To Orwell Today,

I thank you so much, Jackie, for your website. It cleared my viewing about red China and communism. You were right and you are right.

Now I can see everywhere many tricks rich men keep committing in the character assassination of Kennedy -- to demolish his policy of a humanist, resource based economy, aimed at an endless change for the better, I strongly believe. His politics were to build a paradigm of wealth, without fear, without armies, without weapons of any kind, through milestones in agriculture, economy, animal welfare, environmental protection, technology, arts, culture, knowledge, information, press, milestones among new, public institutions he talked about -- milestones in health and prosperity touching everybody, and also a milestone in vanishing the existence of class, I think.

John Fitzgerald Kennedy was beyond human being. He was divine and He will be forever divine. Now I know this eternal, pure truth.

And Jackie, I wish all the best to you and whoever loves JFK from the bottom of his heart. Within us I think there are the best ones in terms of fairness.

Kind regards,
Andrea Cresso, October 2024

Greetings Andrea,

I know you love JFK and I appreciate your interest in my website about him.

It's great to have you as a reader all these years and a valued contributor of your thoughts.

We won't ever forget JFK and can cling to him for strength to keep us floating in this storm of life these days.

All the best,
Jackie Jura

JFK WAS NOT A PLAYBOY (Reader Andrea brought to my attention a couple of lies in the PLAYBOY'S JFK article that had unintentionally been bolded/underlined as truths ~ jj)


Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~

email: orwelltoday@gmail.com
website: www.orwelltoday.com