There is no other way for you to learn the truth about JFK
than to do the hard work yourself, ie do the reading.
The truth will never be poured into your brain
the way the lies are.
To Orwell Today,
I am very interested in the assasination of President Kennedy, and in particular the continued assasination of his character. I tend to agree with you but would like to find some verifiable sources to refute the trash. Can you recommend any? Thank you and keep up the good work, because the coup d'etat and cover up of November 22, 1963 must be exposed.
- Larry Hager
Greetings Larry,
Actually if you read the articles in the JFK section of my website you'll find indisputable truths about JFK that are fully documented. As well, if you go to the list of books I recommend and start reading you will become educated and informed and will be able to refute lies when you see or hear them in "prolefeed" books, magazines and television documentararies.
None of the books I recommend say a word about JFK's so-called "womanizing" because most of them were written before the character assassination started in the mid-70s. The reason the character assassination started then was because the House Select Committee on Assassinations was hearing evidence about shooters on the Grassy Knoll and the powers-that-be wanted to distract the public from learning the truth so they began spewing out filthy sex lies, knowing as they do that sex sells. And to this day they continue in their filthy sex lies only now they add drugs to the mix.
If you want an example of how to specifically argue the lies go to my article JFK POISON PEN KILLERS wherein I give an antidote of truth for each lie spewed by Christopher Hitchens, a big-time writer for the mainstream press.
There is no other way for you to learn the truth about JFK than to do the hard work yourself, ie do the reading. The truth will never be poured into your brain the way the lies are.
It is vital to the freedom of the world that people learn the truth about JFK's life and death because indirectly we are all victims of the crime perpetrated on November 22, 1963. Look what has happened to America in the 42 years since that event.
All the best,
Jackie Jura
16.Ministry of Truth (Lies) & 25.Prolefeed
Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~