After crossing the border from Congo back into Rwanda we said goodbye to our Goma guide and rejoined our vehicle and driver for the trip back to Kigali. But before leaving Gisenyi we stopped for one last photo of Lake Kivu:
The same boys we'd seen earlier that morning were still down there fishing and drying laundry on the rocks. They waved a big hello when they saw me focusing the camera.
We drove north to Ruhengeri and then south to Kigali, the same route we'd come. The journey was spent looking out the windows at the people and scenery passing by. We went through small and large villages bustling with activity. A few times we saw people congregated on the grass in meetings and I wondered if some of those were Gacaca courts. We looked for chances to give away a soccer ball and finally chose a schoolyard where the children were outside playing.
As we pulled into the driveway they ran excitedly toward the vehicle even before they knew what we were there for, and were thrilled when Bob pulled out the soccer ball.
After it was blown up a couple of teachers strolled over to see what all the commotion was about and posed for a photo with the ball. That's our driver, the tall young man on the left, smiling down at the kids. Before getting back into the vehicle Bob tossed the ball up into the air and then "headed" it far into the field, which got a round of cheers as they all gleefully ran after it.
go next to 29. TALKING WITH TITO or back to index at DESTINY DESTINATION RWANDA
Jackie Jura
~ an independent researcher monitoring local, national and international events ~
email: orwelltoday@gmail.com
website: www.orwelltoday.com