Trudeau Brezhnev
"...and then the peasants, suffering from rising unemployment
coupled with higher prices and unfair taxes...revolted..."

(Russia's Communist leader Brezhnev to Trudeau ~ 1971)


Trudeau Finger
Trudeau, travelling in private rail car, giving unemployed Canadians "the finger" ~ 1982
(had told previous protestors to "mange le merde" = "eat shit";
and to opposition members in the House of Commons he'd said
"fuck off", then pretended later to have said "fuddle duddle")

To Orwell Today,

I have often wondered about the defection of Gouzenko and to what degree the person I knew of while I served in the US Navy (Lt jg) in 1946 in Key West Florida was also a part of the espionage group.

I was having breakfast with a navy Commander who nonchalantly told me "Well they picked up such and such yesterday...". I couldn't believe this because he had access to everything we were doing.

A year later, after discharge from the Navy I went on duty to earn my retirement points. I was on duty serving with the group I had previously served with, I asked about the aforementioned person and was told nothing came of the incident and that he was teaching in some small college.

I did not know about the Gouzenko situation until I saw the movie with Dana Andrews, who played the part of Gouzenko.

I have often wondered about this person, whether he was also involved with the communists.

-Wellington Koepsel

Greetings Wellington,

That's interesting about your serving alongside a suspected Communist spy who apparently got away with it and became a college teacher. That's where alot of them ended up - including at McGill university in Canada where nuclear experiments were being conducted. Gouzenko's information led to the arrest of some of them.

Most Canadians of my generation - baby-boomers who were born after WWII, ie 1945 onward - know very little about Communism or the history of its takeover of Russia, China and Eastern Europe and its plans for world domination, including the takeover of America. That's because it isn't taught in school or dramatised in movies. As far as most North Americans know, Stalin was a good guy - afterall, we were on his side during WWII. Communism's leaders - Marx, Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, Mao etc - never make headlines. Instead it's Hitler in all the movies who's portrayed as the world's greatest enemy - even to this day, 60 years after he lost the war - a war he was fighting against Communism's takeover of Germany.

Hollywood movies are "all Hitler, all the time", ie ...VALKYRIE, THE NIGHT OF THE GENERALS, DOWNFALL... and INGLOURIOUS BASTERDS (Hollywood's Jewish Avengers....The two-and-a-half-hour film shows Jewish characters beating Nazis, scalping Nazis, burning Nazis, and carving swastikas into the foreheads of Nazis...)

Actually, Canadians are so naive about Communism that they even tolerate the erection, in our midst, of statues honouring their brutal tyrants. See CANADA COMMIE LENIN-MAO STATUE & GOLDSTEIN CONSPIRACY IN 1984.

However, out of the blue this past summer, the head of Canada's intelligence agency, CSIS, went on national television warning that Canadian politicians were under the influence of Communist government agents and rubber-stamping deals for our resources. But instead of his 'intelligence' being acted upon, the spy-catcher was hauled before a parliamentary committee and demands were made for his resignation. Since then he hasn't been seen or heard in public. See CHINA IN CANADA SAYS SPY CHIEF

Gouzenko must be turning in his grave about what's happening to his adoptive country, Canada.

Until you mentioned it I wasn't aware that there'd been a movie made about Gouzenko, but I did a search and found a review (and subsequently ordered the DVD scanned below):


THE IRON CURTAIN is a 1948 black-and-white thriller film starring Dana Andrews and Gene Tierney. The film was supposedly based on the memoirs of Igor Gouzenko. The film was directed by William Wellman with photography done on location in Ottawa, Canada by Charles G. Clarke. The film was later re-released as Behind the Iron Curtain...)

The Gouzenko case was in the news recently regarding a new book that's just come out reinforcing the important role Gouzenko played in exposing some of the most dangerous Communist agents ever, including, indirectly, Philby, head of England's spy-agency, MI6.

Spy MI6 Bk

Spy Philby/Gouzenko
Spanking new stuff on Soviet spy story
by Randy Boswell, National Post, Oct 1, 2010

A new book has shed fresh light on Canada's most famous spy case -- the 1945 defection of Soviet embassy employee Igor Gouzenko -- and the clandestine efforts by notorious British double-agent Kim Philby to manipulate events in Ottawa and London to Moscow's advantage. Queen's University Belfast historian Keith Jeffery, author of The Secret History of MI6: 1909-1949, says classified documents that only he was authorized to see show the traitorous Philby issuing memos at British foreign intelligence headquarters, MI6, with a "cautious and soothing tone" -- a strategy designed to play down the significance of what were, in fact, sensational revelations from Gouzenko about the existence of a Soviet spy ring in North America.

Gouzenko, a cipher clerk at the Soviet embassy in Ottawa, defected in September 1945, with about 100 telegrams and other classified documents he had snatched from a consular safe, exposing an extensive espionage network -- including scientists, bureaucrats and even the Montreal-area socialist MP Fred Rose -- operating in North America and Britain at the end of the Second World War. Among the secret dispatches stolen by Gouzenko were several that revealed the August 1945 handover of experimental uranium samples to Soviet agents in Montreal by Alan Nunn May, a British nuclear scientist working in Canada. Gouzenko's revelations about May, later dubbed the "Atom Spy," stunned political leaders in Canada, Britain and the United States.

Secret papers declassified in 2007 through the U.K. National Archives and others published last year in historian Christopher Andrew's official history of MI5 -- Britain's domestic spy agency -- have previously documented some of Philby's efforts to stymie the Gouzenko investigation. But Mr. Jeffery told Postmedia News that the secret MI6 files he probed contained "spanking new stuff" that showed how Philby was exploiting his position as head of counter-intelligence at MI6 to restrict information flows in London and to thwart Canadian, British and U.S. officials who were trying to understand the scope of Gouzenko's disclosures. "It would appear" that Gouzenko's information is "genuine though not necessarily accurate in all details," Philby notes in one memo unearthed by Mr. Jeffery.

And when Canadian and British intelligence officials made arrangements to arrest Nunn May at a meeting he had scheduled with his Soviet handler in London, Philby asserts in a report that "other members of the [Soviet spy] network will have been warned" of Gouzenko's defection, and predicts that the expected rendezvous "between [Nunn] May and the Soviet agent in the U.K. will fail to materialize." Nunn May was eventually charged and convicted of passing official secrets to the Soviets. He was sentenced to 10 years hard labour, but served only six before his release in 1952. He died in Britain in 2003. Philby was not exposed as a double agent until 1963, when he escaped to the Soviet Union. He was "absolutely trusted" in Western intelligence circles until that time, Mr. Jeffery said.

end quoting Spanking New Stuff on Soviet Spy Story article

After reading the above news article - and then receiving your email - I did some further research on Gouzenko, to add to the existing SOVIET DEFECTOR IGOR GOUZENKO article on my ORWELL TODAY website.

Gouzenko Bk

I wasn't familiar with the names of most of the 39 Canadian Communist agents Gouzenko exposed and was surprised to discover that one of them, Fred Rose, was actually a Member of Parliament. Further research shows that he, and some of the other spies, had connections to Pierre Trudeau, a suspected Communist who became Canada's longest-reigning Prime Minister - from 1968 to 1984 (Orwellianly he took us into "1984", literally and figuratively).

For example, Trudeau was connected to convicted Communist Fred Rose through another spy Gouzenko outed, a Raymond Boyer, who wrote for Trudeau's 1950s french-language magazine Cite Libre, along with a Pierre Galinis who was a member of Canada's Communist Party and the actual head of its Propaganda Deparment in Quebec. In 1968, when Trudeau became Prime Minister, he created a federal propaganda agency named INFORMATION CANADA and put at its head a known Communist from Quebec, ie a Jean-Louis Gagnon.

Trudeau is on the record being pro-Communist China, pro-Communist Russia, pro-Communist Cuba, pro-French, pro-native Indian, pro-multiculturalism and anti-everything English and American. See CANADA'S RED TRUDEAU & CANADA'S KISSINGER & TRUDEAU

Igor Gouzenko is credited with starting the so-called "Cold War" with his exposure of Communist agents in Canada, United States and Britain in 1945. Prior to then the so-called "free world" was on good terms with the Communists, which seems strange, but it's true. See ORWELL COINED COLD WAR & ORWELL'S CRYPTO-COMMIE LIST & ORWELL DIED & HISS JAILED & ORWELL NOT A COMMIE, DUH & ORWELL'S PUBLISHING PROBLEMS

Below are links to some interesting articles and scans and excerpts from some books I own pertaining to Gouzenko, Trudeau and "the secret world of the spy". At the top of the page I've scanned a couple of cartoons that express Trudeau's Communist affiliations and his disdain toward the Canadian people he led (make that misled) for sixteen years.

All the best,
Jackie Jura, 2010

by Rick Glasel, Gopher Hole

...There was an immediate and sustained effort for decades to discredit Gouzenko, by accusing him of being an ugly, illiterate alcoholic who was just trying to get money from the Canadian government in return for intelligence of little value. Both Igor and his wife, Svetlana, spent years fighting this smear campaign, and in 1987, Svetlana not only revealed her own face in a CBC interview, but she displayed pictures of Igor, to show what he really looked like....

Senator Joseph McCarthy is a modern day villain for going after public figures and accusing them of being Communists in the 1950's. However, the Soviet Union made great use of Communist sympathizers for espionage and propaganda purposes during the Cold War, for the express purpose of defeating Western nations like Canada, the United States and Great Britian. Just because nuclear Armageddon was avoided, and the Soviet Union collapsed on its own, does not negate the serious threat of Soviet espionage and propaganda from the time that Stalin came to power to the fall of the Berlin Wall. Igor Gouzenko's defection was a turning point in the Cold War, by revealing the Soviet Union to be a terribly dangerous enemy, and his contribution to Canada and other Western nations cannot be overstated. The Soviet Union relied on espionage to get the technology to build nuclear weapons, and it relied on the propaganda activities of sympathizers in Western nations to weaken the resolve of their governments to counter Soviet aggression....See JFK DEFENDS PATRIOT MCCARTHY

end quoting from Gouzenko Face Behind Hood article

watch live television & radio coverage produced by
Canada Broadcasting Corporation (CBC)

--- A MOLE IN MI5, Broadcast Date: March 29, 1981 (In 1981 a spy scandal breaks in Britain's Security Service, MI5 (British Counter-Intelligence). A new book suggests that Sir Roger Hollis, a high-ranking MI5 agent who interrogated Igor Gouzenko back in 1945, was actually a Soviet mole at the time. Upon seeing transcripts of his conversations with Hollis, Gouzenko is shocked to find they are full of inaccuracies that undermine his testimony. Gouzenko describes his suspicions of Hollis and wonders what other damage the agent has done...)

--- GOUZENKO TESTIMONY FINALLY RELEASED, Broadcast Date: Oct. 15, 1981 (After 36 years of secrecy, Igor Gouzenko's testimony before the Kellock-Taschereau Royal Commission of 1946 is made public. The testimony fills 6,000 pages and reveals details of a spy network operating in Canada. But a new NFB-CBC documentary compares the handling of the Gouzenko affair by the RCMP and the Mackenzie King government to a comic opera, full of bungling, mistakes and misunderstanding...."King didn't want to upset the Russians"...)

--- IGOR GOUZENKO DIES AT 63, Broadcast Date: June 29, 1982 (Igor Gouzenko dies at age 63. He lived the rest of his days under an assumed identity with his family at their home near Toronto. A CBC producer who knew Gouzenko well says he was an intelligent, generous man who (aside from his media interviews) did not always wear a bag on his head. He and his wife were profoundly moved by the quality of life they enjoyed in Canada...)

--- FRED ROSE OBITUARY, Broadcast Date: March 19, 1983 (Fred Rose, the Canadian communist MP unmasked by Gouzenko as a Soviet spy, died this week in voluntary exile in Warsaw...."He had that Jewish immigrant jive"...)

--- CHANGING THE GUARD, Broadcast Date: June 22, 1983 (In 1983, espionage is as big a problem as ever: 70 foreign officials, mostly Soviets, have been expelled from Canada for spying since the Gouzenko affair. The RCMP has been in charge of Canada's spy business since Gouzenko. Now a civilian agency, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service, is being created to deal with espionage, terrorism and subversion. But CSIS isn't ready, and Canada is in a particularly vulnerable period "between red coats and trench coats."...)

--- SOME GOUZENKO EXHIBITS RELEASED, Broadcast Date: Jan. 7, 1985 (The Canadian government releases 580 formerly secret documents relating to the Gouzenko affair, but holds back more than 100 others in whole or part...)

--- MRS GOUZENKO SHOWS HER FACE, Broadcast Date: Oct. 19, 1987 (Svetlana Gouzenko gives her first interview, critcizing the RCMP and revealing a portrait of her late husband to show that he was handsome...)

--- LIFE IN THE SHADOWS, Broadcast Date: May 3, 1996 (Igor Gouzenko's wife Svetlana, still hiding her identity, says her family has lived in fear for 50 years. After her husband's defection, her family in Russia ended up either in the Gulag or in front of a firing squad and, in Canada, there were several attempts on Igor Gouzenko's life. The Gouzenko family is forever cautious around strangers....The Gouzenkos were tried in absentia in Russia and sentenced to death. Svetlana Gouzenko says her mother-in-law [Gouzenko's mother] died under interrogation in Russia, and her father, mother and sister were arrested and disappeared...)

end quoting from TV coverage of The Gouzenko Affair


TrudeauPg33 TrudeauPg34 TrudeauPg35

cartoons by Roy Peterson; introduction by Peter Newman

Pierre Elliott Trudeau appeared out of nowhere.... He was the product of a crammed, precisely plotted education... He entered active politics at the age of forty-six....Trudeau travelled the world in solitary quest to taste new cultures and languages. The exact chronology of that time is unclear....His known ports of call included Belgrade, Vienna, Budapest, Istanbul, Warsaw, much of the Middle East, India and Pakistan. He was expelled from Yugoslavia as an Israeli spy and penetrated Palestine aboard a truck of renegade Arabs, just before Partition in 1948. Trudeau returned to Canada in 1949....joined the Privy Council office in Ottawa, under Louis St Laurent...Most French Canadians at that time occupied token positions within the fedreal bureaucracy and French was used mainly be elevator operators and maitre d's....During the 1950s, Trudeau founded the intellectual review Cite Libre, and resumed his globe-trotting. Once again, his Montreal publishing activities and travels would be retroactively condemned by critics....

* The Charge & Facts: editor of Cite Libre he featured works of Professor Raymond Boyer (convicted of Soviet espionage in the Gouzenko case)....; and Pierre Gelinas, the Quebec director of the Communist Party's agitation and propaganda section.... Raymond Boyer did contribute two articles to Cite Libre -- in December 1952 and May 1955, one dealing with a study of the death penalty...and another with a history of torture through the ages; as well, he wrote some literary reviews....The Gelinas article was published in 1952 as part of a review of a recent provincial election campaign in which he described Communist Party involvement.

* The Charge & Facts: ...In 1952 Trudeau [joined] a delegation of Communists to the International Economic Conference in Moscow... He caused a minor riot in Moscow's Red Square when he started to heave snowballs at the then-hallowed statue of Joseph Stalin....

* The Charge & Facts: ...In 1960 Trudeau [joined] a Communist delegation to Peking for a Red victory the company of Jacques Hebert, the Montreal publisher. The story of their journey was published in a benign travel book, Deux Innocens en Chine Rouge [Two Innocents in Red China]...

* The Charge & Facts: ...In 1952 Trudeau was barred entry into the United States as an inadmissable person....Under USA immigration regulation, all individuals who had travelled behind the Iron Curtain later than 1946 were barred entry....

During the mid-1950s, Trudeau's Cite Libre became an important agent in rallying intellectual dissent....He also founded a pseudo-political movement named Le Rassemblement....

end quoting from Drawn-Quartered: Trudeau Years


TrudeauZink44/45 TrudeauZink46/47 TrudeauZink48/49

by Lubor J. Zink

...One of the questions was this: "What society would you choose to make Canada? Socialist or capitalist?" This was Mr Trudeau's answer: "Labour Party socialist -- or Cuban socialism or Chinese socialism -- socialism from each according to his means." And then the questioner said: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs (i.e., the Marxist formula). Would you support that?" The Prime Minister [Trudeau] said: "Yes, in theory but not entirely in practice....But if you ask me if it is an ideal, a beacon, something which the world should have, yes I think it is"....The quotation does not need any elaborate analysis. It confirms what perceptive students of Mr Trudeau's writings have been saying, namely that his ideal of social organization is some form of Marxist "socialsim" [make that communism~jj] and that his views have not changed since he joined the Liberal Party and became our Prime Minister...

Under the Soviet system, people who dare voice criticism of their government are declared inssane and put into lunatic asylums where their minds are methodically destroyed. Under the Trudeau regime Government critics are labelled stupid nobodies by the Prime Minister and treated with derision....Both regimes believe that they are all-knowing and infallible. In the Soviet case this is an institutionalized certainty -- hence no opposition of any kind is tolerated to what is presented as the ultimate and absolute verities of "scientific socialism". In the case of the Trudeaucrats it's mainly intellectual conceit which does not yet have an institutionalized form, though attempts to devise a suitable machinery for its application are discernible all over the place. While he may not seek to simply eliminate all oppositon groups by force as Lenin, May Tse-tung and Castro have done, Mr Trudeau is doing his best to emasculate their function and discredit them by contemptuous ridicule....His Government rammed through changes which gag the opposition and gradually transform Parliament into a rubber stamp of the executive....

Trudeau never had much use for the press -- except for the period when he himself used the printed word for instructing the "socialists" how to make headway in Canada under another label, and for the few months last year when the Trudeaumaniacs in the media did their mesmerized best to catapult him from obscuurity to the highest office in the land. But that's all in the past. Mr Trudeau no longer needs the media. In fact, increasingly critical of their own creaton, they have become a bit of a nuisance; a pesky fly in the intoxicating ointment of power.

April 1 -- All Fool's Day in Canada should be renamed Information Canada Day to mark the operational launching of the Federal Government's new information agency. Proposed by a special task force last November, the creation of Information Canada was announced by Prime Minister Trudeau on Feb 10, 1968 amid Opposition cries that the Government was establishing a ministry of propaganda....

From the moment the announcement of Mr Jean-Louis Gagnon's appointment to the directorship of Information Canada was made last month, spokesmen for the opposition parties have been voicing concern over the record of partisanship in Mr Gagnon's political past. They had been wondering out loud if a man who once headed the propaganda and publicity committee of the federal Liberal Party in Quebec was the right person for the highly sensitive top postition in the new controversial Federal agency....Mr Gagnon's political past had been questioned in the Commons once before. In 1956....the then Prime Minister St Laurent was asked if he was aware that "Jean-Louis Gagnon, who has been closely associated with (Soviet spy) Fred Rose and other well-known Canadian Communist leaders, is presently one of the main publicity agents of the Liberal Party in the Province of Quebec..." (Hansard for May 30, 1956, Page 4461). Mr St Laurent refused to comment....This time [1968] Mr Gagnon's appointment to the directorship of Information Canada, which is a Federal agency financed by the taxpayers, is not an internal party matter. Prime Minister Trudeau cannot therefore brush off quesitons about Mr Gagnon's background as irrelevant without enhancing suspicions that there may be something to hide...

end quoting from Trudeauocracy

Spy Bk Cover

Spy Pg 10 Spycatcher Cover Spy Pg 30

by Will Fowler

The forces that have motivated spies...are often complex and diverse. They may serve willingly, through pressure or coercion, for financial gain, out of religious or political conviction, or simply as a career intelligence operator. But whatever the motivation, the controlling power sees the agent primarily as a source of information and as such, the asset will be classified from A to D - an A-grade source being a very highly placed politician or servicemen with access to top-secret information, and a D-grade an unreliable or minor source. The information is in turn rated from 1 to 10, and by linking this alpha-numerical coding, a simple classification is produced....Ironically, an uncontrolled source may be of greater value than an elaborately recruited or trained source. Sometimes known as a "defector in place", they may be disenchanted with their government or country, or merely their employer, and if they leave or defect, there is immediate value in their debriefing. Though foreign intelligence operators may be able to give a guide to the workings of their espionage organizations and identify hostile agents at work in the host country, who are often apparently humble engineers and technicians, diplomats may have greater intelligence value for the insights they give into their country....Most really good spies are walk-ins....By and large our best agents were the agents who recruited themselves, and who finally made contact and produced their information....

The core requirement for recruiting a man or woman for a career in intelligence work with a government agency, is to ensure that they are reliable and will not disclose, either by accident or under duress, information about their work or the operations they are involved in. At a very early stage the recruit will be interviewed and their background assessed -- language or communication skills are obviously attractive, as is a knowledge of the world - both social and geographical.... The agents may find themselves operating in an overseas embassy with a cover or alias as a commercial or press attache, and so they will need to be able to mix at social and business functions and be convincing. The ability to be a social chameleon means that a very striking man or woman may be at a disadvantage. The "gray man" who blends unnoticed into a crowd can be posted to different embassies around the world wihtout attracting attention, and can attend functions or meetings without being noticed. The role of army, navy, or air defense attache at an overseas embassy is normally held by an officer who has both intelligence training and good linguistic skills. The men in this position have some difficulty remaining "gray," but can still develop uncontrolled sources in the defense and media community.

Uncontrolled sources which proved valuable to the KGB and other Warsaw Pact agencies, but which almost overwhemled them by their volume, were publicly available TV and radio programs, as well as books and articles in magazines and newspaper....Peter Wright, a former Assistant Director of Biritsh Military Intelligence Department Five, bettter known as MI5, which deals with counterespionage and internal subversion in the United Kingdom, wrote an autobiography in 1988 called, Spycatcher to highlight the threat of Soviet penetration of British society, and the security services. The British government attempted to suppress the book, but legal actions only served to give it more publicity, and with it the shadowy world of MI5 in the early 1970s....

The purpose behind vetting is to establish whether the potential recruit has any areas of weakness that might be exploited by a hostile organization to backmail or pressurize the agent in some way. The priorities of vetting can be summarized under the heading MICE - Money, Ideology, Compromise, and Ego - all of which are areas that can be exploited either in recruitng agents or penetrating a hostile intelligence network. Vetting also extends to any personnel who have access to secret or confidential material that may be targeted by hostile agencies....

end quoting from Secret World of the Spy

Raymond Boyer was born to a wealthy family in the early 1900s in Montréal, Québec. He completed a Bachelor of Science in 1930 and a PhD (organic chemistry) in 1935; after some work abroad, Boyer returned to Canada where he joined the Montreal branch of the Canadian Civil Liberties Union and became president of the Canadian Association of Scientific Workers. He was a professor at McGill university when he was detained in 1946. Boyer was recruited by Fred Rose and was accused of passing on information to the Soviets (through Rose) about an explosive called RDX which he was helping develop for the National Research Council.

Canada The Dominion: Farewell Appearance?, Time Magazine, Mar 31, 1947
Igor Gouzenko, the Russian who ripped the veil from Soviet espionage in Canada, made last week what might be his final public appearance under his own name. The occasion was the trial in Montreal of Dr. Raymond Boyer, onetime Government explosives expert who is charged with conspiring to give secret information to Russia. While seven Mounties guarded the courtroom, Gouzenko testified briefly that Boyer's name had been on the list of Canadians who were helping the Russians. Then, his job done, he turned in the witness box, bowed to the Bench, walked to a door at the rear of the court and stepped out of the limelight to live in hiding under a different name. Only if the police caught two spy suspects who are still at large, needed him for testifying, would Igor Gouzenko make a brief appearance again.

Eighteen months have elapsed since the young (28) cipher clerk, fed up with Communism, stuffed 100-odd secret documents inside his shirt and walked out of the Russian Embassy in Ottawa. It took him 36 frantic hours to persuade anyone to listen to his shocking story — that a handful of traitorous Canadians had sent to Moscow information of the greatest importance about radar as well as samples of precious uranium 235 from which the atom bomb is made. Since then Igor Gouzenko has been the most closely guarded man in Canada. His testimony has resulted in ten convictions (Boyer's trial is the last of those arrested)....

Spycatcher Cover

Sir Percy Sillitoe of MI5 (...Peter Wright, scientist and a former intelligence officer, published Spycatcher, which became an international best seller. Among other revelations, Wright charged Sir Roger Hollis (1905-1973), Head of MI5 from 1956 to 1965, with being a Soviet mole. Wright's accusation was not without foundation... There was the case of Hollis's inexplicable trip to Canada to interview Igor Gouzenko (1919-1982), the cypher clerk who defected to the west from the Soviet Embassy, Ottawa, with numerous documents dealing with Soviet espionage. In conversation with Mrs Svetlana Gouzenko in 1985, at the Royal Canadian Military Institute, Toronto, (which she insisted on leaving for more neutral territory out of fear of being bugged), she mentioned her husband's meeting with Hollis at Camp X. This was the secret place to which the Gouzenko family had been moved for safety. [Sir William Stephenson (1897-1989) set up Camp X during the Second World War near Oshawa, east of Toronto, to train espionage agents.] Mrs Gouzenko was dismissive of MI5 in volunteering the surprising information that Hollis had visited Camp X to take MI5's turn interviewing her husband. According to her, the meeting with Hollis lasted no more than ten minutes. Hollis asked how the family was being treated and were they comfortable. He talked about the weather and their quarters, but asked nothing about the cypher clerk's work, his associates or of the many Canadians identified in the papers removed from the Soviet Embassy. Satisfied, or apparently so, Hollis took his leave, returned to London and the Gouzenko's heard no more from British Security. Admittedly, this hearsay evidence is slight, but Mrs Gouzenko volunteered it without prompting. This instance together with reports of Hollis's questionable behaviour in other areas does not strike one of intelligence efficiency. To the contrary, they lend credibility to Wright's charges...

Ramifications of the Gouzenko's defection, Wikipedia
...When word got out in the media (February, 1946) that Soviets operated a spy network in Canada in which Canadians gave classified information to the Soviet government it created a great stir.... Canada played an important part in the early research with nuclear bomb technology and that kind of vital information could be dangerous in the hands of other nations. Gouzenko's defection "ushered in the modern era of Canadian security intelligence". The evidence provided by Gouzenko led to the arrest in Canada of a total of 39 suspects, of whom 18 were eventually convicted, including Fred Rose, the only Communist Member of Parliament in the Canadian House of Commons and Sam Carr, the Communist Party's national organizer. On the basis of Gouzenko papers, scientist Raymond Boyer was also arrested and found guilty of conspiracy for passing information to the Soviets. Rose's, Carr's and Boyer's defences failed and they all received jail sentences. These three accused justified their dealing with the Soviets as helping the anti-Nazi cause movement but that defence fell on deaf ears. Only half of those arrested and accused were found guilty, of lesser charges.

All this left the Canadian public with a great unease. A Royal Commission of Inquiry to investigate espionage, headed by Justice Robert Taschereau and Justice Roy Kellock, was conducted into the Gouzenko Affair and his evidence of a Soviet spy ring in Canada. It also alerted other countries around the world, such as the United States and the United Kingdom, that Soviet agents had almost certainly infiltrated their nations as well. Gouzenko provided many vital leads which assisted greatly with ongoing espionage investigations in Britain and North America. His testimony is believed to have been vital in the successful prosecution of Klaus Fuchs, the German communist physicist who emigrated to Britain and who later stole atomic secrets for the Soviets. Fuchs spent some time at the Chalk River Laboratories, northwest of Ottawa, where atomic research had been underway since the early 1940s. Gouzenko's information also likely helped in the investigation of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg in the U.S. Gouzenko, being a cipher clerk by profession, likely also assisted with the Venona investigation, which probed Soviet codes and which eventually led to the discovery of vital Soviet spies such as Donald Maclean, Guy Burgess, Kim Philby, Anthony Blunt, and John Cairncross (the so-called Cambridge Five), as well as Alan Nunn May....

Phily Bandage Kim Philby in Spain During Civil War (...As a correspondent for the London Times, Kim Philby covered the Spanish War from 1937-1939. During the last day of 1937, Philby and a convoy of foreign journalists stopped in Caude, a few miles from Teruel, where the car they were huddled in was hit by a shell. Stunned, Philby had a cut on his forehead and wrist, but was otherwise unhurt. Here, a bandaged Philby (right) talks with his companions in Caude. On March 2, 1938, Franco personally awarded Philby Spain's Red Cross of Military Merit. Philby's alleged Fascist sympathies was but part of his plot to blot out the fact that he was a member of the Communist Party as a student of Cambridge....

ORWELL HOMAGE TO CATALONIA (...published in 1938, when he was thirty-five years old, is Orwell's sixth book. It was written after his return from the Spanish Civil War where he'd gone to join the workers' revolution. The politics of it all got very complicated but the bottom line is that the Socialists were betrayed by the Communists who joined the Fascists. In the end Orwell had to make a run for the border to escape prison and execution on Stalin's orders. It was a turning point in his life...). See WHY ORWELL WROTE 1984

Philby, Kim, New World Encyclopedia (born 1912, British India; died 1988, Moscow, USSR - Harold Adrian Russell "Kim" Philby was a high-ranking member of British intelligence and also a spy for the Soviet Union, serving as an NKVD and KGB operative and passed many crucial secrets to the Soviets in the early days of the Cold War... Kim Philby and his associates did severe damage to British and U.S. efforts in the early stages of the Cold War. He gave the Soviets information that they used to kill Western intelligence agents, withdraw their own agents who were in danger of exposure, and prevent defectors from coming to the West. He provided vital national security secrets regarding the state of the U.S. atomic weapons program, which encouraged Stalin to blockade Berlin and arm Kim Il Sung with weapons to launch the Korean War. The most highly-placed foreign spy ever known to penetrate the Western intelligence agencies, he was a master of deception, and one of the most effective spies in history. Yet, he ended his life not as a hero of the Soviet Union for which he had sacrificed so much of his life and his integrity, but as a depressed alcoholic who was still very much an Englishman at heart. Only posthumously did he receive from the Soviets the public praise and appreciation which had escaped him in life. He was awarded a hero's funeral and numerous posthumous medals by the USSR....

OZ PM SPIED FOR CHINA (...Beginning with his school and student days, it describes how the young Harold Holt's character betrayed early signs of weakness, which, coupled with a strong appetite for luxury and glamour, perhaps led him naturally into a life of deception, and there is a detailed description of how he was recruited as a spy from among Australia's student elite in Melbourne in the same era when Soviet agents were ensnaring the infamous British spies like Philby. According to this account, Holt proceeded over the next thirty years to send intelligence abroad about Australia's domestic and foreign policies and those of her allies - up to and including the time when he was prime minister...)

Pierre Trudeau, Wikipedia (...Trudeau was interested in Marxist ideas in the 1940s and his Harvard dissertation was on the topic of Communism and Christianity....Trudeau found himself an outsider - a French Catholic living for the first time outside of Quebec in the predominantly Protestant American Harvard University. This isolation deepened finally into despair and led to his decision to continue his Harvard studies abroad. In 1947 he travelled to Paris to continue his dissertation work. Over a five week period he attended many lectures and became a follower of personalism after being influenced most notably by Emmanuel Mounier. The Harvard dissertation remained undone when Trudeau entered a doctoral program to study under the renowned socialist economist Harold Laski in the London School of Economics. This cemented Trudeau's belief that Keynesian economics and social science were essential to the creation of the "good life" in democratic society....

Igor's Choice, Canadian Encyclopedia (...Gouzenko’s autobiography This Was My Choice details Russian life under Stalin. The conditions young Igor faced are unfathomable to most Canadians. Deprivation and poverty took its toll on the Soviet people. They were worn down by the cruelty and tyranny of the Communist government whose history, written in the blood of its people, comprises purges, concentration camps, mass executions and torture. Growing up, Igor learned to keep his mouth shut, trust no one and do as he was told. A student at Moscow’s Architectural Institute, he was conscripted and sent to the Kuibishev Military Engineering Academy of Moscow. Distinguishing himself, he was sent to the Intelligence Administration. As a cipher student learning to decode secret messages he realized that his access to secrets made him both valuable and dangerous to the government, a fact that informed his defection. Gouzenko was transferred to Intelligence Headquarters in Moscow, where he observed a network of Communist spooks from all over the world. He was sent to Ottawa in 1943. In Canada he found a land of plenty, a land he did not want to leave when he learned he would be sent back to Moscow. He also discovered the extensive spy ring operated by Colonel Zabotin....On September 7 the Gouzenkos were given political asylum and hidden at a secret location in Whitby, Ont. The government’s investigation took months. Using the War Measures Act as legal justification, the RCMP arrested 13 suspects on February 15, 1946. Seven were convicted. On March 14, 26 other Canadians were arrested for spying, including MP Fred Rosenberg. Eleven were convicted, 10 acquitted and five set free without indictment. Among those implicated by Gouzenko’s documents was Egerton Herbert Norman, an External Affairs official hotly pursued by US Red-hunters, and Lester Pearson, then secretary of state for external affairs, who ardently protected Norman. Gouzenko maintained that Pearson had Communist leanings, an allegation supported by Elizabeth Bentley, a Soviet double agent who later withdrew her testimony. Documentation regarding her testimony has since disappeared. Historians argue about the state of Pearson’s loyalty. While some regard Gouzenko as a hero to the West, others accuse him of being a mercenary or a traitor. Gouzenko’s reply would be that he “had a duty to the millions enslaved and voiceless in Russia.” At the very least, he was an opportunist who made a better life for himself and his family, though he did not enjoy the freedom we take for granted. He lived the rest of his life in Mississauga under police protection. He died in 1982. In the end, what Gouzenko did was pay homage to Canada, democracy and freedom. He risked his and his family’s lives to embrace what we accept as a birthright.

ChinaDragonOverCanada TrudeaSeekChinaWorkers
Canada seeks to attract Chinese workers
TrudeauShedShirtJobs TrudeauShirtlesCartoon
Trudeau on shirtless vacation amid job losses
GlobeMail/HuffPost, Aug 16, 2016
Keeping Masses Down & Ministry of Plenty & Systems

Don't turf spy boss for telling the truth (Communist China is spying on Canada) & MPs from all parties say CSIS spy chief must quit (aroused paranoia & suspicion against Chinese) & Canada MPs to scold spy chief over spy remarks (said politicians are under Chinese influence). TorontoSun/CTV, Mar 25, 2011


Palin warns China is preparing military offensive (missiles/submarines/ultramodern aircraft). DailyMail, Mar 23, 2011. See PALIN RIGHT ON RUSSIA

China flexing military muscle (pushing against USA military). IntelHub, Mar 21, 2011. See USA GAVE CHINA PANAMA CANAL & CHINA NUKES THRU PANAMA?

1.Winston's Diary & 7.Systems of Thought & 20.Thought Police & Snitches & 35.Big Brother's Brotherhood & 32.Enemies of The Party

Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~
