To Orwell Today,
Dear Jackie,
This is Badang from Rwanda. Thank you alot for your website and the concern over Rwanda.
But now, Rwandans have a war of truth and false politics of France and its allies. It's a tactical war of negation France has adopted and now its allies like Germany, are supporting it.
I am writing to you, to express my concern over the German arrest of the Rwanda's Hero Mme Rose Kabuye. It is pitiful and frustrating. How can a country like Germany with its NAZI history who recently released Callixte Mbarushimana, secretary general of FDRL and harboring Mutsindashyaka, the chairman of FDRL, a negative force that planned and executed the 1994 genocide in Rwanda and in the same week arrest a person regarded as a hero in her country for the role played in stopping the genocide, where Germany with her ally France were just fanatics to the acts of perpetrators?
This is a clear indication that Germany has learnt nothing and forgot nothing from the 1939-1945 holocaust, and a clear manifestation of the fact that it (holocaust) was not an accident to them.
What a world is this? and what justice is this? where Rich and powerful people and state are innocent, poor people and developing countries are guilty.
But Rwandans we are ready, we have thousands and thousands of proofs proving the French direct role in the Rwandan genocide and we are ready to reveal it.
All the BEST regards,
Badang Jossam
Greetings Badang,
It was really shocking to read in the news last week that Germany had arrested Rose Kabuye at Frankfurt Airport (aside from the fact that that's the airport I hung around in for ten hours en route to Rwanda a couple summers ago. At that time the World Cup Soccer Tournament was on and we watched a game on TV while we waited for our flight. It just so happened that Germany was playing and so we were watching the Home Team and it was really exciting when they won. Actually, I lived and worked in Germany for a couple years back in the early 70s and so was rooting for Germany to win).
As I mentioned in an email exchange the other day with Mitali Yves of the Congo, I met Rose Kabuye when I was covering RWANDA'S LIVING LEGEND IN LONDON in April 2006. She's in a photo I took of Kagame hoisting a trophy he'd been awarded (she's wearing a long gold skirt). Then I met Rose Kabuye again during my DESTINY DESTINATION RWANDA trip where she was organizing the LIBERATION DAY 2006 celebrations at Amahoro Stadium and she invited us to THE RECEPTION FOR PRESIDENT KAGAME. Also, I have an article about her on the website at RWANDA'S ROSE. That's a picture of her on the cover of the book below:
And another reason I'm interested in the story of Rose Kabuye is because her husband, David Kabuye, was the editor of the Rwanda New Times newspaper for awhile and he published some of my Rwanda writings in the paper, including the cover-page of Village Uruqwira articles below:
The other day, in that same email with Yves Mitali, I posted the cartoon below from Rwanda New Times about France's case against Kagame, Kabuye et al. It shows judge Bruguiere & crony in the sinking Ruzibiza ship:
The star witness of two European judges who have indicted Rwandan officials
has thrown the spanner in the works by retracting his testimony.
Abdul Joshua Ruzibiza says the plot was the work of the French intelligence services.
I notice in today's news that Germany successfully extradited Rose Kabuye to France yesterday and she's already been put before a French judge to hear the charges laid out against her and then she was set free and allowed to return to Rwanda, providing she comes back when called. So at least she's not wallowing in prison waiting for the start of her trial which, knowing the way justice grinds, could take years. Look at the farce in Arusha, Tanzania where the United Nations ICTR court has been given billions of Western World taxpayers' dollars these past 14 years to try the Hutu masterminds and perpetrators of the Rwandan genocide and only a couple dozen, if that, have been dealt with. And meanwhile, they're given favoured treatment there, with lawyers from Canada etc representing them.
Rwanda urges speedy French trial of presidential aide. AFP, Nov 20, 2008 (...Kabuye was arrested on November 9 on arrival at Frankfurt airport on a 2006 international warrant issued by French anti-terrorism judge Jean-Louis Bruguiere. She was extradited Wednesday to France, where she was charged, but later freed on condition that she would not leave France without permission and appear when requested by magistrates....Kabuye is the first Rwandan to be arrested out of nine warrants issued by [French Judge] Bruguiere against close Kagame aides whom he suspected of being behind the death of former Rwandan president Juvenal Habyarimana. French investigators suspect Kabuye, 47, of involvement in the downing of an executive jet that killed presidents Habyarimana and Cyprien Ntaryamira of Burundi and two French pilots on April 6, 1994. Habyarimana's ethnic Hutu supporters went on the rampage following the attack, slaughtering 800,000 ethnic Tutsi and moderate Hutu men, women and children in a 100-day orgy of bloodletting. On Wednesday, tens of thousands of people took part in the biggest demonstrations seen in Rwanda since the genocide to protest the charges against Kabuye....Kigali severed ties with Paris after the 2006 arrest warrants and accuses France of having actively supported the Hutu militias. French investigators accuse Kagame's Tutsi rebels of attacking the Falcon 500 jet, although other observers have speculated that Hutu hardliners killed their own president to serve as a pretext for the subsequent killings. Kigali, however, may soon turn the tables on Paris. Judicial sources there say Rwandan prosecutors could soon issue warrants and indictments against some of the 33 political and military French officials named in a Rwandan report on France's alleged role in the events of 1994. These who could find themselves accused include former prime ministers Alain Juppe and Dominique de Villepin and former foreign minister Hubert Vedrine.
I agree with you that Germany is acting disgracefully in their hypocricy and double-standards in arresting a stopper of the Rwandan genocide - ie Rose Kabuye - while at the same time harbouring Hutu perpetrators and masterminds of genocides past and present, ie the 1994 slaughter of Tutsis in Rwanda and the on-going slaughter of Tutsis in the Congo, where the only entity on earth stopping them is General Laurent Nkunda and his CNDP army - and they're protecting not just Tutsis but also hundreds of thousands of other Congolese being raped, looted, killed and recruited into Hutu and Kabila armies, all under the watchful eye of thousands of United Nations so-called "peacekeepers" whose existence depends on feeding off spoils of war and calamity.
And as you say, the genocide of the Jews in Germany is treated with more respect than the genocide of Tutsis in Rwanda (or any other tribe anywhere else in the numerous genocides that are happening all over the world to this day, let alone 60 years ago when the genocide of Jews started the whole "Never Again" chant).
What also makes it a double-standard of Germany and France going after VICTIMS of genocide as opposed to PERPETRATORS of genocide is that France's Foreign Minister, Bernard Kouchner, is himself a Jew, and so you'd think he'd be wanting Germany to expel genocidaires instead of protecting them. And he's not speaking out about Kabuye being arrested. It's just another example of the double standard at work here, or as Orwell described it, "doublethink".
Bernard Kouchner Biography (...Kouchner was born in the southern French city of Avignon in 1939. His Jewish father's parents perished a few years later in Nazi German concentration camps, and Kouchner has said that it was this terrible crime of the Holocaust, perpetrated on the soil of a civilized Europe, which fueled a sense of personal injustice that brought him to humanitarian work. As a young man, he was naturally drawn to medicine, and became a gastroenterology specialist. Like many of his age, however, he was also active in the street demonstrations and strikes that rocked France in the spring of 1968....)
People also need to know that in 1994 Kouchner played a leading role in getting the United Nations to organize OPERATION TURQUOISE to protect genocidal Hutus from Kagame's victorius Rwandese Patriotic Front army (whose ranks included Rose Kabuye) capturing them and bringing them to justice in Rwanda. Instead, Kouchner helped the genocidal Hutus flee into the Congo where they remain to this day, causing 14 years of hell and misery there as they scheme to go back to Rwanda as the "interahamwe" (those who work - at killing - together) to finish the genocide they left unfinished there. See GOMA CAMP MAFIA HOTEL
I've written quite extensively on France's role in the Rwandan genocide, and am linking to those articles below to give regular readers a brush up, or first time readers the opportunity to get informed.
All the best,
Jackie Jura
PS - Canada and the USA are no better than Germany when it comes to extraditing to Rwanda known perpetrators and masterminds of the 1994 genocide. And yet Canada, on a regular basis, extradites Canadians to Germany and Italy (even people in their 80s) to face trial for "war crimes" 60 years ago, even those as lowly on the Nazi ladder as a prison-guard, with no direct connection to genocide of Jews or anyone else.
FRANCE NO RSVP RWANDA (reader Badang asks about french response to accusations of Bisesero genocide survivors)
France comments offend Rwanda survivors ('never used the word genocide') & French Foreign Minister Kouchner visits Rwanda ('political' responsibility in genocide) & France blocks extradition of genocidaire (coordinated massacres in Kibuye). AFP/BBC/AllAfrica, Feb 5, 2008
BISESERO HILL HAUNTS CONGO (Hutus crossed Lake Kivu)
Genocide survivors offended by French Minister Kouchner comments. RwandaNewsAgency, Feb 3, 2008
Government has to be careful with the gestures for a renewal of diplomatic relations with France because of the suspicious language used by top French diplomat on a recent trip to Rwanda, Genocide survivors have demanded. French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner was in Kigali on a visit observers say was to try to restore the severed relations. Mr. Kouchner and President Paul Kagame exchanged pleasantries calling each other "a friend". However, following his tour of the Genocide Memorial Center, Mr. Kouchner touched the hot potato in Franco-Rwanda relations - Genocide responsibility. He fell short of admitting French role instead saying there were "political faults". Mr. Kouchner told reporters: "It was certainly a political fault ... we didn't understand what happened. But there was no military responsibility." The genocide survivors' umbrella organization IBUKA is bitter. "The Association IBUKA has been heavily offended by these untruthful and arrogant comments, and vigorously denounces them", the grouping said in a statement released Saturday - more than a week after the visit. IBUKA says Mr. Kouchner - was himself in Rwanda during the Genocide between May 10 to 17 1994, but on pretext of evacuating orphans. When he returned to Paris, the former humanitarian campaigner avoided the use of the word Genocide to describe the events in the country. He never used the word 'Genocide' instead emphasizing it as the 'worst humanitarian crisis'. Well aware that had he used the word 'Genocide', it would have weighed strongly on international conscience", IBUKA says. Current estimates suggest that up to 1.5 million people were massacred by rampaging militias and government soldiers in just 100 days. However, as the RPF rebels took on ground, French soldiers are said to have aided the Genocide machine to flee south and then west to Zaire (DRC). Corroborated evidence to the government appointed probe into French role shows that French soldiers fought along the militias and government forces. In the south, they put up a 'humanitarian cordon' through which the interahamwe lived and later crossed to Zaire. French doctors in eastern Zaire are reported to have "deliberately amputated" limbs of wounded Tutsis in a move survivors who went through the ordeal say was to leave them inapt. In the fortified area - the zone turquoise, Tutsis girls as young as 10 years were hunted for and raped. According to experts brought in by the Mucyo Commission, French diplomats at the UN headquarters ensured an information blackout on Rwanda to prevent any debate. British researcher Prof. Linda Melvern detailed a conspiracy mechanism facilitated by then UN Secretary General Egyptian Boutros Boutros Ghali. IBUKA says France was aware of the "criminal and ethnic nature" of the regime in power that was implementing the Genocide - supporting them militarily, politically and diplomatically...
Questions as French Minister Bernard Kouchner Visits Great Lakes Region. The Nation, Jan 30, 2008
France has offered an olive branch by sending an emissary, the French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner, to her former colony Rwanda. Mr Kouchner, upon his arrival in Kigali admitted that France must have failed somewhere politically in Rwanda. But, Mr Kouchner insisted that despite the political failings the French bore no "military responsibility" for the 1994 genocide that led to the massacre of close to a million Rwandese. Mr Kouchner said: "It was certainly a political fault ... we didn't understand what happened. But there was no military responsibility." This is probably why there has always been a diplomatic gap between the two countries. But, the question many are asking is; "Is there any hope of bridging the gap between the two, if the French are still insisting they had no military role in the genocide?' Both countries have in the past traded accusations over involvement in the 1994 genocide. As a way of encouraging a "truth and reconciliation process" Rwanda, almost a decade ago independently decided to probe France's role in the events that happened during the genocide. A probe committee called The Mucyo Commission, christened after the name of it's presiding president, Jean de Dieu Mucyo, was set up by the Rwandan government to adduce evidence of France's role in the genocide. During some public hearings, covered by the local press, Mr Mucyo's commission heard from many witnesses, interestingly including some French nationals testifying against the French military....Mr Mucyo proceeded with his probe commission and finalised work late last year producing a 500-page report that is yet to go public. While probing the killings, members of the Mucyo Commission heard from French nationals who said the French military and politicians actively supported and directly participated in training genocide protagonists. Witnesses including international journalists and two celebrated British writers Andrew Wallis and Linda Melvern testified that there was a certain degree of killings done by French soldiers, who operated under the auspices of the UN troops within Rwandan borders. Mr Wallis the author of the International bestseller, Silent Accomplice, a book that explored the role played by France in facilitating the genocide, wrote that the French carried out atrocities under what was then called Zone Turquoise, a humanitarian operation meant to create escape routes for the fleeing victims. Mr Wallis particularly said that Zone Turquoise Operation worsened when the French military wooed the 'would be' victims out of their hiding, particularly in Bisesero Hills and thereafter shielded the Interahamwe militia during their subsequent exodus to the Democratic Republic of Congo. Interahamwe is a term used to refer to the Hutu extremist militia created by the Habyarimana clan in the early 1990s and trained by Rwandan army. According to Mr Jean Hatzfeld a journalist who covered the Rwanda genocide as a foreign correspondent for the French daily Liberation, there is evidence that the Interahamwe were sometimes locally trained by the French military. The 13 foreign witnesses who testified during Mucyo's public hearings mostly concurred on the fact that the French Zone Turquoise Operation was not a humanitarian mission as claimed by the French. During his short visit to Kigali, Mr Kouchner said, "we have to work on history. But we have to separate the legal problems and the political problems, the historical problems and the political problems." Mr Kouchner as a person is an appealing character. As co-founder of the Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF), he visited Rwanda several times during the genocide to help organise humanitarian aid corridors...
RWANDA FRENCH TURQUOISE FILM (depicts UN-French-Hutu connection)
RWANDA'S SILENT FRIENDS (Dallaire has made no comment on Hutu genocidaires attacking Congo Tutsis)
BELGIANS & HABYARIMANA DEATHS (reader asks where the Belgian soldiers died & President Habyarimana's plane went down)
RWANDA-FRANCE BONE CONTENTION (and its impact on the bilateral relations between Rwanda and France, and on the Great Lakes Region of Africa)
Reader says it's important that the global community learn the facts behind Rwanda-France problems
Genocidaires' defenders accuse Kagame (ICTR lawyers from Canada & USA). AngolaPress, Jan 31, 2007
Arusha, Tanzania - Two defence lawyers at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) in Arusha, Tanzania, have petitioned the court to press charges against leaders of the Rwanda's ruling Rwanda Patriotic Front (RPF), for their responsibility in the 1994 genocide. America's Peter Erlinder, and Andre Tremblay of Canada, who are also professors of law in their respective countries, also want the activities of the ICTR suspended and all completed cases revised, in consideration of alleged crimes committed by the ex-rebels now in power...
Rwanda leader defiant on killer claim. BBC, Jan 30, 2007 (Rwandan President Paul Kagame, in a rare interview, is asked to respond to allegations by a French investigating judge that he was complicit in the assassination of former President Juvenal Habyarimana in 1994. BBC world affairs correspondent Fergal Keane reports...I travelled to Rwanda to put Judge Bruguiere's central allegations to President Kagame. In a defiant response he said: "I care that there was a genocide here. A million people died - people have been persecuted for decades here in Rwanda. "I was a refugee for nearly 30 years out of my country as a result of that. Would I care that bloody Habyarimana died, somebody who was responsible for a genocide here, who was a president of a government that discriminated, that persecuted its own people? "That Judge Bruguiere says this or France says that - I don't give a damn." In the aftermath of the genocide, the UN backed away from an investigation of the plane crash. One investigator alleged the matter was dropped because the UN did not want to confront Paul Kagame...However, in his interview with the BBC, Mr Kagame said he would co-operate with an impartial inquiry carried out by a judge who had nothing to do with Rwanda or France...)
FRANCE A CANADA-RWANDA LOSER (reader says France was barbaric in Rwanda before, during & after the genocide)
60 MINUTES READING RWANDA ("every child, woman, man Tutsi in my village is dead"). CBS, 60 Minutes, Dec 11, 2006
JUSTICE HEALS GENOCIDE WOUND (reader says the wound of genocide needs to be cleaned before it can heal)
ICTR "is not properly handling" job (says President Kagame, "It was created to try cases of genocide"). Voice of America, May 31, 2006
ADAD IS GENOCIDE MOUTHPIECE (reader says ICTR lawyer Erlinder is now president of ADAD, a genocide mouthpiece organization)
ANTI-KAGAME PETITION (reader sends petition presented by a Canadian MP accusing Kagame of genocide)
LOVE'S BLIND SAYS KAGAME HATER (reader says Orwell Today coverage of Rwanda is one-sided)
KAGAME IS WELCOME IN CANADA ("the Napoleon of Africa is the personifcation of hope after horror"). MontrealGazette, Apr 22, 2006
RWANDA REP DEFENDS KAGAME (reader sends Rwanda response to ICTR defense lawyer in Arusha)
Rwanda wounds reopened in Canada (genocide inciter still here). EpochTimes, Apr 22, 2006
Rwanda's President visiting Canada (star attraction at conference for Education & Economic Development) & Canadian univeristy assissting Rwanda (in public health & hospitals). EmbassyNews/UWO News, Apr 19, 2006
Rwandan genocide militias get refuge in Congo (11,000 UN troops lack authority to go after killers). ABC News, Feb 11, 2005
The leaders of a genocide that resulted in the deaths of nearly 1 million people have regrouped, rearmed, and opened camps in the deep forests of Congo. The United Nations knows where the murderous Rwandan militias hide, according to a confidential map obtained by ABC News, but says it lacks the authority to go after and capture the killers. "We would need a different mandate than the one we have now," admitted William Swing, head of the U.N. Mission in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (formerly Zaire). "The mandate from the United Nations Security Council." Similar to the Rwanda genocide of 1994, the U.N. peacekeeping troops in the affected areas of Congo, some 11,000 in number, have the sanction to monitor the conflict and protect civilians and foreign aid workers, but not to seek out and stop the killers, known as Interahamwe and by their political groupings, FDLR and FOCA...These militias include some of the same men from the ethnic Hutu extremist groups that the United Nations says led the mass murders of people of Tutsi descent across the border in Rwanda 11 years ago. Tutsi people have a long history in Congo, having settled in the Kivu provinces since their ancestors migrated generations ago from Rwanda and Burundi. Tutsi leaders in eastern Congo say they fear another genocide is in the offing. "They know our Tutsi face, my nose is long," said Dunia Bakarani, a member of the Congolese parliament. "The same program from 1994 is continuing, until every Tutsi is dead." Wamba dia Wamba, a Congolese senator, also sees similiarities to the conditions that led to the Rwandan genocide. "It sounds like a replay," he said. "It is the same sort of feeling one may have that the U.N. knows where they are, where the camps are and then they don't want to do anything about it."
Kagame: Resolution to prevent genocide a failure., Apr 12, 2004
Recalling the December 1948 adoption of the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide, Rwandan President Paul Kagame said: "We should always bear in mind that genocide, wherever it happens, represents the international community's failure, which I would in fact characterise as deliberate convenient failure." Close to one million Rwandan people were in 1994 brutally massacred within three months across Rwanda while the world silently watched and chose not to act. Rwanda turned into one massive slaughter place as neighbour killed neighbour on 7 April 1994, a day after a plane carrying Rwandan President Juvenal Habyarimana, leader of a Hutu-dominated government, was shot down killing him as he returned from a meeting with minority Tutsi-dominated Rwandan Patriotic Front rebels in Tanzania. Soon after the attack, which also claimed the life of Burundi President Cyprien Ntaryamira, the Hutu-dominated government troops and allied militia started killing thousands of Rwandans, mostly Tutsis, accusing them of collaborating with the RPF rebels led then by Paul Kagame. As the days drew on the mass killings, looting and raping spread across the Central African country with officials and media outlets inciting the massacres turning churches and hospitals into human slaughterhouses. The withdrawal of UN peacekeepers from the Great Lakes Region country as RPF rebels advanced into Kigali exacerbated the problem. ...Meanwhile as investigations into the Rwanda killings continue fingers are being pointed everywhere with France, Belgium, the United States, Britain, the United Nations and the Roman Catholic Church coming under fire for allegedly contributing to or failing to prevent the mass ethnic bloodshed. Recently Rwandan President Kagame reportedly told the French state-owned RFI radio that the French "directly" took part in the genocide by supplying arms and giving orders to the perpetrators. "The French were there when the genocide took place. They trained those who carried it out. They had positions of command in the armed forces who committed the genocide," said President Kagame.
Kagame speaks at sombre ceremony (says France trained & armed soldiers & militias for genocide). News Asia, Apr 7, 2004
Rwanda remembers its dead (but western heads of state were conspicuous by their absence). Guardian, Apr 7, 2004
Drunks & machetes began nightmare (Hutu militia named "Interahamwe" went house to house with names). Reuters, Apr 7, 2004
Rwanda, Ten Years Later (ruling Rwandan Patriotic Front that toppled genocidal regime has abolished ethnic divisions). National Geographic, Apr 6, 2004
Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~