...cont'd from PLAYBOY'S JFK
Greetings Andrea,
I am very appreciative that you took the time to write me, from Italy, about the passages I had mistakenly and incorrectly bolded and underlined in that PLAYBOY'S JFK article from 18 years ago in 2003. You recognized that they were lies about JFK, not truths, and I have now made the corrections. The mistakes implied that JFK was not faithful to Jacqueline and you queried if that was my intention -- which of course it was not. I believe, and have proven in dozens of articles over the years, that JFK was faithful to Jacqueline and deeply loved his wife and she deeply loved JFK.
I must compliment you immensely on having such a command of English that you noticed this glaring mistake! You would make a great proof-reader.
All the best,
Jackie Jura, August 2021
To Orwell Today,
Dear Jackie Jura,
Thank you so much. Now I praise Orwell Today even more, the only site always sincere even about the Leader, JFK, who will inspire me forever. I have a lot of material (alas in Italian) on this subject.
With great appreciation,
Andrea Cresso, Italia
PS - I also proposed the cry "JFK" and not "freedom" as a slogan for squares and streets rebelling against the health restrictions for CoViD-19.
Greetings again Andrea,
I love your JFK call for freedom -- that's what JFK personified.
All the best,
To Orwell Today,
Thank you, Jackie. Yes, death of JFK was death of Euthenics, Harmony and Global Cooperation.
Through his politics of full information and full instructions, President Kennedy maybe was building the culture of even graphs on: 1) birth rate 2) natural resources
Thus, governance and humanistic economy -- e.g. without CoViD-19 type machinations. Improving everything "step by step, stage by stage" (in his own words). Euthenics and Harmony widespread, resonating. Does it pulsate in you?
The dictionary definition of euthenics is a discipline that studies methods and techniques for the improvement of the individual through the positive modification of environmental factors and conditions.
Euthenics, Harmony go with seriousness and trust. Malevolence and duplicity do not. "Man has no limits to his greatness" ~ JFK.
Andrea Cresso
Greetings Andrea,
One of JFK's most famous speeches contains the words:
"Our most basic common link is that we all inhabit this planet.
We all breathe the same air.
We all cherish our children's future.
And we are all mortal".
I think that encompasses, as you say, Euthenics, Harmony and Global Cooperation.
Since JFK's death we lost truth -- every leader since JFK is a liar -- and the cause of JFK's death is a lie.
We who carry the torch for JFK seek the truth in every aspect of his life's work and his death.
All the best,
Jackie Jura, August 2021
Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~
email: orwelltoday@gmail.com
website: www.orwelltoday.com