It's the actual testimony from Kissinger, Rumsfeld, Eagleberger, Haig & others
- real people in real interviews, not actors playing a role -
that brings Dark Side of the Moon to life.
A cynic would point out that their comments are edited out of context,
but then a cynic would already have guessed that
the Apollo moon landing was staged, so why bother?
To Orwell Today,
just a comment about the movie by the franco-german channel Arte: Dark side of the moon (opération lune). This documentary of 2002 was shown again on April fool day 2004!
They reveal on their web site (in French) how they manipulated sound tracks of supposed witnesses (Rumsfeld) and had some actors playing NASA employee and other witnesses. This was actually an exercice de style!
Beware of what you see on TV!
Clément Sire
Greetings Clement,
I know it was a work of art. It's already been described (many times) as a "spoof" and they themselves describe it as a MOCKumentary.
Yes, people should beware of what they see on TV, including what they saw on TV on July 16, 1969.
The question is why would Rumsfeld, Kissinger etc allow themselves to be portrayed in such a way. Would you allow video clips of yourself to be incorporated into a documentary (be it even in jest) that showed you as masterminding and participating in a hideous activity?
Some people don't consider the things people like Rumsfeld and Kissinger do amusing. That goes for their "pretend" faking of moon missions and assassinations as well as their "real" dropping of bombs on innocent citizens in innocent nations.
As has been previously pointed out:
It's the actual testimony from Kissinger, Rumsfeld, Eagleberger, Haig & others
- real people in real interviews, not actors playing a role -
that brings Dark Side of the Moon to life.
A cynic would point out that their comments are edited out of context,
but then a cynic would already have guessed that
the Apollo moon landing was staged, so why bother?
All the best,
Jackie Jura
PS - Don't let the fact that they ran the documentary on April Fool's Day fool you into thinking that you weren't being fooled when they said they were fooling about faking the moon photos.
Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~