U.S. learns tactics from Israeli urban warfare
Style 'familiar'
Stewart Bell, National Post, Friday, March 28, 2003
TEL AVIV - Guerrilla combat in narrow Arab streets. An enemy who often wears no uniform and uses civilians as cover. A war against terrorism fought in the face of heavy international opposition.
The difficulties confronting coalition troops advancing on Baghdad are well-known to Israelis, whose armed forces have been waging a similar campaign since the October, 2000, start of the Palestinian revolt.
The military offensives in Iraq and the Palestinian territories are so alike that, while Israel itself is not involved in the coalition war, its tactics and technology are a crucial part of Operation Iraqi Freedom.
"The Americans have been watching the Israeli experience closely," Gerald Steinberg, a senior research associate at Bar-Ilan University's Begin-Sadat Centre for Strategic Studies, said yesterday.
Israeli military officials would not comment because of a government media strategy that seeks to avoid any linkage between Israel and Iraq. But one official admitted the warfare he had seen in television footage from Iraq was indeed "familiar."
It will become more familiar over the next few days as the coalition ground forces approach Baghdad, where they could become engaged in street-to-street combat against Iraqi troops and militias loyal to Saddam Hussein.
A key parallel is that both the Israelis and the coalition forces are waging not an all-out battle, but a war of restraint, where the final objective is largely political and it is therefore critical to strike strategic targets while avoiding civilians.
But the Iraqis, like the Palestinians, are not making it easy. In southern Iraq, the outgunned armed fighters mingled among civilians and fired on coalition troops from non-military buildings such as schools and homes.
"The Palestinians, like the Iraqi forces, have used human shields by placing their weapons within densely populated areas and firing within these areas and making it difficult to respond without killing innocent people," Professor Steinberg said.
"That means instead of having a frontal assault, Israel has had to develop precision-guided weapons and a high level of intelligence. It's the combination of very precise weapons and very good, timely intelligence that has allowed Israel to very much contain the Palestinian terrorist threat."
In the same way, he said, when coalition forces were attacked in Basra, they could not respond by simply opening fire at the city. Instead, they struck "regime targets," such as the Baath party headquarters, with precision weapons.
Israeli companies provided some of that precision technology, including the Popeye air-to-surface missile used by the U.S. Air Force, the targeting systems aboard British Harrier jets and the Hunter drones used by the U.S. Army for aerial surveillance.
Tactically, the United States and Israel have had strategic military ties for two decades and have held dozens of joint training exercises. The U.S. Air Force, Navy and Marines have all trained in Israel. Those manoeuvres reportedly included lessons on Israeli urban warfare techniques.
Several hundred U.S. soldiers are stationed in Israel, manning the Patriot missile batteries guarding against an Iraqi Scud attack. The United States also has military ties with other Middle East countries, such as Egypt and Jordan.
Palestinians claimed this week U.S. Marines were training at the Jenin refugee camp, a notorious terrorist base in the West Bank, in preparation for an attack on Baghdad.
The report was no doubt false, but it showed Palestinians also recognize the similarities between the Iraqi battlefield and their own.
The Iraq war aims to replace the regime of Saddam Hussein with one that is more responsible and easier to deal with, which is similar to the goal of the Israeli forces in the Palestinian territories.
But the Americans, like the Israelis, are held back by hostile world opinion, which holds the coalition forces to a higher standard than the Iraqis.
Anglo-U$raeli New World Order (thought criminals like George Orwell are declared as heretics & lunatics). PakTribune, Aug 28, 2006
Israel asks USA for more cluster bombs (against civilians in populated areas). SydneyHerald, Aug 11, 2006. Go to MOSES MENTIONS MOAB
Beruit's lifeline destroyed by airstrikes (Kurd farmers near Syria bombed too) & 'Israel doing God's work' say Christians (USA evangels seek battle with Islam). Telegraph, Aug 5, 2006
Israel bombs cause environment disaster (35,000 tonnes of oil on Lebanon coast, as much as Alaska's 1980 Exxon Valdez) & USA aids Israel $10.5-billion for weapons. BBC/Times, Aug 1, 2006
A concise history of Lebanon (victorious Allies redrew political map of Arab world in a mannner which suited themselves best) & Israel using cluster bombs on Lebanon (kill long after being fired) & Civilians under fire in Lebanon ("normal war is between soldiers"). BBC, Jul 25, 2006. Go to ETHNIC CLEANSING ARAB GENOCIDE
Iraqis cry - "When will this stop?" ("Where is the government?"). KhaleeTimes, May 20, 2006. Go to IRAQ AFGHANI PHONY WARS
Battle for Falluja in pictures (house-to-house searches for men; no water-electricity-food; thousands in make-shift camps). BBC, Nov 14, 2004. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace (War)
USA soldiers ready to attack Falluja (no one knows if rebels are there "But the enemy has got a face. He's called Satan. He lives in Falluja. And we're going to destroy him"). BBC, Nov 7, 2004
SUICIDE BOMBERS (Israel fabricated child-bomber story; had TV camera crew waiting)., Mar 27, 2004. Go to 16.Minitrue & Reality Control & STAGED EVENTS
USA wraps Iraqi towns in barbed-wire (& issues id cards to males just like Israel does in Palestine). NewYorkTimes, Dec 7, 2003. Go to 7.Systems of Thought
US troops attack Iraq neighbourhoods (with machine guns, tanks & 500-lb bombs). Fox News, Nov 7, 2003. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace
Saddam protected Palestinians (now they are persecuted). SanFranChron, May 22, 2003. Go to 10.The Rulers
GIs will shoot Iraqi looters (authorizes American Administrator). NY Times, May 16, 2003 & Kissinger crony controls Iraq (takes over from Pentagon). Guardian, May 16, 2003. Go to ZIONISM IN AMERICA
Troops fire on Iraqi protesters (13 killed-75 injured by American occupiers, not liberators). Times, Apr 29, 2003. Go to 7.Systems of Thought
Israel pipeline to Iraqi oil (a longtime dream of USA masterminded by Kissinger). Guardian, Apr 21, 2003. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace (War)
USA & Israel warn Syria (from whom they seized Golan Heights in 1967). SpaceWar, Apr 14, 2003. Go to 12.Ministry of Peace (War)
MOAB IS A WOMD (USA dropped on Baghdad). Arab News, Apr 14, 2003. Go to 13.Weapons & 22.Doublethink & SEE IMAGES OF MOAB
Welcome aboard gravy train (greatest rebuilding on earth!)., Apr 13, 2003. Go to 11.Ministry of Plenty
USA moves MOAB bombs (ready for next mission?). Space War, Apr 10, 2003 & Baghdad: the day after (arson, looting, savagery...). Independent, Apr 10, 2003. Go to MOSES MENTIONS MOAB
Israel eyes Iraqi oil (Jews lording it over Arabs). BBC, Apr 10, 2003 & "Syria's next", says Israel (& Iran and N Korea too). Arutz Sheva, Apr 10, 2003. Go to ZIONISM IN AMERICA
Jews take Palestinian Jerusalem (Chosen People want Promised Land) & Christians plan aid for Iraq (food in one hand, bible in another). Guardian, Apr 7, 2003
ZIONISTS RUN USA WAR (advise Democrats & Republicans).
USA is Pro-Israel (& Israel is pro-war). Arab News. Go to 10.The Rulers & ZIONISM IN AMERICA
Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~