To Orwell Today,
I send the following page from Virunga News to you.
-Mitali Yves
Congo's General Laurent Nkunda
Standing to Protect His Own People
by El Memeyi Murangwa, Nov 27, 2006, Fort Worth, TX, USA
Survivor of Kokolo Camp in Kinshasa, Congo (Aug. 1998)
It can be hard for anyone to understand what is really going on in “Democratic” Republic of Congo, known also as Zaire (Belgian Congo). Let me take you back in history before Congo was colonized by Belgians. Located in center of Africa this huge land was formed by different Kingdoms: Congo at the west, Lunda in the south west, Luba in the south east; Azande in the northern part and Rwanda at the east part of the unknown land. Others tribes were living under small sultanates. After the Portuguese Diego Cao discovered the embouchure of Congo River, in 1482 sent by King João II (= John II) of Portugal who revived interest in the quest for a sea route around Africa to India (see: stone pillar (padroe) dedicated to St. George at São Antonio de Zaire). After came Belgians to colonize the new territory and King Leopold II called it Congo, because of the long river crossing the country from south east to the west, before falling in the Atlantic Ocean.
In 1885, Europeans divided Africa, separating members of the same family by making unnatural borders between them, creating new countries for their own benefits. In the Congo, The old Kingdom of Kongo was divided, the west part became Congo Brazzaville (French), the east goes to the actual Province of Bas-Congo in DRC, and the South formed the northern of Angola. The Lunda Empire was divided between Zambia (British), Congo (Belgium) and Angola (Portuguese). The Azande Kingdom went to Centrafrique (French), Sudan (British) and Congo (Belgian). For the Kingdom of Rwanda, parts of it went to Congo (Belge): Goma, Masisi, Rutshuru, Kalehe, Buzi, Nyalukemba, Nyawera, katana, Idjwi and Bukavu, another to Uganda, the Kigezi Province and the south part to Tanzania (the Buha).
The first step of Belgians was to reduce the dimension of Rwanda. Belgians played an important role in 1885 during the Berlin conference and after the World War II, taking over the Kingdom from Germany in 1916. The second step was to overthrow many Traditional Chiefs (Nturo ya Nyilimigabo, Muligo, Mpeta, Barinda, Byandagara, Nshizirungu, Ntamuhanga and Kabangu) replaced by Ndiyo Bwana (Yes Sir!) chiefs from others tribes (Ndeze, Kalinda, Gahembe, Bukavu etc…) more flexible and cooperative with colonialists. The last step was the eviction of the King Musinga of Rwanda; he was deported to Moba (Katanga in DRC) in 1930, where he died in detention. This marked the beginning of a xenophobia and huge plan of persecution against the Banyarwanda, unwelcoming the colony and loyal to the King. The same situation occurred in the South Kivu, where the Congolese Tutsi known as banyamulenge lost their leadership given to others tribes by the colonialist.
Since that time the relation between colonialist and Banyarwanda was going deep and when Congo got his independence in June 1960, Belgians trained new leaders to hate Banyarwanda. They were surprised seeing many Banyarwanda from the politic party CEREA (Centre de Regroupement Africain) winning the first election in 1959, forming a cartel with the MNCL (Patrice Lumumba) with many seats in the first Senate and government (Marcel Bisukiro, Damien Budogo, Cyprien Rwakabuba, Francois Mvuyekure, Jean de Nepomcene Rwiyereka, and Joseph Midiburo). Banyarwanda will remain well represented in political institutions at the national level until November 1965 when Mobutu took over and installed a dictatorship, dividing to reign. The two last wars and other tension in the east part of the Congo are the result of many frustrations that occurred in the past from the Belgian Colonialist and successive dictatorial regimes (Mobutu and Kabila) to Joseph Kabila, that encourage xenophobia and intolerance against Congolese Banyarwanda, sharing the same language and culture with Rwanda.
The beginning of Mobutu reign was calm, but when he tried to organize elections at different levels, the struggle began among tribes challenging Banyarwanda leadership in the Kivu Province. Ignoring the Fundamental Law: constitution of independence, the decree-law No 72-002 of Feb 5, 1972, the Parliament voted the law No 81-002 of Jun 2, 1981, confiscating the citizenship of many Congolese Kinyarwanda speakers. Tied at this particular time to the Rwandan Dictator Juvenal Habyarimana who wants to exterminate all Tutsi and moderated Hutu from the Great Lakes Region, Sekimonyo wa Magango, Anzuluni Bembe and Vangu Mambweni were the ones pushing members of the Parliament to do such horrible things and used the Congolese Army to persecute Banyarwanda in the Kivu.
After the Genocide in Rwanda, The Hutu Rwandan Power, and the Interahamwe helped by the French (Operation Turquoise), authors of the genocide took refuge in the Kivu Province and started killing Congolese Banyarwanda with the complicity of Congolese Army ( This pushed the Banyarwanda (North Kivu) and Banyamulenge (South-Kivu) to organize a self defense which overthrew President Mobutu in 1997. The AFDL mistakenly gave the Presidency to a sanguinary rebel known as Laurent Desire Kabila, later killed by his own body guard after he killed many Tutsi-Congolese (3000 persons one night, August 12-13, 1998 in Kokolo Camp). He was the one to invite Interahamwe to be a part of Congolese Army up to now (
Joseph Kabila is following his father's plan to exterminate Banyarwanda and has demonstrated such xenophobia during his recent campaign. He is trying hard to send more than three battalions to clean the Kivu from insects (Banyarwanda) as he said in Goma in July 2006. He did in Bukavu in 2004 and many were rescued by general Nkunda when he intervened in the town. Joseph Kabila plans to complete the task after or before the second round of the election. The international community needs to be aware. Many Congolese are still refugees in neighborhood countries and didn’t participate in the recent vote. There is no plan from the Congolese Government to let them back; recently some of them were killed in Burundi on 13 August 2004, when armed combatants attacked Gatumba transit camp close to the border with the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Today only the part of Congo controlled by Nkunda is peaceful, I mean without Congolese Army, robbing and raping citizens, Mayi-Mayi, and interahamwe militia killing so easily. MONUC recognize the fact and admire CNDP soldier’s discipline. Everywhere else in east Congo, Interahamwe, and Mayi- Mayi militia are killing citizens everyday. Congolese are not pleased to see 17,000 UN “peacekeepers” without specific mission to protect the population, spending most of their time, drinking beer and raping young girls (
That is why the CNDP and General Laurent Nkunda stand to protect Banyarwanda (Tutsi and Hutu), preaching reconciliation among communities. A wise man said: Strongest minds are often those of whom the noisy world hears last.
Greetings Mitali,
I very much appreciate your December 2007 email sending that excellent narrative of Congo's history and Nkunda's place in making it. It greatly helps put current Congo events into perspective.
All the best,
Jackie Jura
listen Kabila/UN bombs emptying Bunagana town
(thousands fleeing across border into Uganda)
watch Kabila/UN armies bomb Congo civilians
BBC/AlJazeera, Nov 4, 2013
& 6.SuperStates Disputed Territories
Robert recommends his book "In the Aftermath of Genocide: The USA Role in Rwanda"
Congo-Kinshasa: Goma Running Out of Space for DRC's Displaced, AllAfrica, Aug 23, 2013
...According to the UN Stabilization Mission in DRC (MONUSCO), "Over one million civilians live in the relatively small area of Goma and Sake and along the road that connects them, where amongst others the Mugunga IDP camps, temporary home to 70,000 people displaced by the conflict, are situated." Of the more than two million IDPs in the country, about one million are displaced from South and North Kivu provinces. Spontaneous sites have been established in the North Kivu towns of Goma, Masisi, Rutshuru and Walikale. And the robust mandate afforded to a UN intervention force meant to "neutralize" the more than 30 armed groups in the Kivu provinces is expected to see even more displacements...
What happened to Congolese General Laurent Nkunda?, by Georgianne Nienebar, Jan 20, 2012
...In three years, no one has heard from Nkunda after his betrayal by Rwanda's Paul Kagame in a mutually beneficial alliance with Congo's Joseph Kabila. Paul Kagame's press office has not responded to repeated requests for an interview.
Contrary to news reports at the time, Nkunda was not on the run, nor had he been ousted in a coup d'état by the war criminal Bosco Ntaganda. Against the advice of advisors, Nkunda went willingly to a meeting called in Rwanda to consider peace talks. Associates suspected a trap, and they were correct. But a "renegade" general "on the run" is a compelling story. Today, Nkunda is being held under house arrest in Rwanda with no criminal charges pending against him. A petition filed by his lawyer in the Supreme Court of Rwanda in March 2010 says Nkunda: ...was arrested on or about January 22, 2009 by members of Rwanda Defence Forces of Rwanda (RDF), and remains to this day held by the Rwandan authorities, and without appearing before a judge so that he can be informed of the reasons for his arrest and detention....Laurent Nkunda was arrested while attending a formal meeting to which he had been invited to participate...This document has been recently scrubbed from the ICC website. The Hague has not responded to our request for an explanation. One explanation might be that the complete petition demonstrates that Rwanda is in violation of its constitution, since it holds Nkunda with no criminal or civil charges filed against him....
Tutsi refugees in Rwanda prefer death at home in Congo (fighting Hutus/MaiMai/Kabila better than fighting hunger), RwandaNewTimes, Sep 17, 2011 Nkunda to be secretly handed over to Congo from Rwanda (fought Hutu/UN/Kabila forces killing Tutsis in Congo), RwandaNewsAgency, Sep 14, 2011 54,000 Congo refugees starving in Rwanda UN camps (fled on-going massacres by Rwandan Hutus in Congo) & UN begs for money to feed Congo refugees in Rwanda (need $4-million for 2,500 tons food for 54,000 people), AllAfrica, Sep 14, 2011
Rwanda says open to Congo warlord Nkunda extradition Gorilla smuggling increasing in Congo & Rwanda (big demand for baby mountain gorillas), AFP, Aug 31, 2011 It pays to be at war for UN peace-keepers in Congo (18,000 UN-troops keeping-war in Congo as livelihood), SouthAfricaMailGuardian, Aug 19, 2011 "Nkunda's case not easy", says Rwanda, by Kezio-Musoke David, Nation Kenya, Jan 20, 2011 Rwanda hearing of Tutsi ex-rebel Nkunda case postponed, AFP, Jan 10, 2011 HOW OR WHERE'S NKUNDA? (reader asks if anyone has any contact to him) Scale & viciousness of Congo atrocities defy belief (UN saw Congo Army/MaiMai/Rwandan Hutu soldiers kill/rape/abduct forced labor/loot houses-shops) & Congo women/children raped next to UN base (UN warned humanitarian groups to stay away). AFP/Independent, Sep 24, 2010 Violence brings death & trauma in Kivu Congo (villagers are constantly terrified) & Pomp as President Kagame takes oath (administered by Supreme Court judges). MSF/NewTimes, Sep 9, 2010 RWANDA CONGO SOMETIMES (reader rented movie SOMETIMES IN APRIL about Rwanda genocide) Rwanda court postpones Nkunda release hearing, AFP, Jun 11, 2010 GENOCIDE LAWYER TRIALS & TRIBS Rwanda genocide tribunal lawyers fear for their safety after colleague's arrest (denial of Peter Erlinder's bail prompts more than 30 defence lawyers to issue joint statement to UN court), Guardian, Jun 8, 2010 Rwanda military court postpones Nkunda release hearing, NewsAfrica, May 11, 2010 No hearing for Nkunda, News24, Mar 26, 2010 Rwanda Supreme Court delays release hearing of Congo rebel chief Laurent Nkunda, ITNR Video Clip, Mar 2, 2010 (...Bourgon -- who has not been allowed access to his client -- told Reuters in an interview earlier this year that Nkunda is willing to face trial for alleged war crimes or go into exile to end his incarceration in Rwanda's capital Kigali..."What is unacceptable is a man detained for 400 days without ever being brought before a judge," Bourgon told reporters.... [Nkunda's wife was also interviewed outside the Supreme Court on March 1st, and she said it had been three months since she'd last seen him]: ...The former rebel's wife Elizabeth said she had seen Nkunda a couple of times since his arrest, the last time in Kigali in November. "Whether he is treated well, or not, my husband is in prison. I spoke to him and he does not have any human rights in his life... I ask the government of Rwanda to exercise justice and release my husband -- that is why we are here," said Elizabeth Nkunda..." Nkunda Safe Like Lumumba?, CNDP, Jan 15, 2010 Rwanda again postpones Nkunda's hearing (didn't appear in court, remains in detention). AFP, Jan 14, 2010 Rwanda Court to hear Nkunda case Wednesday (show Commonwealth its human rights credentials) & Nkunda petition to ask why he was arrested (Army Chief Staff Kabarebe to be on witness stand) & Nkunda family awaits Rwanda Supreme Court (held illegaly one year; not seen in public since).Invest/SaveRw/VOA, Jan 12-13, 2010 Hearing of General Nkunda detention case set for January 13, 2010, RwandaNewsAgency, Dec 11, 2009 Canada zoo names new baby gorilla (UN declared 2009 Year of the Gorilla) & UN court frees Fossey murder suspect (Mr Z also complicit killing 800,000 Tutsis). TOStar/OpEdNews, Nov 17, 2009. Go to NKUNDA SAVED CONGO GORILLAS RWANDA SUSPECT CANADA CAUGHT (keep little fish; let big fish go) Canada charges Rwandan for genocide (trial will cost at least $4-million) & Rwanda genocide suspect seen on bus (recognized by childhood friend). GlobeMail/MontrealGazette, Nov 16, 2009 Kenya shelters owner of Rwanda Hate Radio (imported millions of machetes from China). VOA, Nov 16, 2009 KILLING FOSSEY LEAST ZED CRIME UN frees ex-pres Habyarimana brother-in-law (Rwanda very unhappy but can't reverse) & Zigiranyirazo collaborated in Dian Fossey murder (also guilty masterminding Rwanda genocide) & Rwanda's notorious "Mr Z" let out of prison (UN overturns his conviction for genocide) & Friend of Mr Zed sentenced to 8-yrs prison (knew who gave order kill Rwanda opposition). BBC/Wiki/AP/RNW, Nov 16, 2009. Go to HABYARIMANA WIFE DENIES GENOCIDE GENOCIDAIRES DENY RWANDA GENOCIDE (only chaos/murder/butchery/war crime). Email, Nov 14, 2009 Nkunda loyalists in Congo army warn war (humanitarian situation in Kivu catastrophic), Daily Nation Kenya, Oct 25, 2009 watch CONGO CIVILIANS EASY PREY A Tribute to Commandate, CNDP, Oct 23, 2009 Congo president Kabila on spot over mass misery (thousands civilians killed/raped/homes burned; Congo & UN armies refuse to fight killers), Daily Nation Kenya, Oct 14, 2009 RWANDA KING NOT AT HOME, Email, Oct Oct 25, 2009 REMINISCING DISCOVERY NILE & CONGO (John Speke & Morton Stanley). Email, Oct 24, 2009 VISION DU CNDP: RESTAURER LA DIGNITE DES CONGOLAIS ET DU CONGO, Par le Général-Major Laurent NKUNDA MIHIGO, Chairman (La cohésion nationale en danger). CNDP, Oct 10, 2009 Nkunda lawyers still not heard from Kagame (to discuss solution to this deadlock). CNDP, Oct 4, 2009 NKUNDA SEEKING KAGAME MEETING (illegally detained in Rwanda) The Judicial Saga of Laurent Nkunda Continues in Rwanda., Sep 26, 2009 New Motion Seeking the Release of Laurent Nkunda., Sep 23, 2009 District 9 film warns of a dangerous future (millions of aliens not just in South Africa), Guardian, Sep 7, 2009. Go to SOUTH AFRICA A SCI-FI SLUM & DISTRICT 9 HERO GOOD OLD SMITHY China's boom hits Congo (resentful of communist country's business practices; a sense of racism between Congolese & Chinese). SeattleTimes, Aug 23, 2009 South Africa rips asylum for white man in Canada (communist ANC gov't says it perpetrates racism). TorontoStar, Sep 7, 2009 South Africa's poor renew tradition of protest (water/electricity/unemployment, nothing gets better) & South Africa lambasts "Chinese tsunami" (stifling industry, wiping out jobs, low wages). NewYorkTimes, BuesinessDay, Sep 7, 2009 CHINA RAILROADING CONGO RAILROAD NKUNDA ARREST PUTS GORILLAS AT RISK REMEMBERING MUTWARE THE ELEPHANT KAGAME-KABILA-NKUNDA SUMMITEERING LAMENTING RWANDA CONGO GENOCIDES (even innocent smiles of babies doesn't soften their hearts) CONGO ARMY NEEDS NKUNDA (training soldiers for the nation) ASSANI ESSENCE OF NKUNDA (...I hope some day the REAL Nkunda will return to Congo and resume his proper place in history - the hero of a successful rebellion against a corrupt government facilitating genocide against a group of its own people....) National Geographic Update, April 2009 KAGAME, PLEASE PLAY NKUNDA ACE A TRIBUTE TO COMMANDANTE NKUNDA watch NKUNDA SAY CONGO OWNS RESOURCES, YouTube, Jan 3, 2009 watch NKUNDA SAVED CONGO GORILLAS, YouTube, Jan 3, 2009 watch NKUNDA SAY UN CRIMINALS IN CONGO, YouTube, Jan 3, 2009 watch KABILA KILLS, RAPES & BLAMES NKUNDA, YouTube, Jan 3, 2009 watch NKUNDA LAST CONGO INTERVIEW, YouTube, Jan 3, 2009 COMPATRIOTS DEMAND NKUNDA RELEASE FREE NKUNDA TO FIGHT FOR CONGO NKUNDA GEURRILLA GORILLA TOURS Nkunda didn't flee, he was lured ("for consultations" by erstwhile ally Rwanda). Independent, Jan 23, 2009 Congo war enters new phase without Nkunda (demanded Kabila cancel China contracts that are unfair to Congo people). Monsters & Critics, Jan 23, 3009 Rwanda joined Congo against Nkunda (after UN report & donors cut aid). NPR, Jan 23, 2009 Laurent Nkunda's spectacular fall (loyal & capable military leader protecting Congo from Rwandan Hutus). BBC, Jan 23, 2009 Rwanda arrests Congo rebel leader Nkunda (impediment to Rwanda's plans in region). BBC, Jan 23, 2009 Rwandan, Congolese troops heading for Nkunda stronghold. AFP, Jan 22, 2009 Kabila decides to embrace Rwanda. AFP, Jan 22, 2009 Nkunda demands Kabila cancel China contracts (benefits gov't officials not Congo citizens). VOA, Jan 8, 2009 Nkunda would fight African peacekeepers if they were sent to Congo to back government troops. Guardian, Nov 10, 2009 GENOCIDAL HUTUS NEVER EXTRADITED INTERVIEW NKUNDA ("We have to liberate Congo....Congo has to be free and develop"). BBC, Nov 10, 2008
Nkunda would fight African peacekeepers if they were sent to Congo to back government troops. Guardian, Nov 10, 2009 Rebel Nkunda threatens to extend fighting to Congo capital (unless gov't agrees to talks). Guardian, Nov 4, 2008 Beijing keeps its interest in Congo. Guardian, Nov 3, 2008 Mugabe backing Kabila against Nkunda in Eastern Congo. NewTimes, Nov 2, 2008 Congo groups re-arming against Nkunda (6 planeloads weapons to Goma for Kabila helping Rwandan Hutus kill Tutsis). BBC, Aug 1, 2008 National Geographic, July 2008 ZIMBABWE SPADE RED CHINA ("...I asked myself is there justice in this world? The super power is continuing strengthening Mugabe’s regime. Just like the way the Chinese are strengthening him and Kabila with lucrative deals. Will we never see the back of him?...") 'We have to kill Tutsis wherever they are'. Guardian, May 16, 2008 The roots of war in Eastern Congo. Guardian, May 16, 2008 KNOW NKUNDA CONGO watch NKUNDA PILGRIMAGE RECONCILIATION, YouTube UN PEACEKEEPING NOT KEEPINGPEACE JFK CRIED FOR CONGO and JFK PEACE FOR ALL TIME 6.Disputed Territories and 2.Big Brother and 12.Ministry of Peace (War) and 11.Ministry of Plenty (Starvation) Jackie Jura email:
by Joyn Irish, Reuters, Sep 12, 2011
PARIS - Rwanda is open to extraditing Congolese warlord Laurent Nkunda as long as he does not face the death penalty in his homeland, ministers said on Monday. The former leader of the National Congress for the Defence of the People (CNDP), a rebel force that repeatedly routed Democratic Republic of Congo's army, has been held under house arrest in Rwanda since January 2009. "We are talking to the Congolese authorities with regard to his extradition, but it is difficult," Foreign Minister Louise Mushikiwabo told reporters in Paris on the sidelines of a state visit by Rwandan President Paul Kagame. "It's difficult for us to extradite a person to a country that has not abolished the death penalty even with certain guarantees," she said. Nkunda's arrest heralded a new era in relations between the two African states [France/Rwanda], but what happens to Nkunda could still influence relations. A United Nations panel reported in 2008 that the Rwandan army had supported Nkunda's rebel war in eastern Congo and if Nkunda were to stand trial in Congo, and he confirmed the U.N. allegations of Rwandan support, it would be embarrassing for Kagame and could harm relations with Congo anew. "There is also the political aspect which makes his extradition difficult because we in Rwanda want lasting stability so everything that has a tendency to destabilise and to take us back to the (era of) conflict and confrontation remains delicate," she added. Justice Minister Tharcisse Karugarama said that Nkunda's position as a soldier with supporters and his own military force meant that his case could not be treated like everybody else. "It's a delicate issue not just about extradition, but generally legal and political aspects and the stability of the region," he said. "It's difficult for Rwanda, Congo and even Ndunka. We hope that soon there will be a lasting solution." The Hague-based International Criminal Court (ICC) has not indicted Nkunda, but has opened investigations into him and the U.N. has accused his CNDP of serious human rights abuses, including sexual violence and recruitment of child soldiers during his five-year rebellion in eastern Congo. Nkunda could face a tribunal for war crimes, treason and desertion charges in Congo.
Tharcisse Karugarama, Rwanda’s Minister of Justice has said the case involving the arrest and detaining of former Congolese warlord Laurent Nkunda has dragged because of its political, legal and diplomatic complexities. Mr Nkunda has been under house arrest since January 22, 2009 after entering Rwanda from neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo, where his CNDP rebel force had repeatedly routed the government forces. After two wars between the Great Lakes neighbours and years trading accusations of backing the other’s rebels, Rwanda and Congo mended relations in a deal that analysts said hinged on Nkunda’s arrest and Rwandan help ending the rebellion. President Paul Kagame, during his first press conference, addressed on Tuesday, since winning the August 2010 presidential elections said that while the former warlord’s arrest was to solve the problems in neighbouring DRC, it has since created another problem for Rwanda with a number of complexities. “Holding Nkunda is a problem we (Rwanda) shouldn’t have had in the first place. It is an issue which is complex itself. Nkunda was arrested in order to solve one problem. After solving that problem another problem has been created. However I would wish for a speedy trial in order to solve this problem,” Mr Kagame said. “One thing that should be clear is that even though it is complex, the case itself can’t cause a diplomatic nightmare between us and the DRC. The fact that our ministry of justice and the one of Congo are working together on this issue it means it can’t cause any problem, he added.
Mr Nkunda [not in person] has appeared in a number of Rwandan civil courts and his case has since then been referred to the military court. However he is yet to be charged. Rwanda has also in the past acknowledged receipt of the extradition request by the DRC Nkunda’s “war crimes and crimes against humanity allegedly committed in DRC. Karugarama, Rwanda’s Minister of Justice said on Wednesday in a separate interview that the fact that Nkunda is a Congolese general arrested on Rwanda soil with a big rebel force, operating from another nation is enough to create legal, diplomatic and political complications. "We risk finding ourselves in a situation where legally there is a ‘conflict of laws’ if we don’t handle this situation well. Nkunda is not ordinary man. He is a general of an outfit operating in Congo while he is being held in another country. That alone has legal implications,” Karugarama said. “Rwanda and DRC which are two separate states, have separate laws. At the same time we are bound by international laws that regulate fugitives and people like Nkunda. We are currently engaged with DRC and others and in reasonable time this issue will be sorted out,” he added said.
Both Rwanda and DRC have in the past adopted one important position on Nkunda’s case. The first is that Nkunda is Congolese and has to be dealt with by the DRC judiciary for the crimes allegedly committed in the DRC but since he is on Rwandan territory then it was necessary to also apply Rwandan law. Karugarama and his DRC counterpart have also in the past recommended an instituted team of experts from both countries that should convene to work on legalities that would consider the legal obstacles with regard to the transfer of Nkunda. The legal obstacles include the possible impact of the amnesty law on DRC’s extradition request, the legal impediments embedded in the Rwandan law regarding extradition and the death penalty, as well as implications of the national, regional and international law on the extradition request.
KIGALI — A Rwandan military court on Monday postponed the hearing of a plea to free a Congolese Tutsi ex-rebel chief, detained in Rwanda for the past two years, his lawyer said. "The clerk's office decided to postpone the hearing sine die because the judge (General Steven Karyango) has been suspended," Aime Bokanga, a lawyer for Laurent Nkunda, told AFP. "We're waiting for a new judge to be appointed. Under Rwandan law he needs to be a general because the person we have brought proceedings against is a general," the lawyer said. This latest postponement is the fourth since the case was sent to the military courts. Nkunda's lawyers say General James Kabarebe, former Rwandan army chief of staff who was appointed defence minister in April, is responsible for the "arrest and illegal detention" of their client. In March Rwanda's supreme court ruled that given Kabarebe's military status, it was not competent to hear the plea. Nkunda was arrested in Gisenyi on Rwanda's border with the Democratic Republic of Congo on January 22, 2009, when he was head of the rebel National Congress for the Defence of the People (CNDP) movement, according to people close to him. In October 2008, Nkunda's men routed the DR Congolese army in Nord-Kivu province and threatened to take the strategic provincial capital, Goma, near the border with Rwanda. But after a shift in alliances, the Congolese and Rwandan armies in January 2009 launched an unprecedented joint operation targeting Rwandan Hutu rebels in eastern DR Congo, which also resulted in Nkunda's arrest.
Kigali - A Rwandan military court in Kigali on Friday postponed the hearing of a plea to release Laurent Nkunda, a former rebel leader in the Democratic Republic of Congo, one of his lawyers said. Aime Bokanga said that the postponement of the case which had been set to take place on Friday was due to the absence of main defence lawyer, Stephan Bourgon of Canada. "He informed the tribunal that he was detained by another case in The Hague. The audience was therefore postponed until September 24," Bokanga said. Nkunda has been held since January 2009. A hearing due to take place on May 11 was called off for the lack of an interpreter, since the court decided that the debate would take place in Kinyarwanda, which Bourgon does not understand....
A military court in Rwanda Tuesday postponed the hearing of a plea seeking the release of Laurent Nkunda, a former rebel chief in the Democratic Republic of Congo, one of his lawyers said. "The court pushed the date back to June 11 to leave time to find an interpreter to facilitate the hearing," Aime Bokanga told AFP. Nkunda's other defence counsel, the Canadian lawyer Stephan Bourgon, does not understand the local Kinyarwanda language that the military court has chosen for the proceedings, Bokanga explained. Nkunda has been held since January 2009. His lawyers say General James Kabarebe, the former Rwandan army chief of staff who was appointed defence minister last month, is responsible for the "arrest and illegal detention" of their client. In late March Rwanda's supreme court ruled that given Kabarebe's military status it was not competent to hear the plea.
Nkunda was arrested in Gisenyi on January 22, 2009, when he was head of the rebel National Congress for the Defence of the People (CNDP) movement, according to people close to him. In October 2008, Nkunda's men routed the DR Congolese army in Nord-Kivu province and threatened to take the strategic provincial capital, Goma, near the border with Rwanda. But after a shift in alliances, the Congolese and Rwandan armies in January 2009 launched an unprecedented joint operation targeting Rwandan Hutu rebels in eastern DR Congo which also resulted in Nkunda's arrest.
Kigali - Rwanda's supreme court ruled on Friday it is not competent to hear a plea seeking the release of Laurent Nkunda, a former rebel chief in the Democratic Republic of Congo, held since January 2009. "The court ruled it is not competent and sent the case back to a military tribunal," Aime Bokanga, one of Nkunda's lawyers told AFP. The court's argument is based on the military status of General James Kabarebe, Rwanda's chief of defence staff, designated as the person responsible for Nkunda's detention. Neither Kabarebe nor Nkunda was present in court Friday. "For us it's a disappointment. The supreme court could have taken cognisance of this case," Bokanga said. "It didn't take into account the human aspects of the case. Our client has been held without trial for more than a year. But we hope that the military courts will rule on the case since it has been sent back to them by the highest court in the land." Nkunda's lawyers in December complained to the supreme court that their client's continued detention, first in Gisenyi, a town in northwestern Rwanda on the border with DR Congo, and then in Kigali, was "illegal". Nkunda was arrested in Gisenyi on January 22 2009, when he was head of the rebel National Congress for the Defence of the People (CNDP) movement, according to people close to him. In October 2008, Nkunda's men routed the DR Congolese army in Nord-Kivu province and threatened to take the strategic provincial capital, Goma, near the border with Rwanda. But after a shift in alliances, the Congolese and Rwandan armies in January 2009 launched an unprecedented joint operation targeting Rwandan Hutu rebels in eastern DR Congo which also resulted in Nkunda's arrest.
Kigali: The Supreme Court has accepted to hear the case filed by Congolese General Laurent Nkunda after all other lower courts threw out applications in which he is challenging his "illegal" detention, RNA reports. General Nkunda's lawyer met with the President of the Supreme Court Justice Aloysie Cyanzayire on Wednesday. Following the closed-door meeting, Justice Cyanzayire was clearly under pressure to act because the Supreme Court was the only remaining place the petitioners would go – thereby leaving the credibility of the court at stake. A while later, the Chief Registrar of the Supreme Court confirmed that the hearing sought on November 30 will take place on 13 January 2010 – which General Nkunda’s Canadian lawyer Mr. Stéphane Bourgon criticized. The Supreme Court argument was that the judiciary would be going to recess. "It is really surprising that an application seeking the release of a person alleged to be detained unlawfully cannot be heard urgently – judicial recess or not – since any violation of the fundamental right to freedom and liberty deserves to be heard without delay," said Bourgon. "Nonetheless, we are very satisfied that on 13 January 2010, we will have the opportunity to argue NKUNDA's case before the highest court of Rwanda. "The controversial General Nkunda – who until January was accused of causing massive havoc and suffering in eastern DRC, has now been detained in Kigali for more than 10 months without being permitted to meet with his lawyer. A case was filed in Gisenyi where Nkunda was being detained at first but the court there threw out his application on grounds it had no jurisdiction to hear the case. When he was moved to Kigali sometime later, and his wife allowed seeing him, the attorney sought out other avenues. Mr. Bourgon has also petitioned President Kagame. But like other senior government officials, Mr. Kagame described Nkunda as a guest of Rwanda. He told DRC counterpart Joseph Kabila that the two countries should look forward and not backwards. In recent months, General Nkunda's has lowered her tone compared to when she was all over the media claiming her husband had been kidnapped. For the attorney Mr. Bourgon, who tried the High Military Court, which declined to accept the application at first, the campaign is not about to end. The attorney says he is going to take advantages of this Supreme Court hearing. "We will do everything to ensure the attendance of a maximum number of international observers, whether from non governmental organizations interested in human rights issues and or States,” he said.
Last July National Geographic reported on a dire situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo's Virunga National Park. In 2007, as a warning to the warden who'd thwarted a thriving illegal charcoal trade, local men killed seven of the park's mountain gorillas. Only 720 of the animals are left in the world. Soon additional violence in the park between rebels and government troops drove out Virunga's rangers entirely, and the mountain gorillas were left unprotected. Now the rangers are back. Virunga park director Emmanuel de Merode negotiated their return with rebel leader Laurent Nkunda. "It's a case of conservation ahead of politics," says photographer Brent Stirton, who has long covered the conflict. And the conservation news is good. Rangers discovered that five goirlla babies had been born in the 15 months since they'd last seen their charges.
The Tutsi rebel leader, Laurent Nkunda, today warned he would fight African peacekeepers if they were sent to back government troops in fighting in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. A regional summit of African leaders said yesterday they would "not stand by" and watch the violence which has displaced about 250,000 people and led to UN accusations of war crimes over the systematic killing of civilians. Countries of the Southern African Development Community (SADC), including South Africa, Zimbabwe and Angola, agreed to send in "peacemaking forces" to the region of North Kivu "if and when necessary". Nkunda, whose rebel forces sparked the current violence, said his troops would fight peacekeepers if they were deployed alongside Congolese government soldiers. "If SADC engages like this, they will have made a mistake. I am ready to fight them," Nkunda told Reuters by telephone....The scale of Angolan military support for Congo is not clear but it appears to have emboldened the government's army. However, it carries the risk of widening the conflict. Angolan forces played a crucial role in stopping the advance of the second Rwandan invasion of Congo, in 1998. Rwanda denies that it continues to support Nkunda after backing him immediately after its invasion. But it may not stand by if the Angolan military swings the conflict against Nkunda while Hutu extremist rebels, comprising members of the forces that led the 1994 genocide in Rwanda, continue to operate unhindered from Congo.
"If they refuse to negotiate, it will mean they will be ready to only fight and we will fight them because we have to fight for our freedom," Nkunda told Reuters. Speaking at his hilltop headquarters in North Kivu province, he said his forces would not stop at the provincial capital, Goma, but would go on to Kinshasa, almost a 1,000 miles (1,600km) to the west. "Goma is just a place to pass through. When they force us to come down to Goma we won't stop there. People must be serious, otherwise there's no turning back," he said. The government responded by again refusing to engage in direct talks with Nkunda. Lambert Mende, a government spokesman, said President Joseph Kabila's administration was "open for dialogue" with all rebel and militia groups in the region, but would not meet Nkunda's group alone. The rebel spokesman Bertrand Bisima said: "Apart from dialogue, all that remains is war." Nkunda leads up to 10,000 rebels who began fighting government troops in North Kivu at the end of August. He called a halt to the rebel offensive last week after threatening to take Goma. The violence, which has displaced up to 250,000 people, is fuelled by tensions left over from Rwanda's 1994 genocide. Nkunda claims to be protecting Tutsis from Hutu extremists, whose presence dates from the Rwandan genocide when they were driven into Congo, accused of killing 800,000 Tutsis and Hutu moderates....
It may be half a world away, but China will be closely watching the conflict in eastern Congo, aware of the risks the chaos poses to its involvement in the region. Rebel leader Laurent Nkunda has declared strong objections to a £5bn mining-for-infrastructure pact which is China's biggest deal in Africa. The deal, and the dissent it arouses, are typical of China's rapidly growing investment across the continent - direct aid in exchange for raw resources to fuel its economy. "It is very simple. We need the raw materials and these countries need access to capital," Wu Zexian, China's ambassador to Congo, said this year. "I do not know why the west is so afraid." Critics inside and outside Africa say it is neo-colonialism. But others question the west's high moral tone, given its bloody history in Congo. Besides, China is simply offering more. One-third of the £5bn will develop mines; the rest will fund desperately needed infrastructure: sewers; universities; housing; 177 hospitals and health centres and thousands of miles of roads. Congo will gradually repay China from the profits of a mining joint venture - and supply it with copper and cobalt. There is certainly resentment in Africa at the profits China is making and the working conditions in Chinese-run mines; as there has been with other foreign investors. But Tom Cargill, director of the Africa programme at Chatham House, suspects Nkunda may hope to use China as a smokescreen. "He has some quite sophisticated PR people and they may be saying: the west is very suspicious of China - maybe we can break down some opposition to us by saying we are standing up for Congolese people against the Chinese," he said. Beijing's policy of non-interference in internal affairs leaves it limited options in Congo. "In terms of boots on the ground, if it's to do anything, it would be under UN auspices - and the UN mission in the DRC appears to be in complete collapse," said Alexander Neill, head of the Asia security programme at the Royal United Services Institute.
Rebel general Nkunda, who prefers to be called the "Chairman," wages war against the Congolese army and Hutu militias from a farmhouse near Kirolirwe, just west of Virunga Park. Accused of using child soldiers and other war crimes, Nkunda claims he is protectng the Congolese Tutsi from genocide at the hands of the Hutu. He also claims he is a conservationist.
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