The other day a reader wrote with a comment about JFK that I responded to with a question. The reader has not replied and so I assume he can't answer it. This inspires me to wonder if ANYONE can answer it and so I am asking for help on his behalf from Orwell Today readers. [Please don't respond with rumours, just fact].
To Orwell Today,
Thank you for your JFK website. President Kennedy had his faults, he was not a good husband – but as a public figure he was a good and dedicated patriot and might have achieved greatness. It is an odious thing that his killers, or the people who profited from his removal from the scene, continue to slander him 40 years after his death.
Geoffrey P
White Plains, New York
I responded:
Why do you say that President Kennedy wasn't a good husband? Did you ever see or hear him doing or saying anything to back up your claim?
Jackie Jura
Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~
website: www.orwelltoday.com & email: orwelltoday@orwelltoday.com
email: orwelltoday@gmail.com
website: www.orwelltoday.com