People arrested by Dallas city police
are taken to the Police Station
in the City Hall Municipal Building
located in the 2000 block of Main Street
at the corner of Main & Harwood
and there confined in City Jail
until their period of investigation is completed.
The Dallas County Jail,
the responsibility of the Sheriff's Department,
is located at 505 Main Street,
at the corner of Main & Houston,
and it extends to the corner of Elm & Houston in the rear.
The jail has a capacity of 750 prisoners;
with 450 maximum-security cells that are the latest that can be built.
The others are in the old jail which was built in 1913.
To Orwell Today,
You have a bad mistake on your JFK DEALEY PLAZA PHOTOS page. The error is in the paragraph under the first pic:
Photo #1: This photo of Houston Street was taken on the 7th floor of the former Texas School Book Depository Building approximately 12 feet directly above where Oswald allegedly took the shots. If you compare this with the next picture, a sniper would have had a better chance at hitting his target on Houston Street, rather than on Elm. Note: On the left side of the street is the old jail, where Oswald was fatally shot by Jack Ruby. Oswald was supposed to come out of one of the two closed gray garage doors on the left.
Oswald was not shot at the county jail in Dealey Plaza as that states. He was on the way there when he was shot at the Dallas police station.
I don't mean to single you out or be mean -- just want to let you know.
A very good interesting page you have there. I have been a JFK buff since I was ten years old. I'm 52 now.
Take care,
Greetings Jeff,
Thanks a million for pointing out that mistake which I hadn't realized was a mistake. I, like the reader who sent in those DEALEY PLAZA PHOTOS, have always been under the impression that the building on the corner of Main & Houston was where Oswald was shot.
I knew, from studying events and maps of Dealey Plaza, that that was the COUNTY CRIMINAL COURTS building and housed the Sheriff's Department. I'd assumed (incorrectly I now realize) that it also housed the Police Department and their jail, ie the City Jail. I'd never made the connection that this downtown office building housed a prison, ie the County Jail.
I think my confusion arose partially from the fact that that was the building to which sheriff and police officers brought dozens of Dealey Plaza witnesses and suspects in for questioning the day of the assassination - and I thought that's where they'd brought Oswald, too.
But, I must admit, it's always been impossible to visualize Oswald's transfer route from City Jail to County Jail -- or Ruby's route into the parking garage of the Police Department on Main street, as described below from Groden's THE SEARCH FOR LEE HARVEY OSWALD:
On Sunday at 10:18 AM Ruby allegedly received a call from one of his strippers who said she needed money for rent.... Ruby said he would advance her some cash by Western Union.... Just before 10:45-AM, Ruby left his apartment...and drove off in his white two-door 1960 Oldsmobile. At around 10:50-AM he passed Dealey Plaza and the county jail (which overlooked the plaza), taking note of the crowd in the street. He continued on to the Western Union office, pulled into the Allright Parking Lot, by the Southland Hotel, at the corner of Main and Pearl Streets, and left his car.... He entered the Western Union office...and filled out the form to send the money.... From the Western Union office he headed west on foot to the police station. He later claimed that he simply walked past the guards there unchallenged, and down into the basement via the car ramp on Main Street "just out of curiousity". Just as he arrived in the basement and mingled with the crowd, a car horn sounded four times: short--short--long--short.
That morning, Oswald, handcuffed to Detective James R Leavelle, was on his way from the police station to the county jail. He was being taken into the station through the basement parking lot when at 11:21-AM Jack Ruby stepped through the crowd and fired one shot into Oswald's abdomen. Leavelle's partner, Charles W Brown, was driving the car that was to be used to transfer Oswald. The car was supposed to be in place at the bottom of the exit ramp that led up to Commerce Street. It wasn't. As Ruby was preparing to fire a second shot, Brown was backing up the car, and the rear bumber hit the back of Ruby's leg, knocking him off balance. Ruby was wrestled to the ground by several law enforcement personnel, and his gun was taken from him. Oswald was taken via ambulance to Parkland Hospital, where President Kennedy and Governor Connally had gone two days before.
As can be seen in the photo of that building on Main & Houston, there is no garage entrance on Main -- just those two garage doors on Houston.
Now, since you've pointed out that that building WASN'T the Police Station, it clears up that confusion -- especially after I did a search and found photos of the correct Police Station building -- located several blocks away at Main & Harwood -- in the same building as the Dallas City Hall.
On the left side of that building a car entrance can be seen -- and, looking closely, it's recognizable as the Main street entrance Ruby allegedly used to enter the Police Station garage just moments before shooting Oswald.
Now, also, the significance of the blocked entrance on Commerce street makes sense too -- ie it's the other end of the Police Station garage which takes up the entire block.
I found a present-day street map of downtown Dallas and on it I've marked the 1963 locations of the Police Department City Jail at Main & Harwood and the Sheriff Department County Jail at Main & Houston.
I've also marked the Western Union office at Main & Pearl where Ruby wired money that Sunday morning as an excuse to be in the vicinity of the Police Station one block away at Harwood.
Amazingly, while searching to see if there are any photos of JFK's motorcade passing City Hall (thus eerily foreshadowing his upcoming assassination by conspirators in the Police Department there) I found a photo of JFK's Lincoln turning right off Harwood onto Main, thus directly across from the building where Oswald was later shot.
Now I can picture exactly where innocent patsy Oswald was shot to death by guilty hit-man Ruby. It was in the Police Department at the corner of Main & Harwood, not the Sheriff Department at the corner of Main & Houston.
All the best,
Jackie Jura
PS - Here are transcripts of the testimonies of Police Detective Leavelle (who was handcuffed to Oswald leaving City Jail) and of County Sheriff Decker (in charge of Oswald's scheduled arrival at County Jail) saying they were warned -- through the FBI -- that Oswald would be killed during the transfer. Also is an excerpt from the book WHEN THEY KILL A PRESIDENT by Deputy Sheriff Craig who was on duty in Dealey Plaza and witnessed police and sheriff complicity in the assassination.
interviewed by Joe Patoski, Texas Monthly, 1998
(35 years after the assassination)
...INTERVIEWER: Now on the 24th, there was a transfer that had to be done. Why were you with Oswald then?
LEAVELLE: I imagine the reason I was with him is because I was working the day shift out of there and had been involved in everything from just shortly after the president was assassinated 'round up till that time. And had worked to make the case on Tippit. So, I don't know, just being there on duty that morning, I suppose, is the only reason I can think of. I'd like to think it was because I was the meanest and toughest one down there, but that ain't right. He had to be escorted, and like I said, I was working the day shift, I was in there, that was my job, and when we got ready to make the transfer, Captain Fritz said, 'Handcuff yourself to him'. The main reason for this was, because there'd been so many threats that they was going to take him away from us and do bodily harm to him, so with me handcuffed to him, if they took him, they'd have to take me too.
INTERVIEWER: He was handcuffed to your left wrist? On his right wrist? Anything said as you enter the basement?
LEAVELLE: Well, I said this several times, but anyway, I did tell him on the way down, I said, 'Lee, if anybody shoots at you, I hope they're as good a shot as you are'. Meaning they'd hit him and not me. And he kind of laughed and he said, 'Ah, you're being melodramatic'. Or something like that. 'Nobody's going to shoot me'. I said, 'Well, if they do start, you know what to do, don't you'? He said, 'Well, Captain Fritz told me to follow you, and I'll do whatever you do".
INTERVIEWER: ...In hindsight, was there any way, have you ever thought, 'Oh, if for this or that, it wouldn't have been this way?'
LEAVELLE: Well, if the chief had followed my suggestion that morning it wouldn't have happened. I talked to the chief that morning up on the first floor and I told him, I said, 'You know this elevator from the jail stops right here on the first floor'. And I said, 'We could take him off here on the first floor, put him in a car on Main Street and be in the county jail before any people realized we've even moved'. And his answer to me was, 'Leavelle, I've given my word they can film the transfer and I'm going to keep it'. So, if he'd have followed my suggestion, why, we'd have got him down there safely, we'd have got him in the county jail without any problem, we'd of got him to court without any problem, we could have got him convicted and got the death penalty on him, and he could still be down there on Death Row with appeals pending, 35 years later....
Warren Commission, April 16, 1964
DECKER: I am Sheriff of Dallas County since January 1, 1949; I am serving my 16 years...I was chief deputy sheriff for Dallas County 14 years prior to that, prior to that I was chief deputy constable since 1924, prior to that I was in the courthouse as a court clerk and prior to that I was elevator operator in the courthouse. Now, that's it -- that's my life...
INTERVIEWER: All right. Now, let's assume that a man has been formally charged and that there has been a capias or warrant....What would normally happen in circumstances such as we are dealing with here, where warrants were issued about 7 o'clock in one case, as to Tippit, and a little later about 11 o'clock on the 22d of November, as to the death of the President, what would be the normal situation as to your getting control and custody and your becoming the keeper of these prisoners?
DECKER: The whole thing would be that if we, if those warrants had come through the regular channels to us, we would have contacted -- I imagine we would have contacted Captain Fritz because it was a homicide and that is in his division, and asked him about the prisoner and discussed with him if he was ready for transfer -- if he was going to transfer or did he want us to transfer. That would have been the normal procedure with us.... Day in and day out. We have a paddy wagon for that purpose and a driver for the purpose and uniforms and insignias and all on it.
INTERVIEWER: When did you make any efforts to take custody of Oswald?
DECKER - I can't tell you that as to when -- the homicide occurred and the boy was taken in custody in the afternoon and that was on a Friday -- I'm not going to tell you for certain because there was so much and on Friday afternoon we were taking statements in my office you know -- this thing happened, occurred just across the street from my office and we moved all the witnesses when we were on the ground there at the scene, all the witnesses we could locate I was working there and I had Inspector Sawyer, who is there with me, and also Heitman of the FBI and my assistant chief deputy, and every witness, just as we picked up a witness that had any information at all, we sent him directly across the street to my office and reduced his statement to writing. Then, I talked to Fritz after he arrived.
We had by then located the gun and the ammunition, my officers had located it in the building, and was awaiting the arrival of my scene searchers and Fritz arrived and then I talked to Fritz and then we went across the street and he phoned and that's when I learned Oswald had been formerly employed there at that building. And, Fritz went to the city -- now, here's something I'm uncertain about -- whether I talked to him that afternoon or the next day about this removal, I cannot tell you because there was so much happening and so much press in our hair, I couldn't say, but I did discuss with him and advise that I wished to be notified when he started to move this boy, so that I would have my security in shape to receive him when he arrived there....
INTERVIEWER: Had you been given any warning by the FBI that they had received a message, or had the message been received, I think, by your office, that some attempt would be made by a group to injure Oswald?
DECKER: That's along 12:30 or 1 o'clock in the morning [Saturday] -- that's when that occurred. That's when I got on the telephone, you see, sir -- I'm sure that you don't understand this, but, you know, but no man -- it makes no difference how long he is an officer, ever imagined that he could work on an investigation the size of this one and therefore, of course, you realize that my officers, and I'm sure some of the city officers, myself included, were working under just a little bit of pressure. Anyway, this thing you are talking about came to me from my office man, Sergeant McCoy, and he had received a call from the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Milt Newsom, who stated to him that this boy [Oswald] was going to be killed and that he had good information. He relayed that message to me at my home, and I asked him had the city [Police Department] been notified and he said, "Yes."
INTERVIEWER: That was early in the morning, as I recall? It was 12:30 in the night -- 12:30 on the morning of the 24th?
DECKER: Yes; and I called that office [Police Station] and I talked to a man whom I believe to be Frazier, is that correct? I don't know the gentleman there -- only by telephone conversation.
INTERVIEWER: You, yourself, talked to him and told him what you had heard?
DECKER: I told him what I had heard and talked to him about the transfer, and I even went so far as to advise McCoy to call in a pair of my supervisory personnel to stand by my office so that -- should they decide to transfer this man [Oswald] -- they would be available and we would have them moved in there to make it secure -- to have the security.
INTERVIEWER: Did you make any suggestions that he [Oswald] be moved earlier than the time that had been announced?
DECKER - I did. I suggested to get the man [Oswald] on down here to the lower end of Main Street [County Jail} before the time announced; I'm sure I told it to Frazier [at Police Station] and I'm sure there was somebody in Fritz' office [Police Captain] -- I don't remember whether it was Baker or Wells, one of those persons -- I talked to when I got this call from my night sergeant [McCoy]; It was still nightime [Saturday] -- it was 12:30 in the morning [Sunday]
INTERVIEWER: It was your suggestion that he should be moved immediately?
DECKER - I felt that he [Oswald] should be moved -- yes, sir.
INTERVIEWER: What reply did you get?
DECKER: They stated that they were going to ask him if he wouldn't feel better to talk to his superiors and see what could be done. He called me back shortly and stated that he had had no success in contacting them, and I think that was about the extent of our conversation. I kept my men, my supervisory personnel, standing by in the event that they did change their timing or anything and notified us. I asked him if he had any success to call me and that we would make arrangements to take care of the prisoner [Oswald] either way, and I meant by that that we would transfer him or whatever was necessary to be done....
by Deputy Sheriff Roger Craig, 1972
...The Dallas County Court House at 505 Main Street was indeed a unique place to come to hear what was WRONG with John F. Kennedy and his policies as President of these United States. This building housed the elite troops of the Dallas County Sheriff's Department (of which I was one), who, with blind obedience, followed the orders of their Great White Father: Bill Decker, Sheriff of Dallas County. From these elite troops came the most bitter verbal attacks on President Kennedy....
The time was 12:15-PM. I was standing in front of the court house at 505 Main Street. Deputy Sheriff Jim Ramsey was standing behind me. We were waiting for the President of the United States. I had a feeling of pride that I was going to be not more than four feet from the President but deep inside something kept gnawing at me. I said to Jim Ramsey, "He's late". Jim's reply stunned me. He said, "Maybe somebody will shoot the son of a bitch". Then I realized the crowd was hostile. The men about me felt that they were forced to acknowledge his presence. Although he was the President, they were making statements like, "Why does he have to come to Dallas"?...
The security had been arranged by the Secret Service and the Dallas Police -- our boys in blue. The final touch was put on by Sheriff James Eric (Bill) Decker. On the morning of November 22, 1963 the patrolmen in the districts which make up the Dallas County Sheriff's Patrol Division were left in the field, ignorant of what was going on in the downtown area, which was just as well. Decker was not going to LET them do anything anyway. About 10:30 a.m. November 22, 1963, Bill Decker called into his office what I will refer to as his street people -- plain-clothes men, detectives and warrant men, myself included -- and told us that President Kennedy was coming to Dallas and that the motorcade would come down Main Street. He then advised us that we were to stand out in front of the building, 505 Main Street and represent the Sheriff's Office. We were to take no part whatsoever in the security of that motorcade. (Why, James Eric?) So . . . the stage had been set, all the pawns were in place, the security had been withdrawn from that one vulnerable location. Come John F. Kennedy, come to Elm and Houston Streets in Dallas, Texas and take your place in history!...
~ end quoting Police Detective Leavelle; County Sheriff Decker; Deputy Sheriff Craig ~
THE SEARCH FOR LEE HARVEY OSWALD (a Comprehensive Photographic Record), by Robert J Groden
The Buildings Around Dealey Plaza (...On the northeast corner of Main and Houston streets stands the Dallas County Criminal Courts building. The 8-story (plus basement), 124-foot-tall building was built in 1913-15, and housed two Dallas County criminal courts and the county jail. More importantly, the Dallas County Sheriff Department had their offices in this building. This building was used to interrogate many witnesses and 'detainees' in Dealey Plaza on November 22, 1963, and was the destination of the Oswald transfer when he was shot on November 24. The Dallas County Sheriff still has his office in this building today....)
Dallas County Criminal Courts Building This site was purchased by Dallas County in 1913 for a new jail and courts building, designed by local architect H.A. Overbeck. The steel-framed building, finished in 1915 at a cost of $585,982, is clad with granite, terra cotta, and brick, exhibiting Renaissance Revival styling. The upper six floors housed the jail, designed for 200 prisoners. Two large district courtrooms on the second floor suspended jury trials during summer months until air conditioning was installed in 1951. In 1964 Jack Ruby (1911-1967) was tried in the east courtroom for killing assassination suspect Lee Harvey Oswald (1939-1963).
The Dallas "Old Jail"... In the area across of Dealy Plaza, stands a building that was constructed in 1913 and 1914. The Dallas County Criminal Courts Building and jail, which is on the corner of Main and Houston, and across from the 1890 Dallas County Courthouse known today as "Old Red", still stands today. This innovative structure consists of two Dallas County Criminal District Courts, offices of the sheriff, the district attorney's office and the new county jail. The facility would later become known as the "Old Jail". The jail was contained on the upper floors of the Criminal Courts Building.... This was thought to be an escape-proof jail due the building being a high-rise.... Lee Harvey Oswald was detained by the City of Dallas Police Department until he was charged with felony murder, for the murder of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963. Oswald was being transferred into the County's custody when he was shot by Jack Ruby. Ruby was immediately taken into custody. When the "Old Jail" was constructed, Dallas County still participated in hangings. Executions on gallows were conducted outside until the "Old Jail" was complete. "Death Row" prisoners were then hanged inside the "Old Jail" until the mid-twenties. Currently, this jail is depopulated.
Old Dallas County Criminal Courts Building, A Tour of Historic Dealey Plaza
Perhaps because it is not open to casual visitation, some visitors to Dealey Plaza may not realize the historical significance of this building. In 1963 the Dallas County Jail was on the upper floors of this structure. It was to this jail that alleged JFK assassin Lee Harvey Oswald was going to be taken, from the Dallas city jail (located on the fifth floor of the old Municipal Building on Harwood Street), when he was shot and killed on Sunday, November 24, 1963 by Dallas nightclub owner Jack Ruby. This murder, which took place on live television, occurred in the basement of the old Municipal Building [location of Police Station and City Hall]. Ironically, Ruby was incarcerated in this building and his trial took place here as well, in 1964. He was found guilty and sentenced to death. The verdict was on appeal in 1967 when Ruby died of natural causes at Parkland Hospital (the same hospital in which both JFK and Oswald died).
Dallas Police Station, City Hall, Municipal Building... This famous landmark, built in the early 1900's, served as the Dallas City Hall until the opening of the new facility in 1978. Additionally, this was previously the site of the Dallas jail facility; and in 1963, Jack Ruby killed Lee Harvey Oswald in the parking garage of this building. The City receives frequent requests for approval to use this building for movie filming. The original part of the structure featured in the photograph has historic designation and still houses the Municipal Court.
Dallas Police Headquarters (In 1963, the Police and Courts Building at 106 South Harwood in downtown Dallas housed the Dallas Police Department and Dallas City Hall. The center of activity the weekend of the assassination was the third floor, where the major detective bureaus and the offices of Chief Curry and Captain Fritz were located. For 48 hours after his arrest, suspect Lee Harvey Oswald remained in police custody, undergoing four police lineups and multiple interrogation sessions with Fritz and other officials. Shortly after 1:30 p.m. [Saturday November 23], just 13 hours after the assassination and with more than 300 members of the media crowding the corridors of police headquarters, Oswald was formerly charged with the murder of President Kennedy. The overwhelming presence of national and international news media posed an almost insurmountable challenge to police. Dallas officers were accustomed to working in a relaxed environment with only a few known members of the local press. The suddenly chaotic environment allowed individuals unconnected to the media or investigation to roam the hallways, including local nightclub owner Jack Ruby.
The Shooting of Oswald at Dallas Police Headquarters (Oswald was in police custody within 80 minutes of the shooting in Dealey Plaza)
The Sheriff's Department handled the routine transfer of prisoners from police custody at the City Jail to the Sheriff's custody at the County Jail. Yet Oswald's transfer on Sunday, November 24, was handled entirely by Dallas police. In order to give the news media advance notice, Oswald's transfer was tentatively planned for some time after 10:00 a.m. Oswald, handcuffed to Homicide Detective James Leavelle and surrounded by other detectives, was led through the basement of Dallas police headquarters to a waiting car. At 11:21 a.m., Ruby stepped through a crowd of journalists and fired a single shot into Oswald. Oswald was rushed to Parkland Memorial Hospital, where he was pronounced dead at 1:07 p.m. Dallas law enforcement -- particularly Chief Curry and the Dallas Police Department -- were severely criticized after the assassination for failing to protect President Kennedy and his accused assassin.... The Warren Commission later concluded that, although the Dallas police were primarily responsible, the news media was partly to blame and "failed to respond properly to the demands of the police" and exhibited "a regrettable lack of self-discipline".
Which building was it where Oswald was shot?, Dallas History
QUESTION: I've read many books and have seen many documentaries about the Kennedy assassination and have visited most of the sites in Dallas and Oak Cliff. But after all these years there is one location I am not clear about. Which building was the Dallas Police Headquarters where Oswald was held and where he was killed? Was it in the old Municipal building on Harwood between Main and Commerce which has the large columns, steps and the green roof? Is this where the Police Headquarters were with the Homicide offices on the third floor (where the hallway was jammed with reporters and cameras)? Was the basement where Oswald was shot under this Municipal building? OR, were police headquarters in the newer building on the East side of the Municipal building? This building looks more likely since the ramps for getting under it seem to be part of this newer (50s?) structure. If it's this building, would this be where the third floor Homicide offices were located and where Oswald was held in a cell on the 5th floor?
ANSWER: It was always my understanding that in 1963 most of the Dallas Police Department operations including the jail were located in the circa 1912 City Hall which faces Harwood. This older building was remodeled for that purpose in the mid 1950s after the new Municipal Building to the east was built. The ramp entrance on Commerce was part of the new structure but right next to the earlier building and provided access to the basements of both. Oswald was booked in at the DPD [Dallas Police Department] portion of the Municipal building on the 5th floor jail at Main and Harwood. The entry to the sally port was from the Main street side and the exit is on Commerce. Oswald was shot in the drive-thru after exiting the door.
watch Officer Roger Craig Interview, YouTube
...Officer Craig was on duty at the JFK assassination and was one of the first officers in the Texas School Book Depository; his account of what happened at Dealey Plaza is slightly different to the story we are being told; Craig's claims are backed up by news crew footage that was shot and broadcast live at the time and has never been seen since, mainly because of the fact that it shows you the second and REAL gun that was fired at JFK.... At 12:40 or 12:45pm Craig witnessed Oswald running down the slope from in front of the Texas School Book Depository and get into a light-coloured Rambler station wagon that had pulled over to the curb on Elm Street....
watch Roger Craig & JFK: Two Men In Dallas and Part 2 and Part 3 and Part 4 and Part 5, YouTube
A 1976 documentary produced by attorney Mark Lane, author of the 1966 book Rush To Judgement. Lane tells the story of Deputy Sheriff Roger Craig. Craig was on duty on November 22nd, and made crucial observations. Unlike others, he saw nothing wrong in telling people the truth of what he observed. After his name appeared in books, articles etc., his life changed, not for the better. Attempts were made on his life; his car blew up, he was shot at, and he was practically forced off the road and barely survived the accident. Amongst his many crucial observations at the Plaza, is Oswald running down the Grassy Knoll, being picked up by a slow driving station wagon, heading west in Elm St. After being signaled to. Also the rifle with the clear stamp on the barrel reading "7.65 Mauser" found in the depository. That is only some of the crucial observations he made.
In Defense of Roger Craig
In his 1975 book Forgive My Grief author Penn Jones wrote, "Roger Craig was a great American". When Jones wrote those words, Craig, a former Deputy in the Dallas County Sheriff's Department, had recently died by his own hand. It was Jones' contention that "...the treatment Craig received after John F. Kennedy was assassinated...caused his death." Roger Dean Craig was an important witness to the JFK assassination, and his testimony is highly indicative of conspiracy. By now his story has been told many times by many different writers. But it appears there are those still attempting to smear Roger Craig's name and discount what he reported seeing on November 22, 1963...
Note: Roger Craig was a Deputy Sheriff in Dallas at the time of the assassination of President Kennedy. He was a member of a group of men from Dallas County Sheriff James Eric "Bill" Decker's office that was directed to stand out in front of the Sheriff's office on Main Street (at the corner of Houston) and "take no part whatsoever in the security of that motorcade". Once he heard the first shot, Roger Craig immediately bolted towards Houston Street. His participation in the formative hours of the investigation during the rest of that day and into the evening included observations and experiences that would have singlehandedly destroyed the entire Warren Commission fairy tale before a grand jury or a Congressional investigation. Roger Craig was named the Dallas Sheriff's Department "Officer of the Year" in 1960 by the Dallas Traffic Commission. He received four promotions while he was Deputy Sheriff.... Deputy Sheriff Roger Craig never changed his account of what he witnessed and experienced on Friday, November 22, 1963. He remained convinced, for the rest of this life, that the man entering the Rambler station wagon was Lee Harvey Oswald. He was fired from the Sheriff's office on July 4, 1967, and from that day forward he never again could find steady work. Multiple attempts were made on his life, his wife finally left him, and in the end, he was alleged to have shot himself to death on May 15, 1975.
WHEN THEY KILL A PRESIDENT, by Deputy Sheriff Roger Craig, 1972
To Orwell Today,
That's perfect Jackie...100 percent accurate now.
Thanks for attributing that correction to me. That was very kind of you.
You really have some interesting pages. I love to look at them.
Take care,
Greetings Jeff,
I always appreciate when readers point out errors -- we're all in this together searching for the truth, sharing our knowledge.
Great to have you as a reader.
All the best,
Jackie Jura
Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~