Rush to Judgement

To Orwell Today,
re: Reader desperately wants movie "Executive Action"

It is available at No DVD as yet, only VHS. The book is great by Mark Lane. Hope this helps you.

-Christopher, USA

Greetings Christopher,

Yes, thanks alot, that's a great help!

For people who don't have the time or motivation to read books to figure out the JFK Assassination themselves, the next best thing is to watch the movie "Executive Action" which lays the whole thing out in just over two hours. See EXECUTIVE ACTION.

And you're right that Mark Lane's book ("Rush to Judgement") is great. It came out in 1966 and is required reading for all JFK buffs. Mark Lane was involved in the creation of the movie "Executive Action" as described in a 1973 newspaper article. See EXECUTIVE ACTION FILM DEBUT.

All the best,
Jackie Jura, 2007

KissAngletonDulles CrossHairsTitle DealeyPlaza EXEC ACTION JFK KILLERS REVEALED (61st anniversary of assassination November 1963-2024)

Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~
