To Orwell Today,

Hello, I found your site while doing some online research into Brian Mulroney, and his current public relations strategies. I had noticed a half page ad in the Nov. 28 Globe and Mail that featured a picture of the former Prime Minister receiving an award from the pharmaceutical companies that formed the research lobby group Rx & D Health Research Foundation. I thought, why is this award being given now, and why are they buying an expensive ad in the G & M? Who is Rx & D HRF? The timing seemed auspicious to me.

It seems that when even Mulroney's former aid Norman Spector is distancing himself from the former PM, that it was conspicuous that this lobby group was promoting him and awarding him with the "rarely awarded Medal of Honor". Interestingly, all previous recipients of their award had been doctors and researchers in pharmaceuticals. Was this for his leadership and support during his term as PM? Was this for work that he conducted in the private sector? It does not say. This baloney smells funny.

I love your site,
Keith Porteous

Greetings Keith,

Yes, it does smell kind of fishy that Canada's ex-Prime Minister Mulroney is being honoured in such a big way by pharmaceutical companies especially at this particular time when he's in hot water over admittedly accepting envelopes (on three separate occassions) each containing 100,000 dollars in cash so as to "live in the manner to which he has become accustomed". See MULRONEY CASH FLOW WOE

All the best,
Jackie Jura

To Orwell Today,

Thanks Jackie,

While I cannot take pleasure in Mr. Mulroney's, or any other being's misfortune, I do enjoy the small victories of justice that happen every once and a while, in spite of our truly Orwellian reality.

Keep up the good fight!
Keith Porteous

Ex-PM admits arms dealer deal ($300,000 cash in 3 envelopes) & How poor really was Mulroney? (bought $1.675 million mansion). AFP/TOStar, Dec 1, 2007

10.Rulers and 8.Classes of People and PIGS AT THE TROUGH

Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~
