A 24-foot, 35-ton statue of Communist China's Mao
is being erected in Tibet's capital....
Tibetans remember with distress Mao's Cultural Revolution,
when Red Guards rampaged through temples,
destroying thousands of ancient artefacts
and blowing up monasteries and temples.
Western coverage of the news that Communist China (which invaded Tibet in 1951 and destroys all resisters and dissenters to this day) is erecting a biggest-in-the-world statue of their tyrant leader, MAO Tse-tung, aka Mao Zedong (whose seldom-mentioned atrocities are on par with Stalin's seldom-mentioned atrocities) in the capital city of Tibet (where the Lhasa Apso dogs come from) describe the statue as "a gift". Also, instead of using the word "Communist" when describing Mao's dictatorship, they use the term "ultra-leftist Cultural Revolution". This type of non-critical writing is what Orwell meant when he said that the BRITISH PRESS ARE CIRCUS DOGS and is what he described as the 16.Ministry of Truth (Lies).
The only mention of adverse reaction from the Tibetens is a slimy-soap (as in soft-soap) reference to Tibetans "remembering with distress the Cultural Revolution". In reality, the atrocities committed by the Chinese against the Tibetans who fought against the invasion of their country are on record as being among the worst in the history of the world. In truth, the Tibetans are no doubt far more than "distressed" about the erection of this brute in their midst.
Not everyone in Tibet was as fortunate as the Dalai Lama who has lanquished in self-imposed exile with icon-status fame all these years, tete-a-teteing with leaders of all stripes and pursuasions - even planning a visit to Red China some day soon.
With the way the Red Chinese are taking over Canada (and the rest of the West) I wonder how far down the road it will be before a statue of Mao is erected here. And I wonder if there will be any negative comment from the press or will it be dociley presented as "a gift"? ~ Jackie Jura
China enforces security clampdown ahead of Tibet anniversary, CBC, Mar 9, 2009
...In March 1959, Tibetan separatists began an unsuccessful revolt against Chinese rule. On March 10, the Dalai Lama, Tibet's spiritual leader, and 80,000 of his followers fled for India, establishing a self-proclaimed government in exile there. That uprising came nine years after what Tibetans say was an invasion of their country and the Chinese term a push to liberate Tibetans from serfdom....
Deep divisions over Tibet anniversary, BBC, Mar 9, 2009
On 10 March 1959 Tibetans rose up in rebellion against the Chinese government. That rebellion failed and the Dalai Lama fled. According to exiled Tibetans, it was a justified uprising aimed at freeing the Himalayan region from the clutches of the oppressive Chinese. Beijing sees it differently. It says it was a plot by Tibet's upper-classes, who wanted to maintain their feudal hold over their enslaved people...
Giant Mao statue erected in Tibet (to commemorate 30th anniversary of former leader's death). BBC, Apr 17, 2006
Mao turns Buddhist for Tibet. The Times Mar 31, 2006
A huge statue of Mao Zedong, whose Red Armies entered the deeply Buddhist Himalayan region in 1951 to extend Communist Party rule, is to stand in a newly built square in the town of Gongga. The 7.5m (25 foot) figure, weighing 35 tonnes, is a gift to the small Tibetan town just south of the regional capital, Lhasa, from the central Chinese city of Changsha, where Mao was born.
One government official explained the gift, worth 6.5 million yuan (£465,000): "Tibet does not need only material development, it must also meet the more spiritual needs of its people."
The statue was designed by Zhu Weijing, president of the Changsha Sculpture Institute. He has created a whole new image of the late chairman that will be unique to Tibet, with his features made to look more like those of Buddha. Mao’s newest statue wears a traditional Mao suit. However, Mr Zhu has changed his posture. "I noticed that he liked standing with both hands behind his back. It made him look more intimate and more easygoing." His features, too, have been altered to suit his Tibetan audience. Mr Zhu said: "I tried to understand how Tibetans feel towards Mao. Because they have deep feelings about Buddha, I tried to make Mao more like that, with a plumper face." Earlier statues of Mao, born in Shaoshan village in the countryside outside Changsha in 1893, depicted him to fall into line with the needs of the ultra-leftist Cultural Revolution of 1966-76, when he was worshipped almost as a god across China. "Chairman Mao either waved his hand to lead us forward or stood to receive the Red Guards. But now the times are different and this statue is especially for Tibet." The statue, which took nine months to complete, is en route to Tibet by road. It left Changsha this week aboard a huge lorry and in a special convoy that will take about ten days to reach its destination in the Himalayas. The figure is carved from local granite. Mr Zhu was inspired by the changing times to change Mao. He said that he had created countless figures of the late leader — all the same. Greater freedom of expression had given him the opportunity to try something new, he said.
Mao will stand in the Changsha Square in Gongga. Tibetans have had a love-hate relationship with the late chairman. Many still revere photos of Mao that are pasted on to the walls of their homes. Others remember with distress the Cultural Revolution, when Red Guards rampaged through temples, destroying thousands of ancient artefacts and blowing up monasteries and temples. Today many temples have been repaired, although many still stand in ruins.
Officials said that the Mao statue had been donated as a gift at the request of the Tibetans. One Changsha official said: "It is a gift from Changsha, but it was approved by both sides."
China's Hu visiting USA (visiting Boeing production plant, micro-soft Gates, Bush & Yale). CNN, Apr 18, 2006. Go to REMEMBER WHO HU IS
Katmandu a city of chaos (rickshaw driver "just wants peace") & Soldiers ordered to shoot protesters. AP/CBC, Apr 8, 2006. Go to WHO KILLED ROYAL FAMILY NEPAL? & NEPAL REMEMBERED & ORWELL SHRINE
Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~