The big cellar kitchen of the Hotel Texas was charged with excitement.
An order had come in from 850, and everyone paused to listen.
"The President," the chef said, "wants a large pot of coffee, some extra cups and saucers,
orange juice, two eggs boiled five minutes, some toast and marmalade on the side.
He turned to a tall, dignified Negro waiter. "George Jackson will handle it."....
Jackson pushed the breakfast tray inside the small foyer
and into the living room to the right.
He said, "Good morning, Mr President" and Mr Kennedy said, "Good morning".
He sat down to his breakfast, cracking the eggs....
The waiter returned to the foyer and paused to speak to valet George Thomas.
Could Thomas ask the President for some little souvenir?
Any little thing that he could keep as a remembrance?
Thomas walked back into the living room and whispered to the President.
Mr Kennedy reached into his jacket pocket and arose from the table.
In the foyer, he handed George Jackson a PT-109 tie clasp.
They shook hands.
Hello Orwell Today,
I first want to thank you for all of the years of study, investigating the truth and sharing it with us all. We all are in your debt.
I have a question I hope you have the answer to, I have looked everywhere. Do you know the room numbers that the Kennedys and the Johnsons and their staff stayed in while at the Rice Hotel and the Hotel Texas? I would be so grateful if you could help me with this information that I've wanted for so long.
Thank you so very much and keep up the great work!
Ron Whitney
Greetings Ron,
Before answering your question about which Houston and Fort Worth hotel rooms the Kennedys, Johnsons and their entourages stayed in I'll overview the 3-day Texas schedule. It began on Thursday, November 21st, 1963 when JFK and Jackie left from Washington, DC and was to end on Saturday, November 23rd when they would be returning home to the White House. The trip to Texas was the first time Jackie had travelled with JFK since the death of their 2-day-old baby, Patrick on August 9th.
On Thursday they had events in San Antonio, Houston and Fort Worth (where they'd be staying the night). On Friday they had events in Fort Worth, Dallas, Austin and Lyndon Johnson's ranch (where they'd be staying the night). On Saturday, after helicoptering from LBJ's ranch, they'd board Air Force One and be back in Washington by late afternoon.
The main purpose of the Texas trip - on top of a few minor political reasons - was for JFK to get a feel for the people, as he'd done in the preceding months in visits to Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Minnesota, North Dakota, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Washington, Oregon, Nevada, California and most recently Florida. Everywhere JFK went - at speeches and motorcades - he'd been mobbed like a movie-star by the people and he knew there would be no problem getting re-elected in 1964.
JFK had managed to get his message out to the people about the peace and prosperity he'd accomplished in the past three years, ie the economy was booming; the nation was in its longest recession-free period since World War II; the gross national product was up 100-billion dollars above what it had been three years before; the growth rate now topped that of Europe and Russia, and with the upcoming launching of the most powerful rocket ever fired - the Saturn 1 - America was winning the space race.
JFK was confident he could beat any candidate the Republicans put forward to oppose him, especially ultra-conservative Barry Goldwater who it was rumoured would be their choice. Winning a majority in Congress - as he knew he could do in the '64 election - JFK was looking forward to passing legislation (tax-decrease, minimum wage increase, medicare, social security, civil rights, etc) that had been bogged down for three years by partisan opposition. JFK wouldn't need Johnson as a running-mate to win the Southern states this time around. And as for LBJ's help in passing legislation (his expected area of expertise based on his years as Senate Majority leader) he'd constantly let JFK down. As VP in JFK's administration, LBJ had been "all talk and no action" when it came to whipping up votes for JFK policies. It was highly probable - and openly conjectured - that JFK would be dumping LBJ as VP candidate in the 1964 presidential election campaign, and LBJ and his long-time backers knew it. Richard Nixon - who lost to JFK in 1960 and was now out of public office and lawyering for Pepsi Cola - was interviewed at a bottling convention in Dallas the day before JFK arrived. The newspaper headlines that day blared "NIXON PREDICTS JFK MAY DROP JOHNSON".
The night before leaving for Texas JFK and Jackie stayed home after hosting a reception in the East Room for the Supreme Court judges and staff from the Justice Department. Afterwards there was a 38th-birthday party for JFK's brother Bobby at his home in Hickory Hill but JFK and Jackie didn't go because JFK wanted her to rest up for the trip which he knew would be gruelling. JFK was so happy about Jackie accompanying him to Texas that in the previous week he'd even helped her pick out the clothes she'd wear - so good did he want her to look and so proud of her was he.
At departure on Thursday morning JFK took 3-year-old John-John with them in the helicopter from the White House lawn (6-year-old Caroline was in school) to Andrews Air Force base where he kissed him goodbye and boarded Air Force One (John-John had been crying because he wanted to go too).
JFK's first event of the day was in San Antonio where they landed at the International airport at 1:30 pm and went by motorcade (in the presidential Lincoln which had been flown ahead) to the Brooks Army Air Force Base. Over a hundred-thousand people lined the route shouting and waving and throwing confetti. JFK dedicated a new Aerospace Medical facility and made a speech in front of twenty-thousand people (where only nine-thousand chairs had been set up).
Then, interrupting the schedule (only two hours had been allotted to San Antonio), JFK walked with the base Commander to a building housing an experimental oxygen chamber that simulated air pressure 30,000 feet up. JFK looked through the glass of the tank and put on earphones to speak to the four volunteers inside. He asked the scientists if this type of research could lead to knowledge about how to keep premature babies alive. JFK was no-doubt thinking about the breathing problems that caused the death of his own premature son three months previously. After leaving Brooks AFB there was another massively-attended motorcade on the way to Kelly Air Force base where they departed for Houston.
The 200-mile, 45-minute flight from San Antonio to Houston arrived at the International airport around 5:00pm, followed by a motorcade (thousands thronged the streets) to the Rice Hotel downtown. They wouldn't be staying the night in Houston, but needed a hotel room to rest, eat dinner and dress for two events that evening; a speech by Jackie, in Spanish, to a group in the Rice Hotel ballroom and a speech by JFK at the Houston Coliseum.
In the Rice Hotel they stayed in the International Suite on the fifth floor. The manager of the hotel had totally renovated the room for JFK and Jackie. Below, taken from his 1967 book, is William Manchester's description of their rooms, the atmosphere and what transpired there.
...Mrs Kennedy thought Houston a curious city, two blocks of Manhattan in the middle of a prairie. Houston in turn ogled her. When the column of celebrities drew up outside the Rice Hotel forty minutes later, Hugh Sidey of Time scurried up and down curbs, asking people why they had come. "To see the President and Jackie," they said or, often, just "For Jackie." Kennedy asked Dave Powers to estimate the crowd. "For you? About as many as turned out the last time you were here," said Dave, "but a hundred thousand more have come to look at Jackie". Women naturally wanted to know what she was wearing. The effect on men was more unsettling. Max Peck, who ran the Rice, was a man of the world...but now, as his bellboys unfurled a red carpet, he himself turned brick-red. Swinging open the First Lady's door with a flourish, he babbled idiotically, "Good Evening, Mrs. President".
Main Street was bedlam.... The President strolled to the corner of Main and Travis, and he wanted to go farther. The Houston Police Department, anticipating this, had fashioned an ingenious barricade to discourage him. Directly across from the hotel entrance a hundred motorcycles were parked hubcap to hubcap, facing outward. Trembling hands waggled frantically behind the bikes, but Kennedy couldn't reach them without vaulting the handlebars. He gave it up. His wife took his hand, and they followed Max Peck across the jammed lobby, into an elevator, up to the $150-a-day International Suite on the fifth floor.
Max had had it redecorated with Mrs. President in mind. The walls were blue, blue-green, and cream; the carpeting was an arabesque of blue flowers. Except for the tiny bathroom it was exquisite. There was a duplicate of the Oval Office rocking chair, a basket of fruit in the living room, and Dom Perignon, pate de foi gras, and fine caviar. A table supported Jack Daniels, Cutty Sark, and a dozen bottles of Heineken, Kennedy's favorite beer. In the background a maitre d'hotel was lighting little fires under chafing dishes. The entree, it seemed, was to be quail. "Aren't they nice in Texas?" the First Lady thought, and she said aloud, "It's grand". "You're the first to occupy it," Max murmured, retreating.
The President removed his coat and soggy shirt and sat in the rocker, leafing through a pile of newspapers. Jackie retired. Toward the end of the flight from San Antonio she had read a magazine while her husband napped, and now she dozed in her room while he, stripping to his shorts, reworked tonight's speech. Aides ducked in and out....
Awake, Mrs Kennedy put on a black cut-velvet suit, a double strand of pearls, and diamond earrings. Then the President dressed while Pam Turnure appeared in the suite entrance with a minor emergency. Reporters wanted copies of the First Lady's speech, now imminent. The hotel had put four typists at Pam's disposal, and she needed to check the original. She did and darted off. The Kennedys then dined alone. They had to eat before any public banquet; once they arrived at the head table there would be too many distractions.
The rest of the Presidential party was scattered throughout the hotel and city.... The room assignment of each offered a clue to his status.... Lowly Congressmen were huddled around a communal bar in 301. Albert Thomas, a distinguished exception, had an apartment on the thirteenth floor; the Attorney General of Texas had been given another on the tenth. Ralph Yarborough and John Connally, through an appalling oversight, were sharing the seventeenth floor. (Lookouts were posted, like Hatfields and McCoys. Luckily the two never met in the passage)....
The Rice's fifth floor, the President's, was reserved for those closest to him: Larry, Ken, Dave, Evelyn, Dr Burkley, Generals Clifton and McHugh. The Secret Service was in 528, the Houston White House switchboard in 514-516. Directly overhead, the Vice President was eating in his sixth-floor Gold Suite ($100 a day) with Lady Bird. His smaller staff was clustered around him. Immediately across the hall, in 625, Liz Carpenter [LBJ's secretary] was changing her clothes and reflecting with some despair that she hadn't had much luck making friends among the President's staff. They didn't exactly cut her. They just maintained their distance. Maybe blood is thinner and cooler in Massachusetts, she thought, straightening seams. Liz was at the mirror, inspecting herself, when the Gold Suite door swung open on the other side of the passage and its occupant hurried toward the stairs. Lyndon B. Johnson had an appointment with John F. Kennedy.
The substance of the meeting - their final conference together - is unclear. According to Johnson's recollection nineteen months later, "There definitely was not a disagreement. . . . There was an active discussion in which the two were in substantial agreement." He did not define the nature of the discussion, but if the memories of others are to be credited, the President and his successor had words over the state's political feud. Precisely what was said is unknown, for one President is dead, and a whirlwind was about to descend upon the other, blurring the sequence of events leading up to it. They were alone.
Mrs Kennedy had withdrawn into the next room to rehearse. Although aware of raised voices in the background, she was concentrating on her speech. The caterer and the hotel servants, who were in and out, heard Yarborough's name mentioned several times. All had the impression that Kennedy felt the Senator was not being treated fairly, and that he was expressing himself with exceptional force. Johnson controlled his celebrated temper in his chief's presence, but in the words of one man on duty outside, "he left that suite like a pistol". Max Peck, watching him shoot into the corridor, long legs pumping, thought he looked furious.
"What was that all about?" Jacqueline Kennedy asked, coming in after the Vice President had left. "He sounded mad". The President looked amused. "That's just Lyndon," he said. "He's in trouble".
On a sudden impulse she blurted out that she disliked Governor Connally.
He asked, "Why do you say that?"
"I can't stand him all day. He's just one of those men - oh, I don't know. I just can't bear him sitting there saying all these great things about himself. And he seems to be needling you all day".
"You mustn't say you dislike him, Jackie. If you say it, you'll begin thinking it, and it will prejudice how you act toward him the next day. He's been cozying up to a lot of these Texas businessmen who weren't for him before. What he was really saying in the car was that he's going to run ahead of me in Texas. Well, that's all right. Let him. But for heaven's sake don't get a thing on him, because that's what I came down here to heal. I'm trying to start by getting two people in the same car. If they start hating, nobody will ride with anybody."
So she shook it off. It was nearly time for her appearance anyhow. The LULACS [League of United Latin-American Citizens] were waiting downstairs in the Grand Ballroom, and committing her remarks to memory had been unexpectedly difficult. "Oh, Jack, it's awful", she moaned as they went to the door. "Something's happened to me. I used to be able to memorize any thing in ten minutes. All through South America I'd just memorize those things five minutes before. I must be cracking up."
"No, no, no," he said soothingly. "You'll be great".
But she wasn't so sure. She speculated on whether something could have happened to her memory. Fleetingly she wondered whether last August's tragedy could be responsible....
The seven hundred LULACS were in full voice, surging forward, jostling one another, hoping for a handshake. The scrimmage became fierce. The President leaned over two muscular-dystrophy patients from Liberty, Texas; Captain Stougton took a photograph for their campaign; and Max Peck, recovering his balance in the background, was astounded to find that every button on his coat and his shirt had been ripped off. "You're busy, Mr President", a member of Max's staff said. Kennedy winced. "It's rough", he said feelingly. In the ballroom, after his Vice President had spoken, he talked briefly about the Alianza [his Alliance for Progress program for Latin America]. "In order that my words will be even clearer to you," he concluded, "I am going to ask my wife to say a few words to you also". That was her cue. She suppressed her stage fright, and her classical accent fell quaintly on ears accustomed to Mexican diction:...
"Ole!" they roared. It really hadn't been that great. He had told them more. But she had given it to them in their own tonque. "Jackie spoke in Spanish", wrote Dave Powers. "They all loved and cheered her". Leaving the ballroom, Dave noted, the Kennedys "exchanged eyes" - Lady Bird thought the First Lady's husband "looked beguiled" - and on their way to the car the President collared a bilingual spectator, questioned him closely, and relayed word to her that she had been wonderful. She wasn't impressed by his witness. What else could the poor man say? But she was pleased by the gesture, touched that he was still waging an all-out Kennedy campaign to sell Texas to her....
~ end quoting from The Death of a President ~
After Jackie's speech at the Rice Hotel ballroom they went by motorcade - their fourth of the day (the first in the dark) - to the Houston Coliseum where JFK spoke to a crowd of thousands at an appreciation banquet for long-time Democrat Congressman Albert Thomas.
During the speech JFK talked about how Texas ranked fifth among the states in prime military contract spending. He made a deliberate slip of the tongue when he declared that next month, with the Saturn rocket lifting off from Cape Canaveral, Florida, the United States would be firing the largest booster in the history of the world, firing "the largest payroll - payload - into space, giving us the lead." He added, swiftly: "It will be the largest payroll, too!". Then he laughed, along with everyone else in the room.
It was after 9:30pm when they left the head table of the Houston Coliseum for the fifth motorcade of the day (the second in the dark) to the airport to board Air Force One for the flight to Fort Worth. They landed at Carswell airport around 11:15 pm and, even though it was raining, thousands of drenched people lined the Freeway to wave at JFK and Jackie on their way to the downtown hotel where they'd be sleeping for the night.
...A marquee outside the Hotel Texas read "WELCOME MR PRESIDENT", but this wasn't the suave Rice Hotel. The quarters set aside for the President were actually smaller and cheaper than the Vice President's. The lobby was solid with jostling, hooting men in cream-coloured five-gallon hats. Agent Lem Johns lost his shaving gear in the confusion; in Room 660 two other members of the party were so crowded that they had to take turns unpacking; Captain Stoughton, who was bunking with the bagman here, had difficulty unlocking his door. One member of the hotel staff, who might have been helpful, ran around mugging for photographers. "The hotel arrangements", as O'Donnell said later, "were all screwed up"....
The First Lady and the President went up to their three-room suite on the eighth floor and found it to be anything but warm. Something was wrong with the air conditioner; it was going full blast. Kennedy ordered it turned off.
Mrs Kennedy had been given a drab green room overlooking a neoned parking lot bordered by two loan companies, two bus stations, a garage, a theater. On a table was a medley of messages.... Beside the table was her luggage. Where was Mary Gallagher? [her secretary who was serving as maid on this trip]. She had been sidetracked. Dead tired, yet aware that the morning would be hectic, Mrs Kennedy crouched over her bags and started pulling out clothes.
Before retiring she joined the President.
"You were great today", he said. "How do you feel?"
"Oh, gosh, I'm exhausted."
His vitality was illusory, like his debonair manner. Half asleep, he was planning ahead. "Don't get up with me", he called. "I've got to speak in the square downstairs before breakfast, but stay in bed. Just be at the breakfast at nine-fifteen". She said good night. Before turning out the light she carefully laid out tomorrow's navy blue blouse, navy handbag, low-heeled shoes, pink suit, and pillbox hat.
While the Kennedys slept in 850, most of the rest of their entourage were still up, and some were really jumping. Five floors above, in the more spacious Will Rogers Suite, Lyndon jovially entertained members of his tong. Off the lobby John Connally held court hour after hour in the hotel's coffee shop, which never closes. Bob Baskin of the Dallas News told him of Yarborough's snappishness, and Connally issued a ringing call for harmony. Duty kept some Secret Service men awake. The twelve-to-eight shift mounted guard outside 850....
Others were already asleep: Greer, Emory Roberts, the Vice Presidential detail. The crews of 26000 and 86970, after leaving guards at the planes - this was routine, even at a SAC base - checked into a nearby motel....
Two hours before dawn on Friday morning, the faithful began to gather on the fringes of the parking lot across from Forth Worth's Hotel Texas. Drifting up Commerce Street in small groups, they lit cigarettes and leaned against the shabby store fronts, smoking and yawning. It was a marvel that they were there at all. The rain had continued to fall, and they had no assurance that the speech here would not be called off. But this speech had been scheduled as a concession to the working-class supporters of Yarborough, and Kennedy's reputation for hardiness was part of his charisma so they came in increasing numbers, until the lot had begun to fill up like a parade ground before roll call. There were only a few feminine umbrellas; only a scattering of pretty secretaries; it was largely a masculine crowd: union men in waterproofs and stout shoes who swapped friendly shoves, called jovially to the mounted policemen in yellow rain gear who were watching over them, and craned their necks for some sign of the legendary Secret Service. By daybreak over five thousand spectators were staring up at the banal brown-brick facade of the hotel. Occasionally you heard a hoarse, lusty cheer.
Inside, early risers whose accommodations faced the lot became aware of the teeming below. At six o'clock, with an hour of darkness left, Bob Baskin of the Dallas News staggered sleepily to the window of Room 326 and glanced down at the rain-slick streets. Baskin decided to stay put; he could hear the speech from here over the public address system. Five floors above him and a half-hour later, Rear Admiral Dr. George Burkley heaved himself out of the bed in 836 and dialed room service, ordering breakfast. Like all members of Kennedy's staff the chunky, shy physician had learned to function on the road with a few hours' sleep. It was important to be up before the President; you never knew when to expect an urgent call from him, and several men had routine tasks which must be finished before he awakened.
Master Sergeant Joe Giordano had been dressed fifteen minutes before the doctor rolled out and was now supervising the affixing of the Chief Executive's seals to the flatbed truck in the lot and the podium of the hotel's Grand Ballroom. Ted Clifton tapped on the door of 804 and asked the bagman if he had packed. Gerhard had, and his roommate, Cecil Stoughton, was loading his camera with fast film and cleaning lenses. Bill Greer and Henry Rybka, the Presidential chauffeurs, had already left the hotel. They were in the Fort Worth police garage, fetching the President's temporary car and his Secret Service follow-up car [JFK's Lincoln had been flown ahead to Dallas]. On the floor below Kennedy, the communications center had begun to stir. Colonel Swindal was reporting from Carswell. His crews had checked out of the motel, his aircraft was ready to go. A teletype machine in the center came to life with a sprinkle of bells. The keys chattered out the CIA's daily intelligence precis for the President. A Signalman sealed them in twin envelopes and handed them to Godfrey McHugh, who signed for them, trotted up a flight of stairs, and stood respectfully outside Suite 850, awaiting the familiar voice of command. He would have to sign again, noting the precise time the Commander in Chief received the secret reports, and Godfrey liked a tidy record....
In 835 Ken O'Donnell, the man most likely to receive an early Presidential summons, ran his eye over today's itinerary as he shaved. It would be another backbreaker; two speeches here; the hop to Dallas; the long ride to the Trade Mart; another speech; a flight to Bergstrom Air Force Base outside Austin, where the head coach of the University of Texas Longhorns would present the President with an autographed football; a motorcade through the city; a series of receptions; a valedictory speech at the Austin fund-raising banquet; a final motorcade; and a helicopter ride to the LBJ Ranch. There was enough for any appointments secretary to worry about. But O'Donnell's cup hadn't quite passed. He now had to cope with a politician's most exasperating problem, inclement weather...
At 7:30am the Chief Executive's leisurely valet entered the Hotel Texas' Suite 850 and tapped on the door of the master bedroom. "Mr President", George Thomas called gently. He heard a stirring of covers and crossed the threshold. "It's raining out", he murmured. "That's too bad" Kennedy said groggily. He thought about it a moment and then groaned.
While he showered and shaved, George laid out his clothes: a blue-gray, two-button suit, a dark blue tie, and a white shirt with narrow gray stripes. The shirt was striking, the gem of George's foot locker....
While dressing he decided to have a look at the parking lot. It couldn't be seen from where he was, so he impulsively crossed into Mrs Kennedy's room.
"Gosh, look at the crowd!" the President cried, peering down. "Just look! Isn't that terrific?"
Excitedly telling his wife he would see her later, he darted back to George. A waiter had brought him a light breakfast....
~ end quoting from The Death of a President ~
Now we'll go to Jim Bishop's 1968 book for an anecdote about JFK and the waiter who brought him breakfast:
...The big cellar kitchen of the Hotel Texas was charged with excitement....[continued at top of page]... The chefs and waiters had arrived early, and breakfast orders were being filled quickly and carried up by service elevator to the members of the most important group ever to grace the sedate edifice.... He kept shaking his head. "Man," he murmured. "I have never even seen a President of the United States. Now I'm going to walk right into the room with him".
In five minutes, the steaming snowy eggs were lifted out of boiling water and placed in a side dish. The table moved off with George Jackson behind it. When he arrived on the service elevator at the eighth floor, a man stood in the doorway of his elevator. He lifted the covers of dishes, stooped to look at the underside of the table, gave Mr Jackson a cursory study, and nodded for him to proceed.
A silent man outside the door of 850 studied the table and the waiter and gave him a small orange pin to wear in the lapel of his white jacket. George Jackson pushed the breakfast tray inside the small foyer and into the living room to the right. He said, "Good morning, Mr President" at once, and Mr Kennedy, chatting with Kenny O'Donnell near the coffee table, said, "Good morning".
The Chief Executive appeared to be bright and forceful to the waiter. A "take-charge" man. Mr O'Donnell was explaining that the rancorous battle between Senator Ralph Yarborough and his liberal Texas Democrats and Governor John Connally and his conservative Democrats had not been resolved by the President's visit. It was worse, in a way. The Senator had refused to ride in the same car with Vice-President Lyndon Johnson in the San Antonio motorcade and at Houston, in spite of a presidential request to do so.... "Get on that phone," Mr Kennedy said, pointing a finger at the instrument, "and tell him he's riding with Johnson today or he's walking"....
He sat down to his breakfast, cracking the eggs and talking brightly to O'Donnell, when Dave Powers walked in. Mr Powers was the balding gnome of the Kennedy inner circle. It was he who had first managed John F Kennedy's campaign for Congress in 1946; it was he who had taught him the little tricks of choosing topics for speeches; it was Dave Powers who followed his young man on the long run to the White House, telling Irish stories, making the candidate smile, swimming with him in the Executive Mansion pool ("I had to learn to breast stroke because it's the only way to swim and talk"); sleeping in the same room with the President when Mrs Kennedy was away on a trip ("My family calls me John's Other Wife"); a confidant, a buddy, a lead pony for a race horse, but never a topflight political strategist as Kenny O'Donnell was and Larry O'Brien was.
"Have you seen the square?" Kennedy said, waving the toast. Dave Powers nodded. "Weren't the crowds great in San Antonio and Houston?" Mr Powers peeked out at the square again. "They were better than expected," he said sagely. "Listen", the President said, "they were terrific. And you were right - they loved Jackie"....
The President was talking about the contents of the morning newspapers when Mrs Kennedy came into the room....
~ end quoting from The Day Kennedy Was Shot ~
Now, to learn what JFK was reading in those morning newspapers, refer to previous ORWELL TODAY articles: DALLAS HATE-JFK AD & JFK ASSASSINATION PREMONITION.
And for a description of JFK's speech to the crowd outside in the Hotel Texas parking lot and his speech inside the ballroom go to JFK STATUE FORT WORTH WORTHY.
Thanks for your seemingly innocuous question about the hotel room numbers JFK stayed in while in Houston and Fort Worth. Researching the answer was like going on a journey back in time to when JFK was still alive and... for one brief shining moment, we had Camelot.
All the best,
Jackie Jura
President Kennedy and John-John boarding Air Force One in summer 1963 (then John-John being taken back to the helicopter, by his nanny, crying). YouTube
JFK & JACKIE IN SAN ANTONIO-HOUSTON-FORT WORTH (rare footage of JFK's last full day, Thursday, November 21st), You Tube
GIFTS TO JFK AT FORT WORTH BREAKFAST, Hotel Texas Ballroom, Friday, November 22, 1963, YouTube (..."Mr president, we know that you don't wear a hat, but we couldn't let you leave Fort Worth without providing you with some protection against the rain... And to protect you against local enemies, in the manner that you are protecting this nation against our foreign enemies, and to keep the rattlesnakes on Vice President Johnson's ranch from striking you, we want to present you with this pair of boots. We won't ask you to put them on here".)
Nixon's 3 stories of where he was on November 22, 1963, Fletcher Prouty Commentary
To Orwell Today,
Hello Jackie,
Thank you so very much for taking the time to read and answer my questions. Most people would have simply posted room numbers. Thank you for taking the time and detailing those fateful days and including the room numbers. I truly appreciate it and on behalf of all of your readers, Thank you and keep up the great work!
Take care,
Ron Whitney
Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~