(contracted for character assassination)
On the 40th anniversary [2003] of the assassination of one of the most beloved men on the planet - John Fitzgerald Kennedy - the puppet-masters are stabbing him unrelentlessly with their favourite weapon - the poison pens of the mainstream media. Craftily produced television documentaries have been airing non-stop and every single one of them has contained the same key element - lies mixed in with truths hoping people can't tell them apart. And then there's the books, newspapers and magazines. I almost puked reading November 22nd's on-line version of the London Daily Mirror, a newspaper read by millions upon millions of Brits.
The years have done JFK's image no favours, Daily Mirror, by Christopher Hitchens, Nov 22, 2003
Their slander against JFK was penned by Christopher Hitchens - a British Jew against a so-called "Irish Catholic". The invective he spewed was so vile it puts real meaning to the phrase "stinks to high heaven". If JFK were alive today he'd sue the "sons-of-bitches" (his expression for big business) for defamation of character. The danger of leaving it uncontested is the damage it does to naive minds that read it.
In the Hitchens' article that follows I've bolded and underlined each lie (like isolating a virus) and then underneath I've told the truth (like a dose of good medicine). I hope my anti-venom works against his powerful poison.
All the best,
Jackie Jura, 2003
by Christopher Hitchens
London Daily Mirror, Nov 22, 2003
For my generation, now rapidly becoming grey and paunchy and dazzlingly, nay passionately active against the war with Saddam Hussein, the pictures from Dallas, Texas on November 22, 1963, were a shared experience. The common baptism, the loss of innocence, the birth of the media age or anything else you like. A very short while after this electrifying event, we were able to tune in again and witness the world's first live televised murder, as Jack Ruby shot Lee Harvey Oswald in the guts. The assassination of the assassin(1): pretty good telly by any standards and also the origin of a raft of conspiracy books and movies, featuring the Grassy Knoll, the "second rifleman", the Mafia, and the argument over the Vietnam War and the Civil Rights moment.
Put it this way: November 22, 1963, was the psychic moment at which "The Sixties" began(2). Forty years later, to the day, the only surviving element of the once-potent "Kennedy magic" is the stationing of Maria Shriver(3) by the side of her massive and toothy Republican hubby as he takes the oath as Governor of California.
I may be wrong, but I do not think that the "Camelot" myth(4) has much more life in it. Indeed, when you think about it calmly, it's surprising that a myth taken from a line in a Broadway musical about King Arthur had that much life to it in the first place.
John F. Kennedy and King Arthur both died young, and the death of the young is the essential ingredient of romanticism(5). But one was an example of chivalry who probably didn't exist and died in battle if he did, while the other was routinely unfaithful(6) to his Guinevere, was shot dead either by a lone nutcase(7) or perhaps a conspiracy of his former Mafia associates(8), and was responsible for involving the United States in the most ignoble war(9) it ever fought.
Historians have been pitiless with the legend, even as they have sought to cash in on it.
The most recent semi-hagiography (An Unfinished Life, by Robert Dallek) opens the medical records as never before to show a President hooked on anti-psychotic drugs, heavy-duty painkillers, cortisone and a bushel of "uppers" and "downers" that would not have disgraced a San Francisco hippie commune.
Bloated by Addison's disease, which would certainly have killed him, and unable to shake off the effects of early untreated venereal infection, Kennedy's back-brace for his crippling spinal condition(10) was also what prevented him from ducking when the bullets flew(11).
Had he lived much longer he would have become even more puffy, poxy, jumpy, sleepless and incontinent. He would also have had to come up with a plausible reason why he should be re-elected - something he couldn't do at the time(12).
Given all this, any male heart will vibrate in secret sympathy at the revelation - now as widespread and confirmed as any such revelation can be - that "Jack" seized every possible opportunity to spread-eagle a passing secretary against the wall, or conduct her into a broom cupboard.
One of his conquests once described her encounter as "the most memorable sixty seconds of my life". And that, it seems, was about the size of it, what with the back-brace and the medications. Poor form of course, and bad manners, but still that pang of pity. However, this doesn't excuse the President for sleeping with the gun moll Judith Exner, who was simultaneously mistress of the Mafia boss Sam Giancana, or for giving her messages to pass to her other protector, or for sharing confidential White House numbers with her.
And it doesn't seem to justify the treatment he meted out to poor Marilyn Monroe, an unstable woman who had her own medication problems. All glimpses into the Kennedy boudoir are revelations of sordid and joyless goings-on(13).
Another thing can be said with reasonable certainty. Had he lived and been re-elected, the anti-war crowds would have been chanting, not "Hey, Hey, LBJ, How Many Kids Did You Kill Today?" but "Hey, Hey, JFK...."(14)
Mr Lyndon Johnson actually suffered a crisis of nerve and conscience about the war that he inherited, and decided to step down from nomination(15). I see no justification for thinking that Kennedy would even have considered doing that, however badly things had gone.
For one thing, he would never have dared tell his tyrannical old father, who had paid for his entire political career and was probably the source of the family's connection with organised crime(16).
For another, as innumerable members of his court have attested, the intervention in Indochina was a test, as he thought, of the young Kennedy's own masculinity. And we know how fragile a plant that was. Machismo is most often a sign of insecurity and it recurs throughout the Kennedy drama(17).
He tried to create panic among voters when he first ran in 1960, accusing President Eisenhower of allowing a "missile gap" to develop between the USA and the USSR.
It was, as Kennedy well knew, a precisely false description of the real balance between the two superpowers. And the same dangerous rhetoric necessitated, when in office, a crazy invasion of Cuba and a later confrontation which nearly took the world over the nuclear brink(18).
Of course, among his worshippers JFK gets credit for avoiding the crunch that he helped to precipitate(19). He didn't destroy the human race after all! Well, thanks a lot. (The chapters in Dallek's book, describing the daily intake of drugs while Kennedy was quarrelling with Krushchev(20), make alarming reading.)
I wonder what the liberals would say if George Bush was to appoint his brother as Attorney-General as JFK did. Actually, I know there would be much angry talk about dynasties and hereditary privilege. But even today, the star-struck Kennedy fans refer breathlessly to them as "America's royalty"(21).
And this brings me to another aspect of their eclipse.
There are too damn many of them, and many of them are not much damn good. It really is uncomfortably like the House of Windsor, in other words. I can never be bothered to remember how many princelings and sprigs there are in our own much-ramified monarchical tree, and only with a book of reference beside me can I remember which Kennedy flamed out on heroin, which one was convicted of beating a girl to death, which one was hauled in for rape, for drunken driving or whatever. It's a long list, I know that. And it is not counterbalanced by much achievement(22). The current Kennedy member of the House, Patrick Kennedy of Rhode Island, is such a dunce and a braggart that people of all parties flee at his approach.
There was a time when the high casualty rate among Kennedys made foolish people talk about a family "curse". On the contrary, the Kennedys were extremely lucky(23).
In a few decades, they went from being second-class immigrants in Boston to the holding of super-rich family compounds in Palm Beach and New England and Virginia. The family fortune was made illegally during the bootlegging epoch(24) - which I must say I regard as having some redeeming social value - but the ruthlessness and the sense of entitlement is what most strikes the eye.
That and the political opportunism(25) - old Joe, the family patriarch, was pro-Hitler when he thought Germany was on the winning side (and had to be recalled for this reason as American ambassador to London)(26).
Jack and Bobby were both supporters of the foul Senator McCarthy when that looked like a path to advancement(27). They later tried to take credit for the Civil Rights "March on Washington": a march which was mainly necessary because they had shown no courage in standing up for civil rights. It's a rather mediocre and depressing story(28) and I am not sorry to see it beginning at last to vanish in our rear-view mirror.
Christopher Hitchens is a columnist for Vanity Fair.
THE TRUTH, by Jackie Jura of Orwell Today:
1. LIE : ...the assassination of the assassin
TRUTH: Lee Harvey Oswald was NOT the assassin of JFK and therefore Jack Ruby (real name Jacob Rubenstein) did not assassinate the assassin. He killed the patsy, ie the unfortunate person framed to take the blame by being placed in the right place at the right time. While the shots were being fired LHO was on lunch break (it was 12:30) downstairs in the 2nd floor canteen sipping a coke on his way to use the phone. Meanwhile, up on the 6th floor three spent cartridges and a rifle had been planted and shots were being fired from somewhere else in the building. The shooter then ran out the back and down the stairs.
2. LIE : ...November 22, 1963, was the psychic moment at which "The Sixties" began
TRUTH: The psychic moment of the sixties began on January 20th, 1961 with JFK's Inaugural Address.
3. LIE : ...the only surviving element of the once-potent "Kennedy magic" is Maria Shriver
TRUTH: The "Kennedy Magic" is still potent and it's True Lies that it had anything to do with the Total Recall farce which placed the Terminator in high office. That was manipulated from above by the puppet-masters, not Maria Shriver or any of her relatives.
4. LIE : ...the "Camelot" myth
TRUTH: "Camelot" is not a myth. I witnessed it myself in the form of JFK and his Presidency. The world DID have "a brief and shining moment". It lasted approximately one thousand days.
5. LIE : the death of the young is the essential ingredient of romanticism
TRUTH: You don't have to die young to be a romantic hero and actually JFK was forty-six years old when he died. But to the crockety old wheezebags like Eisenhower, Truman, Humphrey etc ad nauseum he was thought of as young. To the youth he inspired and to his own generation he wasn't thought of as "young". Actually, he was looked up to with admiration and respect as a wise, knowledgeable leader. Over the course of history many leaders have been younger than he was and they are not romanticised.
6. LIE : John F Kennedy was routinely unfaithful to his Guinevere.
TRUTH: There is not one iota of evidence that JFK was ever even ONCE unfaithful to his wife Jackie, let alone routinely unfaithful to her. The rumour of JFK's womanizing was created in the 70s by the puppet-masters. The stories were called "leaks" and many of them originated in the office of the head of the FBI - a homosexual named Hoover - who hated the Kennedys with a passion. Hoover was a close friend of Richard Nixon.
7. LIE : John F Kennedy was shot dead by a lone nutcase
TRUTH: There was no lone nutcase. There were three professional snipers. The bullet that shot JFK dead (in other words, the fatal shot) hit him in his right front temple with such force that it threw him up and back against the seat. It was fired from the semi-automatic rifle of the sniper hiding behind the picket fence at the top of the Grassy Knoll. The shots that WERE fired at JFK from behind came from snipers hidden in the Texas School Book Depository building and the Dal-Tex building next door. One of their shots missed and hit the curb way in front of the car; another shot missed and grazed the inside top of the Lincoln windshield; another one hit JFK in the back near his shoulder; and another one hit JFK in the back of his head. This shot probably would have been fatal but the sniper in the Grassy Knoll fired anyway - just to make sure - and after that there was no more head to hit. JFK's skull and brains were literally blown to pieces - some of which hit the windshield of the motorcycle behind him to his left.
8. LIE : ...or perhaps a conspiracy of his former Mafia associates
TRUTH: No, the Mafia didn't mastermind the killing either, but they work for the puppet-masters who did. Also, JFK was NOT a Mafia associate but was in fact the biggest enemy the Mafia had - along with his brother Bobby. When JFK was a Senator and Bobby was a lawyer in the Justice Department they investigated and prosecuted organized crime and this continued throughout JFK's presidency. Bobby wrote a book about it entitled The Enemy Within. The Mafia HATED the Kennedys with as much passion as all the other evil-doers in the United States hated them.
9. LIE : ...and was responsible for involving the United States in the most ignoble war it ever fought
TRUTH: The war he's talking about here is Vietnam which although ignoble wasn't the most ignoble war ever fought. WWI and WWII were pretty ignoble (if the true reasons be known). And JFK was not the one who started the Vietnam War, he's the one who was going to STOP the Vietnam War, at least as far as American involvement was concerned. It was Eisenhower who sent USA troops over there and that was before JFK even got elected. Just like the Bay of Pigs was all lined up and ready to go by Eisehnower & the CIA long before JFK became president. It was an attempt to trick USA into war. It backfired when JFK didn't fall for their set-up. He and Bobby figured the whole thing out and fired those responsible, including the head of the CIA, Dulles.
10. LIE : ...The book An Unfinished Life by Dallek is a semi-hagiography that opens medical records......JFK was a President hooked on anti-psychotic drugs, heavy-duty painkillers, cortisone and a bushel of "uppers" and "downers"... bloated by Addison's disease which would certainly have killed him ... had early untreated veneral infection...Had he lived much longer he would have become even more puffy, poxy, jumpy, sleepless and incontinent
TRUTH: A hagiography is a book about the lives of saints written by an author who adulates and admires their subject. Dallek is not a Kennedy admirer, he's a Kennedy hater. His book is full of unfounded lies about JFK's health that he says he saw in JFK's medical records which were shown to him alone. He conveniently didn't photocopy what he saw and so there is no proof of him having seen what he said he saw. He's a hired hatchet man hiding behind his position as a university history professor. Imagine this guy teaching your children history.
Bobby once said about JFK, "At least half of the days that he spent on this earth were days of intense physical pain". Most of JFK's pain came from his back which he injured playing football at Harvard and then further injured when his PT boat was sliced in half by a Japanese destroyer and he had to swim for miles in shark-infested enemy territory arranging the rescue of his ten surviving crew members. After that he got malaria and dropped down to 127 pounds. Within the next ten years he had three back operations that he barely survived. During times of extreme back pain he took Novocaine like millions of other people. The stress to his body from his back and then from infections he got while studying in England and travelling with Bobby in Japan gave symptoms of Addison's disease and he was treated for that until it was discovered - once he got better - that he didn't have Addison's afterall. Then he finally found a doctor who discovered one leg was 3/4 inches shorter than the other and so levellers were put in his heels, and a brace for his back and nutritional supplements for anemia and a rocking chair which stimulated his back when he rocked. He swam laps in the White House pool twice a day which strengthened his back muscles. At the time of his death at 46 years of age JFK was in excellent mental and physical shape with a normal life expectancy ahead of him. Dallek's slanderous book, "An Unfinished LIFE" would be better named "An Unfinished LIE" because no doubt he hasn't finished lying.
11. LIE : ...JFK's back brace prevented him from ducking when the bullets flew
TRUTH: The reason JFK didn't duck when the bullets started flying was because he'd been shot through the front of the neck by a poisonous dart fired from The Umbrella Man standing under the Stemmons Freeway sign. You can see him in the Zapruder film and you can witness JFK raising his hands to his neck and then stiffening like a board to become a sitting duck for the shot from the Grassy Knoll.
12. LIE : had to come up with a plausible reason why he should be re-elected - something he couldn't do at the time
TRUTH: JFK had no problem coming up with reasons why he should be elected to a second term. He had accomplished more than any previous president in increasing the prosperity of the American people without resorting to war. He had initiated programs that - among other things - increased the minium wage; lowered the taxes of the middle and working class; eliminated tax breaks for the wealthy; initiated socialized medicine so that poor and middle class people could get get medical attention, increased the non-nuclear military power of the United States so that it wouldn't be dependent on nuclear bombs to defend itself. He was expected to win the election of 1964 in a landslide.
13. LIE : It's confirmed that "Jack" seized every possible opportunity to spread-eagle a passing secretary against the wall, or conduct her into a broom cupboard...One of his conquests once described her encounter... the President was sleeping with the gun moll Judith Exner...giving her messages...sharing confidential White House numbers with her...the treatment he meted out to poor Marilyn Monroe...glimpses into the Kennedy boudoir
TRUTH: In the 1970s there were a couple of re-investigations into the assassination of President Kennedy that came about due to the release of previously sealed documents. This caused alot of activity in the research commmunity and factual books, reports, essays and articles were being published in the alternate press. This alarmed the puppet-masters who had hired the hit-men, killed off several witnesses, bribed, threatened and infiltrated the Warren Commission and who didn't want the general public getting any ideas. So they used the newspapers, magazines, televison and movie studios they owned to start a "whisper campaign" which then accelerated into a "shouting" campaign where they spread sex rumours about JFK. They never backed any of this up with fact but would make it sound official by saying things like "a credible source has leaked information that says that the FBI has files on JFK screwing every woman he can get his hands on, including dames belonging to the Mafia" etc, etc. The general masses - seeing this crap published in established, so-called "reputable" newspapers and on CBS, NBC, BBC etc etc, believed it. And so, as the years went by the lies became bigger and bigger until they arrived at the point we've reached today. And, while all this "JFK's screwing Marilyn Monroe" drama was being played out, the emerging facts about the assassination(s) were ignored and never saw the light of day (except to people who made the effort to educate themselves). Judith Exener and Marilyn Monroe were both the sexual property of the Mafia. Prostitutes would be the most accurate word. They are not the kind of women JFK found attractive, nor did he like their bosses, ie Giancana, Marcello, Trafficante etc etc. To put it bluntly and in a nutshell: JFK WASN'T SCREWING MARILYN MONROE; HE WAS SCREWING THE MAFIA. And by screwing the Mafia I don't mean literally but figuratively in that he was throwing members of Murder, Inc into prison. The "JFK was a womanizer" stories belong in the same category as the "JFK snorted cocaine, swallowed uppers, downers and anti-psychotics" stories.
14. LIE : Had he lived and been re-elected, the anti-war crowds would have been chanting "Hey, Hey, JFK, how many kids did you kill today?"
TRUTH: If JFK had lived he WOULD have been re-elected, there's no doubt about that. He was also on the record as saying that he would not be sending any more American troops to Vietnam. And a month before he died he ordered the initial withdrawal of 1,000 troops and was planning total withdrawal upon his re-election in 1964. So there would have been no war for the anti-war crowds to be chanting to JFK the way they did to LBJ seeing as how he reversed JFK's orders and started bombing Vietnam into the stone age. The puppet-masters start all wars and killing is their answer for everything.
15. LIE : Johnson actually suffered a crisis of nerve and conscience about the war that he inherited, and decided to step down from nomination.
TRUTH: LBJ didn't inherit the war, he escalated what had been started before JFK became president and which JFK had held back on for three years. Upon JFK's death his plans for USA withdrawal were reversed, an excuse for war was staged (Bay of Tonkin) and total war began. During the five years of his presidency LBJ sent 58,000 American boys to their deaths in Vietnam. And LBJ's conscience didn't cause him any suffering for the simple reason that LBJ didn't HAVE a conscience. And the reason LBJ resigned from running as the democratic candidate for president in 1968 was because Bobby had entered the race and LBJ knew he'd lose to RFK, seeing as how the people loved Bobby and hated LBJ of "How many kids did you kill today" fame.
16. LIE : his tyrannical old father who had paid for his entire political career and was probably the source of the family's connection with organised crime
TRUTH: JFK was elected on his popularity, not his father's money, which was earned honestly, not corruptly. In his fourteen years as a Representative and Senator before becoming President, JFK was often campaigning against established politicians, like Henry Cabot Lodge etc, who had just as much money or more money than JFK's father had. The rest has been answered previously, ie no mobster buddies.
17. LIE : ...Innumerable members of his court have attested that the intervention in Indochina was a test of the young Kennedy's own masculinity . And we know how fragile a plant that was...Machismo and insecurity recur throughout the Kennedy drama
TRUTH: answered previously
18. LIE : He tried to create panic among voters when he first ran in 1960... of the missile-gap between the USA and the USSR...the same dangerous rhetoric necessitated a crazy invasion of Cuba and a later confrontation which nearly took the world over the nuclear brink
TRUTH: JFK ran on a platform of making the USA economically and militarily more powerful than the USSR so that Communism would lose in the battle for world domination. That's not rhetoric, it's common sense, ie the best defence is a strong offence. The Cuban Missile Crisis was initiated not by JFK but by the backroom boys at the CIA in cahoots with the USSR in hopes of all hell breaking lose. Once again JFK could not be forced into war and due to his brilliant negotiations and handling of Khruschev (ie giving him an out) the world was saved from nuclear annihilation. We were locked eye-ball to eye-ball with the USSR and they blinked first. JFK won the day.
19. LIE : among his worshippers JFK gets credit for avoiding the crunch that he helped to precipitate
TRUTH: answered previously
20. LIE : JFK was taking a daily intake of drugs while quarelling with Krushchev
TRUTH: answered previously
21. LIE : if George Bush was to appoint his brother as Attorney-General there would be much angry talk about dynasties and hereditary privilege
TRUTH: The Bush family dynasty is never pointed out but Prescott Bush, the father/grandfather of George Sr & Jr was a well-connected millionaire elite, in other words a member of the Eastern Establishment. His son, George the Elder became President and then his grandson, George the Younger became president - and sundry other sons and grandsons are governors and such. The Kennedys were by no means the first to be part of political dynasties, nor are they the last. There are many examples in USA history.
22. LIE : There are too damn many of them, and many of them are not much damn good...and not counterbalanced by much achievement
TRUTH: answered previously
23. LIE : the Kennedys were extremely lucky
TRUTH: Luck is not a word anyone in their right mind would associate with the Kennedys. No further comment required.
24. LIE : family fortune was made illegally during the bootlegging epoch
TRUTH: JFK's father never had anything to do with bootlegging. He was involved in importing fine liquor. In 1933 JFK's father went on a business trip to England. Foreseeing that the Prohibition Amendment would soon be repealed, he felt that anyone franchised to distribute the good British and Scottish brands of liquor was bound to prosper. Thus, he decided to go to the sources of supply and negotiate agreements with the heads and owners of the big distilleries. They were mainly family firms; the families were of old lineage, with titles and castles and lodges and mansions galore... The trip turned out to be another business success for JFK's father. He secured the USA franchises for the distributions of the products of Haig and Haig, Ltd., and John Dewar and Sons, Ltd. - who were among the most highly esteemed manufacturers of Scotch whisky - and also those of another well-known firm, the Gordon's Dry Gin Company, Ltd. I mention this because I want to make a point. In later times there was a story that JFK's father had used his official position, as US ambassador to Britain, to get these contracts. In fact, he got them as a private citizen and quick-witted businessman, years before it had even occurred to him and others that he might become ambassador. I don't know the origin of such stories. Anyone who wanted access to the facts could have found them in the records very easily. ~ JFK's mother in book Times To Remember
25. LIE : the ruthlessness and the sense of entitlement is what most strikes the eye...and the political opportunism
TRUTH: answered previously
26. LIE : old Joe, the family patriarch, was pro-Hitler when he thought Germany was on the winning side (and had to be recalled for this reason as American ambassador to London)
TRUTH: Joe Kennedy was against England or the USA going to war against Germany. So were many other highly respected people in England and the USA (such as George Orwell and Charles Lindberg and King Edward who abdicated the throne). When Britain declared war on Germany Joe Sr stayed on as Ambassador until his time was up. Then he returned to the USA and helped Roosevelt get re-elected on the promise that the USA would not join the war in Europe and no American sons would die. After he won the election Roosevelt egged on the Japanese to bomb Pearl Harbour (killing 2,000 Americans) and the USA entered the war and Joe Kennedy was offered no position. His two oldest sons, Joe and Jack, both joined and became war heroes, one of them a dead one.
27. LIE : Jack and Bobby were both supporters of the foul Senator McCarthy when that looked like a path to advancement
TRUTH: It has been proven, beyond a miniscule of doubt, that Joe McCarthy was 100% right when he said the USA State Department had been infiltrated by Communists. This was during the Cold War (a term Orwell coined) when the USA was SUPPOSED to be fighting Communism, the arch enemy of the free world. JFK was a Senator at the time and Bobby a lawyer in the Justice Department. They both supported McCarthy in his search for Communists and stood by him after he was destroyed by the press. Bobby was one of the few people to attend McCarthy's funeral.
28. LIE : They later tried to take credit for the Civil Rights "March on Washington": a march which was mainly necessary because they had shown no courage in standing up for civil rights. It's a rather mediocre and depressing story
TRUTH: JFK and Bobby deserved ALL THE CREDIT for the Civil Rights Bills that passed after JFK was gunned down in Dallas. But LBJ took the credit. JFK was the first president to enforce the law that granted blacks equality with whites. No other president since Lincoln had stood up for the blacks. The blacks of America LOVED JFK and Bobby and would have helped each of them get elected - if they hadn't both been murdered first.
Reader Sam says not to get offended by what the Mirror newspaper said about JFK because what they say is pure made up
HITCHENS NOT LIKE ORWELL (and hates Mother Teresa). Go to Mother Teresa prayers 10 years on ("the day to remember her") & Mother Teresa dies at 87 yrs-old (devoted life to sick & poor). Herald/BBC/Guardian, Sep 6, 2007
GULLIVER DISCOVERS HISTORY FALSIFIED (world misled by prostitute writers). Apr 24, 2004. Go to 17.Falsification of Past & 16.Minitrue
Peter Jenning's computer simulation (was a way to connect with younger viewers who don't know enough about JFK assassination facts, says reader Dave Hook)
JFK 40 YEARS ON (reader wonders if anyone debunked 3d computer animation of JFK lone gunman theory)
Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~
email: orwelltoday@gmail.com
website: www.orwelltoday.com