To Orwell Today,
Dear Jackie Jura,
I am inquiring about the poem posted on your website, entitled LAMENT OF VICTIMS OF GENOCIDE, words and music by Suzanne Nyiranyamibwa. I see that it is quoted in the book, Rwanda Nziza, 2005 by Gilles Tordjeman, Thierry Mesas, Faustin Kagame (publisher?).
I am writing a book for a general audience to be published later this year that includes studies and a survey of lament poems and songs worldwide, across cultures and religions. I would like to quote an exerpt of Ms. Nyiranyamibwa's song. Might you know how to get in touch with her directly so that I can ask for this permission?
Thanks very much for your help and your work,
Greetings Nancy,
Actually, the poem LAMENT OF VICTIMS OF GENOCIDE is more than just quoted in the book RWANDA NZIZA, it is actually there in its entirety on page 87 (as scanned above).
Sorry but I don't know how to get in touch with Suzanne Nyiranyamibwa but I venture to say that you probably don't need to personally ask the author's permission to quote from her poem as long as you cite the source in the usual way.
It's timely to be reminded of the suffering of the victims of genocide in Rwanda - as that poem so piercingly laments - because today, as we speak, new victims of genocide are crying out in pain and agony in the Congo under the machetes and guns of the same Rwandan Hutus who committed genocide in Rwanda in 1994.
What's even more lamentable is that the only person stopping the genocide in the Congo - Laurent Nkunda - was arrested four months ago and removed from the scene. Now it's open season on the civilian population - including babies and children - who are being tortured, raped, plundered, killed or used as slaves for Rwandan genocidaires.
All the while, 17,000 UNITED NATIONS soldiers and untold thousands of NGOs parasitically stand by and watch the slaughter before caterwauling in chorus their own lament tallying the bodies and lobbying for MORE MONEY and MORE SOLDIERS in the name of aiding and protecting their host victims.
All the best,
Jackie Jura
Rwanda refuses to free Congo's Nkunda (arrested for fighting genocidal Rwandan Hutus; court orders his wife to pay legal costs). AFP, May 22, 2009
Growing atrocities against people in Congo (by Kabila's army/police & Rwandan Hutus). VOA, May 22, 2009
Congo troops accused of war crimes. Irish Times, May 20, 2009
Human Rights Watch (HRW) has accused Congo's army of committing war crimes against civilians including rapes and killings, charges the government rejected as "lies". Congolese soldiers and the UN peacekeeping force MONUC have been conducting joint operations in eastern Congo targeting Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) Hutu rebels, including leaders of neighbouring Rwanda's 1994 genocide. But New York-based HWR [Human Rights Watch], whose report was published as UN Security Council envoys were visiting the region, said local troops were committing atrocities in the area's remote North Kivu province. "The Congolese army is responsible for widespread and vicious abuses against its own people that amount to war crimes," Anneke Van Woudenberg, senior researcher in HRW's Africa Division, said in a statement.
HRW accused government soldiers of raping more than 143 women and girls since January - more than half the total number of rape cases documented by HRW researchers in the country. The army has torched hundreds of houses, schools and health centres and civilians have been killed or arrested, often only being freed when they have paid soldiers, HRW said. "The government should take urgent action to end these abuses. A military operation that targets the very people the government claims to be protecting can only lead to disaster," it said, adding that local civilians had told them they feared government forces as much as the Rwandan militias. Government forces, already a messy collection of factions from Congo's 1998-2003 war that have long been accused of indiscipline, have swelled in the east to about 60,000 with the recent integration of former Tutsi rebels. A government spokesman rejected the charges as lies....)
UN complicit in Congo Kabila army atrocities (unpaid FARDC soldiers prey on population) & Rwandan Hutus back to killing in Congo (since Nkunda gone no one to fight them) & 4,500 Hutu soldiers pillaging Congo civilians (committed genocide in Rwanda in 1994)AP/PR/Reut/AFP/Email, May 12-18, 2009
To Orwell Today,
Jackie, Thank you very much. I will definitely get laments in from the Congo...
- Nancy
Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~