"A man may die,
nations may rise and fall,
but an idea lives on.
Ideas have endurance without death."
~ JFK, 1963
To Orwell Today,
Thanks first to you and your very excellent site that gives us plenty of information for all events in the world.
I have one question about the John F Kennedy assassination.
It's been proved that John F Kennedy was a courageous man on Earth. He knew he could be killed -- and that's what happened on 22nd November 1963 -- but he insisted on going in Dallas with an open car -- that's great courage.
What did he want us to learn? That's my question.
God bless you and help you give us light to see truth.
With my best wishes,
Riyadh Alsaleh
Greetings Alsaleh,
It's wonderful how you read my website even though it must be difficult when English isn't your mother tongue -- and I'll try to answer your questions to the best of my understanding.
It is definitely true that JFK was courageous -- the word has become synonymous with his name -- and he put his life on the line many times that prove it. Not only was JFK courageous during time of war -- when many people instinctively act with courage -- but also in private and public life.
For example, JFK was told, before his back surgery in 1954 that the chances of him surviving the operation were slim -- but he took the chance, in spite of his father pleading with him not to risk it, and he came out alive at the end of it. After that, during his rehabilitation, JFK wrote his award-winning book PROFILES IN COURAGE.
Also, many times in his political career, JFK had the courage of his convictions to go against the so-called "party line" and stand up alone for what he believed to be in the best interests of the country as a whole -- not just an individual state. He was willing to lose his political life over it if that's what truth cost.
When JFK died he was beautifully eulogised here in Canada by the Prime Minister at the time who said JFK's courage was a model of courage for us:
...The world can ill afford his loss. That loss through assassination is one of the great tragedies of history. But for us, now, it is something more. It is a great heart-breaking personal tragedy. And there are millions of people tonight who throughout the world will feel that they have lost a friend. President Kennedy was young. He was a man of courage in war and in peace. He devoted himself to public service. He worked unselfishly for the public good as he saw it. He has paid for his public service with his life. For the president it was death on duty. When a free man falls courageously in action, all freedom grieves, but courage is made easier for others...
Now to answer your question as to why JFK was in an open car in Dallas even though he knew it was a dangerous city.
Actually, it wasn't JFK's idea to travel in the open car -- that decision was made by the Secret Service who he entrusted with his protection. JFK didn't insist that the car's bubble be off -- he would have allowed it to be put on the car if the Secret Service had told him it needed to be. JFK didn't know that the motorcade would be doing something very unusual and dangerous that day, ie slowing down to make a hairpin turn under total no-no rules of engagement including driving slower than is allowed under conditions such as were there in Dealey Plaza.
JFK was very courageous every time he travelled in a motorcade surrounded by thousands of people and always walking into crowds to shake their hands. But JFK didn't fear the people -- he knew the people loved him and he got strength and encouragement from them and that's why he loved to give them a piece of himself -- just like they loved to give him pieces of themselves -- reaching out to touch him and make eye contact and show their love with signs and by turning out by the tens and hundreds of thousands -- in all weather and at all times of day and night -- to see him when he passed.
But JFK wasn't reckless with his life -- he followed the rules set out for him by the people who were entrusted with his safety. Other than that, his life was in God's hands.
As to what JFK wanted us to learn, I think he wanted to set a good example as a way of teaching us how to work for peace and freedom.
JFK learned what he taught us from people who taught him -- heroes from ancient and recent times in history -- including Abraham Lincoln whom he derived inspiration from.
Here's what JFK said at a Presidential prayer breakfast at the White House in March 1962 -- taken from the booklet THE LIFE AND WORDS OF JOHN F KENNEDY:
"There is a quotation from Lincoln which I think is particularly applicable today. He said:
'I believe there is a God.
I see the storm coming, and I believe He has a hand in it.
If He has a part and place for me,
I believe that I am ready.'
We see the storm coming, and we believe He has a hand in it;
and if He has a place and a part for us,
I believe that we are ready."
JFK expressed similar sentiments in the final sentences of his Inaugural Address when he said:
"My fellow citizens of the world,
ask not what America will do for you,
but what together we can do for the freedom of man.
Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world,
ask of us here the same high standards
of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you.
With a good conscience our only sure reward,
with history the final judge of our deeds,
let us go forth to lead the land we love,
asking His blessing and His help,
but knowing that here on earth
God's work must truly be our own."
In closing, notice the first quote in the page I excerpted from the aforementioned book. JFK said:
"A man may die,
nations may rise and fall,
but an idea lives on.
Ideas have endurance without death."
JFK -- through HIS ideas expressed in word and deed -- will never die. JFK has achieved immortality -- now he belongs to the ages.
All the best,
Jackie Jura
watch JOHN F KENNEDY: YEARS OF LIGHTNING, DAYS OF DRUMS, 1964 documentary film (It was true that the assassin took careful aim at the president of the United States. It was true, that at the precise moment the assassin waited for, the trigger was pulled. And it was true the president was killed. But it was also true that the assassin missed his target, for he wanted John Kennedy to die and that he was unable to do, for no man could take away years of lightning with a single day of drums....)
watch FOUR DAYS IN NOVEMBER, 1964 movie ("Four Days In November" debuted in American movie theaters on Saturday, November 21, 1964, which was just one day shy of the first anniversary of JFK's assassination. "Four Days In November", a black-and-white film directed by Mel Stuart and narrated by actor Richard Basehart is an expertly edited chronological documentary which guides the viewer through all four of those dark November days that shocked the nation and the world in late 1963. Four Days" received a significant amount of attention and was, in fact, nominated for an Academy Award for "Best Documentary Feature" of 1964....
Now He Belongs to the Ages, President Lincoln Dies, April 15, 1865 (...At 7:22 am, a doctor put his hands across his chest and whispered, “He is gone.” Everyone in the room knelt by the bedside and placed their hands on the bed as a minister asked God to accept his humble servant Abraham Lincoln into His glorious Kingdom. The room remained silent until Stanton proclaimed, “Now he belongs to the ages.” The president was dead at 56, struck down by an assassin's bullet....)
To Orwell Today,
Thanks to you indeed for your answer. For all that's happened in the past he still lives in our hearts...
My best wishes and best regards,
Riyadh Alsaleh
Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~
email: orwelltoday@gmail.com
website: www.orwelltoday.com