To Orwell Today,
I'm working on a television program about Jimmy Hoffa and came across this great photo on your website of Bobby Kennedy and JFK examining a Teamster model truck. See RFK'S HISTORY WITH HOFFA
I wondered if you could provide any information on that image. Is it public domain? Do you remember where you got it from? I'd really like to see if it's okay to use in our edit.
Thanks for any info,
Andy, NYC
Greetings Andy,
I scanned that photo of Senator John Kennedy and Bobby -- the Majority Council to the Select Committee on Improper Activites in the Labor Management Field, aka the Racketts Committee -- examining the Teamster model truck from page 71 of the coffee-table book JOHN FITZGERALD KENNEDY: A LIFE IN PICTURES by Phaidon, published in 2003.
The other photo in that article -- the one of Bobby questioning an unseen Hoffa and JFK reading a manual beside him -- is from page 57 of the coffee-table book KENNEDY: A TIME REMEMBERED by Jacques Lowe, published in 1983.
Although it isn't cited in the Phaidon book, I assume Jacques Lowe took both photos as they are similar. The Phaidon book acknowledges LOOK MAGAZINE as the source for the photo of JFK and Bobby with the Teamster truck -- so perhaps it first appeared there originally.
Both photos have been in public domain on my website this past ten years or so.
All the best,
Jackie Jura
To Orwell Today,
Thanks, Jackie. Just writing to let you know I found this image on the Getty Images web site. It appears to be from Time and Life Pictures. We can't afford images at the price they charge, so that's alright. But thanks for your effort. It's a very cool picture.
Greetings Andy,
Yes, it is a very cool picture of the two brothers -- a person can imagine them as little boys playing with trucks.
So sorry you can't use the image in your production.
All the best,
Jackie Jura
watch Bobby Kennedy vs Hoffa, YouTube (Bobby as chief legal council for the Senate Racketts Committee grilling some of toughest gangsters in America...calling 1,500 witnesses...the Teamsters one of the most corrupt unions...Bobby said he detected in Hoffa absolute evilness..."Mr Hoffa, did you say 'that SOB I'll break his back'...who's back were you going to break?"...)
watch Senator John F Kennedy questions Jimmy Hoffa, 1957, YouTube
Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~