To Orwell Today,
i like your site. it is one i use for keeping up with the nwo/orwell crowd.
i like the name jack, as in jack kennedy, and my nick name is jack. and of course jack london. there is jackie chan, a man, and jackie onassis. so the proper gender for jackie has always been a mystery to me. i'm curious if you know of a rule for jackie, it's always been somewhat of a mystery to me.
good job jackie,
Greetings Jack,
It's true that people sometimes get confused as to whether Jackie is a male or female name but I think it's generally female, short for "Jacqueline". At least that's the case for me and Jackie Onassis who was previously Jackie Kennedy, wife of John Kennedy whose nickname was "Jack", Jack being, as you say, the nickname of John.
Yes, there are some men who are referred to as "Jackie", as in Gleason as well as Chan, but it is unusual; just as there are some women who are referred to as "Bobbie" which one usually associates as a nickname for Robert or "Bob" which is always male.
But as a rule of thumb I would say that if a person is named Jackie you can assume they are female and if they are named Jack you can assume they are male.
All the best,
Jackie Jura
PS - I sometimes introduce myself as "Jackie, as in Jackie Onassis, wife of JFK"
PPS - Orwell was an admirer of Jack London and got some of his inspiration to dress as a hobo and live as a down-and-out from reading THE PEOPLE OF THE ABYSS and Orwell also got some of his ideas for "1984" from London's THE IRON HEEL. One of my favourite books (and movies) when I was young was Jack London's THE CALL OF THE WILD and some of his short stories, especially A PIECE OF STEAK. I have a biography of Jack London that I hope to get around to reading one of these days. He led a tragic life and died young of tuberculosis.
Jackie Jura
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