watch THE SECOND GUN, YouTube
This 1973 documentary is a "must see" for RFK assassination researchers.
It proves, beyond doubt, that a contract killer -- a hired gun disguised as a security guard --
fired the fatal bullet into the back of Bobby's head from point-blank range.
~ Jackie Jura
To Orwell Today,
I was just looking at your site, and was wondering if you had ever had the opportunity to see the movie called "The Second Gun"? It is very interesting and made me a believer in a cover up.
-Veronica Green
Greetings Veronica,
Actually I haven't heard of the movie THE SECOND GUN until you brought it to my attention, but I'll watch it the first chance I get.
There are some excellent reviews of THE SECOND GUN, 1973 on the Internet Movie Data Base, which I'll post below.
Will we ever know the truth?
by T Tucker from Germany
This is a fine documentary about the assassination of Bobby Kennedy. There have been all kinds of documentaries obviously on JFK's death, but to the best of my knowledge only a handful on Bobby's and yet his tore the country apart just as much. People still speculate about what would have happened if he had been elected President. This documentary seems choppy and quickly edited, but it does explore the salient questions very well. Was Sirhan the lone gunman or were there others in the pantry of the Ambassador Hotel that night? Every eyewitness to Bobby's shooting said that Sirhan was a few feet IN FRONT of him firing. They interview Doctor Thomas Noguchi who did the autopsy and he pointed out there was gunpowder in Bobby's hair, clothing and skin and gunpowder burns on his ear. That would mean that a gun had been fired within INCHES of his head. Whenever a firearm is discharged the powder that comes out along with the bullet travels but a few inches because the gas that it travels on is very light. The documentary points out how important evidence disappeared and witnesses were bullied whose testimony didn't match the official version. The most fascinating part of the film is where they explore the possibility that Sirhan was a sort of robot assassin (a "Manchurian Candidate"). He always has insisted that he didn't remember shooting Bobby. An interesting footnote: one of Bobby Kennedy's good friends in Hollywood was a movie director named John Frankenheimer. He stayed at his house the night before the assassination and Frankenheimer drove him to the hotel that night. John Frankenhiemer's most famous film? The Manchurian Candidate!
A good introduction to controversies surrounding a terrible event
by Jake Corgi from USA
I just watched this movie, and I would recommend it primarily for those viewers who previously have not been exposed to some of the key unresolved issues in the RFK assassination case. Those who are "buffs" of RFK will not find much new ground here, primarily because the movie is now over 30 years old. However, considering the year of its release (1973) and the general consensus at that point that Sirhan was solely responsible for the shooting, the film was ground breaking for its time. The most puzzling part of the case has always been how to reconcile the fact that the coroner found that the fatal wound entered Bobby Kennedy's right mastoid from behind and at very close range (from less than an inch to three inches) with the fact that all the witnesses place Sirhan to the front and never closer than a couple of feet or so to Kennedy. The producers identify a likely suspect as a second shooter (I won't give the game away, although those of you familiar with the case will readily guess the identity of that suspect). The most powerful impression left by this movie is the utter incompetence of the LAPD in handling this big case (remind you of a famous case in the 1990s?).
Informative and straight to the point!
by Joe Rndall from Canada
This Documentary goes right to the heart of the matter, showing the turn-of-the-head by all in Power as another well-loved Leader of the people is gunned down. The Fact that a patsy is used as Diversion from the real killer(s) is proved quite well by Charach. A Must See.
Ted Charach, co-producer of The Second Gun, Interview, You Tube, 3 years ago (Ted Huntington interviews Ted Charach, coproducer of "The Second Gun", a 1970 golden globe nominated movie that describes how Thane Cesar, a Lockheed employee, working as a security guard for "Ace Security" killed Robert F. Kennedy, the Thomas Noguchi autopsy that shows 4 bullets fired at close range from behind, and how Sirhan never got close enough to make those 4 shots. "The Second Gun" is available on the web at http://www.secondgun.com/ and I highly encourange you to view this 1970 video to learn a little about the truth of how Thane Cesar killed RFK and the criminal conservatives in power cover it up to this very day.)
Thanks a million for bringing this movie to my attention. It's a valued addition to ORWELL TODAY.
All the best,
Jackie Jura
PS - It's been several years since you brought the movie THE SECOND GUN to my attention but recently (May 2019) I found it on YouTube and watched it (linked at top of page). It's a "must see" for RFK assassination researchers. It proves, beyond doubt, that a contract killer -- a hired gun disguised as a security guard -- fired the fatal bullet into the back of Bobby's head from point-blank range.
Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~
email: orwelltoday@gmail.com
website: www.orwelltoday.com