of honey bees after their return to the beehive....
watch Navy warfare expert blows whistle on Smart Meters, YouTube, Sep 30, 2012
...I'm a retired Canadian Air Forces Captain...I spent 26 years in the military, of which 22 were in signals intelligence or electronic warfare and radio warfare...Twenty months ago my daughter called me and asked if I knew anything about "Smart Meters" and I said "no"...She asked if I would look into them for her and I said I would...I became concerned when I learned that they planned on using wireless technology, only because of my background. When I looked further and found out that every smart meter has a second radio transmitter inside called a Zig Bee -- it too is wireless -- and the plan is that that Zig Bee will, in future, invade, control up to 15 other "smart" appliances from your furnace, your refrigerator, your dishwasher.... Anything with a motor in your house will eventually become a "smart" appliance...They are extremely dangerous. If only people take the time, especially when you realize that whatever EMR -- Electro Magnetic Radiation - they emit will simply be added on top of all the other devices we currently have from your WiFi routers, your local area networks, your cell phones, your smart phones, your baby monitors, your cordless phones etc... There are something like 30-odd devices, all of which emit pulse microwave radiation. We're now breathing this. You add on top of that all of this stuff that nobody knows, not even the utilities know yet, how much the aggregate amount that will be, and that's definitely scary...
Russians used wireless warfare on Americans in 1976 (Moscow microwaved USA Embassy killing dozens), Castanet, Sep 30, 2012
20 Reasons "Smart" Meters are NOT Smart
Citizens against Smart Meters launch Human Rights case (empowering the public to protect themselves), CitizensForSafeTechnology, Sep 30, 2012
Smart fridges, stoves take orders from your smartphone
Wi-Fi fridges, washers & dryers debut in Canada, FinancialPost, Sep 6, 2012
For the Internet-obsessed homeowners who can’t pry themselves away from Twitter for even a minute, there’s now a Wi-Fi refrigerator with a screen on it. Samsung is the first to the market in Canada with home appliances that connect to Wi-Fi and, in the case of its refrigerators, there are a number of built-in apps to use. LG says it expects to release a line of “smart” washers and dryers in Canada sometime this year. Samsung’s wirelessly connected washing machine and dryer allow users to start or pause the machines remotely, or check the status of the cycle via a smartphone or tablet app. The pair sells for about $3,000.... There’s an app connected to Google Calendar to keep track of family appointments and events, an app for leaving onscreen notes to others, and a grocery manager that lets you build a digital inventory of food and drinks as you put them into the fridge. It also keeps track of expiry dates to prevent you from forgetting about the soon-to-spoil cheese hidden away. An Epicurious app has access to countless recipes, and you can check the weather, read news from The Associated Press, or access Twitter right on the fridge.
Smart meters cause fires; Cities/states stopping installing (radiation making people sick/raise privacy concerns), Enviromental Leader, Aug 30, 2012
Horrific $9000 residential water bill underscores need for policy review, Examiner, Aug 28, 2012
When Jose Valera noticed water bubbling from the ground near the “smart” water meter in front of his home at 10125 Tenha Drive, he called the Houston Water Department to report a possible defect in the line. He was told that the leak was on the side of his property, so he would be responsible for the repairs and the cost of the leak. After a few days, the problem was solved, and he received a water bill for $9000, representing an amount of water sufficient to fill an Olympic sized swimming pool. Mr. Valera, speaking through his pro bono attorney, brought the matter before the Mayor and City Council at the Public Comment session on Tuesday, August 28.
Mr. Valera said he was willing to pay his fair share of the water leaks, but there was no way that the amount of water for which he was billed could have been accurate. There was none on his yard or the drainage ditch in front of his home. “How is this possible? Where did it go?” he asked. According to Councilor Mike Lester, problems like Mr. Valera's are not new. Citizens frequently come before the council with similar stories, pleading with the Mayor and Council to intervene. On the other hand, the Water Department, must act within the confines of the applicable ordinance in Title 47 of the Municiple Code. Section 47-74 governs adjustments to bills due to a defect in the customer's line. Section 47-75 governs the way unusually large bills are handled and the procedure for reviewing the account. According to Council Member Cohen, the Water Department regulations place the burden of proof on the consumer. But generally, it is very difficult to prove a negative, such as the claim that one did not consume a quantity of water. Mayor Parker indicated that the issue might be a matter of policy. Before imposing a heavy burden on the consumer, the first step should be to check the meter. Next, it might be a matter of the Legal Department reviewing the ordinance. It might be necessary to amend it, or it could be possible to interpret it differently.
UN plans to expand phony water crisis ('Smart Water Meters' on the way), Right Side News, Jun 16, 2012
watch Obscene EMF (electromagnetic frequency) radiation from smart electricity and smart water meters, YouTube
watch EMF (electromagnetic frequency) radiation from smart water meter, YouTube
'Smart' water meters to be installed in UK homes, Telegraph, Apr 23, 2012 (...Millions of homes could have smart water meters, devices that tell water companies immediately if households are breaking the hosepipe ban...)
Smart Meters: A Triple Threat, The PPJ Gazette
Smart Water Meters Next, Phillip's Natural World Blogspot
Alert! Smart Meters to be installed in UK homes, Stop Smart Meters (...The meters transfer readings every hour from water pipes outside the home via a mobile phone transmitter to the internet or a gadget in the kitchen so both the customer and the water company can keep an eye on water use....) Visualizing Water Usage (The UN determines that adequate access to clean, potable water should be equal to 20 liters per person within 1 km of their dwelling....) watch Skyrocketing water bills mystify, anger residents, CNN, Mar 2, 2012 watch ORWELL TODAY LIBYA WATER VIDEO BIG BROTHER WAR FOR LIBYA WATER CLIMATE-CHANGE CORRUPT SCIENCE KYOTO = KILL YOUR OWN TOMORROWS GARBAGING EARTH'S PURIST WATER ATOMIC-BOMB SCIENTIST COMMUNIST LENIN BEHIND ENVIRONMENTALISTS 9.Keeping Masses Down & 14.Scientific Experimentation Jackie Jura email:
Imagine paying as much for water as you do for your mortgage. Residents throughout Atlanta, Georgia, USA are outraged by hundreds, even thousands of dollars in monthly spikes in their water bills, and have questioned the legitimacy of the charges for years. Now, they're demanding answers. "I thought we were sinking in a hole of water," said Debbi Scarborough. "It scared me to death. I thought we had a major leak when I got the bill." Over two months last summer, her family's monthly water bill, shot up to $1,805 in July and then $1,084 in August, leaving a balance due of more than $3,000. She said in the past her bill has averaged $200 to $250...
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~