JFK Inaugural
JFK delivering his Inaugural Address
(breathing life into the world)
January 20, 1961


To Orwell Today,
re: previous discussion

Hi Jackie,

I find it very moving that your two heroes are President John F kennedy and his brother Robert Kennedy. I would like to thank you for the beautiful photograph of them both together that you included in your response to my earlier email on your website.

My father and mother also thought highly of them (Kennedys) not only because they were of irish descent but because they were open and honest men who truly cared and challenged injustice in whatever form that it would manifest itself and dared to try to make things better.

We all felt the pain and anguish at their assassinations (murders) and untimely demise knowing that the work that they had started was left incomplete.

As a six year old child, I remember watching on black and white TV the inauguration of President John F Kennedy with his candid openness and honesty. I was struck with awe. When he spoke it was as if what he said came from a higher power (God) and not that of the U.S.A. Just everything about him made it possible to believe that the impossible was possible. There was just something special about him.

I can only say that if he were alive today I would want to listen to his every word and I know that he would find a solution to the awful mess which is now engulfing Iraq and eventually will engulf the rest of the world unless the will of good men prevails.

Something special I would like to share with you. On the night of 13th Feb 1968 my mum had a dream. She was in the presence of an open field where President John Kennedy and Robert Kennedy were giving a talk. My mum had only just arrived. They were elevated on a platform. Both were wearing black suits. After they finished speaking my mum was still awaiting anything further they might wish to add. They said, looking directly towards my mum, "you have all the answers". This dream my mum said was very vivid, in fact not quite like a dream.

My Mother passed away seven years ago after a short illness. I did not know then what it meant ("you have all the answers") but I know now. My freedom of always being able to question things until I get a satisfactory answer. My understanding of the mark of the beast 666 (the barcode) is when cash has gone and every individual will be called up to receive the microchip implant for buying and selling and be forced to worship the beast. And in my understanding it is the New World Order whose power is to take away the freedom of the individual, especially those whose thoughts are not subservient to the system of the antichrist. Jackie I will conclude with these words of encouragement Romans 8:31, "If God be for us, who can stand against us."

Kindest regards,

Greetings Paul,

When your mother had that dream it was four months before Bobby's assassination on June 5, 1968 and so it was prescient of his death. She saw him with JFK, and both were dressed in black. It also has similarities to the surroundings and attire of Lincoln delivering the Gettysburg Address, standing on a platform in an open field (a battle field with thousands dead). The message your mother passed on from them is really what it's all about. Thank God He sent us Lincoln and JFK and Bobby for "one brief and shining moment" so we could witness goodness and thus have faith in its existence.

I also derived much of my love and respect for JFK from my mother who passed it on to me. I was thirteen in November 1963 and was at school, Grade 8, when someone's mother knocked on the classroom door and told the teacher President Kennedy had been shot in Dallas, and she then told us. Class was dismissed and we all went outside and wandered around in a daze waiting for the bus to pick us up.

When I got home my mother was in front of the television and that is where she and I sat for the next four days (including brothers and sisters who would come and go). We both cried and cried and cried. And during the following years, until her death in 1996, my mother and I often talked about JFK and books and articles and pictures.

Thanks for those wonderful words of encouragement. It is true. If God be for us, none can stand against us.

I'm so glad you like the photograph, which has inspired me to go and find another one - this time a rare view of the Inaugural.

All the best,
Jackie Jura

JFK'S INAUGURAL ADDRESS and SPEECHES OF JOHN F KENNEDY (audio and video), JFK Library & Museum

Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~

email: orwelltoday@gmail.com
website: www.orwelltoday.com