Today in the news [November 2002] it is reported that for the first time a trial is being conducted* against members of Stalin's secret police who, after the war, rounded up civilians for torture, death or exile to the Gulag*. One of the people giving evidence says: "This is not about punishment, but the people who did this must be labelled as guilty. They have shown no remorse and that makes me very angry. The Germans committed crimes and they have paid for them. But with the Russians, it's as if we can't even raise the subject".
This is very true. It is only now that mainstream criticism is starting to seep out about the reality of Communism. A recent book by Martin Amis, the son of an establishment writer, entitled KOBA THE DREAD, was described by the Los Angeles Times as "a powerful treatise on the almost unbelievable monstrosity of Stalin's 30-year rule." And another book by Antony Beevor entitled BERLIN, THE DOWNFALL, 1945, describes "a side of the Soviet Union which is rarely told... a story of frenzied violence and mass rape committed against civilian populations... 'virtually every woman left behind in East German territory is being raped by Red Army troops'...officers who tried to impose discipline were either shot down by their own troops or even were accused of bourgeois humanism and pity for the enemy, which was almost tantamount to treason"
The suppression of truth regarding the horrors of life under Communism is nothing new. Orwell met the same obstacles in almost every book he ever attempted to publish, because of his "unorthodox" or, as we now say, "politically incorrect" views.
Prior to WWII Orwell opposed going to war against Germany. After WWII he was against Jewish control of Palestine. This put him in the bad books with Communists AND Capitalists, just like his stance against Franco in the Spanish Civil War offended the Fascists and his book BURMESE DAYS offended the Imperialists. Even the so-called Socialists turned against him for his mockery of them in WIGAN'S PIER.
Orwell was disgusted by the dichotomy between what the peoples' political parties pretended to be and what they actually were. He was especially concerned with the cover-up of the true nature of life behind Stalin's Iron Curtain that was perpetrated by the governments of the western-world both during and after the war. This became all too obvious with their attempts to censor and/or suppress the publication of his books both in England and abroad.
All the best,
Jackie Jura, 2002
STALIN'S LIAR IN NEW YORK (got Pultzer Prize for denying Soviet starvation & gulags). CalgarySun, May 20, 2003. Go to 17.Falsification of Past
Berliners cry for Baghdad (remembering own bombardment). Yahoo!Reuters, Mar 22, 2003. Go to 13.Weapons & Story of Berlin & JFK IN BERLIN
*Russia's secret police on trial (Estonia first in speaking for Stalin's 60-million victims). Telegraph, Nov 26, 2002. Go to 17.Falsification of Past
SNAPSHOT OF STALIN (book review of Koba The Dread)
ANOTHER SNAPSHOT OF STALIN (another book review of Koba The Dread)
WORDS OF WARNING TO WESTERN WORLD, by Aleksandr L. Solzhenitsyn (...Then, Karl Radek, whom you may have heard of, who was a very resourceful wit, said: "Vladimir Ilyich, but where are we going to get enough rope to hang the whole bourgeoisie?" Lenin effortlessly replied, "They'll supply us with it."...)
ORWELL'S UTOPIA (describes what Orwell understood to be "Democratic Socialism")
Jackie Jura
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