McClelland has seen a lot of bullet wounds throughout his medical career.
And there was never any other interpretation than that
the second bullet hit Kennedy from the front
and the gaping hole on the back of the head was an exit wound.
"It would have had to come in from the picket fence
on the grassy knoll."
McClelland is not just a living portal to history in textbooks.
He might also be the most credible conspiracy theorist alive.
He is one of the most renowned surgery scholars in the country.
He knows the history of virtually every operation,
from how doctors performed it in the Civil War to new experimental processes.
He pores over medical journals
(as past editor of Selected Readings in General Surgery, which he originated).
He can list the documentaries, the biographies, the first-hand accounts like a catalogue.
The word "conspiracy theorist" is meant to be a derogative term -- it's used in hopes of discrediting or mocking anyone who has a differing opinion on causation of major world events -- the biggest one in America being the assassination of President Kennedy -- and before that it was the assassination of Lincoln -- the first President to be assassinated -- with JFK being the last -- although technically his brother Robert could be considered last as he would have been President if he hadn't been assassinated.
People who become "JFK Conspiracy Theorists" are people who have independently researched the who, what, when, where and why of JFK's assassination. They have read the testimonies and stories of the key witnesses -- people who saw and heard with their own eyes and ears JFK being hit by bullets that day in Dealey Plaza -- people who say the bullet that hit JFK in the head came from the so-called "grassy knoll". All of these "dissenting" witnesses have given interviews and some have written books -- starting from live television interviews moments after JFK's car had left Dealey Plaza -- and up to this day 51 years later as I write this.
But the books and interviews of the dissenting witnesses -- or the "conspiracy theorists" -- are suppressed in the mainstream media -- or they are taken out of context when interposed into the hundreds of movies and documentaries that have been 'produced' to spread the "conspirators" side of the story -- ie the conspirators being the brains behind every aspect of the assassination -- the before, during and after -- and the 'after' never ends.
In reality, we JFK conspiracy theorists are in very good company because JFK himself was a conspiracy theorist who was killed by the conspirators he had warned about in a speech he gave in 1961 -- and against whom he was waging a battle every day of his 1,000 days in office. See JFK OPPOSED MONOLITHIC CONSPIRACY
Another JFK conspiracy theorist who is very good company to be in is one of the two top surgeons who fought to save JFK's life that day at Parkland Hospital. Dr Robert McClelland was one of the first doctors to enter Trauma Room One -- arriving just after JFK had been wheeled in on the stretcher -- and who assisted Dr Malcom Perry in performing the emergency tracheotomy. Dr McClelland literally held JFK's head in his hands and from that moment onward has said -- and testified -- that the bullet that killed JFK entered from the front -- not the back. See DOC MCCLELLAND JFK BULLET TESTIMONY
Last year -- on the 50th anniversary of the JFK assassination -- Dr McClelland was interviewed on many major networks and he attended special memorial events in Dealey Plaza in Dallas -- where he was interviewed on the 6th Floor Museum in the Texas School Book Depository. And as he's been saying for 50 years -- from when he was 34 years old to his now 84 years-old -- the bullet that killed JFK came from the front and blasted his skull and brains out the back.
Not only is Dr McClelland a witness to the JFK assassination -- physically through what he witnessed on JFK's body -- but he is also a JFK assassination scholar having read hundreds of books and articles researching every aspect.
Yesterday -- the 51st anniversary of JFK's assassination -- I googled Dr McClelland to see if he was being interviewed anywhere and there -- sure enough -- was an article from Texas where Dr McClelland lives -- not far from Dallas.
I'm posting it here to share with ORWELL TODAY readers along with other articles and links to YouTubes of Dr McClelland interviews over the years. I can't think of a better way to honour JFK, on this day, than to hear him honoured by JFK Conspiracy Theorist Extraordinaire -- Dr Robert McClelland.
All the best,
Jackie Jura
by Faith Harper, Tyler Morning Telegraph, Nov 21, 2014
Just after lunchtime 51 years ago, Dr Robert McClelland was in a conference room, showing a group of students a film on surgical techniques on the second floor of Parkland Hospital in Dallas when a co-worker brought the news that President John F Kennedy was coming in with a gunshot wound.... McClelland is one of the few still-living doctors who experienced the well-publicized and speculated events surrounding the president's assassination. He was in the trauma room with the president and, later, with alleged killer Lee Harvey Oswald, who was shot while in police custody two days later. McClelland elbowed through crowded hallways to get to the lineup of trauma rooms on the first floor on the hospital. "I saw Mrs Kennedy sitting on a folding chair outside Trauma 1, and I knew immediately it was just as bad as they said it was going to be", he said. "I had to force myself to walk toward her. I might be the only surgeon there at Parkland".
As the doors to the room opened, he was relieved to see others already had started to work on the president. "It was a horrific sight of the president lying on his back in the trauma room on a gurney with a bright light shining on his bloody head". McClelland said. "I was at the same time gratified to see I was not by myself". The doctors were looking at a bullet hole in the president's neck. Dr McClelland was tasked with performing a tracheotomy to help the president breathe when he glanced down at the side of his head. "I said, 'My God, have you seen the back of his head?'" the physician recalled. "The right side of the back of his head (was) gone. The whole back half of the right half of the cranial fossa was empty. It was clear that this was a fatal wound". Doctors kept busily trying to keep the president alive. McClelland said the president maintained excellent cardiac activity for about five minutes and then all of a sudden the cardiac monitor flat-lined. Kennedy was pronounced dead a 1 pm, November 22, 1963.
By that time the room was packed with people watching the activity, and in the bustle for crowd to leave, McClelland and Dr Charles Baxter were caught behind a gurney and pushed against the wall. As they went to leave, the [priest] Oscar Huber came in to read the president his last rites. "Dr. Baxter froze against the wall, and we found ourselves the unwelcome witness to the president's last rites", McClelland said. "I couldn't hear but the first thing he said, "If Thou livest", and I couldn't hear anything else. He spoke in such a quiet voice". After the rites were read, Mrs Jacqueline Kennedy came into the room and quietly asked the priest if the last rites were granted. "She was completely composed", McClelland said. "She was not crying. She stood there completely calm, didn't say anything more. Then she exchanged a ring from her finger to the president's finger and a ring from his finger to her finger". Slowly the First Lady walked to the end of the gurney, kissed the president's foot and walked out of the room....
watch JFK Parkland Doctors 50th Anniversary Reunion, YouTube
Sixth Floor Museum, Texas School Book Depository, Dealey Plaza, Dallas
September 21, 2013
This should be fascinating event. On Tuesday, the Sixth Floor Museum will hosting PARKLAND HOSPITAL: TRAUMA ROOM ONE REUNION, featuring appearances by two doctors who treated President Kennedy after he was fatally wounded on November 22, 1963. They are Dr Ronald C Jones and Dr Robert N McClelland. With the October 4, 2013 release of Tom Hanks' "Parkland", a motion picture about the hospital where President Kennedy died, the debate about the causes of JFK's death will be revisited again. The movie, starring Paul Giamatti, Billy Bob Thornton, and Zac Efron depicts JFK's death as the work of a lone assassin.
Dr McClelland disagrees [with Hanks' "Parkland" movie]. McClelland has said publicly that his observations of JFK's wounds convinced him that the president was shot from two different directions and thus was the victim of a conspiracy. Dr McClelland is the more senior of the two Parkland doctors who will appear at the Sixth Floor Museum event. In 1963, Dr McClelland was an instructor in surgery at Parkland Memorial Hospital at the time of the assassination and participated in the treatment of President Kennedy. He also assisted in the surgery of Governor John Connally and, less than two days later, the treatment of Lee Harvey Oswald. In 1963, Dr Jones was Chief Resident of Surgery at Parkland. McClelland has said publicly that, based on his observations of Kennedy's head wound, the president was hit by a gunshot from the front, not the rear as JFK's autopsists later concluded.
watch Interview Top Surgeon Robert McClelland in JFK Assassination, YouTube
with Brent Holland, Night Fright, 2009
Dr Robert Nelson McClelland was one of several physicians who attempted to save the life of President John F Kennedy at Parkland Hospital in Dallas, Texas, after the President was shot by an assassin's bullets in downtown Dallas on November 22, 1963. This interview with Dr McClelland, was conducted by Canadian broadcaster Brent Holland. It is one of the very best and most revealing interviews that has ever been recorded with any of the Parkland Hospital doctors who were involved in treating the gravely wounded President Kennedy on that terrible day in Dallas in 1963. Many interesting and rarely-heard tidbits of information are revealed by Dr. McClelland during this insightful 1-hour, 20-minute interview....Dr. McClelland believes in a conspiracy surrounding President Kennedy's assassination...This interview is a fascinating glimpse into the thoughts of one of the few people in the world who had a first-hand look at JFK immediately after he was gunned down on Elm Street in Dallas.
watch Surgeon Robert McClelland Remembers Final Moments of JFK's Life, news clip
by Jeff Smith, NBC, Nov 20, 2013
Dr Robert McClelland was one of the surgeons working on November 22, 1963 when President John F Kennedy was brought to Parkland Hospital after he was shot in Dealey Plaza. He has an important memento from that day that he's kept hidden away for nearly 50 years. "They just called from the emergency room and said the president's been shot. They need everybody downstairs", he recalled. McClelland will never forget the crush of people in the operating room area. Doctors, nurses, agents with the Federal Bureau of Investigation and Secret Service all poured into the room. "It was jammed with men in business suits, shoulder to shoulder. You couldn't pack one more man in that area" he said.
As nurses worked to clear the operating room of onlookers, McClelland stood at the head of the gurney, holding a metal retractor to Kennedy's small throat wound. He was looking straight down at a gaping hole in the president's head. "I could see that the whole back half of his right cerebral hemisphere was gone", he said. McClelland was about 18 inches from Kennedy's head. "I was horrified to see him like that. With his head covered in blood, with that light shining down on it". NBC 5 asked McClelland how large the hole was in the back of Kennedy's head, he made a circle with his hands about the size of an orange. "It was a hole about like this size. As I said, the whole back half, the right side of his brain was gone," he said. Even today's medical advances couldn't have saved the president. Within 10 minutes, a priest came to deliver the last rites....
The men who operated on Kennedy were not wearing surgical scrubs. It was lunchtime, and most of the doctors were either out at lunch or teaching classes to residents. They were in business suits. McClelland had his bloody suit dry cleaned the next day, over the dry cleaner's protest. "This suit is a part of history", the dry cleaner said. "You should save it". McClelland looked at his wife. "My husband only has one other suit", she interjected. But McClelland didn't get his bloody dress shirt dry cleaned. He's kept it all these years, usually tucked away in a box at home or in his briefcase. It's a memento, a small piece of history from one of the darkest days in American history. The front of the shirt is still stained with Kennedy's blood. "I can still visualize that to this day in my mind, as well as the day I wore it", he said. "Things like that are burned into your memory. That's Kennedy's blood. And I was soaked in it". Some day, McClelland said he'll donate the 50-year-old shirt to the Sixth Floor Museum, which is housed in the Dallas building that was once the Texas School Book Depository -- the same building from where Lee Harvey Oswald is believed to have fired the shots that killed the president. It will be a final bit of closure for McClelland's long and storied career as a surgeon at Parkland Hospital. A career forever marked by his desperate efforts to save a president's life.
by Markus Schmidt, Richmond Times Dispatch, November 19, 2013
Dr Bob McClelland, a Dallas surgeon, had the unusual distinction of trying to save the life of President John F Kennedy -- and then having to try to save his alleged assassin less than 48 hours later. McClelland was part of the team of surgeons who worked to save Kennedy at Parkland Hospital, the leading trauma center in Dallas. Then, not even two days later, he also operated on Lee Harvey Oswald after he was shot in the abdomen by nightclub owner Jack Ruby. McClelland wasn't able to save either man....
When McClelland first saw Kennedy on a gurney in Trauma Room 1, he knew that this was serious -- and he immediately recognized that though the president was still breathing, there was no way he would survive. Because he was able to have a long and close look at Kennedy's skull, McClelland, now 84, is possibly the most credible expert who openly questioned the conclusion by the Warren Commission that Kennedy was shot from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository by a lone gunman.
"I was about 18 inches above that wound. I got a better look at it than anybody in that room.... And I looked into that wound for a long time, and there is no doubt what I saw" he said. McClelland felt his opinion was validated when he watched the famous home movie by Abraham Zapruder when it first aired on television in 1975. "The first bullet hit him in the back, not in the front as we thought at the time", he said. "Several seconds later, the second shot hits him and his head literally explodes, and he was thrown violently backward and to the left as you would expect of someone hit by a high-caliber bullet from the front, not from above and behind".
To McClelland, who has seen a lot of bullet wounds throughout his medical career, there was never any other interpretation than that the second bullet hit Kennedy from the front and that the gaping hole he saw on the back of the head was an exit wound. "It would have had to come in from the picket fence on the grassy knoll, in my view of it", he said. McClelland believes there were at least two shooters. "Whether there was anything else, I have no opinion on that", he said.
When McClelland saw Kennedy on the operating table, it wasn'tthe first time he had encountered him. In 1963, McClelland saw him from a distance, when Kennedy visited a USA senator who had undergone surgery at Parkland. In a strange twist, McClelland not only did work on Kennedy and Oswald -- years later, he also performed cancer surgery on Zapruder.
As 50th Anniversary Of Assassination Approaches, Surgeon Who Treated JFK Remembers
by Chelsea Karnash, CBS, Nov 19, 2013
...In hindsight, Dr McClelland says that he always believed the wound at the back of President Kennedy's head was the exit wound. But it wasn't until years later, when he saw the famous Abraham Zapruder video on television, that the doctor became convinced of it. "That firmed up my thought that it was the exit wound", he says, pointing to the backwards motion of the President's body after he was shot, as well as the size of the hole in the back of JFK's skull, as proof he was shot from the front. He also says that in the heat of the moment, some of Kennedy's wounds weren't visible to everyone working on him, which may explain the conflicting testimony from medical staff following the assassination....
He is sure of some things: There were at least two shooters ("absolutely") and the assassination was likely a conspiracy involving government "elements". McClelland is not alone in his beliefs. A recent Gallup poll showed 61% of Americans still believe others besides Lee Harvey Oswald were involved in JFK's assassination -- whether it's the CIA, Fidel Castro and the Cubans or organized crime groups such as the mafia. Most don't believe a lone shooter could have inflicted wounds consistent with those that killed the President. And a House committee even corroborated those views in a 1979 investigation, officially concluding it was "highly probable" that Kennedy was killed by at least two shooters, most likely "as a result of a conspiracy". But despite the release of thousands of documents in the 1990s related to the assassination, many remain classified, not to be unsealed for years -- if ever. "Now why do you think that is?" Dr McClelland asks wryly....
After years of interviews and questioning about the details of JFK's assassination and its intersections -- plural -- with his otherwise relatively ordinary life, Dr Robert McClelland remains willing to tell the same story he's told "8,000 times". "This isn't mine", he says placidly. "It belongs to the nation"...
by Chris Beattie, Courier-Gazette, Jan 28, 2012
Almost 49 years later, mystery still surrounds the assassination of former President John F Kennedy. Was Lee Harvey Oswald the real shooter? If so, was he the only one? There is someone who knows the truth about what happened on that November day in Dallas -- at least part of it. "It was not just a single shooter", said Dr Robert McClelland, one of the surgeons who operated on Kennedy at Parkland Memorial Hospital. "It wasn't just some crazy young man who wasn't connected to anything". Such a conclusion, shared by millions across America, came to McClelland long before Friday, when he recapped his experience to the Rotary Club of McKinney. Though he admittedly "kept a distance from all of it", McClelland's personal connection to the event was hard for anyone else to ignore.
Just moments after Kennedy slunk to his left, sending horror through thousands of spectators, he was fighting for every breath inside a Parkland operating room, his head inches away from McClelland. "He was in terrible shape; the right side of his brain had been blown out", McClelland said. "We worked on him for only eight or 10 minutes, from the time they made the incision to the time he lost all of his cardiac activity. "There was no chance of saving him".
But memories of the futile operation, and the surrounding chaos, were never lost. McClelland spoke to Rotarians the past two Fridays about his recollections. His story dropped jaws and drew curious silence. He reignited the wonder of any listeners who'd pushed the conspiracy theories away, out of mind. That's what McClelland said he tried to do, but the mysterious pieces always found him. Some pieces seemingly fell from the gun -- or guns -- of Kennedy's killer. "My supposition, and that of a lot of people, is that the first shot probably was fired from the sixth floor of the [Texas School Book Depository]... whether by Oswald or someone else, I don't know", McClelland told Rotarians. "The next shot apparently came from behind the picket fence by the grassy knoll -- all kinds of things indicate that is indeed what happened".
One glaring indicator, to which McClelland was uniquely close, was Kennedy's neck wound. Dr Malcolm Perry, the chief surgeon for Kennedy and Oswald, cut an incision into Kennedy's neck to explore the wound. Perry told reporters minutes later that it looked like an entrance wound -- meaning the shot had come from somewhere other than the sixth floor of the Depository. Referencing a recently published book about the assassination, McClelland said Secret Service agents allegedly accosted Perry after his statement and told him never to say it again. "After the assassination, if you ever mentioned anything about it to Dr Perry, he would tell you, 'I don't want to talk about it', and he would really get angry if you pressed him about it", McClelland said. "We always wondered why that was". Perry took his reluctance to the grave, dying from lung cancer two years ago in Tyler. McClelland, the only surviving member of the historic surgical team, stayed clear of the chaos as long as he could. He and Perry were two of four doctors who tried to save the president November 22, 1963.
"People always ask if he was dead, and he wasn't", McClelland said. "He was making attempts to breath. But we didn't stand around and ask questions, we just started acting." The team, which also included Drs Charles J Carrico and Charles Baxter, afterward sat, dazed, in a nearby nurse's station. Secret Service agents gave them note pads and asked each to write his impressions of the president's wounds. Their notes later became evidence in the Warren Commission's investigation of the assassination. Perry eventually changed his initial story and said the bullet hole near Kennedy's Adam's apple was an exit wound. [Note: Perry never changed his story -- he was answering a hypothetical question by Arlen Specter at the Warren Commission when he said it could have been an exit wound~jj]
But the Warren Commission's report has since been directly refuted by numerous eyewitness accounts, one of whom McClelland met a few years ago in Dallas. Ed Hoffman, who is deaf, had his daughter tell McClelland what he saw near the grassy knoll, behind the picket fence, when Kennedy went down. Hoffman, 27 at the time, had left work around the time of the president's arrival in Dallas to get a toothache inspected at the dentist. The presidential motorcade forced Hoffman to pull off on the edge of Stemmons Freeway, about 700 feet away from the knoll, Hoffman told McClelland. He said he saw one suited man pull out a rifle, place it on top of the fence and fire at Kennedy, then toss the gun to another man dressed in work clothes. That man disassembled the gun, put it in his tool bag and disappeared into the crowd, Hoffman said. Moments later, Hoffman saw a policeman question the suited man, then walk into the crowd with him following a short glimpse of the man's identification. Two high school history teachers came to Dallas several years ago to study Hoffman's story, and wrote, FROM BEHIND THE PICKET FENCE a book that McClelland said is "very well-detailed in establishing what Mr Hoffman saw." Just as in Perry's case, though, Hoffman was quickly shut out, McClelland said. Hoffman told his father and his uncle -- a Dallas police officer at the time -- days after the shooting, and both told him he better keep his mouth shut. After recounting his conversation with Hoffman and his daughter, the Rotarians focused on McClelland's every word. McClelland summarized other prominent theories surrounding Kennedy's death. He answered questions about the "magic bullet" and the assassination's potential connection to Kennedy's involvement in the Cold War.
Dr Jerry Sims, the Rotarian who invited McClelland to speak in McKinney, was a young intern at Parkland on that day. He recalled how the First Lady asked him outside the operating room if she could smoke a cigarette -- a habit that few knew she had, Sims said. McClelland, who still spends time in hospitals teaching young doctors, packed up his notes to standing applause. One by one, Rotarians came to him with more questions. He was the closest most of them would ever come to knowing what happened the day JFK was killed. But, even for McClelland, the mystery remains. "It was the most memorable thing of my life," he said. "Yet, we may never know the exact truth."
Dr Robert McClelland held JFK's head in his hands. He massaged Oswald's heart
Forty-five years later, his students are still riveted by the surgeon's tales
by Michael Mooney, DMagazine, Oct 27, 2008
...McClelland leaned over the president's blue face, over the gape in the back of his head, and took the tool. For nearly 15 minutes, McClelland held the retractor as blood ran over its edges. As the other doctors labored on Kennedy's throat and chest or milled around the room, McClelland stood staring at the leader of the free world. His face was 18 inches from the president's head wound. Kennedy's eyes bulged slightly from their sockets -- the medical term is "protuberant" -- common with massive head injuries and increased intracranial pressure. Blood oozed down his cheeks. Some of the hair at the front of his head was still combed. McClelland looked into the head wound. Stray hairs at the back of the head covered parts of the hole, as did bits of bone, blood, and more blood clots. He watched as a piece of cerebellum slowly slipped from the back of the hole and dropped onto the cart....
McClelland stared at the hole in the back of the president's head. He looked at where the skull crumpled slightly around the edges. Knowing nothing else of the assassination at the time, he, too, assumed a bullet had come out of that opening. He wouldn't feel confident in his initial assessment until 11 and a half years later, when he and his wife watched an episode of The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. As the couple got ready for bed, Carson introduced his guest, a young, ambitious television host named Geraldo Rivera. Rivera had with him footage of the assassination previously unseen by the public, footage known simply as THE ZAPRUDER FILM. Shot by Abraham Zapruder, an immigrant from the Ukraine, the 8-millimeter Kodachrome movie shows the motorcade through the duration of the assassination. As McClelland watched it for the first time, he saw the back of the president's head blasted out. He saw the president swayed "back and to the left", a phrase later repeated ad nauseum in Oliver Stone's JFK. McClelland was convinced he had been standing over an exit wound....
The students begin to realize McClelland is not just a living portal to the history in their textbooks. He might also be the most credible conspiracy theorist alive.... He is one of the most renowned surgery scholars in the country. He knows the history of virtually every operation, from how doctors performed it in the Civil War to new experimental processes. He pores over medical journals (as past editor of Selected Readings in General Surgery, which he originated). But new debates begin, like a recent one when two books about the assassination were released at the same time. One has 1,600 pages worth of evidence declaring the Warren Commission's conclusion spot on, the other claiming to have irrefutable evidence that there were multiple shooters. He can list the documentaries, the biographies, the first-hand accounts like a catalogue....
Once in a while, at home, McClelland pulls a box from his shelves. He passes the Lincoln bust he purchased at the Petersen House in Washington, DC, where Abraham Lincoln died, and the epic volumes he has of all Lincoln's writings, and the history books he's amassed over the years. His hands glide over the wooden box, painted blue. He opens it. Inside is a transparent zip-lock bag with what once was a white shirt pressing against the sides. He thinks about a trip to Washington, where he visited the Armed Forces Pathology Museum. There, hanging in a display, was the shirt Lincoln was wearing when he was shot in 1865. Blood had poured from the left side of his head, down his arm, collecting at the cuff of the shirt. McClelland opens the bag and pulls out the folded shirt. The day after he worked on Kennedy, he took his suit to the cleaners. When he explained the blood-drenched clothing, they told him they didn't want to clean it. It was part of history, they told him. "I only have two suits", the young doctor said. "You have to clean it". But he folded the shirt he had been wearing and put it in a bag. He eventually got a nice box to keep it in. As he unfolds the shirt and holds it up, there, on the left sleeve, mostly around the cuff, is a brown stain. Because he had a suit on, much of the shirt is clean. But as with the Lincoln shirt, a pool of blood had collected on the left side. Like the event itself, the blood started at his hands and worked its way up, onto him....
JFK Surgeon's Drawing Claims Assassinated President Was Shot Twice, WesternJournalism, Jun 21, 2017 (The depiction, drawn by Dr Robert McClelland, contradicts the official story many believe to be fact...)
Up for Auction: Signed Drawing of "President Kennedy's Wounds", by Dr. Robert McClelland, the Physician Who Held President Kennedy's Head at the Dallas Hospital, Nate D Sanders Auction (final price $9,816)
watch Uncut Interview: JFK's Last Doctor, Apr 20, 2017, Allen Texas Public Library, YouTube (Dr Robert McClelland gives his first-hand account of the dramatic scene inside the Parkland Hospital trauma room after President John F Kennedy had been shot)
Whitney is trying to get in touch with Dr Bob McClelland for a TV project about the assassination of JFK
watch JFK Executive Action Movie 1973
YouTube, Nov 26, 2014
(during 60s dissenters & resisters were wiped out)
4.Old World Destruction
(the most credible conspiracy theorist alive)
(McClelland is one of the few still-living doctors)
Doctor remembers last moments of JFK's life
News, Nov 23, 2014
Doctor remembers last moments of Kennedy's life, by Faith Harper, Tyler Morning Telegraph, Nov 21, 2014
Findings of the [House] Select Committee on Assassinations [HSCA].... The committee believes, on the basis of the evidence available to it, that President John F Kennedy was probably assassinated as the result of a conspiracy. The committee is unable to identify the other gunman or the extent of the conspiracy...
listen JACKIE JURA INTERVIEW ON JFK 50TH, with Patrick Timpone, OneRadioNetwork, Nov 21, 2013
Dr Bob McClelland: Surgeon tried to save Kennedy -- and Oswald, by Markus Schmidt, Richmond Times Dispatch, Nov 19, 2013
As 50th Anniversary Of Assassination Approaches, Surgeon Who Treated JFK Remembers, by Chelsea Karnash, CBS, Nov 19, 2013
watch Parkland Trauma Room One Doctors Reunion, Sixth Floor Museum, JFK Facts, Sep 21, 2013
Real Parkland doctor's views may stir 'Parkland', the movie, debate, JFK Facts, Sep 21, 2013 (With the October 4 release of Tom Hanks' "Parkland", a motion picture about the hospital where President Kennedy died, the debate about the causes of JFK's death will be revisited again. The movie, starring Paul Giamatti, Billy Bob Thornton, and Zac Efron depicts JFK's death as the work of a lone assassin. Parkland surgeon Dr McClelland disagrees. He has said publicly that his observations of JFK's wounds convinced him that the president was shot from two different directions and thus was the victim of a conspiracy...)
JFK assassination film 'Parkland' shows gore, avoids conspiracy, by Michael Roddy, Reuters, Sep 1, 2013 (The operating room where nurses and doctors struggle to save Kennedy while surrounded by frantic presidential aides and secret service agents is awash in blood touching everyone in a "very Shakespearean" way, director Peter Landesman said.... Conspiracy theories, which have been rampant since the assassination, do not figure in "Parkland", Landesman said....
Surgeon recounts JFK operation, by Chris Beattie, Courier-Gazette, Jan 28, 2012
watch Interview Top Surgeon Robert McClelland in JFK Assassination, by Brent Holland, Night Fright, 2009, YouTube
The Day Kennedy Died, Dr Robert McClelland held JFK's head in his hands. He massaged Oswald's heart, Forty-five years later, his students are still riveted by the surgeon's tales, by Michael Mooney, DMagazine, Oct 27, 2008
Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~