The new tariff [2002] that the government of the United States imposed on Canadian lumber and the closing of borders to Canadian beef etc are "staged events" produced by mega-corporations to switch Canada and USA from economic dependence on each other to dependence on China. China will become our new market and we'll become theirs. On COSCO ships (China Oceans Shipping Company) we'll export our resources and buy them back manufactured into every conceivable commodity. There will be no high paying jobs for North Americans. The work force will be slave-labourers in China, creating maximum-profits for International corporate owners.
The pitiful show put on by the government of Canada to defend our markets is just that, a pitiful show. By the closing of markets betwen Canada and the USA, North American resources, companies and consumers are being herded, like sheep, into Communist pens.
Soon we'll be told by our respective governments:
"Everything is okay now. Go back to sleep. We have NEW markets and NEW owners and we don't need those nasty neighbours anymore because we've got our best friends, the Chinese, to buy our wood and meat" etc.
You get the drift.
What sheople don't seem to realize is that China - with a population of 1.5 billion - is a brutal Communist regime that is looking to expand its dominance in the Western World. At the moment it is doing this economically and through immigration. But should China decide to take control in a more aggressive manner - by force - our pitiful numbers (30 million in Canada) would be hard pressed to hold back their army of 200 million. But that's a topic for another day. At present, it's on the economic and population fronts that the West is losing to the Communists in the battle for civilization.
This section of Orwell Today will post stories about the free world's economic relationship to enslaved nations like China & the Soviet Union.
All the best,
Jackie Jura
Uranium/oil/gas/wood etc to China against Canada's interests, CanCom, Feb 17, 2012
(trading energy/nukes to the enemy for Panda bears)
Canada oil interests not well protected, EdmontonJournal, Feb 20, 2012
...After taking a look at the likely outcomes of Harper's vision for trade with China - especially his goal of making it easier for China to gobble up an increasing share of bitumen from Alberta's oilsands - it's fair to ask, whose national interest is our prime minister really advancing: Canada's or China's?...State-owned oil companies such as Sinopec, the Chinese National Offshore Oil Company (CNOOC) and Petro China are not "free-market players" - they are owned by the Communist Party of China and are responsible for implementing Chinese national interests.... Once the Northern Gateway pipeline is built, oil producers plan to restrict supply of conventional and heavy crude oil flowing to Ontario refineries. The pipeline will be used to redirect 20 per cent of the supply currently going to refineries in Ontario to refineries in northeast Asia. Reduced access to reasonably priced feedstock will threaten the economics of Canadian refineries and many will struggle to survive. All of this raises serious questions about the Harper government's decision to champion a "rip-it-and-ship-it" export strategy over a value-added strategy for Canadian resources.... Who, we ask, is looking after the Canadian interest? Why do we always have to accept the role of junior partners in some other nation's energy security strategy? In the case of China, why do we want to get in bed with a country with low environmental standards and even lower employment and human-rights standards? The good news is there is an alternative. Instead of looking for new markets in the Far East, Alberta's oil producers should look for markets in the Canadian east. Eastern Canada relies on imports for most of the oil it consumes. Although all Western Canada's needs, and some of Ontario's needs, are met by domestic crude, Quebec and the Atlantic provinces are completely dependent upon unpredictable and volatile markets in the Middle East and declining production in Norway and Mexico - exactly the kind of vulnerabilities that the U.S. and China are desperately trying to protect against by locking in access to Alberta bitumen. The government of Canada must stop allowing itself to be used by other countries as a tool to meet their energy security goals and, instead, implement a national energy security plan for Canadians. By maintaining and enhancing upgrading and refining activities in Canada, with high environmental and labour standards, we can make sure that Canadians keep much more of the value created from resource development within the country. And by developing markets in Eastern Canada instead of Asia, we can ensure that Eastern Canada has stable and secure crude oil and petroleum product access, thereby insulating our economy from excessively high oil prices that are the undesirable fallout of impending international oil market turmoil.
USA must respect China's interests warns China (Kissinger opened door to Communist China). Telegraph, Feb 17, 2012
Communist China's spies get an easy ride in Canada (government can't - or won't - nab a single spook) & USA's Obama losing Canada's oil to Communist China (rejects pipeline/100,000 jobs/millions of barrels a day) & Obama's new USA Ambassador to China is Chinese (he former Sec'y of Commerce/Governor of Washington) & Obama's USA Secretary of Energy is Chinese (plans USA import tropical-plant glucose to replace oil) & Obama's USA Secretary of Commerce is Chinese (father born in China/grandfather a servant) & Communist China buys Canada top oil sands producer (enemy nation owns/controls Canada gas/oil). Embassy/Newsmax/Xinhua/NP, Jul 28, 2011
USA funds Communist China's 90-year propaganda movie (soundtrack song "Striking Down the Western Powers") & Kissinger: 21st Century will belong to China, not to the West (behind USA building China's economic/military might). National Post, Canada/China Day, July 1st, 2011
CSIS director says China infiltrating & influencing Canadian politicians. YouTube, CBC, Jun 22, 2010
Nothing new about China influencing Canada (Public-Safety-Minister is astounded it's a news story) & China Communist Party not playing by Canada rules (control/influence/propaganda is name of the game) & Communist China controls Canada politicians (free trips/gifts/business deals/sex/blackmail; in return get access to resources/rubberstamped deals) & Spy agency says Canada officials under foreign sway (serious problem; going to get worse) & Chinese have infiltrated Canada government (Prime Minister refuses to comment). BBC/Van/Tang/Epoch/CBC/Sun, Aug 7, 2010
China's military has been secretly expanding (long-range missiles/submarines/nuclear arsenal), Aug 7, 2010
OZ & CANADA FUEL CHINA'S NUKES CHINA DEVOURING CANADA'S METAL CHINA RAIN-CONTROLLED OLYMPICS RED CHINESE CAPITALIST BANKERS USA APPLAUDS CHINA TAKE CARRIBEAN CANADA'S HUSKY BARKING CHINESE SURPLUS OF MALE CHILDREN IN CHINA Canada opera brings in Mao & Nixon (PM Trudeau in China before Pres Nixon) & USA stages 'Nixon in China' opera (portrays Kissinger as sex-crazed sadist) & Nixon-Kissinger 1972 visit to China-Mao (build a bridge across 16,000 miles) & Kissinger urges USA respect China interests (speech in Beijing under personal invitation). VanSun/LA/Wiki/Xinhua, Mar 16, 2010. Go to KISSINGER ZIONISM IN AMERICA & CANADA'S RED TRUDEAU & LENIN-MAO MOCK CANADA OLYMPICS & 7.Systems & 35.BB Brotherhood & GOLDSTEIN CONSPIRACY IN 1984 Minority births outnumbering whites in USA (Caucasions to be minority within 40 yrs) & Canada visible minority expected to boom (in 20-years 46% will be of foreign born) & Canada apologises for Chinese head-tax (gives each Chinese immigrant $20,000; $34-million for anti-racism education) & Asian carp threatens America's Great Lakes (invasive species of food-guzzling fish introduced from China in 1970s). Chosun/NP/Guard/Can, Mar 16, 2010. Go to WHERE HAVE ALL BABIES GONE? Russian ex-KGB agent buys British newspapers (enabled by Russian PM ex-KGB agent Putin) & Evening Standard/Independent now Russia's (no protest by British gov't or media). Times/Spiegel, Mar 8, 2010. Go to RICH RUSSIANS LIKE LENIN & RUSSIA IS HELL'S INFERNO & BRITISH PRESS CIRCUS DOGS & MiniTru(Lies) & Rulers & Systems Russia Olympics in extremely bad neighbourhood (plagued by poverty-corruption-organized crime; favourite holiday resort of Stalin & Putin) & Canada's golden games (won more gold than any other nation ever) & Games visitors comment on Lenin/Mao statue (seems strange to see it in Canada). Go to LENIN'S HEAD on YouTube by sculptors (wilh Lenin's voice in background) & Putin weighs into figure skating debate (says Plushenko's silver is worth gold) & Russian Pavilion in Canada's Science World (front-row seat to observe & take notes). VanSun/Tele/Exam, Feb 27-Mar 3, 2010. Go to LENIN-MAO MOCK CANADA OLYMPICS & MEDAL SLUMP PANICS RUSSIANS & RUSSIA IN CANADA'S SCIENCE WORLD & RUSSIA & CHINA SKATING CONSPIRACY & 7.Systems of Thought Canada gov't courts China to exploit oil sands (USA & UK pushed out; Communists invited in) & Long arm of China grabs Canada crown jewels (corporate heads say embrace Asian power). Guardian/FinPost, Feb 16, 2010. Go to CHINA TALONS IN CANADA OIL SANDS & CHINA'S FOOT IN TAR SANDS DOOR & CANADA'S RED TRUDEAU & 35.Big Brother's Brotherhood Stalin statues going up again in Russia (the fruit of creeping re-Stalinization) & Stalin's revival in Russia (rehabilitating homicidal maniac) & Trotsky the firebrand (zeal for collectivizataion & terror) & TROTSKY REVELLED IN SOVIET EVIL (along with Lenin he created system Stalin used) & Lenin-Mao sculpture divides Canadian residents (4000-kilo/9000-lb chrome bust by Chinese artists) & MPs say give KGB agent freedom in Canada (gov't order deport; threatens national security). Tele/Mill/NatPost/VanSun, Jan 20, 2010. Go to CANADA COMMIE LENIN-MAO STATUE & 7.Systems & 35.BB Brotherhood & 2.Big Brother Is Watching You Vancouver Olympics security blanket (largest military-police presence since WWII). GlobeMail, Jan 19, 2010. Go to OLYMPIAN SECURITY ORWELLIAN GAMES & 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police & 42.BB Tells Why China threatens USA on arms sales to Taiwan (will retaliate militarily if deal consummated) & China aiming 1,300 ballistic missiles at Taiwan (Communists deny Taiwan a self-ruled nation) & USA forgets oath when forgetting POWs (left to rot in China-Russia slave labour camps). CNN/VOA/Examiner, Jan 18, 2010 & CHICOM HATES FREE TAIWAN & CHINA'S TORTURED DISSIDENTS & MCCARTHY ON CHINA & NORTH KOREA & MCCARTHY DEMAND CHINA FREE POWS & LONG WALK FROM STALIN'S GULAG & 38.Cellars & 39.Interrogation & 34.MiniLuv China's PetroChina 'invests' in Canada oil sands (175 billion barrells 2nd biggest oil store in world) & Canada approves Red China takeover in oil sands (say communist-owned company benefit Canada). AP/BBC/CanCom, Dec 30, 2009. Go to CHINA TALONS IN CANADA OIL SANDS & CANADA GROVELS TO COMMUNISTS & 7.Systems & 35.BB Brotherhood Canada Labour Day: 500,000 more jobless (automotive, forestry, machinery sectors living in poverty on gov't welfare benefits) & USA middle class turning to food handouts (people who used to donate now receive). TOStar/FinanceTimes, Sep 6, 2009. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down (population kept half alive by State charity) & JFK'S RIGHT-TO-WORK SPEECH China deal may unleash frenzy in oil sands (open floodgates to China in Canada) & China invests in Canada oil sands (world's second-largest reserves; hold 173-billion barrels of oil) & China's oil sand bid sparks security debate (Canada gov't expected to greenlight deal). BBC/CanCom, Sep 2, 2009. Go to 35.Big Brother Brotherhood (betray one's country to foreign powers). Go to CHINA TALONS IN CANADA OIL SANDS PetroChina takes C$1.9 billion stake in Canada oil sands, Reuters, Aug 31, 2009 Canada urges Red China buy energy sector (top politicians & bankers entice top communists, China bring own cheap labour to offset costs). National Post, Aug 11, 2009. Go to CHINESE TAKE-OVER & CHINADA'S SOVIETIZATION & CHINA FOOT IN OIL SANDS DOOR & CANADA GATE FOR CHINA & CHINA TALKS TOUGH TO CANADA & CHINA'S SLAVE WORKERS & 6.SuperStates & 7.Systems of Thought & 9.Keeping Masses Down & 35.BB Brotherhood Asian trade key to economic recovery: Western premiers. Canadacom, Jun 20, 2009 Australia feels chill as China's shadow grows (Australia a giant open-pit mine where locals toil but Beijing takes the profits) & Canada an "oil storehouse" for Communist China (top politicians will seal deal in Beijing). Calgary/NYT, Jun 3, 2009. Go to CHINESE TAKE-OVER & CANADA PM LAUDS CHINA TAKE-OVER & CANADA'S RED TRUDEAU & OZ PM SPIED FOR CHINA (betray one's country to foreign powers). Go to 35.BB's Brotherhood & 5.Pyramidal NWO USA plans to import cars from China (only one politician speaks against) & Chinese-made cars hitting America shores (trickle in 2011; flood by 2014) & China emerges as America crumbles (buying pieces of Detroit at a bargain; have bids in for Ford & GM) & Dearborn plant a manufacturing pioneer (Ford built homes & hospital for workers). USGov/USA2/ChinaP/Detroit May 20, 2009 & Henry Ford produced an affordable car (paid high wages, created middle class) & Model T transformed lives of millions (more than just a car) & BYE, BYE AMERICAN PIE & 9.Keeping Masses Down OZ & CANADA FUEL CHINA'S NUKES (nuclear waste will be taken to Tibet) & China currently building 20 nuclear reactors (will consume 15,700 tonnes uranium a year) & China's Nuclear Great Leap Forward (plans 100 new reactors by 2030) & Canada planning to fuel China's nuclear needs (imperative China secure long-term supply) & Aussie gov't happy selling uranium to China (no concerns supplying China's nuclear arsenal). Globe/AusRadio/ABC, May 4, 2009. Go to USA LETS CHINA SCAN NUKES & CHINA NUKES THRU PANAMA? & ARMING OUR ENEMIES. Go to 6.SuperStates & 35.Big Brother Brotherhood (betray one's country to foreign powers) China puts its naval might on display (shows the world its latest warships) & North Korea has world's largest artillery force (against 28,500 USA troops in South Korea) & China defends N/Korea illegal nuclear missile test (China remains North Korea's staunchest ally) & 58th anniversary of Truman firing MacArthur (commander of UN forces in Korean War) & Virtual JFK: Vietnam if Kennedy had lived (never would have taken USA into war). BBC/Breitbart Apr 5-26, 2009. Go to JFK LISTENS TO MACARTHUR ("Eisenhower's chickens coming home to roost and I live in the chicken coop"). Go to JFK PULLING OUT OF NAM & 6.SuperStates & 7.Systems Chinese buying prime USA real estate (call America 'mei guo' - the beautiful land; they want a piece of it). ABC, Mar 9, 2009 America is becoming a Chinese puppet state (China book "Unrestricted Warfare" describes economic war to defeat superior enemy) & Are you still buying Made in China? (communist country destroyed our economy; cheap workers, no labour laws, no environmental rules, no competition) & China shopping spree of Canada resources (spending its US$2-trillion foreign reserves). PennTrib/StarNews/CanCom, Mar 7, 2009 Clinton wraps Asia trip by asking China to buy US debt ("The US needs the investment in Treasury bonds to shore up its economy to continue to buy Chinese products"). AP, Feb 22, 2009 Hellery Clinton urges stronger China ties. BBC, Feb 21, 2009 Canada selling coke company to China for steel (world's 2nd-largest coal-producing assets) & Canada's Teck selling coal business to China (long-term 100-yr resource going cheap) & China/Oz Tinto deal New World Order (control over world's raw resources) & China buying Australia's Tinto aluminium (which bought Canada's Alcan aluminium). GM/FP/BBC/OzNews, Feb 15, 2009 Massive job losses in Canada & USA (manufacturing-auto-forestry gone to China). CanadaPress, Dec 19, 2008. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down (population prevented from working; kept half alive by state charity) & JFK'S RIGHT TO WORK SPEECH Product of Canada, eh? (new food labels confuse & deceive) & In China they eat cats & dogs (skinned alive then boiled) & China makes parkas with Fido fur (easier to skin dog than use artificial) & Canadian cheese from milk made in China (our cows in danger of losing jobs). Can/Breit/VanSun, Dec 16-19, 2008. Go to MADE-IN-CHINA FOOD? & WHERE'S THE BEEF GONNA GO? & 15.Life In Oceania (food with its strange evil tastes) Russian ship enters Panama Canal (symbol of strengthening influence in region) & Russian warship to sail thru Panama Canal (USA officials have expressed no concern) & Russian military exercises in Carribean (1,600 Russian & 700 Venezuelan sailors). AP/BBC, Dec 4-6, 2008. Go to USA GAVE CHINA PANAMA CANAL & USA APPLAUDS CHINA IN CARRIBEAN & USA LETS CHINA SCAN NUKES & COMMUNISM CUBAN STYLE & CHINADA'S SOVIETIZATION & SOLZHENITSYN WARNS AMERICA & NASA pays Soviet Space Agency $141 million (for Soyuz flights to & fro Space Station) TGDaily, Dec 4, 2008. Go to USA HANDS USSR SPACE STATION & 6.SuperStates & 7.Systems & 35.Big Brother Brotherhood The whitewashing of Stalin (history's been kind to this murderous leader with blood of millions on his hands). BBC, Nov 10, 2008. Go to STALIN: KOBA THE DREAD & ORWELL'S PUBLISHING PROBLEMS & 7.Systems of Thought Documenting Stalin's genocide by starvation (confiscated all available grain in Ukraine) & 1930s journalist Jones exposed Stalin famine (to be honoured by Ukraine posthumously) & Was Orwell's Jones from Gareth Jones? (nephew Nigel Colley asked Jackie Jura). Rhode/BBC/Email, Nov 10, 2008. Go to GARETH JONES SOVIET FAMINE EXPOSURE &
WAS FARMER JONES GARETH JONES? & GARETH JONES PROOF DISCUSSION & STALIN'S LIAR IN NEW YORK & 16.MiniTrue(Lies) & 17.Falsification Past Bye Bye American Pie: the day the media died (fawning favoritism shown Barack Obama; ridicule heaped upon Governor Palin). EnergyPublisher, Nov 1, 2008. Go to 16.MiniTrue (Lies) & 25.Prolefeed (easy to manipulate public opinion) & BYE BYE APPLE PIE & China dumping apple juice on USA (priced 91% below cost of production) USA buys cargo scanners from China for LA (run by son of Communist leader Hu) & HU'S ON FIRST?. GovSecurity/YouTube, Oct 31, 2008. Go to REMEMBER WHO HU IS & TIBET & TIANANMEN TYRANT HU & USA LETS CHINA SCAN NUKES & USA GAVE CHINA PANAMA CANAL & 6.Super-States & 7.Systems & 35.BB Brotherhood ("Martin is one of us") Panama wins $2.3 billion for Canal expansion (including taxpayer loans from America). PanamaGuide/Email, Oct 23, 2008. Go to PANAMA CHINESE SHORTCUT (reader doesn't understand implications) & USA GAVE CHINA PANAMA CANAL & PANAMA CANAL DEATH KNELL & CHINA ATTACK USA BY PANAMA? Russians in Alaska while Palin away (seeking to build gas pipeline) & AMERICA ON RUSSIAN ROCKS & Reader sends new video about wolves: PALIN PROTECTS FROM PREDATORS (two-legged & four-legged kind) & Palin's big brother protective of her (when he sees negative press) & Sarah at coal country Scranton Pennsylvania rally (sings Proud to be an American with Greenwood) & Palin touts Pennsylvania coal in Biden's hometown (Biden said there's no such thing as clean coal & even if there were, in an Obama admin it would be fine if China used it but it would not be used here at home). Go to PENNSYLVANIA COAL IS WIGAN PIER & RUSSIAN COAL TO NEWCASTLE & 9.Keeping Masses Down & Pitbull with lipstick" Palin leashed & unleashed (she's run a state, led a National Guard; has more executive experience than Obama Bin Lyin' and Biden) & Hank Williams Jr sings McCain-Palin Tradition (they don't have radical friends to whom their careers are linked) & Obama's terrorist friends (fugitives from justice involved in bombings) & Obama's strange bedfellows (not God bless America but God damn). ABC/Del/Times/UTube, Oct 14-18, 2008. Go to 35.The Brotherhood & SARAH SHAKING THINGS UP & PALIN EXPERIENCE IS PRESIDENTIAL & DRILL SARAH BABY DRILL & PALIN RIGHT ON RUSSIA End of USA era - now China calls the tune (USA's debt to China's Communist government is 10% of USA's GDP, 40% of China's GDP) & Iceland teeters on brink of bankruptcy (USA defeated USSR in chess there in 1972) & Bobby Fischer's money in Iceland bank crash (banks now being bought by Russia) & Loan to Iceland boosts Russia power (expands influence & geopolitical aims) & Fischer vs Spassky Documentary (chess not just a game). Oz/Chess/Bloom/UTube, Oct 10-14, 2008. Go to USA FORFEITS ICELAND TO RUSSIA & 6.SuperStates & 9.Masses Down & UNCLE SAM LOST BOBBY FISCHER & GREENSPAN FROM JEKYLL ISLAND & JFK VS FEDERAL RESERVE & US DOLLAR IN LOONIE BIN & JFK DEFENDED DOLLAR & LINCOLN, KENNEDY & MONEY & RUSSIA IS HELL'S INFERNO & PALIN RIGHT ON RUSSIA & CHINADA'S SOVIETIZATION & CHINESE TAKE OVER End of USA era - now China calls the tune (USA's debt to China's Communist government is 10% of USA's GDP, 40% of China's GDP). AusNews, Oct 14, 2008 Who's the leader of China? (Hu's on first, yes sir Arafat, coffee Annan). YouTube, Oct 7, 2008 PALIN RIGHT ON RUSSIA (it can be seen from Alaska) & TransCanada won Alaska pipeline bid (endorsed by Gov Palin to free her state from dominance of the major producers BP, ConocoPhillips & Exxon Mobil). JournalCommerce, Oct 1, 2008. Go to DRILL SARAH BABY DRILL Red China may buy USA's largest security firm (credit crunch drying up funding sources) & Fed Reserve injects $180-billion into markets (to restart lending between banks). Bloomberg/Telegraph, Sep 19, 2008. Go to CHINA'S COMMUNIST CAPITALISTS & CREATURE FROM JEKYLL ISLAND & 35.Big Brother's Brotherhood ("Martin is one of us") & USA GAVE CHINA PANAMA CANAL & PANAMA CANAL DEATH KNELL Russian oligarchs tighten grip on London (home to 300,000 former communists; $100-billion buying real estate etc; where did they get the money?). Telegraph, Aug 5, 2008. Go to RUSSIA IS HELL'S INFERNO & RICH RUSSIANS LIKE LENIN & CORPORATE COMMUNISM & 10.Rulers & 8.Classes Alexander Solzhenitsyn dies at 89 (exposed Stalin's Gulag prison system) & Solzhenitsyn is one of the writers who ("see the truth & write the truth") & SOLZHENITSYN WARNS AMERICA ("World Evil & tremendous force of hatred is in the Soviet Union & is flowing from there throughout the world") & American Alger Hiss a Communist spy (important men in life lurked in Kremlin). BBC/Telegraph/NatPost, Aug 4, 2008. Go to ORWELL DIED & HISS JAILED & 7.Systems & 42.Party Tells Why Canada kills apple trees for wine grapes (then imports apples from China) & Canada fruit & vegetable growers extinct (import food from China, Mexico, USA) & Food crisis drought hits Australian wheat (some farmers not even planting; can't feed cattle or sheep). AP, Jul 14, 2008. Go to MADE-IN-CHINA FOOD? & TAKE NOT OUR DAILY BREAD & WEATHER-FOOD-WATER-AIR CONTROL Alone in North Korea (Big Brother is always watching) & North Korea no longer axis of evil (USA removing sanctions from enemy desperate for food & fuel). Times, Jul 5, 2008. Go to USA MAKES N-KOREA NUKES & USA POWs FORGOTTEN IN KOREA & USA SAYS POW DESERTED & 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police & 7.Systems & 35.The Brotherhood & 2.Big Brother & KOREA-VIETNAM-IRAQ WARS Athletes in China fearing for health (falling ill & cuts get infected after sailing in world's worst pollution) & China coast covered in stinky green slime (raw sewage-industrial-agricultural pollution) & China's blooming algae swamping Olympics (creeping back into areas weeded) & China's Olympian green-slime clean-up (for athletes in sailing events). AFP/BBC/Mail, Jul 3-7, 2008. Go to CHINA POLLUTION HITS AMERICA CHINESE FORTUNE-COOKIE (reader questions China earthquake) & Burma exports rice as survivors starve (revenue for gov't & its ally China) & Burma biofuel deepens food shortage (gov't ordered farmers to destroy rice; replant with poisonous plant jatropha) & Burma moved capital from coastal Rangoon (to mountain desert with rat-hole tunnels; followed advice of fortune tellers). Guard/Times/BBC, May 13, 2008. Go to WEATHER-FOOD CONTROL & FINDING ORWELL IN BURMA China buying farmland in Africa & America (Chinese labourers to grow food crops). Telegraph, May 13, 2008. Go to CHINESE GULLIVER IN AMERICA Canada's pulp/paper/sawmills falling silent (hundreds closing, thousands lose jobs; raw logs being shipped to China) & Transforming land of Canada's failed mills (into houses, golf courses, hotels, casinos). National Post, May 12, 2008. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down "Conquer English to Make China Stronger!" (350-million learning Crazy English) & Athlete uniform more Asian than Canadian (designed by Tu Ly) & Canada athletes look like a circus troupe (uniforms combine red maple leaves & Chinese symbols for the number 8). NewYorker/OttawaCiz, May 5, 2008. Go to CHINADA'S SOVIETIZATION Chinese Canada mine takeover first of many (nobody is raising the red flag). TorStar/NatPost, May 1-2, 2008. Go to CHINA DEVOURING CANADA'S METAL & A NICKEL FOR YOUR KINGDOM & CHINESE TAKE-OVER & 7.Systems & 9.Masses Down Canada Olympic clothes made in China (own textile garment industry decimated by competition from cheap labour). Toronto Star, May 2, 2008. Go to CHINA'S SLAVE WORKERS Chinese Canada mine takeover first of many (nobody is raising the red flag). National Post, May 1, 2008. Go to CHINA DEVOURING CANADA'S METAL & A NICKEL FOR YOUR KINGDOM West will pay for complicity with China. UK Herald, Mar 4, 2008 Ethanol, food shortage, China & more (topics that need to be discussed) & The food crisis begins to bite (felt by people around the globe) & Bio-fuels adding to food shortages (machines eating 1/3 of USA corn) & Canada can't afford food to feed pigs (paying $50-million for farmers to kill) & Corporate food diseases - fake solutions (vile treatment of animals; processing plants-steroids-hormones-antibiotics). Indepen/NewsNZ/AxLogic Apr 28, 2008. Go to TAKE NOT OUR DAILY BREAD & WEATHER-WATER-FOOD-AIR CONTROL & 15.Life in Oceania & 22.Doublethink Stalin was always a monster (books 'Young Stalin' & 'The Whisperers') & 'My Dear Mr Stalin' letters (from friend USA President Roosevelt). GlobeMail/Encyclo, Apr 14, 2008. Go to 20.Thought Police & 40.Brainwashing & 42.Party Tells Why & 6.SuperStates & 7.Systems China REAL master of the universe (Chinese police on streets of London ordering UK police about). Daily Mail, Apr 12, 2008. Go to 7.Systems of Thought Taxing carbon on American coal plants quixotic (China unregulated on carbon emissions where 570 polluting coal plants being built) & Climate Act puts emission caps on industry (must trade or buy carbon credits from other companies not needing as many) & Pioneering carbon rules worry industry (cap-and-trade regime & carbon tax amount to a double whammy) & Cap-and-trade for climate change (green marketplace of 63 million people that's worth almost $3 trillion). TorontoStar/GlobeMail, Apr 4, 2008. Go to CLIMATE-CHANGE CARBON RACKET & KYOTO = KILL YOUR TOMORROWS & CHINA POLLUTION HITS AMERICA &
22.Doublethink & 9.Masses Down CHINA NUKES THRU PANAMA? (reader has concerns) & USA concern at China's military muscle (beyond Asia-Pacific region). AFP, Mar 6, 2008. Go to USA DOWNPLAYS CHINA THREAT & USA LETS CHINA SCAN NUKES & 6.Super-States China dust storm hits S.Korea & Japan (carrying toxins from industrial zones) & China controlling weather for Olympics (stop rain for opening ceremonies; start rain to clear pollution). BBC/CP, Mar 4, 2008. Go to CHINA POLLUTION HITS AMERICA & CHINA RAIN-CONTROLLED OLYMPICS & 14.Scientific Experimentation West will pay for complicity with China (we must boycott Olympics, stop outsourcing manufacturing & refuse to purchase Chinese goods). UK Herald, Mar 4, 2008. Go to CHINESE TAKE OVER & 7.Systems of Thought Canada paper mills closing down (investing in Russia instead). GlobeMail, Dec 27, 2007. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & RICH RUSSIANS LIKE LENIN China's growth could spark political tensions. Times, Jan 28, 2008 One-fifth of Canadians immigrants (60% from Asia & Middle East). BBC, Dec 5, 2007. Go to WHERE ALL PEOPLE GONE? (from abortion to immigration) & WINSTON SMITH NOW LEE (Anglo-European face is changing) & CHINESE TAKE OVER (economically & thru immigration) & CHINA'S TORTURED DISSIDENTS (reader much harassed by CCP) & Doing business with Communist China (tortures millions of dissidents). BBC/CanFreePress, Dec 3-5, 2007. Go to LAOGAI IS CHINESE GULAG & 20.Thought Police & 7.Systems How China is eating the world (overcompensating malnourished past) & Canada benefits from China's appetite? (exports to China have doubled) & Date-rape drug in Chinese toys (on top of poisonous lead) & Canada Toys moving work to China (to cut production costs). Ind/Prov/VOA/CBC, Nov 10, 2007 & CHINA SHANGHAIING CANADA & CHINESE GULLIVER IN AMERICA & CHINA'S SANTA'S SWEATSHOP & 9.Masses Down & 15.Life In Oceania Lee beats Smith as most common name (Canada on brink of name wipe-out) & 100 most common names in Vancouver (Lee-Wong-Chan-Smith-Kim-Chen...). Vancouver Sun, Nov 4, 2007. Go to 1.Winston's Diary & 7.Systems & WINSTON SMITH NOW LEE & BEYOND ORWELL In China Big Brother is always watching (blanket surveillance system designed to suppress people's private actions). Chosen Ilbo S-Korea, Aug 28, 2007. Go to 3.Surveillance & 20.Thought Police Russia wants slice of UK power plants (fueling fears about security of future energy supplies). Times, Aug 10, 2007. Go to 6.SuperStates & 7.Systems & AMERICA ON RUSSIAN ROCKS Russia & China play war games (USA denied permission to observe) & China-Russia combine 6,500 troops (80 warplanes & combat helicopters dubbed 'Peace Mission 2007'). Herald/RadioFreeEu Aug 10, 2007. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace (War) 'Made in Canada' - via China ('We eat food from China every day, we just don't know about it') & Food from China: Can you trust it? (supplies human & animal-feed to USA). GlobeMail/Trib, Aug 7, 2007. Go to 15.Oceania & 9.Masses Down & MADE-IN-CHINA FOOD? China's polluting coal plants surging (building dozens every year) & China pollution hitting America (causing weather chaos). HeraldTrib/WSJ, Jul 26, 2007. Go to PENNSYLVANIA IS WIGAN PIER & KYOTO = KILL YOUR TOMORROWS & 9.Keeping Masses Down & RUSSIAN COAL TO NEWCASTLE China tops Canada's spy list (steal $1 billion worth of technological secrets every month). TorontoStar, May 1, 2007. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace & 7.Systems & CHINA SPIES ON AMERICA Moscow's suburb for billionaires (15 yrs ago everything owned by state; now economy owned by 36 men). BBC, Apr 22, 2007. Go to 10.Rulers & 8.Classes & 9.Masses & RUSSIA IS HELL'S INFERNO Algoma Steel joins ranks of foreign-owned ("Putting patriotism aside, I look at the business fundamentals", says Canadian banker). Globe & Mail, Apr 16, 2007. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & CHINADA'S SOVIETIZATION & A NICKEL FOR YOUR KINGDOM & CHINA DEAL NOT BENEFICIAL & PM LAUDS CHINA TAKING OVER China Macau unblocks N Korea funds (communists won't de-nuclearize Korea until US$25-million transferred) & North Korea kids go hungry (USA & S Korea give food & funds direct to communist gov't) & Food crisis in North Korea (members of military & communist Party are the only recipients of food). BBC/Epoch/Seattle Times, Apr 10, 2007. Go to JAPAN NUKED BUT NOT KOREA & NORTH KOREA'S NUCLEAR PROGRAM & 6.Super-States & 7.Systems & 13.Weapons & THE MANIRAQIAN CANDIDATE & WARMONGER EXPLAINS TO PEACENIK & ORWELL COINED "COLD WAR" China most polluted on planet (wheat kernels dark-sooty-hollow-twisted) & "Humans are to blame" says UN ("nail in coffin of climate change deniers"; "Americans worst polluters on planet") & UN weather report is a "Corruption of Science" ("a political document...a hoax") & UN mandates that the science be altered ("not approved by scientists but by political delegates of the UN") & China exempt from cutting greenhouse gases (in spite of world-leading coal use) & Dark cloud of pollution over Hong Kong (from smokestacks of China mainland) & Stinky, oily, orange snow in Russia (nuclear-industrial-radioactive pollution). Time/Telegraph/Guardian Feb 3, 2007 & ENVIRONMENTALISM IS ANIMALISM & LENIN BEHIND ENVIRONMENTALISM & CHARLES' CHINA TAKE-AWAY TALK & LBJ ON WEATHER CONTROL & USSR USING WEAPONIZED WEATHER & KYOTO'S WATER WIZARDS & WEATHER CONTROL China toys from Santa's Sweatshop (work 12-hour days, 7 days a week in unsafe, toxic environments living in wretched dormitories). ColumbiaTrib, Jan 30, 2007. Go to CHINA IS SANTA'S SWEATSHOP & 9.Keeping Masses Down China & Russia block USA on Burma (UN supports military dictatorship persecuting minorities & opposition) & Double UN veto on Burma resolution (no end to human rights abuses). ABC/BBC, Jan 12, 2007. Go to FINDING ORWELL IN BURMA (generals are propped up by China, drugs & money-laundering) & 2.Big Brother & 7.Systems & BURMESE DAYS China WHO head will focus on flu (hard line on countries hindering or not complying on vaccines). BBC, Jan 5, 2007 & CHINA'S DR FLU HEAD'S WHO & MAN-MADE FLU WEAPON & Killer germ set to emerge in force ("old foe with new fangs") & PANDEMIC FLU SONG & BIOLOGICAL WARFARE Red China now heads WHO (pivotal role in global health) & CHINA'S DR FLU HEADS WHO (for upcoming disease pandemic). BBC/Scotsman, Nov 9, 2006. Go to 14.Scientific Experimentation 100 Influential Chinese Canadians (wield immense influence on every aspect of our society) & CANADA'S TOP 100 CHINESE & Canada pays back Chinese Head Tax (gives $20,000 for $50 paid by immigrants in 1885). VanSun/CTC, Oct 23, 2006. Go to 6.Superstates & 7.Systems CANADA GATE FOR CHINA (launching pad of Pacific century) & BC wants more money going for China (has already given $6-billion to improve transportation) & Canada gives $591-M to China gateway (railways built for Chinamen). Cancom/VanSun, Oct 17, 2006 & China hunts the big game in Africa (its new Silk Road to plunder) & Africans lash out at Chinese employers (mines the worst in world). Aljazeera/LATimes, Oct 17, 2006 & AFRICA SILK ROAD TO CHINA & AFRICANS LASH OUT AT CHINA & 9.Keeping Masses Down PEACENIK TO WARMONGER ("Why did we invade Iraq? Iraq has no nuclear weapons. North Korea has nuclear weapons and threatened to turn America into a sea of fire.") & Korean missiles "armed with nukes" (US may stop helping NK develop weapons of mass destruction) & USA supplies Korea's nukes (2 light water reactors & oil). NZHerald/PBS, Oct 11, 2006. Go to ARMING OUR ENEMIES & JAPAN NUKED, NOT KOREA &
POWs FORGOTTEN IN KOREA & UNCLE SAM SAYS POW DESERTED & 6.Superstates & 7.Systems Ban Ki-moon replaces Kofi Annan (Korean now has top UN job). AustraliaNews, Oct 11, 2006. Go to 2.Big Brother & 5.Pyramidal now & UN's GOOFY-I-AM & MCCARTHY'S UN THOUGHTS North Korea tests nuclear bomb (China & Russia its closest allies). JapanTimes, Oct 9, 2006. Go to 13.Weapons Home foreclosures up in USA (if you're flush there's opportunities). MSNBC, Jun 3, 2006. Go to 11.Ministry of Plenty & 9.Masses Down & BANKS FORECLOSE UNIVERSALLY Red China's Hu in USA (visiting Boeing production plant, micro-soft Gates, Bush & Yale). CNN, Apr 16, 2006. Go to 6.Super-States & 7.Systems & REMEMBER WHO HU IS "We'll consult Chinese" (PM apologises for head tax) & Canada's favourite Russian (Red Army hockey player honoured). Prov/NP, Apr 11, 2006. Go to 6.Superstates & 7.Systems & CANADA GROVELS TO COMMUNISTS ON JFK'S DEATH, CHINA & UN (reader studying all things JFK) & JFK TRUTHS & UNTRUTHS Red China is now USA's nuke detector (communists get contract to scan cargo to protect America from nukes). WorldNetDaily, Mar 27, 2006. Go to 6.Superstates & 7.Systems & 5.Pyramidal NWO & USA APPLAUDS CHINA TAKE CARRIBEAN & CHINA ATTACK USA BY PANAMA? & PANAMA CANAL DEATH KNELL Hong Kong given away says Prince. Telegraph, Feb 22, 2006 Russia's giant boxer beats American (Beast from the East, 7ft-323 pounds). LA Times, Jan 27, 2006. Go to 14.Experimentation & CANADA'S SOVIET SCHOOL Canada forestry jobs going to China ('motivated workforce at very low wages'). CBC, Nov 20, 2005 Real history of Korean War (heroic MacArthur deserves credit for saving S Korea from communist domination). Seoul Times, Oct 18, 2005. Go to MACARTHUR, JFK, KOREA & VIETNAM & A VILLAGE IN THE NORTH Canada giving natural resources to China (ownership & joint ventures) & Canada increasing oil to China (building tanker-loading facility & pipeline to deepwater port) & Canada increasing wood to China (& technical support & training). Forbes/Bloomberg/CP, Oct 16, 2005 YELLOW PERIL (the fear that mass immigration of Asians threatened white wages, standards of living and indeed, civilization itself). Wikipedia Encyclopedia MAO: THE UNKNOWN STORY (Stalin's ghost haunts China - USA future secretary of state allowed Red Army to escape). London Times, Sep 11, 2005 CHINA TALKS TOUGH TO CANADA (denies spying & warns Canada not to cooperate with Taiwan & to renounce independence for Tibet). Globe & Mail, Sep 11, 2005 "Nationalize oil & gas" say Canadians (& cut taxes & fix pump price). CBC, Sep 6, 2005 China's Hu to visit resource-rich Canada (looking for more sources of energy). Reuters, Sep 6, 2005 REMEMBER WHO HU IS (chief cop of China's police state chosen by cabal of Communists) China's deal makers (raised communist/educated capitalist). Herald Tribune, Jul 22, 2005. Go to RED CHINESE CAPITALIST BANKERS Maytag selling to Communist China ("not an invasion of the USA but an escape from China"). DesMoinesRegister, Jun 23, 2005 & Iowa Ghost Town if Maytag sold (private-equity firms gobbling up old-line USA companies & shipping jobs overseas). WallStreetJournal, Jun 23, 2005. Go to MAYTAG LONELY CHINAMAN NOW Possible referendum on Panama Canal (USA gave canal to Panama in 1999). May 5, 2005. Go to USA GAVE AWAY PANAMA CANAL
One of the keys to Canada's recovery from the current economic crisis will be to expand trade in Asian markets, rather than focusing solely on the United States, the premiers of this country's western provinces and territories say. ``Canada often doesn't think of (itself) as a Pacific country - but we are. And it's a huge advantage as we move to the 21st century,'' B.C. Premier Gordon Campbell said Friday at the closing news conference of the three-day Western Premiers Conference in Dawson City, Yukon. ``The Americans are a critical component of what our economic future is, but actually expanding our economy into Asia will be really important.'' Alberta Premier Ed Stelmach agreed. ``The close proximity to the Asian markets will be the future market for Western Canada. We do a lot of business with the United States, but we can't depend on just one trading partner,'' said Stelmach. ``We have a new opportunity to build a new economy - an economy that will lead Canada out of this economic recession.'' Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall, however, reminded his counterparts that they must continue to recognize the importance of the United States to the Canadian economy. ``This is not just a trading relationship; it is a supply-chain relationship in the continent,'' Wall said. The conference - attended by premiers from Canada's four western provinces and two of the three territories - wrapped up Friday, also with an agreement to push for an employment-insurance system using ``a principled approach'' that will make it ``fair for all Canadians.'' ... The six premiers emphasized training as a ``critical component'' of the strategy to create support for workers while they're unemployed. ``An EI system should . . . emphasize training or re-training to put Canadians to work, so they're not dependent upon employment insurance,'' Yukon Premier Dennis Fentie said. Campbell said their approach is different than the re-training plan now in place in Ontario. Instead of helping workers left jobless find new careers in other "in-demand" fields, the western premiers hope to train workers in their own industries. ``We are not saying to our forest workers - in British Columbia's perspective - to `Train yourself to another job.' We actually think the forest industry will be back, because we need it. Wood products are going to be needed, and our agriculture workers are going to be needed,'' Campbell said. ``There will be changes to the economy, for sure, but this creates the kind of stability - rather than the downward social spiral - that maintains some stability.'' The premiers also reached an agreement, in principle, in the area of joint purchasing of pharmaceuticals, and agreed to the importance of partnering with aboriginal governments. They also agreed to improve information-sharing and co- ordination among provinces and territories to curb gang activity. The Western Premiers Conference will be held next year in British Columbia.
The world's biggest building, designed like a monster dragon, opens tomorrow. Needless to say, it is in China and it is an airport terminal. The new Beijing Airport building is bigger than all Heathrow's terminals - including the new Terminal Five - put together...China is a polluter on a mega-scale. It is the world's biggest consumer of coal, and the biggest importer of illegally logged timber. Precious water is being diverted from outlying areas to Beijing for the forthcoming Olympics. Hydro-power projects threaten the livelihoods of millions of peasants. Basic human rights are being systematically abused. The Chinese state executes at least 10,000 people a year. Amnesty International can provide a plethora of statistics pointing to the pervasive use of torture by the state, and the widespread detention of dissidents....China has an increasingly prosperous middle class, but they are to be found on the coastal strip, where most of the expansion is concentrated. To the north and the west there are conditions of appalling poverty and degradation....If the Chinese regime found itself in real trouble internally, it might do what precarious governments often do - start expanding aggressively overseas. Apart from the disgraceful occupation of Tibet, China has so far been remarkably restrained in terms of foreign adventurism and military posturing, for such an expansionist economy....China is already practising non-military expansion, trawling through Africa and elsewhere for oil and other resources. Notoriously, it is a leading purchaser of Sudanese oil, and the principal supplier of military ordnance to Sudan's government. Darfur stains China as much as it does Sudan.
Yet we in the west cannot take a high moral line on any of this - the growing pollution, the disdain for human rights, the crushing of dissent. We are complicit in so much of it, not least because we continue to rely so heavily on the endless factories of this vast and enigmatic country. We consume Chinese goods because they are cheap; we do not worry about their provenance. And who designed that dragon-shaped terminal? The British architect Norman Foster. The lead contractor was the British-based construction company Arup... If we are to take a moral line of any credibility, we must boycott the Olympics, stop outsourcing our manufacturing to China and refuse to purchase Chinese goods. Some chance. I once told my daughter that her grandchildren will in be in some kind of servitude, most probably economic, to the coming powerhouses of China, India and Brazil. She didn't believe me then, but she is beginning to believe me now.
China’s booming economy is expected to consume more than half of the world’s key resources within a decade, according to Rio Tinto. The rapid industrialisation of China’s economy means that it is likely to consume a majority of the world’s supply of all the major metals and minerals, potentially leading to clashes with other countries over access to resources....In 1990, China accounted for only about 5 per cent of all copper demand and 3 per cent of aluminium and iron ore. The country is already the largest buyer of nickel, copper, aluminium, steel, coal and iron ore. Only in oil does it fall behind, coming second to the United States....“The US’s consumption of the key metals has been going backwards while China has continued to grow. Its share of global demand will continue to rise until about 2020 when other economies like India start to challenge.”
China's Canadian Adventure (Chinese espionage & spy activities in energy & raw materials sectors). FrontPageMagazine, May 5, 2005. Go to 7.Systems of Thought & CHINA SPYING ON CANADA & USA
USA okays IBM sale to China (in spite of industrial espionage & secrets passing to Chinese military). Guardian, Mar 10, 2005 & China textiles flood USA market (American manufacturing plants closing; thousands of jobs being lost). NewYorkTimes, Mar 10, 2005. Go to IBM = I-BE-MANDARIN & CHINA CLOTHES STRIP AMERICANS
Britain hopes Red China buys Rover (when President Hu Jintao visited Paris the Eiffel Tower was bathed in red light & dragons paraded along Champs Elysées). The Times, Feb 23, 2005. Go to CHINA'S SLAVE WORKERS
USA watches China woo Carribean (Beijing's growing economic clout is tipping scales in Western Hemisphere). ABC News, Feb 23, 2005. Go to USA APPLAUDS CHINA TAKE CARRIBEAN
China tourism deal is worth the wait (Canada gets Approved Destination Status). Toronto Star, Feb 15, 2005. Go to BEYOND ORWELL & THE CHINESE ARE COMING!
Canada to cull 1.76 million cows (human food supply isn't at risk, officials say slaughter an overreaction). CBC, Jan 13, 2005 & USA farmers don't want Canada beef (even though it's proven safe). CTV, Jan 13, 2005. Go to WHERE'S THE BEEF GONNA GO?
Mad Cow may lengthen beef ban to USA (19-month ban cost Canadian beef industry more than $5 billion). TorontoStar, Jan 12, 2005
China's population reaches 1.3-billion (forced abortion for 1-child policy means 40-million extra men with no wives by 2020). CTV News, Jan 11, 2004
CANADA'S HUSKY BARKING CHINESE (Husky Oil Inc being sold to China & stock value rises at news). Globe & Mail, Dec 2, 2004
US importers back China textiles (causing producers market disruption). BBC, Dec 2, 2004
VISITORS FROM CHANGPING (delegation from Communist China tours hospital-pulp mill-water plant etc). Daily News, Nov 25, 2004
Argentina gets China investment (as did Brazil and as will Cuba). BBC, Nov 17, 2004 & PANAMA CANAL RUN BY CHINA (hands around America's neck)
Chinese Dragon stings Russian Bear (Third World poverty stricken China now "Yellow Peril" massively migrating, devouring Russian resources & people). Globe & Mail, Nov 14, 2004. Go to 7.Sytems of Thought & 10.Rulers & RUSSIA IS HELL'S INFERNO & CHINADA'S SOVIETIZATION
CHINA RISING: Get ready for China's century (new boss may soon be Beijing government). Go to 7.Systems of Thought & 6.Super-States & CHINA'S SLAVE LABOURERS. Globe & Mail, Oct 22, 2004 & CHINA FLEXING MILITARY MUSCLE (by 2015 China could have 100 nuclear missiles aimed at USA)
USSR STEALING CANADA'S STEEL (Soviet oligarchs made great fortunes in Russia's 1990s industrial-privatization). Globe & Mail, Oct 14, 2004. Go to RUSSIA IS HELL'S INFERNO
Noranda/Minmetal deal sweet taste in mouth (victory celebration dinner held; Canadian wines banned). Globe & Mail, Oct 12, 2004
Canada/Russia sign gas plan (1st step in long-term relationship for Petro-Can & Gazprom)., Oct 12, 2004. Go to CANADA BUYING USSR'S GAS
China's disquieting bid for Noranda (Beijing making political demands of us while holding Canadian jobs hostage). Toronto Star, Oct 6, 2004 & Noranda's buyer a human rights abuser (China's Minmetal uses forced prison labour known to AFL/CIO & USA Congress). National Post, Oct 6, 2004. Go to LAOGAI IS CHINESE GULAG
Keep Beijing out of Sudbury (security of USA & Canada at stake). National Post, Oct 1, 2004. Go to A NICKEL FOR YOUR KINGDOM
Petrocan CEO meets USSR oil exec (investing in USSR Liquified Natural Gas) & China feeds on Canada's resources (very hungry dragon demands copper-nickel-oil-gas-lumber etc). Globe & Mail, Sep 26, 2004. Go to CHINADA'S SOVIETIZATION
Asian population surging across America (politically aware but haven't done extra hurdle of running for office). My Way, May 1, 2004. Go to BYE, BYE AMERICAN PIE
Unions ask for China sanctions. Washington Post, Mar 17, 2004
Unfair trade practices have led to record $124 billion U.S. trade deficit with China last year and loss of thousands of U.S. factory jobs. AFL-CIO represents 13 million members... China links value of its currency, the yuan, to the USA dollar which gives Chinese goods a tremendous price advantage over American products
Jail that kills foreigners' babies (Communist China's nowhere to run for escapees from North Korea). Telegraph, Jan 17, 2004 & Tales of prison horror emerge (containing millions of starving people). SydneyHerald, Jan 17 2004. Go to 7.Systems of Thought & USA troops leaving South Korea (hope people don't feel uneasy). Reuters/Rense, Jan 17,2004
CHINESE LOVE-HATE FOREIGNERS (turn hostile at perceived slight; comments full of racist curses). Globe & Mail/Rense, Jan 14, 2004. Go to 7.Systems of Thought & PIT BULL TERRIERISTS (not New Yorkies). National Post, Jan 14, 2004 & WOLVES IN WOLVES' CLOTHING
IBM moving jobs to India, China (workers must train overseas replacements). Seattle Post, Dec 15, 2003
PANAMA FALKLAND REVELATIONS (USA gave Panama Canal to Communist Chinese and British ships carried nukes to Falkland War)
Cheap Chinese goods pricey (costing USA economy & Taiwan freedom). NewYorkDaily, Dec 14, 2003. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & CHICOM HATES FREE TAIWAN
Greenspan defends Chicom's trade surplus (resulting in 2.8 million US job losses due to slave labour & floating currency). Wash Times, Dec 11, 2003. Go to 10.Rulers & 8.Classes & GREENSPAN FROM JEKYLL ISLAND & RED CHINA & CAPITALISTS
PANAMA FALKLAND REVELATIONS (USA gave Panama Canal to Red Chinese and British ships carried nukes to Falkland War)
Doing Well by slave labour (survivors of the Killing Fields do data entry for Holocaust survivors). MIT Tech, Jun 21, 2003. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down
Video phones go on sale (owned by Communist Chinese aiming to monopolize UK). Independent, Jun 12, 2003. Go to 3.Surveillance & CHINA HAS ESPIONAGE NETWORK & ARMING OUR ENEMIES
Computer jobs move to China (India-Vietnam-Commie Europe etc to profit from slave labour). Register, Jun 6, 2003. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down
BC creates Dream Home China (9-million cubic metres by 2010 driven by USA 27.2% duty)., Apr 17, 2003. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down
Wal-Mart king of mountain ($60-billion ahead of GM). SanFranGate, Mar 31, 2003. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down & RED CHINESE CAPITALISTS
NKorea preparing war on USA (says UN envoy Maurice Strong). Yahoo!AP, Mar 22, 2003. Go to Who is Maurice Strong? & IRAQ A MAGICIAN'S TRICK
Canada becoming Asian nation (since 1961 when it was European). National Post, Jan 22, 2003
Canada losing industries to China (lumber, wheat, cars, steel etc prefer low-wage communist system). Waterloo Record, Jan 2, 2003. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down
USA jobs fading away fast (going to China & Mexico). USA Today, Dec 14, 2002. Go to 9.Keeping Masses Down
More foreign students sought (already up 71% since 1998). National Post, Dec 3, 2002. Go to & COMMUNIST CAPITALISTS
Red China eyes USA ports (their army runs Bahamas & Panama Canal). Insight, Nov 20, 2002. Go to 6.Super-States
Communist China opens doors to Capitalists (modelling "The Theory and Practice of Oligarchical Collectivism" as described in "1984"). New York Times, Nov 4, 2002
"Home Depot" killing "home" (they buy communist lumber). Vancouver Sun, Oct 29, 2002
USA & Canadian lumber companies are fighting each other to death over market conditions that no longer exist. The USA housing market is no longer theirs. Powerful BIG-BOX retailers like Home Depot with a global reach and growing offshore lumber capacity has changed the North American lumber market for good. The way homes are built and the way lumber is sold has changed so dramatically that the race is now on to become the lowest-cost global producer. Competition is with countries like Latvia, Russia and Argentina. The growth of giant home-builders like Centex means the same trend that has transformed the building supply stores will take place in housing. "You are going to see mills that are dead on both sides of the border... As more and more imports grow you will have to shut some more down". American forest companies are surprised by the ease with which offshore lumber has landed because they didn't think it could happen - lumber is heavy - but it's cheap when buying in the local currency. BIG-BOX stores are expanding at a rate of one a day across North America and they count on offshore lumber. Home Depots on the East Coast have lumber coming in from Latvia and Estonia. Home Depot is a "$55-billion gorilla" that goes to lumber suppliers around the world demanding better prices and exclusives. Putting a 50-per-cent tariff on Canadian wood left the Americans exposed and gave opportunity to suppliers from elsewhere - China, Russia and other communist economies.
Tariffs help mass-producers (other mills go under). Financial Post, Oct 28, 2002
Even amid one of the biggest housing booms in the USA in years, independent forest companies can't get a decent price for their lumber. Prices have fallen so low only the efficient, mass-producing giants can turn a profit. The BIG-GUYS own vast tracts of forest land and they've been watching happily as the US government, under pressure from environmentalists, closes off more and more federal and state lands to forest companies. "The more federal timber goes off market, the more the holdings of big industrials goes up." Lumber imports from Europe were up more than 100% in the first six months... originates from Russia and other members of the Soviet Union, where the wood comes in so cheap by the workers who cut it.
Americans buy Communist apples (for less than cost to produce). CSMonitor, Oct 23, 2002
Communist China invading Mexico (wages $20 a day in Mexico but $2 a day in China). Vancouver Sun, Oct 20, 2002
Mexico's vendors - who used to hawk Mexican products outside the National Palace - say: "Everything we are selling here is from China - down to the underwear. We pretty much work for them". Mexico and China are fighting to export to the same markets. 90% of Mexico's manufactured goods are destined for the United States. But now - blaming a recession - companies based in Mexico are moving to China. Assembly plants along the Mexican/USA border that paid Mexicans $20 a day, are now closing down and moving to Communist China where workers are paid $2 a day. Mexico accuses China of stealing Mexico's factories, then flooding its market with cheap goods. When Mexico complains, China does not say anything in reply, quietly enjoying its top position as exporter to the world. Mexico has lost 230,000 manufacturing jobs to China since the start of 2001. Vincente Fox's government says "China can have these jobs - we don't want to be China." But Mexicans put up a fight, attempting unsuccessfully to block China's entry into the World Trade Organization. They accuse China of unfair competition for offering hidden subsidies to some 5,000 companies that have shifted production there. As Mexico loses jobs to China, it accuses China of driving Mexican manufacturers out of business by flooding its economy with cut-priced goods. Mexican companies say Mexico must fight to make sure free trade is also fair and creates sufficient jobs. "If not, we will be lost in the wave of poverty". China has the upper hand, - ranked No. 1 among 1,000 large multinationals - while Mexico slipped from 5th to 9th. China is getting "3 to 4 times the amount of foreign investment than we are". Mexico is not just losing out to China in the international market. It is losing out in the domestic market as well, as evidenced by the "Made in China" stickers on products Mexicans buy. Many products labelled as coming from Mexico or the United States are really Chinese imports mislabelled to avoid import tariffs. In the past few months, Mexican officials along the Mexico-US border have seized several containers of Chinese goods. "We are being invaded from all sides". Mexicans lamenting the increase in Chinese goods buy them anyway because they are cheap, "especially for Mexicans who earn nothing".
Goodyear moving to Mexico (pay less per day than hour). Omaha Herald, Oct 20, 2002
The company, operating in Ohio since 1943, will cut 480 jobs. It will replace $18-an-hour employees at its plant with workers at a new facility in Mexico, who make no more than $12.77 a day. The Mayor says: "Corporations think nothing of packing up shop and heading to a foreign land and they want us - the consumer - to keep buying their products even though they are putting thousands of us out of work".
China will soon be second only to the USA (a Communist Corporation - the top Communists are wealthy capitalists). Korea Herald, Aug 4, 2002
Canada woos a million Chinese tourists (despite concern they could exploit system and stay). Globe & Mail, Jun 12, 2002
SURPLUS OF MALE CHILDREN IN CHINA (regime will use them up as soldiers). World Affairs Brief, May 17, 2002
TIBET & TIANANMEN TYRANT HU (China's heir apparent a tyrant in waiting). National Post, May 2, 2002
9.Keeping Masses Down and 6.Super-States and 7.Systems of Thought
Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~