"The scientific facts are as plain as they are alarming.
Worryingly in the last few months we have learnt that
the North Polar ice cap is melting so fast that
some scientists are predicting that in seven years
it will completely disappear in summer."
"Unfathomably however, there still seem to be some climbing skeptics,
those who view the case of
rapid action to counter climate change
is overstated or indeed completely invented.
This is sheer madness."
Charles says climate-change skeptics are mad
Trinidad Tobago Express,
Sheer madness. That's how Prince Charles described skeptics who view calls for rapid action to counter climate change as overstated or completely invented. Charles was speaking at a dinner reception hosted by President George Maxwell Richards and his wife Dr Jean Ramjohn-Richards at President's House, St Ann's on Wednesday night which was also attended by his wife Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall.
In attendance as well were former president Sir Ellis Clarke, Chief Justice Ivor Archie and his wife as well as Prime Minister Patrick Manning and his wife, Local Government Minister, Hazel Manning, Opposition Leader Basdeo Panday and his daughter Oropouche MP Mickela Panday, bpTT Trinidad and Tobago chairman and chief executive officer Robert Riley and his wife, as well as Port of Spain Mayor Murchison Brown and his wife.
The Prince spoke of the creation of a Commonwealth network geared at championing the cause of good environmental practices. "As I was able to say at a reception for business leaders yesterday (Tuesday) evening I have long believed the private sectors has a particularly important role to play," he said. "It would be splendid therefore if we were able to find a way to create a Commonwealth network and means to link climate change champions from individual companies to share ideas and expertise and to spread best practices.
"Whatever the case Mr President, I really could not be more proud or reassured that the United Kingdom can count Trinidad and Tobago among our friends and allies in measuring up to these immense global challenges so that we can win the evermore urgent battle to protect such a special region as the Caribbean for the benefit of those who come after us."Charles said that he was able to briefly discuss the issue of climate change with both President George Maxwell Richards and Prime Minister Patrick Manning on Tuesday.
"Unfathomably however, there still seem to be some climbing skeptics, those who view the case of rapid action to counter climate change is overstated or indeed completely invented," he added. "If I may speak plainly among friends, this is sheer madness. The scientific facts are as plain as they are alarming. Worryingly in the last few months we have learnt that the North Polar ice cap is melting so fast that some scientists are predicting that in seven years it will completely disappear in summer."
"You know only too well in Trinidad that your coastline is being encroached upon by rising sea levels and the danger this poses for supplies of drinking water. Is this not just the latest in a series of evermore-urgent wake up calls that should alert us to the alarming fact that we are literally destroying our own life support mechanisms? And yet there are those who think we should do nothing but very much, at any rate, very little to disturb the business as usual approach. Quite simply we are not doing nearly enough to stop it or doing it fast enough."
Branson & climate-change friends conclave. (a lot of money riding on global warming). IHT, Mar 20, 2008. Go to CLIMATE-CHANGE EVIL-DOERS
Global-warming Gore the planet PR agent (says skeptics are flat-earthers who think moon landing never really happened). CBS, Mar 28, 2008
Queen urges action, not talk on climate change. AFP, Mar 11, 2008
The 81-year-old monarch, who heads the 53-nation global body of mainly former British colonies, said countries that pollute the least -- particularly the least-developed nations -- are often the worst affected by climate change....The queen, whose son and heir Prince Charles, has been the most outspoken royal on green issues, said the Commonwealth should support efforts to improve air quality, fresh water provision and sustainable energy for the future....
IPCC's 'evil twin' NIPCC launches climate change sceptic's creed (Manhattan Declaration demands abandonment of emissions reduction efforts). The Register, Mar 10, 2008. Go to CLIMATE-CHANGE DENIER CREED
Charles says climate-change skeptics are mad (global effort needed to counter climate change). Trinidad Tobago Express. Mar 7, 2008
Save our kids from climate-change lies. Financial Post, Oct 11, 2007. Go to INCONVENIENT TRUTH A LIE
So how did An Inconvenient Truth become required classroom viewing? (Even climate change experts say many of the claims in Al Gore's film are wrong). National Post, May 19, 2007. Go to SCHOOLS CONVENIENTLY LIED TO
Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~
email: orwelltoday@gmail.com
website: www.orwelltoday.com