Dave Hook


Dave Hook CD
music, lyrics, voice by Dave Hook
(YouTube production by JW Studios)

To Orwell Today,

Hi Jackie,

I happened on your website today and caught that you have postings about my friend, Dave Hook. It is with sadness that I have to report to you that Dave lost his battle with cancer almost three years ago to the day.

To most Dave was a funny man -- an accomplished comedian who surely would have gone farther in his career had his life not been cut short. To others, he was an avid conspirator hunter -- ripping cellphones from the hands of the masses and barking at the moon. But to me, Dave; whom I called "Captain" was a kind, gentle soul who loved cats and spoke dearly of his mother. I consider myself lucky to have had him as a part of my life. (Incidentally somewhere he is scrunching up his face and exclaiming, "How GAY!!")

He left us on a Wednesday. August 30, 2006. He will be missed for my forever.

I'm attaching this link, should you wish to share with your readers: IN MEMORY OF DAVID HOOK

a.k.a. "Teach"

Greetings Jillian,

Thanks so much for letting me know about Dave Hook - and for the photo and the link to the Memory Book.

I've been wondering about Dave for a long time now, and still think about him - especially when JFK or moon events happen (like last month on the 40th anniversary of the alleged moon landing).

I had godcidently thought about Dave earlier today - before I got your email - because Ted Kennedy died today - August 26, 2009. And that got me thinking about the moon landing hoax because it happened on that same July 1969 weekend as Chappaquiddick. Many an avid conspirator hunter believe that Ted Kennedy was framed in the drowning of Mary Jo Kopechne (so as to destroy his upcoming presidential aspirations).

So, as I was saying, this brought my thoughts again around to Dave Hook because I love his MOON SONG. To me the words explain it all, especially the line: "When you control the media, you control the truth".

I played it today after receiving your email - not on YouTube but my own CD - the one Dave gave me back in 2004. I'm playing it right now as I write this.

I can't help but think that somehow Dave - the comedian - is behind us getting in touch today, and his face is scrunched up in laughter.

All the best,
Jackie Jura


KEEP DAVE HOOK MEMORY ALIVE (I came across your website today and saw mention of my son, Dave. The thoughts expressed are very appreciated and made my heart ache a little, to read... He would be so pleased to see this... He turned me into a skeptic which I think is a healthy way to approach life in this day and age....)

Chappaquiddick defined Ted Kennedy's career, Boston Herald, Aug 27, 2009
It was 40 years ago, but the horrible memories remain vivid: An Oldsmobile driven by U.S. Sen. Edward M. Kennedy plunges off a narrow island bridge, and passenger Mary Jo Kopechne - a 28-year-old campaign worker - drowns. The deadly Chappaquiddick crash and the subsequent charges of a coverup haunted Kennedy throughout the rest of his personal and political life. "Without Chappaquiddick, he would have been president," said presidential historian Doris Kearns Goodwin.... "It made impossible a run for president in '72 or '76," said Ted Sorensen, an aide to President John F Kennedy. "In '80 he ran, and even there he was vulnerable. And I think he felt it was something he'd always face." Chappaquiddick came to define how people measured Kennedy. "What you think of Ted Kennedy determines what you think of Chappaquiddick," said Brian Schaffner, a University of Massachusetts political scientist....

A torch extinguished: Ted Kennedy dead at 77, AP, Aug 26, 2009
The last of the Kennedys who fascinated the nation with their ambition, style, idealism, tragedies -- and sometimes sheer recklessness -- Edward Moore Kennedy died late Tuesday night at 77. A black shroud and vase of white roses sat Wednesday on his Senate desk, which John Kennedy had used before him... So dropped the final curtain on "Camelot," the already distant era of the Kennedy dynasty...

JULY 16 A SIGNIFICANT DATE (in 1999 John Kennedy Jr's plane crashed into the ocean on its approach to Martha's Vineyard, the island next to Chappaquiddick)

Ken Chap Ken Chap Ted Kennedy's car pulled from water at Chappaquiddick Island, Martha's Vineyard, Saturday, July 19, 1969


The Control of The Kennedys, Threats & Chappaquiddick
...A careful examination of the real evidence in this event shows that Ted Kennedy was framed in the killing of Mary Joe Kopechne.... The wounds on the back of Ted Kennedy's skull, those just above his ear and the large bump on the top indicate he was knocked out. His actions at the hotel the next morning show he was not aware of Mary Jo's death until Markham and Gargan arrived. The trip to the pay phone on Chappaquiddick can only be explained by his receiving a call there, not making one. There were plenty of pay phones in or near Ted's hotel if he needed to make a private call. The tides in the channel and the direction in which Ted claimed he swam do not match. In addition it would have been a superhuman feat to have made it across the channel (as proven by several professionals who subsequently tried it)....

4.Old World Destruction & 16.Ministry of Truth (Lies) & 17.Falsification of Past

Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~

email: orwelltoday@gmail.com
website: www.orwelltoday.com