To Orwell Today,

I too have been searching for a video of the funeral. I know that the National Archives and Records Administration maintain video footage of almost every aspect of the funeral. A copy of the film can be purchased but it is rather expensive. The music in the funeral is very awe inspiring indeed.

-Karl Hoewt

Greetings Karl,

Maybe some day someone will edit the National Archives film into a one-hour or two-hour production of the funeral, from the Laying in State in the East Room through to the Burial Service at Arlington.

Broadcasting President Kennedy's State Funeral, or making it available on video, would be a reverent way of remembering the worldwide tragedy of November 22nd, 1963.

When I made the following JFK logo, in commemoration of that day, I didn't realize that the photo I chose (from the book JFK Remembered) was almost the same one Jackie chose for JFK's "In Memoriam" mass card. The only difference is that in mine he has his hand under his chin, whereas in hers his arms are behind his chair. The photo was taken by JFK's personal photographer, Jacques Lowe, in the Fall of 1959, on the campaign trail in Omaha Nebraska:

JFK Logo

The pose and profile are very similiar to the one below of JFK two years later, taken as he hears the news of the assassination of President Patrice Lumumba, of the Congo. This time JFK's face is twisted in agony.

JFK Congo Cry

All the best,
Jackie Jura

Karl says a DVD of "Jackie's White House Tour" is availabe at the JFK Presidential Library and Museum

ANOTHER ATTACK ON JFK's IMAGE (40,000 Camelot negatives, by photographer Jacques Lowe, lost in the September 11th inferno)

Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~
