Only eight of twelve crew members, including JFK, are in the PT-109 photo above
which was taken in July 1943, one month before PT-109 was hit.
They are Drawdy, Mauer, Drewitch, Maquire,
Harris, Kowal, Kirkesy and Thom.
Johnston and McMahon are missing from the photo.
Drawdy, Drewitch and Kowal were no longer crew when PT-109 was hit,
having been injured in a Jap air attack after the photo was taken
(but they rejoined JFK later as crew of PT-59).
They were replaced by Starkey, Zinser, Marney, Albert and Ross
(none of whom are in the photo)
but were on PT-109 when it was hit on night of August 1, 1943.
To Orwell Today,
re: JFK'S PT-109 CREW and JFK'S PT-59 CREW
I've been trying to identify the crew members in the group photo on the deck of PT-109 using the photos taken years later. I would appreciate that information if you have it.
Thank you,
Henry Godines
Greetings Henry,
Thanks for sending that photo of the colourful painting of PT boats in action, scanned above to share with readers.
Scanned at the top of the page is that photo of JFK and his PT-109 crew* - taken in July 1943, just a few weeks before the infamous night of August 1st - to which I've added the names you requested.
I found some information at the Maritime Quest: USS PT-109 website, along with some incredible photos of PT-109 that I've never seen before.
Also, at the National Geographic website there are some excellent photos and audio-clips of JFK and PT-109 (link expired http://www.ngeo.com/photography/galleries/pt109-WWII/index.html)
There's an interview with a veteran with his account of how he rescued JFK (link expired http://www.ngeo.com/pt109/av/pt109_west.ram).
and also you can hear the skipper of PT-105 describe what it was like serving alongside JFK and PT-109 (link expired http://www.ngeo.com/pt109/av/pt109_keresy.ram).
All the best,
Jackie Jura
To Orwell Today,
Thank you Jackie! I'm very grateful.
The image of PT-109 in action was published in the Robert Ballard/National Geographic book a few years ago about the search for PT-109. The original 24" x 36" oil painting is my work and is available for sale.
Greetings again Henry,
Wow, congratulations on being the artist of that great painting - it almost comes alive!
All the best,
Jackie Jura
*PS - Only eight crew members, in addition to JFK, are in the PT-109 photo above. They are Drawdy, Mauer, Drewitch, Maquire, Harris, Kowal, Kirkesy and Thom. Johnston and McMahon are missing from the photo. Three who appear - Drewitch, Kowal and Drawdy - were no longer crew when PT-109 was hit, having been injured in a Jap air attack after photo was taken in July 1943 (but they rejoined JFK later as crew in PT-59). They were replaced by Starkey, Zinser, Marney, Albert and Ross (none of whom are in the photo) But were on PT-109 when it was hit on night of August 1, 1943.
Therefore, the names of the thirteen crew members on PT-109 the night it sank, are:
John Fitzgerald Kennedy
Raymond Albert
Charles "Bucky" Harris
William Johnston
Andrew Jackson Kirksey (died)
John E. Maguire
Harold Marney (died)
Edgar Mauer
Patrick McMahon
George "Barney" Ross
Raymond Starkey
Leonard J. Thom
Gerald Zinser
PPS - There's a story in the news today that's reminiscent of JFK's PLUM PUDDING SWIM
Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~
email: orwelltoday@gmail.com
website: www.orwelltoday.com