The Commander in Chief of the Pacific Fleet
never knew anything about Operation Magic,
the secret decoding of Japanese diplomatic and spy communications,
which gave indications of the plan for the Pearl Harbour attack
and even the timing of the attack.
"That information was kept in Washington and never provided to Admiral Himmel.
He didn't even know about it until a Naval officer, at great risk to his own career,
illegally provided him with the information in the sixties."
A couple of years ago [in 2001] I re-watched the 1970 movie TORA! TORA! TORA! I was challenged by a friend to prove what I was saying was true about the fact that President Roosevelt had prior knowledge of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. The subject had come up in response to the release of the latest Hollywood version - the 2001 PEARL HARBOR - which was nothing more than eye-candy with special effects and a mushy-gushy love triangle. I'd been disparaging the movie as nothing more than propaganda, meant to dumb down the masses and re-write history.
So my friend demanded then and there to see the original version of the movie, which he knew I had taped off the History Channel on some previous Pearl Harbor anniversary.
I cautioned my neophyte truthseeker that all my eggs were not in this particular basket, and that no doubt TORA! TORA! TORA! wouldn't be laying the story out accurately either. But at least, I figured, it had to be better than the latest crap-trap. So we sat down to watch it with open minds and I must say I was pleasantly surpised to see how revealing it really was!
With the remote-control in my hand I was able to stop the story at pertinent points and ask my "student" if he was able to recognize the innuendos. Amazingly, in most cases, he was. By "reading-between-the-lines" in that movie a person is able to see for themselves how the trickery was staged and the chain of command through which it filtered down.
Now I see, from the story below*, that TORA! TORA! TORA! is considered, by the vets who were there that horrific day 61 years ago, a very accurate portrayal of the events on the ground and behind the scenes.
Some day, when time permits, I'll re-watch the movie and post the scenarios that I recognize as revealing duplicity. But until that time I recommend that Orwell Today readers rent the movie themselves and see if they can "break the code" of hints revealing the treason behind the event which resulted in the deaths of over 2,000 American soldiers and gave the powers-that-be the excuse to enter USA into WWII, and spill the blood of thousands more.
All the best,
Jackie Jura, 2003
Jap planes bomb Pearl Harbour 67 years ago (aroused USA behind FDR for war). BBC, Dec 7, 2008
Obama names Jap/American to Vet Affairs. ABC, Dec 6, 2008
President-elect Barack Obama has chosen retired Gen. Eric K. Shinseki to be the next Veterans Affairs secretary, turning to a former Army chief of staff once vilified by the Bush administration for questioning its Iraq war strategy. Obama will announce the selection of Shinseki, the first Army four-star general of Japanese-American ancestry, at a news conference Sunday in Chicago. He will be the first Asian-American to hold the post of Veterans Affairs secretary, adding to the growing diversity of Obama's Cabinet. "I think that General Shinseki is exactly the right person who is going to be able to make sure that we honor our troops when they come home," Obama said in an interview with NBC's "Meet the Press" to be broadcast Sunday.... Shinseki, 66, is slated to take the helm of the government's second largest agency, which was roundly criticized during the Bush administration for underestimating the amount of funding needed to treat thousands of injured veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan....President-elect Obama is selecting a team that reflects our nation's greatest strength, its diversity, and I applaud him." Veterans groups also cheered the decision....Obama's choice of Shinseki, who grew up in Hawaii, is the latest indication that the president-elect is making good on his pledge to have a diverse Cabinet. In Obama's eight Cabinet announcements so far, white men are the minority....
Obama drops Jap bomb on Pearl Harbour Day (Black pres taps Asian for Vet Affairs). CNN, Dec 7, 2008
Pacific Fleet Admiral blamed for attack., Texas, Dec 7, 2005
Rear Admiral Husband E. Kimmel & Army Maj. Gen. Walter E. Short were fired from their positions as Commander in Chief of the Pacific Fleet and Commander of the Hawaiian Department of the Army respectively ten days after the attack and blamed by the Roberts Commission for dereliction of duty which led to the Japanese assault, which destroyed several warships and planes and killed more than 2,000 people. In 1999, The U.S. Senate voted to approve a resolution restoring the two men to their full ranks and 'exonerating them of blame' for the attack, but the final decision rests with the White House. At the time, Senator Strom Thurmond described Kimmel and Short as 'the last two victims of Pearl Harbor.'. Thomas Kimmel (64) says "My grandfather never knew anything about Operation Magic, the secret decoding of Japanese diplomatic and spy communications, which gave us indications of the plan for the Pearl Attack and even the timing of the attack. That information was kept in Washington and never provided to my grandfather. He didn't even know about it until a Naval officer, at great risk to his own career, illegally provided him with the information in the sixties." Admiral died in 1968..."The only two persons who were officially punished for the Pearl Harbor attack were my grandfather and General Short. I think it's time for that unjust punishment to be removed from the record of this very honorable man." (
Reader Kevin says there is "a portion of the book A MAN CALLED INTREPID dedicated to the testimony of William Stephenson, the head of Intelligence, concerning a meeting that he had with Roosevelt. He states that he informed Roosevelt of the probability of an attack on Pearl Harbor. Roosevelt's reaction was to allow the attack to take place, and for that attack to be the catalyst that would get the American support for involvement that he had, up to that point, been unable to produce..."
THE PEARL HARBOUR DECEPTION (President Franklin D. Roosevelt's back door into the European War)
*Vets win fight to show film (accurate Pearl Harbor re-enactment). Pasadena Star, Nov 15, 2002 (,1413,206%257E22097%257E989831,00.html#)
Japanese planes bomb Pearl Harbour (USA enters World War too). BBC, On-This-Day, December 7, 1941
28.Reality Control and 12.Ministry of Peace (War)
Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~