

DealeyPlazaOverview BowersTower


Lee Bowers sat high above ground in a glass-encased tower overlooking the railroad yard (and the Dealey Plaza parking lot) from where he operated the switches and signals controlling the train traffic on the 13 tracks that converged there. He told the trains when to stop and when to proceed. About 20 minutes before JFK's motorcade was expected to come down Elm Street (stretches of which Bowers could see) he observed three unusual cars enter the parking lot (which was off-bounds to the public). The first car was an out-of-state Oldsmobile station wagon; the second a black Ford with the driver talking into a walkie-talkie; and the third a muddy out-of-state Chevrolet (two of which -- the station wagon and Chevrolet -- were later seen parked behind the picket fence). See JFK PICKET FENCE SIGNAL-MAN HOLLAND

BowersTowerView AssassinFootprints BehindPicketFence

In the minutes before the assassination, Bowers observed two suspicious-acting men beneath some trees behind the picket fence close to the Triple Underpass. One was a heavy-set middle-aged man wearing dark trousers and a white shirt; the other was a younger man wearing a plaid shirt or jacket. This is a similar description of the gun-men seen by the witness overlooking the Grassy Knoll from the Stemmons Freeway. See JFK PICKET FENCE DEAF-MAN HOFFMAN.

Bowers heard the shots -- they came from direction of the Texas School Book Depository building and from down near the Triple Underpass. His eyes were immediately drawn to the two men behind the picket fence -- and from there he saw movement and puffs of smoke. All hell broke loose as hundreds of people stormed the Grassy Knoll to get behind the picket fence into the parking lot and railroad yard from whence they'd heard the shots.

PicketFenceRespond PicketFenceRunMan PicketFenceRunCrowd

ParkingTrainCrowd TrampsArrested TrampEarPhone

During the pandemonium a train started moving down the tracks, without permission, and Bowers had to signal it to stop. He called the police to search the train and three "transients" were found and escorted to the Sheriff's office. Note that one of the transients (aka tramps) -- the one in the baggy pants - has a hearing-aid in his ear. He could have been on the receiving end of the man Bowers saw talking into the walkie-talkie He could also be the gun-man DEAF-MAN Hoffman described as wearing "railroad" trousers -- the one who had a pistol in his hand -- the one who probably fired the bullet that hit JFK in the front of the throat. This corroborates the story SIGNAL-MAN Holland said about the sound of the two shots coming from behind the picket fence -- the first was quieter than the second (ie a pistol is nowhere near as loud as a high-powered automatic rifle). The other two "tramps" discovered by Bowers were probably assassins too -- firing from the Texas School Book Depository and then escaping out the back of the building and into the train-car where they were found.

BeginDownElm UmbrellaArmUp JFKLastWaveSign

UmbrellaStemmonsSign JFKfatalShot

The behind-the-picket-fence shooter, wearing a hearing aid, could have been radioed instructions from one of the two suspicious-looking men standing on the Grassy Knoll directly in front JFK's car as it drove by. THE UMBRELLA MAN (TUM) and DARK COMPLECTED MAN (DCM) were caught on camera looking as though they were sending location signals -- ie TUM raised and lowered his umbrella and DCM raised his arm up high and shook his fist as JFK approached the STEMMONS FREEWAY sign. A second later JFK is seen to clutch his throat and then, a second after that, the front of his head is blown apart and blood and brains go streaming out the back. This is documented -- live, and in colour -- in Zapruder's famous film of the assassination. See DOC SAY JFK NECK ENTRANCE WOUND and DOC MCCLELLAND JFK HEAD TESTIMONY


UmbrellaMenSitting RadioAntennaTalk RadioHidePocket

When the gun-smoke settled, and JFK's Lincoln had disappeared under the Triple Underpass, most bystanders on Dealey Plaza started running up the Grassy Knoll toward the picket fence -- all except THE UMBRELLA MAN and the DARK-COMPLECTED-MAN who just casually sat down under the STEMMONS FREEWAY sign. But the DCM was caught on camera talking into a walkie-talkie -- no doubt communicating with one of the shooters -- probably assuring him the misison had been accomplished. Then both men stood up and walked along Elm Street in opposite directions, with DCM caught on camera stuffing the walkie-talkie radio into his back pocket.

TOWER-MAN Bowers, like SIGNAL-MAN Holland (but unlike DEAF-MAN Hoffman who wasn't called) testified before the Warren Commission and told what he saw happening behind the picket fence. Bowers also gave interviews to conspiracy-theory researchers. But tragically -- and suspiciously -- Bowers, age 39, was killed in a car accident three years later in 1966. It's conjectured that Bowers is one of the many witnesses to JFK's assassination who died in the line of duty -- telling the truth about what he saw that horrific day in Dealey Plaza.

Below are excerpts and video clips of Bowers' testimony and interviews -- with images (some repeated) from various sources inserted at pertiment passages -- telling his story.

All the best,
Jackie Jura

Testimony of Lee E Bowers Jr
Warren Commission, April 2, 1964

...I was born right here in Dallas, and lived here most of my life except when I was in the Navy, at the age of 17 to 21, and I was away 2 years going to Hardin Simmons University; also attended Southern Methodist University 2 years, majoring in religion. I worked for the railroad 15 years and was a self-employed builder, as well -- on the side. And the first of this year I went to work as business manager for Dr Tim Green who operates this hospital and convalescent home and rent properties.... Worked for the Union Terminal Co with the 8 participating railroads.... I was tower man in the north tower, Union Terminal, operating the switches and signals controlling the movement of trains... My hours of work were 7 to 3 pm Monday through Friday.... The height of the tower is 12 or 14 feet.... It is arranged so that you can see out -- it is windows except for posts on each corner. It is windows on all four sides....

DealeyPlazaOverview BowersTower

It is located west and north of the corner of Elm and Houston, and as to distances, I really don't know. It is within 50 yards of the back of the School Depository Building, or less.... The base of the tower is approximately the same height as the triple underpass -- a local connotation for it since there are three streets that run under it.... From my tower I control about 11 tracks in the station and 2 freight tracks.... That would be 13 tracks altogether that pass in front of my tower where the tracks converge and cross and split off to various railroad yards.... The tracks are west, but they proceed in all directions, they are both north and south.... I was on duty on November 22, 1963.... The area had been covered by police for some 2 hours. Since approximately 10 o'clock in the morning traffic had been cut off into the area so that anyone moving around could actually be observed. Since I had worked there for a number of years I was familiar with most of the people who came in and out of the area....

There were three cars that came in during the time from around noon until the time of the shooting. They came into the vicinity of the tower, which was at the extension of Elm Street, which runs in front of the School Depository, and which there is no way out. It is not a through street to anywhere.... Behind the School Depository, between my tower, there are two or three railroad tracks and a small amount of parking area for the employees.... The first car I noticed, I do not recall the exact time, but I believe this was approximately, 12:10 wouldn't be too far off.... The car proceeded in front of the School Depository down across 2 or 3 tracks and circled the area in front of the tower, and to the west of the tower, and, as if he was searching for a way out, or was checking the area, and then proceeded back through the only way he could, the same outlet he came into -- at the place where Elm dead ends. Back in front of the School Depository was the only way he could get out. And I lost sight of him, I couldn't watch him.... The first car was a 1959 Oldsmobile, blue and white station wagon with out-of-State license....I would know it, I could identify it, I think, if I looked at a list... It had a bumper sticker, one of which was a Goldwater sticker, and the other of which was of some scenic location, I think.... Some 15 minutes of so after this -- I guess 12:20 would be close to it, little time differential there -- but there was another car which was a 1957 black Ford, with one male in it that seemed to have a mike or telephone or something that gave the appearance of that at least.... He was holding something up to his mouth with one hand and he was driving with the other, and gave that appearance. He was very close to the tower. I could see him as he proceeded around the area. He had a Texas license. He came in from the extension of Elm Street in front of the School Depository.... After 3 or 4 minutes cruising around the area it departed the same way. He did probe a little further into the area than the first car.... I saw a third car, which entered the area, which was some seven or nine minutes before the shooting, I believe was a 1961 or 1962 Chevrolet, four-door Impala, white, showed signs of being on the road. It was muddy up to the windows, bore a similar out-of-state license to the first car I observed, occupied also by one white male.... He spent a little more time in the area. He tried -- he circled the area and probed one spot right at the tower in an attempt to get out and was forced to back out some considerable distance, and slowly cruised down back towards the front of the School Depository Building.... The last I saw of him he was pausing just about in -- just above the assassination site.... Whether it continued on at that very moment or whether it pulled up only a short distance, I couldn't tell. I was busy.... It was about 8 minutes bfore the President's car passed there.... I could not see the corner of Elm and Houston. I could see the corner of Main and Houston as they came down and turned on, then I couldn't see it for about half a block, and after they passed the corner of Elm and Houston the car came in sight again....

WitnessesBowersView BowersTowerView

I saw the President's car coming out the Houston Street from Main....Then I lost sight of it... It came in sight again after it had turned the corner of Elm and Houston.... I heard three shots. One, then a slight pause, then two very close together. Also reverberation from the shots....The sounds came either from up against the School Depository Building or near the mouth of the Triple Underpass.... I couldn't tell which.... I had worked this same tower for some 10 or 12 years, and was there during the time they were renovating the School Depository Building, and had noticed at that time the similarity of sounds occurring in either of those two locations.... I could not tell whether or not the sounds I heard, the three shots, came from the direction of the Depository Building or the Triple Underpass.... There is a similarity of sound, because there is a reverberation which takes place from either location.... I had heard sounds originating near the Triple Underpass quite often because trucks backfire and various occurrences.... I heard sounds originating from the Texas School Book Depository when they were renovating. I did carpenter work as well as sandblasted the outside of the building....

Directly in line, towards the mouth of the underpass, there were two men. One man, middle-aged, or slightly older, fairly heavy-set, in a white shirt, fairly dark trousers. Another younger man, about mid-twenties, in either a plaid shirt or plaid coat or jacket.... They were standing within 10 or 15 feet of each other, and gave no appearance of being together, as far as I knew.... They were facing and looking up towards Main and Houston, and following the caravan as it came down....

TriplePassLocations BeginDownElm TriplePassWitnesses

On the Triple Underpass, there were two policemen. One facing each direction, both east and west. There was one railroad employee, a signal man there with the Union Terminal Co, and two welders that worked for the Fort Worth Welding firm, and there was also a laborer's assistant furnished by the railroad to these welders.... They were there before and after the President came by... They were standing on top of the triple underpass facing towards Houston Street, all except, of course, the one policeman on the west side.... There were one or two people in the area. Not in this same vicinity. One of them was a parking lot attendant that operates a parking lot there. One or two. Each had uniforms similar to those custodians at the courthouse. But they were some distance back, just a slight distance back.... At the moment I heard the sound, I was looking directly towards the area -- at the moment of the first shot, as close as my recollection serves, the car was out of sight behind this decorative masonry wall in the area.... At the moment of the second and third shots, I could -- I do not think that it was in sight. It came in sight immediately following the last shot....


At the time of the shooting there seemed to be some commotion, and immediately following there was a motorcycle policeman who shot nearly all of the way to the top of the incline on his motorcycle.... He was part of the motorcade and had left it for some reason, which I did not know. He came almost to the top and I believe abandoned his motorcycle for a moment and then got on it and proceeded. He just shot up over the curb and up... He left the motorcade and came up the incline on the motorcycle....

BowersTowerView BowersTowerView AssassinFootprints

He came up into this area where there are some trees, and where I had described the two men were in the general vicinity of this.... As far as I know, one of the two men was there at the time. The other I could not say. The darker dressed man was too hard to distinguish from the trees. The white shirt, yes; I think he was.... When I said there was a commotion, I was unable to describe it other than that it was something out of the ordinary, a sort of milling around, but something occurred in this particular spot which was out of the ordinary, which attracted my eye for some reason, which I could not identify -- nothing that I could pinpoint as having happened...

BehindPicketFence PicketFenceRunMan WitnessesRunPicketShooter

ParkingTrainCrowd TrampsArrested TrampEarPhone

Afterwards, a large number of people came, from more than one direction. One group converged from the corner of Elm and Houston, and came down the extension of Elm and came into the high ground, and another large group went across the triangular area between Houston and Elm and then across Elm and then up the incline. Some of them all the way up. Many of them did, as well as, of course, between 50 and a hundred policemen within a maximum of 5 minutes -- in this area around my tower.... They sealed off the area, and I held off the trains until they could be examined, and there was some transients taken on at least one train....

~ end quoting Lee Bowers Warren Commission Testimony, April 2, 1964 ~

watch JFK the Original Zapruder Film HD (French Version), YouTube (...See The Umbrealla Man raising his umbrella and the Dark Complected Man raising his arm as JFK's car approaches the Stemmons Freeway sign...)

WitnessBowers watch Witness Lee Bowers 1966 interview with author/researcher Mark Lane, YouTube

LaneRushJudgement Rush to Judgement, by Mark Lane (A critique of the Warren Commission's enquiry into the murders of President John F Kennedy, Officer J. D. Tippitt and Lee Harvey Oswald)

Umbreall/RadioMen RadioManRaisesFist watch Umbrella Man & Dark-Complected Man, English Version, YouTube (Two suspicious-looking persons in Dealey Plaza stood close to Kennedy when the shots rang out. One stood with an open umbrella while the other one stood at the curb, swinging his arm in the air. Their actions are only known from photographs and film. The Zapruder film shows an open umbrealla on Elm Street. On pictures taken before and after the murder, the umbrella is closed. As the limousine passed the Stemmons Freeway sign the Umbrealla Man raised the umbrella almost 25 inches up in the air and lowered it again. At the same time the other man raised his arm, waved frantically and then raised a fist. While almost everyone in Dealey Plaza was reacting to the assassination by either falling to the ground or moving towards Grassy Knoll, these two men reacted differently. The men sat down on the sidewalk. One takes his hand in the pocket. A radio is taken up to his mouth. The antenna is clearly visible. Moments later the men split apart walking in opposite directions along Elm Street. The dark complected man towards the Triple Underpass and the Umbrella Man toward TSBD. The radio being tucked in the back pocket. Officially these two men do not exist. Neither the FBI nor the Warren Commission tried to find them.... Theories have come up concerning these men. Did they provide signals for hidden gunmen? This would mean that Kennedy was killed by coordinated fire, perhaps with help from radio-men?....)

Lee Bowers, Spartacus Educational (...According to W Penn Jones Jr, the editor of the Texas Midlothian Mirror, Bowers received death threats after giving evidence to the Warren Commission and Mark Lane. On 9th August, 1966, Lee Bowers was killed when his car left the road and crashed into a concrete abutment in Midlothian, Texas. Robert J Groden later reported "Lee Bowers was heading west here on highway sixty-seven heading from Midlothian down to Cleburne and according to an eyewitness he was driven off the road by a black car. Drove him into this bridge abutment. He didn't die immediately, he held on for four hours and during that time he was talking to the ambulance people and told them that he felt he had been drugged when he stopped for coffee back there a few miles in Midlothian....)

Lee Bowers Warren Commission Testimony, April 2, 1964

Alphabetical List of Witnesses and Testimony

SearchForOswald.jpg The Search for Lee Harvey Oswald, A Comprehensive Photographic Record, by Robert J Groden

GrodenKillingPres.jpg GrodenKillingPres.jpg The Killing of a President: The Complete Photographic Record of the JFK Assassination, The Conspiracy, and the Cover-Up, by Robert J Groden

JFK mementos for sale: Piece of grassy knoll picket fence, FortWorthStarTelegram, Nov 24, 2016
It has been 53 years since President John F Kennedy was shot and killed in Dallas. Mementos from that day in 1963 remain -- and some are now on the auction block from various sellers. But they won't come cheap.... There's a metal post from the fence on the grassy knoll, with a starting bid of $23,500. The description of the item, up for sale on eBay, says that this fence post "is the very same one that was standing at almost the exact position from where the United States House of Representatives Select Committee on Assassinations concluded it to be probable that someone fired a rifle from behind the Fence on the grassy knoll at President John F Kennedy on that fateful day in Dallas some 53 years ago". This post -- part of the stockade style picket fence built on the grassy knoll in the 1950s -- was about seven feet, 10 inches west of the corner of the fence that day. The starting bid for the fence post is listed at $23,500. Bidding ends Sunday...


JFK Grave Flame
JFK assassin picket fence post auctioned
MetalFencePost FencePostLocation FootprintsBehindFence FencePostInOut
watch Zapruder Film HD reaction
UmbrellaArmUp JFKLastWaveSign UmbrellaStemmonsSign
BowersTower WitnessBowers BowersViewShooters
HollandTopUnderPass DealeyPlazaMovieJFK HollandPicketFence
ViewGunmanPicketFence HoffmanFenceShoot JFKfatalShot
JFKpicketfence1960 MomentJFKhit JFKpicketfenceJackie1960
President Kennedy assassinated 53 years ago
November 22, 1963-2016
4.Old World Destruction &







Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~

email: orwelltoday@gmail.com
website: www.orwelltoday.com