Hundreds of patients of Dr Ewan Cameron at McGill University in Montreal
were subjected to experimental treatments that included
massive electro-shock therapy, LSD, barbiturates, amphetamines,
sensory deprivation and induced sleep...
The experiments were partially funded by the CIA and the Canadian government
as part of the program called MK-ULTRA.
To Orwell Today,
I am still seeking compensation for our family for the brain washing experiments conducted on my mother in the late 50's early 60's.
Can you help me to get linked to other victim's families for compensation for the Canadian government's atrocity.
My mother Pearl was a victim of the brainwashing.
Greetings Chris,
Almost eight years ago, in January 2007, I posted a story about the class-action lawsuit being waged against the Canadian government for its brainwashing experiments on unknowing human beings at McGill University in Montreal. See CANADA'S CIA MIND-CONTROL HERO
Until your enquiry I'd lost track of what was happening but did a search and see that the case was settled out of court six months later in July 2007.
There was a confidentiality agreement about how much the victims were awarded but according to the hero -- Janine Huard -- it wasn't a huge amount but enough for people to live comfortably for the rest of their lives. She was more impressed with the fact that the government -- by buying them off -- was admitting it was guilty and to her that was some form of justice.
The lawyer who successfully represented Janine Huard and the others named in her class-action lawsuit said there were many more victims out there and he invited them to get in touch with him and he'd take their case to court as well.
Here's the government-owned Canadian Broadcasting (Brainwashing) Corporation article describing the out-of-court settlement:
Montrealer collects compensation for CIA brainwashing
Janine Huard to drop class-action suit in exchange for compensation
CBC, Jul 4, 2007
A Montreal senior who survived Cold War-era brainwashing experiments picked up a cheque for compensation from the federal government on Tuesday. Janine Huard, 79, accepted an offer to end her class-action lawsuit against the federal government, which jointly funded the experiments with the Central Intelligence Agency. The terms of the settlement are confidential, but Huard says it will allow her to live out her days in peace, with some peace of mind. "I was really so exhausted from fighting for so many years", Huard told the Canadian Press in an interview. "I don't think it's enough after having been hurt so much, and my kids and family but at least justice has been done a little bit".
Huard was a young mother of four suffering from post-partum depression when she checked herself into McGill's renowned Allen Memorial Institute in 1950. On and off for the next 15 years, she was one of hundreds of patients of Dr Ewan Cameron subjected to experimental treatments that included massive electroshock therapy, experimental pills and LSD. The patients were induced into comas and exposed to repetitive messages for days on end to brainwash them. Cameron pioneered a technique called psychic driving, which he believed could erase harmful memories and rebuild psyches without psychiatric defect. The idea intrigued the CIA, which recruited him to experiment with mind control beginning in 1950. Until 1964, Cameron conducted a range of experiments at the McGill institute, often without the knowledge or the permission of his patients. The experiments were part of a larger CIA program called MK-ULTRA, which saw LSD administered to USA prison inmates and patrons of brothels without their knowledge, according to testimony before a 1977 USA Senate committee.
Huard said the treatment left her unable to care for her children. She suffered memory loss and migraines for many years to come and had to have her mother move in with her. Huard was one of nine Canadians who received nearly $67,000 US each from the CIA in 1988. But her claim for compensation from the Canadian federal government was rejected three times. Only 77 former patients who were reduced to a childlike state received $100,000 payments. Huard was seeking Federal Court approval for a class-action lawsuit on behalf of those potentially hundreds of other patients. Earlier this year, a Federal Court judge rejected the federal government motion to dismiss the lawsuit. Huard said the settlement money will allow her to live out her days as she always wanted. "I'm moving to a peaceful place to see nice scenery, near the country", she said. "I want to finish my days like that. I will try to forget all that because it's too painful".
The settlement ends Huard's class-action lawsuit on behalf of all patients but her lawyer, Alan Stein, says a class-action will go ahead in the future under another patient's name. "It was a miscarriage of justice. There's no doubt about it", Stein said. "It won't be the end, believe me, because I feel the other people should be compensated as well, people whose claims were denied". Stein said he's been contacted by about 30 other former patients of Cameron.
~ end quoting CBC ~
I think if you get in touch with that lawyer he'd be able to help you connect with other victims and perhaps your mother could join their class-action lawsuit.
I wonder how Janine Huard and the others are doing now. She was such a hero -- and an inspiration for all to follow in their own fights for justice and compensation.
All the best,
Jackie Jura, November 2014
PS - Below are links to articles and documentaraies recently uploaded on YouTube.
Greetings Chris,
I recently received an email from an organization that is preparing a class-action lawsuit against several organizations who were guilty of or complicit in the brainwashing experiments that took place at Montreal's Allan Memorial Hospital and the Douglas Hospital through the 1940s, 50s and 60s.
They've asked that I put them in touch with you after reading our email discussion from almost four years ago, ie CANADA CIA BRAINWASHING PAYOUT
Please respond to me if you are still at this email address and I will connect you with them.
Thank you, and hope all is well,
Jackie Jura, April 2018
To Orwell Today,
Yes I am still at this email address. We are holding our first meeting May 20th in Montreal.
watch The Sleep Room 1998 movie
(CIA electroshock-LSD brainwashing in Canada)
(gov't stabbed its citizens in the back)
'What they did to my mother was torture' &
Trudeau gag-order silences brainwashing victims &
watch Canada Brainwashing Victims 2017 Documentary
Email/CBC/YouTube, Apr 16, 2018
40.Electric Shock Brainwashing
LSD officialy tested by chemist creator in 1943
(demon invaded & took possession of body/mind/soul)
GlobeMail, Apr 19, 1943-2018
LSD Officially Tested by Albert Hoffmann: April 19, 1943
Everything in my field of vision wavered and was distorted as if seen in a curved mirror. I also had the sensation of being unable to move from the spot", Swiss chemist Albert Hoffmann wrote in his 1980 auto-biography LSD: My Problem Child. Hoffmann had just ridden his bike home from his lab after deliberately ingesting a small amount of a drug he had created to be used as a medicine. But he'd taken too much and Hoffmann experienced the first bad acid trip. He said it felt as if a demon had invaded him and taken possession of his body, mind and soul. "The substance, with which I had wanted to experiment, had vanquished me. It was the demon that scornfully triumphed over my will", he wrote. Later, Hoffmann's employer began producing the drug for psychiatrists to use in experiments. While they failed to discover any medical use for it, free samples for experminents were distributred widely. Hoffmann's hallucinogenic trip went on to inspire a counterculture of drug use -- and what happaned on April 19, 1943, became known (and celebrated) as Bicycle Day.
watch Mission: Mind Control, ABC News Closeup, July 1979, YouTube June 2013
CIA-funded brainwashing experiments conducted by Dr Donald Ewen Cameron at "Ravenscrag" on Mount Royal in Montreal, Canada, housing the Allan Memorial Institute of Psychiatry, at McGill University, Canada. Cameron used drugs, including LSD, electric shock therapy, sleep therapy, and "psychic driving", that he believed would allow him to make changes in a patient's` personality. His so-called "de-patterning" involved Electro-shock treatments for 30 days, and even 65 days for some subjects. Dr Maurice Dongier, the current head of the Institute, speaks about Dr Cameron's "psychic driving" therapy and agrees that his work could be characterized as "brain washing". Val Orliknow, of Winnipeg, wife of a member of Canadian parliament, describes her experience as a patient of Dr Cameron and her thoughts of committing suicide. Orliknow was one of nine Canadians who sued the United States Central Intelligence Agency in 1984 for subjecting them unknowingly to experimental mind-control techniques in Montreal between 1957 and 1962. The CIA settled out of court in 1988 but maintained that the settlement was not an admission of guilt.
watch The Sleep Room", YouTube, Aug 2011
Based on a true story, this production relates the tale of Canadian mind-control victims from the early 1950's, the CIA funds a Montreal psychiatric hospital to do mind-control experiments on patients in what has become known as "Project MK-ULTRA". Thirty-some years later, the patients want justice...
MK-ULTRA Violence or, How McGill pioneered psychological torture, by Juan Camilo Velasquez, McGill Daily, Sep 6, 2012
Imagine being trapped in a small room. Your hands covered in gloves, your sight blocked by translucent glasses, and your head covered by a pillow. You cannot touch, taste, see, smell, or feel. You are totally deprived of your senses. This is the imagery of torture in foreign wars, of espionage blockbusters, of terrible nightmares. It seems hardly something that would occur in Montreal. But it did occur, right here at McGill. Today, many journalists, doctors, and the general public see the Allan Memorial Institute in Royal Victoria Hospital as the cradle of modern torture, a cradle built and rocked by Scottish-born Dr Donald Ewen Cameron. To the patients of Dr Ewen Cameron, our university was the site of months of seemingly unending torture disguised as medical experimentation -- an experimentation that destroyed their lives and changed the course of psychological torture forever. Cameron's experiments, known as MK-ULTRA subproject 68, were partially funded by the CIA and the Canadian government, and are widely known for their use of LSD, barbiturates, and amphetamines on patients. In the media, they were known as the "mind control" studies done at McGill and were reported as a brainwashing conspiracy from the CIA and the Canadian government. For journalists, the story was a goldmine. LSD use in a CIA experiment was an angle no sensationalist media could reject, especially in the anti-drug frenzy of the 1960s. However, these studies were much more complex than a Timothy Leary scare in la belle ville. At its worst, the prolonged periods of sensory deprivation and induced sleep used in the experiments left many patients in a child-like mental state, even years after the experiments were finalized....
Montrealer collects compensation for CIA brainwashing (Janine Huard to drop class-action suit in exchange for compensation), CBC, Jul 4, 2007
Prime Minister Brian Mulroney's wife Mila was born Milica Pivnicki to Serbian Orthodox parents Dimitrije "Mita" Pivnicki and Bogdanka Ilic in Sarajevo, PR Bosnia-Herzegovina, FPR Yugoslavia. Her first years were spent in the city of Sarajevo where her father was assigned to practice medicine by Yugoslav Titoist authorities. In 1956, Dr Pivnicki took a research fellowship position at the Allan Memorial Institute of Psychiatry in Montreal in order to circumvent the strict exit rules in Yugoslavia and get his family out of the country. While his pregnant wife Bogdanka waited to join him, she moved with young Milica back to their hometown of Novi Becej, Serbia. Finally, two years later, in 1958, she and their two children (five-year-old Milica and one-year-old Jovan) immigrated to Canada and joined Dimitrije in Montreal. Mila, the elder child, studied engineering at Concordia University, but did not graduate..... At age 19, she married Brian Mulroney, then a 34-year-old lawyer, on May 26, 1973....
MIND-CONTROL PART 1: CANADIAN & USA SURVIVORS SEEK JUSTICE ("Curiously, often a classic manifestation of people who are afflicted with certain psychotic disorders is the irrational fear that the CIA and FBI is conspiring to harm them. In this case, the CIA involvement is real and the covert nature of the involvement is not contested."). Probe Magazine, Mar/Apr 2000
34.Ministry of Love (Torture) & 40.Electric Shock Brainwashing & 41.Big Brother Tells How & 42.Big Brother Tells Why
Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~