To: Orwell Today,
Subject: JFK 40 YEARS ON
Hi from England,
Before Christmas 2003 our BBC 2 showed a programme written & directed by Mark Obenhaus from PJ Productions & Spring Media Inc. presented by Gavin Esler a very well respected news reporter with the BBC.
It featured a computer animator called Dale Myers who presented a 3d computer animation which purported to prove that a lone gunman killed JFK from the depository - the programme also debunked the motorcycle tapes.
This evidence did have a degree of accuracy at first showing, but the programme then ruined its case by listing various shaky subjects and witnesses, such as FBI agent Hosty, Robert Blakey, and Priscilla Johnson. It did not have a studio discussion and proceeded to slaughter the JFK film by Stone - needless to say it did not remind viewers that Clay Shaw did have connections with the CIA!!
Has anybody seen the film in the USA and was there a complete review of the subject matter??
Greetings Chris,
It sounds like you in England were inundated with some of the same JFK 40th Anniversary "programs" that we got. I couldn't keep up to them, not only because there were so many, but also because they are so full of outrageous lies I can't stomach watching most of them. The thing that makes it all the worse is that I know that many people believe this stuff because in discussions with them about JFK they throw the regurgitated junk-food-for-the-brain back at me as bonafide fact. Trying to argue with them is almost impossible because they are SURE that they know the facts because they saw them on TV! A 3d computer enactment similar or the same as the one you saw on BBC was aired over here but I only caught a few snippets of it. It looked like more of the same - only high-tech.
Did you by any chance read the London Daily Mirror slander that came out on the exact day of the 40th anniversary, ie November 22nd, 2003? It was so horrible I sat down and started to debunk it but got bogged down - there was just so much! But upon receipt of your email I've gone back and finished it.
My refutation of Christopher Hitchens' YEARS HAVE DONE KENNEDY IMAGE NO FAVOURS is entitled JFK POISON PEN KILLERS.
I hope you keep up your interest in JFK because his contribution to freedom was great and if he'd been allowed to live so would many millions of others who have died and will die in the wars he would have prevented.
All the best,
Jackie Jura
~ Dave says Peter Jenning's computer simulation was a way to connect with younger viewers who don't know enough about JFK assassination facts
IMAGE OF AN ASSASSINATION: A NEW LOOK AT THE ZAPRUDER FILM (a digital replication of the 8-mm movie-camera original)
EXECUTIVE ACTION starring Burt Lancaster (a MUST see - an excellent depiction of men and logistics behind JFK assassination including how they framed Lee Harvey Oswald, the innocent patsy)
JFK starring Kevin Costner (excellent depiction of Dealey Plaza and Grassy Knoll shooter)
Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~
email: orwelltoday@gmail.com
website: www.orwelltoday.com