"The UN Zambian regiment reported horrifying stories,
shrieks of pain at night as
the Interahamwe set about killing and maiming
those who dared co-operate with the RPF."
~ Shaharyar Khan, UN-SRSG
To Orwell Today,
Dear Jura,
Stop joking about our beloved killed by the RPF.
Dead either Tutsi, Hutu, Whites, Blacks,,,, need respect from all of us.
Stop calling people genocidaires without even knowing them. Those are methods used by dictatures like the RPF one.
See the liberty that RPF gave to those innocent people in Kibeho:
Kibeho Internally Displaced Persons Camp
Darfour Peace Mission : Beyond Karenzi Karake....
Best regards,
Pierre Kamanzi
To Kamanzi,
That person named Gerard who wrote to me was obviously either a genocidaire or a genocidaire sympathiser - as obviously so are you (who I also do not know) - because you've both sent me that same Press Release from the "Intwari-Partnership CNA-Ubumwe FDLR-CMC PDN" group. The FDLR is a force made up of Hutu army and Interahamwe genocidaires who hate the RPF for stopping the genocide and forming the government in Rwanda. They have moved to the Congo where they have been carrying on the genocide of Tutsis all these years since 1994.
And I wasn't "joking" about anyone's "beloved" being killed in Kibeho. I was dead serious.
Some were Hutus and some were Tutsis and some were killed in the stampede caused by the chaos and some were killed by machete-weilding Hutu Army and Interahamwe members hiding inside the camp refusing to let the IDPs go and then using the international press to blame it all on the RPF.
But the UN's SRSG was there and he witnessed the whole thing and formed an International Commission to investigate the horror and that Commission laid blame on the Hutu Army and Interahamwe militia hiding inside the camp.
by Shaharyar M. Khan, 2000
Khan's tenure as the UN's Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) in Rwanda
began on Liberation Day, July 4th, 1994.
Khan witnessed the evacuation of the Kibeho IDP Camp
in April 1995.
Read the WITNESS KAGAME KIBEHO TRUTH article and then take up your argument with Shaharyar Khan.
Those photos you sent of Kibeho are shocking. I've scanned two of them at the top of the page for others in the world to see.
They remind me of the photos accompanying another article about UN's SRSG Shaharyar Khan. See RWANDA GENOCIDE HORROR and RWANDA SHALLOW GRAVES REVIEW.
That other press release you sent me in your second email seems to be from that original group in the Netherlands who first protested General Karake's appointment:
Inkingi Forces Démocratiques Unifiées
United Democratic Forces
Rijswijk Netherlands
Rwanda-Sudan : UN-AU hybrid force to Darfur will be headed by a Rwandan war criminal....
I won't print the thing on my website as this isn't a forum for genocidaire-type groups. The accusations it contains have all been discussed more than once here and elsewhere, and are fabrications in a similiar vein to those accusing the RPF of shooting down Habyarimana's plane and committing genocide against the Hutu, ie so-called "double-genocide".
~ Jackie Jura
Congo should resolve FDLR or accept help. New Times, Aug 27, 2007
The Democratic Republic of Congo is at its old tricks again, when its military decided to stop its offensive against the Democratic Liberation Forces of Rwanda (FDLR) rebels based on its territory. FDLR is a huge force that is composed of Rwanda's former army, and extremist Hutu militia who participated in 1994 Genocide massacres. These are elements who, despite the current government calls for them to come back home and face fair trial so that they get on with their lives, have shunned the opportunity and continue to unleash terror and murder on the host community. It is also alleged that the same group is spewing terror across Uganda as well (recent attacks in Kanungu district in Uganda that left a number of people dead were attributed to interahamwe militia hiding in Congo's forests). So the problem of the FDLR cannot be under-estimated in terms of destabilising the entire region. Having a massive, murderous gang should have been one of the DRC's priorities to sort out in its eastern part, so that its population there lives in peace, if not to hearken to a neighbour's calls for assistance in its extermination, just like Foreign Minister Charles Murigande charged. It became more than DRC's problem alone because the original and over-riding objective of the FDLR is ultimately Rwanda's destabilisation; that the Congolese are suffering now is merely part of the bigger equation. If regional countries stopped politicking and adhered to a clean and clear agenda of discouraging rebel activity within their respective borders, it would be a message to all potential rebel groups not to put too much confidence in forming rebel bases in neighbouring countries. Rwanda has offered soldiers to the DRC so that these brigands are flushed out. What well-meaning neighbour would turn down such an offer to clean up their backyard of vermin? Perhaps if the DRC is unwilling to contain the FDLR, and attacks and displacement of big numbers of people continues unabated, spilling over into the neighbouring countries, then indeed will the region get concerned enough to take positive action. Rwanda is a team player and would like this FDLR impasse resolved amicably.
Rwandan army dismisses accusations against officer. Afriquenligne, Aug 27, 2007
Kigali, Rwanda - The Rwandan army on Monday categorically dismissed in Kigali allegations that General Major Karenzi Karake took part in the massacres perpetrated in the refugee camps in Rwanda and DR Congo. Karenzi Karake, recently appointed as deputy commander of the UN-AU joint force in Darfur, is accused by the Democratic United Force (FDU -Inkingi), an association of Rwandans in Belgium, of ordering political assassinations and supervised the massacres in Rwanda, notably in the refugee camps of Kibeho (south) in 1995 and in eastern DRC in 1997. "It is a gratuitous allegation to tarnish the image of the Rwandan field officer and the Rwandan army, in general," Rwandan army spokesman, Major Rutaremara, said in a statement copied to PANA in Kigali, Monday. "The allegation that General Karake took part in the massacres perpetrated in the refugee camps is a pure defamatory lie, because the Rwandan officer's name has never been mentioned in those murders in a report issued by an international commission on the 1995 tragedies." "Saying that the Rwandan field officer commanded the massacres in the DR Congo refugee camps would be a means to conceal the reasons, which led the Rwandan army to invade the DR Congo to fight the forces behind the genocide," Major Rutaremara said in the statement. "All those allegations are part of strategies adopted recently by the forces behind the genocide, which have been seeking at any cost to undermine the efforts toward the return of peace in the sub-region and in Darfur, in particular," the spokesman told PANA in Kigali. Rwanda has about 3,000 military and policemen in the AU Peacekeeping Mission in Darfur (AMIS).
Rwandan UN Darfur-head war criminal? (opposition accuses for Kibeho assault) & Malicious attack on General baseless (Commission on Kibeho proves it). AllAfrica, Aug 15, 2007
The United Democratic Force-Inkingi (UDF-Inkingi), an amalgamation of extremist genocidaires, made wild and unfounded allegations against Major General Karenzi Karake and indeed against the Government of Rwanda. The allegations were made soon after the appointment of Major General Karenzi by the African Union and the United Nations to the post of Deputy Joint Force Commander of the AU-UN Hybrid force (UNAMID) to be deployed in the Darfur region of the Sudan. The UDF-Inkingi alleged that Major General Karenzi was involved in Kibeho incident in 1995 during which time 8000 people are said to have been killed. This allegation is baseless as is clearly documented in the report by the International commission of inquiry of 3rd May 1995 on the incident. The names of Major General Karenzi do not feature anywhere in the report. The findings of the report on the other hand clearly absolve the RDF, then RPA. The allegation that General Karake "supervised the mass killings of civilian refugees in the DR Congo" is farfetched. Rwanda's entry into the DRC was clearly in pursuit of the ex-FAR/Interahamwe militias whose genocidal agenda remains very much alive to date. Contrary to the alleged mass killings of civilian refugees, the RDF operations in the DRC helped free and repatriate over two million Rwandese that had been held hostage by ex-FAR/Interahamwe whose genocide ideology the UDF-Inkingi continues to propagate. The UDF's allegation that Major General Karake "masterminded the assassination of numerous politicians" at a time when he was the RPA's Chief liaison officer to the Organisation of African Unity's Neutral Military Observer Group (NMOG) in Rwanda and to the United Nations Assistance Mission in Rwanda (UNAMIR) is mere fabrication. It is a well known fact that the deaths of several politicians from the opposition, who had been consistently accused and condemned as being RPF allies, by the hate media and the then government, was masterminded by the extremist government of the day in order to muzzle the opposition, derail the peace process and lay foundation for the genocide against the people of Rwanda. Many of the remnants of this extremist regime are today with the UDF-Inkingi. In view of the above therefore, the allegations made by the UDF-Inkingi and its timing can only be construed as a desperate attempt by the genocidaires organisation to tarnish Rwanda's image and to derail efforts at stabilising peace in the Sudan. Such unfounded allegations should be treated with the contempt they deserve.
Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~
email: orwelltoday@gmail.com
website: www.orwelltoday.com