After emerging from the bamboo forest, pictured below, we walked back through the villages the way we'd come:
Those are the volcanoes, in the mist, behind me, separated by meticulously planted and cared-for terraced crop fields. The photo on the right shows a typical grass thatched hut (with the woman hiding behind the clothes line as she was shy). Notice the hut under construction in the background.
When we got back to the Office of Tourism we walked up the road a ways to where we could see lots of children. Bob wanted to give them a soccer ball.
The photo above shows them all gathered into a group, with the designated boy in charge holding the inflated ball and pump. You can even see the "Orwell Today" logo in the centre left side. Also, notice in the background another building under construction.
After we got into the van and drove away the children ran following us down the road for a long way. A big boy dressed impeccably in white caught up to my window and asked me if I had a gorilla book. I told him I didn't and he asked me if I wanted one and when I said I would he said he'd go and get me one. Then he ran off across the field ahead of us to the left and we stopped and waited for him to return. In a few minutes we saw him running back toward us carrying a book in his hand which he showed me and offered for me to buy, which I immediatley did, thrilled at its pictures and amazed at how he had brought it to my attention. It's a beautiful book which I otherwise would not have seen, let alone now own.
I asked him to sign the cover page, which he did, and the book will have a cherished place alongside my other Rwanda books.
go next to 26. QUIET BLUE LAKE KIVU or back to index at DESTINY DESTINATION RWANDA
Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~
email: orwelltoday@gmail.com
website: www.orwelltoday.com