The above book entitled DEATH KNELL OF THE PANAMA CANAL came out in 1998, one year before the USA GAVE CHINA THE PANAMA CANAL on December 31st, 1999.
It was authored by G. Russell Evans, Captain, United States Coast Guard (Ret) who (as described in the back cover) "has studied Panama since the 1964 Flag Riots. His essays, books and speeches have long warned of fraud in the 1977 Carter-Torrijos Canal Treaties. His previous book, THE PANAMA CANAL TREATIES SWINDLE, published in 1986, is the historical accounting of the Canal swindle. Since 1986, he has been Chief Advisor on the Canal for the National Security Center - an excellent vehicle for publicizing the Treaties manipulations." Below is an excerpt from his book. ~ Jackie Jura
pages 197-201:
...I first learned through confidential sources in the spring of 1997 that allies of Red China secured far-reaching "rights" and control over several key installations of the Panama Canal - including the Canal ports of Balboa and Cristobal.
Hutchison Whampoa - a Hong Kong business whose owner is an "allied consultant" to Communist China - won the contract to operate the ports at the Panama Canal. And these ports were turned over to this ally of Red China even though American and other companies gave better bids. This contract could eventually give Red China control over our Panama Canal when the U.S. withdraws in 1999.
Communist China is the greatest emerging threat to United States security. It has the largest army in the world, may soon have the second largest economy, and is rapidly building up its navy and air force. In fact, many scholars are sounding the alarm about a "new Cold War" with Red China, and a new book has just come out warning of a coming war with China:
Strategic spot for Red China
And now the Clinton administration has allowed allies of Red China - the greatest threat to American national security - to take over the Canal ports and possibly secure other critical military facilities at the Panama Canal, only 900 miles from the United States.
The danger to the United States is very real. America will lose control of this vital chokekpoint, through which massive amounts of shipping and our U.S. Navy pass between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.
The ports of Balboa, which controls the shipping traffic from the Atlantic, will be run by Communist Chinese allies. The U.S. Navy could be denied access through the Canal ports, which have been critical to our military efforts in World War II Korea, Vietnam, and the Persian Gulf conflicts.
Red Chinese J-11 attack jets, if launched from air facilities in Panama, could strike the mainland United States. Each J-11 can drop over 13,000 pounds of bombs - and China will have over 100 J-11's in the next few years. This is the potential should Red China muscle into U.S. air bases in Panama.
Communist China will also have a critical base for its warships in our backyard with the Balboa and Crostobal ports. Further, if Rodman Naval Station is handed over to Red China should the United States evacuate in 1999, it will give China a deep water port that can provide a base of operations for their warships and submarines only 900 miles from the United States.
But what is Bill Clinton doing about this dire threat to American national security? Nothing! He is standing by while allies of his Red Chinese campaign contributor friends take control of the vital Panama Canal.
Stunning developments at Panama Canal
How did such a stunning and disastrous series of events lead to allies of Communist China taking control of the Panama Canal ports, you may ask? The answer is, sadly, incompetence and possible corruption. Let's examine the following.
Hutchison Whampoa, Ltd. is a massive conglomerate based in Hong Kong. Its head, Li Kashing, is one of the most powerful men in Hong Kong and has very close ties to the Communist Chinese government (See section on Hutchison Whampoa, Ltd. ties to Red China, below). As I already reported, Hutchison Whampoa has been given control over the strategic ports of Balboa and Cristobal at each end of the Canal. But Hutchison Whampoa has also been given long term "options" for other facilities, including several military installations the United States is scheduled to evacuate.
Hutchison Whampoa was given this far-reaching deal by the government of Panama, which was seeking the best money-making deal possible for themselves from the Canal and other U.S. properties.
So, without regard to the security of the Canal, their own country, or the United States the government of Panama entered into what amounts to a 50-year "contract" with Hutchison Whampoa, Ltd. - whose leader has close ties to Red China and whose home base, Hong Kong, is taken over by Communst China July 1, 1997.
The contract is spelled out in detail in the government of Panama's Law No. 5, passed on January 16, 1997, by Panama's Legislative Assembly. Panama made its deal with Hutchison Whampoa without consultation with the United States, in some respects in violation of the 1977 Panama Canal treaties and its own Constitution.
Who is Hutchison Whampoa?
Probably the most stunning recent development at the Panama Canal was the contract handing control of the strategic ports guarding each end of the Canal over to a company which is a key ally of Communist China. And this 50-year contract was only discovered by the United States after it was a done deal!
On March 1, 1997, Panama turned over the American-built piers and ports facilities at Balboa on the Pacific side and Cristobal on the Atlantic side in what appears to be a sharp break from American influene and toward a better money-making deal with Hutchison Whampoa.
Now, on the surface, Hutchison Whampoa, Ltd. appears to be a private, independent company from Hong Kong. But Hong Kong will be taken over by Red China by the time this book is published (January 1, 1998), and history has proven that when the communists move in, they do not tolerate anyone who does not toe the party line.
That does not appear to be a problem for Hutchison Whampoa, however. In fact, it appears that Hutchison Whampoa and Li Ka-shing, already have a very good understanding with Red China.
For example, Hutchison Whampoa is the only company that Communist China trusts to run its commercial ports [COSCO - China Ocean Shipping Co], and is virtually running South China's seaborne trade. In fact, Hutchison Whampoa has been accused of having a "cozy relationship" with Red China that is as "close as lips and teeth."
Further, Li Ka-shing "is sure to be standing next to the top leaders of Beijing" in Red China when the Communist takeover occurs, according to a Journal of Commerce report by Joe Studwell. And Hong Kong Congresswoman Emily Lau says the head of Hutchison Whampoa is already "a close advisor to the Chinese government."....
USA concern at China's military muscle (beyond Asia-Pacific region). AFP, Mar 6, 2008. Go to USA DOWNPLAYS CHINA THREAT
Chinese firm
to scan cargo to USA (hired to operate USA nuke detector, chairman tied to communist regime). WorldNetDaily, Mar 24, 2006
Bush administration is raising concerns with its decision to hire a Hutchison Whampoa, led by Li Kashing to monitor nuclear materials that pass through the Bahamas to the United States and other countries.
Why COSCO wants Long Beach., Sep 3, 1998
The Chinese Overseas Shipping Co. is pushing harder than ever to secure a port facility at the former U.S. Naval Base in Long Beach, Calif...COSCO has a long history of being used by its Chinese military masters for spying and spreading chaos through smuggling of arms and drugs. "China's intelligence operatives are not stationed in embassies," explains Cmdr. Chip Beck, U.S. Naval Reserves (ret.) and a former CIA station chief. "They work out of banks, shipping companies and businesses." Several members of Congress have also confided that the Chinese use their industrial facilities and assets around the world as spy bases. Those suspicions are not limited to conservative Republicans, either. Even California Democratic have urged a full national security review of the COSCO Long Beach deal...Do you get the picture? Could it be any more obvious? Why, then, is the U.S. government still considering COSCO as a suitable tenant for such a sensitive port facility? It would seem like a no-brainer.
The threat of COSCO and SeaLaunch. WorldNetDaily, Sep 24, 1997
...Not only will this project make available to the Chinese and Russians all kinds of technical and strategic information, perhaps even hardware with military applications, but it will, more importantly, make possible unprecedented worldwide population surveillance.
Thousands celebrate Panama Canal handover. BBC, Jan 1, 2000
The United States has handed over the Panama Canal to Panama, ending nearly a century of American jurisdiction over one of the world's most strategic waterways. In a festive ceremony outside the canal's headquarters, US officials signed away their authority over the canal, formally handing it over to the government of President Mireya Moscoso....The 80km (50 mile) canal has been run by the US Defense Department since it opened in August 1914....The transfer of sovereignty to Panama was agreed in the Torrijos-Carter treaty of 1977, and former US president Jimmy Carter attended a ceremonial handover on 14 December this year. The new operators of the waterway, which handles 14,000 ships a year, will pass to the Panama Canal Authority a few hours before the changeover to the year 2,000 to avoid any possible computer problems. Panama's ambassador to Washington hailed the transfer as "the start of a new relationship with the US apart from the canal."
Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~