To Orwell Today,

Dear Jackie,

I discovered your site today, which I rate as one of the most interesting and best conspiracy archives around. Thank you for all the hard work you have put into it. I look forward to many more visits.

One question, if I may. I noticed an article in the Harry Potter section of the website which deals with the 'Eton Wall Game' (Eton Fives.) Sadly, the appended article is now missing; would you mind appraising me as to the connection between this game and the Satanic themes of the Potter series?

All best wishes,
Ben Fairhall

Greetings Ben,

I think the reference you're referring to is where it says:

It has sometimes been claimed that the fictional game of QUIDDITCH ( played in the Harry Potter stories, was inspired by the ETON WALL GAME (

and you're correct, the links no longer connect (as sometimes happens to links that aren't original to my site).

Those links just explained the rules of both games and a person could conceivably see similarities between that played at Eton and that played at Hogwarts, but I think the main similiarty is that they are both played by the elite of the elite at England's elite school. It wasn't implying that Eton - like Hogwarts - has Satanic themes, but the author of the Harry Potter series may have hoped people would connect the two, thus darkening Eton's (and by extension England's) reputation.

Here are some links that do still work and explain the rules:

QUIDDITCH (Wikipedia) and ETON WALL GAME (Eton)

Coincidently, both Prince Harry and George Orwell were elites at Eton, Harry the son of a future King and Orwell a King's Scholar and both were on the Wall Game team. See ORWELL & HARRY AT ETON

All the best,
Jackie Jura

Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~
