To Orwell Today,
Hello Jackie:
I have been a fan of your site for some time and always intended to send you a note of thanks. So here it is.
I'm very impressed with the amount of research you have done and with the continuous links from Orwell's books to today's society. The link is absolutely clear to those of us who have studied Orwell. Congratulations for the fine job you have done in culling the media and illustrating Orwell's themes.
I, too, am a great fan of George Orwell, almost perhaps as much as my father who read all of his books at an early age in Blackpool, England. As a boy growing up I used to listen to my father talk about George Orwell, or Eric Blair. My father in his earlier years read most of Orwell's essays, and books by reviewers such as Gordon Comstock.
As an Orwell admirer, I have dedicated my website to him as you will see on my Homepage REALITY CHECK. I don't always refer to him in my posts but the themes I write about would generally fit under the 'New World Order' banner- something dear to Orwell's heart.
I spent part of my career teaching English in a high school. I don't know if it is still the case, but the book, '1984' was on the grade 12 course of study in Ontario for many years. Unfortunately, as I look back now to the 70's, 80's and 90's I realize that even the English teachers who discussed Orwell's books in class, couldn't have taken it very seriously. In other words, the books were discussed as examples of good literature but the themes were never really applied to the times. The book was treated as a work of fiction, and the events were something that happened somewhere else in the future, but could never happen here!
The irony is that the general population has had lots of warning about the New World Order if they knew where to look and what to look for. But sadly that hasn't been the case.
Only today, after several months of thinking about the swine flu conspiracy have I realized what the end game really is. I have written several articles on my site about the 'eugenics' theme of using deliberately contaminated vaccines to reduce the population, but after checking in with the David Icke website, I realize that it goes much, much further than that.
Icke, and others, have written about nanotechnology for several years now. This means that whatever technology is capable of achieving, it can now do the same task using miniatures of the same technology. Microchips are visible to the eye and can be embedded under the skin, but the nano chips are so small that.......they can be injected into the blood using a hypodermic needle!
Summary of David Icke Newsletter
The main point of the mass vaccination is to implant nanotechnology microchips that will allow external manipulation of the body mentally, emotionally and physically – including the so-called 'death chip' that can be used to assassinate targeted people or cause mass extermination. We are now seeing accumulating evidence that this is the prime reason for the engineered 'pandemic'. Dr Ryke Geerd Hamer, who has taken on the German medical establishment with his own approach called New German Medicine, tells of an experience he had at a speaking event in Vienna, Austria. He said that a woman in the audience explained that a friend who works for a pharmaceutical company in Vienna (vaccine-maker Baxter International has a subsidiary in Vienna) had told her that the swine flu injection needles contain nano particles in their very tip. They cannot be seen by the naked eye, but were clearly visible with as little as a twelve times magnification microscope. The staff of the pharmaceutical company were told that these nano particles work in the human body like a motherboard in the computer and lots of data can be stored on them, the woman said.
This fits precisely what I have been saying and writing for years about the human body being a biological computer that can be externally manipulated through implanted chips. Dr Hamer said the woman explained how she was also working in the medical field and she had asked a lawyer who came as a patient how it was possible to avoid being chipped. The lawyer said he knew about the mass microchipping and most 'upper class' members of society were aware of the plan. He said there would be no compulsory vaccinations planned for this year and instead they would encourage people to be vaccinated voluntarily. If too few chose to have the vaccine, he said, they would impose compulsory inoculation next year. He said the 'elite' and certain politicians would be exempt and, as a lawyer, he knew ways to avoid it, but for the majority of the population there was no escape. We'll bloody well see about that. [end quoting David Icke]
I think George Orwell must be rolling over in his grave.
All the best,
Kevin Parkinson
Greetings Kevin,
Great to have you as an "Orwell Today" reader and doubleplus thanks for the timely warning on the Orwellian vaccine conspiracy, including the nano-chip theory - and for the writings on your website, REALITY CHECK.
All the best,
Jackie Jura
14.Scientific Experimentation & 20.Thought Police
Are Populations Being Primed For Nano-Microchips Inside Vaccines?, Prevent Disease, Oct 5, 2009
Some resistant to mandatory flu shots. UPI, Sep 26, 2009
The trend toward mandatory H1N1 vaccinations for U.S. healthcare workers is meeting resistance from unions and anti-government groups, officials said. Hundreds of thousands of nurses, doctors and other healthcare workers are being ordered to become vaccinated as the second wave of the H1N1 pandemic spreads this fall. The trend is fueling rumors that the H1N1 vaccine may become mandatory for everyone, said Lori Price of Citizens for Legitimate Government, a Connecticut-based group that opposes government expansion. "It's all part of an encroachment on our liberties," Price told The Wall Street Journal in a story published Saturday. Hospital Corp. of America, with clinics and hospitals in 20 states, is requiring its 120,000 employees to be vaccinated and the state of New York is requiring all healthcare workers to get both seasonal and H1N1 flu shots.
Mandatory vaccination diverts attention from more effective infection-control methods, such as state-of-the-art masks, said Bill Borwegen, a occupational health and safety director of the Service Employees International Union.
School yards will be HINI battlegrounds (experts expect parental angst over flu-shot). OttawaCitizen, Sep 14, 2009
Canada's schoolyards could become battlegrounds this fall as public health officials hustle to get a pandemic shot into children’s arms. Pro-vaccine parents may be pitted against those leery of vaccination for human swine flu. And children who aren’t vaccinated may ultimately be barred from school during an outbreak....Opinion surveys already show that a sizable minority of parents aren’t keen to give their kids the vaccine. A recent Canadian Press-Harris-Decima poll showed that 56 per cent of parents who were surveyed said they planned to get their children under 18 years old vaccinated, but 30 per cent said they would not. Reluctance increased when the question turned to the use of boosting chemicals known as adjuvants, compounds that increase the impact of the vaccine, but haven’t been licensed in previous flu vaccines in Canada. When surveyed, the percentage of parents willing to have their children receive an adjuvant-containing vaccine dropped to 35 per cent. If parents ultimately choose to forgo the vaccine, it could leave their children on the outside looking in. “I have a feeling where we’re headed is they are going to try to have school-based programs. But if they find that the uptake (of the vaccine) is not great and there are outbreaks that are school based, then they are going to say that if you are not vaccinated, you can’t go to school,” said Wilson. “They considered shutting down schools altogether, so saying you can’t go to school if you’re not vaccinated doesn’t seem like a stretch.”.... Instead of having children and their families make an appointment with a doctor or pediatrician, bring the vaccines to the people, she said. Health officials have to be persuasive, not coercive. If officials go too far in attempts to encourage vaccination it could backfire, Wilson said. In the U.S., Sesame Street character Elmo is appearing in commercials encouraging kids to wash their hands. But would showing Elmo getting a vaccine help or hurt the cause?...
Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~
email: orwelltoday@gmail.com
website: www.orwelltoday.com